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Home Explore ADN6 v5.0 ADN6 v5.0

Published by John Tiew, 2019-05-08 23:42:33

Description: For Malaysia Chinese Primary School SJKC


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序言 出版及发行 众所周知,随着科技不断地发展,电脑的应用也 日益广泛。书店里,各式各类的电脑书籍可谓琳 EG Resources (002248567-M) 琅满目,可见电脑教育极受重视。 B1-3 Menjalara 18 Management Office 近年来,我国不遗余力地发展资讯工艺,并努力 Level 1 Annexe, 6 Lebuh Menjalara 培养大量的电脑专才。多媒体超级走廊的迅速发 52200 Kuala Lumpur, West Malaysia. 展,相信能使我国早日实现 2020 年宏愿。 call +6 012 545 1300 fax +6 03 2726 8877 凭着本身在电脑教育方面的丰富 web email [email protected] 经验,并配合一批电脑专才的精心策划和努力设 计,推出了这套适合社会各阶层人士的电脑书籍, 《爱电脑》系列。本公司希望透过书内的巧妙设 计,生动有趣的插图及浅白易懂的解释方式,让 学生、家长、职业人士或任何对电脑感兴趣者, 可轻松掌握各相关的电脑技巧。 家长和孩子一起快快乐乐地学习电脑操作技能已 不是一个梦想。老少一起学习,不但能消除在科 技发展方面所产生的代沟,同时也是促进亲子电 脑教育的良方之一。 《爱电脑》系列的编写乃根据最新版本的软体架 构,目的是让大家能掌握软件中的各种功能。我 们相信只要您一书在手,必然会对掌握有关电脑 知识和技能更具信心及更感兴趣。最后,您将发 现,操作电脑原来比想象中来得容易和有趣! 谢谢! 邱继忠 启 [email protected] email 鸣谢:叶老师 Special thanks to Teacher Yap version 5.0 (2017) 项 目 Projects 1 Limited 有限 2 Competent 合格 3 Expert 熟练 页 数 Page 等级 Grade [ 日 期 Date ] 01 1.1 掌握计算机的应用 4-9 Master the use of calculator [] 1.2 掌握日历及单位计算机的应用 10 - 14 [] Master the use of calendar and unit calculator 15 - 17 1.3 掌握贷款计算机的应用 [] Master the use of mortgage calculator 02 2.1 探索电邮及普通邮件 18 - 21 [] Explore email and normal post 2.2 认识电邮地址及编写新电邮 22 - 25 Recognize email address and compose a new email [ ] 2.3 掌握查阅及回复电子邮件的技巧 26 - 29 [] Master the skills of check and reply email 03 3.1 掌握查阅及回复电子邮件的技巧 30 - 32 [] Master the skills of check and forward email 33 - 35 3.2 学习使用附件功能 [] Learn to use attachment function 36 - 39 [] 3.3 学习删除及彻底删除邮件 Learn to delete and permanent delete email 04 4.1 Starting Email  Exercise 1.1  练习一 40 - 43 [] Cambridge ICT Starters • Initial Steps 44 - 45 4.2 Starting Email  Exercise 1.2  练习一 [] Cambridge ICT Starters • Initial Steps 46 - 47 [] 4.3 认识及学习管理垃圾电邮 Knowing and learning to manage junk email trusted shopping 页 数 Page 等级 Grade [ 日 期 Date ] 05 5.1 Starting Email  Exercise 2.1  练习二 06 48 - 51 07 Cambridge ICT Starters • Initial Steps [] 08 5.2 Starting Email  Exercise 2.1  练习二 52 - 53 [] Cambridge ICT Starters • Initial Steps 54 - 58 5.3 Starting Email  Exercise 3  练习三 [] Cambridge ICT Starters • Initial Steps 6.1 认识及体验程序编写 59 - 62 [] Learn and experience programming 63 - 65 6.2 学习制作简单电脑程序(一) [] Learn to build simple programs 1 66 - 67 [] 6.3 学习制作简单电脑程序(二) Learn to build simple programs 2 7.1 掌握软件编写流程概念 68- 72 [] Master coding process concept 73 - 79 7.2 学习组装个人电脑 [] Learn to assemble a personal computer 80 - 82 [] 7.3 学习链接电脑配件 Learn to connect computer peripherals 8.1 掌握谷歌日出日落及单位转换应用 83 - 85 Master Google sunrise sunset and unit conversion techniques [ ] 8.2 学用谷歌拼音输入中文字 86 - 87 Learn to use Google Pinyin to input Chinese characters [ ] 8.3 掌握谷歌拼音的应用技巧 88 - 89 Master the techniques of operating Google Pinyin [ ] 1.1项 目 Projects 掌握计算机的应用 Master the use of calculator 计算器可进行加减乘除的数字计算,还可进行单位的转换、以及贷款计算等。所以它绝对是我 们的好帮手。 Other than basic calculation, Windows’ calculator can perform unit conversation, instalment calculation and etc. So, it is definitely our good helper. 启动计算机 Start Calculator 1) 打开 Open “Run”。 [ Windows ] + [ R ] 2) 输入 Enter “calc”。 3) 按 Press “Enter” key 键。 标准型 视窗提供了四个版本的计算机, 科学型 点击 View 菜单就可进行切换。 工程型模式 统计型 There are four types of calculator in Windows Calculator, can be found in “View” menu. 练习 Exercise 1.1a 参考左图将对的符号写在线上。 Referring to the picture on the left, write the correct sign on the line. ___________ 除(Divide) ___________ 乘(Multiply) ___________ 减(Subtract) ___________ 加(Add) 4

掌握计算机的应用 1.1 项 目 Projects Master the use of calculator trusted shopping 1) 标准型(Standard) 这是最常用及最普遍的计算器类型,可完成加 减乘除的计算。 This is the most common calculator that can perform completed arithmetical calculations. 2) 科学型(Scientific) 是高中生专用的。用于计算较复杂的数学难题, 如复合数、科学记数法、工程符号、三角符号等。 To be used by high school students, to calculate complex mathematical questions, such as composite number, scientific notation, engineering calculation and etc. 5 1.1项 目 Projects 掌握计算机的应用 Master the use of calculator 3) 工程型模式(Programmer) 适合电脑程序编写员使用。有了它,程序编写员可 以很快的编制更好的软件和好玩的游戏。 Used by computer programmers. With it, programmers can produce better software and fun games. 4) 统计型(Statistics) 功能和标准型计算机相同。强处是清单记录,并对 一系列的计算一目了然。 Function similar to standard calculator. Its superiority is its ability to list down records for review at a glance. 6

