Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationLeadership & Development Almanac 2015A Development Guide for Talent and Business
Message from the LeadersRavinder Singh Rana With a fresh new outlook in 2015 and a laser sharp focus on Learning andVP and Country Leader Development; we bring to you a year of Learning Resurgence. This year, we are keenly focusing on a holistic development of our most important asset: YOU. In Jojo Mathews our effort to groom and grow talent across levels we are focusing not only on Director HR your Professional & leadership development needs but also on critical skills that will help you to succeed in your Job Role. Raj K Nehru Associate Director In that spirit we are happy to present the 2015 almanac: a detailed documentLeadership Developoment showcasing the complete Learning strategy and the wide range of offerings across levels and roles. Charlie Forty This wide range of comprehensive learning solutions, offers a true integration of Senior Director Global best of global and internal practices to build Leadership, Professional and JobLeadership Developement Role capability that matches best in the industry and competes with the highest developmental standards exercised worldwide. The Learning strategy this year comes with programs coupled with offerings that have been intricately designed to be aligned to our business environment. Our goal is to use innovative and flexible approaches to learning to create a generation of business leaders who can truly contribute to organizational success. 1|Page
Executive Sponsors & HR Ambassadors 2|Page
Learning Linkage to Business & HR Plan 3|Page
Level-based Learning Strategy - Concentrix Leadership Engine 4|Page
Segment-Wise LNI (Learning Need Identification)Outcomes & Categorization 5|Page
Entry Level & High Potential Track – Progressive Learning Curriculum. 6|Page
Table of Contents You’ll learn all the skills you need to succeed as a leader.* We will continue to update the learning Almanac with upcoming sessions for 2015. Kindly download the most updated version as, and when it is published. 7|Page
Entry Level Program 8|Page
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationDiploma in Business AudienceManagement Band 3 (New Joinees) lessProgram Objective than 6 months Tenure Manager/PeM to nominateBPO sector constitutes as one of the fastest growing industry in India.Today, it is the hottest destination for any company which wants to Methodologyoutsource its business processes. Employees at entry level are real Face to Face, Online Self Studyambassadors of a company and which is why most organizations arecommitted to invest in these young professionals. ModulesThis intervention is designed for entry level young professionals thatprovides opportunities to bind together: Duration 12 to 18 months Aspirations for higher learning Qualification Diploma in Career visibility BPM Industry insights Provides potential opportunity to grow in a chosen career Successful completion will fast- track employee growth. stream HR Learning PartnerKey Modules Jimmy Hiru Shahani Phase I & II- Induction, VnA & Process Training & 30 9|Page hours of In-house learnings around identified skills-sets Phase III- 40 hours of self-study on professional & core skills Phase IV- Assessment Learning Partner Executive Sponsor Pritiman Sarkar Ravindra Bhatia([email protected])
Emerging Leader Program 10 | P a g e
High Potential - Emerging Leader Track 11 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationWhole Brain Thinking Audience(WBT)A workshop on Thinking Preferences Band 5 TTProgram Objective Methodology Face to FaceWhole Brain Thinking (WBT) is a concept created by Ned Hermann. It focussesaround the way people think. It helps to identify how to leverage on your Durationthinking preferences to improve productivity, creativity and work better with 4 Hoursyour team members. Understanding the thinking preferences of self and ofothers enhances the way teams can achieve goals cohesively. This workshopwill provide an exposure to the basic understanding of the Whole Brain thinkingmodel. It will also provide insights into understanding an individual’s ownpreferences of thinking that impacts the general behaviors of the individual inengaging with others. This program enables participants to – Understand the Whole Brain Thinking Model and the four thinking preferences. Identify your personal strengths and how they get perceived because of dominant thinking preferences. Learn to take a “whole brain” thinking approach in your personal and professional lifeKey Modules The concept of Whole Brain thinking Tools for application of the WBT concept for Agile thinking Practice applying Whole Brain Thinking for dealing with people Learning Partner Executive Sponsor HR Learning Partner Amita Khaitan Kamalendu Bali Charu Ahluwalia([email protected]) 12 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationLearning from Failures Audience Band 5 TTA workshop on Personal Effectiveness Methodology Face to FaceProgram Objective Duration 4 HoursA research done by a leading hypnotherapist states – ‘Ask the averageperson why they haven’t accomplished their goals yet, and fear of failure HR Learning Partnerwill always crop up as the #1 block to success for most people, most of Charu Ahluwaliathe time’. But why is this? Interestingly, this has nothing to do with beingborn with low self-confidence. It has everything to do with fear of failure 13 | P a g ebeing a socially acceptable behavior.This program enables learners to understand that failures are inevitableand we need to focus on learning from each failure to achieve desiredsuccessKey Modules Our obsession with Success Impact of Success and Failure on our brain Fear of Failure Case Study: Evaluating a major failure case study to assess the learning that failures leave, as opposed to Success Learning from Failures for Achieving Success Learning Partner Executive Sponsor Amita Khaitan Kamalendu Bali([email protected])
