OUR WORLD IS BUILT ON MOMENTUM.As one of the largest construction engineering firms in the Chicago area, OMEGA crafts the crucial infrastructures that keep our world moving.At OMEGA, we engineer superior projects throughout northeastern Illinois—the I-90 Corridor and the Circle Interchange, among others. Timeliness, quality and responsible budgeting are OMEGA’s founding pillars—because we know what movement means to you. Movementmeans travel and commerce. It means life. And it all depends on a reliable transportation structure. Our communities never slow, and neither do we.
OUR WORK IS FAR AHEAD OF THE PACK. OUR LEADERS ARE AT THE FOREFRONT.OMEGA’s team of skilled engineers has constructed a variety of major projects to keep our world moving—from large-scale highway projects to multi- OMEGA’s team of highly educated local engineers has decades of diverse experience including complex roadway and bridgemillion dollar roadway, transit station and railroad construction projects. With a client-centric approach, OMEGA provides project consultation, quality structures. Leaders in the field, our engineers are more than well-versed in the latest technologies and groundbreaking techniques.control and engineering excellence that’s far ahead of the curve. We understand what our work means to our neighbors—we take this personally—so we’re always proactive, not reactive, throughOur services include Construction Engineering, Construction Management, Program Management, and other transit based Civil Engineering. every stage of the project. Movement is vital to the people that we serve. That’s why we always take pride in our work and the impact it has on our communities and environment. After all, we live here, too.
OUR TOOLS ARE PUSHING THE PACE.The world never slows down, so we always innovate.At OMEGA, we’ve left paper behind, using digital platforms tocoordinate and execute projects. It’s how we break from thenorm. It’s also how our clients stay ahead, with video technologykeeping them up-to-date through every step of our process.With our collaborative approach, diverseexpertise and exceptional client service,we’re creating the foundations thatkeep our community moving.3333 Warrenville Road, Suite 130Lisle, Illinois 60532 | omegaassociates.com
CIRCLE INTERCHANGE FLYOVER,RAMP FROM NORTHBOUND DAN RYANTO WESTBOUND EISENHOWER, IDOTOMEGA is currently providing construction engineering he structure is com rised o s ans including curved s ans o steel late girders orth o arrison treet, the structure s lits intoservices for the Illinois Department of Transportation’s $60 two structures to also orm the ast ound - ram structuremillion project which includes the construction of a new he l over will consist o two oot lanes with shoulders on the inner and outer edges, generall to eet wide ro osed iersyover ramp from the orthbound Dan Ryan Expressway will e su orted drilled caissons u to eet in diameter and steel iles The structure will include aesthetic treatmentsto the Westbound Eisenhower . he over will on the proposed yover walls as well as aesthetic fencing. Lighting is included on this project consisting of high mastinclude a touchdown oint in the vicinit o the - mainline tower lighting and conventional pole lighting.etween eoria treet and reen treet he estimated length o his ro ect also includes tem orar avement or the gores and tie-ins and ermanent avement or the ram a roaches to theim rovement is , eet which includes the northwest over ridge our retaining walls are to e constructed includingram and a roaches he overall length o the structure is walls with lightweight cellular fill and drilled soldier ile walls Also included in the scope of work is roadway reconstruction,a ro imatel , eet noise walls, water main, drainage, interstate lighting, ITS, signing, traffic control and protection, landscaping, aesthetic treatments and pavement markings and all incidental and collateral work necessary to complete the improvement.
DIVERGING DIAMOND INTERCHANGEILLINOIS ROUTE 59 FROM FERRY ROADTO AURORA AVENUEOMEGA is currently providing construction engineeringservices on this $100 million project which includes advanceand mainline work, as well as, interchange reconstruction,add lanes, pump station removal and replacement, noisewalls, tree removal, and landscaping.The project includes utility relocations, roadway reconstruction,widening, and resurfacing of Illinois Route 59 and side streets,tra fic signals, lighting, drainage structures, sidewal s shared usepath, ADA ramps, retaining walls, and noise abatement walls. Thenew roadway will have three lanes in each direction instead oftwo, with the construction extending three and a half miles.n addition, there will be a complete reconfiguration of theexisting typical diamond interchange at I-88 into a proposedDiverging Diamond nterchange, the first such interchange inIllinois. he new configuration will enhance sa et as motoristswill not have to ma e a le t-hand turn against tra fic to accessthe Tollway going in either direction.Also included in this project is the removal andreplacement of the Illinois Route 59 bridge over the onald eagan emorial ollwa - , with two newindependent bridge structures.
