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Home Explore SSCA Part 1A Catalog

SSCA Part 1A Catalog

Published by Holabird Americana, 2022-10-26 23:23:28

Description: S.S. Central America Auction, Part 1A


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Under Water Image Gallery Brass passenger tags in situ. Page 199 775-851-1859 ● ●

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot #1189 Opening Bid $500 Lot #1190 Opening Bid $250 Lot #1191 Opening Bid $250 HWAC #159474 SSCA#5686 HWAC #153316 SSCA#5291 HWAC #153313 SSCA#5725 Brass Luggage Tag SAN Fo NY to via Brass Luggage Tag NY to SAN Fo via Brass Luggage Tag NY to SAN Fo via Panama #3686 Panama #5291 Panama #5725 Brass luggage tag recovered from the S.S. Central Amer- Brass luggage tag recovered from the S.S. Central Brass luggage tag recovered from the S.S. Central ica shipwreck. It is #3686, // San Fo to N.Y. via Pana- America shipwreck, approx 2 x 1-5/8 inches, embossed America shipwreck, approx 2 x 1-5/8 inches, embossed ma //, heart shaped, 1.75 x 1.75 inches. Completely // N.Y. TO SAN Fo / 5291 / VIA PANAMA //. The // N.Y. TO SAN Fo / 5725 / VIA PANAMA //. unconserved, pitted surface, but fully legible. This name of the tag manufacturer is visible in very fine tag would have originated with the S.S. Sonora in San print on the back: // T.W. MOREHOUSE / J. CITY Francisco. The luggage would have been transferred to N.J. // The loop is broken at the top and the piece is the S.S. Central America after its trip across the Isthmus pitted. of Panama on the Panama Railroad. Page 200 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot #1193 Opening Bid $100 Lot #1194 Opening Bid $100 HWAC #159473 SSCA# HWAC #153319 SSCA#1746 Lot #1192 Opening Bid $250 Brass Luggage Tags NY to SAN Fo via Brass Luggage Tags SAN Fo to NY via Panama #2342 Panama #492 HWAC #153318 SSCA#601 Brass Luggage Tag NY to SAN Fo via A pair of matched, brass luggage tags with original A pair of matched, brass luggage tags with original Panama #601 leather fob, #2342 “N.Y. to San Fo via Panama.” It is leather fob, #492 “San Fo to NY via Panama.” It is a a matched pair such that one piece went with the lug- matched pair such that one piece went with the luggage Brass luggage tag recovered from the S.S. Central Amer- gage attached to the leather, and the other piece was attached to the fob and the other piece was retained by ica shipwreck, approx 2 x 1-5/8 inches, embossed // retained by passenger. These fobs were found in the passenger. These fobs were found in the S.S. Central N.Y. TO SAN Fo / 601 / VIA PANAMA //. The name S.S. Central America shipwreck on the edge of the gold America shipwreck on the edge of the gold room debris of the tag manufacturer is visible in very fine print on room debris in a large clump. Several dozen were in a large clump. Several dozen were found, though the back: // T.W. MOREHOUSE / J. CITY N.J. // found, though few as nice as this pair, and most with few as nice as this pair, and most with only portions only portions readable. Completely unconserved in readable. Relatively unconserved in expanded round- expanded rounded diamond shape, 2” long and 1.5” ed diamond shape, 2” long and 1.5” wide. wide. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 201

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America t Easton Trunk The Easton Trunk itself is lot#1087 Page 202 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1195 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1196 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 157064 SSCA# 29223 HWAC# 157066 SSCA# 29022 Handkerchief, Handkerchief, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Handkerchief recovered from the Easton trunk found Handkerchief recovered from the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. 18 x 18 inches. at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. 18 x 18 inches. Stained, but the material appears to be sound. No Stained, but the material appears to be sound. No monograms or other markings. Possibly linen. Parallel monograms or other markings. Possibly linen, with lines about 2” from edge into center along all 4 sides. parallel lines patterned around the edges. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 203

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1197 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1198 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 157067 SSCA# 29071 HWAC# 158754 SSCA# 29149 Handkerchief. Handkerchief, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Handkerchief recovered from the Easton trunk found Handkerchief recovered from the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Size is 20 x 20 at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. 19x19”, large and inches. Stained, but the material appears sound. No small repeating dot pattern on edge. No apparent deg- monograms or other markings. Possibly silk. No pat- radation, just stained. terns around the edge. Lighter and finer material than those with edge lines. Is this one of Adeline Easton’s handkerchiefs? Page 204 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1199 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1200 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158726 SSCA# 29048 HWAC# 158741 SSCA# 29050 Ladies’ Chemise, Ladies’ Chemise, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Ladies’ chemise recovered from the Easton trunk Ladies’ chemise recovered from the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck Ladies che- found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Ladies’ mise, 1 x 28” lace collar with lace 1 x 8” V neck, and 1 chemise with 3 buttonholes and 3 buttons present on x 8” lace on both sides. 45” length and 46” waist. 4” top closure. 28” lace neck. 38” length, 50” length. 3.5” sleeve with 1” lace and 1” pleat. Degradation to front sleeves with 1.5” lace border. A little bit of lower back and back lower areas. Stained. degradation, otherwise just stained. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 205

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1201 Opening Bid $500 Lot# 1202 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158755 SSCA# 29076 HWAC# 158753 SSCA# 29058 Ladies’ Chemise, Mrs. Easton, Ladies’ Coat, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Ladies’ chemise or night gown recovered from the Ladies’ coat recovered from the Easton trunk found at Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America ship- the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Ladies’ petticoat, wreck. Significantly degraded on reverse. Front side 11” top opening with two 20” ties. 9 horizontal, 1” fab- has some degradation along lower edge. 41” long, 24” ric overlays front and back, 36” length, 22” waist. Some across. Staining, Cotton lace, floral pattern around the degradation on back bottom left. Stained. neck and V neck, 4” sleeve. Displays nicely. From the Easton trunk. Page 206 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1203 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1204 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158727 SSCA# 29048 HWAC# 158724 SSCA# 29080 Ladies’ Crotchless Bloomers, Ladies’ Dress, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Ladies crotchless bloomers recovered from the Easton Ladies’ dress recovered from the Easton trunk found at trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. One the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Two 19” waist ties, buttonhole and 1” porcelain button. 15” inner upper 11” upper pleats. 39” length, 22” waist. No apparent leg slits. 3.5” lower leg pleats and 2” lace. Length 35”, degradation, just stained. waist 22”. No apparent degradation, just stained. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 207

