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Home Explore Three cities with old and new photos

Three cities with old and new photos

Published by Mahbup Ela Yalcin, 2021-05-31 18:50:44

Description: Three cities with old and new photos


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EL MÉDANO I l ve n small v llaje n the south of Tener fe (Canary Islands)-SPAIN, near to the Atlant c ocean. There d dn’t use to b g bu ld ngs. The populat on used t ol ve n small nd v dual houses 50 years ago. But bow there are block of flats. In the past there were only small shops, now there s a shopp ng center, altough there are small shops too. 50 years ago n El Médano transport was very d fferent. There used to be a publ c transport (bus), so there are a center stat on and shops. Nowadays almost everyone have a car. The beach also offers a spec ally des gnated zone to set up k tes, and there are d fferent areas ava lable, su table for all levels of exper ence. The sport can be pract sed all year round, however t’s dur ng the summer when t becomes one the most popular dest nat ons for k tesurf lovers n Tener fe, espec ally when the w nds blow n a northerly and north-easterly d rect on. 2


TENERİFE Bruno Cubas Transform ng a c ty nto a modern metropol s takes much more than just hav ng a good c ty planner around. It’s more about hav ng a strong economy and a proud people work ng day and n ght to help make the c ty grow. Later, t became one of the most mportant ports of the Atlant c, a status t reta ns to th s day. Th s former f shermen's v llage rose to prom nence after a Volcano destroyed the port of Garach co n the 18th century. Santa Cruz became the major port on the Island. It f rst won ts ndependence from La Laguna and, n the 19th century, was awarded the status of Cap tal of the Prov nce of Canary Islands by K ng Ferd nand VII. The Santa Cruz de Tener fe-La Laguna Metropol tan Area forms the second largest c ty and metropol tan area of the European Un on outs de Europe. 4

NO.5 5

NEVŞEHİR A CITY IN CAPPADOCIA Photographer: Derya Yazar 6

7 Photographer: Derya Yazar

NEVŞEHİR-CENTER It was not ced dur ng the clean ng of settlements around Nevşeh r Castle and was declared as a 3rd Degree Archaeolog cal S te n 2014. Kayaşeh r, wh ch has a church carved nto the rock decorated w th frescoes, trans t on tunnels and nearly a thousand rooms, was opened to tour sm on 20 July 2021. W th th s change, the past was returned and traces of l fe dat ng back centur es ago emerged. 8

Reference:: H. Vedat Mumyapan:Nevseh r Castle 1960 Reference: Nevşeh r Kent Belleğ -facebook-Nevseh r Castle-Before 2010 Photographer: Mahbup Ela Yalçın- Kayaşeh r 2021 9

NEVŞEHİR-AVANOS WITH THE PAST AND TODAY FİLDİŞİ PAZARLAMA OKULU ŞİRKET BÜLTENİ COMPİLED:MUSTAFA TAŞKIN- AVANOS 1960 Avanos, a part of Cappadoc a, wh ch has the traces of H tt te, Phryg an, Pers an, Assyr an, Roman, Byzant ne, Seljuk and Ottoman n the past, has an mportant place n the reg on w th ts h story dat ng back at least 4000 years. The construct on of the stone br dge was started n 1898 w th the contr but ons of Kurena Ar f Bey from Avanos, who was work ng n the palace dur ng the re gn of Sultan Abdülham t, and was put nto serv ce n 1900. Its length s 151 m The pedestr an part of the stone br dge, wh ch was bu lt, was renovated and enlarged n 1995. Change from Past to Present: The amount of Kızılırmak Water has decreased. Houses and bus nesses opened n the ne ghborhood. 10

Reference : Halkların Değ l Coğrafyanın Müz ğ (excerpt) -Avanos- Stone Br dge 1910 Comp led: Mustafa Taşkın- Avanos- Stone Br dge 1940 Photographer: Mahbup Ela Yalçın- Stone Br dge- 2021 11

NEVŞEHİR-DERİNKUYU Referance: Halkların Değ l Coğrafyanın Müz ğ - 1910 SAİNT THEODOROS Sa nt Theodoros Tr on Church (Üzümlü TRİON CHURCH Church) n Nevşeh r / Der nkuyu 12 It s wr tten that t was bu lt on May 15, 1858, dur ng the re gn of the Ottoman Sultan Abdulmec d, w th h s perm ss on and the donat ons of Chr st ans l v ng n Malakop a (Der nkuyu). (Informat on: Cappadoc a L fe and Travel Gu de / Yavuz İşçen and Ayça Olcaytu İşçen).

