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05 Revelation's Rebirth and Renewal - ETMFJ Vol 4 - PDF (LOCKED)

Published by carlos, 2015-10-12 17:56:24

Description: 05 Revelation's Rebirth and Renewal - ETMFJ Vol 4 - PDF (LOCKED)


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End-Time Vol. 4 Messages J FROM ESUS“Teaching them to observe all things that I havecommanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the ages.” Matthew 28:20


Revelation 7.9“After these things I looked,and behold, a great multitudewhich no one could number,of all nations, tribes, peoples,and tongues,...”

Revelation 7.9“…standing before the throneand before the Lamb, clothedwith white robes, with palmbranches in their hands.”

Revelation 7.13,14“And I said to him, “Sir, youknow.” So he said to me,“These are the ones whocome out of the great...”

Revelation 7.13,14“… tribulation, and washedtheir robes and made themwhite in the blood of theLamb.”

Revelation 7:9“After these things Ilooked, and behold, agreat multitude which noone could number,…”

Revelation 7:9“…of all nations, tribes,peoples, and tongues,standing before the throneand before the Lamb,…”

Revelation 7:9“…clothed with whiterobes, with palm branchesin their hands,...”

Revelation 7:13,14“Then one of the eldersanswered, saying to me,“Who are these arrayed inwhite robes, and where didthey come from?”

Revelation 7:13,14“And I said to him,“Sir,you know.”So he said to me, “These arethe ones who come out of thegreat tribulation,…”

Revelation 7:13,14“…and washed their robesand made them white inthe blood of the Lamb.”

Job 14:21

2 Samuel 7:12

John 11:11

John 13:4, 5“…rose from supper and laidaside His garments, took atowel and girded Himself.”

John 13:4, 5“After that, He poured waterinto a basin and began towash the disciples’ feet, andto wipe them with the towelwith which He was girded.”

John 13:6, 7“Then He came to SimonPeter. And Peter said toHim, “Lord, are Youwashing my feet?”

John 13:8“Jesus answered and saidto him, “What I am doingyou do not understandnow, but you will know afterthis.”

John 13:8“…Peter said to Him, “Youshall never wash myfeet!”

Genesis 35:1-4Then God said to Jacob,“Arise, go up to Bethel anddwell there; and make an altarthere to God, who appearedto you when you fled...”

Genesis 35:1-4“...from the face of Esau yourbrother. And Jacob said to hishousehold and to all who werewith him, “Put away the foreigngods that are among you,...

Genesis 35:1-4“...purify yourselves, andchange your garments. Thenlet us arise and go up toBethel; and I will make analtar there to God,..”

Genesis 35:1-4“...who answered me in theday of my distress and hasbeen with me in the waywhich I have gone.”

Genesis 35:4“So they gave Jacob all theforeign gods which were intheir hands, and the earringswhich were in their ears;…”

Genesis 35:4“…and Jacob hid themunder the terebinth treewhich was by Shechem.”

Exodus 19:10,11“Then the Lord said toMoses, “Go to the peopleand consecrate them todayand tomorrow, and let themwash their clothes.”

Exodus 19:10,11“And let them be ready forthe third day. For on the thirdday the Lord will comedown upon Mount Sinai inthe sight of all the people.”

Psalms 51:2, 7“Wash me thoroughly frommy iniquity, And cleanse mefrom my sin.”

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