ACCA HIT & RUNS Issue 1 ACCA HIT & RUNSCRICKET WORLD CUP2015 EDITION Feb 2015 IN THIS ISSUEAn update on where we areBy Lonsdale SkinnerConstitution The only missing question on the application Where we are form for the new account is a re quest forAfter many hours of discussion and your DNA. We have completed a (fifteen) 15 Page 1numerous rewriting of the document the page application form and returned it to anmembers finally agreed to the Association’s Advisor of one of the bank’s new business National Cricket SurveyConstitution in November 2014. It took a teams; who had (thirty) 30 minutes oflong time to get the final agreed document question and answer session before e- Lambeth Schools Cricket Leaguebut the inclusive process was important for mailing the aforementioned form to us. Page 2our fledgling Association. On receipt of the completed application form Developing the ACCAHaving agreed on the constitution we moved the same Advisor would complete another 30swiftly on to establishing a bank account for minute ‘interrogation’ of our representative, Caribbean Cup Cricket Competitionthe association. followed by a security and credit check of the Page 3 signatories of the account. It was a veryBank Account lengthy process. Social Conscience AwardGone are the days when you walked into any I am told that this is done to ensure that all Page 4of the local banks and completed an account our banking details and beyond is secure….application form and within a couple of daysthe Cheque book would be delivered to your Upcoming Eventsdoor. Today to open a bank account,especially one for a charitable organization,is more challenging than a novice jockey,inexperienced in jump races, having tocomplete the Grand National.Hurdles more hurdles big hurdles, biggerhurdles and then the biggest hurdle or(Becher’s brook).
Lambeth Schools Cricket League By Colin HunteGet Registered The West Indies United Cricket Club (WI Our action will be; to form partnership with Utd. CC) set up the Lambeth School’s the local neighbourhoods. We will measureChances are your club was not included in this Cricket League (LSCL) T20 Tournament in the success of the project, by providing andsurvey. If your club is not registered then it will 2014 and this year will be the second Year of maintaining good cricket facilities at thenot be. Claim your website by registering your the tournament. WI Utd CC has extended an KPSG of a safe and very high standard. Pupilclub and adding information to allow your club invitation to secondary schools within the from Lambeth academies, schools andand its members to become INCLUSIVE. The borough of Lambeth to participate in the colleges, will then be given a chance torecent upgrade of the play-cricket system is more tournament. change their lives, by being encouraged anduser-friendly and will greatly ease the burden of provided opportunities to play cricket.paper-base administration. The LSCL T20 cricket tournament and the Our research shows young people are outdoor cricket coaching run by WI Utd CC; currently missing out on many positive NATIONAL CRICKET SURVEY at the Kennington Park Sports opportunities, because of the lack of cricket Ground (KPSG) - Extension is for pupils facilities in the area of benefit. FAST FACTS between the ages of 12 and 15 years old (Years 7, 8 & 9). Colin A Hunte93% Secretary of the West Indies WI Utd CC has been working closely with United Cricket Club.Males represented 93 per cent of the participation Surrey Cricket Board (SCB) and Lambeth Further Informationbase with females representing seven per cent – Council to secure the KPSG (Extension) as Call: 07958 284133the same gender breakdown as in 2013. its New Home. The aim of this project is to enable young people to participate in the30% ‘Spirit of Cricket’.The survey also revealed that 30 per cent of Therefore by organising this cricketgrassroots cricketers are drawn from ethnic tournament, it will create solidarity betweenminorities and 53 per cent of cricketers would like all parts of the Lambeth Schools Communityto play the game more often. in the area of benefit. FOR MORE INFORMATION At KPSG (Extension), where the Club is based is surrounded on all sides by areas of extreme deprivation, with high number of announces-key-findings-2014-national-cricket- non-working households and high crime playing-survey. levels. Low educational achievement is common. The young people in the area are at Source ECB a high risk of anti social behaviour, involvement in drugs and crime, but particularly gun and knife crime. Lambeth Council does not have a constituted Community Cricket Club within the borough. Surrey Cricket Board (SCB) is currently running an extensive amount of Grassroots Projects at junior levels. This involves a School Coaching Programme, which oversee twenty-five (25) Primary and Secondary Schools receiving cricket coaching, Teacher Training and competitive opportunities. Alongside the school coaching programme, there is currently four (4) venue based Clubs, which offer school holiday activity, during the summer. There is also a Street Chance Indoor League created to offer Indoor Cricket. The borough is at a crossroads, as it has plenty of provision within the borough, but no traditional cricket club as an exit route for participants. This is where the WI Utd CC will step in, to provide a long term Cricket Development Programme for Children and Young Adults.