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1205 Opening Bid $1,000 Lot# 1206 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158790 SSCA# 29057 from OJS HWAC# 158725 SSCA# 29060 Ladies’ Dressing Gown, Ladies’ Dressing Gown, Dual Pink Patterns, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Ladies’ dressing gown recovered from the Easton Ladies’ dressing gown recovered from the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. A trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. La- woman’s large dressing gown with two different pink dies dressing gown, 9 buttonholes and 9 buttons pres- patterns, all about 1/2 x 3/4 inch at regular intervals. ent, 24” collar with edge and inner lace. Front has 14 x 4” collar, 3” cuff. Pleated back along chest line with 1” dual lace design and 1” wide full laces on both sides two 32” ties. Long Sleeve, 52” long. Generally good of buttons, 4” cuffs with lace design, 6 x 16” front up- condition. per pleats. 57” long, 44” waist. 4 x 77” sash. Front and back right lower degradation. Page 208 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1207 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1208 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158728 SSCA# 29060 HWAC# 157072 SSCA# 29098 Ladies’ Dressing Gown, Ladies’ Gloves, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Dressing gown recovered from the Easton trunk found One pair of women’s leather gloves recovered from at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Ladies dressing the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America ship- gown, 7 buttonholes with 7 buttons present. 3 x 17” wreck. Drawstring closure, overall length 8.25 x 2 inch- collar, 4 small inner metal clasps. 53” length, 22” waist, es, middle finger is 4.5 inches. This pair has not been 21” sleeve with one buttonhole and one button present preserved in the same manner as the clothing, but it on both. Degradation to upper and lower right back. has been air dried. The material is sound, but stiff, with Stained. some salts on the surface. They appear to be fancy and expensive. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 209

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1209 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1210 Opening Bid * * * HWAC# 157077 SSCA# 29221, 29130 HWAC# 158752 SSCA# 29168 Ladies’ Handkerchiefs (2), Ladies’ Ornate Jacket, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk One pair of Adeline Easton’s handkerchiefs recovered from the Easton trunk found Ornate ladies’ jacket found in the Easton trunk recovered from the S.S. Central at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Both about 24 x 24 inches, but we did not ful- America shipwreck. What a beauty! Pretty and ornate lady’s jacket. Large plus- ly unfold them after conservation. Material degraded, but mostly intact, with the sign pattern in many spots, circular patterns near the base, slightly pulled in at major damage to the folded edges. One handkerchief has floral patterns including the mid sides. Here we see the same gold metallic fiber background. It matches oak leaves and acorns. The original color may be intact and appears to have been Mr. Easton’s pants suits. Horizontal pattern silk lining. 11” collar with 14” notched a purple hue, oxidizing to black. The other handkerchief, clearly packed adjacent lapel. 6 front double button flaps with 4 buttons present. 0.75” + border on bot- to the floral pattern piece, has the same roughly two-inch, parallel-line patterns tom. Two lower front pockets with + embroidery above and below. 30” length, 40” around the edges as several of the other handkerchiefs, but a transfer from part of waist. Sleeves 18” with + embroidery at cuff. Left front upper pocket. No apparent the floral pattern has been made to this piece. These handkerchiefs have not been degradation, just stained. The conservators at Ohio State University called this “cleaned” and contain a significant amount of fine debris including newspaper wonderfully artistic coat a “paletot-sac,” but we cannot find anything whatsoever bits, paper, and deep-ocean bottom sediment. Very fragile. similar on the Internet archives. The only coat somewhat similar, in the Metropol- itan Museum of Art, is simply labeled “Coat, c1840-1845.” The reason we opine that the coat is a woman’s coat is that it is so differently artistic, without the usual drabness of most men’s coats, particularly those of Mr. Easton. One has to wonder, “how much of this seemingly brand new and matching clothing was purchased in the immediate days prior to their August 20 wedding and same-day departure from San Francisco.” Page 210 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1211 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1212 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 156757 SSCA# 29102 HWAC# 159450 SSCA# no number Ladies’ Sash, Ladies’ Stockings, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Women’s silk sash recovered from the Easton trunk Women’s stockings recovered from the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. 53” long, found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. 21” heel to silk, originally bright gold, which is a coating. 2” wide. top, 8” heel to toe. Marked in two places. This pair is There is a hint of diamond-shaped, crosshatch pattern. unique, marked in a floral pattern // British / 4 Thrds Some of the gold coating has come off, perhaps by / Heels & Feet / Sea (unknown 1-2 letter) and Yarn deep-sea immersion conditions. / 46 / Street //. Heavily stained with multi-layered, red bands at the top. Imprint on the toes (illegible). We were unable to find this company. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 211

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1213 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1214 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 157079 SSCA# HWAC# 158722 SSCA# 29161 Ladies’ Thin Socks, Men’s Collar, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Ladies’ thin socks recovered from the Easton trunk Collar recovered from the Easton trunk found at the found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Made of S.S. Central America shipwreck. Collar with 1 center a thin material, possibly silk, 7” heel to toe, 10” heel buttonhole and 5” rear tie with other half of tie miss- to top, ankle is form-fitting. Material generally sound. ing, 3.25 x 19”. No other apparent degradation, just stained. Page 212 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1215 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1216 Opening Bid $150 HWAC# 156758 SSCA# 29107 HWAC# 158804 SSCA# Men’s Cravat, Men’s Cravat, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Men’s cravat recovered from the Easton trunk found Cravat recovered from the Easton trunk found at the at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. A form of neck S.S. Central America shipwreck. Cravat that matches in wear with the ends tucked inside the shirt, thus the color and cloth the gold sheen, green/brown metal- ends are not finished. 1.75” x 34” long. Stitched pat- lic fiber suit of Ansel Easton. 1.5” x 36” long with the tern with horizontal bars every inch. Good condition. usual unfinished ends. vertical bars at 1.25” intervals. Currently, it is indigo in appearance, which may be a Stain as usual. function of the deep-sea ocean environment. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 213

