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Home Explore Tyria World Atlas

Tyria World Atlas

Published by pauperprince, 2015-06-22 19:50:40

Description: Tyria World Atlas


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Tyria Continent Dungeon Maps Citadel of Flame

Tyria Continent Dungeon Maps Honor of the WavesHonor of the Waves (abbreviated HotW) is one of thekodan sanctuaries which fled south to escape Jormagand his icebrood, it was attacked by the Claw of Jormagand is now sinking. It has been ravaged by icebrood andSons of Svanir, who are actively after kodan magicalartifacts and corrupting the kodan. ◄Back

Tyria Continent Dungeon Maps Honor of the Waves

Tyria Continent Dungeon Maps Crucible of EternityThe Crucible of Eternity (abbreviated CoE) is the centralarea of an Inquest research facility, the Infinite CoilReactor. It was made after the Thaumanova Reactorexploded from the Inquest's experiments on chaos magic. ◄Back

Tyria Continent Dungeon Maps Crucible of Eternity

Tyria Continent Dungeon Maps The Ruined City of ArahThe Ruined City of Arah (or simply Arah), once called theCity of the Gods, was the home of the Six Human Gods;before The Cataclysm, which sunk Orr.In 1219 AE, Zhaitan awoke beneath the city, causing thekingdom and the city to rise above the waves. It nowresides in the city, making its lair there. ◄Back

Tyria Continent Dungeon Maps The Ruined City of Arah

The Mists

The MistsThe Mists is what connects the multiverse together, eachWorld with their own realities and histories. The otherWorlds we know in The Mists are Heart of the Mist,Fractals of the Mist, and World Versus World. ◄Back

The MistsHeart of the Mists (Player Versus Player) ◄Back

The MistsHeart of the Mists (Player Versus Player) Continues ►

The MistsHeart of the Mists (Player Versus Player)The Heart of the Mists is home to all Player Versus Playermaps. Open Player Versus Player thru the PvP Panel, thenat the top left select, Enter PvP Lobby. You will load intoThe Hall of Memories area. Each character must completea tutorial mission here, before using the PvP Queue.Hall of MemoriesConquest Maps  Battle of Kyhlo  Forest of Niflhel  Legacy of the Foefire  Spirit Watch  Temple of the Silent Storm  SkyhammerTeam Deathmatch Maps  Courtyard

The MistsHeart of the Mists (Player Versus Player) Hall of Memories Area ◄Back

The MistsHeart of the Mists (Player Versus Player) Conquest Battle of Kyhloz ◄Back

The MistsHeart of the Mists (Player Versus Player) Conquest Forest of Niflhel

The MistsHeart of the Mists (Player Versus Player) Conquest Legacy of the Foefire ◄Back

The MistsHeart of the Mists (Player Versus Player) Conquest Spirit Watch

The MistsHeart of the Mists (Player Versus Player) Conquest Temple of the Silent Storm ◄Back

The MistsHeart of the Mists (Player Versus Player) Conquest Skyhammer

The MistsHeart of the Mists (Player Versus Player) Team Deathmatch Courtyard ◄Back

The Mists World versus World (Player Versus Player)Open World vs. World Menu with the B key, then at thetop select, a WvW map to enter. Also, there are the Asuragates located in Lion's Arch, leading to each WvW map.Each WvW map has asura gates to travel to other WvWmaps. Waypoints can be used to travel between WvWmaps if the player is already in a WvW map.

The MistsWorld versus World (Player Versus Player) Edge of the Mists Eternal Battlegrounds Blue Borderlands Green Borderlands Red Borderlands Obsidian Sanctum ◄Back

The MistsWorld versus World (Player Versus Player) Edge of the Mists

The MistsWorld versus World (Player Versus Player) Eternal Battlegrounds ◄Back

The MistsWorld versus World (Player Versus Player) Blue Borderlands

The MistsWorld versus World (Player Versus Player) Green Borderlands ◄Back

The MistsWorld versus World (Player Versus Player) Red Borderlands

The MistsWorld versus World (Player Versus Player) Obsidian Sanctum (Player vs Player Jumping Puzzle) ◄Back

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter ◄Back

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter

The Mists Fractals of the Mists by ChapterFractals of the Mists is a type of Dungeon Instance thatconsists of an array of mini-dungeons called Fractals,where each Fractal has its own story and environment.Enter thru the Asura Gate in Lion's Arch into the MistlockObservatory area.Each Dungeon, regardless of difficulty level, will havefour randomly selected Fractals out of each Chapter Set;with the forth one being a Boss Fractal.

The Mists Fractals of the Mists by ChapterChapter 1  Aquatic Ruins  Swampland  Urban Battlegrounds  UncategorizedChapter 2  Uncategorized  Snowblind  Urban Battlegrounds  Molten Furnace  CliffsideChapter 3  Aetherblade  Volcanic  Thaumanova Reactor  Underground Facility  CliffsideChapter 3 (Boss fractal)  Solid Ocean Fractal  Molten Boss Fractal  Captain Mai Trin Boss Fractal ◄Back

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 1 - Aquatic Ruins

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 1 - Swampland ◄Back

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 1 - Urban Battlegrounds

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 1 - Uncategorized ◄Back

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 2 - Uncategorized

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 2 - Snowblind ◄Back

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 2 - Urban Battlegrounds

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 2 - Molten Furnace ◄Back

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 2 - Cliffside ◄Back

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 3 - Aetherblade

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 3 - Volcanic ◄Back

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 3 - Thaumanova Reactor

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 3 - Underground Facility

The MistsFractals of the Mists by Chapter Chapter 3 - Cliffside ◄Back

The MistsFractals of the Mists by ChapterBoss fractal - Solid Ocean Fractal

The MistsFractals of the Mists by ChapterBoss fractal - Molten Boss Fractal ◄Back

The Mists Fractals of the Mists by ChapterBoss fractal - Captain Mai Trin Boss Fractal ◄Back

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