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Published by NFTJ, 2015-03-23 01:38:54

Description: National Fitness Trade Journal Winter 2014. The industry guide to fitness facility management.

Keywords: fitness,management,club,equipment


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WALLY BOYKO PRODUCTIONS , INC. PRESORTED STANDARD P.O. Box 2490 U.S. POSTAGE PAID WHITE CITY, OR 97503 MEDFORD, OR CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT NO. 40RACK Winter 2014 The Industry Guide for Fitness Facility Management TWhaerARrtooofm see page 6

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Increase exerciser engagement within your facility.Increase the rate which your female exercisers visit your facility through strength training.In a recent survey of 500 women aged 18 to 55, we identified the reasons why women don’t do strength training exercises.Reasons ranging from women being happy with their cardio workouts to simply never being shown how to use the equipmentbefore. Find out what your facility can do to help more women realize the benefits and of strength training.View the research at 800.786.8404 © 2014 Precor Incorporated

CONTENTS WINTER 2014CHECK OUT OUR FREE ON-LINE VERSIONS OF NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL AT NATIONALFITNESSTRADEJOURNAL.COM 6 The Art of War Room National Fitness Trade Journal10 Ab Exercise Made Fun, (541) 830-0400 Easy and Effective Publisher14 Wally Boyko Productions, Inc. Associate Publisher Fitness meets technology in TRUE’s new Meshelle Boyko commercial series cardio equipment Editor18 American Made, Ronnie Boyko World Class Fitness Equipment Art Direction22 Advent Media A Dollie and a Dream Associate Editors26 Networked Fitness: Ashley Boyko-Mattos Shaping Up and Taking Over Richie Boyko30 National Advertising MGR. Total Motion. Total Workout. Meshelle Boyko Totally Fit. Asst. Advertising Manager Jim Clark NMFsS. FBitVneicsse®PrUeSsAidCeonotrdinator Michelle Thomson Contributing Photographers Sami Vaskola, Matt Shepley, Carl Thygesen, Wally Boyko Jr.34 The National Fitness Trade Journal is published quarterly (four The New Face of ASF times a year with an exclusive Trade Show Issue (July) for38 $25 per year by Wally Boyko Productions, Inc. A California What’s New with Ideal Products? Corporation, P.O. Box 2490, White City, OR 97503. Editorial42 contributions must be accompanied by return postage and will VersaRower Delivers Versatile be handled with reasonable care; however, the publisher is not Cardio and Strength Workouts responsible for unsolicited materials of any kind. Any material accepted is subject to such revision as is necessary to meet46 The Trials and Tribulations requirements of this publication. The act of mailing material of Managing Your Personal Trainers shall constitute an express warranty by the contributor that the material is original and in no way an infringement upon the rights of others. Reproduction of this magazine in part or whole without consent, is prohibited. Send subscription inquiries and address changes to National Fitness Trade Journal, P.O. Box 2490, White City, OR 97503 Phone (541) 830-0400 Fax (541) 830-0410. Wally Boyko Productions, Inc., does not endorse advertised products or services represented in this magazine. Furthermore, WBP is not responsible for any warranties or manufacturer claims of product performance.4 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

FALL 2009 | 5

“… like all previous new fitness movements, CrossFit will eventually become absorbed and integrated into the club offering. The only question is how and when.”WThaer RArotoomf What’s happening today is a piece of history repeating itself. In the 1970’s,Embracing the Latest Blessing in Disguise Nautilus started a similar explosion in strength training that began withBody Health Clubs have always been places where dedicated Nautilus centers that chargedcertain members have an inner drive to push a fee for membership. Then healththemselves to their limits and beyond. Look out on clubs began introducing Nautilusany cardio or strength floor and you see them striving centers into their facilities andtoward ever higher strength and endurance goals. charging a lower fee. Then access toRecently there has emerged a new phenomenon that Nautilus equipment in clubs becamehas targeted this pre-existing “intensity segment.” included in the monthly dues. TheIt has incorporated traditional exercises into its ensuing creativity and innovation ofprotocols, and given it a name - CrossFit. It fosters a companies like Cybex and Paramountculture that challenges traditional club trappings and eventually resulted in strength floorsexercise methods. It is a movement that has exploded of many brands and technologies. Ainto an estimated 6000 functional training facilities similar scenario is likely to play out withoften called “box gyms” or “boxes.” Although it CrossFit. How to jump on is the onlythreatens to peel the “intensity segment” away from question. A hasty strategy of “ready firetraditional health clubs, it should be welcomed, aim” or “build it and they will come”not feared. That’s because like all previous new could result in buying and scrapping several solutions beforefitness movements, CrossFit will eventually become you reach a solution that eventually works.absorbed and integrated into the club offering. The Torque’s approach is to seek solutions that you only haveonly question is how and when. to buy once and that you can enhance and expand apace with the trends in the movement. Torque systems enable clubs to stick their toe in the water at an affordable level then scale up as membership and revenues grow. Having an answer that flows into the future starts with visualizing what the future will look like when the dust settles. Then it’s simply a matter of being there with the right mix of programs and equipment. “It suggests a dual strategy of offering a lookalike box gym for the ultra intensity segment and a more mainstream offering for moderate intensity.” What will group functional training look like in the end? One clue is that most exercise activities evolve into two participation levels variously called “hard core” and “soft core,” or “high impact” and “low impact,” or “high intensity” and “low intensity.” It has always made sense for clubs to pursue and capture both segments, and group functional training should be no exception. It suggests a dual strategy of6 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

offering a lookalike box gym for the ultra intensity segment and on 2x2 12 gauge or makeshift equipment will be stunned by thea more mainstream offering for moderate intensity. One without difference. In a stand-alone or in-club box gym, Torque presentsthe other is like selectorized without freeweights. an undeniable contrast. It could eventually force substandardThe Ultra Intensity Segment equipment box gyms to upgrade in order to stay in the game.The in-club lookalike box gym would have an edgy name like “war Torque’s X-Rack Series is a line that you only have to buy” or “combat zone.” The equipment and surroundings wouldhave a bare bones “minimalist” look and feel. The trainer would In the training professionalism area, CrossFit trainerbe called a “coach,” Sessions would foster an air of camaraderie. certification takes only two days whereas ACE certification takesParticipants would think of themselves as athletes engaged at 120 hours. This is an important difference where safety is anan elite level of exercise intensity. It could be CrossFit certified emerging concern in high intensity group functional training.or not. It only takes two days for trainers to be CrossFit certified,and facility affiliation is similarly easy. The Nautilus scenario People who work out in CrossFit gyms often look down theirsuggests CrossFit identity to start, then let it evolve where it will noses at traditional health club equipment and exercise. But inas time goes on. Like the box gym, the club could charge dues, a Torque X-Rack “war room,” it’s hard to look down your nose atbut they could be significantly lower and still support a lucrative equipment that weighs twice as much and is rock solid under theprofit center. In addition to cost, other competitive advantages most extreme exercise movements. Members will see, feel, andcould be safer equipment and more professional “coaching.” trust the difference.“Torque’s X-Rack for stand alone or in-club “…it’s hard to look down your nose at equipmentbox gyms is minimalist in aesthetics with the that weighs twice as much and is rock solid undercompetitive advantage of rock solid stability underthe most extreme functional movements.” the most extreme exercise movements. Members will see,In the equipment area, many box gyms start out on a shoestring feel, and trust the difference.”with equipment made from 2x2 12 gauge steel, or in some casesfrom iron plumbing pipe they buy at a building supply store . This The Moderate Intensity Segmentequipment tends to bend and shake when extreme movements For members attracted to group functionalare performed on it. Torque’s X-Rack Series is 3x3 11 gauge steel training at a more moderate intensitywith ultra durable paint and UHMW wear protection you don’t find level, Torque has designed the X-Lab. Iteven on other 11 gauge systems. Anyone who has ever worked out is engineered using the same high quality components, paint finish and oval tubing as other high end strength equipment creating an integrated design that looks and feels like it belongs in a health club. Available in 15 different sized configurations, this equipment could be situated on the main exercise floor, but partitioning it off in some way will make it easier to charge dues and make it a profit center. Within eye shot or ear shot of the main exercise floor, it will bring a feeling of energy to the entire exercise room experience, and let members know they have the option to participate. Torque’s X-Lab for more moderate intensity levels provides limitless opportunities to functionally train in a group setting. Up to 14 people can work out simultaneously on the X-Lab 5, but what makes it unique is that it is the only system available that allows one trainer to coach all participants through the same movements simultaneously, thereby offering safe and effective instruction and monitoring to all individuals. continued on page 8 » WINTER 2014 | 7

