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Home Explore Medinah Shriners 2018 Spring Magazine

Medinah Shriners 2018 Spring Magazine

Published by fred, 2018-05-18 09:18:34

Description: Medinah Shriners 2018 Spring Magazine


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Volume 8, Number 1 Spring 2018MEDINAH SHRINER A Publication of the Medinah Shrine FEZ...Fraternal Entertainment Zone

MEDINAH SHRINERS In this issue: 3-4 5 Aleikum es Selamu The Potentate’s Message 6 First Lady & Recorders Messages 11A non-profit corporation operating under Meet Your New “COG” the auspices of Shriners International, 100 Million Dollar Club 15, 17 Event Photos 18, 21 an Iowa Corporation Event Photos 26 - 41 News of Units, Committees, & SC’sELECTED OFFICERS 2018 William M. KissanePotentate LeRoy C. BaumannChief Rabban Keith M. KoopmanAssistant RabbanHigh Priest & Prophet George E. StimacOriental Guide Donald L. ShewmakeTreasurerRecorder Eric W. Keating Fred S. KaufmanREPRESENTATIVES TO THEIMPERIAL COUNCIL 2018Potentate William M. KissaneChief Rabban LeRoy C. Baumann Additional Photo Credits ~ Medinah Photography ClubAssistant Rabban Keith M. KoopmanPast Potentate 2017 Lance M. Evans, P.P.Representative Emeritus Robert O. Kuehn, P.P.Representative Ad Vitam Lewis K. MolnarRepresentative Ad Vitam Charles G. Cumpstone, Jr.APPOINTMENTS FOR 2018 ADVERTISING…Captain of the Guard Joseph “Jay” AlfirevicOuter Guard John Wojciechowski If you would like to advertise in this publication, please contact theCeremonial Director Patrick Robin Medinah Office at 630-889-1400 or email [email protected] Ceremonial Master Dwaine A. Churma Advertising prices:2nd Ceremonial Master James Sicinski Full page - $150 per issue - $540.00 all 4 issuesDirector of Units & Frat.Committees James Brotts Half page - $75.00 per issue - $270.00 all 4 issuesParade Marshall Daniel Smith Quarter page - $50.00 per issue - $180.00 all 4 issuesDirector of Shrine Clubs Calvin Tazelaar Bus. Card - $35.00 per issue - $126.00 all 4 issues The Medinah Shriner Magazine is for you, the Nobility, and any and allMEDINAH SHRINER MAGAZINE Jodie Keating articles that you feel may benefit our members will be accepted andChief Editor Richard Schak reviewed for inclusion in an upcoming issue.Chief Photographer Stevens Group Send your articles to:Printing Services [email protected] PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERSMedinah Shrine was established in 1883 to provide asocial and entertaining Oasis in the Desert of Chicago.The Shrine is a fraternity based on the MasonicBeliefs of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhoodof Man. Medinah was founded to further promote thetenets of Freemasonry, brotherly love, relief and truth.Remembering our creed – Faith, Hope and Charity –the greatest of these being Charity – we founded ourown Charity, the Shriner’s Hospitals for Children®.Nobles, support your Fraternity and your Charity.SUBSCRIPTIONSSubscriptions are included in annual member dues.Cost to purchase a subscription is $15.00 per year.Contact the Recorder’s office if you wish to purchasesubscriptions for family members.MEDINAH SHRINE CENTER550 N. Shriners DriveAddison, IL 60101Tel: 630-889-1400 Fax: 630-705-9907www.medinah.orgFollow Us On:Volume 8 Number 1Spring 20182 Medinah Shriner

The Potentate’s PerspectiveWhat a great start to 2018!We hit the ground running with no plans to stop!It is indeed both an honor and a pleasure to have the opportunity to serve as MedinahShriner’s Potentate for 2018. Running Medinah is truly a team effort. To keep this Fraternitygoing takes help from everyone. Thanks for what all of you do.When I became a Noble at Medinah Temple at the Spring ceremonial in 1999, never in mydreams did I imagine that I would be the Potentate. Thank you Don Marquardt for asking meto be the Captain of the Guard and for the support that I have received from everyone overthe last five years. I will do my best to keep Medinah Mighty, the great Fraternity that it is.A big “Thanks” goes out to our Past Potentates for building a strong foundation for Medinahto build on, and the guidance and advice I will be asking for throughout the year.I look forward to working with Medinah’s elected Divan as we build on the foundation laid forus as we continue to have fun and help kids.Chief Aide John Halvorson, his Lady Linda, and the magnificent “Dream Team” of Aides areworking diligently behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly in 2018.Our Units, Clubs, and Committees continue to raise awareness to our Hospitals by paradingand hosting many family events. You are the back-bone of Medinah. Keep up the good work!Our New Website is up and running! Thanks to Past Potentate Lance for spearheading thisproject, along with the tireless help from Fred Kaufman and Jodie Keating in our office.Are you on Facebook? The Medinah group page is a great way to keep up-to-date onMedinah happenings. Terry Pease is doing a fabulous job of keeping us current and aboutupcoming events at Medinah. Check it out. continued on the next page….Spring 2018 3

