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Home Explore SSCA Part 1A Catalog

SSCA Part 1A Catalog

Published by Holabird Americana, 2022-10-26 23:23:28

Description: S.S. Central America Auction, Part 1A


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The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD A complete Alsop & Co. wood sure box parts were also recovered for three decades, and both Bob and I embarked treasure box recovered from the study. One of those parts was a complete sur- on a true voyage of discovery. From this S.S. Central America shipwreck prise. Found within the “Garden of Gold,” a archive we got a glimpse of what the gold fully intact lid was carefully removed from America were identified. Most boxes proba- the site. It sat in distilled water for years, room looked like, or at least part of it. The bly had additional information on the box unnoticed, as the underside had significant 1980s-90s team of scientists and engineers lid, particularly the addressee. The Alsop & dirt and covering mud. When the appraisal were keen to carefully document every Co. sealed box had large black letters identi- process began a number of years ago, a pho- aspect of the discovery. History owes a fying the recipient, but much of the detail is to was taken of the flip side, and low and big debt of gratitude to these men for not lost to erosion of the surface. The same held behold, the box lid was addressed to Wells, disturbing the original site until they had true for the Sather & Church box, with little Fargo, New York. And so was discovered carefully taken three-dimensional photo- remaining of the original surface left to tell the earliest known Wells, Fargo treasure box graphs documenting the site in a manner its story. lid or treasure box part of any kind from the technologically impossible just a few years 1850s Gold Rush era. It is the “Holy Grail” of before. In this manner, the photographs doc- There were many wood treasure boxes on the Wells, Fargo collectibles today. umented the remains of the inner workings S.S. Central America. Luckily for historians, A study of the three-dimensional photo- or structure of the gold room, the tons of two were salvaged, and a third treasure box graphs of the discovery process of the Gar- gold, and the artifacts as well. lid was saved. But most of the rest dissolved den of Gold was conducted by Bob Evans and It is important to point out that the first dis- in the deep-sea elements. A number of trea- myself for the first time in August 2022. The covery of the gold room was not the whole photographic archive had sat untouched for thing. The ship had broken apart when it hit bottom, jettisoning parts of the ship and its contents. After the initial discovery area had been cleaned of gold, the team knew there was another part, which Evans soon found over on the starboard side, buried in sediment. Today, we can’t be certain if there were two gold rooms, or if there was another room in which valuables were kept that was different than the metal-floored, shelf-lined, main gold room. Other artifacts recovered from the gold room included dozens of “unidentified” leath- er parts. After a thorough investigation, it was clear these parts were all related and revealed an as-yet untold story. We knew of the treasure boxes. We knew of the gold bags (pokes). We knew of the saddle bags full of gold. We knew of vests stuffed with gold. In 775-851-1859 ● ● [email protected] Page 249

