quarterlyconsortium Issue #03 Winter 2020/2021
Welcome to our third issue issue #03 And a very Happy New Year – 2021! I hope you I do wonder whether the results would all had an opportunity to rest and recharge be somewhat different if the survey was your batteries over the holiday period after undertaken again. one very strange year indeed. I know the pandemic will have affected people in different As for the Consortium, well 2020 was a year ways and I offer, on behalf of the NWLC for adaptation for the Consortium too. Management Board, my sincere condolences We introduced our new Solicitors to anyone who has lost loved ones. Framework on 1st May 2020, we got all the information on to the website and we We certainly won’t forget 2020 in a hurry successfully got our Partner firms working and who knows what 2021 will bring. At the for us on their added value projects (of time of writing we are in our first week of which more can be found in this magazine). the latest lockdown which I fear may be the Having had to curtail the face to face training hardest with the winter months and infection which we were successfully delivering rates the highest ever. through our Partner firms we brought you a webinar programme which ran through the From my local authorities’ perspective one summer and now we are into the full Annual of the really positive things to come out Training Programme, again delivered by of last year was colleagues’ willingness to webinar. meet the problem head on and get on with providing the vital services we provide to We had to adapt our booking system, our our communities with very little negativity. Partner firms had to adapt their delivery and Hopefully, if we all show that same approach you had to adapt your learning style. now and get through the next few months We introduced a new newsletter – this new with a successful vaccination programme publication, Consortium Quarterly now in then we should be able to get back to its third edition brings a refreshing modern something resembling normality in the style to our comms and more in depth summer. coverage of news topics. As a Deputy Returning Officer I am busy Based on the feedback - it’s going down well. planning for the local elections in May and as In this edition we have topical articles from I am sure like colleagues around the country, our Partner Firms and we take a snapshot we are planning for the worst and hoping for of our organisational responses to the Black the best – we don’t have a choice! Lives Matter agenda. I read the recent article in the Local We are also launching our Consortium Offer Government Lawyer https://www. – which highlights for us all the added value localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk/life-after- which is on offer from our Partner Firms. lockdown. Local Government Lawyer and We also have our regular articles from LLG, LexisNexis ran two surveys in the summer to an update on our Trainee Support work gauge the effect and future impact of remote (including the results of the WFH photo working on the professional lives of local competition) and in profile we meet our authority lawyers – one of legal department newest Management Board Member. management and another of all lawyers working in local authorities. David McCullough, Chair NWLC Management Board If you didn’t see this it is well worth a read. Later on in this magazine Anne Wright also reflects on the same article – what did you make of it, were you a contributor? pages 1&2
Law Society Local p5 Public Sector p15 Free NWLC p33 Government Law & Practice Exit Payments Training 2021 Diploma Sponsorship Examining current legal uncertainty Upcoming training from NWLC Law & Practice Diploma: p7 Managing Public Law p17 Webinars on Demand p35 What’s Involved? and Financial Issues Catch up on previous webinars from With Alice Churm and Jill Coule Why good management is important NWLC partner firms In Profile p9 Net Zero – But How? p21 The NWLC Partner p37 Meet Christian Williams-White, Looking at the UK’s very significant Added Value Offer 2020 - 2024 new NWLC Board Member plans to achieve net zero by 2050 Member benefits from NWLC New UK p11 Black Lives Matter p23 Consortium Added Value p41 Immigration System Building communities where More on the added value services The new UK system is now live everyone feels valued and equal offered by our partner firms
contents The Cost of p43 The WFH Photo p49 Accountability Competition - Results! Examining the Draft Building Safety Bill How trainees are working from home At a Glance p45 Practice Management p51 Short and sweet legal tips from our in the time of Corona partner firms Anne Wright from Warrington BC Latest from the p47 The Latest From LLG p53 Trainee Forum With Helen McGrath, Head of Public From our Trainee Board Members Affairs at LLG pages 3&4
Law Society Local Government Law & Practice Diploma Sponsorship NWLC is offering sponsorship for two people to undertake the Law Society Local Government Law and Practice Diploma in 2021/22
The Law Society Diploma in Local Members. This will be organised Government Law and Practice is a and managed on behalf of the one-year self-study course which Consortium through Jill Coule, Chief can help: Legal Officer and Monitoring Officer, Liverpool City Region Combined • improve your knowledge of local Authority. government law and practice You can read more below about • demonstrate your commitment to what is involved in undertaking the field the course of study and the benefits it brings from Alice Churn • your career progression to more who successfully completed the senior posts Diploma in 2018 and Jill Coule who successfully completed hers some This year the NWLC will be offering time earlier…… those eligible and employed by a member organisation the Applicants for NWLC Sponsorship, opportunity to apply for sponsorship at the point of application, must be towards the course and examination either – fees for the Law Society’s Local Government Law and Practice • A solicitor who has worked for Diploma. a local authority for three years, at least one of which should have The course and examination fees been as a qualified solicitor are £1,600 (+VAT). We are asking the successful candidates to make a • A Chartered Legal Executive who contribution of £200 to their fees as has worked for a local authority a sign of their personal commitment for at least three years, at least one to the course of study and the NWLC of which should have been as a will fund the rest. qualified legal executive In addition, the two successful • A Barrister who has worked for a candidates can receive mentoring local authority for two years. from one or more NWLC Board Apply Now If you wish to be considered for the NWLC sponsorship, an information pack is available from Beryl Heath, Consortium Development Manager at [email protected]. Please note that completed applications for sponsorship must also be emailed to Beryl at [email protected]. Closing date - Noon, Mon 1 Feb 2021 pages 27 & 28
Law & Practice Diploma: what’s involved? Alice Churm: Solicitor – Contracts and Procurement Team, Sefton Council As a student I wanted to practice practice. I was lucky enough to 6 or 8 month seat can provide. local government law. But it wasn’t secure two bursaries, one from The questions were difficult and until I started my training contract Lawyers in Local Government required a practical application of at Sefton that I appreciated the and one from Local Government the law and structured, accurate knowledge that a local government Legal Society, for The Law Society’s and relevant advice. solicitor needed. Unlike in private Diploma in Local Government Law practice, where a solicitor would and Practice. My training principal Since completing the diploma probably specialise in one niche recommended the diploma, as in 2018, I have a more holistic area of law, a local government so- she had previously completed the understanding of the working of licitor needs to know their practice course and found it invaluable. a local authority. I understand area, their authority’s governance the roles of certain officers better arrangements and the political The level of research and and have been able to use the agenda of the authority (as well as dedication of time that was transferable skills gained, such some obscure area of law which necessary for the diploma was as research, to assist officers didn’t fit neatly into another team!). fairly intense. It posed typical and members. Although local scenarios, and subsequent government work is varied, many I undertook the ‘conventional’ route questions that local authority solicitors will not have had wide of qualifying, and therefore, prior solicitors receive daily, ranging exposure to other practice areas. to my training contract, I had had from planning queries, commercial So I recommend the diploma to little exposure to public law and arrangements and statutory roles anyone, irrespective of their length governance. So when I qualified, I within local authorities. Although of qualification, as the broad range was keen to expand my knowledge I’d trained in a local authority, there of topics assists in understanding of local government law and is only so much exposure that a the mechanics of a local authority.