“I utilize the X-Rack and X-Lab systems 10 hoursa day with personal training clients as well as ingroup classes… we offer traditional equipmentalong with the CrossFit area so the systemsTorque has provided us from both a traditionaltraining standpoint and CrossFit model hasallowed us to market to all ages, stages andfitness levels in our community.”Randi Walz, Owner, Evolution, LLCIn Summary movement with equipment engineered to send signals thatCrossFit is a movement that should be welcomed, not feared. you’re in the game, and in it to win.Like all new explosions on the exercise scene, it will eventuallybe absorbed and integrated into the health club offering. Contact Information:Initially it can be a new profit center at competitively lower Phone: 763.754.7533dues than box gyms. And there are additional opportunities Toll Free: 1.877.867.7835to offer advantages in equipment quality and coaching Email: [email protected]. Torque has looked down the road and offers Web Site: www.torquefitness.comall the tools to pursue and capture both the hard core and softercore segments. The X-Rack and X-Lab systems serve this newWe Know Money At Affiliates Capital, we know money. But more importantly, we can unlock the doors to money that you’d struggle to open with a titanium crowbar. We also know fitness. As a matter of fact, we’ve built our financial foundation by servicing some of the biggest names in the fitness industry. With over 50 years in finance our team has gotten fiscally fit and knows exactly how to get your business the capital it needs to grow. Visit our web site, call or email [email protected] to find out how we can get you financed | 978-400-1628• Existing clubs • Application-Only programs• New clubs • 24 to 60 months• Club Acquisition financing • Leases and loans• Fitness and non-fitness equipment • Easy Process• Tanning8 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

A new fluid way to train laterally With smooth, 3D motion that goes from a vertical elliptical stepping motion to an active side-to-side motion that adjusts on the fly, this one-of-a-kind cardio workout trains the body in new directions for greater challenge, better performance, and total-body transformation. LateralX adds muscle confusion to your cardio floor and takes members in a new direction. Contact your local rep to learn more today STEPPING LATERAL MOTION MOTION Scan this code OCTANEFITNESS.COM • 888-OCTANE4 to see it come to life! © Copyright 2013. All rights reserved by Octane Fitness.Generated by

Ab ExerciseMade Fun,Easy andEffectiveIf you were to ask your memberswhat their top 5 favorite things are to do atyour club you can be certain that one ofthem would be Ab Machines.  A recentnational research study confirmed thatclub members love using ab machines,and the more the better.The Abs Company has helped to satisfy the huge consumer Ab Coaster Meets Ab Solodemand for innovative ab equipment with the introduction of theAb Coaster in 2007.  The idea behind the Ab Coaster is simple:  to When Sean Gagnon, VP of The Abs Company, first saw the Abmake the most difficult ab exercise -- The Hanging Leg Raise Solo at a trade show, he knew it was another hit ab product like--easy and effective for anyone to perform properly, at any fitness the Ab Coaster.  He saw an effective ab machine that was intuitivelevel. The Ab Coaster’s unique design won several awards and to use and turned the boring ab crunch into a fun and excitingbecame a huge success with consumers. Now, the Ab Coaster is exercise. Understanding the growing trend to offer more innovativeused in thousands of clubs all over the world.   Ab Machines for members at health clubs, Mr. Gagnon pushed his company to acquire the rights to the “AB SOLO” when he heard10 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

that the owners wanted to  shut down their business.  Gagnon credit for upgrading to the all-new Ab Solo. Many clubs havebegan discussions and a deal was made for The Abs Company to already taken advantage of the deal and are reaping the benefitsacquire the rights to the AB Solo Brand in 2013. of the new design.  Out with the Old, and in with the New Ab Solo The Core ZoneThe Abs Company spent several months researching and Adding the Ab Solo to the Ab Coaster line of products was justimplementing a new Ab Solo design, making the product more the beginning. The Abs Company added another innovative abcompact, sleeker, quieter and with fewer moving parts. The new machine to the mix in 2013. The all new “Abs Bench” is adesign features an air-filled lumbar support pad that is comfortable unique crunch bench that enables users to perform both forwardfor the user and also provides a pre-stretch to maximize full range crunches and reverse crunches, separately or together at the sameabdominal contraction. Three multi-color “touch targets” were time.  With several other Core fitness products in developmentadded to promote oblique training and to provide an opportunity and launch dates in 2014, The Abs Company is also rolling outfor personal trainers to interact with clients while exercising on a complete turnkey package of innovatve Ab Machines for healththe Ab Solo, for example calling out a sequence such as “black, clubs to keep their members motivated. The new concept is calledred, throw, red, yellow, etc.” The re-designed unit also includes “The Core Zone” and will be unveiled in San Diego at IHRSA ina counter/timer which gives instant feedback for counting reps or March 2014 (Booth Number 3820).timing intervals. Stop by The Abs Company booth and receive a FREE Tshirt when The new Ab Solo was launched in the 4th quarter of 2013 and you sign up at: clubs have installed the unit and are raving about the newdesign. Not only do members love using the product, but with a If you’re not going to IHRSA, sign up and The Abs Company willsmaller footprint and fewer moving parts, the new Ab Solo also send you a video of The Core Zone after the tradeshow.takes up less space and requires less maintenance -- two hugebenefits for health club owners. For more information visit or call 866-219-5335 For health clubs that own the original Ab Solo, The AbsCompany is currently offering a special promotion of a trade-inWellness Assessment System Discover MicroFit’s high quality wellness assessment system and see how it can improve your facility’s image and your member’s personal health. • Add value to membership • Increase personal training • Improve member retention • Attract medical referrals • Service corporate accounts Free trial software: 800-822-0405 [email protected] WINTER 2014 | 11

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RETRACTABLEBENCH ARMSDESIGNEDFOR SAFETY.Traditional bench presses can placedangerous stress on the shoulders whenthe user reaches up and back to lift aweighted bar off the starting position.Gil Reyes created a unique bench forAndre Agassi during his professionaltennis career utilizing a retractablearm that safely and efficientlypositions the bar over the user’ssweet spot. This innovation hasbeen refined over 20 years andis found in all BILT by Agassi &Reyes benches today.LEARN MOREbiltbyagassiandreyes.comCORPORATEHEADQUARTERS7020 W. Warm Springs RoadSuite 100Las Vegas, NV 89113T 702.215.2181FOLLOW ONLINE FLAT BENCH INCLINE BENCH DECLINE FOR QUICKNESSBILTbyAgassiAndReyes FOR SPEED FOR POWER FOR SAFETY

Fitness meets technology in TRUE’snew commercial series cardio equipment.TRUE Cardio equipment has been known for over 30 years as the pinnacle of quality craftsmanshipand performance. The new commercial line continues that tradition and brings an updated stylethat will outperform all others. These beautiful machines offer a sleek design, along with innovativeand user-friendly features that will set your facility apart. TRUE CS treadmills, ellipticals and bikeswill deliver everything your customers are looking for, and more, with multiple console optionsthat offer the latest technology to meet your needs. TRUE’s TRANSCEND touch screen With all of these customizable display the user in the center of the exerciseseries of consoles brings the ultimate options, TRUE’s cardio line up has motion for superior balance, stabilityin technology and entertainment to the something for everyone. and comfort.fingertips of users. The TRANSCEND16offers a 16” capacitive touch screen SleekNew Designs In addition, the TRUE elliptical is thewith built in television and advanced TRUE has redefined the elliptical. only one on the market that offers a total-iPod capabilities. In addition, the With a new look unlike any other,TRANSCEND16 is Netpulse compatible TRUE Ellipticals will be the talk of body workout with our uniqueand features Virtual Active videos for users your facility. And design doesn’t program, Cardio 360. Cardioto escape during their workout. With the compromise function. This all 360 is a personal, interactiveTRANSCEND series of consoles, users starts with our patented core-can also download their workout summary drive design that users will findinformation via the USB port, and track all beneficial before, during andtheir workouts with TRUE’s new mobile after their workout. As aapp available for both Apple and Android user gets ready to start theirdevices. The Transcend16 also features workout, they simply approach12 languages and the option to customize the elliptical and step up on toscreen savers, making it a great tool for the side steps. This provides forfacilities everywhere. The TRANSCEND a much safer entry and designconsole is also available in a 10” touch than other ellipticals on thescreen as well. market. Then, once a user gets started in the workout, TRUE’s ESCALATE console series is they will quickly noticea great option for facilities looking for the biomechanics of thisa new, engaging display for their users. elliptical has a smooth,The ESCALATE9, and soon to be released naturalESCALATE15, both offer a full color feelinggraphic LCD display with an easy-to-use egg-shape, menu driven screen and navigation. motionThe ESCALATE series brings basic that keepsentertainment options to users includingiPod functionality and USB port availablefor downloading workout summaryinformation for tracking purposes. Then the EMERGE series console offersa basic solution to facilities that are lookingfor a simple, clean and easy-to-use designfor their members. The EMERGE consolestill offers a strong choice of program andworkout options, as well as the USB portfor workout summary downloads, in asimple orange LED display.14 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

