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Home Explore Sensiple_Corporate_Newsletter_Issue1


Published by roshnig, 2015-11-30 06:19:22

Description: Sensiple_Corporate_Newsletter_Issue1


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IS SU E 01 | V OL UM E 2 | 06 NOV 1 5 Sensiple Corporate Symphony …Never Stop Learning ...Never Stop LearningSensiple’s Moment of Pride | Global Payment 2015 Award “Sensiple is proud to let you know that we have been nominated for Global Payment 2015 award for Best Securing Payment Deployment in Americas.” The shortlisting highlights our innovative stance in the fast changing world of payments. We stand a chance to win the award.Brief about Sensiple submission to the awardSensiple is implementing a novel, stream- Its your turn to vote and ask your friends to votelined Voice Biometric Mobile PIN reset so-lution for an International Telecommunica- Register and VOTE on or before 13th of Novem-tion company that offers digital services to ber, 2015 !!! Do not forget to Vote from your busi-over 56 million customers in Africa and His- ness email id.panic America. The Pain goes away on Pay Day : Sensiple Pay Day AdvancedAs a part of the new initiative “OPERATION VOWEL 2017”, pay day was advanced to 1st or 2nd day of the month startingfrom October 2015. It is indeed a major milestone for Sensiple that we are stepping towards the vision of a happierand employee friendly organization. On that note, here is what the employees have to say...“ Pay Day advancement makes me feel extremely happy; I “Very very happy. Payday on 1st was consideredcan pay my bills and rent on time and also plan my budgets “not happening” some 6 to 7 years before. From Im-ahead” - Gokul possible to happening. It is good to see change in the organization.” - Praveen R“I am happy that I don’t need to borrow for my paymentsin the start of the month” - Shankar When my friends go out shopping on 1st week of the month, I will have to wait till the second week. I am“My commitments are met in the beginning of the month— happy “about this new initiative” - SubhashiniEMIs, Rent and Credit card bills—Vijayan Lot of positivity and motivation coming along the“Whether or not we get our salary in the beginning of the organization—Georgemonth, hostel rent needs to be paid on time within the firstthree days. It’s a relief now!!” - Abhinaya Sensiple Corporate Sales & Marketing Team | [email protected]

IS SU E 01 | V OL UM E 2 | 06 NOV 1 5Sensiple Corporate Symphony World’s first 3D blood vessel bio- printer developed The world’s first 3D blood vessel bio-printer, which makes it possible to produce personalized functional organs, has been developed by a Chinese company. The significant breakthrough has been achieved through its self-developed stem cell bio-ink technology, 3D bio-printer and cloud computing platform. Blood vessels that transport nutrients to organs are indispensable elements when creating any organs. The team has created a novel type of bio- ink – “Biosynsphere” – whose primary goal is the personalized stem cell bio-printing to pave the way for organ regeneration.Did you know? Emulator Vs Real device TestingA Cloud Orchestrator is Mobile applications have several release gates than Web applications. Testing has more options like using real device in a local lab, using em-programming that manages the ulators locally, emulators or even physical devices in the cloud. Testinginterconnections and interactions method is selected based on the criteria like size & nature of the applica-among cloud-based and on-premises tion. Variations of operating systems and browsers are more for mobilebusiness units. To orchestrate than Web apps. So it is better to build own integration environment withsomething is to arrange various a large grid of emulators or a cloud service that already has them built.components so they achieve a desired Use emulators for fast and repetitive testing in a continuous integrationresult. In IT context, this fashion and real devices for your end-to-end and systems testing up toinvolves combining tasks into delivery. A combination of emulators and real devices is always best.workflows so the provisioning andmanagement of various IT components Facebook building an artificial brainand their associated resources can beautomated. Facebook is studying the ancient Chinese game of Go for insights as it works on building an artificial brain -- one that it hopes to turn into aAir Gapping is a security measure virtual personal assistant that can also sort through a mountain of pho- tos, videos and comments posted by its next billion or so users. Amongthat involves isolating a computer or its accomplishments: the development of software that can analyze anetwork and preventing it from photo and answer questions about what it shows, or study a picture ofestablishing an external connection. An toy blocks and predict whether they will fall over. Facebook is usingair gapped computer is physically artificial intelligence software to assist and study those interactions, so itsegregated and incapable of connecting can learn the best responses and eventually perform tasks that now re-wirelessly or physically with other quire human assistance. Another effort uses \"predictive learning\" tocomputers or network devices. To study images and make informed predictions of what will happen, suchprevent unauthorized data extrusion as whether a stack of blocks is stable enough to stand or fall over. Face-through electromagnetic or electronic book's team is using visual recognition algorithms rather than just \"bruteexploits, there is often a specified force\" computing to examine every possible move.amount of space between the air gappedsystem and outside walls and betweenits wires and the wires for othertechnical equipment. Sensiple Corporate Sales & Marketing Team | [email protected]