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1217 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1218 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158807 SSCA# 29088 HWAC# 158816 SSCA# no #, easton series Men’s Cravat, Men’s Cravat, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Men’s cravat recovered from the Easton trunk found Men’s cravat recovered from the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Cravat belong- at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. 2 x 50” long, de- ing to Ansel Easton, 1.5” x 50”. This is a bit of a differ- graded. Gold metallic thread with dark square pattern. ent style cravat, in that it is longer than others, which would have had a different effect in a fashion sense, with a larger bow and tails. Honeycomb pattern with- out evenly spaced bars. This has a light gold sheen as well, with metallic style fibers. Page 214 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1219 Opening Bid $1,000 Lot# 1220 Opening Bid $500 HWAC# 158793 SSCA# 29148 HWAC# 158792 SSCA# 29164 Men’s Dress Frock Coat, Ansel Easton Men’s Dress Pants, Easton Trunk Men’s dress frock coat recovered from the Easton trunk found at the Pair of expensive men’s pants recovered from the Easton trunk found at S.S. Central America shipwreck. A beautiful double-breasted frock the S.S. Central America shipwreck. The watch pocket inside the left side is coat in the same apparent green/brown fabric with tiny gold fibers marked by stencil and ink of the maker: // Wyman & Co. / Makers, No and a gold thread lined cuff and on lapel and collar borders. This ?5?/ Broadway / New York / USA //. John G. Wyman and his brother piece appears to the describer (FH) as matching our inventory # George E. Wyman operated a tailor’s shop at 256 Broadway, according 158792 pants fabric. No external pockets by design. Five buttonholes to Trow’s 1857 Directory. Wyman did not advertise in the NY Call news- on each side with all five buttons present. Heavy interior lining be- paper. Five-button fly with stubs present. Square-cornered flap pockets hind silk in the chest and mid body area. Split back, 15”, with gold with buttons at square corner tips. Sturdy material appears dark green trim on one side and a button closure. Length 34”, sleeve inseam 21”. with metallic fibers. Waist in back has V notch with buckle tie. Front with Left chest inside pocket. Generally fine, another “showy” piece and four suspender attachment points and two in the rear. Inside leg lining at very well made. cuff has minor degradation. This is a “showy” piece. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 215

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1221 Opening Bid $2,500 HWAC# 156865 SSCA# 29114 Men’s Dress Shirt labeled W.C. Ralston, Easton Trunk Men’s dress shirt recovered from the Easton trunk found with the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Shirt has vertical pleats above the stomach area, with “W.C. Ralston” written in ink directly below the lower pleat boundary, dead center. Holes for cuff links, with button closure at the top of the cuff area with two partial buttons present. The bottom of the shirt is particularly broad, skirt-like, for long- term tucking into pants. Rear split collar, typical of the day. Overall length about 36 inches, sleeve length from seam of underarm to cuff edge about 27 inches, and the collar is about 15 inches. [break] William C. Ralston was a great friend of Ansel Easton and his wife Adeline. Adeline was the youngest sister of San Francisco banker D.O. Mills of Sacramento. Mill’s older brother was one of the first commis- sion merchants/bankers in San Francisco, established about late 1849. By 1852, the three brothers, James, Edgar, and Darius, created the firm of D.O. Mills & Co., and D.O. Mills himself became a powerful force in Gold Rush banking. Ralston also became a major player in the Gold Rush banking scene. As a partner with Gar- rison, Fretz, and Ralston, the trio quickly rose to financial fame. Fretz & Ralston continued the bank after Garrison’s retirement, and later, after the closure/merg- ing of Fretz & Ralston, Ralston was a founder of the Bank of California with Mills in 1863, a bank so powerful that it is one of only two to survive to the present day along with Wells Fargo. Page 216 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1222 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1223 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1224 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 156762 SSCA# 29157 HWAC# 156862 SSCA# 29067 HWAC# 158720 SSCA# 29155 Men’s Dress Shirt, Men’s Dress Shirt, Men’s Dress Shirt, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Men’s dress shirt recovered from the Easton Dress shirt recovered from the Easton Trunk Men’s dress shirt recovered from the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America ship- found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. trunk found at the S.S. Central America ship- wreck. This shirt has far less staining than the Dress shirt, with vertical top pleats to stom- wreck. Men’s dress shirt with 4 buttonholes others. Vertical pleats, the same as the others, ach line, skirt-like base for long term daily and no buttons present. Cuffs have 2 but- except damage and degradation to the back tuck-in. Overall length 36”, sleeve length tonholes and no buttons present. 10” bottom of the collar, not visible from the front. This from underarm seam to end of sleeve, 22.5”, slits. Length 35”, waist 43”, 16” upper pleats, shirt has no buttons, only holes for studs. No collar about 13.5”. Vertical pleats with a small arms 21”. Left cuff bottom and left shoulder markings. Top to bottom 35”, sleeve length button at top, still present. The split for the have slight degradation. 20”, folded cuffs. 14” neck. tuck-in tail is 13”..Material degrading along base and both sides, front, and rear. Curat- ed by Ohio State University. No name was found written on this shirt in an inspection of the lower edge and bottom pleat area. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 217