掌握计算机的应用 1.1 项 目 Projects Master the use of calculator trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 1.1b 古怪的旅店(Quirky Hotel) 请依据题目的要求将每一步的计算方式步骤写在圆圈里,再将答案写在线上。 Based on each question, write the calculation steps in the circle and the answer on the line. 1) 乘法(Multiplication) 三个人到旅馆住宿,而每人掏出 100 令吉。请问他们给了 老板多少钱? Three friends went to a hotel and each person paid RM100. How much money did they give to the boss? ______________________________________________________ 2) 减法(Subtraction) 老板说:“今天优惠,只需付 250 令吉。”于是,将 剩余的钱交给服务生退还给他们。请问服务生需要 退还多少钱? The boss said, “There is a special offer today. You need to pay only RM250.” Then, pass the balance of money to the waiter. How much should the waiter return to them? ______________________________________________________ 3) 除法(Division) 服务生偷偷藏了 20 令吉,然后将剩余的 30 令吉还 给他们。请问他们每人拿回多少钱? The waiter secretly hid RM20 and returned RM30 to them. How much did you get back per person? ______________________________________________________ 7 1.1项 目 Projects 掌握计算机的应用 Master the use of calculator 4) 乘法(Multiplication) 起初每人掏出 100 令吉,现在又退回 10 令吉。请问 每人共出了多少钱? Initially, everyone took out RM100 and now returned RM10? How much did a person actually pay? ______________________________________________________ 4) 加法(Addition) 每人出 90 令吉,三人共出 270 令吉 270 Each person took out RM90 and the total amount contributed by three persons is RM270 服务生藏了 20 令吉 + 20 ________________ Waiter hid RM20 secretly ________________ 请问他们共出了多少钱? In total how much did they pay? Where is the missing RM10? 8

掌握计算机的应用 1.1 项 目 Projects Master the use of calculator trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 1.1c 有个年轻人到王老板的店买了一件礼物。礼物成本是 18 零吉,标价却是 21 零吉。而年轻人掏 出 100 零吉。 王老板没有零钱就用那 100 零吉向邻居换了零钱,然后找给年轻人 79 零吉。年轻人走后邻居 才发现那 100 零吉是假钞,王老板在无奈之下就还给他 100 零吉。 请问王老板在这次交易中共损失了多少钱 ? A young man bought a gift from Mr Wong’s shop. The cost of the gift is RM18 and the selling price is RM21. The young man took out RM100 notes. Mr Wong did not have small change. He exchanged small notes from the neighbour and returned RM79 to the young man. After the young man had left, the neighbour discovered the RM100 notes was fake. Mr Wong returned RM100 to his neighbour. How much did Mr Wong loose in this deal? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 1.2项 目 Projects 掌握日历及单位计算机的应用 Master the use of calendar and unit calculator 练习 Exercise 1.2a 找出 Wawa 的年龄。 Calculate the age of Wawa. 1) 请把今天的日期写在线上 : __________ 年 ________ 月 _______ 日 Please write down today’s date on the line provided : year month day 2) Wawa 出生于 1979 年 11 月 7 日。请问他今年几岁了? Wawa was born on 7th November 1979. How old is Wawa now? 3 56 4 7 3) 点击 Click on “View”。 4) 点击 Click on “Date calculation”。 5) 点击 Click on “From” calendar 日历,选取 Select “7/11/1979”。 6) 点击 Click on “To” calendar 日历,选取今天的日期 select today’s date。 7) 点击 Click on “Calculate”。 答案 : ________ 天 ____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 星期 ____ 日 Answer days(s) year(s) month(s) week(s) day(s) 10

掌握日历及单位计算机的应用 1.2 项 目 Projects Master the use of calendar and unit calculator trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 1.2b 算算父母亲的岁数。 Calculate the age of our parents. 1) 爸爸出生日期 : ____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日 Father’s birthday year month day 爸爸今天的年龄 : ____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 星期 ____ 日 Age of father today year(s) month(s) week(s) day(s) 2) 妈妈出生日期 : ____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 日 Mother’s birthday year month day 妈妈今天的年龄 : ____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 星期 ____ 日 Age of mother today year(s) month(s) week(s) day(s) 练习 Exercise 1.2c 如果人的寿命是 80 年,用计算机算一算 80 年共有多少天? If a person can live for 80 years, calculate how many days in 80 years? 1) 一年有 ________ 天。 80 年有 ________ 天。 There are __________ days in a year. There are __________ days in 80 years. 2) 至今我们共活了多少天?Till today, how many day have we live? 今天日期 - 我的生日 Today’s date my birthday 答案 : ________ 天 _____ 年 ____ 月 ____ 星期 ____ 日 Answer days year(s) month(s) week(s) day(s) 请思考一下我们应该如何善用时间。 Think how we should make use of our time. 11 1.2项 目 Projects 掌握日历及单位计算机的应用 Master the use of calendar and unit calculator 练习 Exercise 1.2d 爸爸一年的假期计划。Father’s annual holiday planning. 第一次 : 1 月 2 日 至 1 月 17 日 = ________ 天 First 2 – 17 January days 第二次 : 3 月 5 日 至 3 月 12 日 = ________ 天 Second 5 – 12 March days 第三次 : 6 月 25 日 至 7 月 12 日 = ________ 天 Third 25th June – 12th July days 第四次 : 11 月 28 日 至 12 月 8 日 = ________ 天 Fourth 28th November – 8th December days 请问圣恩今年共有几天的旅行? 答案 ________ 天 How many days of holiday does Shawn have in a year? Answer days 12

