the power of flexibilityclaims management the way you want it
flexibilityWho we are: What we do:At DWF 3Sixty our purpose is to help our customers We create amazing, intuitively designed software andachieve more in an increasingly time poor world. services to enhance the way you work.We do this by challenging the status quo in a marketstruggling to keep up with change. What sets us apartis our unique combination of technical skills, insuranceindustry experience and expertise in health & safety.So, unlike some of our competitors, we’re not just apretty face.
=strengthHow we do it: EvoClaim™We love to listen to our customers and address their Using the latest technology, EvoClaim™ takes the time-feedback with cutting edge innovation; creating software consuming elements of your job and automates them,which actually does what you want, rather than what leaving you with less admin and more time to work onwe think you want. We help you to achieve more, stay the important stuff.compliant and effortlessly report your results. With flexibility and simplicity at its core, Evoclaim™ isOur world class software and infrastructure support is intuitive (making it quick to pick up) and easy to mould tobacked up by exceptional delivery and customer service, the way you work. Unlike some systems it works aroundgiving you the best end-to-end experience in the industry. you, rather than you working around it.
EvoClaimTMFinally achieve a true 100% fitwith your organisation’s exactrequirements thanks to thefully configurable and scalablenature of our software.
Simple, intuitive software You can set up automatic alerts to ensure that important tasks never slip under the radar again. RelevantEvoClaim’s intuitive functionality, simple navigation and stakeholders are notified when new information orcrisp, clean look and feel makes for speedier and happier correspondence is entered or emailed in to the system.staff adoption and requires less training to get up and Pending, close to overdue and overdue task alerts canrunning. also be emailed to those responsible for them, and line managers can be alerted via email of team tasks that areThe personalised dashboard helps users keep track of overdue, with the option to re-assign to another teamtheir workload. Task tracking using red, amber, green member.(RAG) status manages proactive or follow up activities,whether internally or for 3rd party contractors. Diary or task items can be assigned to one or more team members, with due dates tracked and rules set to matchTeam & time management your escalation procedures when overdue thresholds are breached or staff are absent. Time taken to completeWe’ll configure the powerful workflow engine to match tasks is logged automatically behind the scenes. Thisyour best practice processes. This ensures consistency can inform team resource planning and help to identifyof approach, and compliance with industry regulations individual training requirements, or best practice.and your own internal policies and procedures.
Document management If you have your own Document Management System (DMS), such as Microsoft SharePoint, or an existing in-house DMS,Save time uploading communications to claims files EvoClaim™ can easily integrate with emailing directly to and from EvoClaim™. Thesecommunications are automatically attached to the relevant Microsoft Word document templates and email templatesfile. The original email is stored as well as saving any (created and modified by you) enable the instant creation ofattachments as separate documents, so you don’t have to letters and emails drawing in relevant information about thedo it manually. You can also scan paper documents and save claim. These can be logged, time stamped and stored on theto the claim, removing the need for physical files. relevant file.Store and quickly access all information relating to an Advanced searchincident. Documents of any file type can be uploaded,scanned or emailed directly to a claim file (with no limit Search functionality is important for rapid Freedom ofon storage). Information (FOI) responses and speeding up your day to day work. Ours is constantly accessible on the navigationIn-built, easy to use and extremely powerful document bar and works like a search engine by trawling every fieldmanagement capability enables you to quickly store, search and document within your system.and access information. You can also share relevant caserelated documentation, making sure everyone is up-to-date.
Collaboration & communicationThe EvoClaim™ web portal uses multi-level permissionsto allow users to view or edit a specific case file,upload documentation and view or download detailedmanagement information. Our highly secure web portalaccess ensures that information is always available tothose who need it, when they need it and in the format theyneed it, in real time.Keep 3rd parties, claimants and solicitors updated on claimprogression with links to SMS providers as well as emailand letter templates. EvoClaim™ can link to your own webforms for faster, more efficient claim submissions and firstnotification of loss (FNOL) logging.Premium apportionment across departments with nominalbreakdown and re-charges. Our secure portal login ensurescollaboration between all stakeholders, including claimants,is kept confidential. With history tracking built in you willhave a clear idea of claims progression and any Changesmade within the system by whom and when.