coaching program were users work all Designed for those seeking a realistic facility, especially when combined withmajor muscle groups through a series of cycling experience; the ergonomic design other cardio pieces in the CS series.upper body, lower body and total body is ideal for all riders and the aero bars TRUE® uses the most durable materialsexercise, in as little as twenty minutes. provide great leverage for long distance available in this class to ensure that theUsers will be challenged with a set of sessions. CS900 will look great for the long haul.randomized exercises that focus on upperbody and lower body muscle groups. Like all TRUE equipment, the all new The CS900 recumbent bike is CS900 recumbent bike is comfortable, self-generating (with the Emerge and During any TRUE workout, users smooth, quiet and durable. The small Escalate9 Consoles) and therefore cancan increase the effectiveness of their footprint allows you to maximize the be placed anywhere in your facility. Thetraining with TRUE’s Heart Rate Control space in your facility, while offering the dual stage drive system with Poly-V beltsprogramming. With TRUE’s HRC Cruise highest quality equipment available to combine for a very smooth and quietControl feature, users can workout at your users. Plus, since users don’t have riding experience.a level that will maintain their target to step over the frame to reach the seat,heart rate by automatically adjusting the it’s perfect for all ages, especially seniors Pre-programmed workouts includingresistance of the elliptical so they stay or members who are rehabbing an injury. manual, quick start, random, cardio, fatwithin an aerobic, performance or weight burn and hills provide a variety of trainingloss training zone. The CS900 walk-through recumbent options for users with a wide range of bike is built on a custom-designed,Stand Out In The Crowd racetrack-inspired steel abilities and goals. Programming onTRUE CS bikes provide a realistic cycling frame that is a perfect the fly allows users to adjust workoutexperience while enhancing user comfort complement to settings while using the bike.through a variety of features. any exercise The TRUE CS900 exercise bike The all new CS900 Upright Bike is features a multi-setting, adjustablethe sleekest upright bike on the market seat that optimizes range of motiontoday. With an all-new industrial design while minimizing pressure on softcombined with TRUE’s quality and tissues. The reclining seat back allowsdurability, this bike is sure to be a favorite infinite adjustment to fit multiple bodyof your facilities’ users. A low step-up types and comfort angles.height ensures the CS900 is a safe andeasy entry for all ages and fitness levels. TRANSCEND all others with the newPlus, the small footprint allows you to TRUE CS line up of cardio equipment.maximize the premium space in your For more information, visitfacility. or call 1.800.426.6570 WINTER 2014 | 15

We Have Over 20 Years ofFlooring Experience Under Our Feet… …That’s why, when it comes to choosing the right flooring for their facilities, health and fitness clients worldwide trust Centaur Floor Systems to do the footwork for them. Centaur steps to the task with a vast selection of high quality brands in floor coverings that stand up to your demands. Call a flooring expert now at 800-536-9007 or hop online to for more information.

MOVE CthhawetEcwkhwVao.vhEueetRljitoxhYicenoOe.lcdaNotetmhEse/tteLhHsieOgtlihimxVpoRErnoeiSfvaiolleslHuftaiEocnLil:iItiXes!SIDEWAYS...AND FINALLY START GETTING SOMEWHERE.HELIX is the breakthrough productthe industry has been clamoringfor. Its patented LATERAL motiondelivers radically different — andradically effective — results:• 55% greater core activation• 36% greater glute activation• Target heart rates reached 23% faster• Superior results seen in 7 out of 8 muscle groups tested*Your members and prospects will The patented Helix Motion is theLOVE it. Don’t believe us? Check only true lateral trainer™ on theout market. It delivers dramatic results,and read how hundreds of club while keeping the feet, ankles,owners like you are using the Helix knees and hips in biomechanicallyto keep and attract new members correct alignment.every day!“It really ‘tours’ well with prospective clients because it’s so divergentlydifferent. It also conditions the body nicely. It says a lot about the Helixthat almost everyone has a smile on their face when they’re using it!”— Dick S., Lifesport Fitness, Philadelphia, PA *All results Helix vs. leading elliptical. Full info at Lateral Trainer8888.8483.54.3459.24692(688(88-8H8E-HLEIXLCIXOC)O|) s| aclebsi@@hheellicixoc.coo.cmom

American Made, World Class Fitness EquipmentS ince 1971 TuffStuff Fitness Equipment, Inc. has always focused on one From their humble beginnings as a small thing; the design, development and manufacture of premium grade family-owned company, to their current state-fitness equipment. Whether supplying strength equipment to the world’s of-the-art manufacturing facility located infinest Health Clubs, or producing the industry’s most dependable home Chino, California; TuffStuff maintains onegyms, TuffStuff consistently uses only the highest quality materials throughout of the largest American production lines intheir product line. As a result, TuffStuff has earned a reputation for building the fitness industry, and remains the onlythe most reliable strength equipment money can buy, which has rewarded fitness company in the United States withthem with a loyal following of fitness enthusiasts. the capability to manufacture any product it sells. This capability is remarkable in anAt work at the TuffStuff facility: industry where most equipment suppliers doThe welding department crafting not design or manufacture anything they sell,a Pro-XL rack frame. and allows them to continue to produce and(below) A view of the powder supply parts for customers who purchasedcoating machine inside their their gym systems as far back as 1974.state-of-the-art factory. “At TuffStuff Fitness, we are committed to improving the lives of our customers by providing quality fitness products and solutions that earn their trust and build lifetime relationships”, says Mike Ryser, National Sales & Marketing Manager. The continued success of TuffStuff products in both the institutional and consumer markets can be attributed to a team of dedicated staff, focused on making design improvements and meeting market place demands, while delivering unparalleled customer service and support. After finally settling into their new state-of-the-art, 103,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Chino, CA, it was time for TuffStuff to sit down and evaluate their next moves. “We sat down as a group and took a close look at the economy’s current state of affairs, as well as, our product sales over the past 5 years, in order to identify needed changes; whether it was a single product or complete line. Rather than sitting back and riding out the storm, we created a 3 year plan that included the development of a few new products, enhancements to current products and full product line changes based on feedback from our global distribution partners.”, says Ryser. Their plan also took into consideration, new and existing products that could be brought back and manufactured here in their US facility. The first project was the redesign of their then XXL Line of Cages and Racks.18 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

Top: CT8 Fitness Training SystemBottom: Pro-XL Rack SystemTuffStuff wanted to create a stronger, sounder options and incorporate them as functional and sports performance trainingline of cages and racks that was crafted from standard features on every rack for one-on-one or group fitness programs. Insuperior components and included more value and cage going forward. Once addition, TuffStuff manufactures the CT8 inadded features allowing the latest training the R&D was completed and their US facility, which allows them a broaderoptions to be incorporated. Simplicity was also the decision to manufacture the range of customization by offering multiplea goal in the redesign by looking at the list new racks and cages in the USA standard and custom color finishes and theof options their competitors offer as add on was made, the PRO-XL Sports ability to ship within 2-3 weeks lead-time. Performance Rack System was completed and debuted at TuffStuff shared some of their plans for IHRSA in March of 2012! 2014, including a complete redesign and upgrade to their existing home line of strength In early 2013, TuffStuff equipment that will encompass a more sound, Fitness launched their new structural design and grade of materials CT8 Fitness Training System. allowing a Light Commercial Warranty, while “During development of the managing to still stay in the same price CT8, we identified what range as the previous line…look for the new was already available in the TuffStuff Fitness “Advantage” line at IHRSA market, most specifically in 2014 in San Diego, as well as, the unveiling the areas of design where we of their new company logo and brand identity. could correct and adapt to our system. This included offering For more information on TuffStuff Fitness, more exercises per square foot, its family of strength equipment or the creating a modular design that quality service behind the success allows countless configurations for different of the company; simply visit them at types of facilities and training and creating Contact Mike Ryser an educational protocol through a DVD and directly at [email protected], or call booklet included with each CT8”, adds 1.888.855.8274. You can also find TuffStuff Ryser. The modular design of the CT8 offers Fitness on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and customizable combinations of traditional, Linkedin. WINTER 2014 | 19

