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Home Explore Auto Design

Auto Design

Published by สุภมาศ ศรีโนนม่วง, 2023-04-27 02:43:13

Description: MARCH-APRIL 2023


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Auto&Design 2s9 Cultural and informative bimonthly in English and Italic Year XLV - March/April 2023 Bimestrale di cultura e informazione inglese-italiano TRUST AND EMPOWERMENT Anno XLV - Marze/Aprile 2023 In along interview dedicated to Genesis t.\\~·o,s1ei.\\9~10~ design, the subject of this issue's cover story (page 8), we asked Luc Donckerwolke s~o~ ....._., .0 ol\\\\_\\\\-.~ [!lIJ how he had managed to bring so manv new -.;-.:-::_,..,. _ projectsto fruition so quickly \"We can go so ..AIJl:O~ l?8Sl9'1_ fast because we are trusted. Our top mana- 1. gement believes in design\". Contents / Sommario Delegating responsibility and investing in 2 IT&Design 42 Interview design is more strategic than ever. Further confirmation, if any were needed, comes CES 2023 Julian Thomson/ General Motors from the growing number of design centres that Chinese manufacturers, ready to con- 8 Cover story 44 Concept car quer global markets and Europe in particu- lar, are opening or expanding around the Genesis XTrilogy Audi Activesphere Concept world. Italy included: in Milan, after GAC, Geely has also arrived with a new advanced 17 Concept car 49 Design story design centre to add to its already extensive \\ networkof design centres (interview with Toyota bZ SUV Concept Vin Fast VF6 and VF7 Stefan Sielaff on page 27), while in Turin, Changan is doubling its space and increasing 22 Concept car 58 IT&Design the staff of its European Designing Center opened in 2006. BMW i Vision Dee Antolin Vivar Even historic companies such as General 27 Interview . 60 Design story Motors, however, look to Europe, fully aware of how important it is to expand and renew Stefan Sielaff/Geely Bertone GB110 their design activities. Director of the new GM centre in the UK is Julian Thomson (p. 30 Design story 64 Contest 42), who has long experience as a creative designer for the most celebrated British Volvo EX90 SAIC Design Challenge brands. The Vietnamese with their new VinFast brand, meanwhile, continue to build 36 Concept car 68 School their range, relying on the expertise of design houses in Turin (p. 49). Enjoy your Peugeot Inception IED Torino read . I n una lunga intervista dedicata al design Genesis, soggetto def/a Cover story di que- sto numero (pag. 8), abbiamo chiesto a Luc Donckerwolke come sia possibile realiz- zare tanti nuovi progetti cos/ rapidamente. «Possiamo andare cos/ veloci perche abbiamo la fiducia. I nostri vertici aziendali credono net design ». Delegare responsabilita e investire net design epiu che mai strategico. Un 'ulteriore conferma, se ve ne fosse b,sogno, viene dal numero crescente di design center che i costruttori cinesi, pronti a conquistare i mer- cati globali e quello europeo in particolare, stanno aprendo o amp!iando in giro per ii mondo. Italia compresa: a Milano, dqpo GAC earrivata anche Geely con un nuovo centro di design avanzato che va ad aggiungersi al suo gia ampio network di centri di progettazione (intervista a Stefan Sielaff a pag. 27), mentre a Torino Changan raddoppia gli spazi e incre- menta ii persona!e def suo European Designing Center aperto da/ 2006. Anche aziende storiche, pero, come l'ameri- cana General Motors, guardano all'Europa consapevoli dell'importanza di amp!iare e rin- novare le proprie attivita di design. Direttore def nuovo centro GM net Regno Unito eii Julian Thomson (pag. 42), con una !unga esperienza come creativo per i piu blasonati brand britannici. I vietnamiti dell'inedito mar- chio VinFast, intanto, proseguono la costru- zione de/la faro gamma affidandosi a!/'espe- rienza de/le design house torinesi (pag. 49). Buona !ettura. Silvia Baruffa/di, Editor A& D 259,

