Psalms 51:2, 7“Purge me with hyssop, and Ishall be clean;Wash me, and I shall bewhiter than snow.”
John 3:3, 5“Jesus answered, “Mostassuredly, I say to you,unless one is born of waterand the Spirit, he cannotenter the kingdom of God.”
John 3:3, 5“Jesus answered and said tohim, “Most assuredly, I say toyou, unless one is bornagain, he cannot see thekingdom of God.”
John 3:3, 5“Jesus answered and said tohim, “Most assuredly, I say toyou, unless one is bornagain, he cannot see thekingdom of God.”
Romans 6:3,4“Or do you not know that asmany of us as were baptizedinto Christ Jesus werebaptized into His death?”
Romans 6:3,4“Therefore we were buriedwith Him through baptisminto death, that just as Christwas raised from the dead…”
Romans 6:3,4…by the glory of the Father,even so we also shouldwalk in newness of life.”
Galatians 3:27“For as many of you aswere baptized into Christhave put on Christ.”
1 Corinthians 12:13“For by one Spirit we were allbaptized into one body,whether Jews or Greeks,whether slaves or free andhave all been made to drinkinto one Spirit.”
Acts 2:38“Then Peter said to them,“Repent, and let every oneof you be baptized in thename of…”
Acts 2:38“…Jesus Christ for theremission of sins; and youshall receive the gift of theHoly Spirit.”
Matthew 28:19, 20“Go therefore and makedisciples of all the nations,baptizing them in the nameof the Father and of the Sonand of the Holy Spirit,…”
Matthew 28:19, 20“…teaching them to observeall things that I havecommanded you; and lo, Iam with you always, even tothe end of the age.” Amen.
Acts 8:36,37“Now as they went down theroad, they came to somewater. And the eunuch said,“See, here is water. Whathinders me from beingbaptized?”
Acts 8:36,37“Then Philip said, “If youbelieve with all your heart,you may.” And he answeredand said, “I believe that JesusChrist is the Son of God.”
Acts 8:38“So he commanded thechariot to stand still. And bothPhilip and the eunuch wentdown into the water, and hebaptized him.”
Matthew 3:16“When He had beenbaptized, Jesus came upimmediately from the water;and behold, the heavenswere opened to Him,…”
Matthew 3:16“…and He saw the Spirit ofGod descending like adove and alighting uponHim.”
Ephesians 4:5“ Lord, one faith,one baptism;...”
Acts 19:1,5“And it happened, whileApollos was at Corinth, thatPaul, having passed throughthe upper regions,…”
Acts 19:1,5“…came to Ephesus. Andfinding some disciples” “When they heard this, theywere baptized in the name ofthe Lord Jesus.”
1 Peter 3:21“There is also an antitypewhich now saves usbaptism (not the removalof the filth of the flesh,…”
1 Peter 3:21“…but the answer of a goodconscience toward God),through the resurrection ofJesus Christ,...”
Luke 7:29-30“And when all the peopleheard Him, even the taxcollectors justified God,having been baptized withthe baptism of John.”
Luke 7:29-30“But the Pharisees andlawyers rejected the will ofGod for themselves, nothaving been baptized byhim.”
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