Workshop23rd November 2017 1
The PREVIEW consortium hosted a workshop to demonstrate the innovations and benefits of PREVIEW to the industry. This one day event took place on 23rd November 2017 at Promolding in The Hague, The Netherlands.This report gives details about the workshop; from the preparation to the main event. 2
OrganisationGuestsPeople in the injection moulding industry were the main target audience for the PREVIEWworkshop. This included machine manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, injectionmoulding companies and clients, European Commission platforms, institutions, networksand trade magazines.RegistrationA registration form was created using Google Forms to allow people to register to attendthe workshop. This enabled the consortium to monitor the prospective attendees. Theregistration form could be accessed from the homepage of the PREVIEW website. Figure 1: Link to the registration form on the PREVIEW websiteInvitationsAll partners in the PREVIEW consortium directly invited guests to attend the workshop.Some specific actions are detailed below.Smithers Rapra sent an email invitation to 285 recipients (Figure 2). These were peoplewho had shown an interest in previous plastics related research projects that SmithersRapra have been involved in. The recipients were based in the Netherlands, Belgium andLuxembourg; countries close to the workshop. 3
This invitation was also sent to the 15 people who had registered to the PREVIEW website mailing list. The email invitation explained the purpose of the workshop and included the proposed agenda for the day. It contained links to the registration page, PREVIEW website, YouTube and the social media channels; Twitter and LinkedIn. Three PREVIEW end users; MPT Plastica, Promolding and Proform personally invited their customers. Promolding also invited equipment suppliers, trade organisations and trade magazines for further dissemination. Figure 2: Workshop email invitation Figure 3: Advertisement on Promolding websiteAdvertisementThe workshop was advertised widely inmany ways to ensure a large audience wasreached.News articles were written by theconsortium and uploaded to their companywebsites. They promoted the workshopand gave details on registration.PREVIEW and the PREVIEW partners’ socialmedia channels were used extensively inthe run up to the workshop, includingduring the registration process to invitepeople to attend. Figure 4: Advertisement on Smithers Rapra website 4
Figure 5: Social media - Twitter and LinkedIn advertisement In the three months leading up to the workshop the PREVIEW consortium attended a number of exhibitions related to plastics manufacturing and Industry 4.0/smart manufacturing. At Interplas and Advanced Engineering, both held in the UK, presentations were given by members of the PREVIEW consortium who took the opportunity to publicise the workshop to the audiences. A news article promoting the workshop was also uploaded to the Advanced Engineering website. More information about PREVIEW’s attendance to these exhibitions can be found on page 13. Figure 6: Exhibition presentations promoting the workshopOnce the guests registered to attend the workshop they received a confirmation email with adocument explaining more about PREVIEW, the agenda for the day and useful informationsuch as transport and accommodation options. 5
PreparationPREVIEW end user Promolding was chosen as the location for the workshop. Their newfacility was ideal in providing the needs of the workshop including the size, space and locationof the factory floor and meeting rooms.To prepare for the workshop, Promolding, Eurecat and Smithers Rapra had weekly meetingsprior to the event. This ensured the workshop was well prepared for, enabling it to run assmoothly and efficiently as possible. The below chart indicates the time spent during thisorganisational stage. 13-Sep-17 06-Oct-17 30-Oct-17 22-Nov-17 Agree date Decide specific guests to invite Finalise agenda Registration of attendees Invite guests Social media advertisement Arrange equiptment needed Organise marketing material Name badges designed and printed Figure 7: Gantt chart showing the workshop preparationSet Up During the week leading up to the workshop, members of the consortium arrived at Promolding to install and test the PREVIEW system and decorate the facility ready for the guests. Stand graphics previously used at exhibitions were installed and on display along with the physical components of the PREVIEW system and the PREVIEW marketing material. 6
