Hove Lawns, Brighton and Hove - 10th and 11th September 2016www.sportandfitnessshow.com 01273 200434 www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
We are proud to present... The Sport and Fitness Show Hove Lawns, Saturday 10th—Sunday 11th SeptemberThe free for the public to attend, Sport and Fitness Show is expecting over 25,000 sporty,active and health loving individuals. The outdoor show will be packed with the widestrange of sports and fitness demos, interactive ‘have a go’ activities and a fun stage, jampacked with classes for you to join in. Showcasing a wide range of sports such as archerytag, netball, football and quidditch, there’s something for everyone at the Sport andFitness Show. Companies already involved include Zumba® Fitness, BMW, Zone3, FreedomLeisure and High 5 Sports Nutrition. We are also delighted to be supported by Heart Radio,This Girl Can, The Argus, amongst others. Brighton and Hove Triathlon Hove Lawns, Sunday 11th SeptemberThe official Brighton and Hove Triathlon will cater for up to 1,500 participants, and willoffer a sea swim, followed by a closed roads looped cycle along the coast and ending witha run along Hove Promenade. Organised by the London 2012 Olympic CompetitionManager, John Lunt, the event will be hosting various waves such as a WomenOnly wavesponsored by Heart Radio and supported by This Girl Can and Triathlon’s first Rainbowwave. The event will also host the Inter Regional Championships and a Draft Legal race.www.sportandfitnessshow.com 01273 200434 2Some of the fantastic brands we are working with so far www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
Our VisitorsFREE Entry for Public = 25,000 visitorsover the weekend at The Sport and Fitness Show and TriathlonSports Market in South East Target Audience Annual consumer spend on Average visitor spend in sport in the South East Brighton and Hove per 48 £2.5 billion hours £251.12Annual consumer spend on One fifth of Brighton’ssport participation in the tourists come from LondonSouth East £524 millionTriathlete’s average salary 72% of Brighton’s visitors fall£48,900 into the most affluent ABC1 socio-economic groupBrighton is the most Average number of There are 70,000 popular seaside visitors to Brighton people that live resort in the UK per day = 23,288 within a 10 minute walk from Hove Lawns How active is the South East? 38% of adults in South East The South East has one of the UK’sparticipate in sport at least once a highest physical activity rates for week, compared to 35.2% children national average 01273 200434 3www.sportandfitnessshow.com www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
Who’s InvolvedJohn LuntTriathlon guru and Competition Manager for the London 2012Olympic games, overseeing the highly successful Men’s andWomen’s Triathlon in Hyde Park. John was the CompetitionManager for the Manchester Commonwealth Games in 2002only two years after Triathlon featured in the Olympics for thefirst time.Lisa ClaytonLisa has an extensive working history of over 17 years,organising all aspects of music, theatre and live events. Anactive runner, Lisa lives in Kemptown, where she is raising hertwo sons.Charlie HepburnCharlie is Managing Director and Founding Partner of eventagency; Vivid Event Group, based in Hove. Charlie often takespart in local marathons and enjoys sea swims. He and his wifelive in Hove with their two children and are involved within thelocal community.Julia St. JohnExpert in the business management, operational, commercialand marketing activities. Former COO and CFO of Human Raceand over 20 years financial experience for a broad range ofbusinesses including Virgin Media, Barclays Capital and PAConsulting.Josie PetherHaving previously worked in one of the UK’s top live event 4agencies, Josie will be leading the operations and marketing ofthe Sport and Fitness show and Brighton and Hove Triathlon.www.sportandfitnessshow.com 01273 200434 www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
Our Location Brighton and HoveBrighton is one of the UKs most active, health conscious cities. Less than an hour awayfrom London, it’s renowned the world over for its vibrancy, alternative lifestyle and sheerva va voom. Brighton and Hove hasOver 1 Million been voted the UK’sadults in the South East Happiest Citycompete in competitivesport 38% of adults in the South East participate in sportOver 2.7 Million at least once a week,adults in the South East higher than theregularly play sport national averageThe South East 34% of people in Brightonhas the highest adult The South East’s population is and Hove participate inparticipation in sport in the UK 8.6 Million sporting activity with their friends Hove LawnsOur lovely event site Hove Lawns is situated on Brighton and Hove Seafront. A popular venuefor events and festivals, the lawns have drawn a footfall of over 50,000 people for events.www.sportandfitnessshow.com 01273 200434 5 www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
A weekend of sun, sea and sportIf you love playing sport and keeping fit, you’ll love the Sport and Fitness Show. Bring yourfamily along to the UK’s favourite seaside city, Brighton and Hove, and immerse yourself inthe exciting world of sport. Fun, inspirational and FREE, the show is packed with the widestrange of sports and fitness experiences, demos from top fitness brands, health andnutrition experts, and exciting new technology. Get fit, get fitterThere’s something for everyone at the Sport and Fitness Show. Join us and you’ll discovernew sports and new fitness trends, watch some fantastic entertainment on our main stage,talk to sports professionals and get advice and new ideas on everything from nutrition tohow to improve your fitness level. Get motivated. Learn new skills. Be the best you canpossibly be. That’s what you’ll take away from The Sport and Fitness Show.www.sportandfitnessshow.com 01273 200434 6 www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