The Business of GOLD The usual destination was San Francisco, the S.S. Central America financial center of the Gold Rush. each case, full examples of these categories The stagecoach business was booming. box under his seat, and robbers such as Black were preserved by Mama Nature. But she Adams, Freeman, Wells, Fargo, Butterfield, Bart or Rattlesnake Dick lay in the wait to hid one of the other gold “storage contain- and others ran express businesses through- rob the express stage of its bounty. But this ers,” which was every bit as important as the out the West, with eastern connections. The couldn’t happen with a shipment like that others: carpet bags and valises. It came as no overall development of the business itself of the S.S. Central America. It was locked up surprise to me that nearly fifty, thick, rein- is well covered in a paper on our website, deep in the ship’s hull, bound by an endless forced carpet bag or valise leather corners, American Express and Wells, Fargo Express, sea of water. No robber could escape. When handles, and the like all came up when the the American Business Response to the Cal- Black Bart robbed the Wells, Fargo Express vacuum was used to recover coins and plac- ifornia Gold Rush. (Fred N. Holabird, 2021.) for its treasure box, he knew he was after er gold. It was an anomaly as big as the sky Collectors of rare Western artifacts have gold and money and that he could get away. to me – no other, or very little other debris prized the famous Wells, Fargo treasure And so it was for a long time. remained. That leather was the trim from the boxes for decades. These reinforced green carpet bags and valises carrying gold. painted wood boxes sat squarely under a Floor Safes The photographic record from the recovery stagecoach driver’s seat and carried the As Western populations grew, the need to tells us the gold room had a metal-sheeted “treasure”, which was usually a payroll or hide money increased. It wasn’t just the floor. It had walls with three or more shelves, two, and/or important banking papers, shipment of gold folks were worried about, probably on each side of the room. Tiny bits express mail, and other forms of money and it was the gold they kept at home, either as a of leather reveal that it held more than just gold. Aptly guarded by a shotgun across his recently mined product, or as coin. Not every boxes – there were carpet bags, valises, sad- lap, or right at the driver’s side, the Express mining camp had a bank, so a new form of dle bags, and vests full of gold. agent was the ultimate protectorate of the secret treasure box emerged, the floor safe. With the discovery of the S.S. Central Ameri- treasure shipment. Small cast iron boxes that were usually about ca, a new era of treasure box understanding The boxes themselves had changed dra- 12” long, 6” wide, and 4” tall easily fit under was under way. matically from the treasure boxes of the S.S. floorboards or in a hole outside. Many still Central America era. The boxes were smaller, exist today, though they are not easy to find. The Next Stage: The Stagecoach Era had a hinged lid with a locking front and a Treasure Boxes, c 1860s-1880s railroad style lock. The stagecoach express Railroad Wood Treasure Boxes The California Gold Rush treasure box mor- treasure boxes were easy to break into. A few With the advent of the Central Pacific Rail- phed into the stagecoach style express box gunshots to the lock and hinges, and the con- road in 1869, and arising new rail lines con- with the rise of the stagecoach business, con- tents of the box were exposed. Today, there necting major mining regions, a new form necting all of the mining camps throughout may be twenty or so original boxes extant, of treasure box emerged that carried gold, the West. though quality reproductions are also rare. coin and bullion. These boxes were signifi- It was the goal of Wells, Fargo and other Secrecy was a problem because everybody cantly larger, generally constructed of wood, express competitors to garner the Feder- knew the stagecoach driver had a treasure often metal lined inside, strongly reinforced al Mail contract, as well as contracts with by iron straps and reinforced wood straps banks and assay houses to carry their gold. or staves all around, with handles designed with a “stop” such that the fingers could not be crushed by the heavy weight contained in Page 250 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD the boxes, usually gold. These boxes varied Railroad Express boxes were used, they in size. From observation of boxes remain- were, in fact, quite rare. ing today, they appear to have been made in The early Alaska treasure box evolved out of several sizes up to approximate “foot locker” the need for necessity and was born of local size, about 2’x 2’ x 3.5’. They were difficult ingenuity. Located far from the rest of the to break into, difficult to carry, and difficult world where there was no mining supply to move. They could not be carried by the center, and few banks or assay houses, the classic stagecoach treasure box robber on Alaska-Yukon Gold Rush of the circa 1898- horseback and were thus a serious (and new) 1902 period had to use local ingenuity to ship deterrent to thievery. gold. The miners and bankers fell back on the early California Gold Rush style treasure Iron Railroad Treasure Boxes, box, constructed of local Alaskan wood such c1880s-1930s as Sitka spruce, with reinforced iron straps This wood treasure box used for railroad surrounding the boxes. The boxes were not shipment of gold, in turn, led to a more mod- hinged, and were completely sealed with ern version used by the Railway Express nails. Until recently, none of these boxes sur- Agency (and others), which was an all-iron vived. One was recovered on the S.S. Island- box, top hinge-opening, with reinforced er gold treasure recovery, photographed, edges and a strong secure lock. These box- and unfortunately discarded. es were and are very heavy. This treasure These were the majority of treasure boxes box closely resembled the old cast iron floor shipped down from Nome and the interior safes with a top-opening door secured by a until solid metal strong boxes of the railroad lock to the side. These treasure boxes were express variety worked their way into the solely designed to be carried by train, often system about 1901. in a special “treasure” car, though no one Not unlike the California Gold Rush, the except the railroad agent would know which Alaska Gold Rush shipped thousands of car. These cars also had an express company leather gold bags full of gold dust. By this agent along with the shipment for safekeep- time, fairly standard sizes began to be used, ing. They were well armed. particularly the 300-ounce bag. It was during this period, c1898-1901, that the new term for The Alaska Treasure Box leather gold bag was coined, the “poke.”6 ● The Alaska-Yukon Gold Rush was located in such a remote area that once again, miners 6 The term “poke” was not found in any reference search of the and bankers needed to develop their own California Gold Rush of the 1850s in any manner. treasure boxes since there were no manu- factured boxes available anywhere near the remote mining regions. While a few iron 775-851-1859 ● ● [email protected] Page 251

