December Κ Ε Ν Τ Ρ Ο Ξ Ε Ν Ω Ν ΓΛ Ω Σ Σ Ω Ν 2017 NEW SUCCES … . . W E H AV E T H E K E Y ! ! ! ∆ Ι Ε ΥΘΥ Ν Σ Η Σ Π ΟΥ∆ Ω Ν Π.ΛΟΥ ΚΙ∆ΟΥ Μ ΠΟΥ ΡΝ ΤΑ g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄIssue No6Inside this issue:My pet 4 8Myself 16 18A very scary story 20My favourite 24Christmas Gift 28My favorite video 32gameMy favorite 36famous personMy favorite 37country/cityThe advantagesand disadvantagesof smartphonesWill cameras inclass make you be-have better?Personal reaction toan article10 unusual 40Christmas traditionsChristmas fun 15,19, 23,26 27,31Weinachtsrezepte 42,43Weinacthsspass 44,45, 46Supervising Teachers: Annie Sakellariou Artemis Topouzi Lilia Panagou Paschalis Chasiotis Roula Rizou Fouli Konstantara Editting:Tania Mistiliadou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 2Η Γνώση της Ξένης Γλώσσας Αναλλοίωτη Περιουσία για τα Παιδιά μαςΟι εποχές διαβαίνουν, τα ενδιαφέροντα αλλάζουν, και συνεχώς νέες ανάγκες γεννιούνται με κάθε καινοτόμες προτεραιότη-τες που ξεπροβάλουν ασταμάτητα στις σύγχρονες κοινωνίες μας. Η ανάγκη όμως της γνώσης της ξένης γλώσσας έχει παρα-μείνει αναλλοίωτη στο διάβα των καιρών, μόνο που από προσόν όπως εννοείτο στο παρελθόν, έχει μετατραπεί σε απολύτωςαπαραίτητο εργαλείο που θα καταστήσει τα παιδιά μας ικανά να αποκτήσουν πλέον τα σύγχρονα προσόντα που επιτάσσει ηκοινωνία του μέλλοντος για την πετυχημένη ζωή και διάκρισή τους.Καμία ειδίκευση, εξειδίκευση, τέχνη, ανωτέρα σπουδή, μεταπτυχιακό, ή διδακτορικό δεν μπορεί να ολοκληρωθεί και να α-νταποκριθεί στην κοινωνία του αύριο εάν δεν έχει προϋπάρξει έγκαιρα η απόκτηση της πολύ καλής γνώσης της Αγγλικήςγλώσσας από μικρή ηλικία. Ακόμα και η πολύ απλή καθημερινότητα ζωής αλλά και οι εργασίες ρουτίνας του αύριο όνταςάρρηκτα συνδεδεμένες με την τεχνολογία της πληροφόρησης, επιβάλλουν άμεσα την άριστη γνώση της Αγγλικής γλώσσας.Καταυτό τον τρόπο, ως προσόν δεν μπορεί να λογιστεί πλέον η Αγγλική γλώσσα για τα παιδιά μας εφόσον τους είναι άκρωςεπιτακτικά απαραίτητη και αναπόσπαστο μέρος της ζωής τους εσαεί. Σπουδαίο προσόν νοείται πλέον η γνώση μίας ή δύοξένων γλωσσών επιπλέον των Αγγλικών που θα διακρίνει τα παιδιά μας αύριο στην εγχώρια και ξένη αγορά. Η ξένη γλώσσαθα γίνει διαβατήριο ζωής και παράθυρο ελπίδας για την πετυχημένη καριέρα και λαμπρή σταδιοδρομία τους.Η γνώση της ξένης γλώσσας είναι όντως αναλλοίωτη περιουσία για τα παιδιά μας γιατί δεν είναι μόνο τα οφέλη που ήδη εί-ναι γνωστά σε όλους μας από καιρό, αλλά και πολλά άλλα οφέλη που είναι εξίσου και περισσότερο σημαντικά. Ενδεικτικά,όλοι αντιλαμβανόμαστε πλέον ότι η ξένη γλώσσα ανοίγει νέους ορίζοντες στον εργασιακό και οικονομικό τομέα, στην προώ-θηση της οποιασδήποτε καριέρας, στην συμμετοχή της διαδικτυακής πληροφόρησης και δικτύωσης για προσωπικές, κοινω-νικές, και επαγγελματικές κατακτήσεις, στην επικοινωνία γενικότερα, στην ευκολία ταξιδιών για γνωριμίες με νέους τόπουςκαι πολιτισμούς, στη συνεννόηση με τους ξένους επισκέπτες στην πατρίδα μας, στην ανάγνωση αυθεντικών λογοτεχνικώνκαι άλλων κειμένων για άμεση διεύρυνση γνώσεων, στη προαγωγή της επιμόρφωσης, της εκπαίδευσης, των μεταπτυχιακώνσπουδών και της δια βίου παιδείας, και μεταξύ πολλών άλλων στη καλυτέρευση της ποιότητας ζωής καθιστώντας τους νέουςικανούς να έχουνε από πρώτο χέρι επίγνωση της αλληλεπίδρασης της παγκοσμιοποίησης στη ζωή τους, αυξάνοντας το ενδι-αφέρον και τις γνώσεις για τον κόσμο γύρο τους προς όφελός τουςΌμως, τα οφέλη της γνώσης της ξένης γλώσσας δεν σταματάνε εδώ. Είναι πολύ περισσότερα και πολλάκις σημαντικά για ταπαιδιά μας. Επιπλέον:• Η γνώση της ξένης γλώσσας προάγει την ειρήνη, διότι μιλάω μια ξένη γλώσσα σημαίνει υπεισέρχομαι σένα κόσμο αν-θρώπων που σκέπτονται διαφορετικά, αντιλαμβάνομαι διαφορετικούς τρόπους ζωής, ανακαλύπτω καινούργιες ανθρώπινεςσυμπεριφορές, ξεδιαλύνω τις προκαταλήψεις μου και βελτιώνω την στάση μου στην κοινωνία. Γίνομαι ανεκτικός και εκτιμώτη διαφορετικότητα.Η ξένη γλώσσα συμβάλλει αποτελεσματικά στην ενδυνάμωση των γνωστικών ικανοτήτων των παιδιών μας, όπωςείναι οι λύσεις φυσικομαθηματικών και άλλων προβλημάτων, η πολυπραγμοσύνη, η μνήμη και η μάθηση γενικότερα. Συνδράμει στη βα-θύτερη σύνδεση της γλώσσας με τη σκέψη, επιταχύνει την δημιουργική σκέψη και την ευελιξία, και εξελίσσει τις ανθρώπινες κοινωνικέςδεξιότητες. Διαμορφώνει την προσωπικότητα και επιβραδύνει αποτελεσματικά την εγκεφαλική γήρανση.• Η γνώση της ξένης γλώσσας παίζει επίσης σημαντικό ρόλο στη χρήση πολυπλοκότερων συντακτικών δομών των νέων μας στη μητρι-κή τους γλώσσα, αναδεικνύοντας δυναμικά τις γλωσσικές δεξιότητές τους όπως είναι οι στρατηγικές αφήγησης, οι λογοτεχνικές ικανότη-τες ανάγνωσης και γραφής, και η χρήση ευρύτερου λεξιλογίου. Επιπλέον, δημιουργεί περισσότερο γλωσσικό χώρο μνήμης στον εγκέφα-λο.• Η ξένη γλώσσα διευρύνει το μυαλό γιατί το εμπλουτίζει με νέες ιδέες από διάφορους πολιτισμούς. Έτσι, αυξάνεται η πολιτισμικήεπίγνωση των νέων μας, αλλά και ο σεβασμός προς τους άλλους πολιτισμούς και καλλιεργείται περαιτέρω η γνώση τους.• Η ξένη γλώσσα δεν είναι απλά ένας διαφορετικός τρόπος επικοινωνίας αλλά δημιουργεί νέους τρόπους σκέψεις και νέες νοητικέςδεξιότητες γιατί το μυαλό εξασκείται σε νέες πιθανότητες και εναλλακτικές. Αυξάνει τον εκτελεστικό έλεγχο του εγκεφάλου που συνδέε-ται άμεσα με την αδιάπτωτη προσοχή και τις ακαδημαϊκές ικανότητες των παιδιών μας οι οποίες οδηγούν με τη σειρά τους στην καλήυγεία και ευδαιμονία.