·&Design CES 2023 Although not showcased at CES 2023, On the left, the BMW i Samsung 53 and Oppo Find N2 Flip Vision Dee, a concept car providing a glimpse of a (below) represent a strong innovation new styling season for for both brands in the domain of the German premium foldable smartphones which are brand, oriented towards essentiality and becoming increasingly more common. minimalism. The Sebbene non siano stati traditional BMW design elements, such as the presentati al CES 2023, Samsung S3 double kidney grille, make use of digital panels. e Oppo Find N2 Flip /sottoJ Below, still camouflaged, the Volkswagen ID.7, a rappresentano un punto forte di three-box sedan by the innovazione per entrambi i brand nel German car maker, due for its debut at the campo degli smartphone wn g/i end of the year. schermi pieghevoli, sempre piCI diffusi. A sinistra, la BMW i Vision Dee, concept car che anticipa una nuova stagione stilistica per ii marchio premium tedesco, orientata a essenzialita e minimalismo. Gli elementi di design tradizionali BMW, come la grig/ia a doppio rene, sfruttano pannel/i digitali. Sotto, ancora camuffata, la Volkswagen ID.7, berlina elettrica a tre volumi de/ costruttore tedesco, al debutto entro fine anno. wheel and relationship with digital controls. It is component manufacturers. Here Continental called Hypersquare and, as the name suggests, played a leading role. Indeed, the German instead of being round it is a rectangle with company focused at CES on the emerging curved corners and electronic controls. No digital car trend of the coming years: the levers and light switches. Peugeot thus re- Software Defined Vehicle concept, i.e. the invents \"satellites\" and boots them into a 4.0 vehicle whose functions are defined by its version, bringing them from the 1980s into the unique, multi-role software. Aiming at a car age of artificial intelligence and autonomous with a truly single operating system , and far driving. With a touch of the finger, all driving from becoming a smartphone on wheels, parameters are controlled and steer-by-wire there is a need for a rationalisation of the technology makes driving more instinctive, like hardware architecture to move from an in a video game. The Hypersquare with digital approach based on a plethora of control units controls consists of a screen with recesses at (unreasonable given also of the chip short- the four corners with different functions and age) to one where the car has a motherboard pictograms of the various functions. In short, it as if it were a computer and inside it an all- could become the new i-Cockpit and actually powerful chip. The so-called System on Chip hints at the basis of what will be the STLA (Soc), the microprocessor with macro capabil- Smartcockpit that Stellantis is studying togeth- ities that we have been seeing at work in er with Taiwan's Foxconn. smartphones for years. It is no coincidence that Qualcomm has entered the industry to New stimuli also came from Holon with the bring its Automotive Platform architecture Level 4 autonomous driving electric mover- with the Snapdragon Flex Ride Soc. ••• minibus, designed with Pininfarina and by ~D 259 . 4

NUOVO LEXUS RX ALLA GUIDA DELL'ECCELLENZA. eMigliorare ogni giorno l'unico modo che conosciamo per raggiungere l'eccellenza. Un impegno sempre costante che oggi celebriamo con ii grande ritorno di Nuovo Lexus RX, ii primo SUV ibrido di sempre, ora ancora piu elegante e potente grazie alle sue nuove motorizzazioni. PREMIUM HYBRID PLUG-IN HYBRID HYBRID TURBO n , - -~ X I • ~EXPER NCEAMAZ Messaggio pubblicitario con finalita promozionale. Maggiori inlormazioni su lmmagine vettura indicativa. Valori massimi WLTP rileriti alla gamma Lexus RX Plug-In Hybrid: consume combinato 1,2 1/100 km, emissioni CO2 26 g/km. Valori massimi WLTP rileriti alla gamma Lexus RX Hybrid: consumo combinato 8,51/100 km, emissioni CO2 189 g/km (WLTP - Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedure ai sensi de\\ Regolamento UE 2017/1151). Dati provvisori e soggetti ad omologazione finale.

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