掌握日历及单位计算机的应用 1.2 项 目 Projects Master the use of calendar and unit calculator trusted shopping 由于每个国家和它们生活方式的不同,所以一个事物会有多种单位。例如:长度的单位有米、 公分和毫米;重量的单位有公斤、克等。若将相同性质的单位互相转换,就称为单位转换 (Unit Conversion)。如 1 公斤转换为 1000 克。 Because different countries having different lifestyles, therefore each thing has varied units. For example, we have meter, centimeter, and millimeter in measurement of length, and kilogram, gram in weight and etc. Unit conversion is translated from one type of unit to another. For example, one kilogram is equal to 1000 grams. 视窗计算机能轻松地进行各种单位转换。常见的单位如下 : Windows’ calculator can easily convert various units. Common units are as follows: - Angle (角度) Energy (热量) Power (功率) Pressure (压力) Temperature (温度) Velocity (速度) Time (温度) Area (面积) Length (长度) Volume (声音) Weight / Mass (重量 / 质量) 1 1) 点击 Click on “View”。 2) 点击 Click on “Unit conversion”。 3 3) 点击 Click on “Select the…”, 选取 Select “Length”。 2 4 4) 输入 Enter “1”, 选取 Select “Millimeters”。 5 5) 选取 Select “Centimeters”。 6) 看,答案自动出来了! Look! Here is the answer. 注意:只有相同性质的单位才能进行单位转换;长度是不能和体重的单位进行转换。 Note : Only similar type of unit can be converted with each other. We cannot convert “length” against “weight”. 13 1.2项 目 Projects 掌握日历及单位计算机的应用 Master the use of calendar and unit calculator 练习 Exercise 1.2e 请将答案写在空格里。Write your answer in the box. 1) Kukus 参加学校的运动会,项目是长跑 5.5 公里(Kilometer)。 请问 Kukus 共跑了多少米(Meter)? Kukus participates in 5.5 kilometer run in school sports. How many meters does Kukus run? 2) 爸爸为了庆祝妈妈的生日用心地做一道美味的泰国烧鱼。可是看 到食谱上写着 0.3 公斤(Kilogram)鲜鱼。你知道 0.3 公斤是多 少克(Gram)吗? When celebrating mother’s birthday, father decides to cook a Thai grill fish. According to the recipe, father needs to buy 0.3kg of fish. How many grams is 0.3kg? 3) 小明喜欢阅读科学杂志,杂志上写着:人体的温度是 105.8 华氏 度,可小明不知道华氏度,只知道摄氏度。请问有谁可帮助小明 解答问题呢? Ah Ming likes to read science magazine. The magazine stated a person’s temperature is 105.8 degrees Fahrenheit. Can you convert this temperature into Celsius? 4) 1 KG 鲜鱼的价格是 RM12,妈妈花了 RM15 买了一条鱼。 请问妈妈买了多少公斤的鱼? The price of 1 kg of fresh fish is RM12. Mother paid RM15 for a fish. What is the weight of the fish in kilogram? 14

掌握贷款计算机的应用 1.3 项 目 Projects Master the use of mortgage calculator trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 1.3a Shishi 计划买间 RM200,000 的屋子。她决定用储蓄的 RM20,000 作为定钱,再用 20 年(240 个月)还清,而银行每年的利息是 6% 。请问 Shishi 每个月的分期付款是多少? Shishi plans to purchase a house costing RM200,000. She has decided to use her saving of RM20,000 as a deposit and arranged for instalment of 20 years (240 months). The band interest is 6% per annum. How much is Shishi’s monthly instalment? 1 5.1) 买价(Purchase price) 4 _____________________ 5 5.2) 定钱(Down payment) 23 _____________________ 6 5.3) 期限(Term in years) 1) 点击 Click on “View”。 _____________________ 5.4)利息(Interest rate %) _____________________ 2) 点击 Click on “Worksheets”。 3) 单击 Click on “Mortgage”。 4) 选取 Select “Monthly payment”。 6) 点击 Click on “Calculate”。 每月的分期付款是 The monthly installment is ____________________ 15 1.3项 目 Projects 掌握贷款计算机的应用 Master the use of mortgage calculator 练习 Exercise 1.3b Kukus 的姑姑决定买间屋子。请依据以下的提示,将正确的答案写在线上。 Kukus’s aunt decided to purchase a house. Based on the following tips, write the answer on the line. 提示一 : 她每个月的薪水是 RM1,500。 Hint 1 : Her monthly salary is RM1,500. 提示二 : 屋价是 RM250,000。 Hint 2 : The price of the house is RM250,000. 提示三 : 她决定用所储蓄的 RM100,000 为定钱。 Hint 3 : She has decided to take out RM100,000 from her saving as deposit. 提示四 : 银行的利息是 6.75%。 Hint 4 : The bank interest(BLR)is 6.75% per annum. 1) 若用 10 年付清,每个月的付款是 RM _____________ Pay off in 10 years, monthly installment is RM _____________ RM _____________ 2) 若用 20 年付清,每个月的付款是 RM _____________ Pay off in 20 years, monthly installment is 3) 若用 30 年付清,每个月的付款是 Pay off in 30 years, monthly installment is 4) 若用 40 年付清,每个月的付款是 Pay off in 40 years, monthly installment is 依据以上的计算,请问 Kukus 的姑姑应该分几年来付清贷款?为什么? Based on the above calculations, what is your advice? And why? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 16

掌握贷款计算机的应用 1.3 项 目 Projects Master the use of mortgage calculator trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 1.3c 请将任务和所需的功能连接起来。 Connect the task and the calculator function. 计算年龄 A Calculate the age 1 计算房屋贷款 B Calculate house 2 C installment 一公里 = 多少米? 1 km = ____ m? 3 8+7+6+5+4= 4 D 17 2.1项 目 Projects 探索电邮及普通邮件 Explore email and normal post 电子邮件简称为电邮,它的英文名称是 Email,是 Electronic Mail 的简写。电邮是一种非常方 便、环保又便宜的通讯工具。我们可使用电邮将文字、图片、歌曲、影片或档案通过互联网传 输给远方的朋友。以下列出四个著名的电邮提供商,全是免费的。 Email is an abbreviation for Electronic Mail. Email is a simple, environmental friendly and economical communication tool. We can send text, picture, music, files or even videos via email to far away friends. Following list is four major email providers, all of which are free! 18

探索电邮及普通邮件 2.1 项 目 Projects Explore email and normal post trusted shopping Email Server 2 13 Kukus Kukus 的朋友 Kukus 刚从学校旅行回来,非常的兴奋。在旅程里他拍了很多照片,并通过 Email 传送给远方 的朋友与它们分享。 Kukus is very excited after returning from the holidays organized by the school. During the journey, he took a lot of photos and he wished to share the photos with his friends via Email. 1) Kukus 启动电脑输入他朋友的电邮地址,通过互联网将照片传送出去。 Kukus can start the computer, enter their friends’ email address, email the photos using the Internet. 2) Kukus 所寄出的电邮收在电邮伺服机里。 The emails sent by Kukus are stored in Email Server. 3) Kukus 的朋友也通过互联网进入电邮伺服机下载 Kukus 邮寄给他的照片。这样 Kukus 的朋友就可在她的电脑欣赏照片了。 Kukus’s friend can go online, log into Email Server and download the photos. Kuku’s friends can enjoy the photos on the computer. 19 2.1项 目 Projects 探索电邮及普通邮件 Explore email and normal post 古代的人靠鸽子送信,鸽子是怎样找到送信的地点?其实鸽子送信根本就不可能想送哪就送哪。 比如想从吉隆坡送信到槟城,就得把从小在槟城养着的鸽子临时带到吉隆坡去,想要送信的时 候就把信放到它身上然后放了它,它就会直接飞回 “家” 去了。 在 Internet 还未有之前我们只能靠邮差叔叔送信。为什么现今我们大多都使用 Email,鲜少劳 动邮差叔叔送信了呢?看看以下的漫画再将你的理解写在空格里。 Ancient people relied on pigeon to deliver letters. How can the pigeon locate the destination? In fact, pigeons have no idea where to deliver. For example, to deliver a letter from Kuala Lumpur to Penang, we have to bring a pigeon reared to Kuala Lumpur. Tie the letter on pigeon’s leg and release the pigeon, and then the pigeon will fly back \"home\". Before the Internet, we have to depend on postman to deliver letters. Nowadays, we use email more often then post. Why? Study the comics and write your answer in the box. 普 通 邮 件(Normal Post) 1 马来西亚 2 3 4 美国 8月10日用手写信 到邮政局买邮票寄信 邮差叔叔送信 五天过去了 Write a letter on 10th August Go to post office to buy stamp Postman delivers the letter 对方还在苦等 and post out the letter Our friends are still waiting after 5 days 电 子 邮 件(Email) 2 马来西亚 3 美国 4 1 8月10日用电脑写电邮 链接互联网 按一按发送按钮 对方马上收到电邮 Write an email on 10th August Connect to the Internet Click on “Send” button Recipient receives the email instantly 答案(Answer) 20