Debbie Jo and I have planned many family-friendly events and Official Visits for 2018. Some of the highlights are listed below. 4th Wednesday of the month dinners in the Oasis. “The menu changes every month.” Easter Egg Hunt March 23rd Flower Show / Whiskey Tasting, both on April 6th The Nobility Ball (Potentate’s Ball) will be April 14th. It’s about you...the Nobility! (Buy your Lady a dress and bring her to the Ball. “Happy wife happy life”.) The Spring Ceremonial April 28th Directed Patrick Robin. Get your candidates signed up. Karaoke in the Oasis May 12th, August 18th and November 3rd. The Ladies Fashion Show is May 19th, at the Drury Lane. Order your Ladies tickets today. Vidalia Onion Sales May 18-27. Get your pre-orders to “Jay Jay” John Joseph ASAP. Hospital Day June 3rd is held every other year. Come see our Hospital and shortest parade. Family Picnic in the back-yard of Medinah, August 19th Sportsman’s Raffle September 15th Car Club Show September 30 Motor Corps Halloween Party October 27 Children’s Christmas Party December 8th Save the date for our Mega OV on December 15th produced by our famous Director, Michael Cosentino. The Potentate’s Trip is a 7-day cruise on the beautiful Royal Princess. We leave out of Fort Lauderdale, FL on November 24th – December 1st. Make your reservations now. Medinah has 6 Shrine Parades this year: Memorial Day parade in Wauconda, May 28th Hospital Day, June 3rd, Geneva, June 24th Imperial in Daytona, FL, on July 17th Addison, August 26th GLSA in Grand Rapids, MI Sept 22nd The slogan for 2018 is FEZ “Fraternal Entertainment Zone”. “Let’s Have some Fun” as we raise awareness for the Hospital. When we go to events especially out in public, wear your Fez proudly and let everyone know how much fun we are having! “Yours in the Faith” William M Kissane Potentate 20184 Medinah Shriner

TEMPLE COMMUNICATIONSMESSAGE FROM MEDINAH’S FIRST LADYI’m so happy to serve as your First Lady of Medinah for 2018. My goal is for all of us ladies to have fun andsupport our hospital this year, while providing opportunities to show off our “bling” and “disco moves”! Our bigladies event for the year is the fashion show “Bling It On” at Drury Lane on Saturday May 19th. We have alreadycollected a room full of fabulous items for our Lucky Lady Raffle and have other fun surprises planned. If youhaven’t yet purchased your ticket for the show, please hurry before we sell out. And if you can’t attend, you cansupport our project by purchasing raffle tickets (5 for $20) to have an opportunity to win amethyst and diamondearrings, an amethyst and diamond pendant, 14 k gold earrings, or $250 in cash, all with a fabulous “Bling It On”clutch purse. Proceeds from this raffle and the fashion show will be used to purchase special pediatric scopes forsmall joints and hips to help in the new Sports Medicine program at the Chicago hospital.Our first Karaoke night at the Oasis was a huge success. I hope you’ll join me for the next one – May 12th. Youdon’t have to sing to enjoy the show and have fun. Other upcoming events include the family dinner nights onthe 4th Wednesday of every month and our Nobility Ball April 14th. Check the Medinah website at fordetails on these and other events.I hope you’ll feel free to talk to me about any ideas you have for fun events – this is YOUR Shrine, and I’d love tohear feedback about how we’re doing. Keep dancin’ ladies!Debbie Jo KissaneMedinah’s 2018 First LadyTHE RECORDER’S MESSAGEAs of the writing of this page we are about a week away from the first official days of Spring. Our Parade seasonhas begun with the first St Patrick's day parades, I am sure a few pints of Green beer have been had by morethan a few. Please remember to submit your parade requests in a timely manner to Noble Jim Brotts for approvalbefore your unit, club or committee sets out to a parade.We have our new Medinah website up and running and we are constantly tweaking and refining our new site tomake improvements for all. Please visit our new site! You can purchase tickets to events and pay your Medinahdues safely and securely and receive an instant receipt for your purchase. We will also have a new web masterfor our new site.The Dixieland Night was a huge success, being sold out in almost a matter of weeks when first advertised. Kudosto the Hospitality Committee for all their hard work for this great annual event. The Nobility Ball is now around thecorner. If you have not purchased your tickets please do so online or in person.Our outside parking lot lighting is half complete with converting our exterior lighting to LED lights. This will saveour Shrine Center many dollars over the long term.Nobles we need petitions for new members, our Spring Ceremonial is around the corner...April 28th to be exact.We need your help in bringing new members into the greatest philanthropic organization in the world. So pleasepick up a petition and get it into the hands of a candidate for our April ceremonial.Yours in the Faith,Fred S. KaufmanRecorder Medinah Shrine Remember to support your Blue Lodge... Not all Masons are Shriners, but all Shriners are Masons.Spring 2018 5

Meet Your \"COG\" Illustrious Sir William Kissane appoints Joseph \"Jay\" Alfirevic as 2018's \"Captain of the Guard\" Jay was born in Chicago and has fond memories as a child of seeing certain white \"Harley Hogs\" in parades of the time and being taken to Medinah Temple annually by his Aunt to see the Shrine Circus. When he received his diploma from Brother Rice High School, it was on the stage at Medinah Temple - and the seeds were planted. From age 16 on he was also involved in charitable fund raising to support an orphanage in Acapulco, Mexico. Off to Northwestern University where he received a Bachelors in Industrial Engineering and a Masters of Management. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity and still serves as a Trustee of The Mitchell Fund. He met his Lady Susan at a Halloween Party at NU and they have been inseparable ever since. A treat for him and a trick for her! Susan and Jay raised two grown children, Melissa and Michael and are proud grandparents of Jackson, with another grandson expected in April. The Alfirevic's have resided in Hinsdale, Illinois for the past 21 years. After college Jay joined the international accounting firm of Ernst & Young LLP. Earning his Certified Public Account certificate, he advanced to become Partner. He then joined a group of colleagues who founded a specialized hospital management consulting firm and became Partner and Chief Financial Officer for Wellspring Partners Ltd. He is now retired. Jay bought his first motorcycle in 2001. Susan's family resided in Rapid City, SD and Orlando, FL so \"Sturgis\" and \"Daytona\" became regular trips, but he was still in search of much more…. Motorcycles. Parades. Fraternity. Children's Charities. Service. Hospitals. After reading an article in \"Modern Healthcare\" magazine about Shriner's Hospitals for Children in early 2005 Jay knew he had found one organization that could tie all his passions together. He contacted Medinah Motor Corps and began his Masonic journey. It has been non-stop ever since. Jay was raised a Master Mason in April 2006 at Hinsdale Masonic Lodge #934 AF&AM. He served as Master of the Lodge for the 2010/2011 Masonic year. He is a recipient of the Lodge Builders Award and a member of the Society of King Solomon. He attends Lodge regularly and performs ritual work in all 3 degrees. He joined Medinah Shriners in April 2006 and is an active member of Medinah Motor Corps parade and competition drill teams and regularly attends GLSA and Imperial Sessions. Jay served as Commander in 2012 and is currently Treasurer. Jay & Susan served as Potentate's Aides to Illustrious Sir Donald R. Marquardt in 2013. Secretary / Treasurer of the International Association of Shrine Motor Corps (IASMC) 2009 - Present. Member - Board of Directors, Shriners Hospital For Children - Chicago. He is also involved in other appendant bodies and organizations including: Scottish Rite, York Rite, Royal Order of Jesters, El Hajj Social Club, Benevolent Order of Crabs, and Chicago Kentucky Colonels. Jay and Susan are delighted to be able to serve Illustrious Sir William \"Bill\" Kissane and his Lady Debbie Jo and all the Nobles and Ladies of Medinah Temple in the upcoming year. This is the greatest fraternity supporting the greatest philanthropy!6 Medinah Shriner