Jill Coule: Chief Legal Officer and Monitoring Officer, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Its over 20 years since I did the This knowledge and confidence a wide range of knowledge, case Local Government Diploma. I really came to the fore when law, principles and concepts on completed the course shortly after the Head of Legal went off on governance, constitutions and qualifying as a solicitor. long term sick at the Council public law. I wouldn’t be without where I was working at the time, it and would highly recommend it. The structure and content of the followed by the resignation of a course meant that it took me to Senior Solicitor. I was put into The qualification can be parts of the law and governance the position of supporting the undertaken at any stage of your that I had not yet encountered Chief Executive (who was the career and will ensure that you as a trainee or a newly qualified former head of law) at Council have solid technical foundations solicitor. Having studied, meetings when I was only 2 years from which to advise your completed and passed the qualified. I felt scared, privileged authority. The diploma will be Diploma I had knowledge beyond and excited by the opportunity. I particularly helpful if you want to my experience and that gave was well supported by the Chief be a Monitoring Officer and/or a me a personal confidence. I was Executive but was able to bring up Head of Legal in the future. able to offer insight and advice in to date his ‘rusty’ knowledge from matters that I had not previously the foundations that I had learnt As Alice’s former training experienced as I understood on the diploma. principal I am delighted to many if not all of the governance hear that she has found this pieces of the jigsaw that came into I am convinced that the qualification so useful. So watch play. It gave me both breadth and qualification has stood me in more out for Alice rising through the depth of knowledge. than good stead throughout my ranks….! career, allowing me to draw from pages 7&8
What is your current role and how long have What are the biggest challenges facing you you held this position? and your team at present? I am the Child Care Legal Team The volume of work and demand, Manager at Blackpool Council and have although we have been very fortunate held this position since 2 November to have been granted funding for ad- 2020. Prior to that I was at Blackburn ditional staff. For me personally, it has with Darwen Borough Council for been challenging starting a new job over a decade and was the Principal during Covid-19, trying to get to know Solicitor/Manager of the Child Care members of the Team and Council over Legal Team there for almost 8 years. MS Teams and the phone, and trying to provide effective support and super- What does your role currently involve? vision remotely when you have not had an opportunity to properly get to Day to day management, support and know individuals. This must be equal- supervision of a Team of 13 solicitors, ly difficult for the Team I manage (in lawyers and Legal Support Officers; particular the other new starters) and working closely with personnel I’m trying to promote socialisation and within Children’s Services with focus ensure everyone’s welfare is supported on policies and procedures; case whilst we work from home. allocation; regular liaison and meetings with the local judiciary and third party If you could create 1 new law, what would it be? sectors including CAFCASS, Health, the police and colleagues from other To ban poverty across the world with Lancashire based local authorities to an agreed minimal income for every- try to continually improve processes one. This would hopefully significantly and procedures around family justice. help individuals in third world coun- tries without access to food, water and How do you see your role and the work of shelter as well as those closer to home your team changing in the next decade? who struggle to make ends meet, and spread some joy and happiness. Not greatly unless there are some significant legislative or procedural What is the bravest thing you have ever done? changes. Demand is currently high and, unfortunately, I don’t anticipate that The bravest thing I have ever done was will change due to the likely economic coming out as gay to my parents when impact of Covid-19. I think the Team’s I was 27 years old. I was extremely work will mainly change due to tech- fearful of their reaction but they were nological advances and increasingly (unsurprisingly) wonderful and not in electronic and remote Court processes. the least bit bothered by it.
in profile Christian Williams -White New NWLC Board Member and Child Care Legal Team Manager at Blackpool Council pages 9 & 10
New UK Immigration System The UK’s new immigration system went live on 1 December 2020. DAC Beachcroft examine the changes. The UK’s new immigration system came into settled or settled status granted to EEA and force at 9am on 1 December 2020, which laid Swiss nationals and their family members out the detailed requirements that employers under the EU Settlement Scheme. The new and individuals now need to meet in order powers mean that those who have already to secure leave to enter or remain in the been granted settled or pre-settled status UK. Marking a significant shift from the past could still lose it if one of a number of the new system applies to EEA and Swiss triggers apply such as: nationals in the same way as third country nationals once the Brexit transitional period • cancellation being justified on the ground ended at 11pm on 31 December 2020. Some that it is conducive to the public good due of the key changes set out in the Home to the person’s future conduct; Office’s statement to Parliament are set out below. • whether or not to a person’s knowledge, false or misleading information, Powers to cancel, curtail or revoke status representations or documents were granted under the EU Settlement Scheme submitted in connection with their The Home Office have a wide range of new application for settled or pre-settled status powers to cancel, curtail or revoke pre- which was material to the outcome of their application;
• the person ceases to meet the important that they get legal advice when requirements of the EU Settlement Scheme; they do. or European nationals visiting the UK after • the person is liable to deportation but the end of the transitional period cannot be deported for legal reasons. From 1 January 2021, EEA and Swiss nationals who travel to the UK will need All of these powers are subject to the permission to work in the UK. As visitors, Secretary of State or an Immigration Officer they will only be permitted to carry out satisfying themselves that it is proportionate limited business activities such as: to cancel, curtail or revoke settled or pre- • Attending meetings, conferences, seminars settled status. or interviews; For the 3.7 million people already granted • Negotiate and sign deals and contracts; settled or pre-settled status, inevitably, some will be subject to their settled or pre-settled and status being taken away or cut short. If this • Carry out site visits and inspections. does happen, affected individuals will have a right to challenge the decision and it is Without being granted permission to work in the UK under the Immigration Rules HC pages 11 & 12