In the meeting room where the presentations took place two TV screens were on display.One to show the presentations and the second to enable attendees to follow theperformance of the PREVIEW system running in the production floor by visualising in real-time useful process information provided by the Data Acquisition System, the topologyand the quality of transmissions of the PREVIEW wireless network and setup predictionsprovided by the Advanced Predictive System. A bag of marketing material and promotional products was placed on each chair for the guests to take away and continue their exposure to PREVIEW. These contained the PREVIEW marketing material including the tri-fold, postcard and also the new final PREVIEW brochure which was purposely designed and printed in time for this workshop. The bag also contained material from the PREVIEW partners. 7
The WorkshopAttendeesGuestsThe PREVIEW workshop attracted 23 guests from machine manufacturers, equipmentmanufacturers, peripherals suppliers, research institutes, universities, end-users, branchorganisations and publishers. The attendees included technical sales, CEOs, researchers andmanagers; those with decision making authority. The countries represented were Austria,Spain, Italy, Belgium, Hungary, Norway and The Netherlands. Some notable companies inattendance are listed below. Machine Manufacturers - Arburg, Engel Equipment Manufacturers - Priamus, Kistler, Bosch Gasoline Systems Research - TNO, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Publishers - River Publishers European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA) The Dutch Federation of Rubber and Plastics Industry NRK European Plastics Converters (EuPC)The PREVIEW ConsortiumRepresentatives from all PREVIEW partners were in attendance at the workshop either inpresenting or supporting roles. 8
Agenda Table 1: PREVIEW workshop agenda Time Topic Presenter10:00 Welcome and registration Jac Gofers - CEO10:30 Menco Verduin - Managing Director10:45 Welcome to Promolding Jesús Pablo González Villodres11:15 The era of digitalisation and smart manufacturing: in- Chris Decubber11:30 troducing PREVIEW, a cyber-physical system for opti- Xavier Rubiralta12:00 mising injection moulding Stefan Dietzel12:30 Digital Manufacturing for ConnectedFactories CSA13:30 Francesc Bonada Bo “The challenges of data acquisition in injection mould-14:00 ing: the DAS module” Ismail El Haloui14:45 “Novel transmission protocols: featuring a wireless16:00 communication network” Lunch break “To fit or not to fit? That is the question: presenting the APS, an Advanced Predictive System for algorithmic analysis of injection moulding data” “Not just a simple app, but a user-friendly Location Based Content Delivery solution” Concluding remarks and networking Farewell from PromoldingTable 1 shows the agenda of the workshop. The four subsystems of PREVIEW; DataAcquisition System (DAS), Robust Wireless Communication, Advanced Predictive System(APS) and Location Based Content Delivery (LBCD) were the main focus of the day with bothpresentations and demonstrations used to explain these. The dark blue shading in the tableindicates the subsystems that had technical sessions and the light blue shading indicates thesubsystems with both technical and practical sessions.PREVIEW Overview - Jesús Pablo González, Eurecat Centre Tecnològic deCatalunyaProject manager Jesús PabloGonzález, gave the firstpresentation of the day with ageneral overview of thePREVIEW system, anintroduction to the projectpartners and an explanation ofthe days agenda. 9
Realising Europe’s Industrial Potential - Chris Decubber, EFFRAThe PREVIEW consortium were pleased to welcome to the workshop Chris Decubber fromthe European Factories of the Future Research Association (EFFRA). He gave a presentationtitled Realising Europe’s Industrial Potential. Figure 8: Chris Decubber, EFFRA Data Acquisition System - Xavier Rubiralta Alcañiz, Plastia Xavier Rubiralta gave the first presentation of the PREVIEW subsystems with his explanation of the Data Acquisition System (DAS) including it’s aim and a description of the physical components. Figure 9: Presentation and demonstration of the DAS Robust Wireless Communication - Dr. Stefan Dietzel, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin Stefan Dietzel from PREVIEW partner UBER presented PREVIEW’s robust wireless communication including it’s 3 main goals; autonomous, robust and fair. During his presentation, Stefan connected a wireless node to the system. Minutes later this additional node could be seen on the TV screen which showed the topology and the quality of transmissions of the PREVIEW wireless network. 10