Developing the ACCA Coaching - Not having any access to funding we need to not only seek to develop by beingBy Derek Gift-Simms club. The association is now approaching its reliant on the skills and knowledge of key second year since inception. individuals but must encourage people toThe ACCA is and for the forseeable future share their knowledge with others who arewill continue to be an association run by keen to learn and acquire new skills. Afican Caribbean Cricket Association Compliance - focuses on what measures and guidelines exist which ensure we do things Access, Coaching, Compliance Attainment. the right way or develop clear sets of procedures which all members follow I believe compliance is key to the success of the association as; if exercised it will allow us Attainment - Having gained access, being to achieve all the others. provide the appropriate training and acted in compliance with set criteria; is there any The ACCA is about (People, Processes, significant accomplishment or achievement; Products); People using best practices Is there scope for any longevity or the (Processes) in order to produce results or transfer of knowledge to other roles within effect change (Product). the organisation or elsewhere?volunteers drawn form its members. We need to ensure we exercise due diligence and implement the appropriate controls toWe recently designed and circulated a mitigate against operational risks.membership form; hoping that people willcommit to being either an individual member We have to convince all concerned that theor by virtue of being affiliated to a member convenient way is not always best practice. Access - to funding, facilities, coachingCaribbean Cup Cricket CompetitionBy Livingstone RickettsCaribbean Club Cricket Competition was In 2005 fifteen (15) teams took part in the WANTED SPORTS WRITERSconceived in 2004, competition, increasing to sixteen (16) in the Contact David Roberts 2006 season. Call: Carib Direct +4475 0814 2478The aim of the competition is to get West Email: [email protected] teams based in London, to play and This competition has been running for elevenfurther advance the; cause of West Indian (11) years. However there has been a drop incricket. Three (3) West Indian teams the number of clubs taking part. At presentBarking, Dagenham and Bow Rovers there are only eight (8) teams. Thedecided to have a competition amongst competition is looking to add more teams, bythem since all other West Indian cricket invitation only. The competition is run ascompetitions had ceased i.e. The Clive Lloyd, Round Robin for the 1st phase then straightThe Red Stripe and The Victoria Mutual Knockout after that.competition. Please contact me on 07910 986746 orAT the end of the season in 2004 it was e-mail me on [email protected] if you aredecided to invite other West Indian teams to interested in joining or require moretake part in the competition for the 2005 information.season. The competition however was toremain London based unlike the previouslyheld competitions.
Social Conscience Award PLAY CATCHY SHUBBYBy Tony Moody Lambeth Cricket Academy in association with the London Metropolitan PoliceYou can count the number of black British will encourage class room teachers, parent, LAMBETH CRICKET ACADEMY EVENT CONTACTborn cricketers playing county cricket on one support staff and volunteers, to reflect andhand. Some people think they are not celebration real leadership qualities. Our +4475 1475 4785interested in playing county cricket and some intention is to provide for teachers, supportstill believe that they are not good enough. staffs, parents and volunteers a more socially orCoaching community cricket in primary and relaxing atmosphere that enhance [email protected] schools in Lambeth for a number togetherness on a community level.of years; my observation tells a differentstory. For instance, when Surrey County In the presence of High Commissioner andCricket Club, stages a primary school cricket police commanders; we would like this eventcompetition, usually it’s the PE or the class to be held annually. The social conscienceroom teachers who select the student to award will be presented to parents, supportcompete in this competition. staff and teachers who volunteer their time to help the school to be the best it can be.At primary school level, selection is use byclassroom teachers as a threat to encourage Your support is of great importance.the well behaved child or as a punishment forsome of the others who are not so well With respect.behaved. For many classroom teachers inorder to retain valuable information meanshaving mental control over students.According to many head teachers; thiscontrol is deemed the most important part ofclassroom teachers’ educational duty.The honesty that surrounds physical effortand determination has become secondary.The selection and rejection process that useexamination to reward and categorise youngpeople has left quite a number of black andethnic minority students feelingmisunderstood and rejected by the a schoolsystem which undermines competition. Inturn, the lack of respect shown to teachersby some students and parents has causedreputable damage to our communities;leaving many young people dead, divided,void of conscience and most importantlyunable to deal with their own socialresponsibilities.The lack of respect shown to classroomteachers by students and parents should bechallenged in a more positive and effectiveway. When addressing wider social issues,parent commitment to work alongsideteachers should be seen as a positive tool inthe fight against post-code gang rivalry.Throughout the borough the Lambeth CricketAcademy would like assistance to promote asocial conscience award, which involvesteachers, support staff and parents in apositive way. This Award ceremony we hope
ACCA HIT & RUNS Issue 1Upcoming Events ACCA Date Who Event description Feb 28 LCA Catchy Shubby; Call 075 1475 4785HIT & RUNS Mar 18 ACCA Annual General Meeting Mar 20 Simba Tour to Jamaica begins 86 Rowan Road, Apr 25 Carnegie CC 60th Anniversary Dinner & Dance Streatham, London Minutes and agendas of previous ACCA meetings are available at: UK, SW16 5JJ HELP ! Do you know anyone who ha[d]s prostate cancer? Please refer them to
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