395 (as amended), EEA and Swiss visitors will not The maximum period of leave permitted under be allowed to take employment or do work for an Tier 2 (General) of six years has also now been organisation or business in the UK. Doing so would removed so that under the Tier 2 Skilled Worker be a breach of immigration law which is a criminal category, there is no restriction on the length of offence if the visitor knowingly breached the Visitor time applicants can spend in the UK under Tier 2 visa conditions. Skilled Worker. This, combined with the removal of the cooling off period, has redress some of the tricky Frontier workers i.e. EU, EEA or Swiss citizens who situations that applicants found themselves in under were employed in the UK prior to 31 December Tier 2 (General). 2020 but live elsewhere can apply for a frontier worker permit which will evidence their right to Tier 2 Intra-Company Transfer continue working in the UK after 31 December 2020. The renamed Tier 2 Intra-Company Transfer Applications for frontier work permits have opened visa allows long term transfers as well as short on 10 December 2020. term transfers which are now part of a structured graduate training programme. Swiss contractors, including companies and self- employed individuals, who have a pre-existing Under the new category, the cooling off period has contract will be permitted to come and carry out eased to allow applicants to have a Tier 2 Intra- work for 90 days a year up until 31 December 2025. Company Transfer visa for five out of six years or nine out of 10 years for high earners. As the category Tier 2 Skilled Worker category does not lead to indefinite leave to remain, applicants On 1 December 2020, the Tier 2 Skilled Worker can switch to Tier 2 Skilled Worker in order to start replaced the Tier 2 (General) visa category and a period of continuous residence leading up to became the main route to come and work in the UK. settlement which was not possible previously. There are significant new changes under the Tier Tier 2 Intra-Company Transfer still requires 2 Skilled Worker category which will streamline applicants to have worked outside the UK for the process for employers and allow for visas to their sponsor or a connected entity for at least 12 be obtained more quickly. Of these, the removal months (or 3 months for graduate transfers) with the of the Resident Labour Market Test will mean that exception of high earners. However, under the new employers will no longer have to advertise the role Immigration Rules, applicants can switch to Tier 2 they wish to sponsor. Instead, they will have to satisfy Intra-Company Transfer in a country where they the Home Office that the role is a genuine vacancy. have worked for the sponsor or a connected entity continuously and have the requisite duration of The skill level for jobs eligible for sponsorship have overseas employment. reduced from RQ6 (degree level) to RQF3 (A level) allowing more roles to be sponsored under the The salary and skill thresholds are not as Tier 2 Skilled Worker category than was previously advantageous as the Tier 2 Skilled Worker possible. In part, this has offset recruitment issues route, however, which makes the Intra-Company arising from the end of Free Movement and allowed transfer route less attractive from an immigration businesses to continue to recruit the skills they need. perspective. The minimum salary level has been lowered to Free immigration helpline for businesses £25,600 per annum although employers need to If you would like to discuss any of the above issues ensure that they pay the going rate for the job as with DAC Beachcroft’s Immigration Team, please feel specified in the occupation codes. Unlike the previous free to book a free 30 minute discussion through Tier 2 (General) category, points under the Tier 2 their website. Skilled Worker route are now tradable meaning that applicants can still qualify for a visa if they have desirable attributes such as PhD relevant to the role, the role being in the health or education sector, or the job being on the shortage occupation list.
Public Sector Exit Payments Sarah Lamont, Partner and employment law specialist at Bevan Brittan, tells us why the legal uncertainty of public sector exit payments has rolled into the new year.
Judicial review proceedings have LLG say that up to 86 percent of now been issued in an effort to end officers facing redundancy over the uncertainty over the £95,000 cap age of 55 are likely to be adversely on exit pay in the public sector that affected. came into force on 4 November 2020. The Government is clear that councils are not legally allowed to For local authorities, the timing of pay pension strain costs over the the implementation is particularly cap for employees being made difficult in relation to the impact of redundant. However, I do not the exit pay cap regulations on exits believe the Government’s position already planned or in progress. is sustainable. The cap is a cap on payments made by an employer Councils are facing the dilemma to an employee in respect of of an obligation under the Local their leaving employment. It does Government Pension Scheme not change the existing rights of (‘LGPS’) rules to make a pension employees to their pension. strain payment that exceeds the cap to an LGPS Fund to cover the cost Final updated guidance and HM of early retirement on redundancy, Treasury directions have also set but at the same time from being out the circumstances in which a prevented by the regulations from public authority may or must relax making that payment. the cap restrictions. Mandatory relaxation includes tribunal claims If those administering an LGPS where detriment is alleged under pension fund follow the regulations, employment and equal rights then they risk legal action from legislation – e.g. health and safety, employees who are not given the whistleblowing and discrimination. pension that they are entitled to receive. So what happens to pensions in this limbo period between the cap coming Lawyers in Local Government into force and pension scheme being (‘LLG’) and the Association of Local changed? With the LGPS consultation Authority Chief Executives and running until 18 December, changes Senior Managers (‘ALACE’) say that will not realistically be implemented in the absence of the Government for at least a few months, and the addressing “procedural and judicial review proceedings are substantive legal flaws’, they have unlikely to be listed until the new year. issued proceedings to quash the On 16 December MHCLG released its regulations. own guidance, but it does not solve this problem. An LGPS member who is made redundant over the age of 55 is Until there is more clarity, affected entitled to an unreduced pension. authorities may consider the The cost of that is not covered by best course of action is to simply normal pension contributions. delay any redundancies until the Instead the pension fund charges the regulatory and legal positions are employer a sum to cover the cost. settled. But that it not always going This is the pension strain payment to be feasible, leaving administering and it is this payment that is caught authorities and employers with up in the £95,000 cap. difficult choices to make. pages 15 & 16
Managing public law and financial issues Geldards takes a look at why good management of public law and financial issues is so important.