探索电邮及普通邮件 2.1 项 目 Projects Explore email and normal post trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 2.1a 以下列出五个电邮的优点。依据图解,将正确的答案写在空格里。 List down 5 advantages of using email. Based on the illustrations write the correct answer in the box. 1) 操作简单,靠电脑就可完成,方便使用。 Simple operation, convenience, merely depends on computer. 2) 无需使用纸张,保护森林。 Paperless, protect the forest. 3) 电邮除了可传送文字,还可附带图片、声音、影片等。 Not only text, email can send picture, sounds, videos and etc. 4) 速度快,范围广,很快就可传到世界各个角落。 Fast and wide coverage, able to reach every corner of the world in seconds. 5) 无论国内或国外都不需要邮票,便宜又实惠。 No stamps required for sending to local or oversea. 21 2.2项 目 Projects 认识电邮地址及编写新电邮 Recognize email address and compose a new email 电邮地址(Email Address)和我们的住家地址一样,是独一无二的,世界上没有一个人的电邮 地址和我们相同。要发送电邮就必须申请一个电邮地址。我们可以从许多供应商获得电邮地址。 公司里每一员工都会有个人的电邮地址。互联网上有许多网站也提供免费的电邮地址,只要上 该公司的网站申请便可。著名的有 Gmail,Microsoft Outlook,Yahoo Mail 等。 Email address is similar to our house address. It is unique. No one in this world has the same email address as ours. In order to send an email, we must apply for an email address. Staff of company have their own individual email address. Many companies are offering free email address. We just have to go online and register an account. Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Yahoo Mail are among the famous ones. 练习 Exercise 2.2a 使用浏览器找出一个专为儿童而设计的电邮提供商,将网站地址写在线上。 Use web browser to search for a kid’s email service provider, write the URL on the line. 1)__________________________________________________ 22

认识电邮地址及编写新电邮 2.2 项 目 Projects Recognize email address and compose a new email trusted shopping Shawn 是个电脑奇才,从小就喜欢玩电脑,对电脑非常有研究。他在马来西亚一间电脑公司 EDUGroup 上班。以下是 Shawn 的公司电邮地址。电邮地址中的 @ 怎么念?许多人都把它念 成 alias,那是错误的,正确的读法是 at。以上的电邮地址正确的读法是: Shawn is a computer genius. He likes to play and discover computer since he was young. He works in a Malaysian company, EDUGroup. The above is Shawn’s company email address. How do we pronounce “@”? Most of us pronounce it as “alias”, which is wrong. The correct pronunciation is “at”. The following is the correct reading: - shawn – at – edugroup – dot – my 每一个电邮地址由三个部分组成:(一)用户者名字、(二)公司域名及(三)国家代号。在 用户者名字和公司域名中间一定要有这符号 “@”。切记,电邮地址里的文字中不可有空格,每 个文字一定是连在一起的。 Each e-mail address is composed of three parts: the user name, company domain and the country code. There must be a symbol “@” between the user name and company domain. Remember, there is no spacing in email address, every alphabet is connected together. [email protected] 1 2 3 用户者名字 公司域名 国家代号 User name Company Domain Country Code 练习 Exercise 2.2b 一起讨论将正确的电邮地址打勾(✓),错的打叉()。 Discuss and put a tick on proper email address and cross on wrong email address. ( ) 1. shawn@Hotmail ( ) 5. [email protected] ( ) 2. [email protected] ( ) 6. doreamon.yahoomail@com ( ) 3. ( ) 4. [email protected] 23 2.2项 目 Projects 认识电邮地址及编写新电邮 Recognize email address and compose a new email 电子邮件客户端也称为(email client),是用来处理电邮的软件,就像 Microsoft Word 是文 书处理软件一样。有了 Email Client,我们就可用它来阅读及回复电邮。市场上有许多 Email Client,有些需要安装在电脑才可操作,有些只需通过 web browser 就可操作。本书采用的是 email client 软件名为 eM Client,可通过这个网址下载: Email client is a software, use to handle email; just like Microsoft Word is use for document processing. With email client, we can read and reply email. There are many email clients in the market, some need to be installed on the computer and some can be operated on the web browser. eM Client is the email client used on this book. Follow this URL to download the software: - 编写电邮就好像用笔和纸写信一样。我们在纸上只可以写字及画画,但电邮的内容有趣多了。 以下是编写电邮的步骤: Composing a new email is just like writing a letter with a pencil. We can only write and draw on the paper, but email can have interesting content. Follow the steps below to compose an email: - 1) 双击 Double click on “eM Client”。 2) 点击 Click on 。 3) 输入收信人的电邮地址。 2 Enter recipient email address. 4) 输入标题。 6 Enter subject. 3 5) 输入电邮的内容。 4 Enter email content. 5 6) 点击 Click on 。 24