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 3Ακολούθως, οι ξένες γλώσσες γίνονται το στερέωμα πάνω στο οποίο θα πατήσουν οι νέοι μας για να δημιουργήσουν τομέλλον τους και να κατακτήσουν τη ζωή τους σε όποιο τομέα και εάν έχουν διαλέξει. Η ίδια η ιστορία έχει περίτρανα αλλε-πάλληλα αποδείξει πως καμία κρίση δεν δύναται να κρατήσει για πάντα. Ακόμα και ως φυσικός νόμος, κάθε καταιγίδα θακοπάσει και κάθε συννεφιά θα ξαστερώσει. Άλλωστε, ο ήλιος ανατέλλει κάθε μέρα ακόμα και όταν κρύβεται πίσω από τασύννεφα. Έτσι, είναι βέβαιο, για τους νέους μας θα έρθει η Άνοιξη και μαζί η δική τους ευημερία.Είναι άκρως σημαντικό όμως να γνωρίζουμε σήμερα ότι θα διακριθούν αύριο οι νέοι που θα έχουνε αποκτήσει από νωρίςτα απαραίτητα σημαντικά εφόδια και προσόντα, αυτοί που θα έχουν δουλέψει έγκαιρα και σωστά, κατανοώντας τις ανά-γκες του μέλλοντος. Κάθε άλλο από ποτέ η ξένη γλώσσα βρίσκεται στις επάλξεις αυτών των αναγκών. Χωρίς τις ξένες γλώσ-σες υπάρχει ο κίνδυνος της απομόνωσης των παιδιών μας ακόμα και μέσα στην ίδια τους την αυριανή κοινωνία.Χρέος των γονιών είναι να δώσουμε τις σωστές αξίες και τα σωστά εργαλεία από νωρίς στα παιδιά μας για να κατακτήσου-νε τα όνειρά τους. Γιατί, το να ζεις είναι τέχνη συνάμα μυστήριο και ευλογία και το να φτιάχνεις σωστά και ευτυχισμένα τομέλλον σου στο παρών είναι η σπουδαιότερη καλλιτεχνία. Έχουμε ευθύνη να βοηθήσουμε τα παιδιά μας να γίνουν καλλι-τέχνες της ζωής τους από νωρίς για να μπορούμε να τα καμαρώνουμε αύριο όπως επιθυμούμε και αξίζουμε .Ανάμεσα σε άλλα αναγκαία που ήδη γνωρίζουμε , η άρτια γνώση της ξένης γλώσσας από νωρίς φαντάζει και είναι αναμφι-σβήτητα η αναλλοίωτη διαχρονική περιουσία για ένα λαμπρό μέλλον των παιδιών μας. Οι συνεργάτες μου και εγώ ,όλοι μαζί μια δημιουργική ομάδα σας ευχόμαστε ΥΓΕΙΑ ΑΞΙΟΠΡΕΠΕΙΑΘΑΡΡΟΣ ΤΟΛΜΗΑΙΣΙΟΔΟΞΙΑ ΕΠΙΜΟΝΗ ΕΛΠΙΔΑ ΕΠΙΤΥΧΙΕΣ για ένα καλύτερο αύριο Π.ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑ
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 4 Hi! My name is Alexandra. Hi! My name is Chris That is my pet cat. Harizanis. It’s gray and white. It’s very sweet. That is my pet dog. Alexandra Kostea It is light brown. It’s very sweet. Hi! My name is Billy. Chris Harizanis That is my pet dog. It is Hi! My name is Mary black. Hatzoudi. It’s very sweet. Vasilis Tsampazis That is my pet dog. It is black. It’s veryHi! My name is Lazaros. That’s my pet fish. sweet. It is grey and black. Mary Hatzoudi It’s very sweet Lazaros PeponisSupervising Teacher: Fouli KonstantaraClass: A junior 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 5Hi! My name is Jim. I have Hi! My name is Artemis. I have got a got a pet fish. It’s big. pet dog. It’s big. It is brown and It is blue and black. black. It’s very sweet. It is very sweet. Dimitris Daras Artemis Petalas Hi! My name is Hi! My name is Anna. Hi! I am Triada. My pet is a Evangelia Tselepi. That is my pet cat. dog. Her name is Ava. She That is my pet dog. It is white and grey. is brown and white. She hasIt is black and white. It’s very sweet. got green eyes. It’s very It’s very sweet. Anna Konstantinidou sweet. Evangelia Tselepi Hi name is Fotis. Triada Loggou That is my pet dog. It’s brown and black. It’s very sweet. Fotis DaoulasSupervising Teacher: Fouli KonstantaraClass: A junior 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 6Hi! My name is Thanos. Hi ! My name is Irene. I have got a turtle. I have got the petdog. It is green. It is black-and-white. It’s very sweet. Thanos Vlachos It’s very sweet. Irene Meichanetzidou Hi! My name is Asteris. Hi! My name is Anastasia. I have got a pet dog. I have got a pet fish. It is black and white. It’s very sweet. It is orange and yellow. Asteris Samaras It’s very sweet. Hi my name is Anna. Anastasia Kedrou I have got a pet dog. It’s black and white. it’s very sweet. Anna ProtogyrouSupervising Teacher: Fouli KonstantaraClass: A junior 2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 7 Hi my name is Anna! Hi! My name is Marios. I have a got a pet dog. I have a got a pet dog. It is black and white. It is black and white. It’s very sweet. It’s very sweet. Anna Varlami Marios Thomoudis Hi! My name is Haris. Hi! My name is I have got a pet fish. Kyveli. I have a got a It’s yellow and orange. pet dog. It is black. It’s very sweet. It’s very sweet. Haris Baxevanis Kyveli Kondrasi Hi! My name is Elisabeth. Hi! My name is Philip. I have a got a pet dog. I have got the best cat. It’s black and white. It is black and brown. It’s very sweet. Elisabeth Strantza It’s very sweet. Phillip ReppasSupervising Teacher: Fouli KonstantaraClass: A junior 2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 8 My name is Fotini. I am H!. My name is Melina. I am nine eight years old. years old. I am from Greece. I’m from Greece. I have got long brown hair. MyI’m short. I have got long eyes are brown. I am tall.brown hair. My eyes are I have got a brother and a sister. brown.I have got a sister and a I have also got a cute dog. brother. Melina Kalousi I haven’t got a pet My name is Joanna. I’m My name is John.eight years old. I’m from I’m nine years old.Greece. I am tall. I have a got brown hair. My eyes I am from Greece. I am tall. I have got are brown. I have a short brown hair. brother, Bill. I have also My eyes are got a dog. brown. I have got a sister and a brother. I haven’t got a pet. John Vlachoudis My name is Anastasia. I am nine years old. I’m from Greece I am tall and I have got long brown hair. My eyes are brown. I have got one little sister. I have got three cats and I love them Anastasia IoakeimidouSupervising Teacher: Fouli KonstantaraClass: B junior 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 9 My name is Mike. I’m nine My name is Stelina. I’myears old. I am from Greece. eight years old. I am from I am tall. I have got short Greece. I’m tall. I have brown hair. My eyes are got long blonde hair. Mybrown . I have got a brother. eyes are green. I have got a brother. I have got I haven’t got a pet. a dog, Rocky. Michael Daras Stelina Theodoridou My name is Evdokia My name is Marina. and I am nine years old. I am from Greece. I am tall. I am nine years old. I have a got long black I am from Greece. I’m hair. My eyes are black. I tall. I have a got long brown hair. My eyes haven’t got sisters or are brown. I have a brothers. I have got a pet got three sisters. I and I love it. haven’t got a pet Evdokia Kalouda Marina TzelepiSupervising Teacher: Fouli KonstantaraClass: B junior 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 10 Hello my name is Debby. I My name is am nine years old. I am Thanasis. I am ninefrom Greece. I’m tall. I have years old. I’m from got long brown hair. My Greece. I’m tall. Ieyes are brown. I am thin. I have got shorthave got a brother, Stelios brown hair. My eyes are blue. I have got a and a sister, Zoe. I have also got two tortoises, brother. Charlie and Mimo. Thanasis Chaviaris Debby Logou My name is Aegeas . My name is Harris. I am I’m seven years old. nine years old. I’m I’m from Greece. I’m tall. I have got short from Greece. I am tall. blond hair. My eyes have a got short are blue. I have got a brown hair. My eyes sister and two are black. I have got a brothers. I have a got brother. I haven’t got a four dogs and five pet. cats. Harris Papatheodorou Aegeas PitsoulisSupervising Teacher: Fouli KonstantaraClass: B junior 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 11 My name is Chris. I am eight My name is Helen.I am eightyears old. I’m from Greece. I years old. I am from Greece. Ihave got short brown hair. My am tall. I have got long brown eyes are blue. I have got a hair. My eyes are brown. brother. My pet is a dog. I have a brother. I haven’t got Chris Dagas any pets. Helen Konda My name is Vasiliki. I’m My name is George. I’m eight eight years old and I am years old. I’m from Greece. I from Greece. I’m tall. I have have got short blond hair. My got short brown hair. My eyes are brown. I have got a eyes are brown.. I sister.Her name is Marina. have got a brother. George Kanakoudis I haven’t got a pet. Vasiliki Karanastasi My name is Jim. I’m eight years old. I’m from Greece.Supervising Teacher: Fouli Konstantara I’m tall with short brown hairClass: B junior 2 and brown eyes. I haven’t got a brother. My pet is a cannery. Jim Karagiannidids