Spring 2018 7

MEDINAH SHRINER’S ANNUAL VIDALIA ONION SALE The ONIONS are coming...right from the grower! Pick-up is May 16th & 17th ONION PRICING: $6.00 - One 5 pound bag $11.00 - One 10 pound bag $20.00 - Two 10 pound bags Sell your onions from Friday, May 18th - Sunday, May 20th Visit the Medinah website ( for Pre-sale & Site forms. Hover over “Events” and click on “Medinah Temple Events”.8 Medinah Shriner

Spring 2018 9

IN MEMORIAMNOBLES VISITED BY THE BLACK CAMEL Donald M. Anderson “God rested them in Peace.” John J. Kopsian Carol L. Bateman To the land of promised rest, Richard J. Mandahl Allen S. Bellos Their work is done and the setting sun Jerome Broutman Has sealed their life’s request. Michael M. Marx They have left this earthly strand Steve Mayor Walter R. Christoph For the house beyond the sea. Franklin B. Coffman Celestino “Tino” Palomar Though the past is gone, James Policandriotes Cecil Davis They still live on Sheldon A. Shapiro David Dildine To us all ~ Warren E. Spitz Richard J. Durava William Toerpe, Jr.Marvin “Marv” C. James Sweet is our memory. Robert C. Watkins Robert Jesberg Gordon C. Woeltje Robert H. Jessen Widows of Medinah Nobles Are you a Shriner’s widow or do you know someone who is? Are you looking for a way to stay connected to the Shrine family? We would love to have you join us for a luncheon and meeting where we come together for fellowship, fun, and to support the Shriner’s Hospital. Our liaison is Wilbur Schenk, Past Potentate. We meet the 1st Saturday of the month (except May when we attend the Ladies Fashion Show, and July & September). Our next meeting is April 7, 2018 at the Medinah Shrine Center. We will be discussing upcoming Medinah events. If you are interested in joining our group, please contact Phyllis Amidei at (847) 297-3405. We look forward to meeting you!10 Medinah Shriner

100 Million Dollar Club & Royal Order of the Rose100 Million Dollar Club Royal Order of the RoseThe achievement of raising $100,000,000 will assure In addition, when a Noble contributes $100 or more to themaintenance of the “world’s greatest philanthropy”, and continue Million Dollar Club in the name of a Lady, the Noble not only receiveson a permanent basis the work of the 22 Shriners Hospitals for a 100 Million Dollar Club Certificate, the Lady will also receive a RoyalChildren® in treating and restoring youngsters with orthopedic Order of the Rose Certificate, as well as a rose pin to wear at allproblems and burn injuries to a normal, useful life. You can be Shrine Functions to commemorate her induction into the “Royal Orderan important member of the 100 Million Dollar Club by sending of the Rose”. The donation can be designated on behalf of, or inyour check for $100 (or stating that you have provision in your will memory of, your wife, mother, sister, daughter, granddaughter,giving at least $100) payable to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®, grandmother, aunt, or any other special lady in your life. So Nobles,to the Recorder’s Office at Medinah Shrine Center. honor your ladies by changing the lives of the children in our care.Nobles who make a contribution may also purchase a $100 Millionfez tassel pin, for a fee of $15.00, at the Medinah Office. 100 Million Dollar Club Donors James C. Zakos Fred J. Hunter In Memory of Gus P. Zakos In Memory of Joseph & Anne Hunter Joseph Malatia_________________________________________________Medinah Shrine Center ❑ I have enclosed my check for $100 payable to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®.550 N. Shriners Drive ❑ I have enclosed a copy of my will (or have added a codicil to my present will) giving atAddison, IL 60101 least $100 to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®.My Pledge ~ ❑ If in honor or memory of a specific person, or with other special intent, please indicateI want to be a member of the “100 Million in the area below:Dollar Club” and a benefactor of the ShrinersHospitals for Children®. Name ……………………………………………………………………………………..Signed: Address ………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………… City ………………………………………………………. State ………. Zip ……….._________________________________________________ 2018 Dues are now due. Please call the office at (630) 889-1400 to pay by credit card OR….. mail your check made payable to “Medinah Shriners” to: 550 N. Shriners Drive Addison, IL 60101 Please remember to include your MEMBERSHIP NUMBER.Spring 2018 11