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1225 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1226 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158812 SSCA# 29156 HWAC# 158818 SSCA# 29084 Men’s Dress Shirt, Men’s Dress Shirt, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Men’s dress shirt recovered from the Easton trunk Men’s dress shirt recovered from the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Three-stud found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Light- collar opening, missing collar button. Cuffs folded, weight, pleated front, but the sleeves here were de- possibly recently used. Cuff button closure, buttons signed to be “puffy” at the cuffs. Four-button closure gone. Pleated front. No markings. Overall length 34” with remnants. Serious degradation with tears, holes, Neck 16’, Sleeve 24’. Minor degradation, stain. etc. This may have been in the outer portion of the trunk where the oxygen was more available for the microorganisms were able to attach the fabric. Overall length 34”, inseam 24”. Page 218 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1227 Opening Bid $250 Lot# 1228 Opening Bid $500 HWAC# 156753 SSCA# 29178 HWAC# 158815 SSCA# 29095 Men’s Dress Vest, Men’s Fancy Silk Scarf or Ascot, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Men’s dress vest recovered from the Easton trunk Large, 29 x 29” scarf or ascot, thought to be men’s found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Ansel according to the Ohio State University conservators. Easton’s vest, with fancy spotted metallic gold sheen Dark border (3/4” wide), possible green background (describer’s note: this vest is fantastic, in that this with attractive gold embroidered patterns throughout. bright gold is so reminiscent of the Gold Rush). A bro- This piece would well match the green/brown suit cade-style fabric, woven with metallic fibers through- found in the Easton trunk. This silk scarf could have out. Five buttons in front, intact. Rear tie straps missing dual use -- as a scarf for Addie Easton to match her metal buckle. Two front pockets and a watch pocket. V husband’s suit, or as an ascot for that same suit worn notch in the back. Degradation of the cotton lining ma- by Ansel. Choice artistic design and eye appeal. terial at the collar, and under the right lapel. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 219

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1229 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1230 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158758 SSCA# 29120? # not with piece HWAC# 157062 SSCA# 29128 Men’s Hand-Cut Shorts, Men’s Handkerchief, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Men’s hand cut shorts recovered from the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central Handkerchief recovered from the Easton trunk found America shipwreck. Three holes, three buttons, 6” fly. Reinforced waist area, ap- at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. 16 x 16”, stained prox waist size 31”, 16” long. This is an interesting piece, in that both legs have but material appears sound. No monograms or other been cut off to make the pants into shorts. One leg is about 4” long, and the other markings. Possibly silk. about 2”. The back has the tightening tie present. This pair of pants tells an import- ant story. The rough, crude cutoff legs portion was probably done to create a pair of shorts for Easton to go into the water as soon as it became known that the ship was permanently damaged. But Easton changed his mind - perhaps after advice from an officer or another with more experience on surviving in the water. We believe this is an important relic of the last moments of a passenger on the ship as it was sinking. Page 220 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1231 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1232 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158805 SSCA# no #, Easton series HWAC# 156861 SSCA# 29140 Men’s Heavy Undershirt, Men’s Lightweight Long pants, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Heavy undershirt recovered from the Easton trunk Men’s lightweight long pants recovered from the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. A very fine found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. This pair of pants example of a men’s undershirt for colder weather. This is lightweight cloth and of a loose-fitting construction without example also has the offset vertical chest closure area formal closure mechanisms at the ankle. The fly has no closure offset to the right, similar to another example. Gener- mechanisms whatsoever, with only a single-button closure at ally clean. Three-button top. Overall length 27”, sleeve the waist, button still present, and a lace-up tightening mecha- 18”. Form-fitting cuff. nism in the center of the back side. The ankle area has an open 5” split for looseness. These physical characteristics lead us to believe these pants may be sleeping wear, not underwear. Over- all length 35”, inseam 24” (clearly made short purposefully,) waist 32”. Material seriously degraded from the waist up. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 221

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1233 Opening Bid $250 Lot# 1234 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158759 SSCA# not listed in OJS HWAC# 158718 SSCA# 29152 Men’s Night Pants, Men’s Nightshirt, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Men’s night pants found at the S.S. Central Ameri- Men’s nightshirt recovered from the Easton trunk ca shipwreck. One hole, one-button at fly. Open V at found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Men’s ankle. Inseam length 26”, waist 32”, 6” tie on back of nightshirt. Two-hole collar with no buttons intact. waist. Generally fine except stain. Better than normal. One-button cuff with no buttons intact. 46” long, 18” Good stain pattern. sleeves, 7” bottom slits. Degradation to front bottom, right cuff, heavy to back center. Page 222 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1235 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1236 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158721 SSCA# 29159 HWAC# 158820 SSCA# no #, easton series Men’s Nightshirt, Men’s Shirt, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Men’s nightshirt recovered from the Easton trunk Men’s dress shirt recovered from the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Men’s found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Pleat- nightshirt with two buttonholes and no button pres- ed front, cuffs folded, indicating possible recent use. ent. Cuffs have one buttonhole and no buttons present. Five button closure, buttons gone. Overall length 33”, 7” bottom slits. Length 44”, waist 51”, collar 15”. Deg- sleeve 23”. Stained. No holes from degradation. Stain radation to front and back lower quarter along fold. patterns imitate camouflage patterns of today. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 223

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1237 Opening Bid $250 Lot# 1238 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158801 SSCA# 29154 HWAC# 159451 SSCA# 29212 Men’s Shirt, White Dress, Men’s Socks Marked AIE, Ansel I. Easton Trunk Easton Fine men’s dress white shirt recovered from the Easton A pair of socks recovered from the Easton trunk found trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck., at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Form-fitting ex- generally excellent condition with not as much stain as pansion throughout. Heel to top 9”, Heel to toe 9”. Pos- usual. Full collar, pleated front, 34” inseam 17”. Easton sibly recently used (well, back in 1857). Degradation in trunk. one sock. Marked // AIE // (for Ansel I. Easton) near the top of one sock. One sock has a double red band at the top, both have brown cloth bottoms. These are mismatched socks. Page 224 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1239 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1240 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 156751 SSCA# not found HWAC# 158808 SSCA# 29171 single pair Men’s Socks, Choice Condition, Men’s Socks, Recent Use, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Pair of cotton socks recovered from the Easton trunk Men’s socks recovered from the Easton trunk found at found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Very little the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Internal half fold- discoloring and excellent condition. 13” overall, heel ed from recent uses (just pulled off the feet, with the to toe 8”. upper part of the sock pulled over the foot section). Ribbed fabric, 1” form-fitting cuff, darker toe section, minor degradation and lots of stain. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 225

