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Crusader Newsletter - Fall 2014 FINAL Page Order for Web

Published by NW Christian Schools, 2016-11-12 11:48:52

Description: Crusader Newsletter - Fall 2014 FINAL Page Order for Web


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Fall 2014 Volume 17 Issue 1Published by Northwest Christian Schools for Alumni, Friends & School FamilyLiving Out A Dream of ImpactIMPACT 2014’s Featured Speaker, Jon Kitna, is Reaching Tacoma’s Toughest KidsFor 16 years Jon Kitna Though his professional football career is now behind was making an impact him, he remains a man who has incredible impact on on Sunday and Monday the lives of young people as a teacher and coach atafternoons playing for NFL Lincoln High School, in Tacoma, Washington. Although his fame was what many young men dream about,teams such as the Cincinnati Jon’s dreams were not necessarily fulfilled on the football field, but in the classroom.Bengals, the Detroit Lions, Jon came to Christ in college. His journey in the NFLor our very own Seattle Photo Credit: Tacoma Public Schools shaped his perspectives: “I saw a lot of men at aSeahawks. As a professional young age that didn’t learn character and integrity andfootball player, thousands of Teaching was what it means to be real. When they left the NFL their lives fell apart.” Jon further shares on reaching someyoung people looked up to Jon; my avenue of the hardest to reach: “You can’t come here and be fake. I just try to be as authentic and real as I candaydreaming of becoming like to have an with them day in and day out.”him each time he took the field. impact onBy modern standards Jon was a young men Jon Kitna’s impact in the lives of young people is whatsuccess, having all the good things and women. every staff member at NWC seeks to emulate on athis life could afford. Yet Jon has daily basis. Though none of us are professionalsomething else far greater than That’s always Continues on P. 3a professional football career. Jon what my wifehas the Lord Jesus Christ, whom hebelieves is a treasure far beyond and I dreamedany other. about.P2 P4 P6 P8nwc highlights student life alumni invest

P2 the CRUSADER Fall 2014 nwc highlights God is... Science God is...Enduring • Providential • UnlimitedUnderstandings • Sovereign • Revealer • Just • Our Sustainerby Jack Hancock, EdD • The Source • Good & History SteadfastOur Headmaster Explains God is... MathNWC’s Response to the • The UltimateCommon Core Standards Author English God is...and the Biblically-BasedFoundation of All Our • Purposeful • Orderly, PreciseTeaching. • A Communicator and Consistent • Grace • ImmenseSince 1949, Northwest Christian • Immutable Schools has weathered dozens • Rational of educational waves without changing from its original Enduring Understandings are truths that provide themission and vision, solely because context by which all ideas and facts are interpreted.we strive to make the Word ofGod the bedrock foundation of • Principles that are part of crying out to God in the finaleverything we do. There will be transforming a student’s heart. moments of his life.reforms in curriculum, such as themuch publicized Common Core, • Keys to nurturing a students’ Since our Enduring Understandingsthat attempt to shape how we worldviews, so that when they are founded in the scriptures,teach, but they do not dictate what student find themselves in a NWC’s direction will not changewe teach. college class,they will interpret as the educational tides bring in what the professor is telling them another wave of “reform.”What makes NWC distinctive is not through the lens of an Enduringnecessarily what we reject, but Understanding they received at We consistently infuse them intowhat we embrace. At Northwest NWC. every aspect of our curriculum. WeChristian Schools we embrace the are never stagnant in our learningBible as the authoritative Word An Example from Teaching objectives and continue to grow inof God, and strive to teach every History knowledge. At NWC, we are strivingsubject, every topic, and every fact For example, in History we to make Biblically-based Enduringfrom a biblical perspective. The have the following Enduring Understandings the foundation ofvehicle by which we have chosen Understanding: everything that we do this is what we call EnduringUnderstandings. God is Providential (Romans 8:28). Please join us in prayer for History is the canvas that God uses Northwest Christian Schools. Pray What makes us distinctive to paint the plan of salvation. that God would empower our is not necessarily what efforts of using Biblically-based we reject, but what we Students are taught this Enduring Enduring Understandings to truly embrace. Understanding. It is posted on Prepare Minds and Transform the wall. When students study Hearts.Enduring Understandings Are... specific historical facts, such as• Big ideas that give meaning and the battles in the Civil War, they If you would like to read about the learn those facts in light of God’s Enduring Understandings we have lasting importance to what our providence in history. In addition adopted at NWC, please visit: students learn in the classroom. to learning when the war began, they look at how God used the• Truths that provide the context Civil War to further the gospel. by which all ideas and facts are While learning about various interpreted. battles, the providence of God brings the student directly onto• What we want our students to the battlefield, listening to a man know for a lifetime.

NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS P3Summer Enrichment Jon Kitna: IMPACT SpeakerCamps at NWC Dream of Impact... Continued From P1T his summer NWC promoted children worshipping and praising athletes, we have the same source a new summer enrichment the Lord! Throughout the week, of strength as Jon to accomplish camp for one week each the kids experienced hands- great things for the Kingdom of in July and August. The on activities presented by their God. We, along with Jon, want to be used by God as He transformsprogram was spearheaded by Mrs. teachers. young people into His likeness.Gretchen Cooper who desired tobring an artistic and exciting camp On Friday, all of the Join us for IMPACT NWC 2014experience to our empty summer students, parents, and Please pray for Jon as he is usedbuilding! teachers gathered for a by God at Lincoln High School.There were multiple classes that showcase performance. Pray that as Jon comes to speak atstudents could choose - from Each enrichment IMPACT NWC 2014 on NovemberEngineering and Building, Cooking class had something 1st, it would truly be an eveningby Course, and Survival Skills, to to present: a play that encourages our entire schoolAdventures in Art, Chess Club, about safe cooking family as we seek to be used byBeginning Piano, and Theater. On tips in the kitchen, God for His glory.Monday, camp commenced with protecting chicken eggs from heights by Other Quotes by Jon Kitna containers engineered “To impact community, country, from everyday household items, a world it starts with one life that’s skit about Jesus and the disciples committed to doing the right thing. performed by the theater class, and Hopefully that means that person is from the chess class, strategies on committed to loving Christ.” how to corner a king. “Every single day I walk into The distinguishing element of these that school there’s an enemy I summer camps was the loving can’t see. There’s a defense out teachers who shared their passion there that we can’t see. There’s a for Christ and His love woven spiritual battle that’s happening for throughout their lessons, activities, these young men and women we’re worship and adventures! trying to influence.” If I could relive my life, I would devote my “You want to make a difference inentire ministry to reaching children for God! somebody’s life, start serving. Once you do that, you get to see God at -Dwight Moody work. God’s serving.” IMPACT NWC 2014 The Wizard of Oz 425 NWC with Jon Kitna March 12-22, 2015 BENEFITSaturday, November 1, 2014 7:00 pm AUCTION NWC Benefit Auction Saturday, April 25, 2015 4:30 pm

P4 the CRUSADER Fall 2014 student life Wrestling Their Way to the TopBen Alford (‘14), Moses Eom (‘15), Knowledge Bowl, State ChampsJosh Stuhr (‘16), Timothy Kopplin(‘15), Dallas Pierce (‘16). Not T he Northwest Christian Schools’ Knowledge Bowl Team claimed thepictured Clark Rabe (’15), Ethan title of Knowledge Bowl State 2B Champions at the state competitionKopplin (’17) and Nick Higgins (’17). held in Arlington, Washington, on Saturday, March 22, 2014.I n spring of 2014 the wrestling The NWC Knowledge Bowl Team is coached by Aaron Spuler, Athletic program, in only its third year, Director and History teacher. He has been coaching NWC’s team for the made significant progress of a last eight years when the Knowledge Bowl Team was re-energized.notable stature. The team, madeup of eight wrestlers, welcomed Members of the team who competed were Brendan Hagerty (’15),Mr. Don Comi as assistant coach. Phillip Bax (’14), Chloe Baughn (’14), Rebecca Butler (’15), and SheaMr. Comi brought a new dimension Montgomery (’15). Other students who competed during the season wereto the team with his military back- Chris Hartis (’14) and Matt Salzano (’14).ground, daily interactions as ateacher, and a deep love of the Knowledge Bowl is not a trivia contest, but tests students’ academicLord. Mr. Mike Manuel and Marshall knowledge. The format for the state tournament includes rounds ofHart (’12) added significantly to the written and oral testing. NWC had to win every round to advance. Coachteam’s training. Dedicated athletes Spuler shared how rewarding it was to see these students use theircommitted to two-a-day practices academic gifts in a very intense, competitive concentrate on strength andconditioning. Rebecca Butler (‘15), Washington Aerospace ScholarBen Alford (’15) became NWC’sfirst Regional Champion and placed Rebecca Butler (’15)third at the State level, where competed initially againsthe pinned the State champion 308 students through ain an earlier match. Clark Rabe grueling four months of(’15) placed fourth at State. In assignments and tests to behis first year as head coach, Pete selected for the Washington Aerospace ScholarsKopplin was extremely honored (WAS) summer residency session. This programto be voted the District, Regional is designed to connect high school juniors with educational and careerand State Coach of the Year by opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematicsthe Washington State Wrestling through independent learning, hands-on interaction, professionalCoaches Association. guidance, and site-based tours.Our wrestlers participated in a Rebecca was selected to be one of 160 students to participate in a six-daycamp in Pasco in July, and look experience held at Seattle’s Museum of Flight this past June. The sessionforward to the 2014-2015 season in included teamwork to cooperatively plan a human mission to Mars withwhich four seniors (who were part support from professional engineers/scientists, university students, andof the inaugural team as middle certificated educators. Rebecca is looking forward to studying electrical orschoolers) will lead the team. mechanical engineering in college. Rebecca is the third student from Northwest Christian Schools to be selected for the program. Sarah Gady (’12) and Luca Capobianchi (’13) were selected in previous years.

NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS P5Continuing a Legacy of Service to Country...Bonnie (‘10) & Ben Alford (‘15)Service to country in the military is an Eagle Scout ongoing legacy of the Alford family. Cade Bowman (’14) Phil and Lynn Alford take care of veterans at the Spokane VA Medical Cade BowmanCenter; Phil as a surgeon and Lynn as a (’14) earned thenurse. Bonnie (‘10), and Ben (‘15), have rank of Eaglealso chosen to pursue military service. Scout, the highestBonnie Alford, after graduating from the rank awarded inU.S. Naval Academy in 2014, will serve the Boy Scouts ofaboard the USS Chosin, a guided missile America. Cade iscruiser. She will work to earn her combat a member of Boywarfare qualification as a Surface Warfare Scout Troop 210.Officer. For his final project, he repaired and refinished indoor and outdoorBen is currently applying for the U.S. Naval Scripture Highlight wood furniture for Life Services ofAcademy, U.S. Military Academy at West Spokane. “It is really fulfilling toPoint, and U.S. Air Force Academy. Join with me in suffering, work with my hands, and then forRegarding this pursuit he said: “I have like a good soldier of it to benefit a great organizationto serve my country in some way. The Christ Jesus. No one makes it even a sweeteracademies provide a great education.” He serving as a soldier gets accomplishment.”then spoke about how his family has all entangled in civilianchosen to serve in the military. Ben hopes to affairs, but rather tries tobe a doctor, and looks to military service as a please his commandingway of accomplishing this life goal. officer. -2 Timothy 2:3-4Many graduates have chosen to serve God by serving and protecting theUnited States in our military. Recent graduates include Thomas Hughes(‘12)—Marines, Andrew House (‘14)—Coast Guard, and Megan Jasmer(’14)—Navy. Please pray for these and for the Alfords... for Bonnie thatGod would use her aboard the USS Chosin, and for Ben that the Lordwould open doors of great service to Himself in the military.Sadie Garner, Sportsmanship on Par!by Coach Jeff Gullikson At State, the rain, wind and sloppy the large Sadie Garner conditions got the best of her slice, (’14) is an during the first round and knocked accomplished her out of contention for a medal; made golfer and however, in round two she achieved qualified for the second best score of the day some the State and moved up the leaderboard into tournament the top 10. fantastic each of the four years During Sadie’s senior year, she putts, and of her high became less interested in her school career. score and more interested in the scored theShe was known as one of the nicest fellowship and encouragementand friendliest golfers within our of her competitors. As a result, two lowestdistrict, always demonstrating a Sadie’s scores worsened, but GodChrist-like character and a positive had a better blessing waiting for competitiveattitude, being friendly to all her her. At the State tournament,fellow competitors. Sadie showed up with a very large rounds of her career. After 30 yard left-to-right slice to herDuring her junior year, she played golf swing. After some prayer she Sadie claimed her third placeher best golf and won the District decided to play anyway. For twotitle at Liberty Lake Golf Course. days, Sadie hit every shot with state medal, she felt that the quality of her play was not worthy of her placement. Many of her competitors congratulated Sadie on her third place finish, wished her well and thanked her for her friendship. In this experience Sadie felt God’s favor and blessing upon her in her choice to put investing in the lives of others above her own personal golfing pursuits.