THE ROUNDY JEWEL AWARD:This award was named after Frank C. Roundy who was the 10th Potentate ofMedinah and became the 1st Past Potentate of Medinah to become an Imperial Potentate.The Roundy Jewel Award is given to Nobles for achieving a certain number of points associated with recruiting new members and/or restoring former members.You most likely have seen your fellow Nobles wearing a red, green, and yellow ribbon with a jewel hanging from it at certain Medinah events. This is the ROUNDY JEWEL. Find a few good candidates and start earning your points! Visit OasisMedinah’s Restaurant WHO...Any member & your guestsWHAT...Your own private restaurant & lounge offering an assortment ofsteaks, chops, seafood, & pasta meals as well as liquid refreshments.WHERE...550 N. Shriners Drive, Addison, ILWHEN...Friday & Saturday from 4pm till midnight. Dinners are served from 5pm till 9pm.WHY...It’s one of the benefits of your membership. It’s for you to enjoywith your family, fellow nobles, & friends. Noble ladies are alwayswelcome. Check Medinah’s “Calendar of Events” on our website for entertainment & weekly dinner specials! Reservations are recommended: 630.458.0200 Suggested attire is tastefully casual. Free WiFi spot.12 Medinah Shriner

Spring 2018 13

14 Medinah Shriner

Always having fun!Spring 2018 15

16 Medinah Shriner

Smiles All AroundSpring 2018 17

Friendship & Family Medinah Shriner18

Spring 2018 19

Please contact Jay Reed (847) 772-5000 or Stephan Meyn (630) 432-1238 with any questions OR…[email protected]….OR…[email protected] Medinah Shriner

Medinah Activities!Spring 2018 21

Letters….we get letters!22 Medinah Shriner

Spring 2018 23

The 44th Annual Illinois High School Shrine Game is scheduled for June 16, 2018 at Tucci Stadium on the campus of Illinois Wesleyan University The Venue: Tucci Stadium on the campus of Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, Illinois. Saturday, June 16: • Walk for Love walking/running event at 9:00 am. • Illinois High School Shrine Game Pregame starting at 11:45 am with kick-off at 1:00 pm. Accommodations: Our host hotel will be the Double Tree Hotel for $112.00 per room and must be reserved by 5/25/2018. Their phone number is 309-664-6446 under the “Shriners International”. You will receive a complimentary breakfast and after the players banquet an extra event for parents, friends of players, and Shriners in Ball Room 5&6 for an evening of fun and entertainment. Book your Room today! Free Parking. Additional info: Medinah Shriner

Spring 2018 25

News of Units, Committees, & SC’s AMATEUR RADIO Greetings: On February 17, 2018, the Medinah Shrine Amateur Radio Unit hosted its 3rd annual Official Visit honoring Illustrious Sir William Kissane and the First Lady of Medinah, Debbie Jo. After the usual opening ceremonies, the group enjoyed a variety of food representing several regions of the world. An exhibition of radios from different periods in the history of the hobby was on display. In addition, the Potentate was presented with a commemorative microphone for display on his desk. The group relocated to the Radio Room where a contact was made via ham radio with John Laycock, KM4DPW. John is a member of the Medinah Shrine Amateur Radio Unit and lives in Spring Hill, Florida. It was great to talk to our friend, John and to say “hi” to his lovely wife, Barney, also a “ham.” We wish you well. We then returned to the ballroom where raffle prizes were awarded to lucky winners. It should noted that the winner of the 50/50, Vickie Curran, donated her winnings to the First Lady’s fund. Thank you! Thanks to all who attended our O.V. and a special thank you to Dale, Amber and Shannon Costello, Janie Gallina, Rich Zoldadz, John Franta, and the Kurt Rubin clan for all of your support. Their hard work and continued support made this event a huge success. We are planning a Youth Day in early fall (September) in which we will welcome kids from Demolay, Job’s Daughters, Rainbow, the Boy/Girl Scouts, and the Cub Scouts. We will be conducting a demonstration of the radio equipment and an explanation of radio theory. We would like to dovetail it into a program to assist the scouts in earning a merit badge in amateur radio. We will be encouraging parents to attend in order to promote an interest in the Shrine. A plan is in the works to conduct a Ham Radio Technician Class in early June on two consecutive Saturdays. Anyone interested in getting your “ticket,” please contact me. The class is open to all and the costs are minimal. Congratulations to Ed Kerfin, KD9KKT on obtaining his amateur radio license. We look forward to you becoming a member of our unit. 73’s Michael A. Langer, kg9kr Director Medinah Shrine Amateur Radio Unit ANTIQUE CARS Hello Nobles and Ladies, It’s been a long, cold winter and we are excited to dust off our rides and hit the streets again. Parade season is upon us. As I write this letter many of our members are in Elmhurst preparing to drive in the Elmhurst St. Patty’s Day Parade. You may also catch us at any one of our usual civic or Medinah sanctioned parades thought the spring and summer. Hope to see you at one. Our holiday party was a success and fun was had by all in attendance. After being cooped-up in the garage for months, it feels good to shift gears and hit the road again. The snow has melted and the rain’s washed the salt and grime away. We are going to hit the road and raise money for our various charitable causes, the noblest being, Shriner’s Hospital. 26 Medinah Shriner