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 12Hello. My name is Manos. I’m My name is Konstantinos. I’m from nine years old. I am from Greece. I’m eight years old. I’m tall. I Greece. I’m tall. I have got have got short brown hair. My eyesblack short hair. My eyes are are brown. I have got a brother. Iblack. I have got two sisters. haven’t got a pet. My pet is a dog. Konstantinos Molasiotis Manos LoggosMy name is John. I am nine years My names is Kiriakos.. I’m old. I’m from Greece. I’m tall. I nine years old. I’m from have got short brown hair. My eyes are brown. I have got a Greece. I’m tall. I have got brother. I have got a dog. His short brown hair. My eyes name is Chico. are blue. I have got a John Daoulas brother. I love dogs. Diamantopoulos KyriakosSupervising Teacher: Fouli KonstantaraClass: B junior 3
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 13 My name is Nick. I My name isam eight years old. I Konstantinos. I am nine years old. I am am from Greece. I from Greece. I’m tall. have got short I have got green eyes I. I have got shortbrown hair. My eyes brown hair. I have gotare brown. My favor- a sister. I love dogsite food is hot dog. I and cats. like football. Konstantinos Nick Tsiatsioulis Giannakopoulos My name is Billy. I’m I’m Charalambos. I’m from Greece. I am nine years old. I am eight years old. I’m from Greece. I’m tall. I tall. I have got short have got short black brown hair and my hair. My eyes areeyes are brown. I love black.. I have got acars. My favorite food sister and a brother. Iis hot dog. I love dogs. haven’t gotVasilis Michalopoulos a pet. Charalampos LeontaridisSupervising Teacher: Fouli KonstantaraClass: B junior 3
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 14My name is Chris. I am eight My name is Helen.I am eightyears old. I’m from Greece. I years old. I am from Greece. Ihave got short brown hair. My am tall. I have got long browneyes are blue. I have got a hair. My eyes are My pet is a dog. I have a brother. I haven’t gotChris Dagas any pets. Helen Konda My name is Vasiliki. I’m My name is George. I’m eight eight years old and I am years old. I’m from Greece. I from Greece. I’m tall. I have have got short blond hair. My got short brown hair. My eyes are brown. I have got a eyes are brown.. I sister.Her name is Marina. have got a brother. I haven’t got a pet. George Kanakoudis Vasiliki Karanastasi My name is Jim. I’m eightSupervising Teacher: Fouli Konstantara years old. I’m from Greece.Class: B junior 2 I’m tall with short brown hair and brown eyes. I haven’t got a brother. My pet is a cannery. Jim Karagiannidids
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 15Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 16Last night I was at home watching TV Last night around 00.00 I waswith my brother Kyriakos. We were walking home. Suddenly I heardwatching on the news that a huge, scary a strange noise which was simi-and wild kangaroo had run out of the lar to a baby’s cry. I was follow-zoo. All people were scared and stayed ing the voice when I entered ainside their houses. Suddenly, we heard house. It was freezing cold in-a loud roaring coming from our garden. side the house. I got into theWe got terrified. We looked outside and room…and I saw a dead body,saw the wild kangaroo, looking like a lying on the floor and smellingmonster, trying to get into the house!!! awful. While I was picking up theBy the time we called the police, the kan- body, a huge ugly man came in-garoo has already got in. It was looking side. He took a gun and shot us with its mouth open….. George GogosIoanna PitsouliIt was the 20th of October, night. I was with my friends atschool when suddenly, a monster appeared out of no-where and tried to catch me and my friends. It eventuallygrabbed one of my friends and we went to find him. Myfrends and I were as cold as a sheet. Terrifying, the mon-ster returned 5 minutes later holding a bix axe. He wantedto kill us all and to steal the diamond of my bracelet. Wefelt scared. My friends and I grabbed swords to kill themonster. The monster was killed!! We were all happy andrelieved.Konstantinos PanagiotopoulosSupervising Teacher: Annie SakellariouClass: C senior 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 17 It was summertime and the students of my school at Hortiatis dis- covered something interesting. They were at the school yard and they were playing. A boy was building a sandcastle when he found the skeleton and the bones of dead human beings. He felt really terri- fied!!! The next morning that boy said to the teachers what had really happened. After that we didn’t go to school for many weeks because they started excavations. In the end, the boy got over it and he was better soon!! Helen Tzanidou Last night I went to a party with my best friend Peggy. The party had ended by 22.00. While we were walking home, we heard a strange noise. We saw a creepy bat and we decided to follow it. The creepy bat entered a frightening cave. Suddenly, a witch appeared holding a black cat. We ran away very quickly… Georgia Karatziou It was 3.00 o’clock. Suddenly, I went to the kitchen to drink some water. Then I saw the spaghetti we had float towards the window. I put my shoes on, opened the door and followed it. The spaghetti was going up in the sky. I grabbed some and I found myself in a spaceship. I saw three other aliens enjoying the food! When they saw me, they threw a magic ball on me and I woke up in my bed. -Be careful, because the same thing may happen with your spaghetti, too!! Ilias IzdrasSupervising Teacher: Annie SakellariouClass: Csenior 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 18I got my favourite Christmas gift from my My godfather gave me some spy gear. Itaunt during the Christmas holidays. It is a is my favourite Christmas gift becausePlay Station 4 console and I like it a lot be- every time I play with it, I feel like a realcause I can play electronic games with my spy and it is very and my friends Angelos ChrysoulasLamprinos ChronaiosMy favourite Christmas gift is an MP4 My favourite Christmas gift is an MP3player. My mum gave it to me in 2015. player. My godfather gave it to me dur-I can listen to music and relax, so I ing the Christmas holidays. It is my fa-believe it is the best gift I could get vourite Christmas gift because I can lis-for Christmas. ten to music and relax in my free time.Anastasia Gogou Vaggelis Drosakis My favourite Christmas gift is a pair of headphones and an MP3 player. I got them last Christmas. I found them in a Christmas stocking. I like them very much because I can listen to music. Lina KanakiSupervising Teacher: Lilia PanagouClass: A senior 2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 19Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 20My favorite video game is Critical Ops. It’s an online game andit is really nice. The graphics are amazing and you can alsochat with other players. In this game, all you have to do is todefuse the bomb or diminish the other team. There are twoteams: the Counter Terrorist and the Terrorist. This game hassix different maps and two modes. You may also buy differentkind of guns to win the match. I think this game is awesome!Antony Tsirolikas Our favorite video game is Clash Royal. It is an action game with good graphics and many cards. Are favorite cards are mega knight, electro wizard and prince. We are on the arena 8 with many trophies, Mike has 2.200 and Teo has 2.400. We also have many tournaments and challenges. The challenge of this week is king’s cup. Thodoris Deligiorgis & Michael KontasClash of Clans is a freemium mo- The game is set in a fantasybile strategy video game developed and themed persistent world where thepublished by Finnish game devel- player is a chief of a village. Clashoper Supercell. The game is set in a fan- of Clans tasks players to build theirtasy themed persistent world where the own town using the resourcesplayer is a chief of a village. Clash of gained from attacking other play-Clans tasks players to build their own ers through the game's fightingtown using the resources gained from at- features.tacking other players through the game'sfighting features. John TzelepisMarios BicakoSupervising Teacher: Artemis TopouziClass: B s senior 1+2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 21 My favourite video game is “Clash Royal”, because it has many things tot do such as collecting gold, unlocking legen- dary and common cards. You can battle with the cards to col- lect trophies and to unlock new arenas. You can also make a team and tell your friends to join it. Vaios Santos –Kyrimis My favorite video game is Sonic Dash. Dash is my favourite hero and my sis- ter loves him. This game is good but difficult, too. Jim Geromanolis My favourite Video game is 'Geometry Dash”. The objective of this Game is to pass all levels. There are easy and insane levels and I have to reach them. I love this Video Game. Kanidis Jim My favourite sport My favourite sport is swimming. I go swim- ming