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America t American Exchange Deep within the Ship of Gold’s “Garden of Treasure Box gold” was a treasure box that Bob and team could read the print on the box lid while they by Fred N. Holabird were 7,200 feet above the ocean floor in the confines of the operations room. They quick- ly snapped a photo, preserved here. The words “American Exchange” are clearly vis- ible. The photo, one of thousands taken over the various recoveries, laid somewhat for- gotten until now. Bob remembered it, and I asked him if he could find it in the extensive photo archive. As we were in catalog layout process, the photograph was rediscovered, and with it a story that underlies why arti- facts are so important, and how they help us understand history. The big block letters that read “American Exchange” stick out like a sore thumb. What you don’t see are the red wax seals covering the screw heads sealing the lid and the eight sides. Those wax seals would say “Sather & Church.” In fact, the Sather & Church trea- sure box that will be in this sale was iden- tified by these very same embossed wax seals, and that box too was most probably addressed to the American Exchange Bank in New York. Sather & Church, like most Gold Rush San Francisco banks, had a financial partnership with New York banks. In this case, Sather & Church were doing business with the Amer- ican Exchange Bank in New York City. New York banks, in turn, often had partnerships with foreign banks. Page 252 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold far, far greater – in fact, incalculable. And in The Business of GOLD that light, it becomes easy to understand why The banking business was complicated there was a panic in New York first, then Cal- But news of Sather & Church’s financial trou- during the Gold Rush times. Sather & ifornia followed. Foreign banks would have ble traveled at its slow, uncontrolled pace. Church would borrow money from the been affected too. With New York bank rejections of Sather & American Exchange Bank (AEB), and With the gold, money and mail lost, the Church’s drafts at their partner’s bank and part of the “borrowing” process was the repercussions started quickly. Sather & elsewhere, the news came back to California, partnership of writing checks and exchanges Church’s gold and paper financial documents where serious panic ensued. It caused a run in San Francisco payable in New York at the sat on the ocean floor in September 1857. on the bank, and on November 3, the bank AEB. When notice of the sinking of the S.S. Things started to back up quickly. Their closed its doors and suspended payments. Central America hit the banking world, panic drafts were not honored in New York, and This news is what was passed all throughout ensued. The $1.2 million in commercial gold when the expected payments were not made, the nation, and everywhere were news arti- shipments (plus all the privately held gold, the AEB’s own payments to their foreign cles of the failure of Sather & Church. A far as thought to be another ton), inclusive of counterparts may have backed up. Panic? the rest of the United States was concerned, Sather & Church’s $208,000 in gold, lay on Hell yes. the banking house of Sather & Church had the ocean bottom, with no hope of recovery. As soon as Sather & Church knew trouble failed. The loss of gold and financial paper Back then, they didn’t even know it was only was at hand, “Friends” of the bank came up on the S.S. Central America was not with- 7200 feet deep. It didn’t matter – anything with several hundred thousand dollars to standable. over a couple hundred feet was unthinkably cover existing Drafts (checks). “The (orig- But… those rumors were just that. While unrecoverable. The gold wasn’t the only inal) money to meet the drafts was lost on American newspapers printed the failure of thing lost. the S.S. Central America.” … “The drafts came Sather & Church as fact, Sather & Church did The U.S. Mail was a critical component of the forward as usual and formed part of the not fail. Their “friends” and backers came to loss. There was no formal accounting of how remittance of Sather & Church to the Ameri- the immediate rescue, and it was business much mail was lost on the sinking of the S.S. can Exchange Bank, against which they sold as usual. That firm continued until it was Central America. It was rumored that the mail their exchange. The seconds of the Central reorganized into the San Francisco National may have consisted of about 10,000 pieces, America’s mail … caused Sather & Church’s Bank in 1897. It was one of San Francisco’s inclusive of packages. The mails held paper account with the American Exchange Bank premier banks. Founded in 1850, they made bank transfers called “Exchanges.” These to be short, and the American Exchange Bank it through the financial crises and crashes of exchanges allowed for payments between could not pay the Sather & Church (checks 1855, 1857, and the bank mergers of the sec- banks, particularly between California banks presented)” … “This will create some incon- ond half of the nineteenth century. and their Eastern partners and clients. The venience among the holders of the drafts, but The American Exchange box lid covered internal transfer documents were known we do not see as it can lead to any ultimate some of Sather & Church’s $208,000 in gold. as a “Second of Exchange.” The exchanges loss” (Sacramento Bee, November 4, 1857). That very box lid, as well as the Sather & from California banks loss on the S.S. Central Sather & Church continued to ship gold to Church treasure box itself as part of the America were another form of loss over and New York. On October 5, they sent $279,000 recovered S.S. Central America artifacts, tell above the gold. The total loss of all finan- in gold on the Golden Age. the important story of financial panic that cial instruments – gold, cash, checks, and ensued from the sinking of the S.S. Central exchanges has never been calculated. The America. ● loss wasn’t just $3.5 million in gold – it was 775-851-1859 ● ● [email protected] Page 253