认识电邮地址及编写新电邮 2.2 项 目 Projects Recognize email address and compose a new email trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 2.2c 父母决定为你的妹妹 Lois 举办一个盛大的生日派对。写一封电子邮件,邀请你的好友 Shawn 及他的兄弟姐妹来参加。 Your parents have decided to hold a grand birthday party for your sister, Lois. Write an email inviting your friends, Shawn and his siblings to attend the party. 1) 打开电子邮件软件,写一封新电子邮件给 Shawn Open email client, compose a new email to Shawn. 2) 输入 Shawn 的电邮地址 : [email protected] Enter Shawn email address 3) 输入电子邮件标题 : Lois’ Birthday Party Enter subject 4) 输入邮件内容 : Hi Shawn, Enter the email content 5) 用 Print Screen 的方式捕捉你的信件。 Glad to inform you that my little sister Lois is 打开 Party.docx 文件,把你的英文姓 turning 3 soon. My parent is planning to have a 名和班级输入在相关的格子内。把捕捉 SUPER-DEE-DUPER birthday party, and I am 到的画面粘贴在答案方格里。将文件储 inviting you to join. Do come with your brother 存 为 以 下 的 名 字 : Print screen the and sister and I believe it will be a SUPER-DEE email. Open Party.docx, enter your DUPER night with all of your presence. Hey, name and class ID then paste the Burney is coming too ;) screen capture in the box. Save the file follow this naming format:- Lois 3rd Birthday Party on Sunday, 8th August 2020, 6:00pm onwards. Party “Your Name”.docx Venue : Disneyland @ Krishna Palace, Nana Chowk Mumbai 6) 发送你的信件。 RSVP our Mommy +6 012 5451300 Send out the email. Thanks and looking forward to see you again! Cheers, [ 你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID ] 25 2.3项 目 Projects 掌握查阅及回复电子邮件的技巧 Master the skill of check and reply email 每个人的家门前都有一个信箱,邮差叔叔就会把信放在信箱里。当我们打开 email client 时, 左边会有几个重要的文件夹,其中一个是 Inbox。Inbox 就像我们家门前的信箱,朋友寄给我们 的电邮都收在 Inbox 里。 Every house has a mailbox for the postman to put in the letter. When we open the email client, there are several important folders on the left. One of them is “Inbox”. Inbox is just like our house’s mailbox, used to collect emails from our friends. 1) 点击 按钮来接收电邮。 Click on “Send and Receive” button to retrieve email. 2) 点击 Click on “Inbox”。 所有新的电邮显示在 A 栏里。New emails appear in column A. 3) 点击邮件标题。Click on email title. 该邮件的内容显示在 B 栏里了。The content shows in column B. 1 2 3 A B 26

掌握查阅及回复电子邮件的技巧 2.3 项 目 Projects Master the skill of check and reply email trusted shopping 看完朋友寄来的电邮后,回复电邮给对方,回复电邮称为 Reply。 After reading the email from our friend, we need to “Reply” the email. 1) 选取要回复的电邮标题。 Select email title that you want to reply. 2) 点击 Click on 。 3) 输入电邮内容。 Enter email content. 4) 点击 Click on “Send”。 2 1 4 3 看!出现对方的电邮地址自动出项了。 Look!The recipient email address appear automatically. 注意看,标题前多出了 Re: 文字,表示这是一封回复 Reply 的电邮。 Note that “Re:” has been added in front of the subject, indicate that this is a reply email. 27 2.3项 目 Projects 掌握查阅及回复电子邮件的技巧 Master the skill of check and reply email 练习 Exercise 2.3 收到 GiGi 寄来的生日派对邀请电邮。电邮标题为 Lois Birthday Party。你和父母商量后,他们 决定让你参加生日派对。 You have received GiGi’s birthday party invitation email, with the subject “Lois Birthday Party”. After discussing with your parents, they have given you the greenlight to attend the birthday party. 1) 必须使用 Reply 按钮来回信,不可重打邮址,也不要更改电邮标题。输入下面的 文字以作回复的内容: Use “Reply” button to reply the email. Cannot re-type the content and cannot change the subject line. Enter the following text as reply content: - Hi GiGi, I am glad reading your email and overjoyed to know that we will have fun again. I have obtained the green light from my parents and my father promised to bring me there. As for my brother and sister, the year end examination is around the corners and they might not be able to attend. Can’t wait to see you and definitely we will have fun time together. I have a set of brand new UNO, should I bring it along? Thanks and looking forward to see you! Cheers, [你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID ] 2) 用 Print Screen 的方式捕捉你的信件。打开 Attend Party.docx 文件,把你的英 文姓名和班级输入在相关的格子内。把捕捉到的画面粘贴在答案方格里。将文件 储存为以下的名字: Print screen the email. Open Attend Party.docx, enter your name and class ID then paste the screen capture in the box. Save the file by following this naming format:- Attend Party “Your Name”.docx 3) 发送你所回复的信件。Send your reply email. 28

掌握查阅及回复电子邮件的技巧 2.3 项 目 Projects Master the skill of check and reply email trusted shopping 答案(Answer) Hi GiGi, I am glad reading your email and overjoyed to know that we will have fun again. I have obtained the green light from my parents and my father promised to bring me there. As for my brother and sister, the year end examination is around the corners and they might not be able to attend. Can’t wait to see you and definitely we will have fun time together. I have a set of brand new UNO, should I bring it along? Thanks and looking forward to see you! Cheers, [你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID ] 29 3.1项 目 Projects 掌握查阅及回复电子邮件的技巧 Master the skill of check and forward email 转发电邮的方法和回复电邮的方法相似。转发电邮就是将一个朋友寄给我们的电邮发送给其他 人。在转发电邮时,我们必须输入收信人的电子邮件地址。 The method of forwarding an email is similar to replying an email. Forwarding an email is an act of transferring an email from a person to another. In the midst of forwarding, we need to enter recipient’s email address. 1) 选取要转发电邮的标题。 Select the email title that you want to forward. 2) 点击 Click on 。 3) 输入收信人的电邮地址。 Enter recipient’s email address. 4) 输入电邮内容。 Enter email content. 5) 点击 Click on “Send”。 2 1 5 注意看,标题前多出了 Fw: 文字,表示这是一封转发的电邮。 3 Note that “Fw:” has been added in front of the subject, 4 indicate that this is a forward email. 30

掌握查阅及回复电子邮件的技巧 3.1 项 目 Projects Master the skill of check and forward email trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 3.1 你收到 GiGi 寄来的生日派对邀请电邮。电邮标题为 Lois Birthday Party。阅读了这份电邮后, 你想问问看你的好朋友 DaDa 有没有被邀请去生日派对。把 GiGi 寄给你的电邮转寄给 DaDa 并用副件方式(carbon copy)让 GiGi 知道。 You have received birthday party invitation email from GiGi, titled “Lois Birthday Party\". After reading, you want to know whether your friend, DaDa is being invited too? Forward this email to DaDa, and keep GiGi informed via carbon copy. 1) 打开收件箱(Inbox)读取一封以 Lois Birthday Party 为标题的邮件。 Open Inbox and read an email titled “Lois Birthday Party”. 2) 以转寄方式转寄给你的好朋友 DaDa Forward the email to your friend DaDa : [email protected] 3) 以副本方式转寄给 GiGi : [email protected] Carbon copy(Cc)to GiGi 4) 输入下面的文字以作转寄的内容 Enter the following text as forward email contents Hi DaDa, Referring to the email below, note that GiGi’s sister, Lois is having a 3 years old birthday party. Are you being invited? Hope you will join the party too, the more the merrier will be. Thanks and looking forward to see you! Cheers, [你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID ] 31 3.1项 目 Projects 掌握查阅及回复电子邮件的技巧 Master the skill of check and forward email 5) 用 Print Screen 的方式捕捉你的信件。打开 Forward Party.docx 文件,把你的 英文姓名和班级输入在相关的格子内。把捕捉到的画面粘贴在答案方格里。将文 件储存为以下的名字: Print screen the email. Open Forward Party.docx, enter your name and class ID then paste the screen capture in the box. Save the file follow this naming format:- Forward Party “Your Name”.docx 6) 发送你所回复的信件。Send your forward email. 答案(Answer) 32