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business Organization7 Habits Beginners Audience Band 5 TTA workshop on Personal Effectiveness Methodology Face to FaceProgram Objective Duration7 habits beginners’ helps employees tap into their best. They become 1 Dayempowered with new knowledge, skills, and tools to be moreaccountable, confront issues, work as a team, and raise the bar on what HR Learning Partnerthey can achieve. Key objectives are: Charu Ahluwalia Increase trust and teamwork 14 | P a g e Promotes getting the most important things done first Encourages Conflict Resolution Helps people understand problems & successful problem solving Promotes continuous improvements and safeguards against “burn-out” & subsequent non-productivity Strengthens relationships at all levels Heightened ability to cope with change. Promotes getting the most important things done first and better time management. Key Modules Habit 1: Be Proactive Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind Habit 3: Put First Things First Habit 4: Think Win-Win Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Habit 6: Synergize Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Learning Partner Executive Sponsor Amita Khaitan Kamalendu Bali([email protected])
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationEmerging Leader CertificationProgram (ELCP)Program Objective Audience Band 5 TT - Manager/PeM toThe objective is to accelerate professional growth of potential EmergingLeaders (Band 5) by assessing and developing them on the Team Leader nominatecompetency framework: MethodologyKey Competencies: 1. Developing People 2. Analytical Problem Solving 3. Manager/PeM to nominateCollaborating with others 4. Planning and Prioritizing 5. Communication Track 1: Online Assessment Center Track 2: F2F-3 Days, Online ModulesPotential Emerging Leaders will be groomed for 1st line TL job role. Theprogram will accelerate their people management potential and effectiveness Dura.tionthrough a blended, highly structured and integrated, 2-track approach further 3-4 monthscombined with a Structured and systematic format of Coaching and mentoringby Team Leaders Track Details Continued...Certified EL’s will be part of the readily available potential PeM/TL resource HR Learning Partnerpool. Charu AhluwaliaTrack – 1: Assessment Centre (AC): 15 | P a g e The participants go through an assessment center that will help identify the people managerial strengths & gaps or development areas through activities like: online surveys, Behavior based interviews, in- basket and case study exercisesTrack – 2: Development Centre (DC): The developmental areas highlighted in the assessment center are addressed through a development center of self-paced modules via online tools and face to face management development modules. Learning Partner Executive Sponsor Kamalendu Bali Amita Khaitan([email protected])
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationELCP Track – 1 Tools for the Assessment CentreAssessment Center Personal Profile Analysis is a forced choice instrument used as a means toThe Assessment Center (AC) is focused at the Band-5 tenured resources. describe an individual in a self-It will rate them on the 5 identified PEM competencies & measure their referential way.readiness levels to become a PEM. At the end, a skill-gap will be In-Basket Exercises where participantsidentified, which will further be addressed through a structured receive a number of mails, telephoneDevelopment Centre (DC). calls, documents. They then have a limited period of time to set priorities, organize their working schedule accordingly and respond to mail and phone calls. Behavioral Interviews are used by employers to evaluate a participant’s experiences and behaviors in order to determine their potential for success. Case Studies is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a subject of study (the case), as well as its related contextual conditions.Competencies for the Assessment Centre Duration Developing People - Expand the capability of others by 4 hours. providing feedback, coaching and supporting individual 16 | P a g e development. Analytical Problem Solving - The ability to resolve issues by using data and analytics to identify and solve problems Collaborating with Others - The ability to build and manage relationships with internal and external partners with a common purpose. Planning and Prioritizing - Establish a systematic course of action for self and others through prioritization of tasks to ensure accomplishment of objectives. Communication - The ability to listen to others and gain a full understanding of issues; present information in a clear and concise manner to ensure others understand his/her ideas etc
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationELCP Track – 2 DurationDevelopment Center Face to Face ILT – 3 Days, OnlinePhase Objective Modules 3 monthsA Development Centre is a combination of online learning solutions offered by 17 | P a g eSkill soft and face to face intensive programs. The participants will actively beinvolved in completing an identified set of online modules as part of theirDevelopment plan that comes out of the assessment center as a skill-gapanalysis. Further they would be required to go through a two day managementdevelopment program called Leadership Enhancement & AdvancementProgram – LEAP 1Methodology: Short web-based, video-rich modules. Courses are delivered through Self-paced identified courses for Emerging Leaders to develop their basic proficiencies on the Team Leader competency frame work. It offers content-based instruction through videos, animation, interactive quizzes and assessments, PDF guidebooks as well as other resources and tools. Face to face instructor led, experiential management development program - Leadership Enhancement & Advancement Program – LEAP 1 is a carefully designed program to cater to the growing needs of any upcoming People manager. The program equips budding people managers to learn about essentials and basics of management. It prepares the learner to understand the key aspects that are necessary for any People manager to focus on in order to lead effective teams.At the completion of this module, the participants will be aware of: Essentials of People Management Managing Team & Individual Performance Building Results - Driven Relationships