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America Lot# 1264 Opening Bid * * * Treasure box that contained gold coin and dust from addressed this box to a debtor bank, in this case the “The Garden of Gold” area. This box was carefully re- American Exchange Bank, who were their partners for HWAC# 159483 SSCA# moved by Nemo in parts. The top, bottom and most of the gold rush years. three sides are intact. Part of the bottom and the back Sather & Church got their start in San Francisco in 1850. Sather & Church Treasure Box, S.S. panel are constructs of the various broken parts, but Pedar Sather and Edward Church were money brokers Central America, 1857 the box displays well overall. The seals on this box in New York. In 1851, thy took on a partner, Francis M. are at the middle of the major wood joints in front Drexel of Philadelphia, founder of the Drexel fortune. and back, where large red wax seals embossed with Peter (Pedar) Sather and Edward W. Church formed a Sather & Church’s name. Sather & Church would have Page 254 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD partnership in New York in the mid-1840s after Church Brooklyn. Sather closed the New York office about ed Drexel & Co. in Philadelphia in 1837. While he died had filed for bankruptcy in March, 1842.The partner- 1854. In May of 1851 the partners greatly strengthened in 1863, Drexel’s firm continued to grow, becoming one ship was in full swing by 1845, though the pair did not their firm by adding the partnership of Francis Drexel, of the largest investment banking firms in the world – advertise their services. Listed as “brokers” in the vari- a prominent Philadelphia banker who clearly was try- until – somebody invented “Junk Bonds.” ous New York City directories, the pair opened a bank- ing to get his fingers into the California gold business. Under poor management, the firm got involved in ille- ing office in San Francisco in 1850. By November, 1850, Together the three partners quickly built a huge and gal trading and other shenanigans causing permanent the pair had started their regular shipments of gold to profitable firm. Drexel, Sather & Church became one bankruptcy in 1990. New York, where they kept another office open, man- of the largest gold shippers during the golden years of aged by Peter Sather, who lived across the harbor in the California Gold Rush, the 1850s. Drexel had found- 775-851-1859 ● ● [email protected] Page 255