ANTIQUE CARS (continued)If you are thinking of joining a club, consider ours. All you need is aninterest in antique vehicles and a willingness to help. We meet at Mac’sGolden Pheasant the 4th Wednesday of every month, except December.Josh Stoner,[email protected] in ChiefCLOWNS The Medinah Shrine Clown Unit has teamed up with the Carter Westminster United Presbyterian Church Ladies and Friends, to provide blankets for the kids who areJohn “JAY JAY” Joseph admitted to our hospital.MCU, Assistant Director Once a month, the clowns pick up 15 to 20 blankets and deliver them to the hospital during their normal Wednesday visits. The Clowns donated money to buy yarn and the ladies knitted the blankets. The ladies love doing this for the kids and the kids love the blankets. Over 80 blankets have been donated to date. Attached are photos from our latest delivery of blankets which also included some knitted dolls. Thank you ladies. The kids love the blankets! continued on the next page…. SC1501 10” Walnut Gavel with Sounding Block Engraved Brass-Banded Gavel $75.00 SC1502 SC1402 SC1503 Engraved Plaque and Piano Finish Directors Set 4”x5” 9”x12” Engraved Brass-Band Gavel Includes: 10” Rosewood Piano Finish Gavel, Genuine Walnut Sounding Block, Brass Gavel Band and Case. Arch Piano Finish Plaque with $90.00 Engraved Gavel Band and Sounding Block Desk Clock 10” Gavel $325.00 Engraved Brass Plaque with Black Oxidized LettersSpring 2018 $58.00 27

News of Units, Committees, & SC’s CLOWNS (continued) I would like to thank Illustrious Sir Bill Kissane for appointing me Director of the Medinah Clowns. Nui and I have some big clown shoes to fill following Rupert ‘Cy-Lo’ Solis and Trish, who served as our Director for the past three years. On behalf of the Unit, I would like to thank Cy-Lo and Trish for the leadership they provided, and I hope we can continue moving the Unit forward as they did. John ‘Jay Jay’ Joseph and Rich ‘Gotcha’ Gottschlich recently attended the International Shrine Clown Association (ISCA) Mid-Winter Session in Las Vegas. Gotcha took second place in cheek art face painting, and Jay Jay was installed as the 1st Vice President. The Medinah Clowns will be hosting the ISCA Mid-Winter Session in 2019 where Jay Jay will become the first ISCA President from Medinah since 1963. Carl ‘Mulligan’ Molyneaux is currently president of the Great Lakes Shrine Clown Units Association (GLSCUA), and the Unit is hard at work preparing for the Spring Convention, “Center Ring at Medinah”. The competition will be for Clowns from all over the Great Lakes region, and I hope to be able to report in the next magazine about all the awards the Unit won! Parade season has finally begun with the Clowns participating in the Forest Park and Elmhurst St. Patrick’s Day parades in March. Our schedule is quickly filling up for the rest of the year. If any Noble is interested in learning more about the Unit or would like to be ‘clown for a day’, please contact me or Jay Jay at 847-483-4520 or [email protected]. Miles of Smiles, Tracy ‘Peanut’ Burcham, Director 630-310-1183 [email protected] HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A “CLOWN FOR A DAY”? Contact John “Jay Jay” Joseph for more information. [email protected] or (847) 483-4520 28 Medinah Shriner

FOX VALLEY SCAnnual Meeting – Fox Valley SC started the year 2018 with election of their Officers and Directors at HoulihansRestaurant in Geneva on January 17, 2018. Twenty members attended the dinner function. The evening startedwith socializing and remembering events of year’s past. Members had their choice of dinner. All were well pleasewith their selections. After the meal, members elected the following members to their respective 2018 positions:President -------- James E. Mack2nd VP ----------- Orville C. Grammer3rd VP ----------- James A. WestcottTreasurer -------- Richard A. MickelsenSecretary -------- James D. Ridder2019 Director --- Glen E. MacArthur2019 Director --- Jacob J. DeKoyer2020 Director --- Lucas Schulz2020 Director --- Jake Schulz2021 Director --- Harold C. Erickson, Jr.2021 Director --- Ronald D. ConnellyCongratulations President Elect James Mack who provided the club with a look at his coming year. Wow … heprovided many great ideas and an interesting year!The club gave Past President Dean a well-deserved “Well Done” for his being President for two years and a clubplaque to remember the fun he had as President.Annual Valentine Ball/OV – This isthe Club’s major social event of theyear. The Valentine Ball/OV was heldon Saturday, February 10, 2018 atLincoln Inn in Batavia. What morecould you ask for?…a beautiful,outstanding evening with your lady andan artist’s drawing of white, snow-covered ground with additional snowfalling as attendees departed. Eventhough traveling conditions were not thebest, it was a wonderful night to be withone’s lover. More than 80 nobles andguests attended, starting the eveningwith good, old-fashioned socializing andfellowship…while enjoying deliciousappetizers. The evening was complete with a delicious dinner of choice, presentations, and dancing with your special sweetheart to the music of Creative DJ. All of this reflected the beauty of the evening and the start of the new Medinah/Fox Valley SC year. What a way to spend the evening….President James Mack, you gave us an evening to remember. Thank You Mr. President! When the time for the evening to end and the music stopped…all returned safely home. Fox Valley’s First Lady Kylie Mack presented Medinah’s First Lady Debbie Jo with a bouquet of a beautiful dozen red long stem roses. Wow, it was breathtaking. Fox Valley President James presented Potentate Kissane with a $2,000 Fox Valley SC check for the Shriners Hospitals for Children and $500 Fox Valley SC check for Medinah’s Transportation Fund. Thank you Potentate Bill and First Lady Debbie Jo for a beautiful evening!Spring 2018 29