Referance: Halkların Değ l Coğrafyanın Müz ğ (excerpt)-1910 Referance: An excerpt from Cappadoc a Explorer (Asım Durusu, who transm ts nformat on- Kent Belleğ Facebook) 2021 13 Referance: An excerpt from Cappadoc a Explorer (Asım Durusu, who transm ts nformat on- Kent Belleğ Facebook) 2021

ÇAVUŞİN NEVŞEHİR-ÇAVUŞİN Çavuş n s one of the oldest settlements n the Cappadoc a reg on. It s 2 km from Goreme. S nce t has tour sm value, hotel construct ons have ncreased recently. Photographer Derya Yazar-Çavuş n-2021 14

ÇAVUŞİN NEVŞEHİR-ÇAVUŞİN COMPİLED:ASIM DURUSU ÇAVUŞİN 1960- 2021 Comp led:Asım Durusu Çavuş n 1960- 2021 15 Comp led: Asım Durusu Çavuş n 1960- 2021

NEVŞEHİR-GÖREME Photographer: Derya Yazar Göreme, Erc yes Mounta n and Hasan Mounta n have extraord nary rock shapes formed as a result of w nd and water eros on and rock carv ngs that are warm n w nter and cool n summer and therefore have ndoor cl mate cond t ons su table for all seasons. Göreme, espec ally 7-13. It has become an mportant center of Chr st an ty w th the settlement of Chr st ans who have escaped from persecut on for centur es. Göreme Nat onal Park s among the areas ncluded n the UNESCO World Her tage L st (References: https://bas ll -park -ve- kapadokya.html) 16

Comp led: Asım Durusu1925 Maccan ( Avcılar - Göreme ) Photographer: Mahbup Ela Yalçın- -Göreme- 2021 17

Comp led: Asım Durusu-1940 - Göreme Photographer Derya Yazar-Göreme-2021 18

Comp led: Asım Durusu-Göreme Roma Castle-1887 Photographer: Derya Yazar-Göreme Roma Castle-2021 19

NEVŞEHİR-UÇHİSAR Photographer Derya Yazar-Uçh sar 2021 UÇHİSAR CASTLE Uçhisar, 5 kilometers from Nevşehir center, is the largest and most beautiful fairy chimney seen from all over Cappadocia. Many rooms, houses, shelters, warehouses, cisterns, tombs, cellars have been carved into it since the Roman period and it has been an important defense point against Arab raids. There are large stone cannonballs on it, which are used for defense against attackers. Uçhisar Castle, which was used both as a watchtower and as a defense castle, maintained its importance during the Seljuk and Principalities period ( References: kalesi). Today, many hotels and houses have been built around it. 20

Comp led: Asım Durusu- Uçh sar Castle Photographer: Derya Yazar-Uçh sar Castle-2021 21

Comp led: Asım Durusu- Uçh sar Castle-1911 Photographer: Derya Yazar-Uçh sar 2021 22

Comp led: Asım Durusu-Uçh sar- Uçh sar Castle Photographer: Mahbup Ela Yalçın-Uçh sar 2021 23

NEVŞEHİR-ÜRGÜP 50Tuana A50 Hav ng a geolog cal structure of volcan c or g n, Ürgüp Sude YA was establ shed n an area where frequent and typ cal examples of nterest ng natural format ons created by ra n and w nd eros on and def ned as fa ry ch mneys are densely located. The fa ry ch mneys r s ng between the crev ces formed as a result of the eros on of the ra n water flow ng from the valley slopes and then the w nds have created a very nterest ng landscape v ew un que to th s reg on (Rferences: https://tan 22554/urgup.html). What s chang ng s that there are many bu ld ngs everywhere, such as houses and hotels. These bu ld ngs are somet mes bu lt very close to natural structures and cause deter orat on. 24