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America Lot# 1265 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 158836 SSCA# 14-13581 Original Wax Seal Wax Stick, 2014 Recovery Original stick of red sealing wax, now oxidized to rose color. 3.75” long, 0.5” diameter. This piece was used by people to seal treasure boxes, letters and anything of importance that needed tamper-proof evidence of opening. Page 256 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD Lot# 1266 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 156840 SSCA# Red Wax Seal, Freeman & Co. Express Original red wax seal recovered from the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Imprinted with // Freeman & Co. / Express //, round, about 1” diameter. Seal circum- ference is not complete, small chips are missing from the side (see photo). The reverse of this seal helps tell the story. It has two, deeply impressed lines, indicative of leather or string ties that would have typically se- cured a gold bag of some kind, either a poke, a saddle bag seal, or a coin bag. If it was part of a treasure box seal, we would expect to see an imprint of a screw, the countersink for the screw in the wood, or an impres- sion of the wood joints of the treasure box. The seal is important for many reasons. Freeman & Co. ran an express business in competition with Wells Fargo Express. Their gold cargo, like that of WF, was consigned by unknown companies, inclusive of banks. Freeman’s business gained power almost parallel with Wells Fargo in the mid-1850s. There are artifacts in the S.S. Central America collection from four of the known gold shippers – Wells Fargo Express; Alsop & Co.; Sather & Church; and Freeman & Co. Express. 775-851-1859 ● ● [email protected] Page 257

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America Lot# 1267 Opening Bid * * * Wells, Fargo & Co. engraved treasure box lid recovered gold. It is made in the same style as the Alsop & Co. from the S.S. Central America shipwreck. 15” x 8” x 1”, and Sather & Church treasure boxes found within the HWAC# 159480 SSCA# 14064 // Wells Fargo & Co. / New York // in large bold let- S.S. Central America artifact group from the confines of ters, centered, engraved into the wood. This is the only the gold room. When the box was harvested, the lid Wells, Fargo & Co. Engraved Treasure known piece or otherwise of an original Wells, Fargo was upside down and the wording on this unique and Box Lid, 1857 gold treasure box from the California Gold Rush of the greatly historical item was not known until the first 1850s. With this box lid, it is very apparent that Wells, phase of artifact examination. As part of the original The Crown Jewel of Fargo did not want anyone to mistake the ultimate Wells Fargo Collecting! destination of New York in a shipment of California continued on page 259 Page 258 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD artifact examination and appraisal team, I (FH), was lic lecture given on the artifact discovery, all of which overwhelmed by excitement when I saw a slide of this was locked up since 1991 or 2014. When the slide of box lid. In all my years of working with California Gold the Wells, Fargo lid was first shown that day, the entire Rush history (nearly 50), never had I or my colleagues, room gasped in astonishment. The treasure boxes sub- including Dr. Bob Chandler of the Wells, Fargo Histo- ject to this artifact group, which shipped gold from the ry Room, every heard of, seen a part of or knew what west coast to the east coast and/or foreign countries, an original Wells, Fargo treasure box looked like from are distinctly different than the next generation of trea- the California Gold Rush. The two of us were ecstatic, sure boxes, which were specifically designed for use and I immediately shared the photo in the first pub- on stagecoaches. 775-851-1859 ● ● [email protected] Page 259