every day. It is my favorite activity be- cause it isn’t dangerous and it is a sport that helps me keep fit Panagiotis PitsoulisSupervising Teacher: Artemis TopouziClass: B senior 1+2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 22 My favorite dog is white My favorite animals are dogs. Iand very small. Its is very like them because they are very faithful. I have a dog and his name beautiful and cute. His is Scambi. His colour is black with eyes are brown, too. a little bit of white and his eyes are brown. I love him and he is my Joanna Papadopoulou best friend. At summer we play together in the garden and we My Favourite pet is Lilla. It is a kitten. Lilla lives in have a lot of fun. Corfu with my grand- Nefeli Oikonomou mother. It is bron and black. Its eyes are green My favourite animal is the dog. and it has got a big tail. It My dog is eleven months and eats food for cats. It can she likes to play with the ball. run very fast and it can She is white with black stripes swim very well. I love her and I miss her a lot. and she has a lovely fur. Giannakopoulou Stella Aggeliki LanaraMy favorite animal is I have got one turtle. His My favorite animal is mymy dog, Hionati. She name is Mitsos. dog, a girl and she haswhite colour. Her Its colours are green and His eyes are brown andeyes are brown. brown. It is a little fat but he his hair is white.I like playing withher. is very sweet. Agorastou MariaKaterina Zahari Nicole FragkouSupervising Teacher: Artemis TopouziClass: A senior 3
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 23Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 24My favourite famous person is Taylor My favoriteSwift. I like Taylor Swift and especially Famousher voice. She has blond hair and blue Actress iseyes and she is 25 yeas old. I would be Aliki Vougouklaki. Shepleased to be in her concerts. played in a lot of films and she was said to My favourite singer is Ri- be the best actress in hanna. She is American Greece. She married and she was born in 1988. the actor Dimitris Pa- She sings pop and R&B pamichail. She died in music. I love her because 1996. she is a great performer on stage. I want to meet Rihanna some day. Nicolina Kexagia Nikos Galis is one of My favourite Football the most prolific play- player is Gonzalo Hi- ers in the histoty of guin, he is an Argen- Greek basketball. He tine Footballer. He has an excellent tech- was born in France nique. He played for but his father is from Argentina. He now plays in Juventus. Dybala is also in Juven- Slantan Ibrahimovic tus. He can do tricks in the game and he can score a goal. After every goal he runs on te He is From Sweden and his grandpar- grass and he jumps. We love watching his ents are from Prague. He is a very good games. football player, he has scored 62 goals in one hundred games. He is very tall Valantis Kranias and has got dark hair. He played for many teams such as Barcelona, Milan, Stathis KousidisAjax. Now he is playing for Manchester United. I likehim because he is one of the best and he has a good John Karatziosbicycle kick. He inspires me and I want to play likehim. My favourite famous singer is Selena Gomez.Thodoris Kikioaka She is very pretty, tall and she has got long brown hair and brown eyes. I like her pop songs. She has a nice voice. Zahari AthanasiaSupervising Teacher: Artemis TopouziClass: A senior 1+3
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 25George Aggelopoulos is a popular person be-cause he was the winner of Survivor Game inGreece. In this game, the player has to surviveunder very difficult conditions and thirteen peo-ple have to become a team. George is thirty fiveyears old and he lives in Skiathos island.Kogkolidou ChristineMy favourite famous person is Zara My favourite famous person is GeorgeLarson. She is very pretty and she Mauridis. He is a Greek T.V person. He pre-sings beautifully. She has got sented the T.V show “World Party” and heblonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. takes part in the “Nomads”. I like him be- cause he is smart and I always watch hisEfrosini Logou shows. Georgia MenelaouHi! I am Taylor Swift. I like imagining what life was likehundreds of years ago. My favorite thing in life iswriting about life and things concerning love. I reallylove showing people what I meant when I write asong, so my performances are very theatrical.Nicoleta TsakiThe name of the singer is He is an Italian Professional footballer. HeAriana Grande and her was born on 28th January 1978. He plays inhome location is in Amer- Juventus and in the Italian national team.ica. One of her songs is Buffon is the only goalkeeper who won thecalled “The Fox”. I like her UEFA CLUB Footballer of the year award inbecause she is very beauti- 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2016.ful and her songs areamazing. Ifigeneia MaritsaTzoumaki AnastasiaSelena GomezShe was born on July 1992. She is a singer, an ac-tress and songwriter. She has a little sister hasname is Tori. She played in a lot of movies and I se-ries called ‘THE WIZARD OF WEVELVE’.Magdalini LazaridouSupervising Teacher: Artemis TopouziClass: B senior 1+2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 27Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 28FRANCE LONDONMy favorite country is France which has many merits and London is a big city with modern buildings,the most beautiful of all is naturally the Eiffel Tower. It was shops, a lot of theratres and cinemas. Butbuilt in 1889 by the mechanic Gustavo Eiffel and today is what things can you see only in London?one of the most famous buildings in the world. With a height You can see the Buckingham Palace. Theof 325 meters (300 without the antenna). It was the tallest Royal family live there. Tourists can standbuilding in the world until the New York Empire State build- outside and see the changing of theing was built. The Eiffel Tower weighs 10.100 Guard. They can also see Big Ben. Big Bentons and its construction is so steady that it is really a bell. You can hear it once anleans as little as 7.5 cm with heavy wind. It hour. Big Ben and the Houses of Parlia-has three visitor levels, each accessible by ment stand beside River Thames. You canstairs or by lift. I love the sights of France but go on a boat and see Lon-my favorite is this. don from the river. There is also the British LibraryValentini Giakoumi which has 10 million books. Of course you can visit Madame Tussaud’s museum which has fa- mous people made of wax. Marina KanakoudiUNITED STATESMy favorite country is the United States. The city I like best is New York. Ilike this city because it is very beautiful and romantic.The food is different but it is very tasty. The people thereare modern and rich. New York is famous for the Statueof Liberty which is a monument. I would like to go theresome day!Supervising Teacher: Paschalis ChasiotisClass: C senior 2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 29GREAT BRITAINGreat Britain also known as the United King- GERMANYdom, is a large island in the North AtlanticOcean. Great Britain is the largest island in My favorite country is Germany . Ger-the world. In the northwest it borders with many is a mountainous country and hasIreland and also with the North Sea. The large rivers. Germany is located in north-population is 60 million people. The capital west Europe. There are amazing sightscity is London which is also the and it is very interesting. You can findbiggest one in the whole country. beautiful cars and wonderful football sta-In the second world war it took diums there. It has large industries and apart from the beginning so it great economy. There areraised a heavy weight. The end of big towns, too. Germanythe war also marked the end of has great football teams andthe British Empire. a big population. I love Ger- many because it is amazing.Maria Varela Konstantinos MeichanetzidisFRANCEMy favorite country is France. The capital of France is ITALYParis. Paris is a very beautiful city with a lot of sightsand tourist attractions. It is known as the “city of My favorite country is Italy. I like it be-lights”. The Eiffel Tower is a very popular monument cause the Italian language is very interest-that was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, ingfor me and the local people look likewhose company designed and built the tower. Another Greeks. I have been to Italygreat attraction is the Cathedral of Notre Dame of twice so far and I visitedParis. There are a lot of parks and many people ride a Naples, Milan and the lakebike. There is also a bicycle race called “Tour of of Commo. I like it there be-France”. It is an annual race held