Figure 10: Dr. Stefan Dietzel, Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinAfter the DAS and Robust Wireless Communication presentations, the guests were taken tothe production floor for a demonstration of the DAS, were shown the location of the wirelessnodes, and any questions so far were answered by the PREVIEW consortium (Figure 9).Advanced Predictive System - Francesc Bonada, Eurecat Centre Tecnològicde CatalunyaFrancesc Bonada gave an interactive presentation about the APS. On the TV screen attendeescould see the Setup Predictive System providing a recommendation to tune key parametersof the production process seconds after Francesc asked a worker on the production floor tochange a key parameter. Figure 11: Francesc Bonada, Eurecat Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya Location Based Content Delivery - Ismail El Haloui, Eurecat Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya Ismail’s presentation explained the LBCD’s main features; proximity detection, real-time positioning and geofencing. The Demonstration of the PREVIEW App video was shown to the guests before they were invited down to the production floor to see the app in action. Both geofencing and proximity detection were demonstrated in memorable ways, the latter by the video appearing on the app when the user stood in close proximity to a specific beacon. 11
Figure 12: Demonstration of the LBCD subsystemFeedback Session The final part of the workshop involved a feedback session to gather the guests opinions on the PREVIEW system. In small groups, each lead by a member of the PREVIEW consortium, the guests shared and discussed the key advantages of the system along with their suggestions. The data gathered in this session will be used effectively by the consortium.The successful workshop disseminated PREVIEW to key industrial stakeholders who were veryinterested to learn about the system as a whole, the characteristics of the subsystems and themany benefits of PREVIEW. Throughout the day the PREVIEW Twitter account was used topublicise the event with live updates (see images below). The subsystem presentations givenat the workshop will be available on the project website to continue the knowledge transferof PREVIEW to people who were unable to attend the workshop. 12
Seminars, Workshops and ExhibitionsAlongside the PREVIEW workshop held at Promolding a series of presentations and interactivedemonstrations were given at large exhibitions to widely disseminate the project to industryprofessionals within the polymer and smart manufacturing industries.InterplasInterplas represents the UK's leading plastics industry event, the only event to cover all of themanufacturing processes, technologies and services essential to the plastics sector.For over sixty years, Interplas has been the key show for more than 400 exhibitors to presentsolutions, products, machines and ideas to the UK manufacturing industry. Interplas is a forumwhere innovations in plastics technology are presented to an audience eager to seek solutionsto their challenges.Held triennially, the three-day event is held in Hall 4 of Birmingham’s NEC arena, a venuechosen for its central location and excellent transport links. This year, the show was on the26th, 27th and 28th of September and was expected to attract some 12,000 visitors, coveringall areas of the plastics manufacturing – including design and prototyping, materials, injectionmoulding machinery, extrusion machinery, thermoforming machinery, printing & decorating,automation & robotics, recycling, process control & sensing, test & measurement, QA & QCequipment, mould making, temperature control, end of line/assembly, contract manufacturing.The event represented the ideal place to exhibit the PREVIEW project.Additionally, for the 2017 edition, Interplas hosted an ‘Introducing Stage’ which offered quick-fire presentations highlighting the most innovative ideas, technologies and processes conduciveto efficiency, productivity and success within targeted business. In this context, Smithers Raprahad the opportunity to give a 20 min oral presentation on the PREVIEW system.Through the three-day event, the PREVIEW consortium was represented by Smithers Rapra atthe stand G52 (4×4 meters stand), see figure 13, 14 and 15. Figure 13: Interplas 2017 floorplan with the PREVIEW stand at G52 13
Figure 14: PREVIEW stand layout at Interplas 2017 Figure 15: PREVIEW stand at Interplas 2017Prior to and during these Interplas days, the consortium widely promoted the presence ofPREVIEW at the show in major social media such as Twitter (Figure 16), LinkedIn (Figure 17)and the PREVIEW website. Additionally, the attendance of the PREVIEW team was directlydisseminated through Interplas media such as the website and brochures (Figure 18). 14
Figure 16: Examples of Tweets sent before and during Interplas 2017Figure 17: Examples of posts released on Linkedin before and during Interplas 2017 Figure 18: PREVIEW dissemination in Interplas brochure 15