The recent decision of the section 151 officer of the London Borough of Croydon to issue a report under section 114 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 has highlighted the difficulties local authorities face in managing their finances at the same time as complying with their statutory obligations and delivering effective services to their communities. There has been speculation that other local authorities will find themselves in a similar position and CIPFA updated its guidance in the summer of 2020, encouraging chief finance officers to discuss their concerns with the Government and their local authorities before reaching the position of needing to issue a section 114 report. Section 114 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 imposes a personal duty on the chief finance officer of a local authority to make a report if it appears to him or her that the expenditure of their local authority in a financial year is likely to exceed the resources available to meet that expenditure. A local authority which receives such a report must meet and decide what action to take as a consequence and until it does so, the local authority must not enter into any new arrangement which may involve the incurring of expenditure unless the chief finance officer authorises it to do so. So, the issue of a section 114 report will have a severe effect on a local authority’s activities and local authorities will be keen to avoid receiving these. Local authorities have always faced pressures on their resources because of the high demand for their services. The effects of the coronavirus pandemic have increased these pressures. Local authorities have sometimes tried to address this situation by finding innovative ways to use their powers to generate income. However, some high profile examples of activities such as investments or use of companies has caused some concern about such arrangements and has shown the importance of considering all relevant information comprehensively before deciding to enter into them. It is therefore important for local authorities to ensure that they are able to manage their public law and financial responsibilities effectively. Steps that local authorities could take to ensure they are in a good position to address public law and financial issues are examined over the page. It is vital that local authorities get the balance right. As well as the risk of a section 114 report, local authorities who struggle to manage public law and financial issues could find it difficult to deliver services effectively and could find themselves subject to complaints and challenges to the lawfulness of their actions. pages 17 & 18
Step 1 Take account of pervasive Step 3 Have effective scrutiny duties arrangements Step 4 Local authorities should ensure that Local authorities should ensure Step 2 when they take decisions and plan that they have effective scrutiny projects, they take account of their arrangements and that they take pervasive duties as well as legal account of the messages that come issues relevant to the subject of the forward from scrutiny committees. particular project. These duties would include best value and the Consider your full range of public sector equality duty. Failure powers to comply with these duties could lead to challenges to decisions and When considering how to deliver to Government intervention. their services and manage their resources, local authorities should Make use of resources ensure that they consider the full range of their powers and that they Local authorities should make take account of any constraints and use of resources available to obligations associated with them. assist them with performance For example, local authorities have management. For example, the powers for charging and trading, Local Government Association which would provide scope for a has run initiatives to support peer range of activities. Local authorities challenges and local authorities would need to act reasonably in could make arrangements between the exercise of such powers, taking themselves to review and challenge account of all relevant matters, such performance management as any risks involved. arrangements.
Step 5Be clear about your Comply with all obligations Step 6objectives Local authorities need to ensure If local authorities are considering that they are in a solid position making changes to arrangements for in terms of complying with all the delivery of services, they need to their obligations and delivering be clear about their objectives and effective services before they how the proposed arrangements make innovations. An innovative will achieve these. They also need approach can be helpful in enabling to be clear about how they will local authorities to manage implement and monitor achievement resources and work effectively of the objectives. For example, but it is important that attempts to if they engage external service introduce innovations do not distract providers, they should ensure local authorities from meeting their that their contracts contain terms core responsibilities. and conditions that put the local authorities in a good position and that the local authorities are robust about exercising those rights.
Net Zero – but how? Simon Colvin of Weightmans LLP looks at the UK’s very significant plans to achieve net zero by 2050. In mid-November Boris Johnson announced risks are mapped, understood and managed. his ten-point green plan. This was followed In doing that, you can also play a role in by an announcement that the UK is to aim for identifying and delivering opportunities/ a 68% reduction in GHG emissions against a benefits that all of these changes will bring. 1990 baseline by 2030 – up from a previous 52% commitment. The Government also pub- What initial steps should you take? lished its long awaited Energy White paper. • Governance frameworks and structures What do all these recent announcements mean for those in local government? – which of your leaders will take ownership of net zero and related topics? Who are the Inaction is not an option. Climate change liti- stakeholders that need to be involved? gation is becoming more common – flooding • Benchmarking – where are you now and claims, challenges to development schemes what are the opportunities? and projects on the basis of climate change, • Target setting and pathway analysis – and personal injury claims connected with where do you want to be and how are you air quality are becoming much more fre- going to get there? quent. The very sad recently reported case • Road-map and action plan – what practical of Ella Kissi-Debrah where the coroner found steps are you going to take, when and how? air pollution contributed to her death in 2013 is a trend that will continue. Funding is always a sticking point, but there are multiple options because many schemes Those in local government will have a very will either help to save money, or they can significant role (i) delivering on their own generate income and pay for themselves. commitments, (ii) delivering schemes and As a result, there is often an opportunity to projects to ensure they meet relevant legal engage with the private sector to help deliver duties and obligations, and (iii) helping to projects and schemes. In addition, there are facilitate the transition in the geographical currently a wide number of different central areas that they are responsible for. Local Government grant funding options. government legal teams need to embed themselves in any initiatives within their Weightmans, in conjunction with the authorities focusing on these developments. environmental consultancy Ricardo, is You need to ensure legal obligations and delivering a series of webinars on this topic. See our website for further details.
pages 21 & 22
Black Lives Matter The social impact of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement have shown the need for councils to build communities where everyone feels valued and equal. Looking to the future, councils are committed to continuing to tackle inequalities and build community cohesion.
The President of Lawyers in Local Government The President of Lawyers in Local every one of us has a role to play in ensuring Government (LLG) has issued a statement of that systemic racism, discrimination, and solidarity with Black Lives Matter and made hatred isn’t tolerated.” a commitment to more than words. Baker added: “The death of George Floyd Quentin Baker said: “LLG is an organisation has exposed the inequalities still prevalent which serves a membership dedicated to in society. LLG vehemently opposes racism the rule of law, accountability, equalities, and and violent acts and stands in solidarity with open governance. We are proud to have a BAME communities. diverse membership, representing the very best legal professionals and governance “LLG commits to more than words. LLG officers within our sector. unequivocally believes that Black Lives Matter.” “We work in a field that champions, embraces, and promotes equality. Each and