in cause there are a lot ofFrance and it also occasionally passes beautiful places and I hopethrough nearby countries. I like France to visit them againvery much and I really want to visit it. Vasoula PanagiotopoulouAndreas DrosakisSupervising Teacher: Paschalis ChasiotisClass: C senior 2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 30SPAIN FRANCESpain is located on the Iberian Penninsula in My favorite country is France. I like it be-southwestern of Europe with two cities cause it has many places to visit. The mostCeuta und Malilla. Spain is bordered to the beautiful places to visit are the Eiffel tower,south and east of the Meditteranean sea ex- Seine and the wonderful museums. It hascept a small land boundary with Gibraltar to stores where you can buy nice things.the North and Northeast France is famous for its fine food. I alsowith Gibraltar, Andorra and want to visit the Notre Dame, the Louvrethe Bay Biscay and to the and Arc de Triomphe.West and Northwest by France is the country IPorto Gulf. Spain’s capitals dream of visiting when Iare Madrid, Barcelona and grow up and I think I willBilbao. have a great time there. Lazaridou Eleutheria ITALY Italy is my favorite country. It is next to Greece and it has the shape of a boot. It’s bigger than Greece and it has more people. Italy is a country with a lot of history and a lot of monuments. It has many famous painters, writers and sculptors since the ancient years. In all over the world there are many popular Ital- ian paintings, literature and statues. The towns and villages of Italy are beautiful with really nice architec- ture that matches the environment. A famous city of Italy is Venice where the houses are on water and people transport with small, narrow boats. Another famous city is Rome where the Colosseum is located, an ancient stadium where a lot of fights happened. Italy is a developed country which produces a lot of organic products like olive oil, wine, fruit, cheese and more. It also produces tools, cars and boats. Just like Greece, Italy has a lot of beautiful beaches, tasty foods and Italians share a lot of habits and culture with Greeks. When I grow up I want to go to Italy many times and in different places so I can learn more about it. Konstantinos NtagasSupervising Teacher: Paschalis ChasiotisClass: C senior 2
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 31Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 32Everyone uses smartphones nowadays, at work or home. They make our life easier.Apart from advantages though, they also have disadvantages. One good thing aboutsmartphones is that they help us in various ways and this is something that everybodyknows but few people are aware that if one researches online or “content grazes” on so-cial media they actually develop new skills, psychologists say. They learn to identify whatthey need or do not want to engage with.On the other hand, most of us know about the disadvantages. Mobile phones interruptand distract a person when they study or go out with friends. Paying attention to yoursmartphone is considered illegal now with 11605 offenders just in 2013.Christina KaramanoliWe are living in the era of technology so everyone During the recent years, there has been a major increasehas at least five electronic devices at home. As far in the number of young people who use technology. Theiras smartphones are concerned, there are many main tool is usually their mobile phone which is used forpositive aspects but not always. many purposes, especially communication.Smartphones have a lot to offer. You can call some- To begin with, as means of mass communication andone in case of an emergency and also be informed amusement, cell phones have plenty of advantages. Theyfor whatever you want. provide adolescents with the opportunity to contact with their friends whenever they desire, easily and fast. Sec-On the other hand, there are drawbacks, too. Teen- ondly, not only are they useful since they motivate stu-agers are addicted to their phones and as a result dents to broaden their horizons but also are great sourcesthey waste time on them and therefore they do not of entertainment.have enough time for studying. Apart from that,they have them on them all the time, since they On the other hand though, mobile phones have draw-believe they are necessary. For instance, if they for- backs too. For instance, they may distract teenagers fromget them somewhere they feel anxious without their schoolwork and this results in getting worse andthem. worse at their school performance. Another possible dis- advantage is the fact that modern phones make peopleWe all have to think if there is really a point having addicted to them and in the end they become unsociable.a smartphone or not.Supervising Teacher: Paschalis ChasiotisClass: Lower a+b
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 33Smartphones have many advantages. First of all, they People nowadays use their smartphones a lot in order to doare very useful because when we are in trouble we can anything they is usual to see people with their smart-call someone to help us, for example our friends or par- phones since they have become part of our lives.ents. Also, smartphones are educative and fun. Smart-phones are also useful since when we want to find Smartphones are used for many reasons. They help us withsomething that we do not know, we can look it up on our homework since Internet has information about anything.the Internet. We can also communicate with other peo- Also, we can talk to people all around the world or send themple through applications or text messages. messages using various applications. Another thing that smart- phones can do is keep us informed about what happensOn the other hand, smartphones have some disadvan- around the world. We can watch videos, take pictures andtages. First of all, they usually disturb other people play games.around you with notifications or calls. Also, they arenot very good for your health and eyes because when On the other hand, there are many disadvantages. People andyou use them a lot your eyes start to hurt. Finally, your mostly teenagers can get addicted to them since they spendmind is all the time on them and you cannot concen- hours on watching videos or playing games. As an illustration,trate on homework. teenagers can have serious problems with their vision. An- other thing is that there are many hackers on the Internet andPanagiotis Chronaios as a result they can infect your phone with viruses. Concluding, people should use smartphones since they help them a lot but in moderation so they will not get addicted to them. Michalis Kaloudas Nowadays, technology has been evolved so that people can use it to make their lives easier. The most common technological device is the cell phone also known as smartphone. However helpful they are, they can also be harmful. Smartphones allow us to communicate with our friends or other people so that we keep in touch with them. Also, we can search for information that we are interested in, since there is access to the Internet. Finally, smartphones can entertain us as we can listen to music, watch movies online or read e-books. On the other hand, smartphones distract us from our responsibilities and isolate us from other people. In this way we lose face-to-face contact. Furthermore, smartphones make teenagers lose their sleep and become addicted to them. Finally, they are accused for students’ low school performance because they prefer being online rather than study. To sum up, smartphones make our lives easier but if we do not use them carefully our lives can be damaged. Panagiotis TsironasSupervising Teacher: PaschalisChasiotisClass: Lower a+b