Take Workoutsto New Heights Get back to basics with the MtEverclimb™ continuous rope climbing system. Provide a total body workout machine to your athletes that’s safer than conventional rope climbing. Call us today at 866-282-5402 to find out how to add MtEverclimb™ to your facility. Made In The USA

A Dollie and a DreamIt didn’t take marginally TOP: The Team Brian Davis on the left (10 yrs), technicians would professionally deliver Dom Simonetti in the middle, Danilo Callado that product into the fitness facilities.”profitable ex-gym owner and on the right (16 years). MIDDLE: The Mass Movement Staff. The result: “We were laughed outlackluster fitness equipment BOTTOM: Loading equipment through a win- of trade show booths.” But it didn’t dow opening in the second floor of a client dissuade Simonetti.sales rep, Dom Simonetti, long install. Doing the bulk of the heavy liftingto realize that the massive (no pun intended) by himself, he would rent box trucks and—with the help ofgrowth in the fitness industry personal trainer buddies who were always looking for a few extra pennies—he droveduring the mid-90’s created a all over Southern California delivering and installing fitness equipment forhuge need for a professional local manufacturers such as his former employer Icarian who, oddly enough,freight and installation gave Simonetti his first opportunity by grudgingly allowing him to perform theirservice. What had passed for local installs.installation service before “I’ll never forget it,” Simonetti recalls. “Less than a week after theyrelied on traditional freight and fired me, I was in the office of Icarian’s President, laying out my long term plantrucking companies and their on how Mass Movement would address and satisfy the industry’s need forstandard delivery services. professional installation services. He looked me in the eye and said “Dom,And it wasn’t good enough. that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard! You have no money, no customers and no “These were basically truck drivers practical experience. No manufacturerwith no people skills whose job they felt is going to let you handle their product.”was to drop off strength equipment and Regardless of these minor obstacles andheavy, coffin-sized boxes of cardio ‘over- after a significant amount of begging,the-threshold’, get a signature and be the President of Icarian allowed Domon their way,” Simonetti reflects. “They to perform their local service work andhad no desire to help or to actually move deliveries. “I will always be grateful asequipment. It was a standard service after that, we were off to the races,”and it was horrible. Countless times, exclaims was simply left in the parkinglot or on the curb for the gym owner to Young, athletic, clean-cut, personabledeal with.”   guys who looked the part (and who knew the part coming from within the ranks It took Simonetti parting ways with of the fitness industry) made Masshis then-employer Icarian in 1996 to Movement an immediate hit.start up Mass Movement. Cybex was next. With a 16’ truck ramp “I actually had a long term plan,” strapped to the roof of his 1994 JeepSimonetti says of his brainchild. “With Wrangler filled with dollies, tools andthe help of my current business partner spare nuts and bolts, Mass Movement’s(and former college roommate), Jim “staff” would meet tractor trailers fromSullivan, we would set up a network Cybex’s Minnesota headquarters atof distribution centers around the locations up and down the Californiacountry specializing exclusively in the coastline to offload, assemble and installreceipt, assembly, delivery and set Cybex equipment.up of commercial fitness equipment.Manufacturers would ship product to Simonetti worked every day, sevenus and our team of trained, uniformed days a week during that first year of22 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

operations, performing sales, service, adjustments on the fly, when obstacles result of our people’s hard work. Jim anddeliveries, installations, billings and such as too much equipment, missing, I have people that have been with us forpretty much anything else. “It was moved or extra walls or doorways, or 16 years, 12 years, 10 years, etc. Wecrazy back then, but most importantly, construction changes were not accounted consider ourselves a family. And that’sit was working,” Simonetti says with for on the equipment layout. what gets the tough jobs done right.a smile. “I’m about as organized as a Nobody in our family wants to let eachscrapyard falling down a flight of stairs. But it was the little extras in the other down.”I was paying off one credit card with customer service, the work done outsideanother credit card, didn’t balance the of contractual obligations to get facilities And Mass Movement has had somecheckbook, was in a mad scramble to opened on schedule that brought him to colorful people too. WWE and movie star,send out invoices, and was too busy Mike Feeney’s attention. John Cena, was once a staff member. Itsaying ‘yes’ to business to properly was he and former employee—screenplaychase the receivables. It was chaos. “Mike’s a hands-on kinda guy,” writer, Chris Bell, that helped coin theThankfully, that’s when Sully entered the says Simonetti of NEV’s Executive Mass Movement strap line “Makingmix.” VP, Mike Feeney. “Any time I was the World a better place to Lift”, which delivering equipment into one of his after over a decade and a half, remains After a year, Mass Movement opened facilities back in the late 90’s; I would emblazoned on the back of everyits first distribution center in Southern bump into him in the field. If he had Mass Movement technician’s uniformCalifornia receiving full truckloads of 10 different vendors he bought from, from various manufacturers I would be delivering for five of them.and delivering it to its final destination. And when one of the vendors I was not Simonetti’s philosophy of stayingDelivery and installation was one thing, delivering for fumbled the ball or didn’t humble, staying hungry and working hardbut the company offered a unique twist. have the resources to adequately do the might best be captured by something heThey would assemble and test the job, I always picked up their slack. No jokingly told a receptionist to say whenequipment in the distribution center—a questions asked.” answering a call. “Hi, it’s a great dayunique service which meant existing to carry a treadmill up a flight of stairs,fitness facilities would not have to shut Mike saw the value of having one thanks for calling Mass Movement, thisdown for large installations, saving them point of contact and one freight and is Elizabeth speaking, how may I helptime and money and not compromising installation company that had one cost you?”their members. Additionally, delivering for shipping with the added bonus ofand installing fully-assembled and tested a consistent level of customer service To date, Mass Movement hasequipment into a new facility added an excellence anywhere in the country. He delivered close to 2 million pieces ofelement of predictability to the time soon mandated that all of his equipment equipment not only to commercial fitnessrequired for a complete installation, providers go through Mass Movement. facilities everywhere, but to places likeeliminating the pressure surrounding a This National Account catapulted the the Pentagon, the White House and evenGrand Opening deadline. company to the next level. It hasn’t the Playboy Mansion. looked back since. “In over 17 years, we have never These are the types of numbers thatmissed a Grand Opening,” Simonetti “I made a promise to Mike that I have made Mass Movement the largestsays proudly.   would never let him down,” says Dom. shipper and installer of commercial “And I never have.” This commitment fitness equipment in the country, Installing is not a static venture to a promise has seen Mass Movement delivering and installing equipmenteither. With the rapid advances made open over 400 Fitness Facilities for from six distribution centers across thein equipment technology, Simonetti Mike and the NEV team for nearly two United States with the help of 150 staffand his crew have to constantly update decades, across the country and beyond.  members.themselves on new bells and whistles.“We basically have an open checkbook If you ask Simonetti what his model for They are now also internation-for training our techs on equipment. In success is, it’s simple. “We have a lot ally known, performing deliveries andsome instances,” Simonetti quips, “We of fun, and we are willing to do the dirty installations in Mexico and Canada, too.know more about their machines than work which not many other people canthe manufacturers do.” or want to do. Things like carrying and Not bad for a couple of guys laughed off installing 1200 pound pieces up spiral the trade show floors 17 years ago.But it was more than simply assembling, staircases or successfully and repeatedlyhauling and placing equipment that set delivering and installing 20 truckloads For the full story about Mass MovementSimonetti and Mass Movement apart of equipment through a second-story and their services, contact themfrom their competitors. “I came from window in two days - which my crew does at [email protected] orfitness and learned the trucking industry, at every Lifetime Fitness - with a smile (508) I understood the need from the final on their faces.”end users’ perspective.” Experience ingyms also gave him an experiential edge Typically self-effacing though,that no one else could touch. He, and Simonetti doesn’t credit himself with thenow his crews, could make floor plan reason for the success. “This isn’t about me.” he says. “The great work that the company does and our success are as a WINTER 2014 | 23