Responses from our region The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority In June 2020 LCRCA’s Chief Executive 1. CA as Employer: The workstream will provided a mandate to investigate focus on the LCRCA workforce to: opportunities to reduce inequalities for • Develop a diverse, representative Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) workforce that promotes opportunity people across the Liverpool City Region for under-represented employees (LCR). • Increase the number of BAME staff in senior positions Work has since commenced via a working • Embed equality and diversity as an group to scope the opportunities available to integral part of the ethos and culture of LCRCA. Further to this initial scoping activity, the organisation a significant number of interdependent projects have been identified as areas for 2. CA as Commissioner - will focus on the action, and as a result the Race Equality “buying power” of LCRCA to: Programme will be initiated. • Improve the accessibility and take up of CA-funded programmes across The Race Equality Programme seeks to meet BAME residents the vision of “tackling systemic injustice • Embed consideration of race equality and inequality and driving forward positive in all policies, programmes and change for our BAME employees and interventions residents - influencing the partners we work • Deliver policy, programmes and inter- with to do the same”. The Programme is ventions that effectively narrow gaps supported by a Declaration of Intent, which between BAME and white residents once published will be a public facing organisational commitment to race equality. 3. CA as Civic Leader (lead Steve Rotheram, Metro Mayor) will optimise The Programme is now in the scoping and LCRCA’s role at the heart of the LCR to: initiation stages with time being invested • Listen to and amplify the voice of our in gathering a baseline evidence base and BAME communities cases for change to support a series of • Increase the number of organisations project interventions. The Programme will across the City Region prioritising race comprise three workstreams: equality • Support organisations to make positive change in the area of race equality pages 25 & 26
Blackpool Council Wigan Council This is the motion taken from the minutes On the 12 August 2020 at a full Council of the meeting of full Council at Blackpool meeting the Mayor made the following Council on 20 July 2020: statement; “We recognise that George Floyd’s death took Anti-racism Motion: place in the context of centuries of social ‘Council notes with deep concern the death deprivation and economic extraction that of George Floyd in the United States and have been endured by people of colour. We the demonstrations that followed against all have a responsibility to tackle racism. the police and state brutality towards black Wigan Council takes pride in a community people in America and around the world, committed to celebrating our diversity and including the United Kingdom. Council is opposing prejudice and racism.” At Wigan mindful of the systemic and institutional Borough Council a new tab for working racism that exists within society and the rise life was created that provides information in racial tensions it can provoke. regarding black history month and resources for all colleagues for education Council further notes the peaceful Black lives and to expand their understanding on matter demonstrations which took place in race and identity. Articles include “white the Borough and Lytham. privilege and how to be a good ally” and personal stories from people seeking Council resolves: asylum, adapting to life in a new country and • To confirm support for the anti-racist aims maintaining hope. Resources have also been provided to all colleagues who wish to not of Black Lives Matter and other anti-racism only educate themselves but their children campaigns in regards to the importance of anti-racism. • To reconfirm its commitment to eliminate We want to make Wigan a cohesive, multi- discrimination of any kind cultural society in which all differences are • To acknowledge its responsibility to work valued and celebrated. To achieve this we with our BAME community , have committed ourselves to the principles • To lead by example in tackling the issues of fairness and the valuing of diversity for of racism proactively by celebrating and everyone who lives, works, studies, invests embracing difference and diversity and to or visits Wigan. To support this an Equality ensure that Blackpool is a fair and tolerant and Diversity E-learning module is available place to live and visit’. to all staff
Salford City Council Sefton Council Salford City Council signed the Greater Throughout the month of October, we Manchester statement on the death of marked Black History Month by highlighting George Floyd and Black Lives Matter https:// historic moments, events, achievements www.greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk/news/ and contributions of black people in our greater-manchester-statement-on-george- communities and across Merseyside, as well floyd-and-black-lives-matter/. We also as shining a light on people who are striving participated in the lighting up of buildings for equality and diversity in our borough. across Great Manchester on the 5 June to show our respects and lit up Salford Civic Some of the highlights of this campaign Centre. On this occasion, some members of included the promotion of a lecture at the Salford’s Labour group of elected members Atkinson from internationally recognised took the knee outside the council building. black historian and writer Dr Nubia. His A picture of the building was on the Salford lecture focussed on a restored painting City Council twitter feed. During October, ‘The Triumph of Art’ by Nicolas Pierre Loir Salford held a successful Black History which was given to The Atkinson in the late Month event online. The planning was 19th century. The Triumph of Art by Nicolas supported by council officers and one of Pierre Loir was created as an allegory of the the councillors, although the event planning arts, a celebration of music, architecture, was led by the Caribbean African Health sculpture, portrait and history painting. Network in conjunction with a number of smaller black-led organisations active in the Sefton’s libraries celebrated Black History city. Salford’s Council of Voluntary Services Month by sharing archived pictures which supported with a small grant. The Council tell the story of black people who have lived, and Salford Clinical Commissioning Group worked or visited Sefton. This includes a gave financial support for further portraits picture of Emma Clarke from Bootle who was to be produced in the ‘Still I Rise’ project. Britain’s first female black footballer, playing https://www.allie-crewe.uk/still-i-rise. This for the British Women’s Team. The libraries showcases some of the black, Asian and digital service Borrow Box dedicated their minority ethnic staff working in the public October collection to black storytellers in the sector across the city through portraits UK & across the world from trailblazers to and stories. It highlights the contribution contemporary contributors. they make. In addition, the conjunction of the differential impact of Covid on the As part of our ongoing commitment to BAME community with the BLM movement promote fully inclusive workforces across ensured that we included ethnicity as an the borough, during Black History Month element of personal risk assessments for external organisations were able to access staff to be conducted before returning to our comprehensive ‘Equality and Diversity’ front line roles. The events of the summer training programme at a discounted rate of were discussed by the BME staff group and 50%. This is mandatory for Sefton Council have led to conversations between them staff who can sign up via the MeLearning and senior management. These discussions website. continue and are expected to influence some forthcoming work of HR and across the senior management in recognition of the issues that impact on the experiences of BAME staff. pages 27 & 28
Warrington Council “I know many of us will feel helpless or not know how best to offer support. Visit The council stood with Warrington’s the Black Lives Matters website to find out black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) how you can share vital information and communities by lighting up the Town Hall educational resources and sign petitions to purple, and flying the flag at half-mast, to show your support. support the Black Lives Matter movement on Thursday 4 June. “We stand not just in memory of George Floyd, but all other black lives lost to Black Lives Matter is a global campaign brutality and racial injustice. To our black against violence and systemic racism communities: I will never know the struggles towards black and ethnic minority people. It you go through – but I see you, and I am with has been the driving force behind protests you.” taking place across the world following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Warrington Ethnic Communities Association Minneapolis police officer. (WECA) secretary, Mo Hussain, said: “The protests in America may feel thousands There has been worldwide outrage after a of miles away, but they are asking for the video showing the officer kneeling on Mr fundamental right to live, be safe and be free. Floyd’s neck went viral. Protests have been These are the simple requests that we as held in several cities across the globe. a global community should have a right to expect. Cllr Hitesh Patel, Cabinet member responsible for equalities, said: “We can’t be “Warrington has always been a town that an inclusive society if we stay silent when tries to break down barriers, build social we see these injustices. If you are neutral in cohesion and unite communities while these situations, you have chosen the side of celebrating our diversity. the oppressor. If you remain silent when you see these heart-breaking injustices, you are “We will always stand in solidarity with compliant. those who feel they have no other choice other than to protest peacefully and fight for “At a time when the world should be coming a more equal place in the world.” together to overcome coronavirus, the disturbing issue of institutionalised racism and violence against black people has reared its ugly head and split our global family.” Leader of the Council, Cllr Russ Bowden, added: “Warrington is proud to be a safe, welcoming and diverse town where any form of discrimination or hate speech isn’t welcome. Our values have and always will be about diversity, inclusivity and tolerance, and it is everyone’s responsibility to take a stand against racism.
pages 11 & 12
And from our Partner Firms….