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 34In today’s society each and every one of us has a mo- The quickest way for someone to contact a person is tobile phone. Mobile phones can have a negative impact phone or text them. Nowadays smartphones play an im-especially on a teenager’s life. Some adolescents can- portant role in our lives. We use them to connect withnot leave their phones locked for more than ten min- people and organize our daily routine. Nevertheless, Iutes. They will always check if they get any notifica- think they have both advantages and disadvantages.tions from social media, making their concentrationlast for less than 10 seconds. Also, mobile phones can First of all, the smartphone is the quickest way to commu-cause health problems, too. A phone produces a large nicate in our daily lives as we can contact with our friendsamount of radiation and if someone uses it pretty and relatives easily by calling or sending text messages.much on a daily basis their health can be easily dam- Secondly, it is used to entertain people. We can listen toaged. music and play games. Moreover, by using the latest appli- cations we can have access to the Internet to check ourOn the other side of coin, mobile phones are really profile in social media.useful for someone’s daily life. For example, if youmiss the bus you can check when the next bus arrives On the other hand, using cell phones too much can beat the bus stop. You can also search for information on harmful to our health as a lot of people nowadays cannotthe Internet in case you need it for a school project. concentrate. For instance, the number of students unable to concentrate while studying is larger in the last fifteenEven if mobile phones can be ‘dangerous’, using them years. Lack of real communication is also one of the resultsin moderation can make your life a little simpler. of using a mobile phone. Instead of going out with friends, many people prefer to stay alone in their room.Paraskevi Kalousi To sum up, smartphones have brought convenience to our everyday lives. I believe, therefore, that smartphones have more benefits than drawbacks. Konstantinos TriantafillidisSmartphones. We all use them in our everyday lives to talk with someone, to text a message, to listen to music or watch avideo. They are useful when we want to talk to someone from a distance or when someone is bored, they can play a gameor watch a video. Smartphones are like laptops only smaller and they allow you to search for whatever you want, whereveryou are.On the other hand, smartphones have disadvantages, too. When, for example, the battery is low or there is no signal youcan almost do nothing. Moreover, someone might try to steal it from you.Smartphones are useful for us to use but we should do it carefully.Kyriakos PitsoulisSupervising Teacher: Paschalis ChasiotisClass: Lower a+b
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 35Smartphones are a part of our daily lives and most of us have owned or used one. But how has this affected our lives?To begin with, smartphones are multi-tasking devices unlike any other, through which you are able to do many things atthe same time. They can be used as flashlights, radios and also they make calls, send messages, and search the web. Theyare also used for map location and playing games. In fact, a lot of teenagers use the Internet to search for information fortheir assignments. So they can actually affect your life in a positive way. Even parents use phones to communicate withtheir children and make sure they are safe. A big plus of mobile phones is that in a scenario of emergency you can call thepolice or the ambulance.On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of using a mobile phone since you are in danger of becoming addictedto it. As a matter of fact, teenagers spend most of their leisure time on playing games and using Snapchat or Facebook. Asa consequence, they are unable to do their assignments due to the distraction phones cause. Specifically, seventy percentof British teenagers are unable to concentrate on their tasks. For instance, a group of friends went to a restaurant andinstead of talking to each other they were looking down at their phones.To summarize, mobile phones should be used wisely and let us not forget that this can be a lifesaver. Despite the highcost, owing one is a good idea.Konstantinos Karamouzas Mobile phones are nowadays the most useful gadget in In our days mobile phones are one of the most impor- the world, but they also affect us in a bad way. tant things in our lives but they can also hurt us if we Cell phones are useful in many ways. We can search and do not use them right. find things. Also, parents can easily trace their kids with We need mobile phones because they help us commu- just a simple call. Moreover, there are many applications nicate with people in a long distance through mes- and you can download songs and games. sages faster and easier. They can also inform us about On the other hand, they can hurt us by using them a lot. the weather and various other things. As an example, if you play with your phone for too many On the other hand, they can hurt us if we overdo it. hours a day your eyes will start to sore. People can also They can damage our eyes if we stay too long looking become addicted by using cell phones. They can also be at their screen. Also, if we walk in the street and do disturbing to the ones around us. not pay attention to the road we may get killed or fall In conclusion, mobile phones are the best gadgets since down. They are also a waste of time, since we can be- you can do whatever you want, but if you do not watch come addicted to them being busy with our social me- out they can be highly detrimental to a person’s life. dia accounts. Konstantinos Tasioudis I think mobile phones are useful but only if we do not overdo it.Supervising Teacher: Paschalis ChasiotisClass: Lower a+b Nestor Bicako
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 36 Personally, I don't think that I have heard that cameras have cameras in class will make been put in many schools not only students behave better. In abroad but also in Greece. As far fact, it is going to make as the negatives are concerned,them even more annoying. If everywhere they go are for me it is not cool because they record your personal life.cameras, students will need to feel free. They only place The class will be completely quiet and that means that itthey could do that is at home or at school. Therefore, if will be too boring. There won't be the usual jokes amongthey install cameras in classrooms, they won't want to go the classmates. Concerning the positive points, one goodto school. If the teacher shows the film to their parents, thing is that the teacher or parents can see who partici-the only result will be more shouting at home. Finally, if pates in class, who gets good marks in tests and who isstudents are filmed, all but especially girls must always quiet. After all, it is a way to see who is worth the highbe in style, something quite hard!! So, if they decide to marks and who is the \"good\" or the \"bad\" student in class.put cameras, they know who is going to be their worstenemy....students themselves!! Marios KalogiannidisHelen Charizani First of all, I think that camera in school will improve our school daily lives because with this smart way teachers could see whoI don’t think that cameras should be available at the naughty student really is and then punish him or her. I knowschools. First of all, all cameras are bound to seclude that there might be pupils who will disagree with me because theychildren and make them feel that they are not free. No will say that it may violate students’ private life. However, it is myone can deny that it is a good way to improve students’ firm opinion that every school should have cameras inside andbehavioral manners. However, many negatives will outside the classes. In this way, undisciplined, rude and aggres-arise. It is obvious, all in all, that you can’t record some- sive behavior will disappear. Teachers’ and students’ lives willone one video without them knowing first. become easier.Kalliopi Gogou Vasiliki IosifidouIn my class, there are some students who make a lot of So, in my opinion cameras will not do any good at all. Stu-noise in some subjects and interrupt the lesson. So, I dents are going to fight with the teachers about it. They arebelieve that cameras can be a solution. If we had cam- going to react against it. When you impose something oneras in class, we would have a quiet lesson and we someone, hardly does it bring any results. And after all, I amwould understand more of the subject taught. Therefore, sure that they will not make any difference as students willa camera can undoubtedly be a way to prevent misbe- continue the same behavior.haviors in class. Kate KontouliAngeiki StabouliSupervising Teacher: Annie SakellariouClass: Pre-lower 1
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 37Supervising Teacher:Paschalis Chasiotis