The PREVIEW stand successfully attracted a large number of visitors such as: MKM ExtrusionsLimited, Fern Plastic Products Limited, Unilever UK, TSM Control System, Greentech Plastics,Tensar, Reform Plastics and many others throughout the three days of the event. The visitorswere eagerly interested to know about the whole PREVIEW system, its working principles, thecharacteristics of each sub-system, economic benefits, stability of the system in the industrialenvironment etc. To make the PREVIEW system easily understandable and representable to thevisitors, a simpler version of the Data Acquisition System (DAS) was developed. The visitorscould inflate a football with a bicycle pump equipped with a pressure sensor and follow in real-time the evolution of the pressure with a simplified Data Acquisition System, see Figure 19. Additionally, a tailored version of the Location Based Content Delivery (LBCD) system was also presented to the visitors, see Figure 20. With the combination of two Low Energy Bluetooth beacons installed on the stand and the PREVIEW mobile app running on a tablet, the visitors could use the proximity detection feature of the LBCD and have access on the mobile device to the process information provided by the PREVIEW system such as alerts, setup predictions, production and quality control and documentation about the PREVIEW project. The visitors found it easy to operate and considered it innovative, advanced and very comprehensive to monitor and optimise the whole production process.Figure 19 : Visitor testing the simplified version of the DAS at Interplas 2017Figure 20: LBCD deployment at Interplas 2017 16
To support the exploitation and dissemination of PREVIEW, and to provide visitors withinformation to take away with them, postcards and trifold brochures were available on thestand. In addition, PREVIEW mint cards were given away as a reminder to visitors of the project(Figure 21). Figure 21: PREVIEW promotional materials at Interplas 2017Finally on the 28th of September, to make the technical information of the PREVIEW projectmore accessible to all of the participants, exhibitors and speakers at Interplas, Dr Julien Loste,consultant at Smithers Rapra, gave a presentation on ‘Merging Smart Factories with HighVolume Manufacturing’ (Figure 22). He started by describing the problems faced in theinjection moulding industry to improve productivity and the need to monitor the injectionmoulding process. Then, he highlighted how the PREVIEW system enables plastic moulders andmanufacturers to close this gap by incorporating cavity sensors and enabling the digitalisationof cavity and machine process parameters. He explained how it is possible to correct anyprocess inconsistencies by using the advanced predictive system that analyses and suggestsinjection moulding machine parameters to the operator to ensure the best part quality. Finally,he described how this data transmission process is possible due to an efficient, novel androbust wireless network protocol that overcomes the usual difficulties encountered in a largeindustrial environment (impracticality of cables and interferences). Figure 22: : Dr Julien Loste, Consultant at Smithers Rapra, delivering a presentation on PREVIEW system at Interplas 2017 17
Advanced EngineeringLaunched in 2009 with just 80 exhibitors and 1200 attendees, Advanced Engineering hasgrown to become the UK’s largest annual meeting of advanced engineering professionalsand supply chain organisations (Imeche).This year, the event was held at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC), in Birmingham onthe 1st and 2nd of November 2017. The show was composed of over 700 exhibitorsranging from the transport, machining, lamination, materials development, and mostsectors related to industrial manufacturing. The exhibition was filled with innovativestart-ups (i.e. Disruptive Technologies AS) as well as renowned industrial giants (i.e.Autodesk, Cannon, HP). The edition held in 2015, was reported to have attracted over13,000 participants throughout the 2-day attendance. 82% of the visitors were ofmanagerial nature, and had the administrative authority to influence over companyacquisition decisions (Engineering). The topics of the event were very varied and well-suited to incorporate latest developments and innovations within the smartmanufacturing and digitalisation trends of the industry, such as: Materials and processing technologies Testing and inspection Surface finishing techniques Driverless vehicle technology Technology transferIn its 2017 edition the event expected to have: Over 200 conference sessions Six forums 1000s of products 700 leading exhibitors More than 1000 of industry professionalsSome of the conference topics were: aero engineering, composites engineering,automotive engineering, performance metals engineering, and connectedmanufacturing which is where PREVIEW featured a 20 minute oral presentation.Smithers Rapra was chosen as the leading partner for the coordination of the event,having secured a stand (J14) for the whole duration of the exhibition (see Figure 23). 18
Figure 23: PREVIEW stand at Advanced Engineering 2017In the weeks leading up to the event the consortium publicised their attendance on major socialmedia and corporative websites to increase awareness (Figure 24). Figure 24: Social media advertisement for Advanced Engineering 2017 On the day of the event, various interactive activities to show the principle of the PREVIEW system were used to entertain and capture the attention of the participants. These followed upon the analogies used at Interplas, where the process for monitoring the injection moulding pressure was exemplified with the use of a pump, a football and a customised software application. In Figure 25, one of the attendees is seen interacting with this demonstrator. 19