Networked Fitness:Shaping Up and Taking OverWhile networked fitness is still an emerging market, aim of the implementation.a number of operators have started to develop strong When Fitness Incentive first openedopinions about how it should work for their business.This is both guiding the next wave of networked its doors in the early 1980s, theyfitness capabilities and leading to greater deployment quickly learned that consistency acrosssuccess, faster. fitness equipment was important to members. Exercisers expect that whenThree areas have emerged as non- Operators must understand that not they jump from machine to machinenegotiable for many operators. The every app on a smart phone or tablet is the start up will be easy, setting goalsfirst being networked fitness must suitable and can distract the exerciser. will be quick and measuring results atadvance an operator’s ability to meet For example, is an instant messaging the end will be crystal clear.their business objectives, such as grow app really appropriate while you’remembership and differentiate their working out? RSS feeds on the other “There are so many flashy productsfacility. Second, solutions must be hand, have been a great way to connect out on the market,” said Ken Brown,proven. Finally, the fitness experience owner, Fitness Incentive. “It’s ourmust never be compromised by poor members with pre-selected content that policy to think through how each piecedesign or execution. will enhance the exerciser experience. of equipment contributes to the whole of the gym and the success of our Operators began rolling out networked Some early networked fitness clients. Beyond offering a great workoutfitness as a way to offer clients a highly adopters like Fitness Incentivepersonalized workout experience, engage of Babylon Village, New York, have experience, the equipment must lookwith members using new communica- insisted that they design and control great and be uniform in appearance andtions options and monitor equipment their member’s experience. Doing so operating style.”usage with automated reporting tools. allows the club to be certain that theirWhile some networked fitness solutions top priorities – patron satisfaction and Precor was the only providermay appear to offer the same set of retention – will remain the number one to demonstrate a unified experiencebenefits, not all keep the operator’s best across equipment types. One of the keyinterest in mind. features creating this consistency was the company’s Preva® networked fitnessToo Exerciser-Focused solution. Preva is available across theTake, for example, the tablet-like 880 cardio equipment line, includingsolutions in the market. When exercisersselect third party apps on the console,gyms are unable to guarantee a certainlevel of quality, uniformity or interop-erability. This means operators are nolonger in control of the experience insidetheir facility. When one of these apps performspoorly – or worse, crashes – exerciserswill blame the gym (not the app)and expect a fix. Unable to amend athird-party app, gyms have learned theyneed to keep a firm grasp on a member’sexperience, start to finish.26 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

Adaptive Motion Trainer® (AMT®), to work within a small group led by a Fitness Experienceelliptical trainers, and recumbent and trainer for 8 weeks,” said Brown. “Using Preva further met Fitness Incentive’supright bikes. the messaging capabilities of Preva to operational needs by working the drive interest in this contest, we saw most seamlessly for the exerciser.Gym-tested, Exerciser Approved enrollment grow 25 percent over the Easy navigation on the console and anFitness Incentive determined Precor previous year.” intuitive user interface enable exerciserswith Preva was the superior approach to stay in control and enjoy their workoutto creating the familiar experience their Another gain courtesy of networked from beginning to end. This includesexercisers want. Preva also provided the machines is real-time access to easily changing screen views andquality and demonstrated real-world equipment status, information that can programs and exploring entertainmentsuccess the gym required. Networks options, no matter how intense theproven in the real world over many years increase the utilization of equipment. workout.with a long list of happy customers are In-depth reporting provides staff withnot only an indicator of success, but are machine usage information, so that Other approaches fail to take intoproviding the ROI many gyms need to see pieces can be moved around the floor account that the exerciser is in motionand understand before moving forward. to extend the life of the equipment. For and doesn’t want to slow down to make example, Fitness Incentive confirmed a selection on their screen or miss the Over the past 15 years, Fitness that end AMTs are used as much as 100 right button and have to backtrack. TheIncentive has upgraded their facility to hours more than those on the inside, touchscreen 880 console on Precornew Precor equipment multiple times. triggering staff to rotate lesser used machines accommodates “grandWhile the rollout in 2012 was different pieces to these high traffic spots. gestures” to ensure exercise is neverthan in previous upgrades due to the interrupted for this reason.addition of Preva, the Precor teamshowed this expanded deployment could Some solutions even help operatorsbe just as seamless. prevent these machines from being used only for their Internet capability; a With the new equipment installed workout session must be active for theover three days, Fitness Incentive Internet to work.looked forward to getting their handson Preva’s other unique features, Operators that understand what hasincluding console communication worked for peers like Fitness Incentive,options and equipment usage will be on their way to leveragingmonitoring. networked fitness to increase patron satisfaction and reduce membership “One of the first examples of ROI turnover.came from our yearly ‘Fantastic Four’contest, where exercisers pay a fee “Preva has become instrumental in helping us better manage our infra- structure, understand client equipment preferences, attract clients and drive additional revenue,” added Brown. “When it comes to value, quality and uniformity, other gyms in the area can’t compete. We credit Precor in helping us differentiate in these critical ways.” The positive impact networked fitness is having on operator objectives and exerciser success will lead to increased adoption in 2014 and beyond. With more satisfied patrons who have a greater reliance on their facility, gyms will have a powerful tool for combating membership turnover. For more information call 1-800-786-8404, or visit and WINTER 2014 | 27

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

REMLAATTTIEORNSHIPSWE SUPPORT YOU SO YOU MICHAEL BRUNOCAN BETTER SERVE YOUR CUSTOMERS FOUNDER OF CORE INDUSTRIES dba STAR TRACStar Trac continues to grow because of our amazing customer “We will make it easy to do business with us.”relationships around the world. Our commitment to you isthat we will continue to build our relationships, providesolutions that will grow your business and createinnovative products that will engage your clients.Start your relationship today and contact us at 800.228.6635 or Relationships. Solutions. [email protected]©2013 Star Trac. All rights reserved. Star Trac and the Star Trac logoare registered trademarks of Core Industries, LLC.

Nautilus® NOVA: Smart, Strong & Sleek NOVA Strength Line Re-launched With EVO® Weight Stack Upgrade!Nautilus® NOVA: SmartNautilus® Commercial Fitness hasre-launched the NOVA strength line.The affordable line now includesan upgrade to the patent-pendingEVO® weight stack. The NautilusEVO® weight transfer system is virtually function machines requiring a maximum of only two adjustments to switch between movements. Users can change movements ‘on the fly’ without getting off the machine. This well thought out strength line has a compact design, allowing facility owners to make the most of their available space. maintenance-free and features! The Another reason Nautilus® Commercial isfeatures 5 pound weight increments! Nautilus® NOVA line features single function a smart choice is because the companyThe predecessor to the new weight stack and dual function machines, with dual applies a long-lasting, permanently bondingon Nautilus NOVA equipment featured antimicrobial treatment to all strengthan integrated 5 pound increment “dropdown” add-on weight system. The new and cardio. The antimicrobialEVO® weight stack accommodates slight is EPA registered (completelystrength gains and eliminates the friction environmentally friendly) andand maintenance of add-on weights. The extremely effective againstproprietary pin design limits pilferage and mold, fungi, algae and mostmisuse liability. harmful bacteria. This reduces cross contamination by multiple The Nautilus® NOVA line maximizes the users. This treatment is notfitness equipment investment. NOVA offers only highly effective, butthe same commitment to biomechanical MORE effective than alternate,and mechanical excellence as the rest of dangerous methods that includethe Nautilus® strength lines, but in a more poisons, gas and chemicalaffordable package, and still packed with leaching and that can bleed into the environment. Nautilus® Commercial antimicrobial treatments are safe on all30 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

surfaces, system, is the ability for virtuallywill not cam design, or a limitless color customization,rub off combination of both, their unique Optimal at a reasonable price and with aon skin or Strength Curve Technology® dynamically swift turnaround. The companywash out matches the body’s potential increases and is capable of providing thesethrough decreases in strength. Nautilus® NOVA features without adding hugerepeated equipment users get immediate, smooth costs and manufacturing delayscleaning resistance and proper muscle loading because Nautilus® equipmentand does not through the complete range of motion, is manufactured in the USA,cause adaptive microorganisms leading to unprecedented results. at the company’s giant plant(superbugs). in Independence, Virginia. Nautilus®  NOVA delivers maximumNautilus® NOVA: Strong results without sacrificing any quality, and Gym owners and commercialThe NOVA strength line is known for offers facilities with limited resources the facilities are limited only byits quality features, including 11 gauge opportunity to maximize their investment. their imaginations in creatingwelded frames, Kevlar® reinforced belt their company’s brandingdrive system, marine-grade upholstery Nautilus® NOVA: Sleek on Nautilus® commercial(double-wrapped at high stress points), Dean Sbragia, CEO of Med-Fit Systemsaluminum grip ends and quick and easy (the manufacturer of Nautilus® Commercial equipment. Both frameseat adjustments with a safe and solid fitness equipment) recently noted that in and upholstery colors can bepop-pin system. addition to the superior biomechanics and customized to suit the customer. design, another of the qualities that sets Nautilus® Commercial is so confident in Nautilus® commercial equipment apart from NOVA’s modern streamlinedthe quality of their American-made product its mostly overseas produced competitors design minimizes floor spacethat all Nautilus® strength carries a full requirements with the abilitycommercial lifetime warranty on the frames. to closely arrange machines, making this line of strength equipment perfect for Playing a role in the superior facilities with limited space and resources.biomechanics that are touted by Nautilus® No matter which Nautilus® commercialCommercial is the equipment’s Optimal products you choose, you’ll find the idealStrength Curve Technology®. The unique combination of cutting-edge technology,way that the equipment is designed ensures superb craftsmanship and heavy-duty clubsmooth resistance and proper muscle quality materials. With their tradition ofloading through the entire movement for the excellence, you can be sure that Nautilus®most effective and time-efficient work-out products are designed for a lifetime of use.on earth. Numerous scientific studieshave proven the superior effectiveness To find out more, contact Nautilus®of Nautilus® equipment over that of its Commercial Fitness. Nautilus® Commercialcompetitors. Fitness provides interactive webinars that bring the showroom to you! During any exercise, an individual’s Staff training is FREE, using either a webinarstrength varies at different points. Other or a personal visit from a representative.machines don’t address the strength curve.Instead, the weight remains constant from [email protected] to end. This can limit muscle www.nautiluscommercial.comrecruitment and overall performance. 800.874.8941 276.773.2881 Driven by Nautilus’ four-bar linkage WINTER 2014 | 31