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1241 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1242 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 156759 SSCA# 29100 HWAC# 156756 SSCA# 29099 Men’s Tie, Diagonal Striped, Men’s Tie, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Men’s necktie recovered from the Easton trunk found Men’s tie recovered from the Easton trunk found at at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Diagonal-striped the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Good condition, 2 x men’s necktie of Ansel Easton, 2 x 40”, finished ends in 42”, no apparent pattern, possibly silk. classic triangle. Generally good condition. Page 226 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1243 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1244 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 156755 SSCA# 29101 HWAC# 158737 SSCA# 29063 Men’s Tie, Patterned, Men’s Undershirt, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Men’s tie recovered from the Easton trunk found at the Men’s undershirt recovered from the Easton trunk S.S. Central America shipwreck. 42” long, 2” wide, Pat- found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. V-neck tern consists of alternating dots in a diamond pattern with 2 buttonholes and buttons present. 2.5” form-fit- one-quarter-inch apart. ting cuffs. 24” length, 26” waist. 19” sleeve. No appar- ent degradation, just stained. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 227

Passenger Possessions S.S. Central America Lot# 1245 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1246 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158719 SSCA# 29180 HWAC# 158723 SSCA# 29181 Men’s Vest, Men’s Vest, Easton Trunk Easton Trunk Men’s vest recovered from the Easton trunk found at Men’s vest recovered from the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Men’s vest with 6 the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Men’s vest with 2 buttonholes and 6 buttons present. Fabric made with different diamond pattern, 2 lower pockets and left diamond pattern on front. two lower pockets and upper watch pocket. 2” lapel, 8 buttonholes with no watch upper pocket. 2” lapels. Back has two 13” ties buttons present., two 10” rear ties and 10” and 6” low- and two lower 7” straps with buckle. Length 22”, waist er straps with buckle. Length 20”, waist 38”. Left and 29”. Degradation to left-inner button side. center collar have degradation, left-lower inside deg- radation. Page 228 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold Passenger Possessions Lot# 1247 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1248 Opening Bid $100 Lot# 1249 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 156866 SSCA# 29187 HWAC# 158747 SSCA# 29134 HWAC# 158813 SSCA# no # Mens Long Underwear Pants, Scarf, Large, Thick Cloth, Handkerchief?, Marked Easton Trunk Easton Trunk // Easton // Men’s long underpants recovered from Large scarf recovered from the Easton trunk found at A thick, well-woven cloth recovered from the Easton the Easton trunk found at the S.S. Central the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Probably black- trunk found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. America shipwreck. Overall length 41”, dyed silk in origin. 1” embroidered edge. 31 x 30”. No Rolled on two opposing sides with the other two inseam about 30”, waist about 32”. Rear apparent degradation, just stained. edges having a rough finish. At one rolled end is // lace-up closure, three-button fly, all three Easton // in handwriting. 29 x 16”. Stains, otherwise buttons present. Material appears sound. good. Ankle area form-fitting. Conserved by Ohio State University. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 229

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America Page 230 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD The Business of Gold 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 231

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America Lot# 1250 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 159463 SSCA# 14-4903 Cloth Bag Marked “Dimes” from Purser’s Safe Thick cloth bag, 13 x 6”, with “Dimes” written in black ink on one side. 6” string on top attached recovered from the S.S. Central America shipwreck in 2014. No remnants of a red wax seal. The S.S. Central America ex- pedition record shows this bag contained US quarters and half dollar coins. Page 232 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD Lot# 1251 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 150875 SSCA# Gold Bag, S.S. Central America Treasure Small leather gold bag recovered in 2014 from the Purser’s safe of the S.S. Central America shipwreck. It is 6” long, 2” diameter, and it still retains the original shape, cut open at the top to drain the gold dust. Very nice, great eye appeal. Very few pokes, or gold bags, exist from the actual Gold Rush period of the 1850s. None remain still full of their original gold. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 233