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationFoundational Management program (FMP)A program on management essentials.Program Objective Audience Band 5TTThe course is designed in partnership with IILM, keeping in mind the basics of Manager/PeM to nominatemanagement that are crucial to be honed for emerging leaders in the top MethodologyTalent program. The course is delivered by world class facilitators from IILM Instructor led, Case studyinstitute in multiple phases that aim at delivering and building the essential based and self-paced,skills through various modes of learning. The program engages with the Examinations includedparticipant both within and outside the training room, leaving enoughopportunity for the learner to apply the learnt skills in real time. The program .enables the participant to: Duration 10 Months Learn Management Essentials Identify and apply various behavioral aspects and skills that HR Learning Partner Charu Ahluwalia befit a People manager Understand in depth the principles for HR, Ops, Finance or 18 | P a g e marketing in an Organization Leverage on constant guidance from a Mentor Practice various organizational principles at their workplace Evaluate their knowledge of the various skills learntKey Modules Phase 1 - Content-Core (Mandatory) Essentials of Management . Skills at Work Organizational Imperatives Phase 2 - Content-Electives (Choose one) Human Resources Operations Finance Phase 3 - Mentoring Phase 4 - Leader Talk Phase 5 - Stretch Assignments Learning Partner Executive Sponsor Kamalendu Bali Amita Khaitan([email protected])
First Line Manager Program 19 | P a g e
High Potential - First Line Management Track 20 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationPresenting with Eminence (PWE)\"It's not how strongly you feel about your topic, it's how strongly they feel about your topic afteryou speak.\" - Tim SalladayProgram Objective Audience Band 6 & 7 TT (To be nominatedAs a growing leader, it becomes important for you to be able to not only beable to lead effectively but also convey your thoughts more emphatically too. by Manager & businessPresent with Eminence is a program designed to equip the learner to becomean eminent presenter. The program by way of effective presentation Methodologytechniques, prepare the participant to address an audience of any type. The Face to Face, Video recordedprogram discusses finer issues of presentation that may often get overlooked sessions of self with real timebut play a key role, in commanding the levels of engagement from the feedbackaudience. Dura.tionThe participants go through the following aspects, during the program: 2 Days Assessment of your personal style of delivery. Learning techniques that make the presentation style more persuasive and engaging. Video record and observe skill gain and application.Key Modules Engage your audience Eye Lock Gestures Audience Analysis Logical Flow Presentation Leading Techniques Learning Partner Executive Sponsor HR Learning PartnerReeti ([email protected]) Shrikant Kothari Jayanti Jairam Phadke 21 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationBusiness Relationship Versatility (BRV)A workshop on Social Styles @ WorkProgram Objective Audience Band 6 TTIn every organization, there is a hidden diversity—the diversity of Social MethodologyStyles. Leveraging Social Style differences can lead to more effective Face to Facecollaboration, productive relationships, greater productivity and business Durationresults. Recognizing others' work preferences and adjusting to themallows for more efficient communication and the persuasive ability to 2 daysinfluence others. Improving versatility reduces tension in relationshipsand enables people to focus efficiently on the task and work to be done. HR Learning PartnerThis program: Jayanti Jairam Phadke Provides participants with results-oriented versatility skills that 22 | P a g e help them to improve their ability to work effectively with others. Enables them to build productive relationships, handle conflict, and create more focused and productive teamsKey Modules Business of Versatility Identify the 4 Social Styles Develop skills to help you identify the different ways people communicate Reflect on Style Expectations Modify Your Behavior Adapt the way you work with others in order to meet their expectations and preferences Learning Partner Executive Sponsor Reeti Shrikant Kothari([email protected])
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationPower of Ownership & Drive for Achievement(PODFA) Dream it, Believe it, Achieve itProgram Objective Audience Band 6 & 7 TTBased on the Leadership competencies around taking initiatives and Methodologydrive fir achievement, this program has been created to explore our Face to FaceBelief Systems and its impact on our ability to own our Dreams andachieve them through personal drive. . DurationPODFA will support participant to reflect, learn and practice critical 2 Daysfactors to bring about personal transformation and put them on the roadto be an achiever. Key objectives are: HR Learning Partner Jayanti Jairam Phadke Practice Ownership & Urgency and support others to do the same. 23 | P a g e Leverage Ownership & Urgency in challenging situations to turn it into thrilling moments. Practice Self Leadership & Personal Drive to Lead Self and be an Achiever!Key Modules .Why, Where and What of Ownership Levels of Ownership : Drown / Ground / Sky Beliefs and Mindsets and their impact on one’s ability to take Ownership How to Drive Ownership Self-Motivation Achiever Instincts Drive to Achieve Model Learning Partner Executive SponsorReeti ([email protected]) Shrikant Kothari