学习使用附件功能 3.2 项 目 Projects Learn to use attachment function trusted shopping 电邮还有另一个好处,那就是可以寄送各种格式的数码多媒体文件。点击别针图形按钮 就可将数码多媒体文件邮寄给远方的朋友。我们写的文章、旅行拍的照片、创作的 歌曲、随性录制的有趣短片等,都可通过电邮里的附件 attachment 传送给好友。 Another advantage of email is the ability to send digital multimedia file in various formats. Click on “paper clip” button to attach files and email to far away friends. We can attach articles, travelling photos, songs, fun videos clips in the email. 1) 点击 Click on 。 2) 打开文档的位置。Open attachment location. 3) 点击要邮寄的文件。Select attachment(s). 4) 点击 Click on “Open”。 1 若能在 attached 栏里看到文件的名字,表示成功了。 名字后面括弧里的数目就是文件的大小了。 Attach success when the filename appear in “Attached” column. The number behind the filename is the file size. 23 4 33 3.2项 目 Projects 学习使用附件功能 Learn to use attachment function 练习 Exercise 3.2 你的好朋友 DaDa 通知你他也会去参加生日派对。他有汽车但不太确定路线。使用电邮里的 attachment 方法将路线图邮寄给他,并请他载你一起去。 Your friend, DaDa replied that he will go to the birthday party too. He has a car but does not know how to go. Attach the map in email and ask him to fetch you along. 1) 写一封新电子邮件给 DaDa。Compose a new email to DaDa. 2) 输入 DaDa 的电邮地址 Enter DaDa email address : [email protected] 3) 输入电子邮件标题 : Map to Lois House Enter the subject 4) 输入下面的文字作为邮件的内容,并附上这个文档 Enter the following content and attach this file : Map.jpg Hi Dada, Glad to know that you will join the party as well and for sure it will be an unforgettable party. Just can’t wait to go! Attached is a map to Lois’ house. It’s within the Polite Panorama resident, near the water tank. Would you mind to drop by my house to pick me up? Ha, my dad would appreciate very much. Thanks and looking forward to see you again! Cheers, [你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID ] 34

35 答案(Answer) Hi Dada, Glad to know that you will join the party as well and for sure it will be an unforgettable party. Just can’t wait to go! Attached is a map to Lois’ house. It’s within the Polite Panorama resident, near the water tank. Would you mind to drop by my house to pick me up? Ha, my dad would appreciate very much. Thanks and looking forward to see you again! Cheers, [你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID ] 5) 用 Print Screen 的方式捕捉你的信件。打开 Party Map.docx 文件,把你的英文 姓名和班级输入在相关的格子内。把捕捉到的画面粘贴在答案方格里。将文件储 存为以下的名字: Print screen the email. Open Party Map.docx, enter your name and class ID then paste the screen capture in the box. Save the file follow this naming format:- Party Map “Your Name”.docx 6) 发送你的信件。Send the email. 项 目 Projects3.2 学习使用附件功能 Learn to use attachment function trusted shopping 3.3项 目 Projects 学习删除及彻底删除邮件 Learn to delete and permanent delete email 时间越久,电邮箱里的电邮会渐渐增加。太多的电邮难免会有些麻烦,也可能使电脑的操作速度 变慢,该怎么办呢?我们可将阅读过或不要的电邮删除,被删除的电邮都可在 Trash 文件夹里找 到。这些被删除的电邮并没有真正的被删除,只是被移到 Trash 文件夹里去了。 Over time, number of email will increase. There will be trouble having too many emails, and the speed of computer tends to slow down. So how? We can delete those that have been read and unwanted emails. Deleted emails can be found in the Trash folder. In fact, these emails are not deleted, but only moved to the Trash folder. 1) 选取要删除的电邮标题。Select the email title that you want to delete. 2) 点击 Delete 按钮,或按键盘上的 Delete 按钮。 Mouse click on “Delete“ button or press the “Delete” key on the keyboard. 3) 电邮被移到 Trash 文件夹里了。 Email being moved to “Trash” folder. 11 这些号码提示该文件夹里还未阅读的电邮数量。 Number of unread email shows here. 2 3 36

学习删除及彻底删除邮件 3.3 项 目 Projects Learn to delete and permanent delete email trusted shopping 练习 Exercise 3.3 删除来自 Spam Mail 的七封电邮,并保留 Inbox 文件夹里两封来自 GiGi 的电邮。 Delete the 7 spam emails and keep the 2 emails from GiGi. 用 Print Screen 的方式捕捉你的信件。打开 Delete.docx 文件,把你的英文姓名和班级输入在 相关的格子内。把捕捉到的画面粘贴在答案方格里。将文件储存为以下的名字: Print screen the email. Open Delete.docx, enter your name and class ID then paste the screen capture in the box. Save the file follow this naming format:- Delete “Your Name”.docx 37 3.3项 目 Projects 学习删除及彻底删除邮件 Learn to delete and permanent delete email 被删除的电邮都收在 Trash 文件夹里。时间久了 Trash 文件夹里的电邮也会不断增加,这可能 导致电脑的操作速度变慢。若确定这些电邮不会再用到了,最好的方法就是彻底的删除。 Deleted emails are stored in the Trash folder. Over time, the number of emails in Trash folder will increase which may cause the computer to slow down. The best method to handle unwanted emails is to delete them permanently. 方法一 : 彻底删除 Trash 文件夹里的电邮 Method one : Delete the emails in Trash folder permanently 1) 点击 Click on “Trash”。 2) 单击滑鼠右键 Trash 文件夹。 Right click on “Trash” folder. 3) 点击 Click on “Empty Trash”。 4) Trash 文件夹里的电邮全不见了,它已被彻底的删除了。 All the emails in Trash folder would disappear and have been deleted permanently. 12 3 38

