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Home Explore Managed Service and Portal EMRO

Managed Service and Portal EMRO

Published by ECommerce-MRO, 2018-04-14 04:36:26

Description: Managed Service and Portal EMRO

Keywords: e-mro,engineering,online,mro,products,e-commerce


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ECommerce-MRO Making a difference toyour business

Our View on MROPROCUREMENTAt ECommerce-MROwe dont just sellonline.We provide a widerange of servicesdesigned to supportyour business

The process of effective and efficient quality service. In many instances • Post Purchase Activities: A veryprocurement has always been the key driver best price is not always the best important function and a functionof Ecommerce-MRO LTD, and was the reason option, and this is why we have a you can easily analyse via ourfor starting the business and is the reason for big emphasis on service support online ordering portal, we willour success. Most business’s have a goal of and a proactive management of enable you to better understandstreamlining their process’s. We have a built our supply chain agreements. your buying trends within yourour business to properly stream line your business. We are then in aprocurement processes. • Purchasing: This is the most stronger position to support the streamlined process within our negotiating process for productsAnother key factor is to minimise friction in business, with only a few clicks of you use.purchasing processes. Our approach to this is the mouse your orders can bevery clear and well defined. This will almost placed. This is not only received by • OEM Conversions: Are made simple, ascertainly minimise any risks or concerns us it will be received directly by is the identification of obsoleterelated to your procurement process. our manufacturer or suppl y products. Working with us will partners speeding up delivery support the KPIs most businessI have been asked on many occasions “how times and ordering. wants to achieve, such as costam I able to do what I do and be a small savings, energy efficiencies, stockbusiness” the answer is simple. I understand control and reductions of stockthe market and I work hard at working smart. held in store.We are not just a website, the bespokecustomer portals is what makes us standalone compared to any other similar business.Procurement ProcessThis function is and should be at the verytop of the agenda as it will be built withinany company’s strategy and very muchvital for any company’s ability tocontinue operations.• Planning: Our planing processes will identify your requirements and will integrate into your product specifications. We have already researched much of the current MRO suppl y market and will continue our research to identify the best possible suppliers for our customers.• Negotiating: We are committed to sourcing the best prices for our customers whilst maintaining our commitment to providing a high

OPTIMISATION OF YOUR PROCUREMENT PROCESS 2. What are key questions to ask about current processes?Understanding the Current State of Procurement Once the current stage of the function is determined, it may be pertinent to further understand the way things are at status quo.Given its importance and sensitivity, the procurement process for To achieve this, several pointed questions can be asked andany company needs to be streamlined, smooth and efficient. But to answered. These questions, when asked regularly, also ensure thatachieve this, there needs to be dedicated time, resources and a lot the procurement function continues to operate at an optimal level.of hard work. Though it may appear simplistic, enhancing a These questions can include the following:procurement function is a complicated endeavour. • Is the procurement function working effectively withThe first thing to assess is where to begin from. If the two key business units to support overall company strategy?factors of time and necessary resources are assumed to beavailable, the point of initiation still needs to be determined. • Is it possible to generate reports accurately or in timely manner regarding different categories or purchases?According to consulting firm PwC, there are some importantquestions that need to be answered before any activity to this end • Is there a short term plan to reduce all possible operationalcan begin. These include: expenditures?1. What is the maturity level of the procurement function? • Is there a system to manage suppliers in a strategic manner and to measure the value that they add to the business? • Informal Stage: The focus here is usually on transactions for purchase with budget and price being key metrics. • Are negotiations with suppliers effective? Procurement may be a non-strategic element at this point and there are probably limited systems and • Are there specific and separate processes in place for the process. The function performs as a buyer with no value purchase of both generic commonly used items and addition to the organisational goals as a whole. specialised ones? • Control Stage: At this point, some initial processes may be • Is procurement involved in strategic discussions regarding defined and suppliers limited to a few key ones. The role investments and design? has shifted from that of a buyer to more of a negotiator. • Is there a risk management program to ensure the • Integration Stage: By now, procurement may be handled by continuation of business? cross functional teams. Systems are in place to handle procurement activities and procurement is seen as a It is clear that improving a procurement process is not an easy strategic function. task and there are several complex steps involved in the activity even before it formally begins. But given its criticality to business • Optimisation: The teams have moved beyond cross- operations, these steps need to be taken in order to reduce the functional with links developed with service departments risk of lost business, money and time. as well as R&D if relevant. Supplier management programs are in place to bring a focus on continuous According to the PwC report, improvement. Systems are fully automated. Supply markets are subject to research and testing. “Without a mature, strategic procurement function to influence, control and report on organisational spending, it is impossible for a business to fully leverage its total purchasing power and create the value and service levels required from third party suppliers.”

