SOPHUS ELEVATORS Motion with excellence
FUJI-Sophus Maintenance Services -HIGHEST AVAILABILITY AND LASTING VALUE.FUJI-Sophus Maintenance Services helps thousandsof people using both FUJI and other brand Elevators, Escalators & Parking Systems. We deliver High customer value and Quality by understanding your maintenance needs and providing the most suitable solution for you. YOUR ELEVATOR NEEDS GOOD CARE N UPKEEP What gets constant use needs constant care. To ensure the reliability and ef iciency of yourelevator an effective maintenance program is a signi icant part of your Building Maintenance. FUJI-Sophus Maintenance Services operates under the highest international standards, employing an experienced and knowledgeable service staff using advanced tools and parts, and ensuring prompt service.The only way to get top performance and long life out of your elevator system is to choose a company that is both reliable and consistent. Remember your elevator is often the irst impression visitors have of your building. From high-performance elevator groups in multi-storey buildings to smaller, conventional systems in residential buildings – our tailor- made, multi-brand service concepts make sure your system always delivers outstanding performance. EVERY MINUTE COUNTS – SO DOES EVERY CUSTOMER. FUJI-Sophus provides round the clock, unparalleled 24x7 customer support backed by a team of skilled and dedicated service technicians. Independent Safety Audits and Inspections ensure that there is no compromise on Customer, Employee and Equipment Safety. Every service centremaintains an extensive inventory of spare parts, so we are able to provide fast delivery of quality replacement parts for all makes of Elevators, Escalators & Parking systems. We respond to any need with the expertise that can only come from highly dependableService partner How will FUJI-Sophus Services benefit me? u Increased safety u B etter response times u Increased availability u I ncreased Equipment Life u Improved passenger satisfaction u Reduced operating expenses
Achieving Competitive Excellence in Service Globally -SETTING STANDARDS HIGHER THAN THE NORMSSafety Quick Response Our Quick response means not just getting to your Safety is the highest priority at FUJI-Sophus. Our site quickly, but also providing a solutionto yourneed. maintenance ensures technician and end user safety Our speed to site is enabled through geo-positioning through a Safety Audit System with comprehensive of each Elevator we maintain, total work (preventive procedures, audits and training. Service delivery is and breakdown) and technician location. A Dynamic designed to maximize the availability and safe Schedule Plan is continuously updated during the operation of your equipment. This system of day that maximizes our speed to site.safeguarded checks ensures that comprehensive protection for you and your family stays top priority. Availability of spares The spare parts warehouse at FUJI-Sophus maintains Quality Service Plan for your elevator system a large variety and Inventory of Spares for both FUJI- Sophus and Elevators of other makes. Our Team is FUJI-Sophus Maintenance Servicesare designed to ready to ship spare parts 24X7 and we ensure evaluate each Elevator and create an individual delivery of the parts at the earliest to reduce the maintenance plan for each unit, based on criteria such downtime of your equipment. We also Import or as usage, operating environment, control and drive produce spares that are Non Standard and we make types, number of openings, door type, etc. This sure that we do not leave our Clients with their information is stored in each equipment record and is problems but be a leading partner in resolving the used to create individual maintenance pro iles which us develop the Service plan for your elevator. We maintain Global standards of maintenance processes Regular Monitoring of your Systemsthat are periodically Audited. At FUJI-Sophus we have a dedicated Team that regularly monitors the performance of your Elevator Skilled and Trained Technicians. and takes necessary and timely actions to ensure that FUJI-Sophus focuses on Extensive Class room and On- the repeated problems are resolved permanently. site training for their Technicians and ensures they Red Flag System, Root Cause Analysis, Parts swiftly resolve the problem in the irst attempt. With a replacement at regular intervals helps us avoid team of experts and a large Talent pool and experience, breakdowns and inconveniences.we service almost all makes of the Elevators in the Industry.When should a Safety Audit bedone?Every year FUJI-Sophus performs Safety Audits on hundreds of Third party Elevators as many Elevator companies do not comply with the International norms of Safety Audits. At FUJI-Sophus we do basic Audit every month and Comprehensive Audit once / twice a year. Call us for a Safety Audit of your Elevator today.
One of the most frequently asked question we get -“Isn't it better to replace our Old Elevator with a New one ?”Step 1 -Why to modernize Step 2 – When to modernize? u For Improved traf ic low. u If your equipment is more than 10 u Shorter waiting times. years old u Better reliability. u If it doesn't meet the latest safety u Higher safety and comfort regulations u Better aesthetics u If it consumes more energy than a u Energy-ef iciency modern solution u Reduced operational expenses, u If passengers are inconvenient u Maximum system availability and predictable u If the elevator is often out of order u If your elevator look outdated life-cycle management costs. u If it doesn't meet local Authorities u Building owners gain enhanced property value. rules and regulationsStep 3 – What to modernize? Step 4 – Why modernize with FUJI-Sophus ?FUJI-SophusMOD Survey For Life assessment of u Based on the MOD Surveywe offer Elevator equipment : Customizedsolution depending on the condition of the equipment, need of the the u Precise analysis of elevator performance, Client project / building and Budget.Every aesthetics, accessibility, ef iciency and safety Solution is aimed to improve safety, reliability, aesthetics and performance u The focus is on the machine, electric Cables and equipment, COP & LOP (Buttons), Elevator u Minimum disruption to passengers and Cabin and doors On-time completion of the upgradation and timely handing over of the revamped FUJI-Sophussolutions include: replacing components, elevator.modular modernization, modular modernization packages and full replacement u Training to the users to make the experience more user friendly
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