DAC Beachcroft charity 91 Ways to Build a Global City, to share the connective power of food and community ACCESS is DACB’s employee network and and celebrate and enjoy Sudanese culture. is dedicated to the promotion of racial We also hosted a lunchtime webinar with diversity within the Firm and to support the a leading local barrister and the managing increased representation of Black and Asian Director of GapSquare to discuss equality and and Minority Ethnic (BAME) colleagues. diversity in the law. Working with Inclusive To commemorate Black History Month in Employers, we will be holding a series of October, ACCESS ran a series of events facilitated conversations about race to share to celebrate, focusing on the themes of experiences and encourage confidence in Education, Food and Music, and encouraged talking about race in the workplace. everyone across the firm to get involved! This year’s celebrations came at a time Geldards when the issues of racial division and inequality in society were high on the public Geldards is committed to ensuring a agenda, so this year’s Black History Month consistently discrimination free workplace, came at an opportune time. DACB has promoting equality and diversity within also recently announced their support for our organisation but also in the wider #10000BlackInterns, a programme that will communities in which we work and live. help transform the horizons and prospects of Promoting a culture which supports equal young Black people in the UK through paid opportunities and diversity is not just about work experience, training and development. responding to legislation or regulation. By Please see below to view articles and videos working towards the elimination of prejudice DACB has published about Black Lives Matter. and discrimination, Geldards is able to ensure • BlackLives Video it provides a first class service to our clients, • Black Lives Matter – the new #MeToo? all staff feel valued and we are representative • Strictly Boardroom – why dancing around of our communities. All staff undergo robust training at induction and annual refresher diversity and inclusion is a risk for D&Os training which includes a review of their understanding as well as broadening Bevan Brittan understanding of issues around diversity. To ensure we maintain a diverse and At Bevan Brittan we demonstrably and representative workforce we have adopted actively value and promote equality, diversity an “Unconscious Bias” policy in our and inclusion. We are committed to creating recruitment and rolled out training to all a culture where everyone feels comfortable recruiting managers, Partners and Board being themselves and has equal access Members. This means that in our graduate to opportunities. We recognise that racial and other key recruitment areas, assessment inequality and discrimination are problems is “scored blind” with names and other for the UK as well as the USA and we will identifiable information removed (i.e. schools, not be silent. Through our Diversity Policy education etc.). As a firm we promote Black and our Diversity Vision & Strategy we are History Month internally and on social committed to equality, to actively improve media. Throughout the month a series of the diversity of our workforce and be a truly initiatives are undertaken to educate and inclusive place to work. We know that there is inform colleagues including sharing articles, more for all of us to do. We have created a live information and media recommendations directory of resources including articles, films on inspirational books and movies. Along and books to support our staff in educating with many law firms, we also posted and themselves. Our dedicated programme of shared social media recognising the Black Diversity & Inclusion events and initiatives Lives Matter campaign and the tragic included Black History Month; to mark the death of George Floyd at the time of the event this year, we hosted a live ‘cook along’ demonstrations. over Zoom with Houria and local Bristol pages 31 & 32
Free NWLC training 2021 Child Care – Placing A Planning Update 2021 Child Abroad Bevan Brittan (online) Weightmans (online) 11.00am - 12.00pm 27.01.21 12.00pm - 1.00pm 22.01.21 Topics include Includes CPD points. Topics include • Changes to use classes • The steps required for an international • Changes to permitted development rights kinship placement. • Other proposed changes to the planning • Obtaining mirror orders or ensuring system (including standard method for recognition of orders in another state. assessing need and small sites threshold) • Possible barriers to placement. • The significant changes proposed in the • Case law. summer’s Planning White Paper. Property: Electronic Information Governance: Communications Code & Data Sharing & FOI Property Law Geldards (online) Geldards (online) 11.00am - 12.00pm 24.02.21 11.00am - 12.00pm 03.02.21 Topics include: Topics include: • Data sharing by local authorities • Electronic Communications Code • An update on Freedom of Information • Recent developments in property law • Decisions of note
Construction & Engineering: Regeneration Update Adult Social Care Guide to NEC contracting Geldards (online) Bevan Brittan Bevan Brittan (online) 11.00am - 12.00pm 24.03.21 (online) 11.00am - 12.00pm 02.03.21 A look at legal and practical issues 10.30am - 11.30am Topics include: affecting regeneration. Topics include: 08.04.21 • Overall Structure of the NEC Contract • The practicalities of planning and • Importance of the Project Manager delivering regeneration projects Topics include: • Managing risk • Identifying and addressing objectives. • Adult safeguarding • Matters that affect programme and cost • Local authority powers • Self neglect • Completion / Take Over / early use • Property and public law issues relevant to • Dual care pathways • The Defects regime land in regeneration projects • Community safety • Mental capacity issues. State Aid and Governance Employment Law Large Scale Subsidy Control Update 2021 Round Up & TUPE Procurements post-Brexit Bevan Brittan DAC Beachcroft Weightmans DAC Beachcroft (online) (online) (online) (online) 11am - 12pm 11.05.21 10am - 11am 19.05.21 10am - 11am 10.06.21 10am - 11am 21.04.21 Topics include: A round-up of latest The whole procurement Exploring the implications • The new code of conduct employment law develop- lifecycle, including; pro- for State Aid and Subsidy • Reorganisation ments plus a look forward curement phase, robust control now the UK has left • The impact of the White to 2021, together with a contracts, effective contract the Transition Period. Paper TUPE update for public management, and termina- • Climate change - post-covid sector practitioners. tion, expiry & exit planning. pages 33 & 34
Webinars on demand Inquests in Practice Bevan Brittan, from 19/08/20 Click here to view Topics include: • Update on recent cases • Overview of the Chief Coroner’s Guidance, including looking at the role of PPE • Giving evidence at inquests during the Pandemic Highways - What Are They? Information Law and Governance DAC Beachcroft, from 26/08/20 Click here to view DAC Beachcroft, from 02/09/20 Click here to view Topics include: • What is a highway Topics include: • S38 and S278 Agreements (and interaction • Key areas of risk facing local authorities with s106) • Trends in statistics for data breaches and • Highways Adoption, extent and enforcement action responsibilities (including culverts) • Reflections on the GDPR • Advanced Payment Codes • Case law update • Horizon scanning: upcoming legislation
Key Issues in Construction SEND - Where Are We Now? SEND - Where Contracts Part 1 Are We Now? Part 2 DAC Beachcroft, from 16/09/20 Bevan Brittan, from 17/09/20 Click here to view Click here to view Bevan Brittan, from 17/09/20 Topics include: Topics include: • Extensions of time • Taking stock of SEND post-lockdown Click here to view • Practical Completion • Education and SEND, as schools open-up • Defects Liability • Education and Health Care plans Topics include: • Retention • Tribunals for SEND See SEND Part 1. • Tips for dealing with SEND disputes PM SRA’s Standards and Changes Permitted by Using a Contract Regulations Procurement Law to Manage Your Supplier Geldards and SRA, from 29/09/20 DAC Beachcroft, from 04/11/20 DAC Beachcroft, Click here to view Click here to view from 17/09/20 Topics include: Topics include: Click here to view The SRA look at the headline changes in the This session focuses on key aspects of new Standards and Regulations, including contracts which are typically of relevance Topics include: the principles, the two codes, guidance during the life of the contract, including Important aspects which on tricky areas, and what it means for implementation plans, dispute resolution, are typically of relevance individual solicitors. supplier defaults and remedies, contract during the life of the variations and termination rights. contract. pages 35 & 36
The NWLC partner added value offer 2020 - 2024 We are pleased to bring together the NWLC Partner Added Value offer for NWLC members from our 4 Partner firms.