Comp led: Asım Durusu--Ürgüp-1892 Photographer: Derya Yazar-- Ürgüp -2021 25

ÜRGÜP-ORTAHİSAR Ortah sar s a town n the Ürgüp d str ct of Nevşeh r prov nce. Ortah sar Castle was carved dur ng the Et ler per od. It s 86 m h gh (https://www.kulturportal ye/nevseh r/ gez lecekyer). The castle was used for both strateg c and res dent al purposes. There are examples of Cappadoc a's character st c c v l arch tecture on the outsk rts of the castle. Today, small rock houses around t have been purchased and converted nto a hotel. 26

Comp led: Asım Durusu--Ortah sar-1970 Photographer: Derya Yazar-- Ortah sar-2021 27

SİVAS S vas s a small c ty n Anatol an. Its economy depends on farm ng so as n the other parts of the World, the consequences of cl mate change are very mportant for my c ty. References:ürün-Gökpınar 28

Pasha Factory Picnic & Recreation Area -The new vers on s more well-kept and greener than the old vers on. But the old vers on s more natural. References: Sev nç D kmen, S vas Sularbaşı Çayyurt Bez rc Beng ler facebook group References: http://s Pasha Factory P cn c & Recreat on Area, new References: http://s Pasha Factory P cn c & Recreat on Area, new 29

GÖK MEDRESE (CELESTIAL MADRASAH) Gökmedrese or Gök Medrese (literally: \"Celestial Madrasah\" or \"Blue Madrasah\"), also known as Sahibiye Medresesi, is a 13th- century medrese, an Islamic educational institution, in Sivas, Turkey. -In the old photos, the height of the trees competes with the height of the minarets, but in the new photos the trees are barely visible. 30

References: Mehmet Şenol, S vas Sularbaşı Çayyurt Bez rc Beng ler facebook group 31 References: W k ped a. S vas Gök Medrese, new

MISMILIRMAK RIVER -Mısmılırmak River used to pass through the center of the city. -Even, people used to swim in this river. -But then when the river runs low it has covered up. References: Ahmet Can kl oğlu, S vas Sularbaşı Çayyurt Bez rc Beng ler facebook group 32

References: S vas Sularbaşı Çayyurt Bez rc Beng ler facebook group References: Ahmet Can kl oğlu, S vas Sularbaşı Çayyurt Bez rc Beng ler facebook group Fotografer: Ece Begüm 33

ETHEMBEY PARK -Ethembey Park s a natural park n the centre of the c ty. Years ago there was a pond n Ethembey Park. Even, people used to r de boats n th s pond. -But now there s art f c al pools n th s park. Because the pond dr ed up as a result of cl mate change. -Nowadays, we are content w th the trees left over from that t me. Happ ly we have those trees. 34

References: S vas Sularbaşı Çayyurt Bez rc Beng ler facebook group References: S vas Sularbaşı Çayyurt Bez rc Beng ler facebook group Fotografer: Ece Begüm 35

WINTER IN SIVAS POOL IN THE SQUARE -Years ago, t snowed more than now. Melt ng snow waters fed the r vers. -Nowadays snowfall and ra nfall decreased. The water level of the r vers has decreased, our lakes have dr ed up. Our land has become unproduct ve. The t me of the wheat harvest has changed. The farmers, who make up the major ty of the local populat on, were very affected by th s s tuat on. 36

Temperature: (-28) Celc us degree, Year:1967 References: Kemal Kadıoğlu, S vas Sularbaşı Çayyurt Bez rc Beng ler facebook group References: S vas Sularbaşı Çayyurt Bez rc Beng ler facebook group References: S vas Sularbaşı Çayyurt Bez rc Beng ler facebook group 37

References: S vas Sularbaşı Çayyurt Bez rc Beng ler facebook group Year:1976 38

-In the examples in this photo album, we perceive how much our nature and people are affected by climate change. Effects of climate change can be reduced with proper environmental planning and afforestation. And we learn the importance of even the smallest step. Ecebegüm Kap / Sivas Science High School 39

STATION STREET -In these photos, you will observe the increase in the population of Sivas and how much the gases released into the air with the increase in the number of cars polluted the air of Sivas. 40

Years ago Stat on Street (İstasyon Caddes ) References: http://www.s vasbulten .com/ Years ago Stat on Street (İstasyon Caddes ) References: http://www.s vasbulten .com/ References: http://www.f berdedekt fl 41


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