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 38It is widely known that North Korea is one of the most repressive countries on Earth. That is due to thefact that the country is governed by a dictator and is currently under dictatorship which does not allowits citizens to do much or have the luxury of free will or free speech and they basically do whatever theyare told to. Subsequently, few are the ones that join resistance groups and are willing to stand againstthe principles and policies of their country. Just imagine going out on the road shouting and complain-ing about electricity. Well, you cannot really imagine that since we consider having electricity obvious.Truth is that most people take what they are lucky to have for granted, therefore they go on and enjoytheir lives without thinking or worrying that something terrible might happen at some point later in theirlives and all of a sudden be left without a place to stay. Personally, I cannot even imagine living underthe conditions that people in North Korea live so I am inclined to believe that we should appreciate peo-ple and things we have and not complain about petty things since we do not know about what other peo-ple in other parts of the world are going through and we also have no idea what the future has in storefor us.Orestis CharbisGreece is a really nice place to visit with a quite interesting history and lots of monuments. However,visiting Greece can be a lot different that living there and as a teenager I want to share a bit of my opin-ion of what is like to be a teenager in Greece. To begin with, Greece is a wonderful place with many is-lands and a wonderful sea. Coupled with the hot sunlight you can have the perfect summer and holi-days. Moreover, Greece is a place where you can eat, shop and have fun quite cheaply in comparisonwith other European countries. But as a teenager I have more interests that I will not be able to cultivateowing to the bad economic situation that is of concern to all Greeks. Furthermore, being a teenager inGreece will possibly not end very well as there is a bleak future ahead for education, jobs and careers.Being a teenager in Greece is fun and interesting but the bad conditions will not let you enjoy your lifeas you want and you will have to work hard so as to be able to afford taxation and expenses.Vangelis PanagiotopoulosBeing a teenager in Greece is like every civilized country. Studies play a major role in our everyday life inorder to get into a university. Teenagers frequently place greater emphasis on high school because thenthey finally decide which they should follow in order to pass the exams. Students have to preselect theirchoices in a numerical order of preference, using the bases of last years’ Pan-Hellenic examinationsonly as a guide and submit them to their school on a given deadline. After that they can also chooseamong a wide variety of occupations.Alongside their studies, they have also a wide range of activities to opt for comprising sports such asfootball, volleyball or tennis, foreign languages, music and dancing. A large percentage of adolescentslearn another widespread language in case they want to leave abroad. Music, involving singing, playinginstruments or musical arrangement is one of the most vital things, you should definitely try. Sports helpyou get in shape and not have health issues.Especially at the weekends, teens have the comfort of relaxing or going out with some friends. Week-ends help us increase our excitement because we don’t have school so we can hang out and talk or re-lax at your comfortable sofa.To sum up, we all understand that not all of the countries have the same habits, but even though weshould comprehend that we are lucky if we have the ability of education, entertainment and freedom ingeneral.John PapadopoulosSupervising Teacher: Paschalis ChasiotisClass: Proficiency
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 39As a teenager, given food for thought, I cannot resist the temptation not to express and share my personalaspects regarding teenagers not only in my country, but in the rest of the world as well.Having read the article, I was moved by all those strict rules and principles, that students in the same ageas mine should abide by. To begin with, according to Jimmin Kang, adolescents are not able to kiss in pub-lic or see movies which are not approved by the Government. It is my firm belief that the situation they arefacing is extremely severe. To my mind, Government should not control and interfere in people’s lives somuch and, of course, people should start acting against the Dictatorship. Especially teenagers, are askedto make their own decisions so as to broaden their horizons and stay mentally alert. Moreover, concerninganother issue, due to nuclear factories, teens’ health is negatively affected. Not only do they get sick ofdifferent kind of diseases (ex. Cancer), but also future generations may be born disfigured or mutated.Therefore, this situation raises Koreans’ awareness and what they ought to do is expostulate.Teenagers’ lives in Greece contrary to the Korean ones differ a lot and could be characterized as“paradise”. Firstly, teens are not afraid to express their opinion, as they do know that they are not underthreat. By this expression, adolescents are practicing their mental ability and their critical thinking. In ad-dition to this, having the opportunity to articulate their views, they become important members in the soci-ety, which means that they cannot be treated like “robots”. Furthermore, concerning entertainment, teen-agers in my country have the chance to do whatever they want to. Starting with playing video games andending to travelling wherever they are able to. Of course, that is not in effect to Korea. Children there can-not be off limits, as they aren’t even able to watch whichever movie they like, but only those which theGovernor has approved. Here in Greece, kids can wear anything, but there, both the dressing code andfashion is controlled, as it is forbidden for women to wear jeans.All things considered, I would strongly advise Korean adolescents that they collaborate and do somethingso as to reverse that awful situation they are through. As they can’t live their entire life being controlled,unless they advocate themselves, the catastrophic situation which their future involves, will never bechanged. As a matter of fact, they will evade the repressive entertaining facilities and surmount their fearof not being willing to act and achieve their goals!Katerina KakoAfter having read this article I could not resist the temptation not to express my personal reaction to it.First of all, the behavior and habits of the North Korean teenagers are quite diverse from ours. They mustevade kissing in public or watching American and South Korean films if they do not want to be killed. Thisis something that the Greeks cannot even imagine as it sounds insane and it is adverse to our beliefs. Forexample, boys and girls are allowed to go for dates and do whatever they think is right. Greek parents dis-cuss with their children, help them with their issues and advocate their decisions.What is more, I definitely could not survive if I had to spend 12 hours a day at school like North Korean stu-dents do. Moreover, under no circumstances should the children wear jeans at school. Who can imaginethemselves wearing only uniforms? Subsequently, as far as I am concerned, nobody here in Greece couldlive in a dictatorship with such strict measures as in North Korea.To sum up, Greek adolescents have their own freedom and can train their critical thinking contrary toNorth Korean teenagers who cannot even vocalize their thoughts, watch and wear whatever they wantowing to the fact that they have to tackle with the dictatorship.Aliki Geromanoli As a teenager, I cannot resist the temptation to express my personal reaction to this article. Nowadays, as many of us already know, North Korea is a third-world country. Its totalitarian dictatorship controls the lives of North Koreans. Their life in comparison with our lives has almost nothing in common. One basic difference is that we have democracy and freedom of speech while according to the article, North Korea has a dictatorship. As a result, they are not allowed to do things that we consider self-evident. They are forced to laugh or cry depending on the occasion. Another example of limitation is that they are not able to get any haircut they desire and that the dress code in North Korean schools is really strict contrary to the one in Greek schools. Taking everything into consideration I am inclined to believe that individuals and es- pecially teenagers there, are forced to do things contrary to Greek teenagers. Katerina IosifidouSupervising Teacher: Paschalis ChasiotisClass: Proficiency