ILLINOIS ROUTE 59 RECONSTRUCTION, Illinois Route 59 is a Strategic Regional Arterial (SRA) route in western Will County. An estimated , vehicles utili eFROM IL ROUTE 126 TO CATON FARM ROAD, IDOT llinois Route every day. These numbers are expected to rise as the communities of Plainfield, oliet, and ShorewoodOMEGA provided construction engineering services for continue to grow.the Illinois Department of Transportation’s $30 millionreconstruction of Illinois Route 59 from Illinois 126 to Caton ue to increased tra fic volumes and the condition o the roads, complete reconstruction was needed. The reconstruction project arm Road in Plainfield. reduced congestion and provided a safer roadway.The three-year project included widening of the roadway ACEC Engineering Excellence Merit Awardfrom two to four lanes (two in each direction), curb and gutter 2015 APWA Southwest Branch Transportationimprovements, left turn lanes installed at major intersections, Project of the Year Awardmedian installation, new storm sewers, new water main, new tra ficsignals, and new roadway lighting. The project was three miles inlength.
DAN RYAN EXPRESSWAYELEVATED BRIDGE STRUCTURE FROM ROOSEVELTROAD TO 31ST STREETOMEGA provided construction engineering services for theIllinois Department of Transportation’s $45 million Dan RyanElevated Bridge Structure Rehabilitation Project. The two year ro ect involved milling and h dro-scarification o the e isting ridge dec s, artial and ull-de th ridge dec atching,removing and re lacing all e ansion oints and overla ing thebridge deck with microsilica concrete. he an an resswa carries more than , vehiclesa da , ma ing it the usiest e resswa in hicago uringconstruction, three lanes o tra fic remained o en in eachdirection at all times. The project was completed one monthahead of schedule and is expected to extend the life of theelevated bridge structures by approximately 25 years.
STEVENSON EXPRESSWAYRESURFACING FROM I-355 TO KEDZIE AVENUEOMEGA provided construction engineering services for The project also included special striping and signage forthe $34 million, 20 mile roadway rehabilitation project. TheStevenson Expressway consists of three to four lanes in the development of peak hour HOV bus lanes on the insideeach direction with variable width shoulders and ramps andaverage daily traffic of over , vehicles. Construction shoulders for use by PACE. The schedule was aggressive andprogressed simultaneously on both inbound and outboundlanes. All of the work was completed at night to minimize com leted on time so that the service would startdisru tion to tra fic during ea tra fic hours on schedule. HACIA Mentor / Protégé of the Year Award ACEC Engineering Excellence Honor Awardhe ro ect involved avement scarification, atching andresurfacing with Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA). The existingbridge decks were sealed and the storm sewer system wascleaned and re aired his ro ect was the first to use a a orer ormance s ecification on an resswa resur acingro ect , tons o was laced on this ro ect
EISENHOWER EXPRESSWAYRESURFACING FROM I-88 TO I-90/94OMEGA provided construction engineering services for theEisenhower Expressway Resurfacing project for the IllinoisDepartment of Transportation. This $66 million dollar projectconsisted of the milling and resurfacing of one of Chicago’sbusiest expressways.IDOT chose OMEGA as a prime consultant to complete fourcontracts, totaling 14 miles of the project. Interstate 290 generallyconsists of three to four lanes in each direction with variablewidth shoulders. Construction took place in both directionssimultaneously inbound and outbound. Much of the work wascompleted at night to minimi e disruption to traffic duringpeak travel hours.The project also consisted of repairing nine bridges includingthe Des Plaines River Bridge and the Central Avenue Bridgeas well as entrance ramps and exit ramps. The scope of thestructure work consisted of bridge deck and approach pavementpatching and sealing, barrier wall and joint repair, expansion jointreconstruction and substructure repair.2011 HACIA Project of the Year Award2012 ACEC Engineering Excellence Honor Award2012 APWA Suburban Branch Project of the Year Award