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The New Faceof ASFASF was founded in 1973 by Richard Reed, a ASF has provided payment solutions to the fitnessclub owner – just like you. In fact, he was one of industry for over 40 years.the first club owners. The 70’s didn’t have manyhealth clubs. There weren’t any billing companieseither. After co-founding the ATA (AmericanTaekwondo Association) in 1968 and moving intothe club business soon after, Mr. Reed found thathe was turning into more of a payment managerand less of a club owner. He began a dialoguewith others in an industry that was just startingto grow and he found that other owners were justas overwhelmed. Seeing that there was a need tobe filled, his entrepreneurial side kicked-in andASF was born. Over the years, ASF has grown from a one-office operation in NFTJ: What inspired you to make this change?a shopping mall to the leading provider of processing and club ASF: Well, it was really a combination of things. We celebratedmanagement systems in the industry. They are headquartered just our 40th year in the industry this past year and that’s anoutside of Denver, Colorado and have grown into a company that incredible milestone. We were the first billing company backemploys hundreds of staff and services thousands of clubs in the in the day and we’ve adapted to all the firsts in the world ofUS and Canada. This year they are kicking off 2014 with a new technology. Things like the first ATMs, bank drafts, modems,name and a new look. We sat down with Tamara Valdez, EVP of desktop computers, cell phones and so on. The advancementsMarketing to find out a little more about this new change. in technology just in the past 40 years have been incredible. We also took a huge step and became a PCI compliant levelNFTJ: Is Richard Reed still actively involved in the business? 1 processor. The process took a couple of years and was veryASF: Yes and no. Technically he’s retired and lives in another intense but we are now one of the most secure processors instate so he’s not in the office. He is an entrepreneur at heart so the industry. We felt that our longevity in the industry and ourhe’s still contributing ideas. He is a member of his local club advancements in the processing world warranted an updatedand still engages club owners in conversations about the industry look. We’re 40! We need a little facelift.and business solutions. Even though he’s not in the office, hisvision remains. We are definitely proud to say our company was NFTJ: Why did you decide to drop International from your name?founded by one of the first industry pioneers. We are also proud ASF: Well, we spent the better part of a year just playing aroundto say our mission has never deviated from Mr. Reed’s initial with the idea of updating our logo. We just couldn’t agree on anintent; to provide the most innovative products and services that updated look with the variations of ASF International. Then, wewill give club owners the business support they need to succeed. became hooked on the Simon Sinek TED Talk about how great34 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

ASF founder, Richard Reed, enjoying a round of golf with we focused on updating the logo sticking with the integrity ofhis grandson. the brand but with a more forward thinking feel. Then we added Payment Solutions because – that’s what we do. That’s whatleaders inspire action (look it up on YouTube when you get a we’ve always done. It just made sense and it worked perfectly.chance. It’s great). One of the common threads in his talk referredto the question of why businesses do what they do. We started NFTJ: Will you still offer club management software?to really think about that. We had meetings about it. We talked ASF: Absolutely! We pride ourselves on our technology andabout it around the water cooler and over lunch and at the gym - develop all our online modules in-house. We have a team ofwhy do we do what we do? I don’t think business owners really sit amazing programmers who spend all their time making sure ourdown and think about that. We are all about helping club owners clients have the best systems available to help run their business.develop a consistent cash flow so they can build their business Our Client Training, Client Support and Sales departmentsand focus on their members. The software just organizes all the are consistently testing the software in-house and talking withdata. We’re out to help club owners get back to why they do what clients about what features would make their lives easier. Wethey do – helping members reach their goals. With that in mind take all of our internal and external feedback to the Programming department and work on plans for future advancements. It really takes a village here and the town center of that village is where our clients are. We don’t put out a product that we feel the industry needs. We let the industry dictate what products serve their needs the most. NFTJ: What’s Next? ASF: Well, we’ll start with the roll out of our new brand and go from there. We are rooted in the fitness business and we’ll always be here, working on the next best business solution. We love this business and couldn’t imagine focusing on anything else. For more information on ASF visit or call 1-800-227-3859. Bottle and Towel Holder As Featured:Cleaning Supplies NFTJ Special Right On Edition 2013 The Equipment! pp. 26-27 YOUR MEMBERS WILL LOVE THE CONVENIENCE! No more expensive disposable wipes Fits all equipment – easy installation Clean Equipment = Safe EquipmentSPECIAL NFTJ PRICING 866-435-2009 [email protected] MONEY: USE DISCOUNT CODE “CLEAN” WHEN ORDERING WINTER 2014 | 35

DESIGN NO. 123 We heat treat this stainless steel bar to 218,000 PSI, because our tests ™ tell us anything weaker will bend. We further straighten each bar to a toler- Approved for International Competition, ance of 10/1000 inch, because any- International Powerlifting Federation thing less straight will cause rotation- al torque during heavy lifting. We IVANKO STAINLESS STEEL OLYMPIC BAR make it of stainless steel because it needs no coating, so there’s nothing EngineeredPassion to peel off, chip, or rust. Finally, we ultrasonic test and magnetic particle test every bar to detect internal and external cracks that can cause the bar to snap. The International Powerlifting Federation (I.P.F.) counts our stainless steel Olympic bar among the very few that it approves for International Competition. We appreci- ate the endorsement, I.P.F., but we’re pressing ahead with Design No. 124 anyway.DESIGN NO. 51 Since we introduced the industry’s first rubber dumbbell in 1983, we have uncompromisingly refined and fine- tuned the design 51 times, in passion- ate pursuit of an ideal: a rubber dumb- bell that is gentlest on equipment, safest for people, indestructible, with super tight fastening*, neutralized odor, a classic look, an awesome feel. We’re never satisfied, never finished. Perfec- tion is an elusive goal. But this rubber dumbbell is 51 steps closer to it. IVANKO RUBBER DUMBBELL *Ivanko’s PermaLockTM fastening system employs proprietary machining tolerancesEngineeredPassion and sur face preparation to achieve a metal-to-metal bond that requires 400 foot pounds of torque to twist apar t. (The cor- rect measure of rotational resistance is “foot pounds” of torque, not “psi” which is some- times used incorrectly by manufacturers).!\"#\"$%&'$()*+$$$!\"#$%&'()*$+,$-./00$$$1!,$$$$,-.$/(+\"0()\"((00$$$12'$/(+\"0()\"(/3/$$$222345\"#6)7\"(7&8839):$$$4#;)<45\"#6)7\"(7&8839):