News of Units, Committees, & SC’s FOX VALLEY SC (continued) New Fox Valley SC Members – Congratulations to Jody Switzer joining FVSC in December, William F. Anderson, Dusty Dobbs, Zachary P. Schulz, and David Zielinski all joining FVSC in January, and Phillip Vovola in March. Welcome aboard ALL! 2018 Onion Sales – Our onion sales will be the weekend of May 17 thru 20. The Club will request 400 bags of onions to sell at our normal sites: two in Geneva – Ace Hardware on West State Street and the former Orlando’s Pizza location on East State Street and Lumes Restaurant at the intersection of Randall Road and Fabyan Parkway in Batavia. Membership help will be required. Parades – The Club will participate in its normal parades and more. Parade Chairman Walter Bamert will provide a workable schedule shortly. You will receive an email to participate in each parade. Watch your email and volunteer when asked to ride the calliope. The parades are a great way to see your neighbors while enjoying a free ride and great fellowship with other Fox Valley SC nobles! Monthly Meeting - Fox Valley meets monthly to plan events for the year. Meetings begin at 9:30am, the second Saturday, at the Geneva Masonic Building, 2nd floor rear entrance. All nobles are welcome to attend and enjoy the special fellowship that nobles exchange when they gather together to promote Medinah, the Shrine in general, our Hospitals, and the Fox Valley SC. All refreshment served are calorie free and the coffee is brewed fresh. We will see you at our next meeting. We enjoy seeing your masonic smile. Jim Ridder Scribe HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Medinah hospitality CoMMittee’s DIXIELAND NIGHT 2018 Medinah Hospitality Committee’s DIXIELAND NIGHT served nearly 750 guests and sold out in three weeks! The event was held on March 10th at Medinah Shrine Center and received many enthusiastic and positive reviews from those who attended. Larry and Mary Jo Awbrey coordinated all event ticket sales and headed up registration, assisted by Debbie Evans, Diana Churma, and Jim and Carole Ridder. Rupert Solis managed our “Meat Cutting” team: Lance Evans PP, Keith Koopman, Steve Handley, Tracy Burcham, Khalid Sabri, Giggles, and Sam Spector. In the Oasis meat cutters were Jaime Alcantara and Jasper Lukose. Ticket takers were Bob Alley PP, Lee Bradley, Scott Sonnenberg, and Dwaine Churma; while Jim Ridder and Reno Reguya did the honors in The Oasis. Illustrious Potentate William Kissane spoke to Medinah’s guests after dinner to inform them of our upcoming Sportsman’s Raffle, and his Lady Debbie Jo talked about the upcoming fashion show and flower show. Alan Petrucci, Khalid Sabri, Andrew Conlisk, and Cyndi Kustush coordinated our raffle sales. Cyndi chairs our Ladies Auxiliary Committee, THE HONEY BEES. Our ladies obtained all the items, including many generously donated prizes, that went into the 21 beautiful booze baskets that were raffled. We appreciate their efforts to collect and assemble them as many weeks of preparation are involved in creating each one.30 Medinah Shriner

HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE (continued) Speaking of raffle tickets, the Hospitality Committee held two big 50/50 raffles in addition to the booze basket raffle during Dixieland. Steve and Cyndi Handley were the top sellers of booze basket raffle tickets this year, but everyone did a great job! Other sellers included Lee Bradley, Dwaine Churma, Jose Carandang, Bill and Jeanne Hunter, Ron and Sue Jansen, Mac Jun Ramos, Reno Reguya, Jim Ridder, Jerry Sparks, Jan Alley, Fortunata Alcantara, Karen Lukose, Trish Solis and her daughter Rachel, and Sharon Wojciechowski. Raffle tickets for our special basket, which featured a Patrick Kane Blackhawks sweater and two Chicago Cubs tickets for the upcoming season (plus lots of other goodies) were sold by Phil Vovola and John Wojciechowski.Proceeds from our booze basket sales will be donated to the ShrinersHospitals for Children - Chicago, who gifted us with a wonderfully HUGEposter thanking us for last year’s donation of $10,000 for the Ballreichactivity mall floor project. The poster helped raise awareness about howfunds raised during this annual event benefit the hospital.DJ Vince Magsino kept everybody dancing in the ballroom until the close ofthe event. Illustrious Potentate Bill Kissane provided us with a surprise DJ,Rick Miller, who entertained guests in the Oasis.Many thanks to Rich Schak for all the great photos. Additionally, I want tothank ALL of Medinah members for attending our event. Without all of you,your family, and your friends, donations like this would not be possible!Ray KustushSpring 2018 31

News of Units, Committees, & SC’s LEGION OF HONOR It’s been another busy start for the Legion of Honor. Our unit is continuing to support the “Veteran’s Closet”. Midwest Veterans Closet is a not-for-profit Rapid Response charity that is taking the lead in impacting Veterans lives by providing clothing, household items, shoes and boots, linens, and food from our Food and Nutrition Resource Center. For all Medinah members if you have any clothing you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please drop your bags in the Patrol room. We are ready for the parade season to begin and continue to support Medinah in all of the events. Welcome to our new member Joe Pegoraro!! Joe is a Navy veteran and brings a wealth of experience to the unit. Our current membership stands at 34. We are looking for military veterans to join the LOH to support all veterans in the shrine. The LOH meetings are the 1st Wednesday of each month and dinner is served at each meeting.MEMBERSHIP MEDINAH SHRINESIGNS, SIGNS, EVERYWHERE’S A SIGN CENTERFor several years the Membership Committee has beentrying to have signs posted on I-355 showing the way tothe Medinah Shrine Center. A big thank you to NobleMichael Langer for all of his efforts in finally being able toget these signs installed. Noble Langer was able to cutthrough all of the red tape for the signs by working withthe Illinois Tollway, State of Illinois, and the Village ofAddison. If you are traveling north on I-355, there is asign telling motorists to exit onto Army Trail Road for theMedinah Shrine Center. At the bottom of the ramp fromI-355 to Army Trail Road is another sign with an arrowpointing to the direction of the Medinah Shrine Center.And our third sign is on Army Trail Road just before theintersection with Swift Road with another arrow pointingto the direction of the Medinah Shrine Center.32 Medinah Shriner