NAGLE AVENUE BRIDGEBRIDGE REPLACEMENT OVER THE KENNEDYEXPRESSWAY & CTA TRACKSOMEGA provided construction engineering services forthe Illinois Department of Transportation. Nagle Avenueis a north-south thoroughfare that crosses over the KennedyExpressway. IDOT contracted with OMEGA to provideconstruction engineering services for the widening andrehabilitation of the Nagle Avenue Bridge and to improve theintersections located at each end of the structure. ra fic staging was a crucial com onent to the ro ectdue to the west bound expressway entrance at the northend of the bridge and an east bound exit ramp to theKennedy Expressway on the south side. The entiresuperstructure was successfully removed and replacedin stages, without closing the bridge or the expresswayram s new water main, sewers, sidewal s, tra ficsignals and lighting were also installed.
HIGH SPEED RAIL CORRIDORCHICAGO TO ST. LOUIS, IDOTThe Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) was chosenas the Agency to upgrade the existing Amtrak route fromChicago to St. Louis to provide for higher speed passengertrain service. The track speed will increase from 79 mph to110 mph for passenger trains. The goal of the project was todecrease travel time from Chicago to St. Louis and to provideshort and long term economic stimulus. This project was fundedby the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The nion acific ailroad was the owner o the right o waand essentially served as the General Contractor for theproject.OMEGA provided construction engineeringservices throughout the Chicago / St. Louisrail corridor. This portion of the projectconsisted of inspection; supervision;construction la out material testing fieldinspection for highway/railroad grade crossings; grade separations; approach roadway reconstruction or rehabilitation; earth excavation and embankment construction; and bridge rehabilitation or construction.
METRA/UNION PACIFICNORTHWEST LINECLYBOURN TO MAYFAIR TRACK II –14 BRIDGES, METRAThis project consisted of the complete removaland replacement of 14 Railroad Bridges overWebster Avenue, Damen Avenue, Fullerton Avenue,Western Avenue, Logan Boulevard, Diversey Parkway,California Avenue, Belmont Avenue, SacramentoAvenue, Kimball Avenue, Kedzie Avenue, AddisonStreet, Pulaski Road, Irving Park Road, KeelerAvenue, Kostner Avenue and raising the bridgeover the Kennedy Expressway. This project includedthe installation of excavation support systems,construction of piers, abutments and retaining walls,storm sewer and drainage structures. Also includedwas the erection of structural steel, embankment, ridge water roofing s stem, lighting s stem andcompaction of embankment in track areas.
BUFFALO GROVE STATIONEXTENSION OF METRA STATIONAND PARKING LOT, METRAThis project consisted of providing construction managementin the expansion of the Buffalo Grove Metra Station andParking Lot. he ro ect included modification to thee isting station which entailed installation olum ing, , tiling, and im rovementsto e isting toilets he ro ect alsoconsisted o installation o new stormsewers, drainage structures, lighting,landsca ing and a new ar ing lot
CTA JACKSON/DEARBORN,BLUE LINE SUBWAY STATION, CDOTOMEGA provided construction engineering servicesfor the Chicago Department of Transportation.The renovation of the Chicago Department ofTransportation’s Jackson/Dearborn Blue Line subwaystation included a complete renovation with new lighting,tiling, granite ooring, urniture, acoustic aneling,escalators, stairwa finishes, concession areas, ios s,backlit signage and security monitoring equipment.