IS SU E 01 | V OL UM E 2 | 06 NOV 1 5Sensiple Corporate Symphony Gartner’s Top Predictions for IT for 2016 Glimpses of Sensiple Energizers and Beyond look at a digital future Walmart Drones Take flightBy 2018, 20 percent of business content will be au- After spending months on indoor testing of the ‘small unmanned aircraft systems’, Walmart has applied to the thored by machines US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to use the 6 billion connected things will be request- drones outdoors to further evaluate their performance. Walmart plans to use the drones, which are manufactured ing support in China by SZ DJI Technology, for increased business > 3 million workers globally will be super- efficiency in any number of delivery scenarios, including direct to the home and parking lot customer service. They vised by a \"robo-boss\" will also be active in inventory checks, taking stock of 45 percent of the fastest-growing compa- trailers, utilizing electronic tagging, and building surveillance. nies will have fewer employees than in- Traditionally the last link in the supply chain, known as stances of smart machines ‘the last mile problem’ – from final pick-up to ultimate By 2020, autonomous software agents out- destination, is the least cost efficient especially in high- side of human control will participate in density urban areas where congestion is a feature. five percent of all economic transactions. Walmart’s proposed ‘drone fleet’ may well be a solution to its ‘last mile’ issues. Twitter unveils a new set of Brand centric AnalyticsTwitter is expanding its analytics product with thelaunch of what it’s calling the Twitter Brand Hub.Even though it’s a tool for Twitter advertisers, theBrand Hub seems less focused on specific ads orcampaigns and more on the broader conversationaround different brands and products — though ofcourse that data could help businesses see where theyneed to boost their visibility with ads .The BrandHub also includes demographic data — like gender,location and income level — about people tweetingabout a brand, and lists the top “influencers” in theconversation including brand loyalty phrases. Gamification to retain staff and boost salesApplebee's implemented a gamification systemfrom Bunchball. The company's Nitro productaims to help servers and staff sell new and sup-plemental menu items, as well as learn aboutworkplace rules and safety, and then earn pointsand win prizes for making progress. Employeesaccess the cloud-based system via a Web brows-er on their smartphones, tablets or comput-ers. Large flat screens located in the back of eachrestaurant show leaderboard details. It registers1,800 logins a day.Sensiple Corporate Sales & Marketing Team | [email protected]