学习删除及彻底删除邮件 3.3 项 目 Projects Learn to delete and permanent delete email trusted shopping 3 方法二 : 直接彻底删除 Method two : To directly delete permanently 1) 选取要删除的电邮标题。 Select the email title that you want to delete. 2) 按着 Shift 键不放按 Delete 键一次,然后放开所有的键。 Press and hold the “Shift” key, press “Delete” key once. Release all keys. + 39 4.1项 目 Projects Starting Email . Exercise 1.1 . 练 习 一 Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps 你参加了一个电脑课程并学习如何使用电子邮件软件编写、发送、阅读及回复邮件。现在你需 要学习如何使用电子邮件来创建一封新的邮件。 You attended a computer course, learn how to use email software to compose, send, read and reply to emails. Now you are requested to compose a new email message. 1) 你在英文学会布告板上看到一则关于学校假期旅行的通告。Lego Land 是你梦寐 以求的游乐场,能够和同学一起去更是求之不得的事。 You spotted a notice on school holiday tour on the English Society bulletin board. Lego Land is your dream playground and you wish to go with your friends very much. 40

Starting Email . Exercise 1.1 . 练 习 一 4.1 项 目 Projects Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps trusted shopping 2) 你的两位最要好的朋友都决定参加英文学会举办的 Lego Land 学校假期旅行。 你也很想去,但必须先得到父母的同意。通过电邮把你的期望告诉父母希望他们 会同意。 You have asked two of your best friends. They have decided to go. You want to go too, but must get the permission from your parents. Email your parent and tell them your wish and seek for their approval. 3) 打开电子邮件,写一封新电子邮件给妈妈 Mummy Jocelyn。 Open email software and compose an email to your mother, Jocelyn. 输入电子邮址(Email address) : [email protected] 输入电子邮件的标题(Subject of the email) : Request to join School Holiday Trip to Lego Land 输入以下内容作为邮件的内容 Use the text below as your email content: Dearest Mummy, I feel excited when I read the poster on the English Society's notice board today. The English Society is organizing a trip to Lego Land during the school holiday. Mum, as you know I am always obedient and listening to your instruction and advice. I manage my studies and homework without much of your reminders. I always keep my room clean and tidy as you always remind me that we must keep good habits when we are still young. Mum, I am looking forward to go to Lego Land. Dad has given me greenlight. Hope to get the same answer from you. Love you mum. Your love, [ ]你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID 41 4.1项 目 Projects Starting Email . Exercise 1.1 . 练 习 一 Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps 4) 发送信件前用 Print Screen 的方式捕捉你的信件。打开 Lego Land.docx 文件, 把你的英文姓名和班级输入在相关的格子内。把 Print Screen 的画面粘贴在答案 方格里。 Log on and load the answer sheet Logo Land.docx. Enter your full name and class in the spaces provided. Do a print screen of your email before sending and paste the screenshot in the space provided on the answer sheet. 5) 发送你的信件。Send your email. 现在,你需要学习如何利用电子邮件回复已收到的电子邮件。在进行此任务前,返回你的电子 邮件账户,你会发现在你的 Inbox 中有一封还未读取的电子邮件。 Now, you need to learn to reply an email. Before starting this task, back to your email account. You will find an unread incoming email in the Inbox. 6) 阅读一封来自 Jocelyn 妈妈的邮件,标题如下: Read the email from your mother, Jocelyn with the subject as below: “Hurray, Lego Land is yours!” 7) 回 复 电 子 邮 件 。 你 必 须 使 用 Reply 按 钮 来 回 信 , 不 可 重 打 邮 址 ,也不要更改电邮标题。输入下面的文字以作回复的内容: Reply the email. You must use the Reply button and not re-typing the address. Do not change the subject line. Use the text below for your email: Dearest Mummy, Thank you for your reply. I am delighted to receive the good news. Thank you. I will get the enrolment form tomorrow for you to sign. Thanks mum. Love, [你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID ] 42

Starting Email . Exercise 1.1 . 练 习 一 4.1 项 目 Projects Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps trusted shopping 8) 发送电邮前用 Print Screen 的方式捕捉你的信件,把 Print Screen 的画面粘贴在 答案方格里。 Do a print screen of your email before sending and paste the screenshot in the space provided on the answer sheet. 9) 发送你的回复信件。Send your email. 10) 把文件存档为这名字。Save the file with this filename. Lego Land [space] 班级 Class ID [space] 全名 Your Full Name.docx Dearest Mummy, Thank you for your reply. I am delighted to receive the good news. Thank you. I will get the enrolment form tomorrow for you to sign. Thanks mum. Love, [你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID ] 43 4.2项 目 Projects Starting Email . Exercise 1.2 . 练 习 一 Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps 现在,你需要学习如何利用你的电子邮件软件来转寄 forward 邮件给你的爸爸,并向他道谢, 同时用副本方式 carbon copy 把邮件发送给妈妈。 Now, you need to learn how to forward email to your father, to thank him. At the same time send a carbon copy to your mother. 1) 进行此任务之前返回你的电子邮件账户,从你的收件箱读取一封以下为标题的邮 件。 Before starting this task, go back to your email account. Retrieve the email with the subject as below from your Inbox. “Hurray, Lego Land is yours!” 输入电子邮址以转寄方式转寄给爸爸 Forward this email to your father : [email protected] 输入电子邮址以副本方式转寄给妈妈 At the same time, send a carbon copy of this email to your mother [email protected] 输入下面的文字以作转寄的内容: Use the text below for your email: Dear Daddy, I believe mum has called you and I can't stop jumping now. Thanks dad. No worry dad, I know how to take care of myself. Will take photos and whatapps to you, sharing my happiness. Thanks again. Love, [你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID ] 44