I-90 CORRIDOR Corridor Management services involve the complete engineering management of the corridor from the pre-construction phaseI-90 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & CORRIDOR through completion. The services include providing leadership andCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES management of all engineering efforts and engineering consulting firms a ro imatel firms er orming services or the ollwaOMEGA has been chosen by the Illinois Tollway to perform Corridor in the corridor with the goal of providing the necessary continuityConstruction Management Services and Construction Management for success of the project. OMEGA’s approach to the project isServices for a section of the I-90 (Jane Adams Tollway) reconstruction to maintain engineering awareness to the Tollway’s overall goalsproject located along the corridor from the Elgin Toll Plaza (M.P. 53.8) and objectives regarding schedule, budget, public relations, theto the Illinois Route 53 Interchange (M.P. 68.2). The estimated cost traveling public, and surrounding communities. The OMEGA teamof the corridor project is $1 billion and involves up to 25 separate provides the single point of contact for the Tollway within theconstruction contracts. corridor and is responsible for making sure that complete, accurate, and consistent information is provided in a timelyThe work involved in this corridor involves the reconstruction of manner to all stakeholders.the mainline roadway, the addition of a fourth lane, reconstructionor rehabilitation of 10 major bridge structures, the construction ofretaining walls, the installation of a smart lane concept for the insidelane, as well as all other necessary work. Coordination work and publicoutreach to impacted communities, including the establishment ofemergency response procedures, is a key element of the work. Impactedcommunities/agencies include the counties of Kane and Cook, the IllinoisDepartment of Transportation, and municipalities consisting of Elgin,South Elgin, East and West Dundee, Hoffman Estates, Barrington Hills,South Barrington, Rolling Meadows, and Schaumburg.
NSMJAWA WATERMAIN RELOCATIONI-90 FROM THE ELGIN TOLL PLAZA TOTHE KENNEDY EXPRESSWAYOMEGA has been chosen by the Illinois Tollway to perform JAWA 2A (the hot tap contract) has an approximate cost ofConstruction Management Services for the relocation of the $8 million dollars and includes a 90” pressure tap into theexisting Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water existing 90” feed coming out of the O’Hare pumping station.Agency (NSMJAWA) transmission main currently located onthe south side of the I-90 Right of Way from Elmhurst Road towest of Route 59. The NSMJAWA relocation contract begins atBarrington Road and extends eastward to Elmhurst Road withwork in eight major segments. This work is divided into three has an a ro imatecontracts, JAWA 1, the relocation of the majority of the water cost o million and includesmain currentl in con ict with the ro osed reconstruction the construction o aro ect, which is or a hot ta into the e isting PCCP relocated line from eastmain east o lmhurst oad, and which is or the actual of Elmhurst Road at the hotrelocation o a ortion o the e isting main itsel etween ta location to a oint westthe hot ta and the e isting mains west o lmhurst oad of Elmhurst Road where it will connect to the e isting thatThe $55 million JAWA 1 contract consists of the relocation of feeds both the northwest linea ro imatel , eet o restressed concrete c linder i e and the south loo line t alsoin si es ranging rom diameter to diameter com lete includes a connection to thewith valves and a urtenances at multi le locations along the e isting or the south looI-90 Tollway ROW at a total of eight locations. Also included running along Elmhurst Roadin this contract is the relocation o a ro imatel lo and a connection to theductile iron water main and eet o sanitar sewer northwestern transmission linerelocation for the Village of Schaumburg. along I-90.
