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Home Explore Toyo Tire Sponsorship

Toyo Tire Sponsorship

Published by Booth Western Art Museum, 2018-04-23 17:18:08

Description: Toyo Tire Sponsorship


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For Immediate Release Press Contact: Tom Shinall, TMP Director of Marketing [email protected] 770-387-1300 TOYO TIRE NORTH AMERICA MANUFACTURING, INC. PARTNERS WITH BOOTH WESTERN ART MUSEUM FOR THE14TH ANNUAL SOUTHEASTERN COWBOY FESTIVAL & SYMPOSIUM Toyo Tire listed as Silver Level Sponsor for the Booth’s largest annual eventCARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA – Booth Western Art Museum is excited to announce the partnership ofToyo Tire North America Manufacturing, Inc. as a Silver Level Sponsor for the 14th Annual SoutheasternCowboy Festival & Symposium, to be held October 20-23, 2016.In a recent check presentation, Toyo Tire’s Director of Human Resources and General Affairs JohnBroussard was asked about the importance of investing in the local community. Mr. Broussard said, “ToyoTire North America believes in being socially responsible to the communities in which we live, work, andplay. We think it’s important to support our local community through various venues in order to assist thecommunity in providing benefits and resources outside of our own constituencies, such as our employeesand shareholders. The recipients benefit from the support Toyo Tire North America provides and ToyoTire North America benefits by helping to create and sustain a viable and robust community which helpsattract, recruit, and retain top talent.”“We greatly appreciate their partnership,” said Diane Homesley, Development Director for Booth WesternArt Museum. “Contributions from Toyo Tire North America and our other community partners providecritical funding for education and outreach programs that impact hundreds of children each year. Thisvalued support also helps bring exciting events, world-class exhibits, and speakers providing uniqueopportunities for all to enjoy,” said Homesley.Booth Western Art Museum strives to educate, entertain, and inspire guests through the exploration ofWestern art, popular culture, and American heritage in a welcoming environment. This is accomplished inpart through the support of our members and donors. When asked why Toyo Tire chose the Booth as therecipient of their funding, Broussard said, “The Booth Western Art Museum is a real gem! We are excitedto support such a fantastic display of art and those that bring the museum to life for the residents andguests of Cartersville and the surrounding area. Toyo Tire North America chose to support BoothWestern Art Museum because we know it’s a unique collection of art that demonstrates some of the best MORE

Page two, Toyo Tire and Booth Western Art Museumtalent in the world. So, partnering the best tire manufacturer in the world, Toyo Tire North America, withthe best western art museum this side of the Mississippi River, Booth Western Art Museum, just seemedlike a perfect match.”About Toyo Tires®Established in 1966, Toyo Tire U.S.A. Corp. represents the innovation, quality, performance, andexcellent service that Toyo Tires has delivered worldwide for 70 years. The company offers a full line ofpremium tires for nearly every vehicle including light trucks, SUVs, crossovers, sports cars, luxury carsand hybrids as well as commercial trucks. Many of the tires are built in the United States at their state-of-the-art factory in White, Georgia. To find the right tire for your vehicle as well as an authorized dealer,visit Booth Western Art MuseumBooth Western Art Museum, an Affiliate to the Smithsonian Institution, is a 120,000 square foot museumlocated in Cartersville, Georgia, where guests are invited to See America’s Story by exploring theAmerican West through contemporary Western artwork. The Museum also houses a Presidential Gallery,Civil War art gallery, and Sagebrush Ranch, an interactive children’s gallery. Open since August 2003,Booth Museum is the only museum of its kind in the Southeast and is the second largest art museum inthe state of Georgia. To learn more about Booth Western Art Museum, visit ###

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