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What’s New with Ideal Products?This past year has brought about Northern Arizona Universitymany new and exciting changeshere at Ideal. From innovative New Productsnew products and accessories,to promotions such as our Quick As locker necessitiesShip Program there is surely are constantly evolving,something to meet all of your Ideal is continuallylocker needs. Each of our lock- creating new productsers are custom-built and tailored and fresh takes onto your requirements, so that we some of our mostcan produce a product specific popular style of your facility. Recently, our Epicenter line of Athletic lockers has proven to be a popular choice for the recent modifications to the Epicenter colleges and universities across lockers have been the addition of padded the U.S. Our Epicenter lockers seating and added ventilation, as well are manufactured in both as team logos engraved right onto the wood and plastic laminate with security vault doors. features such as a lower storage seat, security New locking systems that feature vault with a built-in shared-use locks have also been a combination lock and common modification to the Epicenter’s hanging space. Some of as well as our other series of lockers. With the introduction of both digital and mechanical locks, customer’s now have more options when it comes to their locker security. While our hasp options are popular among fitness38 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

facilities in need of a no hassle locking shared-use type function. If you’re daily basis, we are constantly addingsystem, digital and mechanical shared uncertain of what type of locks you new locks and design concepts to ouruse locks can be a great alternative need, let us know and we can help find current locker those looking to have an upgraded the right fit for you.locking system while maintaining the Quick Shipment With new requests coming in on a Need lockers fast? Then our “Quick Ship”Scheu Family YMCA - Upland, CA program is for you! While lockers are still made-to-order, this is a great option for those looking to have our same high quality product but in less than half the normal production time. At no additional charge, this promotion includes our Ideal 1000 series plastic laminate lockers, in 30 various colors that include solid, patterned and wood grain plastic laminate options. Customers can choose from any of our standard locker configurations to accommodate anything from extra hanging space to gym bag size lockers. When it comes to lock options, any of our standard hasp or keyed locks can be selected to best fit your users’ needs. Any additional materials such as finished end panels, fillers and sloped tops can also be added to your order. If benches are also required, our popular Econo bench is available for purchase with lockers under our Quick Shipment program. Lockers typically ship within seven to ten days from the time your order is placed. Contact us today for pricing! For more information, please visit our website and contact Ideal Products by calling 1-800-88-IDEAL or via email at [email protected]. And don’t forget to Like Us! on www.Facebook. com/ideal.lockers WINTER 2014 | 39

HTS 9000 Series The new HEX is here.• Sleek, new rounded contours• iPod docking station• Programmable LED message system for promotion and communication to membership• Manufactured in the U.S.A.• Over 34 years manufacturing experience• “Green” construction using natural products• HEX’s run cooler than metal, fiberglass or plastic units. Heat shortens lamp life• Can be manufactured to any custom size (height, width, any lamp length)• HEXagonal design – enables lamps to work in concert (something we learned from our phototherapy background)• Attached dressing room with the best appointments in the industry • U.L. Listed – the highest electrical rating you can obtain - many counties in the U.S.A. will not let you plug in an electrical device for public use that is not UL listed • Branding capabilities of over 150 different finishes • Energy-efficient electronic ballasts (not old European choke ballast requiring buck boosters) provide both an immediate and a persistent tan (the color enhances the 2nd through 5th days - HEX not used as often) • Patented 3-in-1 lamp with SolGlass™ is the only lamp that tans the face, body and legs evenly • HEX systems can be found on 6 continents meeting all their electrical requirements. • We have built our business with service being our #1 priority. When you call HEX you will always be greeted by a HEX consultant, not sent to a voice menu.1-800-556-3201 Connect with a HEX consultant [email protected] is a registered trademark of HEX Tanning and Marketing Concepts © HEX Tanning and Marketing Concepts 453100813b

VersaRower Delivers VersatileCardio and Strength WorkoutsHealth clubs seeking to diversify their equipment offerings and core, arms and legs. Because the entireoffer unique workouts for members can benefit from the innovative body is working, exercisers burn caloriesVersaRower from VersaClimber. Rowing is a fun, comfortable way to and tone up faster than when usingburn calories and tone muscles, and is suitable for every individual. machines that use only use the legs or arms. Above and beyond conventional matches the pull force of the user, fromrowing machines, the VersaRower four to 300 pounds. So the resistance Kayakers and stand-up paddleincorporates several features for generated by an exerciser during the pull boarders can simulate their strokesunmatched total-body cardio and stroke is returned to the exerciser during and build greater stamina using thestrength workouts. Plus, it is an ideal the pull-back stroke. handlebar and standing astride thetool for enthusiasts of rowing, kayaking rower. For athletes or those seeking extraand the increasingly popular paddle The harder an individual pulls, the challenge, the VersaRower can also beboarding. Not just for rowers, however; harder the machine pulls back; the used for safer plyometrics and powerthe VersaRower is a versatile machine lighter one pulls, the less the rower intervals, with no jarring impact and lessfor everyone who wants to cross train. It resists. Therefore, the user’s body is risk of truly unlike any other rower or seated resisted through the entire range ofcardio machine available today. motion, so that all major muscle groups And for concentrated resistance work, must work to one’s individual capacity, users can perform various exercises withTechnology That Delivers 2X the Workout resulting in more productive exercise the handles, including upright rows,Rather than utilizing air, water, hydraulics and greater results. bent over rows, biceps curls, tricepsor friction as traditional rowers do, the pressbacks and trunk rotations.VersaRower incorporates rotational Working the muscles in eachinertia (MV2) with cone technology as direction is functional, and replicates Unlike any other rower, theresistance. The system automatically how individuals move in daily life VersaRower delivers 2X the workout activities. The VersaRower effectively for balanced muscle development and challenges the chest, back, shoulders, exceptional conditioning. It also easily facilitates strength training, so users can combine cardio and resistance training in one area. And, every health club member42 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

can benefit from its accommodating, for a full range of motion for users of all user-generated resistance, and low- heights, and the handlebar position can impact, rhythmic, total-body movement. be adjusted to increase or decrease the range of motion. Essential Feedback and Facts The optional Inertial Power Unit (IPU) Fun Exercise Like No Other display on the VersaRower indicates how Easy to use and versatile for effective, hard the exerciser is pulling. The highest efficient workouts, the VersaRower is IPUs are achieved with fast, powerful a standout on every health club floor. movements. Exercise sessions are motivating, exhilarating and only as rigorous as IPUs are displayed per rep, and can the user prefers. More than just an be used to monitor the energy exerted, ordinary sit-down rower that pulls only stroke by stroke, as well as to measure in one direction, the VersaRower quickly the increase in energy expenditure becomes a favorite of those seeking new during sessions. The unit records the ways to train and experience greater maximum power attained during each results. session for motivation and goal-setting.Add more training options by adding The VersaRower comes in gray or black, For more information, visitpaddle board attachment for greater and complements any health club décor., e-mailrowing versatility using legs, arms It is only 18 inches wide and 40 inches [email protected],and trunk muscles. tall and has wheels for easy transport and or call 1.800.237.2271. portability. The seat travels 48 inches WINTER 2014 | 43

yesterodavy, ethriskwails l In high intensity functional training, limits are a thing of the past. Insane is the new normal. So the equipment has to be engineered for rock solid stability under the most extreme stress movements. Box gyms are replacing their lightweightPROUD SUPPORTER equipment with The Torque X-Rack. In your case, you only have to buy it once. Both wall mount and freestanding designs can be scaled up to fit any space and grow with membership and revenue. // [email protected] // Toll Free 877-867-7835