P6 the CRUSADER Fall 2014 Amelia alumni (Fairburn) Hurn, Jeanette Class of Chaffee, 2011 Class of I amShine Your Light 1968 enjoying Southern California, married lifeby Dr. Duane Grummons I recently and our puppy, Lewis! I graduated published my book Extravagant from Azusa Pacific University inFormer elementary art teacher, Graces: 23 Inspiring Stories of May 2014, graduating Summa CumJack Rogers, is very gifted as an Facing Impossible Odds. My story Laude. In August I married Greg came when I survived a mid-flight Hurn and settled in Azusa where explosion of a terrorist bomb. I I’m working as an English language have compiled this story and tutor and volunteering. I will soon others into this book which is now be traveling with Greg to Adiedo, taking me on a whirlwind tour of Kenya to serve the ministries of radio, television and book signings. Spring of Hope International.artist and mentor. God blessed Anthony Carollo,him with exceptional talents in Class of 1986teaching and creating inspirationalart pieces. Recently he was In 27 years ofcommissioned to create two marriage, Debbiepaintings by a partnership of Dr. (Fennen) Carollo (’86)Duane and Trudy Grummons, and I have raisedformer NWC parents and longtime four children andsupporters of the school, and have led a full life ofRandy and Lisa Wright, parents of kids, farm animalsJoshua Wright (’12) who passed and homeschooling.away just prior to his junior year. After 26 years in the Photo Credit: Shmily Face PhotographyThese two significant art pieces real estate title business, I recently made a careerare displayed in the NWC Lower change and accepted a position as the Executive Director of the GreaterCampus Library. Spokane Association of Evangelicals (GSAE).The first painting is of Josh and Evan Verduin,is dedicated to his memory. Class of 2002The second painting depictsNWC students drawing closer I have been happily married forin relationship with Jesus Christ seven years to my beautiful wife,during their years at school. Shelby, who is an incredible mother to our three daughters. I spend myStop by the Lower Campus Library days specializing in industrial designto sense the meaningfulness and and architecture, but recently hademotion in each of these, and to the chance to put my architecturalappreciate the artistic talent of Mr. skills to work in the mission fieldRogers. What you leave behind is volunteering my time in Uganda.not engraved in stone monuments,but what is woven into the lives of Fuller stories for these and other alumni atothers. Scripture HighlightEach of you should use whatever A Biannual Publication Published for NWCSgift you have received to serve Alumni & Parents, School Family and Friendsothers, as faithful stewards ofGod’s grace in its various forms. 5104 E. Bernhill Rd Colbert, WA 99005 - 1 Peter 4:10 509.238.4005 Jana Baldwin, Editor Terry Meyer, Contributing Editor

NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS P7NWC Alumni Baseball Players vs. NWC 2013-2014 Varsity Baseball TeamBack Row: Dr. Jack Hancock, Joey Kershinar (’15) , Alex Ramsey (’16), Nathan Sander (’16), On Saturday, May 3, theBrian Henry (’14), Andrew House (’14), Kyle Dorosh (’14), Elijah Hambly (’14), Jacob Slawter Crusader Varsity Baseball(’15), Zach Taylor (’14), Scotty Miller (’14), John Mark McCord (’15), Nathan Jones (’17), Mr. team challenged the NWCDan Ferguson, Bryant Carrozzo (’16), Joey Biel (’16), Mr. Aaron Spuler. Front Row: Peyton Baseball Alumni in theGray (’13), Matt Kershinar (’13), Gavin Clayton (’13), David Yoppini (’13), Jake Kershinar (’09), first Varsity vs. AlumniMichael Biel (’09), Spencer Bron (’11), Marshall Hart (’12), Jake Winfrey (’11), Daniel Holland baseball game. The(’11), Hunter Bradeen (’11), BJ Bell (’07), Sam Williams (’09), Justin Loiseau (’09) Alumni won the first gameNot Pictured: John Profit (’00), Eric Bell (’99), Steve Warren (’97) 15-11 and the Varsity pulled out a win in the second at 13-12. A shared love of baseball and NWC was the common bond among all these men who parted after an enjoyable afternoon. See you next year!Class of 197440 Year ReunionThe Class of 1974 gathered inJune to celebrate the decades oflife beyond high school. Therewere moments to reminisce, catchup on old times, and rememberthose classmates who had gone onbefore. Tentative plans are set for a45th reunion in 2019. Class of 1994 20 Year Reunion The Class of 1994 celebrated 20 years since their graduation – half a lifetime ago. The two-day event brought several classmates and consisted of a special dinner for classmates and spouses, as well as a family barbecue at the home of Dan and Melissa (Tusant) Iverson. Classmates that were not able to attend were sorely missed.Class of 2004 Eleacia Walser, Hilary (Nelli) Perrine, Melody Getman,10 Year Reunion Christopher Peterson, Dereck Gade, Amber (Vanden Berg) Ross, Lauren Turner, Steve Vandenburg, Tracy MitchellOur class reunion was held on July 19 at Twigs.Although it was a small group a good timewas had. Classmates, spouses, and significantothers enjoyed eating yummy food, catchingup with each other, and telling stories. Kids,remodeled houses, and various professions-it'samazing where 10 years will take you!\"Full Reunion News & Announcements:

P8 the CRUSADER Fall 2014In Remembrance: Dr. Eugene J. FadelFormer Teacher and PrincipalT here may be 3, 2014 Dr. Fadel went to be home none more with the Lord. He is survived by beloved from his beloved wife of over 65 years,the history Barbara; one brother; three chil- dren, ten grandchildren and eigh-of NWC than Dr. teen great-grandchildren. He was Endowments preceded in death by one grandson.Eugene Fadel, a As a school we are saddened by his Starting in 1996, endowments passing, but confident in his trium- were established at Northwestfounding father of phant transition in the Lord. Christian through the foresight of the school’s leadership andthe school. Beginning He had an Invest Opportunity the generosity of our supporters in an effort to ensure a long andin 1949, Dr. Fadel amazing way of Dr. Eugene Fadel productive future serving the Fine Arts Endowment children and families of Spokanewas NWC’s first sharing God’s for the cause of Christ. Without This endowment funds fine arts our endowments, tuitionsmusic director. enhancements proposed annually would be at least 20% above by our fine arts teachers, providing current levels. The endowmentIn addition, he faithfulness. It a much-needed encouragement principal grows within the fund and blessing to our staff and and the interest is used to payoutserved as teacher, became natural students. Gifts in Dr. Fadel’s scholarships annually. Over memory can be designated to this 125 families each year receivecounselor, and and thrilling to be endowment to honor and continue scholarships provided by the his legacy at NWC. income from these funds.principal through a believer. Endowments are managed by the1956. In 2009 we -Former Student NWCS Foundation and currentlywere honored at include the following:our IMPACT NWC event as Dr. Fadel • Dorothy Allen Memorial Scholarship Fundrelayed stories of sacrifice, vision • Lew Button Memorial Scholarshipand faith from the early days at FundNWC. He also shared his passion for • General Endowment FundFine Arts and choral programs, as he • Henry F. Grinalds Endowment Fundwas honored that evening. • Valentine & Winifred KreidelDr. Eugene Fadel was born on Sep- Scholarship Fundtember 8, 1925. On Thursday, April • Arnold Pierce MemorialJacob Krauss, Former Rev. Richard S. Scholarship FundParent, Grandparent, Great Vaughn,Grandparent, Regent Former Parent, • Moody Harmon Memorial Grandparent, Scholarship Fund Jacob Krauss passed Regent away on May 20, • Joshua William Wright Memorial 2014 – and is now Richard Vaughn, much beloved Scholarship Fund reunited with his father, pastor, and friend, went loving bride of 62 home to be with his Lord on March Please contact us - 509-238- years, Gladys. Jacob 29, 2014 at the age of 80. Pastor 4005 (ext. 142) if you would like to served on the NWC Vaughn ministered at Spokane area give to a specific endowment or ifBoard of Regents and was well churches for nearly 50 years. His you are interested in establishingknown for his involvement as a heart was in mission work and local a new one. It is with humbleparent, grandparent and great- outreach. He was a former parent, gratitude we thank all of our donorsgrandparent. current grandparent and served on for their support – both their the Board of Regents for five years. prayers and their gifts. Don Ray Stern, Class of 1959 SuzAnne (DeMaine) Siemon, Don Ray Stern Class of 2003 entered into the presence of his Friends and family loving Savior March gathered to celebrate2, 2014. Don graduated from the life of SuzAnneSeattle Pacific University with a who passed away on March 31,K-12 teaching degree. He and his 2014, leaving behind her husband,wife, Donna, raised two daughters. Brian, and two-year-old twin girls.After a long life of service to Yakima She is also survived by her parents,area businesses and churches, he Bill and Teresa, her brother, Isaacworked with International Ministries DeMaine (FS ’15), and other Multnomah Bible College.Fuller Remembrance Articles at

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