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America Lot# 1268 Opening Bid * * * HWAC# 158896 SSCA# Dorsey Gold Bag and Passenger Receipts, S.S. Central America Treasure This is an important trio of original artifacts from the The surprise, though, came with research on Dorsey. S.S. Central America treasure. Lawrence (or Laurence) The newspapers had reported him lost at sea, and orig- Dorsey, a passenger on the S.S. Central America, first inally from Pennsylvania. he must have been a quiet purchased a Forward cabin ticket for the voyage to man, keeping to himself, as there is no discussion of New York from San Francisco. Shortly after, he upgrad- him in the firsthand accounts of the survivors. We ed his passage to Second Cabin. The record reflects this couldn’t find him in California, and he was not listed with a Forward cabin receipt where his name is crossed in any main-stream large city directories of the peri- out, and a new ticket for the Second Cabin was issued, od before 1857 (New York, Boston, etc.), nor was he as second Cabin, ticket #15. Both of these receipts were located in newspaper articles or advertisements. But carefully conserved by the Northeast Document Con- low and behold, Dorsey popped up in 1867 when he servation Service in Andover about 2018. Dorsey’s filed for US citizenship on a form since digitized with gold bag (poke) was found within Purser Hull’s safe, his signature - the same exact signature as on the poke recovered in 2014, along with all of the passenger re- (copy included). Mr. Dorsey survived! It is quite possi- ceipts. When I first looked at them in 2018, it was a sur- ble that Dorsey walked off the ship in complete desola- prise that the documents could be preserved, and for tion, not talking to anyone, and disappeared up to his the first time, documents from a 150+ year old sunken farm in Easton, Washington County along the Hudson ship were professionally conserved. River near Saratoga National Park today. Though only Dorsey’s poke has his name inscribed in manuscript about 150 ounces for this gold bag (were there more?), across the face in big letters in his own handwriting. By it would be equivalent to about $105,000 today, accord- the size of the poke, I’d estimate at least 100-150 ounces ing to the inflation calculator. of gold were in it when it was opened for gold removal in 2014 by Court order. Page 260 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD Lot# 1269 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 150877 SSCA# Gold Poke with Leather Strings, S.S. Central America Treasure Small leather gold bag recovered in 2014 from the Purser’s safe of the S.S. Central America shipwreck. It is 7.5” long and 1.5” diameter, and it still retains the original shape, cut in two places to drain the gold dust. Very nice, great eye appeal. Very few pokes, or gold bags, exist from the actual Gold Rush period of the 1850s. None remain still full of their original gold. This specimen has the original leather tie strings. 775-851-1859 ● ● [email protected] Page 261

Under Water Image Gallery Treasure box lid at center Treasure box and lid in Nemo’s drawer. Red wax seals visible Treasure box body excavated by Nemo Treasure box and lid in Nemo’s drawer. Red wax seals visible Page 262 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

Under Water Image Gallery Wells Fargo Treasure box lid in situ Numerous treasure boxes visible on the floor of the gold room Three different views of part of the gold room sitting on the iron floor Another view of the floor of the gold room with treasure boxes which sits immediately upon timbers of the hull 775-851-1859 ● ● [email protected] Page 263

Under Water Image Gallery Nemo placing small ingot into carrier box Nemo about to gran an ingot out of a treasure box Nemo harvesting a small ingot on a timber Nemo with the ingot in his hand Page 264 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

The Ship of Gold The Business of GOLD Lot# 1270 Opening Bid $100 HWAC# 150876 SSCA# Gold Poke, S.S. Central America Treasure Small leather gold bag recovered in 2014 from the Purser’s safe of the S.S. Central America shipwreck. It is 7” long, 2” in diameter, and it still retains the original shape, cut open at the bottom and center to drain the gold dust. Very nice, great eye appeal. Very few pokes, or gold bags, exist from the actual Gold Rush period of the 1850s. None remain still full of their original gold. 775-851-1859 ● ● [email protected] Page 265

The Business of GOLD S.S. Central America Lot# 1271 Opening Bid $500 HWAC# 159110 SSCA# 14664 Leather Saddlebags, S.S. Central America Leather saddlebags recovered from Purser Hull’s safe of the S.S. Central America shipwreck. Approx. 10 inch- es long and about 10 inches wide. These saddle bags were full when recovered, and contained a poke filled with gold dust in one pouch and silver coins in the oth- er pouch containing approx. 500 dimes, plus a dozen or more Mexican 2 Reals, 69 quarters, and 22 half-dollars. These saddle bags were tied tightly by twine or leather straps in a cross pattern, sealed with sealing wax at the center of each cross twine and again towards the top of one of the saddle bag’s sides. Evidence of the wax seals remains in at least three places. Page 266 Holabird Western Americana Collections, LLC. ● 3555 Airway Dr., Suite 308 ● Reno, NV 89511