The Trials and Tribulationsof Managing Your Personal TrainersThere is no doubt that the fastest growing segment in fitness over Club owners who want the added revenue without the headaches ofthe past five years has been in the area of personal training and running a personal training business can take a much safer route andmore specifically in the past two years, in small group personal simply “contract” with a personal training company. Even if that trainingtraining. Even the big box gyms understand that they can no company is only one or two trainers, the club owner can establish theirlonger rely exclusively on revenue generated from membership separation from the personal trainer(s) by doing the following:base monthly billing. These club owners know that personaltraining can not only operate as its own profit center, it ultimately • The club owner must have a WRITTEN contract whereby bothaffects the renewal retention of those gyms that rely heavily on parties clearly acknowledge the separation of the club from themembership sales. Every club owner understands the potential training business. Note: If the club owner has employees who alsorevenue that can be generated from personal training but most provide personal training, the contract is worthless.still struggle with the best method to bring personal traininginto their business model. • The club owner must obtain certificates of insurance that the trainers carry their own general and professional liability insurance The problem that a lot of club owners have when they decide to get coverage and must name the Club as an “additional insured”.into the personal training business is that they try to do it as inexpensivelyas possible. They don’t want the added expense of hiring more employees • The club cannot accept payment directly from the clients whoand they sure don’t like the idea of having to pay all of those employment contract with the personal trainers. You can either set up a flatrelated taxes and workers compensation costs. So they take the simple percentage of the gross or you can set up a rental agreement formethod of making their trainers “independent contractors” and this where use of the space.things get tricky and can end up destroying the club. There are many reasons why the club owner should NOT run their personal training or group exercise classes with the use of If you are a club owner that currently uses independent contractors independent run your personal training and/or group exercise classes, I HIGHLYrecommend that you google the phrase; “Independent Contractor vs • Lack of Control: An independent contractor cannot be told how toEmployee”. You will find very specific information from the IRS and the dress, how to train, or how to set their hours. The club owner alsoDivision of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) that will scare the hell cannot force the trainer to work at their club exclusively. Once theout of you. If you are a club owner who wants to convert your employees club owner starts trying to control the actions of the trainer, you haveto independent contractors, don’t do it. You will lose that argument with just crossed over into an employee relationship and you have setthe Feds all day long. Here are SOME of the criteria that the courts look the stage for the trainer to bring an employment suit against when determining the employment/independent contractor status ofyour trainer. • Workers Compensation: Personal trainers, except in very rare cases, do not carry their own workers comp insurance. Workers comp • Is the independent contractor performing services that are distinct rules are very strict on this issue…but basically, if a trainer is injured or different from the gym? Ummm…I don’t think so. on the club’s premises or at the clubs direction off site, then that person must be covered under the club’s workers comp insurance. • Does the independent contractor provide their own supplies, tools In other words, you are going to have to pay the premiums for their and instruments (hint –gym equipment)? Uh…No workers comp regardless of whether you call them an employee or not. • Does the club owner schedule the trainer’s appointments and instruct them when to show up to meet with their client? Uh… • Loss of Revenue: Your independent contractor trainers are free to Uh… maybe. train people outside the club on their own and sell supplements out of the trunk of their car. This translates into lost revenue for the • Does the club owner get paid directly from the training client or gym. The independent contractor has only one financial goal...and does the trainer handle all of the financial transactions with the I can guarantee you that it is not the same goal as the gym owner. clients and then pays the club a percentage or a flat rate for use of the facility? • You may be creating a competitor. Independent contractors, by nature, are more entrepreneurial than employees. A great trainer • Did the independent contractor sign an agreement with club owner will likely become a club owner themselves and a very tough that clearly separates the two different businesses? competitor. They know the clubs strengths and they also know the weaknesses. Even if you have a well written “non-disclosure” or The likelihood that a club owner can prove his case with the courts “piracy” wording in your independent contractor agreement, don’t that he/she has clearly established an “independent contractor” be surprised if your best members end up following that trainer to relationship with their trainer is remote at best. their new facility. • Liability and Safety. Let’s face it…some personal trainers are the craziest, freakiest, most self-centered individuals to ever walk this46 NATIONAL FITNESS TRADE JOURNAL

earth. They often have their “signature” training method and will that your trainer and YOU can make in a One On One environment. modify the gym’s equipment to demonstrate just how cool they Small group personal training (SGPT) is here to stay so you might as really are. Frankly, some of those training methods are stupid but well embrace it and learn from the best. more importantly they can cause serious injury to the member. When a personal training client (your member) is injured at the gym during If you currently are not a member of the National Fitness Business their training session, the club becomes the deep pocket and you Alliance (NFBA) I highly recommend that you sign up and also attend WILL be sued. Even if you have an iron clad independent contractor one of their seminars. Thomas Plummer is the keynote speaker and agreement with the trainer or training company that relieves the club author of many books on the business of fitness. Listening to his of liability, the fact remains that the injury occurred in your place of perspective on running a training concentric business is worth the business. At the very least you (your insurance company) will be two day investment of time to attend an NFBA seminar. Also look responsible for defense costs and will likely be on the hook for a into the success stories of the trainers who went through the NFBA percentage of the negligence claim. Again, getting back to the lack themselves and went on to enjoy great success. People like Alwyn of control issue, if you don’t have the right to direct the proper training and Rachel Cosgrove and Rick Mayo have taken SGPT to a whole methods that you know to be safe in your gym, you are increasing new level. Whether you are a seasoned large club owner or a personal your liability exposure. Increased claim activity translates into drastic trainer looking to open your own gym, do yourself a favor and attend increases in your insurance costs. Enough said. an upcoming NFBA event or at the very least, Google these individuals and read their books.So now that you know some of the pitfalls of running your personaltraining operation with independent contractors instead of with If you would like to receive a free copy of ouremployees, I would like to offer some advice on how to get into the latest recommended waiver and/or independentpersonal training business or if you already own a gym, how you can contractor agreement, please contact me atimprove upon your existing training business platform. Generally [email protected], it is better to move away from the “personal” training businessand get into the “group” training business. There is only so much money Ken Reinig is the owner of Reinig Insurance Solutions. Visit or call 800-668-2340.100% American Made LockersIdeal manufactures lockers in the U.S.A.with parts and materials made in the U.S.A.,using U.S.A. written guidelines and specifications,all for your benefit. Get an online quote today and buy USA!• Wood & Plastic Laminate Lockers Built Daily• Over 25 Years of Manufacturing Excellence• FSC Certified and Compliant• LEEDS EQ4.1, 4.2 & 4.4 as well as MR4.1 & 7• GSA #GS27F0019R 800-88-IDEAL WINTER 2014 | 47 Your Online One-Stop-Shopping Source Check out our free on-line versions of National Fitness Trade Journal at NationalFitnessTradeJournal.comLIST YOUR COMPANY HERE! 80% of Americans expect to find product information online before they make a purchase.Make sure they find you. List your company’s information in our NFTJ Web Directory, both print and online, for only $500 per year(5 issues). To learn more, go to, call (541) 830-0400, or email [email protected] FITNESS ENTERTAINMENT LOCKERS MtEverClimb • 866-282-5402Gym Valet • 866-435-2009 MYE Club TV Systems • 800-779-6759 Ideal Products • 800-88-IDEAL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Nautilus Commercial • 800-874-8941 FITNESS TESTING NUTRITIONAL PROGRAMS/ www.nautiluscommercial.comBILLING SERVICES Microfit • 800-822-0405 SUPPLEMENTS [email protected] Payment Solutions • • 877-517-4652 Precor • 800-786-8404800-227-3859 [email protected] FLOORING [email protected] [email protected] Centaur Floor Systems • 800-536-9007 REP-MAXX • 855-737-6299EZFacility • 866-498-3279 PUBLICATIONS [email protected] Ms. Fitness Magazine [email protected] FREE WEIGHT EQUIPMENT Sproing • 305-807-5559 Cemco Strength • 855-232-3626 [email protected] www.sproingfitness.comCARDIO EQUIPMENT National Fitness Trade Journal [email protected] Interactive • 877-320-0022 [email protected] Star Trac • Ivanko Barbell Co. • 310-514-1155 subscriptions@nationalfitnesstradejour- [email protected] [email protected] • 888-453-0166 [email protected] REFURBISHED/REMANUFAC- Strength Inc. • Umax Strength • 888-851-8989 TURED EQUIPMENT [email protected] Fitness Equipment Source • [email protected] Ladder • 866-697-4100 [email protected] 800-748-5125 Strive Enterprises • FUNCTIONAL FITNESS [email protected] Fit Interactive • 877-941-8784 [email protected] [email protected] Commercial • 800-874-8941 SAUNA & STEAM EQUIPMENT & Torque Fitness • [email protected] SUPPLIES [email protected] Torque Fitness • 877-867-7835 Diamond Fitness • 800-966-7758 [email protected] Fitness • 888-OCTANE4 Tuff Stuff • [email protected] [email protected] www.tuffstuffitness.comPrecor • 800-786-8404 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SERVICES [email protected] Flynn Construction • 800-434-7759 Mass Movement • [email protected] TANNING EQUIPMENT &reACT • 888-700-6882 [email protected] [email protected] INSURANCE SOFTWARE International Tanning (HEX) •[email protected] Reinig Insurance Solutions • ASF Payment Solutions • 800-556-3201Sproing • 305-807-5559 800-668-2340 800-227-3859 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Trac • 800-228-6635 LEASING/FINANCING EZFacility • 866-498-3279 TRADE Affiliates Capital • 978-400-1628 National Fitness Trade Show •[email protected] [email protected] 541-830-0400Thorotread • 800-805-4591 [email protected] STRENGTH EQUIPMENT First Financial • 800-956-7313 Ab Coaster • 866-219-5335 x4 [email protected] www.theabscompany.comTrue Fitness • 800-426-6570 [email protected] [email protected] YOUTH LICENSING/FRANCHISING BILT by Agassi & Reyes • 702-215-2181 Champions Youth Fitness •[email protected] Ms Fitness / Miss Fitness 877-294-YOUTH x 3VersaClimber • 800-237-2271 541-830-0400 [email protected] HOIST Fitness Systems • [email protected] 800-548-5438 www.hoistfitness.comCERTIFICATION/EDUCATION [email protected]’l Fitness Business Alliance •[email protected] WINTER 2014 | 49

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