Optimising Processes With the worlds economics constantly your procurement process and helping evolving, doing what you've always done you with the following:Once the current place in the however well you do it is no longerprocurement lifecycle is assessed, the acceptable. Under the forever increasing Establish your supply chaincurrent processes evaluated and the pressures to contain and reduce costsdecision made to begin optimising, the and to achieve results irrespective of any can begin the actual work of challenging circumstance, you muststreamlining the procurement function. evolve to transform rather than simply A council's purpose is to clearly give improve. That simply means adopting direction and align your supply chainThe following basic process can be used the best practices. strategy with your company's overallto this end: strategy. We will help you select and We aim to be the best in class supply appoint members with some keyThe first logical step in this activity is to map chain organisation. We have not adopted business figures necessary. Foundingcurrent processes. During this, the process is the best practices we have built our your council will install within yourvisually drawn out from beginning to end in business model around the best organisation a sense of direction to allthe form of flow charts. The drawing begins practices. Therefore, we can support you the stake holders related to thewith several boxes showing the flow of in your implementation of stream lining procurement process. Cont….activities with decision points beinghighlighted. The process begins with requestfor proposals and ends with the consumptionof the purchased itemsOnce the process is laid out visually, itbecomes easier to identify any redundantstages as well as possibilities for automation.The point of this exercise is to help theprocess run faster with better quality and lesspossible choke points or delays. Thisimprovement should also help respond tocustomer needs faster and manage suppliersbetter.Once it is clearl y decided whereimprovements and automation can beincluded in the process, the company canmake the decision to buy or createprocurement software. A procurement systemhelps ensure that the processes are run asthey should be regardless of the peopleinvolved within.Different companies have different types ofoperations and way of work. This can helpdecide whether the procurement function willbe stand alone and centralised, or dividedamong different functional areas.

Align your supply chain.It can be difficult to organise the supply chain function for MRO in away that will maximise effectiveness and bring benefits to thecompany. Embedded in ECommerce-MRO is a proficient supply chainmanagement process.Suitable whether you have multiple locations and need support forall locations or specific locations or need to establish a centralisedprocurement operation. We have a clear communication andrelationship management process and are always thinkingstrategically and focusing on creating value for our customers.Making technology work for you.We have utilised all the latest technologies in our web-basedsystems we believe this approach to be a more proactive andproductive way of doing things. With only one system we can reporton a range of processes from our supplier/manufacturer partners oryou as a customer.Dedicated Online PortalAs part of our managed service package we provide our customerswith a dedicated online ordering portal. We can tailor the portal tosuit your business. On our website we may appear as just anothercompany selling products online, however in our case we are muchmore than this. Our web-based system has been strategically builtwith all the procurement process’s in mind. Configured and designedto work alongside your processes. Our system will help you bettermanage your supply chain.Established alliances with key partners.One of our main objectives of being a best-in-class company is toensure we continue to work closely with suppliers and manufacturersto achieve the best prices for our customers. It is better for you tohave a small group of suppliers and for your suppliers to havemultiple sourcing routes, at ECommerce-MRO we can offer that toyou.

Strategic sourcing.Collaborative working with our customers produces betterresults.Our approach to this way of working is slightly different to whatis on offer from some suppl y partners or procurementmanagement business’s.By designing each managed service to suit or customers wefocus on what is important to you such as; fixing your supplychain issues. We then build with you your own dedicated andtailored portal designed for you as a business to manage withoutthe need of paying management fees year on year.Total cost of ownership (TCO)A benefit of using our managed services is that it shifts the focusfrom looking only at the purchase price to understanding thetotal cost of owning a product or service.As we aim to be best-in-class for your procurement process wedo not simply just abandon the process of comparison quotes.We use this data to gain better leverage for you while alwaysconsidering the other key factors. 1. Operating costs 2. Training costs 3. Maintenance costs 4. Transportation costs 5. Quality 6. EnvironmentalInventory ManagementWe constantly review the inventory allocated to any individualcustomer to maintain an optimal level. The costs created by poorplanning for holding excess inventory for a 12 month period canbe in some instances 60% of the TCO.

Support ServicesSupport when you need it everytime Thousands of products at fantastic prices Technical Support on hand online or face to face Stock control systems to support an engineering stores department Virtual Online product management system to aid stock control and purchasing

ContactECommerce-MROContact us for more information on all of ourservices and products.E: [email protected]: 02380 253645W:

ECommerce-MRO Making a difference toyour business

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