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationFHiirgshtPLoitnenetiaMl -aUnpalingeeMr-aTneaagemmeLnet aTrdaeckrs - Band 7Certification Program (TLCP)Program Objective Audience LEAP 2 & Skills Soft – All FLMs Earlier, it was enough to get your own job done perfectly. Now, you must and TLs. TROY 2 – TLs Only. achieve your results through your subordinates Manager/PeM to nominate Earlier, you followed instructions. Now, you must decide what will be done, by Methodology which people, in which way LEAP 2, TROY 2 – Face to Face, and Skil Soft – Online self-paced. Earlier, you only had to deal with your own unit. Now, you are expected to engage with seniors and remove obstacles for your team Duration 4 – 5 MonthsEarlier, you just had to keep yourself motivated. Now, your success depends onmotivating your team. Effective People Managers- Team Leaders are vital to success HR Learning Partnerwithin the BPO industry as business performance is driven by their skills. The TLCP track Jayanti Jairam Phadkehas been created to enhance the knowledge and behavioral skills of the TLs/FLMs basedon the identified People Manager competencies. By the end of this module participants 24 | P a g ewill be able to: Know what is expected of you as a Manager Analyze your own strengths and opportunities as a manager Lead people with confidence Gain respect from peers, subordinates and your boss Learn how to develop your employees so that you get the best results from them Know how to build an image of confidenceKey Modules LEAP 2 - First Line Managers-Team leaders play a crucial role in achieving the business results in an organization. The key responsibility of a First Line Manager is to drive these business results through people. Talent Retainer of the Year 2 (TROY 2) - The objective of the program is to Enable and Up-skill Team Leaders, focused on developing their key capabilities, competencies, through a structured intervention based on Simulation techniques, Case study methodology and experiential learning. Skill Soft online modules - Skill soft courses are currently integrated and listed on the Learning Management system of Concentrix. In each topic you will find useful tools, engaging videos, and best-in-class content that will help you take your learning experience from the desktop to on-the-job. Explore the concepts in each lesson, practice what you learn, and start your journey toward becoming a stronger leader. Learning Partner Executive SponsorReeti ([email protected]) Shrikant Kothari
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationOperational Excellence for BusinessManagers (OPEC-BM)Operation & Finance Simulation ChallengeProgram Objective Audience Band 6B & 7A TTCompanies want managers to better connect their operational decisions to Manager/PeM to nominatefinancial outcomes. Manage Gross Margin, not just operational metrics.Managers need to take better operational decisions, some of which may seem Methodologycounter intuitive, but will help better manage gross margins of their process! Face to Face, ExperientialThis program will: Duration 2 days Educate managers on a financial model in a simple and easy way Get managers to develop the financial model using familiar operational parameters Cement learning through multiple rounds of application in a simulationKey Modules Participants learn About: MSAs and Contracts. P&L Statements Direct and indirect costs Gross Margins THE SERVICE THE CLIENT PROVIDER Plan the run: Create an Ops plan (P&L) Make right assumptions to secure good gross margins Win the pilot Sensitivity: Do sensitivity analysis Become familiar with impact of Ops levers on gross margins. Run The Plan (Simulation) Run pilot at weekly level Measure impact of ops decisions on gross margin Repeat for 7 months Learning Partner Executive Sponsor HR Learning Partner Reeti ([email protected]) Shrikant Kothari Jayanti Jairam Phadke 25 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationContinuously Transform Audience Band 6 (TT) A workshop on Transformational behaviors Methodology Face to FaceProgram Objective DurationContinuously Transform is a short program that is aimed at sensitizing 2 Hoursemployees to the importance of accepting workplace dynamics and nothesitate at attempting at new ways. This workshop uses the experiential HR Learning Partnerand the discovery learning methods to prepare the participants. Jayanti Jairam PhadkeThis workshop will provide an exposure to the basic understanding ofvarious behaviors that are necessary to allow oneself to continuously 26 | P a g etransform. It further build importance of becoming a change leader. Thisprogram enables participants to:- Realize the importance to Transform Become more comfortable by looking at new ways to explore a scenario Becoming a leader who drives the behaviors that are necessary to breed an environment that is willing to innovate and transformKey Modules The importance of Transformation Case studies to evaluate situations and behaviors necessary for transformation Recognition of gaps in self and teams that become a roadblock in transforming PARR activity Learning Partner Executive SponsorReeti ([email protected]) Shrikant Kothari
Middle Management Program 27 | P a g e
High Potential – Middle Management Track 28 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationPresenting with Eminence (PWE)\"It's not how strongly you feel about your topic, it's how strongly they feel about your topic afteryou speak.\" - Tim SalladayProgram Objective Audience Band 6 & 7 TT (To be nominatedAs a growing leader, it becomes important for you to be able to not only beable to lead effectively but also convey your thoughts more emphatically too. by Manager & businessPresent with Eminence is a program designed to equip the learner to becomean eminent presenter. The program by way of effective presentation Methodologytechniques, prepare the participant to address an audience of any type. The Face to Face, Video recordedprogram discusses finer issues of presentation that may often get overlooked sessions of self with real timebut play a key role, in commanding the levels of engagement from the feedbackaudience. Dura.tionThe participants go through the following aspects, during the program: 2 Days Assessment of your personal style of delivery. Learning techniques that make the presentation style more persuasive and engaging. Video record and observe skill gain and application.Key Modules Engage your audience Eye Lock Gestures Audience Analysis Logical Flow Presentation Leading Techniques Learning Partner Executive Sponsor HR Learning PartnerReeti ([email protected]) Shrikant Kothari Jayanti Jairam Phadke 29 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationAchievement OrientationLaboratory (AOL)Program Objective Audience Band 7 TTThe 2 day intensive program is designed to sensitize the participants about Manager/PeM to