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Home Explore Tyria World Atlas

Tyria World Atlas

Published by pauperprince, 2015-06-22 19:50:40

Description: Tyria World Atlas


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Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Kessex Hills(Right)

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Snowden Drifts (overview) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Snowden DriftsSnowden Drifts, a frozen stretch of high peaks and deeplakes, is the main artery between Kryta and Ascalon. Sonsof Svanir, centaurs, and dredge all stalk the Drifts, andtravelers are advised to stay on the main road or withinthe protective walls of a haven. Continues ►

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Snowden Drifts (Left) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Snowden Drifts (Left)

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Gendarran Fields (overview) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Gendarran FieldsGendarran Fields is an area of contrasts. The Shiverpeaksrise in the east, farms dominate its southern hills, and tothe west, Krytans fight centaurs in a centuries-old war.Meanwhile, at the heart of the region, pirates gallivantupon Lake Gendarr and raid surrounding communities. Continues ►

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Gendarran Fields (Left)

Tyria Continent Tyria ZonesGendarran Fields (Right) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Lornar's Pass (overview) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Lornar's PassLornar's Pass is a string of narrow valleys that lead downfrom the Shiverpeaks in the north to the Sea of Sorrowsin the south. Its deep valleys are the haunts of wildcreatures, ancient ruins, and hidden places of power longconcealed from prying eyes. Continues ►

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Lornar's Pass (Top) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Lornar's Pass (Middle) Continues ►

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Lornar's Pass (Bottom) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Fields of RuinUntil recently, the Fields of Ruin were the scene of theongoing struggle between humans and charr, centeringon the siege of the human city of Ebonhawke. Now afragile truce exists between the two races, while radicalelements on both sides seek to shatter that peace. ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Fields of Ruin

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Harathi HinterlandsHarathi Hinterlands is primarily controlled by thecentaurs, which are contested by Seraph soldierssupplied by Divinity's Reach via Lake Doric to the west,and the centaurs aided by the Modniir in the northeast. ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Harathi Hinterlands

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Dredgehaunt Cliffs (overview) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Dredgehaunt CliffsThe Dredgehaunt Cliffs were once the domain of thedwarves, but when that race went down into the depths,the mole-like dredge claimed these lands as their own,and battle with the jotun, the grawl, and the norn forcontrol. Continues ►

Tyria Continent Tyria ZonesDredgehaunt Cliffs (Top)

Tyria Continent Tyria ZonesDredgehaunt Cliffs (Bottom) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Blazeridge Steppes (overview) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Blazeridge SteppesThe charr once ruled Blazeridge Steppes, but the risingof the Elder Dragon Kralkatorrik left a corrupted swathacross the land. Now the legions contend not onlyagainst the creatures of the Dragonbrand, but againstthe ogres who have come down from the mountains. Continues ►

Tyria Continent Tyria ZonesBlazeridge Steppes (Top)

Tyria Continent Tyria ZonesBlazeridge Steppes (Bottom) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Bloodtide Coast (overview) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Bloodtide CoastThe Bloodtide Coast is a haven for pirates, brigands andruffians of all types. The region's many islands and caveshide those who prey on travelers from Lion's Arch, evenas the rising tide of undead forces ships inland from thesea. Continues ►

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Bloodtide Coast (Top)

Tyria Continent Tyria ZonesBloodtide Coast (Bottom) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Iron Marches (overview) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Iron MarchesThe Iron Marches was once a resource-rich region ofAscalon, but has been transformed into the front lines ofthe fight between the Flame Legion and the rest of theCharr. Forces of both sides skirmish along the edge ofthe Dragon Brand, each seeking control of the region. Continues ►

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Iron Marches (Top)

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Iron Marches (Bottom) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Timberline Falls (overview) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Timberline FallsTimberline Falls is a rugged upland dominated by twogreat river systems.It is on the frontiers of Tyrian civilization, and is thehome of lone freeholds, adventurer camps, and a myriadof races, including hylek, dredge, and quaggan. Continues ►

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Timberline Falls (Top)

Tyria Continent Tyria ZonesTimberline Falls (Bottom) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Sparkfly Fen (overview) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Sparkfly FenBroad estuaries give the Orrian undead easy passage intoSparkfly Fen. A wave of Zhaitan's minions drove hylekrefugees before it and captured vast territory. Thiscoastal area littered with Risen and ruins of both ancientKryta and Orr. Wyld Hunt valiants and Vigil crusadersfight to regain control from an untiring enemy. Continues ►

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Sparkfly Fen (Top)

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Sparkfly Fen (Bottom) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Fireheart RiseThe Fireheart Rise writhes in the grip of the FlameLegion. Once the rulers of the charr, this deposed legionhas been driven back by the other charr, but still controlsthis blasted wasteland of volcanoes and tar pits fromtheir massive fortress at the Flame Citadel.

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Fireheart Rise ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Mount Maelstrom (overview) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Mount MaelstromThe rugged uplands of the Steamspur Mountains areovershadowed by the power of a singular great mountain.This is the wildest of lands, far from the prying eyes ofthe races of Tyria. Continues ►

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Mount Maelstrom (Left)

Tyria Continent Tyria ZonesMount Maelstrom (Right) ◄Back

Tyria Continent Tyria Zones Straits of DevastationThe Straits of Devastation separate the Tyrian mainlandfrom the dragon-corrupted wasteland that once was thehuman nation of Orr.The events in the area focus on defending Fort Trinityand capturing the Temple of Balthazar, by moving pactreinforcements further into Orr.

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