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Home Explore 2021 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

Published by Friends of San Lucas, 2022-03-31 13:57:59

Description: Discover how donors like you made a difference in 2021.


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EDUCATION The Women’s Center welcomed students from six communities back to classes. Teachers at the Mission School received continued training in the Montessori method in a series of virtual classes. The Health Promoter Program continued educating people about Covid and the Child Nutrition Program, which has now resumed. The Construction Program supervised a major water system study completed by Engineers Without Borders. Hybrid Fuel-efficient Retaining 17 32 13houses stoves walls Block 51 Wood 348 Septic 59 houses houses tanks CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS COMPLETED

JUNTOS PODEMOS Your donations saved lives, like that of Silvestre Lopez. The coronavirus pandemic was the defining theme of 2021 all around the world, and donors like you saved lives. You made it possible for the San Lucas Mission to provide critical care to seriously ill patients like Silvestre. In July of 2021, Silvestre developed a strong cough. He became very weak and lost his appetite. Silvestre had heard rumors that going to the hospital led to death, so he tried to stay at home. But his symptoms persisted. He became desperate and turned to the Mission. Silvestre went to the San Lucas Mission Hospital to seek treatment. Mission staff administered a test and found that he was positive for COVID-19. Silvestre’s condition was grave. He didn’t eat for 10 days and he also lost consciousness for several days. In total, Silvestre was hospitalized for 28 days. He thought was going to die. But thanks to donors like you, who provide salaries for essential workers, supplies, and medication, Silvestre recovered and returned home. Silvestre says: “I give thanks to God, Father Greg, and all of the donors who support Friends of San Lucas. During my hospital stay, I always had everything I needed to overcome this disease. May God bless you, your family, and your whole life. Thank you so much for helping us.\" On behalf of the 20,000+ people in Guatemala who benefit from your gifts each year, thank you for your continued generosity. Juntos Podemos! Together, we can!

2021 Fiscal Year Revenue: $3,153,495 Expenses: $3,089,053 8% Other 2021 was another benchmark year Expenses for FOSL and the Mission. All 92% seven programs were completely funded and there was money Direct Support for distributed for capital Programming in San Lucas improvements and program upgrades. Over 92% of our revenue supports programming, which impacts the lives of 25,000 people every year.

2021: YEAR IN REVIEW ENGAGEMENT Café Juan Ana sold more In 2021, the Visitor Program coffee in 2021 than any continued t o be on pause, but other year in the history of the program and they the team hosted over 30 expanded their market virtual events with hundreds reach in San Lucas. In the of attendees learning about U.S, the team launched a cultural practices and Mission programs. Participants were line of single-serve, compostable coffee cups able to meet Program Directors, school teachers, and created an online home recipients, and delve fundraising platform to deeper into all aspects of the engage community groups. work of the Mission.

Friends of San Lucas partners with and advocates for the San Lucas Mission by supporting its locally-led programs. Through relationships, we believe that hearts and minds can be transformed. EXPANSION The Women’s Center The School replaced the expanded all o f their roof, floors, and windows. gardens and built a new pila (wash sink), wood- They upgraded the fire pizza and bread oven, electrical and installed and three new outdoor Covid barriers to allow demonstration casitas. for small groups of students to return. Café Juan Ana added a The Hospital expanded water reclamation system office and storage to the coffee processing space and remodeled plant, remodeled the patient space to coffee demonstration accommodate area, and invested in an Covid patients. espresso machine.

A MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dear Friends of San Lucas, In January, 2022, I visited the Mission to, among other things, talk with the Program Directors about my retirement at the end of January, 2023. I told the Directors that, in the past, Fr. Greg was the heart of the Mission, and that now, they are collectively the heart of the Mission. And if they are the heart, all of you are the blood that keeps the Mission alive. This year, 2022, is the 10th anniversary of the passing of Fr. Greg, and one of the wonders of this past decade has been the growth of the strength of the Mission. With donors from almost every state; with hubs of support in Minnesota, Kansas City, and Tulsa; with the steady growth of programming, staff, and support for the budget, the Mission is stronger than ever. Who could have predicted that these past two years, with all the challenges we have faced, would be the two strongest years in the history of the Mission? But they have been. All because you have kept the faith and continued to so generously support this ministry. Thank you for taking the time to read about what you accomplished in 2021 and take a moment to appreciate the life-changing work you support. Thank you for these past ten years of unwavering support and for making the Mission a source of hope and comfort to the people of San Lucas Tolimán. In hope and faith, Bill Peterson Executive Director Friends of San Lucas 2021-22 Board of Directors Friends of San Lucas Staff Jereme Abshire Brian Mathiowetz* Ann Hagberg, Director of Administration & Finance Dave Davis* Arch Mrkvicka Julie Knopp, Director of Operations & Communications Kate DuVal, SSND** Fr. Phil Schotzko Bill Peterson, Executive Director Mike Greene* Jim Seifert (President) Kristal Sawatzke, Director of the Visitor Program Mike Grosso** Chuck Spaeth* Shelby Schmidt, Director of Development Martha Gschneidner** Heather Statz Terri Wong, Director of Coffee Bridget Hermer Rogers Strickland Alli Foreman & Heidi Schlief, 2019-21 Coordinators Paul Leighton Celia Szelwach** Hannah Milkert & Patrick Twomey, 2021-22 Coordinators * 2021 Retiring Member ** 2022 New Member (651) 508-1848 3459 Washington Dr #207, Eagan, MN 55122

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