I-90 AT IL 47 INTERCHANGEJANE ADDAMS MEMORIAL TOLLWAY FROMMILE POST 45.7 TO MILE POST 47.4OMEGA provided construction engineering services for this $37million, complete interchange, reconstruction pro ect, the firstproject to get underway as part of the Illinois Tollway’s $12 billioncapital program, Move Illinois: The Illinois Tollway Driving theFuture. This complex project involved removal of the existing outdatedbridge structure and partial access interchange while constructing a newseven lane wide bridge over I-90 with new all electronic I-PASS toll plazasservicing six new ramps, allowing full access in all directions. This projectwas constructed on an aggressive schedule to avoid any impact to theongoing 62 mile long Jane Addams Tollway mainline reconstruction.The work also included reconstruction of 1.7 miles of the existing IL 47as an all new concrete, six lane, divided highway, with roadway drainageimprovements, extension of existing box culverts for Eakin Creek,new tra fic signals at the ram s and at ahmer reeman oad,as well as a complete roadway lighting system, both on theTollway ramps and along IL 47, to enhance roadway safety. s the llinois ollwa s first “green interchange”,the project also included several newenvironmentally friendly initiatives includinggeothermal heating and cooling for the plaza uildings, re ective roo s, trellised vegetationat the buildings, bioswales and permeableramp shoulder pavement.2014 ACEC Engineering ExcellenceSpecial Achievement Award
I-88 EOLA ROAD INTERCHANGEINTERCHANGE AT EOLA BETWEEN DIEHLAND BILTER ROAD AT I-88OMEGA provided construction engineering services for theIllinois State Toll Highway Authority. The project scope includedthe construction of a new interchange on the Reagan MemorialTollway (I-88) at Eola Road with a construction cost of $21 million.The project was built on an accelerated schedule with constructionstarting in April 2009 and was completed by November 2009.The project consisted of the construction of a full interchange westof Eola Road on the Reagan Memorial Tollway. The west bound ramps provided access to and from Eola Road via Bilter Road. The east bound ramps provided access to and from Eola Road via Diehl Road. Three signalized intersections were included in the improvements. The construction also included: construction of four PCC pavement interchange ramps and appurtenant facilities, unmanned, I-PASS only toll plazas on both the west bound off ramp and east bound on ramp, and roadway lighting along the mainline median and along the proposed ramps. 2012 ACEC Engineering Excellence Merit Award
WAUKEGAN TOLL PLAZAOPEN ROAD TOLLINGOMEGA provided construction engineering services for the IllinoisState Toll Highway Authority. The Tri-State Tollway’s Waukegan TollPlaza was reconstructed to provide three Open Road Tolling (ORT)lanes in each direction providing non-stop toll collection for I-PASSusers.The cash plaza was reconfigured to provide five booths in eachdirection. Converting mainline toll plazas to barrier-free Open RoadTolling was part of the Tollway’s Congestion-Relief Program, OpenRoads for a Faster Future, which reduced travel times by rebuilding/restoring nearly all of the toll collection system.
WACKER DRIVE VIADUCT,RECONSTRUCTION FROM MONROESTREET TO RANDOLPH STREETThis $75 million project was located in the heart ofdowntown Chicago east of the Chicago River. The projectinvolved the demolition of the existing viaduct superstructurewith partial substructure removal from the north side of MonroeStreet to the north edge of Randolph Street on Wacker Drive.The project included a new post-tensioned cast-in-placeviaduct superstructure with a latex concrete overlay, re-use ofexisting caissons, new columns, and new grade beams. Alsoinvolved was the lower level roadway reconstruction includingpaving, barrier walls, storm and sanitary sewers, water main,lighting and tra fic signals, construction o ventilation cham ers, ascule ridge fi ed s an re airs, and sidewal reha ilitation naddition, upper level roadway work included paving, sidewalks,drainage, lighting, tra fic signals, and lanters he ashington rolle unnel and the hicago reight unnel were also filledReconstruction was staged so that the upper level storefrontsand lower level dock and garage accessibility were maintainedat all times. This high visibility project received intensive localmedia scrutiny.
HALSTED STREET BRIDGEOVER NORTH BRANCH CANALOMEGA provided construction engineeringservices for this $13 million project whichinvolved removing and replacing the existingbridge with a new tied-arch bridge over theChicago River, new abutments, two culvertsrunning under the approaches, pavementreconstruction, pavement resurfacing,cofferdams, driving new piles, and temporaryshoring towers. The new tied-arch bridgefeatures two full traffic lanes in eachdirection, as well as marked bike lanesin each direction, a configuration thatimproves traffic ow and safety formotorists and bicyclists.