MINI-CHOPPERS The Mighty Medinah Mini Choppers hope that everyone is having a great 2018. Our special well wishes go to Illustrious Sir Bill Kissane and First Lady Debbie Jo. We know that they will have a fantastic year. We also wanted to thank Illustrious Sir Lance Evans and First Lady Debbie for a fantastic 2017. It is with great pride that we can say despite some rain, break downs, and steaming summer heat, the Mini Choppers completed 23 parades in 2017. This allowed us to make a notable donation to the Shriners Hospital For Children Chicago and to the Medinah Transportation Fund. During the past few years, we have paraded from Morris to Zion and practically everywhere else in between. While our main focus is fundraising for the Shriners Hospital and continuing to create awareness about our Fraternal mission, we also see our parading as an opportunity to bring joy and smiles to the parade going public. We are so grateful that the general public has such affection for the Shriners. There is something about that FEZ that is memorizing! The way we see it - if we can help someone forget their troubles for even one moment and bring a smile to young and old alike, we have made a difference in peoples’ lives. The Mini Choppers are looking forward to a great 2018 parade season. We are proud to be Masons and especially proud to be Medinah Shriners. Our activities will start with 3 St. Patrick’s Day parades in March. We wanted to wish all our Brother Noblesand ladies a wonderful parade season. Be safe out there, spread happiness and good will wherever you go and besure to say hello when you see our Mini Choppers along the parade route!Alexander EdwardsSpring 2018 33

News of Units, Committees, & SC’s MOTOR CORPS 2018 is off to a great start – January we had our awards banquet and would like to congratulate: Chris Rupert as “Man of the Year“ Chris (Biscuit) Goldin received the “Tom DeSmidt Award” Keith Koopman received the “Earl McNutt Award” William Kissane (Potentate), Richard Miller, & Lester Szkodzinski received the “Paul Gantz Award” Brandon Temesvary received the “Crash Award” Frank Campagna won the “I Have Fallen and Can’t Get Up” Award Chuck Wilson received the “Mamaluke Award” Patrick Temesvary nabbed the A”ttendance Award” When you see these members, please congratulate them on their achievements. During our awards banquet we gathered as many of the living Past Commanders of Medinah Motor Corps. as we could… Back L/R – William Kissane (Potentate), James Kristof, Donald Shaffer Front L/R – Jay Alfirevic (COG), Bruce (BJ) James, Donald Helmig, Donald Marquardt (Past Pote), Patrick Temesvary (current Commander) Thank you Past Commanders for your leadership. February we held our annual elections and would like to congratulate: Richard Miller as Secretary & Jay Alfirevic (COG) as Treasurer – Thank you both for your hard work. Our parade Chair, William Kurz has begun filling in the annual calendar and we’re off to a good start. 20 events and that is only till end of May… its going to be a busy year! Bill, please make sure you leave us time for some Camel’s Milk…lol A big CONGRATULATIONS to our 2018 Potentate William Kissane and 1st Lady Debbie Jo. We look forward to a fun filled year. Patrick Temesvary Commander 34 Medinah Shriner

PAST MASTERSOur next men-only meeting will be Wednesday March 21, 2018. Dinner at 6:30pm followed by meetingat 7:00pm. We are looking for someone to chair our next ladies night and are also looking for thoseinterested in presenting Certificates of Congratulations from Medinah to Worshipful Masters who arealso Shriners. Make your reservations with our Treasurer, Noble Paul Sliva: email [email protected] orcall him at (708) 579-5086.Hospital Day this year will be on Sunday, June 3, 2018. The Past Masters Committee will be dispensingfree popcorn to all those in attendance. Anyone who would like to help man the booth, please give mea call. We will also March in the parade at 2:30 p.m.On June 9, 2018, we will once again have a Leadership Training Seminar for Senior and Junior Wardensand Senior Deacons. This is not a learning ritual but rather learning how be a great leader to help yourLodge grow. Our speakers on leadership will be WPGM Noble Tony Cracco & Noble Joe Malatia. Thisevent is sponsored by Medinah at no charge to attendees. Coffee & rolls -- 9:30am. Session #1 -- 10:00am sharp. Lunch & tours of Medinah -- 12:00 noon. Session #2 -- 1:00pm sharp. Make yourreservations with our Treasurer, Noble Paul Sliva email [email protected] or call him at (708) 579-5086.If you have an incoming Worshipful Master or sitting Worshipful Master who is also a Shriner, ourCommittee will be happy to visit your Lodge and present him with a Certificate of Congratulations fromMedinah.Noble Joe Pegoraro with the assistance of Noble Sherwin Baker will be handling the certificatepresentations. Please contact Noble Joe at: (847) 525-5858 or [email protected]. If for any reasonyou are unable to reach Noble Joe, feel free to contact Noble Sherwin Baker at: (847) 732-8730.Our new Secretary is Noble David Truax. His contact information is: (630) 639-2338 [email protected] . If you are aware of a Shriner that is a Past Master who is not receiving emailcommunications, please have him contact Noble David.The Past Masters Committee is the primary link between Medinah and the local blue lodges. Dues forour Committee are only $10 per year. Please feel free to contact me by email at:[email protected] or call me at: (847) 381-7555 ext. 101 if you would like more information orwould be interested in becoming a member.Fraternally,John Peter Curielli, Director Past Masters CommitteeSpring 2018 35

LAW OFFICES OF John PeterCurielli, P. C. 126 SOUTH NORTHWEST HIGHWAY BARRINGTON, IL 60010 - 4608 Phone: (847) 381 - 7555 Fax: (847) 381 - 7578 Email: [email protected] Website: ESTATE PLANNING WILLS - TRUSTS PROBATE BUSINESS LAW COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS REAL ESTATE PERSONAL INJURY36 Medinah Shriner