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America Lot# 1252 Opening Bid $2,500 Handmade gold coin vest, sealed in two places with red sealing wax recovered from the Purser’s safe found HWAC# 159466 SSCA# 14-0694 in the S.S. Central America shipwreck debris field. Vest or heavy shirt with sleeve or arm hole lining removed. Gold Coin Vest, Three buttonholes with three buttons present which 2014 Recovery suggests a vest. The material is heavy, almost a den- im or canvas. The owner carefully stitched about five vertical columns in the right and left front panel areas from the inside (not visible on the outside). They are approximately 2.25” wide and about 5-6” long. Addi- tionally, a thick bag, which had been crudely cut/torn into a flat fabric piece for wrapping the pokes, bearing the words” “SIIJ?/17/ARMY/ TJCI/3Y’d” has been crudely hand-sewn onto the top portion of the vest. These compartments were packed full of 134 gold dou- ble-eagle coins, while the canvas bag area held eight nugget pokes. When full, this vest probably weighed about thirty pounds. The entire lot was tied up tightly and sealed in two places. It is 20” high x 14” wide plus the canvas at about 17 x 8”. It has the appearance from the area of attachment at the lower neck, that the can- vas bag was inside the upper back, again not visible from the outside. The gold coins, nuggets, and gold dust within the vest were subject to the Court Order sale and distribution of proceeds of the gold. As such, all of the gold in this vest was sold after the 2014 recovery. Vests carrying gold coins and nuggets have been dis- cussed throughout Western history, but actually seeing an original piece such as the one here is a whole other matter. This is a unique piece to the owner, who care- fully constructed it, probably wore it as he boarded the SS Sonora in San Francisco, took it off and checked it in with the Purser, who would have sealed it right in front of the man, then placed it in the safe for the voy- age to New York. A vest of this nature tells another sto- ry: that our man was leaving California, possibly for good, carrying not only his full bankroll in US $20s, but his recently mined gold that he had not had time to convert to ingots or coin. In short, the vest may have represented his entire life savings. It is a time capsule treasure, in and of itself. Page 234 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD Lot# 1253 Opening Bid $10,000 HWAC# 146607 SSCA# 1856-S J.L. Polhemus are known in French, Spanish and American coinage, though the small Counterstamped 1856-S $20, er denominations are more prevalent. S.S. Central America Treasure Gold counter stamped Polhemus coins are exceptionally rare, with perhaps Counter stamped US twenty-dollar gold four to five known inclusive of all de- piece, 1856-S, recovered from the S.S. Cen- nominations. There are a few silver tral America shipwreck. Certified and en- fakes out there too easy to spot – they capsulated in plastic by PCGS along with have rounded letters instead of the “ONE PINCH” of coarse gold dust also sharp cornered serifs seen in this out- recovered from the shipwreck site. PCGS standing example. annotation reads // 1856-S $20 / PCGS Polhemus counterstamps are listed on / AU58 / No Serif, High Right S / Brunk p249-250 of Gregory G. Brunks book, P-563 / J.L. Polhemus //. The counter- Merchant and Privately Counter- stamp is nicely centered above the eagle marked Coins (World Exonumia Press, on the reverse of the coin. Reverse of the 2003), as well as in Russ Rulau’s book label has the signature of Bob Evans, chief on nineteenth century tokens. scientist and historian for the recovery project and // I certify this / coin and gold The early apothecaries of the West dust / were recovered from / the S.S. Cen- Coast were quite a group. In San Fran- tral / America. / 670708.58/35672241 //. cisco, the Lefevre family had more John L. Polhemus, was a colorful character than three different locations that and Gold Rush-era druggist in Sacramen- served the “Ladies of the night.” Fa- to, California. Polhemus counter stamped mous landscape artist William Keith many U.S. and foreign coins then circu- even tried his had at being an apoth- lating in early California. It is said a coin ecary before starting a life in art ñ first never passed through his Sacramento drug as a sketch artist for documents, then store without being counter stamped. He as a landscape artist whose paintings was born in New York City in 1825 and ar- today sell for significant sums. This rived in California at the very height of the was the world of which Polhemus played an import- “Days of ‘49.” By 1850, he had opened his ant part. apothecary, living and working in Sacra- The counterstamp transforms the coin into a true time mento until his death in 1866. capsule, giving it a specific California story as well as Polhemus was a prolific advertiser, so much so that the shipwreck story. The full counterstamp states the one would think he was the major player in the apoth- location precisely, “J. L. Polhemus / Druggist /190 J. ecary business in the Sacramento region. From his St. Cor. 7th. / Sacramento, Cal.” with a charming tiny business at 196 J Street (1851), he sold drugs and med- mortar & pestle in the middle of the stamp, symboliz- icines and distributed a different form of business or ing the druggist’s trade. “calling” card ñ he counter stamped coins. His direc- tory advertisements were everywhere ñ and so were his counter stamped coins. Perhaps 100 of Polhemus counter stamped silver coins are known today. They 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 235

Under Water Image Gallery Bags of coins and nuggets came out of this safe Page 236 Large mat of gold nuggets and dust, with a coin sticking out. Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD Lot# 1254 Opening Bid $250 HWAC# 159462 SSCA# no number Cloth Bag that Contained Coins, Nuggets or Ingots A cloth bag recovered from the S.S. Central Ameri- ca shipwreck. The bag has a bold, black print identi- fication on the face. (illegible - Spring Valley?) 11” x 6”. Remnants of a red wax seal, which was originally stitched at the top. We tried in vain to interpret the big bold letters that nearly cover one side of this bag, but the letters are very weak. It appears there is a “…ing Valley” but we cant find a Spring Valley Bank anywhere in 1857. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 237

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America Lot# 1255 Opening Bid $500 HWAC# 159461 SSCA# 4901 Cloth Dime Bag from Purser’s Safe Large cloth bag that contained U.S. dimes recovered from the purser’s safe found in the port-side debris field of the S.S. Central America shipwreck. It is 13.5” x 19”. Rough top, rust stained, but not degraded. This bag was about half full of U.S. dimes. It was tightly cinched at the center. Page 238 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD Lot# 1256 Opening Bid $500 HWAC# 151588 SSCA# Pocket Change from the S.S. Central America A representative sampling of nine unconserved coins gathered from the seafloor around the shipwreck of the S.S. Central America. These would have been common- ly carried as pocket change and possibly jettisoned, po- tentially in a small leather coin purse, by the holder as the ship was at risk of sinking. Dimensions are approx- imate because of condition. 1) a Chilean coin (peso?), 38mm, 24.7 grams, estimated by comparison; 2) a Chil- ean coin (peso?), 38mm, 22.3 grams, some identifying text readable; 3) US 25-cent coin, possibly 1848; 4) US 25-cent seated Liberty with shield, S mint mark, date obscured, reverse fairly readable, 24 mm, 4.88 grams; 5) US Silver Dime, date obscured, 18 mm, 2.18 grams; 6) US Dime, probably seated Liberty, remainder is ob- scured, 19 mm, 3.0 grams; 7) US Dime, date unknown, 18.5 mm, 2.61 grams; 8) US Seated Liberty Dime, date is XXX8, as only the last 8 is discernible (1848?); 9) US Half Dime, probably seated Liberty, identified by di- ameter 15 mm, 1.07 grams. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 239