nominatetheir individual orientation towards setting and achieving their goals and ManagMere/tPheoMdotloognyominatedeveloping an Achievement Mindset. Objectives of the Program: An Experiential Learning Lab. To facilitate you in experiencing and understanding your own . realistic Goal Setting Behavior Duration 2 Days To give you an experience that Achievement can be planned To facilitate enabling your orientation towards achievement HR Learning Partner Jayanti Jairam Phadke planning To make you aware of your personal efficacy which indicates 30 | P a g e your potential effectiveness To help you embed the “Elements of Achievement” into your professional behavior To trigger “Self Introspection” in you in context if Success and Failure To help you examine your own self and relate your image of yourself with the environmentKey Modules The program is conducted in an Experiential Laboratory format where .participants learn by experiencing. Participants undergo exploration and experience-sharing in pairs, triodes, small groups and large group. The learning is intensified through individual (self-level) action, experience, exploration, reflection and introspection. The conceptual inputs are provided by the facilitators through presentations, lectures and discussions. The learning is further cemented through practice and action plan, which, the participants integrate into their workplaces and personal lives. Learning Partner Executive SponsorReeti ([email protected]) Shrikant Kothari
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationP(HPoigOwhDPeForAteo)nftiOalw- UnpelinrsehMiapna&geDmreinvteTrfaocrksA-cBhainedv7ement Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it.Program Objective Audience Band 6 TTBased on the Leadership competencies around taking initiatives and Manager/PeM to nominatedrive fir achievement, this program has been created to explore ourBelief Systems and its impact on our ability to own our Dreams and Methodologyachieve them through personal drive. Face to FacePODFA will support participant to reflect, learn and practice critical .factors to bring about personal transformation and put them on the road Durationto be an achiever. Key objectives are: 2 Days Practice Ownership & Urgency and support others to do the HR Learning Partner same. Jayanti Jairam Phadke Leverage Ownership & Urgency in challenging situations to turn it 31 | P a g e into thrilling moments. Practice Self Leadership & Personal Drive to Lead Self and be an Achiever!Key Modules .Why, Where and What of Ownership Levels of Ownership : Drown / Ground / Sky Beliefs and Mindsets and their impact on one’s ability to take Ownership How to Drive Ownership Self-Motivation Achiever Instincts Drive to Achieve Model Learning Partner Executive SponsorReeti ([email protected]) Shrikant Kothari
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationDelivery Leader Workshop: Brilliant @ AudienceBasics Band 7 & newly promoted Band 8s upto one year. Business/PeM A deep dive into delivery, operations & finance. to nominateProgram Objective Business/PenThe Concentrix India learning team, in collaboration with global leadership developmentteam brings you a global Delivery Leader Workshop: Brilliant @ The Basics. Methodology Face to FaceThe program focuses on key areas influencing business and management, financial systems,execution, value creation and leadership. You will refresh and understand the new shifts in .knowledge, skills sets and leadership styles. Learn the latest business theory, tackle real-world issues in a highly collaborative environment, via action learning experiences and Durationgroup discussions. Key objectives are: Band 4 & 5 2.5 Days Improve your decision making by having a more comprehensive view of how costs, revenue and operational activities interrelate Determine how to estimate the revenue and cost impacts of various actions. Improve operations metric management by a better understanding of metric interactions Identify and correct underperformance Improve your effectiveness to effectively manage teams, team members and stakeholders To improve team performance through feedback and coaching Improve the relationship with your customers on the basis of trust, clarity and adequate expectations management Identify the key elements of a positive and professional attitude when establishing and managing customer relationshipsKey Modules .Developing and Managing the Client Relationship Financial Management Delivery Operations Learning Partner Executive Sponsor HR Learning Partner Rajaram Natarajan Jayanti Jairam Phadke Manu Sondhi([email protected]) 32 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationOperational Excellence for BusinessManagers (OPEC-BM)Operation & Finance Simulation ChallengeProgram Objective Audience Band 6B & 7A TTCompanies want managers to better connect their operational decisions to Manager/PeM to nominatefinancial outcomes. Manage Gross Margin, not just operational metrics.Managers need to take better operational decisions, some of which may seem Methodologycounter intuitive, but will help better manage gross margins of their process! Face to Face, ExperientialThis program will: Duration 2 days Educate managers on a financial model in a simple and easy way Get managers to develop the financial model using familiar operational parameters Cement learning through multiple rounds of application in a simulationKey Modules Participants learn About: MSAs and Contracts. P&L Statements Direct and indirect costs Gross Margins THE SERVICE THE CLIENT PROVIDER Plan the run: Create an Ops plan (P&L) Make right assumptions to secure good gross margins Win the pilot Sensitivity: Do sensitivity analysis Become familiar with impact of Ops levers on gross margins. Run The Plan (Simulation) Run pilot at weekly level Measure impact of ops decisions on gross margin Repeat for 7 months Learning Partner Executive Sponsor HR Learning Partner Reeti ([email protected]) Shrikant Kothari Jayanti Jairam Phadke 33 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationDPE Assessment Center Audience Band – 7 B & 8 An Assessment Center for Aspiring DPEs MethodologyProgram Objective BlendedThe primary objective of the ADC is to assess current capabilities and