News of Units, Committees, & SC’s PAST MASTERS Illustrious Sir William Kissane presents a “Certificate of Congratulations” to the Worshipful Master of Medinah Lodge 1182 Fred Kaufman.Medinah is collecting PULL TABS for our Shrine hospital!!Shriners Hospitals for Children inChicago and Cincinnati havebeen collecting pull tabs or “poptops” from beverage cans formore than 16 years, recyclingthem, and donating the money toprograms that directly benefitour young patients.Since it’s inception, about a DON’T TOSS THEM AWAY…half-million pounds of aluminumtabs have been collected and POP THEM OFF AND HELPrecycled. That’s AMAZING! OUR KIDS!Did you know?The tabs are the only purealuminum part of the can. We will place a collection bucket outside the office where you can drop your tabs.Spring 2018 37

News of Units, Committees, & SC’s SOUTHWEST SIDE SC Greetings! Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your President of the SWSSC. This is our 4th year parading with the antique Mini-T cars. They are all tuned up and ready for another year of parading. We also participate in various events such as the Onion sales and Sportsman’s Raffle. Some of our members are also involved with the Hospital Committee. Fellow Nobles - if you are not a member of a Shrine unit or club, feel free to join us on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6pm. We meet at Jenny’s Southside Tap, located at 10160 W. 191st St. in Mokena, IL. 60448 For further meeting, parade, and membership information, please contact Randy Rexford at 708-305-5984. Fraternally, Ken Klotz President Jimmy’s Bavarians 630-543-789938 Medinah Shriner

USHERS2017 came – stayed for a while – and then went away. 2018 is here now and has begun it’s marchforward . . .Looking back at 2017 – the Ushers can’t complain – we had a good year. Below are the numbers for2017 and the months of January thru February 2018.Number of regular tours of 10 guests or less YEAR JAN/FEBNumber of guests on regular tours 2017 2018Number of Ushers available for regular tours 54 7Number of special tours of 10 guests or more 160 19Number of guests on special tours 60 8Number of Ushers available for special tours 16 0Number of Ushers on duty 882 0Total Hours Conducting Tours 35 0 750 114 2,832 456In March GLSA’s Clown Association held its annual meeting at Medinah Shrine Center. A group visitedShriners Hospital for Children® Chicago. The group were given a limited tour because of the fluquarantine but were told about all the services provided at SHC-C. HOSPITAL DAY Sunday, June 3, 2018 Open House Plan to attendThe Blossom Queens from Berrien County, Michigan – one lady more lovely than the other - visited thehospital, all forty five of them plus a couple of Kings. The Queens are from each of the communities inBerrien County such as Paw Paw, Buchanan, Benton Harbor, St. Joseph, etc. The Queens and the Kingstoured the hospital and later interacted with some of the patients. This group which is sponsored bythe Berrien County Shrine Club (Saladin Shrine Grand Rapids) has been coming to SHC-C for the past 50years! The Illinois Shrine Bowl Football team will visit the SHC-C in July. These young men are recent graduates who have been selected by their coaches to pay football for the benefit of Shriners Hospital Chicago and St. Louis. Traveling with the team will be coaches, various Shrine Center members, corporate sponsors, and media, both video and print. The young men will tour the hospital to see what and why they are playing football. Lunch will be served in the back garden/patio area and will consist of hot dogs, watermelon, chips, and the works. Then they will interact with some of the patients even try their hand at wheelchair basketball before heading back to Bloomington for a late afternoon practice.Spring 2018 39

Simply Kathleen & Saxy Rick For All of Your Occasions.40 Medinah Shriner

USHERS (continued)Remember, it is very simple and easy to refer a child to thehospital for treatment. Just call this local phone number thatconnects you to the Admissions Department – the number isConditions treated include – but are not limited to –:: Diseases of the bones, joints, spine and muscles :: Scoliasis and other spine deformities :: Spine Bifida :: Osteogenasis Imperfecta (OI) (Brittle Bone) :: Limb length deficiencies :: Club foot :: Dislocated hips :: Hand deformities :: Dysplasia of the bones and joints:: Orthopedic conditions associated with cerebral palsy:: Cleft Lip and Palate:: Congetial or acquired facial deformities:: Spinal cord injuries:: Sports injuriesFor more information and an extensive list of conditions treated, please contact the “773” number –773-385-5437(KIDS)The Ushers are like to the “Marines” – we are always looking for a few good men. If you have a few spare hoursand are looking for something worthwhile to do and you like kids – we have the answer. If you and your ladyare in that position and would be interested in spending a few hours at Shriners Hospital for Children, stop byand see what we do. It isn’t difficult and some don’t even call it work. Once you have see what the Ushers doand are interested, please contact our Secretary John Sanger (Phone 708-453-0649).In the next issue, we’ll have some pictures of the Queens and the Kings, but for now enough has been said tobe safe . . .There is no “I” in Ushers it is “US”Yours In The Faith,Bob GillfillanDirector/UshersSpring 2018 41

42 Medinah Shriner

Spring 2018 43

This year’s Great Please join us in exciting Lakes session will Daytona Beach, Florida be held in Grand for the 2018 Imperial Rapids, Michigan. Session. Beautiful beaches, The cost is $300 per sunshine, and a great time person + $20 are ALL included in your Medinah package! Registration fee per If you haven’t attended Noble…$620 in total before, now is your if you are bringing chance to join in the fun, your Lady. You will watch our units compete, and meet Nobles from be treated to the across the country. BEST Hospitality Suite in the land Medinah Shriner and a parade after- glow party! Sign up soon - the deadline is August 1st.44

Spring 2018 Visit the “calendar” on our Medinah website to down- load the Car Show flyer that contains the full registration form. Visit: Hover over “Events” at the top and click on “Calendar”. Click on “Events In” located under the crescent & scimitar. Select September. Once the month appears, click on the 30th and click on the link to the flyer. 45

46 Medinah Shriner

Spring 2018 47

Moving? Please remember to notify the Medinah Office so that your membership data can be updated. FEZ Fraternal Entertainment Zone LET’S HAVE FUN!

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