1 Free advice 4 Meeting partner firms - added value offer NWLC members benefit rooms from expert legal advice & vid con and insight from our Partner firms. These includes free Our Partner firms and initial advice or ‘off the clock’ their network of offices advice. offer NWLC members free access to meeting rooms, 2 Knowledge and other facilities including sharing video conferencing. These can also support wider NWLC members benefit events including social and from a range of knowledge networking for members. management resources from our Partner firms, including 5 Secondments free access to legal research, & people access to legal libraries and development document precedents. Our Partner firms offer a 3 Free legal wide range of additional training development opportunities, & updates including secondments, In addition to the Annual job swaps, shadowing Training Programme, and mentoring. These NWLC members can also opportunities give NWLC access wider legal training, members further legal legal updates, briefings, insight and support people publications and alerts on development and retention. a wide range of topics from our Partner firms. These updates and training help you and your wider teams keep up to date on legal developments, key issues, and abreast of changing legislation. pages 37 & 38
Get in touch: your key partner firm contacts Lot 1 - Civil Litigation, Lot 2 - Property, Planning Prosecutions and and Environment Regulatory Kathryn Lawrance Judith Hopper Bevan Brittan Bevan Brittan [email protected] [email protected] 0370 194 8940 0370 194 5488 Alison Key Jonathan Griffiths DACB Geldards [email protected] [email protected] 0161 934 3166 029 2039 1723 Paul Hilsdon Andrew Roberts Geldards Weightmans [email protected] [email protected] 01332 378351 0151 243 9840 Clive Bleasdale Weightmans [email protected] 0151 242 7995
Lot 3 - Corporate Govern- Lot 4 - Projects, partner firms - added value offer ance, Ethical Standards & Procurement & Commercial Information Law David Hutton Judith Barnes Bevan Brittan Bevan Brittan [email protected] [email protected] 0370 194 8927 0370 194 5477 Ioan Davies Stephen Hocking DACB DACB [email protected] [email protected] 0113 251 4861 020 7894 6572 Tiffany Cloynes Clare Hardy Geldards Geldards [email protected] [email protected] 01332 378302 029 2039 1766 Vincent King Simon Goacher Weightmans Weightmans [email protected] simon.goacher@weightmans. com 0113 213 4159 0151 243 9582 Lot 5 - Social Care and The NWLC Partner Added Education Value Offer 2020 – 2024 is accessible to NWLC members Hannah Taylor Bevan Brittan The combined Partner Firm [email protected] offer provides an overview of 0370 194 3046 added value, and individual Partner firm offers can be Stephen Hocking accessed in the secure area of DACB the NWLC website. [email protected] 020 7894 6572 For further information, please contact: Beryl Heath, Contract Morris Hill Development Manager, on Weightmans 07816 531936 [email protected] 0151 242 7990 pages 39 & 40
Bevan Brittan More great webinars You can view our full scheduled for 2021 training programme on page Have you attended one of 33. If you have a topic you our webinars? Many of you would like us to cover, please have and provided very do let us know and we will positive feedback. As we seek to address popular enter 2021, our webinar ideas within in the Spring series will continue to event series. provide updates on a range of key topics. All our webinars will be delivered ‘Live’ with links to We begin the year with recordings available from discussions on Rent arrears the NWLC website. - Options for Landlords, and a Planning update which We look forward to seeing at will look at the proposed a webinar in the near future. changes outlined in the White Paper. DAC Beachcroft Partner Added Value Social Value Project collaboration within our Offer: We are pleased this update local communities and month to launch the ‘THE As part of our commitment across the wider consortium NWLC PARTNER ADDED as a consortium to social membership. VALUE OFFER 2020 – 2024’. value, our Partner firms will Our Partner firms have be sharing their activity For further information come together to offer to support a ‘NWLC social and ideas, please contact NWLC consortium members value annual report’ which Rebecca Richter at DAC additional services which will be launched in 2021. Beachcroft. add value to members. This will capture some of the great work our Partner Over the next editions of firms are actively promoting NWLC Quarterly, we will be and engaged with, including spotlighting different areas community work, pro-bono, of added value available to social mobility & inclusion, members. For more, please sustainability and talent. It contact Rebecca Richter at will also allow us to identify DAC Beachcroft. opportunities for potential
Geldards partner firms - value added The Geldards public In terms of wider support sector team continue to to the Consortium we are provide a range of valuable currently working closely services for all consortium with the NWLC Management members as well as working Board in the development with the Management Board and publication of the on a number of specialist Consortium Quarterly and projects to add further value have received lots of positive to the Consortium. feedback about the look, feel and the content. The For Consortium members challenge for us now is services will include; to keep it interesting and • Updates and Briefings varied so we welcome any • Webinars suggestions or news you feel • Free Initial Consultation would be of interest to the • Bespoke Training / Forums Consortium members. • Special Projects / Strategic Support Weightmans Introducing our new which will enable any Precedent Service member authority to submit Weightmans is leading on a request for a specific the new NWLC Precedent precedent at any time. We Service which will be stored hope that this be a valuable on the Consortium website. addition to the added value All Partner firms will support offer for the consortium. We’ll this by contributing a range be updating you on progress of precedents which will with this new service in be available to download future editions. for free to staff from member organisations. The precedents will be tailored for the use of member organisations and their work areas. We also plan to develop the service to include a request service pages 41 & 42
The cost of accountability Llinos Davies of Geldards takes a closer look at the Draft Building Safety Bill, expected to come into force in autumn 2021
The draft Building Safety Bill is be required to cooperate with the partner firms - updates expected to come into force in the regulator by sharing information. Autumn of 2021 and will apply to all higher-risk buildings, which includes Under the new legislation, the new multi-occupied residential landlord will be able to recover buildings over 18 metres, or more costs associated with performing its than six storeys above the ground obligations from the tenant under level in height. The draft bill has a separate service charge heading been the subject of much discussion called ‘building safety charges’. given its impact on landlords and tenants alike. In this article, we will Amongst other things, the draft look at the main changes introduced legislation requires the landlord to: by the draft bill and will touch on • Prepare and serve a building safety how the bill is expected to impact specifically on local authorities. budget (distinct from existing service charge budgets), prior to demanding The bill creates a new statutory building safety charges; role – ‘the accountable person’ who • Prepare and serve an additional will be responsible for repairing budget if additional costs are to the common areas of any higher- be