IS SU E 01 | V OL UM E 2 | 06 NOV 1 5Sensiple Corporate SymphonyGenesys opens market place for World Class CX Solutions Genesys, the market leader in Omni channel customer experience (CX) and contact center solutions, announced at G-Force 2015 the opening of the Genesys AppFoundry, a newly available online marketplace focused on customer experience solutions. The AppFoundry will serve as a resource center for Genesys customers to discover, research and connect with a broad range of Customer Experience applications, integrations and services that ad- dress their unique customer needs. The AppFoundry goes beyond traditional marketplace platforms with an emphasis on third-party Customer Experience applications which pro- vide complete communication integrations through voice, chat, email, video, social media and mobile.Stock Trading was expensive and ugly. Robinhood’s App makes it free and prettyRobinhood steals stock trading from rich guys and gives it to normal people who couldn’t afford to pay $7 pertransaction. Instead of having to hunt through websites and news feeds, Robinhood’s cards display breakingfinancial news, the S&P 500 top gainers and losers, your portfolio’s top gainers and losers, and updates aboutyour bank transfers, scheduled and paid dividends, and orders. Robinhood hopes its zero-commission stocktrading will teach the next generation about the power of investing, with educational tips and insights aboutinvesting in its cards.CMS Wire releases research on Digital Customer Experience The lack of cross-functional alignment — rather than the lack of staff expertise or technology — is the top challenge faced with digital customer experience. Customer relationship management (CRM), marketing automation and customer service platforms need to integrate with content management systems. Despite the desire to use customer data to further business goals, most of the business respondents want to be leaders in data privacy.The Barber’s Paradox in the “No shave November” Suppose there is a town with just one male barber; and that every man in the town keeps himself clean-shaven: some by shaving them- selves, some by attending the barber. It seems reasonable to imagine that the barber obeys the following rule: He shaves all and only those men in town who do not shave themselves. Under this scenario, we can ask the following question: Does the bar- ber shave himself? Asking this, however, we discover that the situation presented is in fact impossible:  If the barber does not shave himself, he must abide by the rule and shave himself.  If he does shave himself, according to the rule he will not shave himself Sensiple Corporate Sales & Marketing Team | [email protected]

IS SU E 01 | V OL UM E 2 | 06 NOV 1 5Sensiple Corporate SymphonyDell introduces Hybrid Cloud System with bold payment structure Dell announced the expansion of its cloud portfolio with a new hybrid cloud solu- tion, featuring technology jointly developed with Microsoft, designed to break down the barriers customers experience on their path to cloud. This new system de- livers simplified, automated deployment and maintenance capabilities; a unique payment solution to reduce customer investment risk; and unparalleled hybrid cloud governance, control, and policy-based automation for Microsoft Azure and other cloud environments.Only 5% of Mac users at IBM need help desk support, compared to40% of PC users Big Blue began offering employees the ability to use a Mac at work starting on June 1, and adoption has been a tremendous success with rapid adoption and very little need for employee technical support. Macs require less management and setup effort than PCs, saving IT personnel valuable time. And fewer employees are need- ed to support Macs than traditional PCs.Synchronoss and Goldman Sachs for enterprise mobility partnership Cloud solutions provider Syncrhonoss Technologies has announced a new venture to develop mobile solutions leveraging technology from investment bank Goldman Sachs.The move has come about with both parties expressing a significant market need and opportunity in mobile security. Goldman Sachs’ development team has already built Lagoon, a mobile app management (MAM) development framework built in a secure container designed to satisfy compliance requirements.Amazon takes on Business Intelligence with QuickSightAmazon Web Services, already a big player in databases, is launching a new businessintelligence tool to help non-technical people make sense of all that data. QuickSightpromises to enable business users to peer inside the data residing in various AWSrepositories, including RedShift data warehouse, Elastic MapReduce, and Amazonrelational database services. There they can see relationships between data, and then atool called Autograph can help them build an intelligence profile about all that data.The future of healthcare in cloud computing -$9.48bn market by 2020 Healthcare data are entering a new era with the mass adoption of EHRs, the har- nessing of big data, the rise of genomics, personalized medicine, and more. To manage all that data, hospitals and other healthcare entities will increasingly be looking to new solutions involving the cloud, and are increasingly ready to move past the regulatory and security concerns that have previously held healthcare back. Sensiple Corporate Sales & Marketing Team | [email protected]

IS S U E 01 | VO L UM E 2 | 06 NOV 1 5Sensiple Corporate Symphony Sensiple wishesDid you find this interesting? Share your ideas and comments on the newsletter edition on how we can improve Share interesting articles and publish them to the organization—You can share educative arti- cles, insights, current affairs in IT, Technology and Business.We will also use this platform to highlight Sensiple in the news and various events that happen inSensiple’s regardWrite to us [email protected] feedback is welcome [email protected] [email protected] Sensiple Corporate Sales & Marketing Team | [email protected]

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