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America Lot# 1257 Opening Bid $500 HWAC# 158899 SSCA# Bank of Syracuse, NY, $5, Haxby G12c. S.S. Central America Treasure. A rare note from the safe of Purser Hull recovered from the S.S. Central America shipwreck in 2014. Bank of Syr- acuse, NY, $5, Haxby G12c. Haxby states “surviving example not confirmed.” This note has all the elements that make currency collectors go wild: the artwork is fantastic, with intricate designs throughout. Condition problems abound, which one might expect from 160 years underwater, 7,200 feet deep. Several pieces miss- ing, though nearly complete. Still very showy. Coun- terfeit $5 notes were found in circulation in February 1860. Page 240 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD Lot# 1258 Opening Bid $500 HWAC# 158897 SSCA# Exchange Bank, Bangor, Maine, $5, Haxby G8 S.S. Central America Treasure In 2014, the crew recovered Purser Hull’s safe at the S.S. Central America shipwreck. When they touched it with the recovery vehicle’s arm, the iron shell dissipat- ed into red dust, exposing the interior, where a pistol sat at the ready in case of trouble. In the safe were gold and silver coins, in some cases in bags. But there were also eleven pieces of currency, all what are known as “broken bank notes” today. This note, Exchange Bank, Bangor, Maine, $5, Haxby G8, is solid with no holes or pieces missing, yet heavily stained. As a $5 note, it was probably part of a cash payment for a ticket purchased dockside in New York. It is interesting that the purser chose to accept the note, since news would not quickly be forthcoming on a Maine bank, but it is entirely pos- sible that an internal informational flyer was regularly distributed among banks and merchants that could de- lineate known bank failures. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 241

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America Lot# 1259 Opening Bid $500 HWAC# 158901 SSCA# North River Bank, New York, $20, Haxby G50c, S.S. Central America Treasure North River Bank, New York, $20, Haxby G50c recov- ered from the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Signifi- cant pieces missing at “N” of north and “K” of Bank. Haxby notes: “Surviving example not confirmed.” Another rare note from Purser Hull’s safe, recovered in 2014 and conserved in 2018. In this case, the North River note is one of several New York notes used to purchase passage dockside for the S.S. Central America trip south. This, and the other bank notes, would have been kept in Purser Hull’s safe until his return to New York, and the notes would have had little or no value at their other stops in Havana or Aspinwall. This is one of two North River $20 notes in the group of eleven notes from the safe. Page 242 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD Lot# 1260 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 159455 SSCA# 14-4902 Paper Wrappings from the Purser’s Safe Two Dark Gray Course Wove Paper Wrapping w/ String from the Purser’s Safe recovered from the S.S. Central America shipwreck in 2014. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 243

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America Lot# 1261 Opening Bid $500 HWAC# 158898 SSCA# People’s Bank $5, Charleston, SC, Haxby G2a. S.S. Central America Treasure. People’s Bank $5, Charleston, SC, Haxby G2a. The only South Carolina note in Purser Hull’s safe that contained eleven broken bank notes, ostensibly used to purchase a ticket dockside in New York on The S.S. Central America. Heavily stained, minor repair by conservators. Recovered from the S.S. Central Ameri- ca shipwreck in 2014. In 1856, the People’s Bank was quite healthy. It was a publicly owned bank. Lot# 1262 Opening Bid $500 HWAC# 158902 SSCA# State Bank of Newark, NJ. $3. Haxby Proof Only. S.S. Central America Treasure State Bank of Newark, NJ $3, which Haxby notes is only known in proof. Stained throughout, but no holes or tears. In November 1853, counterfeit $5 notes were noted, easily recognizable because they substituted the New York crest for the New Jersey crest. This is one of the eleven notes found in Purser Hull’s safe recovered from the S.S. Central America shipwreck in 2014 and conserved in 2018. Page 244 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD Lot# 1263 Opening Bid $250 HWAC# 159453 SSCA# 14-14984 Wholesale New York Druggist Envelope w/Contents from Purser’s Safe Druggist envelope with contents recovered from the S.S. Central America shipwreck in 2014. Corner adver- tiser reads // Lazell, Marsh & Hunn Wholesale Drug- gists, No. 10 Gold Street, New York //. In pencil on the front of the envelope it says // Lazell, Marsh & Hunn / $50 (underlined) / First Steamship George Law //. This envelope and contents, which clearly contained $50 was found in the Purser’s safe. Several papers be- longing to Purser Hull were found inside the safe. 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 245