Figure 25: Attendee interacting with the pump to “PREVIEW” the pressure via a customised DAS Similarly, the team at Eurecat were able to customise a special version of the LBCD application to showcase the setup predictive system and production control functionalities of the APS to the visitors. In Figure 26, a screen shot of the Advanced Engineering floorplan is presented where the location of the PREVIEW stand has been marked for informative purposes.Figure 26: LBCD customised app showing Advanced Engineering floorplan 20
On the 2nd day of the event, the PREVIEW team presented a talk entitled “PREVIEW:INNOVATING INJECTION MOULDING THROUGH CYBER PHYSICAL SYSTEMS”, at theconnected manufacturing forum (Figure 27). The talk provided an overview of the PREVIEWsystem, as well as detailing each one of its composing subsystems. The results obtainedduring the summer demos held at each one of the end-users’ facilities were also presentedfor discussion with the attendees. Figure 27: PREVIEW’s presentation at the Connected Manufacturing Forum in the Advanced Engineering event 21
Smart Factory ExpoThe Smart Factory Expo is the showcase for the latest advanced technologies and systemsin manufacturing agility, innovation and thinking and is considered as the UK’s biggestdigital manufacturing show for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). This expo is run bythe Manufacturer Magazine in partnership with government, industry and world classtechnical solutions developers. It provides speakers, exhibitors and senior executives anddecision makers within manufacturing businesses with a platform to discuss, network,collaborate, source and grow in the age of industrial digitalisation and revolution. Figure 28: The PREVIEW system was represented by Smithers Rapra at the Innovation Alley of the Smart Factory Expo This year, the event was held at the Exhibition Centre, Liverpool on the 15th and 16th of November 2017. Liverpool city region is one of the UK’s largest manufacturing regions and known to be a hotbed of Industry 4.0 practice. More than 4000 manufacturers and 100 exhibitors from renowned companies such as Sony UK, Rolls Royce, Siemens, Dell EMC, BAE Systems, GlaxoSmithKline etc. and innovative SMEs and manufacturing start-ups participated in this event. The two-day event facilitated the following six zones: 22
Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) Additive Manufacturing Servitization Artificial Intelligence Automation and Robotics Machine to Machine (M2M)Each Technology Zone had its own dedicated Solutions Theatre which providedopportunities for the exhibitors to engage and share the manufacturing knowledgedirectly with attendees in their respective business sectors. Over two days, more than120 top tier speakers from government, industrial sectors and academia came togetherto speak their expertise and discuss the present and future trends of the industrialmanufacturing sectors. Figure 29: Attendees at the Smart Factory Expo were discussing and receiving details about the PREVIEW systemAn Innovation Alley was included this year for the first time in the Smart Factory Expo. Itwas a dedicated densely-packed networking space to accommodate 48 establishedcompanies and promising manufacturing tech start-ups to showcase their products andinnovations to the visitors from their own micro booths (a concentrated dose of ideas,energy and opportunity). For presenting the PREVIEW system, Smithers Rapra hosted astand in the Innovation Alley over the two-day event (Figure 28). 23
Figure 30: Dissemination and promotional material on display at the Smart Factory ExpoDuring the event, various activities such as distributing PREVIEW brochures and cards(Figure 30) and showing the PREVIEW videos (Figure 31) were carried out to interact anddescribe the system with details of each subsystem to the visitors of the event. Figure 31: PREVIEW videos were shown at the Smart Factory Expo Commercial and environmental benefits of using the PREVIEW cyber physical system for the smart monitoring, prediction and optimisation of the injection moulding process were presented properly to the interested participants (Figure 29), and a large number of visitors expressed their interest to know more about the system, particularly the Data Acquisition System and Advanced Predictive System. 24
BibliographyEngineering, A. (n.d.). Advanced Engineering 2016. Retrieved 10 24, 2017, from http:// engineering-2016_84103/whats-on_84127/2015-show-review_86407/Imeche. (n.d.). Events. Retrieved 10 24, 2017, from code=TLE6438 25 PREVIEW group PREVIEWThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 636892. 26
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