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Home Explore Attorney malpractice insurance

Attorney malpractice insurance

Published by gilsbarprogilsbarpro, 2015-01-09 03:09:28

GilsbarPRO offers a number of products and services designed to help you protect yourself and your practice from the unexpected. We deliver quality professional protection at competitive prices.


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GilsbarPROGilsbarPRO is the market leader in administering professional liabilityinsurance to professionals.Since 1959, GilsbarPRO has helped professionals manage risk and protecttheir practice.Why GilsbarPRO? More than 50 years of professional liability experience Currently serving over 29,000 professionals Access to some of the best carriers in the nation Able to generate fast, free no-obligation quotes Easy renewals

Professional Liability Insurance GilsbarPRO offers a number of products and services designed to help you protect yourself and your practice from the unexpected. We deliver quality professional protection at competitive prices. Professional Experience Our office features over 80 professionals who are devoted to serving your professional liability insurance needs through sales, consultation, claimsfiling, continuing education and renewals. Get to know our team by clickingany link below and you'll know why clients enjoy working with GilsbarPRO!

Management TeamJudy Cannella Schott, Esq., Vice PresidentJudy Schott has served in a variety of capacities atGilsbar since joining the company in 1995. As vicepresident, she oversees the property and casualtydivision of Gilsbar as well as operations for thehealth and life division. Her tenure at Gilsbar hasincluded managing sales and underwriting of property and casualty products,corporate compliance, licensing, training, and HIPAA Privacy. Her insurance industryexperience began as a Professional Liability Loss Prevention Counsel for theLouisiana State Bar Association. Prior to joining Gilsbar, she practiced law in NewOrleans for 10 years. She has lectured widely and published articles on a variety oftopics including HIPAA Privacy, professional liability, and risk management. Shereceived her Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of NewOrleans and graduated from Loyola University School of Law.

Professional Liability Insurance for Title Agents, Abstractors and Escrow AgentsGilsbarPRO offers quality products and services designed to help you protect youragency from the unexpected.We deliver quality professional protection atcompetitive prices.Louisiana Health, Life & Long Term Disability InsuranceGilsbarPRO offers a number of products and services designed to help you andyour family stay happy and healthy throughout each stage of life. We deliverquality services at competitive prices for residents in Louisiana.For quotes on other products, click the following links: Lawyers Professional Liability Accountants Professional Liability Title Agency Insurance Business Insurance Products

Corporate Address Phone2100 Covington Centre 800.906.9654Covington, LA 70433 SocialMailing Address Facebook or TwitterP O Box 998Covington, LA 70434

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