Starting Email . Exercise 1.2 . 练 习 一 4.2 项 目 Projects Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps trusted shopping 备注:你必须检查电子邮址,以确保你所输入的电子邮址是正确的。 Noted, check and ensure the email address is correct. 2) 发送信件前,用 Print Screen 的方式捕捉你的信件。打开 Lego Land 2.docx 文件, 把你的英文姓名和班级输入在相关的格子内,然后把 Print Screen 的画面粘贴在答 案方格里。 Do a print screen of your email before sending. Load the answer sheet “Lego Land 2.docx”, enter your full name and class in the spaces provided. Paste the screenshot in the space provided on the answer sheet. 3) 发送你的转寄信件。Send your email. 4) 打开 Sent Items 文件夹。 Sent Items 文件夹里清楚的展示有关电邮的各项资料 - 收 信人、信件标题(Subject Line)、邮件发送日期和时间。以 Print Screen 的方式捕 捉 Sent Items 文件夹内的三封电邮的画面,然后把 Print Screen 的画面粘贴在答方 格里。 Open the Sent Items folder to show the details of recipients, subject lines, dates and time set. Do a print screen of the three emails that you have sent and paste the screenshot in the space provided on the answer sheet. 如果恰当时网际网络无法正常操作,所发送的三封电邮将会储存在 Outbox 文件夹 内。 If you are not able to send out the emails, you will find the three emails stored in the Outbox folder. 5) 把文件存档为这名字。Save the file with this filename Lego Land 2 “Your Name”.docx 确保你已把文件都检查清楚以确保其准确性。 Make sure you have checked your working file for accuracy. 45 4.3项 目 Projects 认识及学习管理垃圾电邮 Knowing and learning to manage junk email 我们住家门前的信箱里常会发现一些来历不 明的信件和纸张,有宣传广告单张、霸级市 场促销小册子等,这些信件都不是从朋友寄 来的,我们可把它们称为垃圾信件。 We often find advertising leaflets, promotion booklets, unknown letters in our mailbox. All these are not from our friends. They are junk mail. 有些时候我们也会收到一些来历不明的电邮。这些电邮和信箱像来历不明的信件,称为垃圾电 邮 Junk Mail。垃圾电邮是可疑的电邮,我们绝对不可相信垃圾电邮里的内容,也不可打开垃圾 电邮里的 hyperlink。所有的垃圾电邮将被放在 Junk E-Mail 文件夹里。 Sometimes, we will also receive emails from unknown sender. These are spam email, namely Junk Mail. Junk mail is suspicious, do not trust the content, nor click the hyperlink in the junk mail. Junk email will be placed in “Junk E-Mail” folder. 哼,可恶!这么多的垃圾电邮不知道是谁寄来 的!都是骗人的,不可相信!把它们全部删除! Em ... .. Who send all these junk email! Deceptive, don’t believe! Delete them all! 有许多的 email client 会自动将来历不明的电邮放入 Junk E-Mail 文件夹里。有时,email client 会不小心将我们好友的电邮也放入 Junk E-Mail 文件夹。我们必须经常检查 Junk E- Mail 文件夹,检查是否有好友的电邮被误放在那里。若发现有从朋友寄来的电邮被放在 Junk E-Mail 文件夹里,那么我们可以告诉 e-mail client 这是安全的电邮。那么朋友的电 邮就会自动从 Junk E-Mail 文件夹里放回 Inbox 文件夹里了。 46

认识及学习管理垃圾电邮 4.3 项 目 Projects Knowing and learning to manage junk email trusted shopping Email client will move unknown email into “Junk E-Mail” folder automatically. Sometimes, email client might accidentally move our friend's e-mail into “Junk E-Mail” folder too. That’s why we must always check to ensure our friends’ email was not placed in “Junk E-Mail” folder by mistake. If we found our fiend’s email is in “Junk E-Mail” folder, just notify the e- mail client that is a secure e-mail, the email will move back to “Inbox” folder again. 3 12 我们也可把一些可疑的电邮地址列入黑名单。从此以后 email client 就会把这些电邮地址寄来 的电邮直接送进 Junk E-Mail 文件夹。 We can also blacklist suspicious email address. By then, email client will move all emails from this email address into the Junk E-Mail folder directly. 3 1 2 47 5.1项 目 Projects Starting Email . Exercise 2.1 . 练 习 二 Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps 你参加了一个电脑课程,学习如何使用电子邮件软件编写、发送、阅读及回复邮件。现在你需 要学习如何利用电子邮件来创建一封新的邮件。 You attended a computer course, learn how to use email software to compose, send, read and reply emails. Now you are requested to compose a new email message. 1) 你的老师准备了如下图所示的广告,那是一则有关 World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)所主办的一场摄影比赛。 Your teacher has prepared the following advertisement, a photo shooting contest organized by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). DATE 30th – 31st March 2014 THEME Hutan Simpang Ayer Hitam : Images of Animal SUBMISSION DEADLINE 11:59PM 17th April 2014 OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS AGE 15 to 18 YEARS ONLY Prizes 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize RM1,000 RM700 RM500 trophy & certificate trophy & certificate trophy & certificate consolation prize : 4 x RM200 voucher Organized by : World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) For further information please contact Mr Gupta, [email protected] or visit us at 48

Starting Email . Exercise 2.1 . 练 习 二 5.1 项 目 Projects Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps trusted shopping 2) 你的学校受邀参加比赛。而校方也同意派遣五名同学前往参加这项比赛。身为学 校的环境俱乐部主席,你被要求通过电子邮件的方式为这场比赛向教育局争取赞 助。 Your school was invited to participate in the competition. The school also agreed to send five students to attend the competition. As the president of Environmental Club, you are asked to apply sponsorship from Education Department via email. 3) 打开电子邮件,写一封新电子邮件给教育主任 Mr. Gonzalez。 Write an email to your education officer Mr. Gonzalex. 输入电子邮址(Email address) : [email protected] 输入电子邮件的标题(subject) : Request for Sponsor 输入以下内容作为邮件的内容。你可选用任何字型或字体颜色。 Use the following text for your email. You may choose any font type of font colour for the text. Dear Mr. Gonzalez, For your information, we are sending 5 of our students as a team to participate in a photography contest on 30th – 31st March 2013. As you are well aware, our students had won the last year contest and received wide coverage by the national television. For this coming contest, I am hoping you can sponsor our team with pocket money, transportation and t-shirts. Hope to hear good news from you soon. Yours sincerely, [你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID] 49 5.1项 目 Projects Starting Email . Exercise 2.1 . 练 习 二 Cambridge ICT Starters . Initial Steps 4) 发送信件前,用 Print Screen 的方式捕捉你的信件。打开 SE2013A.docx 文件, 把你的英文姓名和班级输入在相关的格子内,然后把 Print Screen 的画面粘贴在 答案方格里。 Log on and load the answer sheet SE2013A.docx. Enter your full name and class in the spaces provided. Do a print screen of your email before sending and paste the screenshot in the space provided on the answer sheet. 5) 发送你的信件。Send your email. 现在,你需要学习如何利用电子邮件回复已收到的电子邮件。在进行此任务前,返回你的电子 邮件账户。你会发现在你的 Inbox 中有一封还未读取的电子邮件。 Now, you need to learn to reply an email. Before starting this task, back to your email account. You will find an unread incoming email in the Inbox. 6) 阅读一封来自教育主任 Mr Gonzalez 以下文字为标题的邮件: Read the email from education office, Mr Gonzalez with the subject as below: “Sponsorship Request for Photography Contest 2014” 7) 回复电子邮件。你必须使用 Reply 按钮来回信,不可重打邮址,也不要更改电邮 标题。输入下面的文字作为回复的内容: Reply the email. You must use the Reply button and not re-typing the address. Do not change the subject line. Use the text below for your email: Dear Mr. Gonzalez, Thank you for your reply. We are delighted to receive the good news. I will be going to your office this Friday afternoon to discuss further on the sponsorship arrangement. Regards, [你的英文姓名 – 班级 | Enter your name and class ID] 50

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