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Home Explore 2017 ParentLocker Book

2017 ParentLocker Book

Published by daniel.battat, 2017-01-18 13:56:10

Description: Read about our most popular features in the 2017 ParentLocker book! If you like what you see, reach out to our sales team to schedule a demo: [email protected].

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Solutions for Schools › [email protected] (877) 607-8480

Welcome to ParentLocker! ParentLocker is a feature-rich online school management and communications platform.Built around ease-of-use, power and flexibility, ParentLocker helps streamline all aspects ofschool administration. Our top-tier support ensures smooth-sailing and we’re always look-ing to make things even better. But don’t just take our word for it - reach out to our schools to hear what they have to say, and contact our team for a hands-on demonstration today. Proudly Ranked 5/5 Stars Integrated Modules: Android and iOS Apps;on Capterra Software Listing Everything always up-to-date Cross-browser compatible

Solutions for Schools“School Information System (SIS) Gradebook (Traditional & Standards-Based) Robust Data Reporting Homework, Test and Assignment Calendars Admissions Tracking & Inquiries Lesson Plans, File Sharing & Photo Albums Registration & Enrollment Forms Email Communication Email Blasts Discipline Notes Student Organizer: news, homework, and grades Schedules & Attendance Mobile App Report Cards, Progress Reports & Transcripts School Directory Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduling Prepopulated Registration & Enrollment Forms Hot-Lunch Ordering & Payments

Report Cards & Progress Reports

Report Cards and Progress ReportsBeautiful, customized report cards: created, reviewed and distributed on ParentLocker.Design and customize beautiful reports to look Teacher Gradebookjust the way you want them to look. Online teacher gradebook enables teachers to track andHighly flexible: different grade levels, divisions, average student work, assignments and exams.and/or subjects can have unique formatting anddifferent benchmarks. Two grading modes available: traditional category weighting and Standards-Based Grading.Teachers enter grades online from school orhome. They can stop and continue later, and the Teachers can import gradebook grades onto report cardssystem frequently auto-saves their work. and progress reports with just a few clicks.Options for free-form naaratives or pre-defined Consolidate all grading processes to one unified andcomment banks with no charachter limit. secure platform.Easy for principals and administrators to reviewand correct prior to distributing.Send via email and track parent views.Calculate GPAs and rank, and create Transcripts.

School Information System (SIS)The SIS is the core of ParentLocker. Data is easily managed, updated, and retrieved. The SIS integrates with all modules: changes made ParentLocker | Solutions for Scho to data in the SIS automatically sync system-wide. Powerful data-reporting: robust reports can be cre- ated and exported based on any criteria and filters. Store everything: custom fields can be easily created for any and all data you want to have on file. Previous years’ data and lists are readily accessible.Notes Teachers and staff can record private notes about students and incidents in the school. Notes are categorized by type: academic, medical, behavioral, discipline, etc. Easily find reports by student, type & status.

Parent-Teacher Conference Scheduling Conference scheduling made quick, easy, and hassle-free. Easily configure meeting times and dates as desired and set breaks and availability information for teachers. Parents schedule with ease. An intuitive side-by-side layout makes it easy for parents to find convenient times. No conflicts: meetings that conflict with the parent’s own schedule or the teacher's schedule can’t be booked. Parents see only the teachers who teach their children. Parents print or email themselves their schedules - com- plete with teacher and class information, which child the meeting is for, date and time, and meeting room number. The system allows for different divisions, grades, or class- es to have different meeting lengths on the same day. Administrators have complete control to view, update, manage, schedule, and cancel any meetings.

Admissions, Registration & EnrollmentTrack applicants and accept online inquiries, applications, and registration forms.Online Forms Track applicants through all stages of your school’s admissions process. Create multi-page forms with text inputs, select dropdowns, and file-uploads. Intuitive dashboard includes easy-to-read stats and charts, complete with enrollment numbers. Forms pre-populate with account information already on file, saving parents time. Prospective families fill in inquiry form and/or appli- cation and are added to the admissions dashboard. No more manual data entry: submitted informa- tion feeds back into SIS database. Move applicants between stages according to status: prospective, applied, interviewed, accepted, etc. Accept payment with forms, useful for registra- tion and application fees. Create detailed data reports with information about applying and prospective students and families. Write internal admissions notes about applicants. Send emails to applying and prospective parents. Send re-registration forms to existing parents to fill in, and track and tally re-registered students.

Admissions, Registration & Enrollment

The Student OrganizerHomework, grades, classroom news, events, photos, files and more — all in one place.

Communication with HomeKeep parents, students, and staff in-touch and up-to-date with ParentLocker.Teachers post homework, assignments, quizzes, tests, School and Class Email Blastsnews and events to classes they teach. Administrators can send school-wide email blastsParents and students see all of the content relevant to and teachers can send class email blasts.a student in their individualized Organizer. Automatic recipient lists: grade and class lists, andThe ParentLocker Mobile App, as well as the individu- other SIS data like bus routes, populate from SIS.alized Nightly Homework Email include homework,upcoming school work and due dates. Administrators and teachers can save drafts and schedule emails to send later.Teachers can also upload files, photos, and events. Email logs show emails sent and read-receipts.Test and quiz calendars help teachers schedule theirown assessments accordingly.All previously released Report Cards & Progress Re-ports are available to view and download.Group pages are an effective tool for out-of-classroomgroups and activities to communicate. Create a PTAGroup, Staff Message Board, and sports teams pages.

“ ParentLocker › Solutions for Schools Your ParentLocker Price Estimate: Thank you for your interest in ParentLocker! Sign up for a demo so that you and your col- leagues can see hands-on if ParentLocker is a good fit for your school. We’re confident you’ll like what you see! (877) [email protected] @parentlocker

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