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 40From tinsel to Brussels sprouts, Christmas is just one wacky traditionafter another. In celebration of these festive eccentricities, we’verounded up ten of the most unusual customs from across the globe...Germany and Austria CataloniaThe star of a new Hollywood horror There are a couple of strange Catalonian traditions, one of which isfilm, the Krampus is Father Christ- the caga tió or “defecating log”. In the fortnight leading up tomas' scary friend, a devilish creature Christmas, a grinning creature is created out of a small log andwho punishes naughty children placed on the dining room table. The log must be fed every daythroughout the festive period. The with fruit, nuts, and sweets, before – on Christmas Eve – it’s beatenmythical beast, which stems from with sticks, excreting its goodies. Another fecal-themed CatalonianAustro-Bavarian German-speaking custom is a caganer, a small defecating figurine, which traditionallyAlpine folklore, is hairy with hooves appears in nativity scenes.Caracas JapanIn Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, revel- Christmas isn’t a national holiday in Japan but that doesn’tlers travel to early-morning church services stop a large number of people celebrating the festival.on roller skates throughout the festive period. Santa Claus, or Santa Kurohsu, is said to have eyes in theThe roads are even closed off specially. back of his head to keep an eye on naughty children, while Japanese Christmas cake is usually made up of sponge, Portugal In Portugal, families set extra places at the dining table on Christmas morning for de- ceased relatives. The practice is called “consoda” and is thought to bring the family good luck.Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 41 Ukraine Ukrainian Christmas trees are traditionally decorated with a fake spider and web. The custom, which is said to bring good luck, stems from an old wives' tale about a poor woman who could not afford to decorate her tree. She woke up on Christ- mas morning to find a spider had covered it in a glittering web.NorwayIn Norway, it’s thought Christmas Evecoincides with the arrival of evil spirits Czech Republicand witches. To protect themselves,families hide all their brooms before Over Christmas, Czech women use athey go to bed. clever trick to predict their love lives for the coming year. Unmarried women stand with their backs to their front doors and toss shoes over their shoulders.Greenland If a shoe lands with its toe pointing to- wards the door, the woman will getIf you think sprouts are bad, you should try one hitched within the next 12 months.of Greenland’s Christmas delicacies. Mattak -raw whale skin with blubber - is one. Another iskiviak, which is when an auk (a small bird) iswrapped in seal skin, buried for several months,and then eaten once decomposed. India Only about 2.3 per cent of the population of India are Chris- tians, but that still works out as about 25 million people. The day is celebrated with midnight mass and present-giving, but in the absence of fir trees or pine trees, banana trees and mango tree are decorated instead.Supervising Teacher: Lilia Panagou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 42 Walnuss-LebkuchenZutaten ZubereitungFür 40 Einheiten • Gelatine in kaltem Wasser einweichen. 250 g Zucker, 110 ml Was- ser und Stärke in einem kleinen Topf mischen. Mit dem Schneebesen• 1 Blal Gelanne unter Rühren aufkochen und 6-8 Minuten sirupartig einkochen (auf• 400 g Zucker 108 Grad, Thermometer benutzen). Topf vom Herd nehmen, etwas• 20 g Weizenstärke abkühlen lassen. Gelatine ausdrücken und im heißen Sirup auflösen.• 50 g Zitronat Glasur vollständig abkühlen lassen.• 50 g Orangeat • Inzwischen Zitronat und Orangeat sehr fein hacken, Marzipan fein• 100 g Marzipanrohmasse, (gekühlt) reiben, Ingwer sehr fein hacken. Mit gemahlenen Hasel- und Walnüs-• 20 g frischer Ingwer sen, restlichem Zucker, Mehl, Zimt, Lebkuchengewürz, 1 Prise Salz,• 100 g gemahlene Haselnüsse Kakao und Hirschhornsalz in einer Schüssel mischen. Eiweiß zugeben• 50 g gemahlene Walnüsse und mit dem Handrührer zu einem cremigen Teig verrühren. Teig 30• 80 g Mehl Minuten kalt stellen.• 10 g Zimtpulver • Teig in einen Einwegspritzbeutel füllen. Beutel fest zu- drehen• 10 g Lebkuchengewürz und eine Spitze abschneiden. Teig gleichmäßigauf die Oblaten sprit-• Salz zen, dabei einen kleinen Rand lassen (da die Lebkuchen beim Backen• 10 g Kakaopulver noch etwas aufgehen). Auf jeden Lebkuchen mittig je 1 halben Wal-• 1 Msp. Hirschhornsalz nusskern setzen und leicht eindrücken. Lebkuchen nebeneinander• 4 Eiweiß, (Kl. M) auf 2 Backbleche setzen und bei Zimmertemperatur 4 Stunden trock-• 40 Oblaten, (5 cm Ø) nen lassen (die Oberfläche soll sich trocken anfühlen und nicht mehr• 40 halbe Walnusskerne kleben). • Lebkuchen nacheinander im vorgeheizten Backofen bei 180 Grad (Gas 2-3, Umluft 170 Grad) auf der 2. Schiene von unten 10-12 Minuten backen. Aus dem Backofen nehmen und auf Kuchengittern etwas abkühlen lassen. • Lebkuchen noch lauwarm mit einem dicken Pinsel mit der Glasur bestreichen und trocknen lassen. Zwischen La- gen von Pergamentpapier in Dosen schichten. Kühl und tro- cken gelagert sind die Lebkuchen ca. 3 Wochen haltbar.Supervising Teacher: Roula Rizou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 43Orangen-Trauben-Glühwein ZutatenFür 4 Gläser ∗ 1 Bio-Orange ∗ 1 (0,75 l) Flasche trockener Rotwein ∗ 300 ml Traubensaft ∗ 4 Gewürznelken ∗ 50 g brauner Zucker ∗ 2 ZimtstangenZubereitung10 Minutenganz einfach 1.Orange waschen, trocken tupfen. Hälfte in Spalten schneiden. Rest auspressen, Schale spi- ralförmig abschälen. Wein, Traubensaft, Oran- genspalten, Saft, Nelken, Zucker und Zimt aufko- chen. Ca. 15 Minuten ziehen lassen. 2.Nochmals aufkochen. Glühwein in vier Gläser gießen. Mit Orangenspiralen verzieren.Supervising Teacher: Roula Rizou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 44Supervising Teacher: Roula Rizou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 45Supervising Teacher: Roula Rizou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 46Supervising Teacher: Roula Rizou
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 47Congratulations to our students on their outstanding results: 100% inPalso exams, levels:Pre A1, A1, A2, Nocn.Every year we offer free lessons to our students and prepare them totake part in Palso exams.It is a great opportunity for our students to test their knowledge, toexperience the process of English exams.Once again we have every reason to be very proud of the achieve-ment of our students who have successfully participated and passedall levels.Fouli KonstantaraCongratulations to all of our students for their results in theECCE and ECPE examinations! It has been a real pleasure toall of us. Not only was their success due to hard work andthirst for knowledge, but also the friendly atmosphere weachieved! Looking forward to the next examinations!Paschalis Chasiotis
ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΞΕΝΩΝ ΓΛΩΣΣΩΝ NEW SUCCESS g{x fàâwxÇàá ]ÉâÜÇtÄΠ. ΛΟΥΚΙΔΟΥ—ΜΠΟΥΡΝΤΑPage 48 A special thanks to the students of Aj, Bj, As, Bs, Cs, Pre-lower,Lower and Proficiency for contributing to the realization of the sixth issue of our school newspaperReppas Filippos Kalousi Melina Michalopoulos Vasilis Karatzios Giannis Ioakeimidou AnastasiaDaoulas Fotis Longou Despoina Tselepi Evangelia Mavropoulou Margarita Molasiotis Konstantinos Vlachos Athanasios Theodoridou Stelina Tselepis Giannis Tsirolikas Antony Daras Dimitris Kanaki Lina Dervisi Ioanna Kranias Chrysovalantis Samaras Asterios Chaviaris Thanasis Pitsouli Ioanna Giakoumi Valentini Kousidis Stathis Panagiotopoulos Konstantinos Geromanolis Dimitris Drosakis Vangelis Tzanidou Eleni Konstantinidou Anna Papatheodorou CharisMeichanetzidou IreneKanakoudis Giorgos Tsampazis Vasilis Kanidis Dimitris Protogyrou Anna Kalouda Evdokia Konta Elena Chrysoulas Angelos Kechagia Nikolina Frangou Nikol Charizanis Christos Lazaridou Eleftheria Lanara Angeliki Varlami Anna Zachari Katerina Thomoudis Marios Peponis Lazaros Petala Artemis Gogos Giorgos Leontaridis Charalampos Pitsoulis Aigeas Lazaridou Magdalini Maritsa Ifigeneia Longos Emmanouil Dagas Christos Baxevanis CharisKontas Michalis Vlachoudis Giannis Kogolidou Christina Karagiannidis DimitrisKondrasi Kiveli Giannakopoulou Stella Longou Triada Karatziou Georgia Xronaios Lamprinos Gogou Anastasia Kedrou Anastasia Daras Michalis Strantza Elisavet Bicako Marios Oikonomou Nefeli Zachari Athanasia Izdras Ilias Tsaki Nikoleta Danaskos Andreas Tzoumaki Anastasia Kostea Alex-Tsiatsoulis Nikolaos Deligiorgis Thodoris Menelaou Georgia Longou EfrosiniKikioaka Thodoris Chatzoudi Maria Pitsoulis Panagiotis Karanastasi Vasiliki Gogou Foteini Giannakopoulos Konstantinos Santos Kyrimis Vaios Tzelepi Ma- Papadopoulou Ioanna Diamantopoulos Kyriakos Kanakoudi MarinaDaoulasMeihanetzidis Karatziou Evangelia Drosakis Andreas
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