For Immediate Release Press Contact: [email protected] 770-387-2833 PRIMARY & ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS ART EXHIBITION ON VIEW NOW AT BOOTH WESTERN ART MUSEUM 70 student-artists, representing 11 area schools, featured in exhibitionCARTERSVILLE, GA – Booth Western Art Museum is proud to announce the showing of the annualPrimary & Elementary Schools Art Exhibition in Borderlands Gallery. On view through May 13, thisexhibit features 70 pieces (56 2-D and 14 3-D) of work by 70 student-artists that are represented from ourlocal city and county primary and elementary schools.“As always we have a wonderful selection of artwork from Bartow County and Cartersville City schools,”said Mersia Martin, Booth Museum Education Program Coordinator. “Each teacher has selected anumber of pieces that are representative of their schools. Everyone has been saying that the art receivedthis year is even better than our show last year! Primary and Elementary student art is unique in thatthese children are uninhibited in their creation, they are so expressive in their art. We are seeingimproved rendering techniques, creativity and focus from all of the schools participating this year.”Throughout the year, art teachers in each primary and elementary school expose their students to a widevariety of art mediums and challenging lessons. Each of the displayed artwork pieces have been createdby students, grades kindergarten through five, throughout the 2017-2018 school year. Visitors to BoothMuseum during this show will see pieces of original art including ceramics, pastel drawings, printmaking,paintings, paper collages, watercolors, papier-mâché, marker, and abstract sculpture from student-artistsrepresenting 11 schools within Bartow County: Adairsville Elementary, Allatoona Elementary, CartersvilleElementary, Cartersville Primary, Clear Creek Elementary, Euharlee Elementary, Excel ChristianAcademy, Hamilton Crossing Elementary, Mission Road Elementary, Pine Log Elementary, andTaylorsville Elementary.The official exhibition opening and meet the artists’ reception for the student-artists and their families willbe held on Thursday, April 19 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Booth Western Art Museum. Light refreshmentswill be available in the Borderlands Meeting Room. The Primary & Elementary Schools Art Exhibitionwill remain on display in Borderlands Gallery until May 13, 2018. For more information, or call 770-387-1300.About Booth Western Art MuseumBooth Western Art Museum, an Affiliate to the Smithsonian Institution, is a 120,000 square foot museumlocated in Cartersville, Georgia, where guests are invited to See America’s Story through contemporaryWestern artwork, a Presidential Gallery, Civil War art gallery, and Sagebrush Ranch, an interactive MORE
Page two, Primary & Elementary School Art Exhibitchildren’s gallery. Open since August 2003, Booth Museum is the only museum of its kind in theSoutheast and was named the 2016 Escape to the Southeast Travel Attraction of the Year from theSoutheast Tourism Society. To learn more about Booth Western Art Museum, DirectionsBooth Western Art Museum is located at 501 N. Museum Drive, Cartersville, GA 30120. Take I-75 to exit#288 – Main Street, Cartersville. Head West. Follow Main Street (Highway #113 / #61) into the businessdistrict – approximately 2.2 miles. Turn right on Gilmer Street, travel two blocks under the bridge and theMuseum is on the left. Free parking is available in the Tabernacle Baptist Church parking lot on GilmerStreet, across from the Museum entrance.Museum HoursTuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. Thursday: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm.Sunday: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Closed Mondays, New Year’s Day, July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.AdmissionAdult: $12 plus tax; Senior (65+): $10 plus tax; Student (with ID): $9 plus tax; Child (12 and under): Free(accompanied by parent or guardian); Active Military Personnel (with ID): Free (½ price regular admissionfor all immediate family members of the active duty person); Booth Museum Members: Free; FirstThursday of each month: Free admission for all between 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm. ###
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