Durationdevelopment required to effective in a DPE role and to provide developmental 2 daysfeedback to participants. The key objectives of this program are: Creating value for Client Driving Process Excellence Ability to work in a global & cross cultural context Communicate with Impact Leading & developing teams Being Financially orientedKeyM.odules Participants learn About: Business Case Simulation Customer Role Play Employee Role Play Interview Executive Presentations / Workshops Learning Partner Executive Sponsor HR Learning Partner Shrikant Kothari Jayanti Jairam Phadke Manu Sondhi([email protected]) 34 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationAccelerated management Program(AMP)General management program for High Potential middle managementProgram Objective Audience Band 7 TTOn-Demand business and ongoing need for leader resources in the openmarket necessitated the development of leaders from within our organization. MethodologyAMP was specifically incepted to groom Band 7 TTs and augment the robust Face to Face, Online,leadership pipeline internally. The program addresses the need to retain critical Webinars, Simulationleader resources, equipping prospective leaders with critical skill set required Experiential, self-paced,by business, and give them a hands on learning experience which they can webinars, simulations, caseeasily integrate with real time work scenarios. study based, leadership style inventory includednThe program will give learners a chance to: Duration Learn about Organizational imperatives, 4 Months Identify their personal leadership style, and adopt Different Leadership styles situationally Opportunity to enhance Professional and Personal Development skills like Strategic Management, Problem Solving, Finance Essentials Cultivate an effective peer networkKey Modules Phase I (3 days) - LDGM (Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine) – Business Simulation, GRID Leadership Styles. Phase II- Mentorship & Coaching Phase III- (7 – 8 weeks) - Series of intervention, which includes – Self- Paced e-learnings. 2 days case based workshop & Online Business Simulation. Phase IV: Leader Build Leader – Series of Leader connects with Senior Leaders to share their Leadership Journey and SME knowledge. Learning Partner Executive Sponsor HR Learning Partner Reeti Shrikant Kothari Jayanti Jairam Phadke([email protected]) 35 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationsStepping Into Leadership (SIL) Audience Band 7 (TT) Manager/PeM toA Women’s Leadership Development Program nominate (Diversity)Program Objective Methodology Blended, Face toThe Programme has a strong personal development focus, specifically designed Face, on the job training &to help the leaders lay a strong foundation for their managerial career by leader-building leader sessions.learning the right approach to leadership, and seeks to refine the participant’sindividual leadership style. Duration 4 – 6 Months Leadership training & Experiential learning - In-depth understanding of your strengths, leadership role, style and challenges through 360- HR Learning Partner degree feedback, followed by a 3.5 days instructor-led program. Jayanti Jairam Phadke Coaching & Mentoring - Opportunity to expand your skills and work on 36 | P a g e your development areas through mandatory stretch assignments and job shadowing and follow it through an action plan. Driven by the talent team. Networking - The program gives them an opportunity to Network with people across Industries and get an insight into Business Practices leveraging on external forums. Key Modules Stage 1 (3.5 Days) – Face-to-face, Leadership training & Experiential learning. Stage 2 - Mentor Identification and Alignment, Stretch Assignment, Job Shadowing, by the Talent Team. Stage 3 – Networking: Alignment with external networking forums depending on the participant’s location & availability and a leader building leader session, with support from Diversity. Learning Partner Executive Sponsor Shrikant Kothari Manu Sondhi([email protected])
Upline Management Program 37 | P a g e
High Potential - Upline Management Track 38 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationExecuA tWivomeePn’rseLseaednecrsehip(EDPev)elopment ProgramA workshop on executive presence for Senior LeadershipProgram Objective Audience Band 8 & AboveConcentrix executives are frequently interfacing with stakeholders across the globe. Inorder to come across as credible, they need to be able to communicate confidently with Methodologypresence both internally and externally. When meeting customers, they are brand Pre-work/Face to Face/Individualambassadors and need to come across as multi-dimensional and global in their outlook. By Coachingend of this module participants will be able to Duration Deeper clarity on who they are as communicators and who they want to become 2 Days Deeper awareness of the voice of self (inner voice) and the distinctiveness and value it brings Knowledge and insights to for connecting, engaging and inspiring when communicating Knowledge and insight on how to communicate with assertiveness and confidence Understanding how body language and attire impacts leadership presence, stature and reputation Understanding how to connect and positively impact global stakeholders Feedback on how they come across to others when communicating – styles, strengths, development areas An individualized communication development roadmap, co-created and tracked with coach Extensive practice on all the skills above so habits are developed.Key Modules Individual effectiveness Leading teams & managing people Communication skills for leaders Negotiation strategies Building effective networks Learning Partner Executive Sponsor HR Learning Partner Rajaram Natarajan Jayanti Jairam Phadke Manu Sondhi([email protected]) 39 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationCertificate in Leadership Effectiveness (CLE)Program Objective Audience Band 8 - Manager/PeM toOrganizations are looking for leaders who can not only create and lead highperformance teams but also who can lead their ‘self’ better and engage with the world nominatearound to make an impact. Certificate in Leadership Effectiveness is designed to bring