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bids, whether in person or on the phone. 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We are not responsible AfBtloaAbfSltBoabfAoSoohooBtlofAbahnSuiiynuboiioybrthgdbtragnduriaiytdtdbtgsdrasnssslnnttsdslnataieasniesus,lentue,nweunwauninaenau,nennwbnuwdbwdenamemynyebywdetet2mtmm_2_d2dyehhteeme_2db0b__eeehw5w5eebeiie_eeeiiw5_e_etrtrreinen%%it_tetriitt__nrr%rrrtllbbhhitbii_rrsloslo_b_othntnisliobiebe_tnihhg_gd_rdribgeagadrhg_ridrrigaesu_esu_ddddrisnnedsu_ddtt_n_iiiidiodiodtthd_dnthdniiinod_ino_dthdenneenre_ereeee_ge_grrbrepberrp_grgsbs_rpfrm_f’mis’yeeisia_yfeefmsiad’_idyse_esiasiaodr_iossris_psolb_riplbsisoa_uupslobauu_lsro_aaiuouroai_uomfrdrae_iomfrde_ftmnfrdne_eftnfrnes_emftnhnese_mfodhes_ms,eohd_reso,dor_rs,u_orrieIosu_riotuurecI_ireIot_uncoturcdo_nareonmudo_tado_omatuoo_mtgndoo_tgs_agengn_gsnaserd_h_nwsrxdrc_ehdwsaewxc_eic_etoe_teiaiitstoxe_ote_hlaiteiti_rhclhlolii_rhc_retclrelaoo_uebtcrtenrhe_u_oecbb_nnhheteoepsca_c_tpune_eepssccaa.ptneh__ot_..rvatttlhttb__rvayoaoll_neIedbyoyo,__IeiIdd_ncnv,dhd,,noe_nwdsuuarwnnap_doneti_dbuwdarwen_dimlrety_eotcrwnom_is_lt2dheti_otehcho_sitlehrbt_ies_ow5tthcoo_setierhtdiii_e_ettrhos_n%ioteratite_oitwt_srs_rotBoliabAf,oalS_hiecoiosslbolnso__,hltninoa_cnulobbiei_blnyaomshnh,g_btrg_desglcabra_amblnritdt_nniesAesu_dltb_osnnamsdsts_lnenityAto_es_aiiinssddoeemutydt_,thndinoe_Anwrdu_n_mnatsd,ereeyorrrdcnoe_mbewd__nmreimbmt_orrperemyredbsnma_ti_tcf_mmr_ee’2diory_eensmasrhtscdem_ig_nieo_bee_serosarpiw5i_ndtscgeo_peilebcai_pi_tas_sernnauustrt_n_c%olgeortaadaitohnaitpit__it_mrornrdlce__oalhbchvntntaiitnnneneocslto_i__s_otmnlvned_hahenneooidbstits,nehndc_a__g_ddreovnrg_rsaiuennoiariIgd_e_rdbocets_duu_,ianiddre_snnnbco_das,anodioto_mu__riiiait_sdtsioool_dolthdnibtcgdna,n_nsgsinf__itiael_ne_tenoltBshabfAtvorrnforideaheie_wna_go_xsdlhbco_te_bhyrrlpdretenwuiedslinbfy_ityao_e_ndf_tenmeibti_’teiwhdtryaerehgsliatidtt_idd_rhcdi_lbl_2soy_agddlteisoidettwreossrailnt_u2s_ealod_bpsaniih_leiib_oy0aveuis,g_ooatdruutnwtu_y0e_pvsn2cai_nata_lrscaprieoei_.donaanbnw.mifird_tosdc5ehe_ehtm.ds__yh0_vrnafytneln5rietltgbsm_hyeos_smon2d%_inIh__escwideet.hghodden,ss%,ina_b5_n_ercehs_d_hohodw5grcfauaeefitiie_gee_lIeig_oaclsf%eotas_nue_oectrkfeernhl%nioo_nst._aob.dot_kietydavvrorrb_mnugc.fs_dlbbtDhheftIriFebol_tnois.losgeDfn_hW_otnekgesdtytaahieeoibea_aWbntenh_odryyrrghbddrenshna.goawstndDxhretecc_e_sriotsuiotesduseWeidethedtdkdyauuton_ihe_eattehsaaieuetnahmtnau_ihlniisw_dieodia_domrrhcheinldtaltah_ednowlung_gt_ochrestcereeae_eueilueier_grabcanheh_ceea,sw_mecabhnioga_.rl._abwercpt,s_rncr_ymlpeipavssuc_a.apleWyl_gfenecmr_ymI’i_duei_epy.eieesiatr_mhrartnIdccl,sy_ct_r_svsaadd_l.hreneaoclr_itbwymooyaauisoo_u__hetppmIaegeldbt_roaIuaosc_o,na_uuuitm_ii_nerctasannccl_dhrtdalisocwyasev_m_yihtaeailmfar_d_eseceoysufv_roei.etra_rseef_tntsinheanaeeqc__.hierrseena.s_me_.smihcIdtttv_piooddsnceyucs_easdv_s,csI_dtt_eyIarsFue_rconruse.efeeruotue__asc_uisp_etiImnulaoir_ouoottuccaneon_sprm_cIonetbttyir_nnr_hoendoncctert_as_broenetcoamusd_usooeo_cm_ieutteuoso_d_ndiosttapkmmganont_ayesegr_sh_n,uat_enhao._bblnsayensnnnio_redcocarldb_.__hmhistwsiedi_xssescceormergst_ohttt_beti_nAi_souies_sdettateyeobayeehotce_u_aiwatah.__lmttsurauelhi_lrdicoe_rndslrrhcu_lputrralv_moi_saemdsyi_nlrs_tceterebpt_dunueceers_n_bntm_h_eesardsoy_gleooceddura_tapi__dee_pdscacwloata_pnlnem__gleos_nlnl.aihtihnnylt_cu_eivnreva_sadnlosled_eb_yoyoeonsilI_eaiddlf_rritr_,bliitubchn,cnin_qehdhdn_sosoaipla_soeredluaiea_sdenfia_nenrwtnrs.e.t_dlbd_vydielwnsdotco_si_IiFheigthdtfte2rct_a_tiotaaooodaie_y0oeysr_rioannoi_scsr.ecd,n_oc5blns_hndttiktlagb_am%nh_uehhesootn_nid_Agcfheifsdeeoyo__ogkonhmtobterdrbn_arhDhorwahtmiumlei_dyeheenalpnnvtcasoy_ldretsrsudtegeoseeamupii_aymnca_cdtwadnrt_ollw_goahacleitimngce_ac,sivn_cenn.oueyemdii_eu_spesrlInaeyd_n_rrilclitahferabcd,_trniou_ithtsaqeaohco_niami_sslpscystov_dnfuaia_dne.ehet_rsrwnidlb_etycIdtt_eewiclseaotui_c_ioushuogtidtmnhr_2_atelrtnibonatoiecod_i_ey0dvsmstrieoa_noi_asyesce.,dan._c5iblncors_hnt_slibtgasmtts%un_ese_htoetaniAura__gcfsddeefyolos_nn_okmterdb_tadrrbnor.mDh_mlitieeWlendythceansrssodgeoetapiutseecuitantamnoal_wahritancl_gcvneenioraedc,s_ces.enaydmiu_rpirIbcd,ni_rncltasoheoai_aosuolttaacnf_ianmithtrscysv_dlbydeee.were_siiiegcIttt_dtc2asleiasuoa_iuoduoyp0vmnr_rnbnnisceoe.cd_nds5msthe_nitgayes%na.e_hsoicoarti_sgcfseftbtluo_okteelbtura_rbend.hts_niWedyhe_adnsode_lutseluiamnawralgceirac,sc.eymiuprIrncltaheaouotaacmitscysv bids, whether in person or on the phone. 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