Management information Audits, analysis & improvementThe use of robust reporting, dashboards and Google™ Auditing with EvoClaim™ is straightforward and robust. Allheatmaps help identify and address emerging trends. changes are recorded and logged against date, time and user; providing monitoring for KPI, training and complianceRegular Management Information is delivered via Microsoft purposes.Business Intelligence through our report generator. As longas the data is in the system, it can be reported on. Track your claims to resolution along with associated costs (internal / 3rd party) to rectify and prioritise based on riskEvoClaim™ includes a suite of standard report templates, levels with RAG (red, amber green flag) status. Remain alertor you can copy and tweak them to suit you. More complex with monitoring costs by 3rd party or materials used toreports can be created on an ad-hoc basis. highlight quality control or warranty issues.Regular reports can run automatically saving you the effort Perform root cause analysis easily, so that you can take aof building the report from scratch each time. With direct proactive approach to reducing future claims, enhancinglinks to your email, reports can be sent to recipients on a your organisation’s reputation. And when you canscheduled delivery, needing little or no input from you. demonstrate a reduced risk profile, you are in a strong position to negotiate lower underwriting fees.
+added extra:
EvoSafe™ For more information about EvoSafe™ call us on 0333 010 7999 or email [email protected] as part of EvoClaim™, you have the option to and we can answer any questions you may have.switch on EvoSafe™, our fully integrated Health, Safetyand Risk Management solution.Simply license EvoSafe™ in the same way as EvoClaim™and open up a whole new world to your claims team.The two systems are built as one so accessing eitherone is seamless. Users are able to view all elements ofan incident meaning less time chasing up informationand more time working to resolve claims.
Expertise & experience Maintenance, upgrades & updatesOur expert services team are available to perform in-depth IT We believe that you should always be on the latestaudits, gap analysis and work flow consultancy. version, and at no extra cost. That’s why we provide all upgrades, updates and fixes to your EvoClaim™ softwareThis is particularly useful for organisations heavily dependent free of charge. To minimise the disruption to youron legacy systems, or wanting to continue to interrogate organisation all maintenance, as well as general backhistorical data in their new system. end system / database administration, is completed out of hours.Backed by a wealth of technical and consultative experience,we offer a full range of services to ensure the smooth delivery, Set upseamless integration and bespoke customisation of ourClaims Management Platform. You may choose to mirror If you want to be able to interrogate your historicalyour existing processes or use our insider expertise to build data in your new system, we can remove the hassle ofin improvements. migrating your data to a new system by doing it for you. Our historical data and documents import service savesIntegrating with other software isn’t a problem; whether it’s time and eradicates the need for manual data entry.legacy in-house systems, industry specific applications orenterprise level solutions. EvoClaim ™ has an integrated vehicle database which tracks all incidents involving assets and drivers. Upon set up, all asset and driver data can be imported.
Integration Support & SLAsEvoClaim™ is built with the flexibility to integrate with If you have questions about the application or reportingany back office or 3rd party systems, and backed by the issues, we provide 24/7 access to our technical supporttechnical expertise to deliver without a hitch. team via a support portal.Seamlessly integrated with Google™ heatmaps you can Our SLAs guarantee a response time with dedicatedview your incidents by location, being able to drill down support ready to help. As with anything, resource is finite,to street level or areas within a particular site. This helps so we have a fair usage policy based on number of casesyou to spot trends, take action to mitigate future risks in line with your licensing and professional servicesand even identify potential fraud. investment. Optional Enterprise Unlimited support is also available. Cloud or on-premise or both Whether you prefer to deploy your applications on- premise (on your own hardware), securely via the cloud, or a hybrid of the two, our team will work with you to deliver a solution that gives you the operational flexibility and control that you need.
Security & access Flexibility built inRelax in the knowledge that your data is safe. Our Our extensive in-house expertise means that we havesoftware is hosted in a highly secure Tier 3 (ISO and built EvoSafe™ with flexibility at its core. It can be usedsecurity certified) datacentre which is authorised to as a cost-effective ‘off the shelf’ solution with minimalprocess government and NHS patient data. configuration, or our business analysis team can design it to match your needs perfectly.Multi-user, multi-level access rights ensure that usersonly access the information they are authorised to see. So if you need a straightforward solution, or require any level of customisation, we’ve got it covered.We have built EvoClaim™ on the latest technology(Microsoft .Net, Web, SQL Server Database) so youcan access EvoClaim ™ from any web enabled device,anywhere, anytime.
contact us: [email protected] 0333 010 7999 3rd Floor, Bridgewater Place, Leeds, LS11 5DY3sixty 3Sixty Systems is a subsidiary of DWF LLP Offices in the UK London, Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Dublin Internationally in Sydney, Chicago, Toronto, Singapore and Hong Kong
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