Methodologythis program to the participants from select emerging markets, at their workplace and Online - Hi-definition videoat their pace. Taught by the same world class faculty who teach in the MBA, Executive lectures of the faculty, Webinars,MBA and Executive Education programs, this program will give the leadership tool kit Reflectionsto succeed at the next level. The curriculum will equip participants with job-relevantknowledge and insights on critical areas of leadership. Key objectives are: Duration . Enhance your intellectual capital Garner deeper insights in critical leadership areas such as leading 5 Months people, managing teams, communication skills, social capital and negotiation skills, to help step up to challenging responsibilities HR Learning Partner Leverage thought leadership in management Reinforce your brand Jayanti Jairam Phadke capital — Certificate upon completion — ‘Distinction’ for top 20% of participants, upon assessments 40 | P a g e Build your social capital Diverse pool of participants, globally, enabling rich peer-learning. Learning circles, offering a great opportunity to get to know your peers and learn from their insightKey Modules Individual effectiveness Leading teams & managing people Communication skills for leaders Negotiation strategies Building effective networks Learning Partner Executive Sponsor Rajaram Natarajan Manu Sondhi([email protected])
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationCertificate in Business Acumen (CBA)Program Objective Audience Band 8 - Business/PeM toToday’s managers operate in a globalized world with a rapidly changing and demanding businessenvironment. Organizations are seeking leaders with the business acumen to navigate these nominatechanges and successfully run business units. Certificate in Business Acumen is designed to bring Business andthe program to the participants from select emerging markets, at their workplace and at their Methodologypace. Taught by the same world class faculty who teach in the MBA, Executive MBA and Online - Hi-definition videoExecutive Education programs, it will enable participants to advance their business acumen for lectures of faculty, Webinars,their organization's success. This program enables the participants to improve their ability of Reflectionsmaking cross-functional decisions that can benefit their business units and organizations. Keyobjectives are: . Duration Further your intellectual capital 4 modules over 3 months Deepen knowledge of customer centricity, strategy, finance and operations, HR Learning Partner to develop the business skills required to lead a business Jayanti Jairam Phadke Leverage thought leadership in general management Reinforce your brand 41 | P a g e capital Build your social capital Diverse pool of participants, globally, enabling rich peer-learning Learning circles, offering a great opportunity to getKey Modules Understanding customers Strategic thinking Financial skills for managers Operations management Learning Partner Executive Sponsor Rajaram Natarajan Manu Sondhi([email protected])
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationDelivery Leader Workshop: Brilliant @ AudienceBasics Band 7 & newly promoted Band 8s upto one year. Business/PeMA deep dive into delivery, operations & finance. to nominateProgram Objective MethodologyThe Concentrix India learning team, in collaboration with global leadership development Face to Faceteam brings you a global Delivery Leader Workshop: Brilliant @ The Basics. .The program focuses on key areas influencing business and management, financial systems,execution, value creation and leadership. You will refresh and understand the new shifts in Band 4 & 5knowledge, skills sets and leadership styles. Learn the latest business theory, tackle real- Durationworld issues in a highly collaborative environment, via action learning experiences and 2.5 Daysgroup discussions. Key objectives are: Improve your decision making by having a more comprehensive view of how costs, revenue and operational activities interrelate Determine how to estimate the revenue and cost impacts of various actions. Improve operations metric management by a better understanding of metric interactions Identify and correct underperformance Improve your effectiveness to effectively manage teams, team members and stakeholders To improve team performance through feedback and coaching Improve the relationship with your customers on the basis of trust, clarity and adequate expectations management Identify the key elements of a positive and professional attitude when establishing and managing customer relationshipsKey Modules .Developing and Managing the Client Relationship Financial Management Delivery Operations Concentrix Leadership Excellence Learning Partner Executive Sponsor HR Learning Partner Rajaram Natarajan Jayanti Jairam Phadke Manu Sondhi([email protected]) 42 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationAccelerated Management Program Advanced(AMP A)An Advanced Management ProgramProgram Objective Audience Band 8Recognizing the need for visionary leaders in the current challenging global Methodologyenvironment, Accelerated Management Program-Advanced provides the Blended learning and Webinarsparticipants with the latest leadership and strategic concepts to transform Durationexperienced managers into global leaders. The program has been designed to help 6 Monthsmanagers’ hone strategic leadership capabilities and enable them to take ongreater cross-functional/geographic responsibilities and thus drive exceptional HR Learning Partnerperformance across the organization. Jayanti Jairam PhadkeThe program covers essentials of strategy formulation, business acumen and 43 | P a g eleadership. The blended approach will helps participants discover their newstrengths and will provide them with tools and knowledge needed to lead in thechallenges of growth markets learning circles, offering a great opportunity to get.The Program is thoughtfully tailored to help: Win Client Relationship Be an Exceptional Leader Assess your Unique Competencies Align Strategy & OperationsKey Modules Program Orientation Leadership Development Centre Online Program for Business AMP-A Learning Lab Leader Broadcast Series Certification Learning Partner Executive Sponsor Rajaram Natarajan Manu Sondhi([email protected])