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America TrTheeaEvsoluutrioneofBthoe x the Minoans? How did they move it? This topic is tremendously fascinating and will by Fred N. Holabird Introduction spark hours of intellectual discussion. It will With the discovery and recovery of sever- include discussion of the early trade routes, al treasure boxes from the 1857 California and how gold was moved before 2000BC. Gold Rush steamer S.S. Central America, it How much do we know about it?1 While becomes necessary to discuss the origin of these discussions are beyond the scope of the treasure box itself and how it was used this paper, they are nonetheless fascinating. in storage, concealment, and transport over Early Treasure Boxes time. In western Europe, a form of treasure box Treasure boxes have been in use for thou- came into use about 2200BC. Here, early sands of years. Their form has morphed man used tree root masses, cut out the cen- through time as the functionality changed. ter, and placed their valuable (now priceless) With each new form of use, the treasure box gold collars carefully folded inside. When changed to fit the needs of the owner of the buried, they were completely camouflaged, contents. It may have started as a method to a perfect treasure box. Examples exist today hide wealth kept in gold and silver, known as in the Irish National Museum in Dublin. It “precious metals,” which has been the inter- is interesting to note that this geographically, national standard of money for mankind for somewhat isolated culture used wood as a more than 5500 years. When it became nec- hiding device, which thus became one of the essary to move the wealth, the treasure box world’s first wood treasure “boxes.” changed to fit the needs of the transportation The concept of a “box,” let alone a wood mechanisms, vis-à-vis by wagon, horseback, box, did not cross all cultures. Different cul- or ships. tures used different containers. In the inves- From this simple concept, the first division tigation of how treasure was moved in the takes place: millennia of early history, differing forms of money storage were used. Today the discov- A. Store the wealth in secrecy eries in modern times help tell the story of B. Move the wealth securely how money was moved – or at least what it It is difficult to ascertain when this division was moved in. took place. Was it early-on circa 3000BC with 1 As an example, the trade route across Eurasia from present day Turkey eastward across the base of the Ural Mountains to the Pacif- ic accessed gold from the Urals. How was it carried? Page 246 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD Treasure Containers of coin and jewels changed through histo- the ocean’s micro-organisms, leaving behind The Roman Empire was hell-bent on world ry. Sometime before the Renaissance, the a nice formal record of the box’s shape and domination. They took armies and captured concept of a “box” was developed. It may size. most of western Europe. They established have emanated from something as simple in mints at key points to aid in money circula- concept as a small jewelry box forming the The placement of the treasure boxes within tion, as well as for the control of the empires. basis for a similar, but much larger box to the ships was well recorded by both Spanish But mankind was at war, sometimes for hun- carry both jewels and gold. A fabulous histo- historians as well as the Fisher team when dreds of years at a time. Spoils of war were ry of treasure boxes is published on the web the discoveries were made. They were in the left behind, and this included large caches at The author has hold on both sides of the keel, placed above of money. Succeeding dynasties, particular- carefully found examples of varying kinds the ballast, and below the shipped goods ly those of central Eurasia such as Attila the of boxes and storage pieces used for jewelry, and supplies. These were about 15 feet below Hun and Genghis Kahn must have carried valuables, and money. water line on an approximate 20-foot draft in away the conquered wealth. But how? This is one of the great treasure questions in his- The Treasure Chest the aft of the ship. tory. For many coin collectors, the treasure box Today we are lucky. As we expand our mod- concept starts with Spanish treasure, pirates, The Atocha treasure ern world, buried treasure awaits discovery. and the ever present “treasure chest.” box becomes import- It is from these discoveries that we learn These chests may have been best exempli- ant, because here Romans carried their money in clay jars or fied by the classic rounded top chest made pots, alternately known as pithoi, which famous by tales of pirates and booty in West- we have proof that were flat-bottomed jars or pots, or ampho- ern literature. But what did the real treasure rectangular wood rae, which were jugs with pointed bottoms. box of the 1600’s look like? For this, we need These pots became a form of treasure box. It look no further than many of the treasure boxes were used is known that these pots carried money both ships found in modern times, inclusive of to ship gold and on land and at sea. Further study is neces- the Nuestra Senora de Atocha, the 1622 fleet silver coin, then sary to ascertain how these were carried or wreck off the Florida coast, and the well- transported without breakage. known discovery of the Mel Fisher team known as “trea- The storage of valuables varied in Roman in the 1980s. Blocks of coins were found on sure,” perhaps times. While keeping coin in jugs and jars, those wrecks that retain the original shape of as early as the large, fancy, ornate wood boxes with locking the treasure box that contained them. These early 1500s, devices appear to have been used in houses boxes may have varied in size, but some but in full use or buildings. Were money and valuables car- were about 10” x 6” x 24”, and others about by the early ried in these boxes? 14” x 6” x 8”. The wood for these boxes was 1600s. The development of alternate concepts and long gone, having long ago succumbed to mechanisms of carrying money took place Treasure Box And so begins over time as the need to carry large amounts 2 Full link is from the Atocha the modern era of the ion-and-Furniture-Blog/history-wooden-chests-storage-box- wood treasure box. es/ “Treasure” as a Word Today, the word “treasure” conjures up thoughts of Pirates and Pirate booty and all sorts of buried treasure. In historical times, the term was the regular expression for coin, 775-851-1859 ● ● Page 247

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America bullion, or gold and silver articles.3 That was California Gold Rush5 es on the top and bottom with recessed top the definition used for centuries, up until Gold shipped from California to New York holes for screws that were then sealed with more modern times as defined by the Cali- and other points East was shipped in a red sealing wax. The shipper placed their fornia Gold Rush.4 special form of secure wood boxes. These seal upon the hot wax, identifying the item During the California Gold Rush, the term boxes were of a similar size, probably con- as theirs, and making a tamper evident entry “treasure” meant money in any form, coin structed either by the shipper themselves, point. It is from these hot wax seals that the or bullion. When the newspapers published or under contract to a shipper. Until shipper and owner of the two wood trea- “treasure shipments,” they meant commer- the discovery of the S.S. Central cial shipments of coin and bullion. America, which sank in 1857, we sure boxes recovered from the S.S. Central did not know what these boxes Treasure Boxes of the United States, looked like. The recovery of the A red wax seal from Freeman & Co. Express c1700s-1848 gold from the S.S. Central America, found at the S.S. Central America shipwreck While historians have good knowledge of changed all that. how coin and bullion were shipped at sea, We knew about treasure boxes from Bob Evans and Fred Holabird with the oldest we have very little knowledge of how coin the stagecoach era of the American West, known, intact, Wells Fargo treasure box lid. and bullion were shipped on land during but from the S.S. Central America we found the early days of our country, pre-California an older version of the wood treasure box Gold Rush. With secrecy as the key, it is no that was quite distinct, and was definitively small wonder that little information remains a custom, used by at least three banks, and in print. One might assume shipment was probably more: Wells, Fargo, Alsop & Co., by wagon or stagecoach. But how? How and Sather & Church. Each of these banks did they retain secrecy? Was it in custom had shipments of gold onboard the SSCA as made wood boxes? Was it carried by private evidenced by the published accounts of lost express? How did the US Mint ship coin to gold in newspapers. Each of these three com- outlying regions? Was it in bags? In bags panies had gold on board in the approximate placed in boxes? Did the Mint design boxes same size and style treasure box, not known especially for shipment on stage lines? These until now. and many more questions await the inqui- The boxes were carefully constructed in a ries of future researchers. manner designed to keep them from falling apart. Each side was secured with dovetail The Treasure Box of the joints, a series of angled inter-locking fingers that will not pull apart. The tops and bottoms 3 Encyclopedia Britannica, 1964 were large enough to cover the entire frame, 4 The English language term “treasure” has changed in meaning then holes were drilled in eight or more plac- over the centuries. Today, the term “treasure” means something quite different from the definition of 150-200 years ago or more. 5 The discussion here is strictly of the California Gold Rush period Webster’s Dictionary (1970): 1a) wealth as money, jewels or pre- in the American West. I have never investigated the use of treasure cious metals stored up. 1b) a store of money in reserve. 2.) some- boxes from the Australian Gold Rush of the 1850s. thing of great worth or value. 3a) collection of precious things. Page 248 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511