demanded from the tenants risk building, assessing building (demands cannot be served more safety risks, appointing a building than once in any three-month period); safety manager and preparing and • Hold any sums received from implementing a resident engagement tenants in respect of building safety strategy. The accountable person charges in a designated account on in some instances will be a local trust to pay for the work; and authority in circumstances where it • Prepare reconciliation accounts holds legal title to the common parts within 28 days of the end of the of a qualifying building or is under relevant service charge accounting an obligation to repair the common period, providing details of the works parts. carried out and the cost, along with information about sums remaining in The bill also creates a new regulator the account. who will ensure that the accountable person is carrying out their duties in The bill introduces an implied accordance with the new legislation covenant into long residential leases and will also oversee the safety and of high risk buildings, requiring the performance of all buildings that fall landlord (if it is the accountable within the scope of the legislation. person), to carry out the prescribed The bill tasks the regulator with building safety measures, cooperate overseeing the performance of other with other accountable persons and building control bodies, including to apply for any available grants or local authorities, by collecting data financial support in respect of the on their performance and allows cost of complying with the measures the regulator to impose sanctions in the bill. The draft bill also for poor performance. In addition, introduces an implied covenant that Local Authorities, notably the the tenant will allow the landlord building control teams, will also be access for the purpose of inspecting expected to assist the regulator in the safety measures, and that it the making major regulatory decisions tenant will also pay within 28 days of alongside organisations such as the demand the building safety charges. Fire and Rescue Service and Health once a quarter. and Safety Executives, and will also pages 43 & 44
The EU transition period has end- Contracting authorities will need to ensure that< ed. The Public Contracts Regulations they are aware of the changes to the practical 2015 (PCR) have been amended to re- flect the UK’s status outside the EU and arrangements for public procurement, following the to give effect to the WTO Government end of the transition period on 31 December 2020. Changes include the need to publish notices on the Procurement Agreement which the UK e-notification Find A Tender service. The UK UK has now acceded to. Section 6(2) of the European Union (Withdrawal) Government has published a Procurement Policy Note, Act 2018 says that a court or tribunal 10/20 Public Procurement after the transition period ‘may have regard to anything done on ended on 31 December 2020, which is available here. or after the end of the transition peri- od by the European Court, another EU 01 entity or the EU so far as it is relevant < 02 to any matter before [them]’. Many public procurement cases are judge- ments of the European Courts (Teckal; Hamburg Waste; Helmut Muller etc.) and it will now be interesting to see the extent to which the UK courts will continue to have regard to them. You can assist your Empty Homes < 03 Team and Environmental Health Officers to bring empty homes back into use, using Enforced Sales. The enforced sale route can provide faster results than embarking on a Compulsory Purchase, to bring an empty home back into use where its owner has neglected to maintain it. It enables you to recover all of your costs from the sales proceeds, including the cost of repair works and sale.
04 > DACB Contributes to Government flood review. On 5 November 2020 the Government published Amanda Blanc’s independent Review into flood insurance following the November 2019 Doncaster floods. Her thorough analysis of insurance coverage in the area (available for download here) makes 12 recommendations, that will now be considered by Government. The review highlights that some policies still exclude cover for flooding despite these falling within Flood Re’s remit. The Report states that tenants (of which there are a higher number in more deprived communities) were poorly protected. It suggests requiring landlords to secure cover for tenants in the event the property is uninhabitable as well as reducing the Flood Re premium for low income households. More broadly, the Review recommended that Flood Re, the Environment Agency and the ABI engage with communities to improve awareness of the risks and the options available. This would not only close the protection gap but improve customer confidence in the insurance industry. DAC Beachcroft welcomed the opportunity to submit a detailed paper to the Review. At a Glance In brief: legal tips from our partner firms pages 45 & 46
Latest from the trainee forum
On Tuesday 8 December NQs, and will report back on progress. We trainee update trainee solicitors, and legal received feedback from the group executives from across the that some trainees found themselves consortium organisations met up out of their depth with some training for a lunchtime virtual meeting with courses, particularly if the course myself and Harriet. There was a was pitched more as an update. great turn out and it was a lovely As such, we will discuss with the opportunity to put names to faces. Board the possibility of identifying We hope that in the coming months the level each course is intended to we can meet in person and get to be delivered at so that it is clear to know each other better. trainees whether knowledge of the subject is assumed before they book Harriet and I discussed the work on to the course. we have been doing with two of our partner firms, Geldards and DAC Another suggestion which came Beachcroft, where we have been from an NQ in the group was exploring the possibility of pulling a mentor system. The group together a trainee/NQ specific discussed how trainees approaching training programme. From speaking qualification would benefit from with these firms this is something speaking to someone in a different they already have in place for their organisation for independent own trainees and the programmes guidance and advice about their tend to focus on “soft skills” such as career progression. Trainees networking, pitching to clients, and and NQs talked about how it can developing a profile on Linkedin etc. sometimes be difficult to have those conversations with people from We touched on social events, but within their organisation. obviously for the time being these are limited and as such progress has Harriet and I hope that 2021 will stalled in this respect. be an exciting year in which we can make some real progress in the The most important part of the support offered to Trainees and NQs meeting for myself and Harriet was across the consortium. listening to suggestions the group had for trainee/NQ support. We are going to discuss two of these ideas at the next Management Board meeting If you are a trainee solicitor or legal executive or a NQ and you wish to get involved in this group or learn more please contact either [email protected] [email protected] pages 47 & 48
WFH photo competition: results! Runner up: Sian from Sefton Runner up: Harriet from Wigan Runner up: Sophie from Wigan Borough Council making full use of Borough Council and her Borough Council and her hallway her Company Law 2015 Textbook. “working” dog. office. Runner up: Dan from Wigan Runner up: Courage from South Borough Council looking comfy in Lakeland Council with not one but his light and airy office space. three screens