Senior Leadership Programs 44 | P a g e
High Potential – Senior Leadership Track 45 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationExecuAtWivoemePnr’seLseeadnecrsehip Development Program A workshop on executive presence for Senior LeadershipProgram Objective Audience Band 8 & AboveConcentrix executives are frequently interfacing with stakeholders across the globe. In Manager/PeM to nominateorder to come across as credible, they need to be able to communicate confidently withpresence both internally and externally. When meeting customers, they are brand Methodologyambassadors and need to come across as multi-dimensional and global in their outlook. By Pre-work/2 Daysend of this module participants will be able to Face to Face/Individual Coaching Deeper clarity on who they are as communicators and who they want to become Duration Deeper awareness of the voice of self (inner voice) and the distinctiveness and 2 Days value it brings Knowledge and insights to for connecting, engaging and inspiring when communicating Knowledge and insight on how to communicate with assertiveness and confidence Understanding how body language and attire impacts leadership presence, stature and reputation Understanding how to connect and positively impact global stakeholders Feedback on how they come across to others when communicating – styles, strengths, development areas An individualized communication development roadmap, co-created and tracked with coach Extensive practice on all the skills above so habits are developed.Key Modules Individual effectiveness Leading teams & managing people Communication skills for leaders Negotiation strategies Building effective networks Learning Partner Executive Sponsor HR Learning Partner Rajaram Natarajan Jayanti Jairam Phadke Manu Sondhi([email protected]) 46 | P a g e
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationTransformational Leadership Tapping into your personal DNAProgram Objective Audience Band 9The basis for this program is an intense 20-year action-research into the nature Manager/PeM to nominateof learning and thinking, achieved by interviewing Nobel laureates, over 100 MethodologyCEOs, successful athletes, musicians, psychologists, brain researchers, and Face to Facespiritual leaders. The objectives of the program are: . Clarify your larger purpose, identify your core incompetence, Duration learn to manage your energy, and create an alarm system to prevent unnecessary energy drains 3 days Become aware of your market and the people who work for you HR Learning Partner Act more purposefully, communicate more effectively, and listen Jayanti Jairam Phadke more openly 47 | P a g e Discover the source of your leadership, energy and passion. In addition, you will learn that in replenishing your energy, you contribute to the development of other leaders Become a more effective leader instead of just being an efficient leaderKey Modules The purpose, role and best practices in leadership .Mindsets and styles that inhibit effectiveness Effective team creation and leading Leading change in your part of the business Coaching teams for optimum performance Persuading and influencing to mobilize support and build commitment Conflict management and trust building Effective execution of ideas The art of building win-win partnerships Instituting new work processes and routines for improved performances Learning Partner Executive Sponsor Rajaram Natarajan Manu Sondhi([email protected])
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationAccelerated Development Program (ADP)A Senior Leadership Management Development programProgram Objective Audience Band 10This Program is designed to enable participants: Manager/PeM to nominate Methodology To develop and sustain competitive advantage in an increasingly Face to Face, Online Pre-work globalized and highly competitive landscape, enhancing the skills they need to lead and execute a strategic plan in the organization. Duration 3 Programs X 4 Days = 12 days. Spread across a few To enable participants to examine the strategies that can be months. adopted to help organization achieve sustainable, profitable growth while overcoming the associated organizational and HR Learning Partner management challenges. Jayanti Jairam Phadke To give participants a rock-solid foundation in financial decision 48 | P a g e making, policy and practice. Identify participant’s current leadership strengths and enhance them with cutting-edge tools and approaches. To help participants achieve their marketing goals irrespective of the industry.Key Modules Strategic Thinking and Leadership for Growth Executing Growth Strategies Driving Profitable Growth (3 Modules qualify for the certification) Optional: Modules & Coaching Leading People in Organizations Customer Driven Marketing: Strategies for Profitable Growth Leadership coaching Learning Partner Executive Sponsor Rajaram Natarajan Manu Sondhi([email protected])
Leading Leading Leading Leading Self Teams Business OrganizationStrategic Thinking & Leadership for GrowthSub-module of ADP Accelerated Development Program CurriculumProgram Objective Audience Band 10This module helps participants identify, create & sustain a competitive Manager/PeM to nominateadvantage in a globally connected environment. Learn Strategy fromConcept to reality, develop the leadership Capacities of the top team and Methodologybeyond, drive change while remaining vigilant about counter measures Faculty presentations, caseby the Competition. analysis and hands-on exercises. Learn to assess the strategic impact of competitors' moves. Duration Gain new insights on the role of acquisitions, alliances, and 4 Days divestitures in creating greater shareholder value. Accelerate your development of leadership skills.Key Modules Strategy Formulation and Development of Business Plans Identifying, Creating, and Sustaining a Competitive Advantage Corporate Growth via Acquisitions and Alliances Selecting Leaders and Developing Talent Learning Partner Executive Sponsor HR Learning Partner Manu Sondhi Rajaram Natarajan Jayanti Jairam Phadke([email protected]) 49 | P a g e