Show Content Try something new!The Sport and Fitness Show will be home to a multitude of fitness experiences and topbrands showcasing the latest sporting trends and new technologies. Have a Go ActivitiesTry a new sport like Archery, Trampolining or Snow Sports—you can even try a Segwaycourse with Go Ape. Hone your skills with Sussex FA football and other local sports clubs.Then try our exciting unusual sports like Quidditch and Bubble Football. Main StageWhat a performance! At the heart of our show, the main stage has lots going on withexciting entertainment, demonstrations, exercise and dance classes that you can take partin. Come and join in our range of Zumba, Burlexercise and Ballet Fit classes, run byinnovative and experienced instructors. NutritionBrowse and take a look at what’s on offer in the world of nutrition—ask experts for adviceor try something new. Shop ‘Til You DropFancy a shopathon? Check out the very latest fashions in sports clothing and equipment. Top TechWhat’s cutting edge in the world of sports technology? See everything from the latestwearable technology to high tech training aids. Eat UpWhoever thought eating healthy could be so delicious? With all this activity, you’ll need torefuel with our great range of healthy eating options. Lifestyle IdeasPlan your next action holiday with our world-class holiday and leisure exhibitors. Find thevery latest sports accessories and sporty experiences on offer.www.sportandfitnessshow.com 01273 200434 7 www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
Target Audience We are connecting with ACTIVE FAMILIES at The Sport and Fitness ShowWe are targeting an audience of people who are actively LOCATION:involved in sporting activity on a regular basis as wellas helping all individuals to lead a healthy and active South Eastlifestyle. Our Target demographicChildren Professionals Sporty SilversAge: 3—16 Age: 17—64 Age: 65+ 70,000 people live within a 10 minute walk from the showSocio-economic group Annual consumer spend on sport in South EastABC1—Upper Middle Class £2.5 billionAverage Income Annual spend on sports participation in the South£36,000 East: £524 millionSport participation rates are Average Brighton visitor spendhigher than the national averagein the South East per 48 hours £251.12www.sportandfitnessshow.com 01273 200434 8 www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
Reasons to exhibitWe have an expected footfall of over 25,000 sport and health loving visitors over theweekend. We've based this on other similar sized events on Hove Lawns, as well as theheaps of people who have fun on the seafront at the weekends, especially in the weatherwe had this weekend!Our sports show is FREE for the public to attend ; meaning our visitorsare more likely to spend their money on your products. All of the classes, activities and funstuff in our show are free too.Hove lawns is located on Brighton Seafront , and is the perfect venue toshowcase brands to a sporty and affluent audience, a stone’s throw from the sea.... P.S.We have ordered the sunny weather!We are the most interactive show possible with live fitness classes,demonstrations and coaching over the weekend, includingBubble Football, Quidditch, Trampolining, Basketball, Archery Tag, Snow Sports andmuch more...Join big brands such as Innocent, Go Ape, USN, Zumba Fitness, Les Mills, BMW,Heart Radio, TravelBag, HelloFresh, This Girl Can and more... Associate your brand with the sport, fitness and healthy lifestyle market… it's booming!www.sportandfitnessshow.com 01273 200434 9 www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
In September 2016, Brighton and Hove seafront will provide the iconic backdrop to theofficial Brighton and Hove Triathlon. Co-ordinated by John Lunt, Olympic triathloncompetition manager, the race will certainly be the most eagerly anticipated inauguraltriathlon in the UK. No other triathlon in the UK will provide such an inclusive, fun weekendfor athletes and their families to compete, relax and imbibe the Great British seaside at it’smost laid-back and cosmopolitan. The triathlon itself will be held over Olympic and Sprintdistances as well as offering entry to relay teams and - as with all John’s races - the eventwill have the kind of superlative organisation and course design that will make it an instantclassic.In fact everything about this triathlon has been designed to provide a memorableexperience for all competitors - even the transition zone on Hove lawns will be situatedwithin The Sport and Fitness Show, creating an exhilarating, entertaining, carnival-likeatmosphere for participants and spectators alike.www.sportandfitnessshow.com 01273 200434 10 www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
The Course SwimSwim Super Sprint: 400m Sprint : 750m Olympic : 1500m BikeCycle Super Sprint: 5km Sprint : 20km Olympic : 40km Run Run 01273 200434 11 Super Sprint: 2.5km Sprint : 5km www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com Olympic : 10kmwww.sportandfitnessshow.com
Triathlon Target AudienceTriathlon has become one of the fastest growing sports in the UK after the sport’s profilewas boosted through the British success at the 2012 London Olympics. 1,500 competitors in Brighton and Hove Triathlon £2,790 per annum £48,900Average triathlete spend on Avg. salary of a Triathlete triathlon kitHalf of ‘Tri Households’ have UK triathlon market worth Nearly 20% of ‘Triathlon household income of est. households’ have income £63,900 + £417.5 million of over £100,000 20% are First-Timers 30% Buy New Bike 25% Buy New Wetsuit On average 20% of Of the first timers, 30% will And 25% of them will buy atriathletes on the start line buy a bicycle wetsuit (average spendare there for the first time £200) (average spend £1650)“The fastest growing sport in the UK” Triathlon’s participant Brighton and Hove Triathlon 38% increase population is biased are championing female in people taking part intowards London and the triathlons (2014-2015) South East (39%) participation... we have over a third of female participants (...that’s higher than British average!) 12www.sportandfitnessshow.com 01273 200434 www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
Press CoverageWhere have we appeared so far...- 220 Triathlon - GScene Magazine - Active Sussex- Triathlon Business - Standout Magazine - The Argus- Tri 247 - Sport Industry Group - Bloodwise- Exhibition News - Brighton & Hove Independent- Event Industry News - Breast Cancer Care- Rockinghorse - Albion in The communitySome of our press releases:www.sportandfitnessshow.com 01273 200434 13 www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
Contact Us We’re a friendly bunch!Telephone Facebook Twitter Instagram01273 200 434 /BrightonAndHoveTriathlon @BandHtriathlon @BandHtriathlon /SportAndFitnessShow @SFSbrighton @SFSbrightonwww.sportandfitnessshow.com 01273 200434 14 www.brightonandhovetriathlon.com
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