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Home Explore Kingsway-Business-Park


Published by Creativeworld, 2017-06-01 05:02:41

Description: Kingsway-Business-Park


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THE SITEKingsway Business Park is one of the premier business parks in the North West, benefittingfrom the following:• Adjacent to junction 21 of M62 In addition local amenities planned to include:• 420 acre strategic development for B1, B2 & B8 uses • Hotel• 2m sq ft of development • Café & Restaurant already delivered on site • Gym• Existing occupiers include Asda Wincanton, • Childcare JD Sports, CR Laurence, E.ON • Convenience Store and Takeuchi MFG • Small retail units• Dedicated Metrolink stop directly connecting to Manchester City Centre• 30 acres of Green SpaceMASTERPLAN OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE K-55 K-35 K-75 OFFICE K-40TERMSUpon application.ACCOMMODATION Warehouse / Production Office (First Floor) Total GIA Unit sq ft sq m sq ft sq m sq ft sq m CPS K-35 33,250 3,089 1,750 163 35,000 3,252 33K-40 37 K-55 38,000 3,530 2,000 186 40,000 3,716 51 K-75 70 52,250 4,854 2,750 255 55,000 5,110Total 71,250 6,619 3,750 348 75,000 6,968 205,000 19,045

Metrolink Kingsway h TO LEEDS M62 Michael Faraday AvenueA664 Kingsway Metrolink A6193 Sir Isaac Newton Way A6193 f TO ROCHDALE Kingsway 216 J21 i TO MANCHESTER John Milne Avenue M62 WINCANTONDEMOGRAPHICS DRIVE TIMES1,100,000 33%HIGH SKILL LEVELS WITH Destination km m time by car QUALIFIED TO M62 (J21) 2 1 3 mins PEOPLE LIVE IN THE LEVEL 4 AND M6 (J21a) 41 25.5 32 mins RECRUITMENT ABOVE 51 32 37 mins Leeds 18 11 17 mins CATCHMENT AREA M60 (J18) 43 26 34 mins OF ROCHDALE Manchester Airport 67 41.5 52 mins LiverpoolAirport 23 14.5 36 mins 28% 8,000,000 Manchester 48 30 31 mins OF THE UK PEOPLE LIVE M1 (J42) 69 43 58 mins POPULATION WITHIN A Liverpool 167 104 IS WITHIN A 60 MINUTE Birmingham 212 132 1 hr 51 mins DRIVE Newcastle 357 222 2 hrs 18 mins 120 MINUTE Edinburgh 364 226 3 hrs 56 mins 4 hrs 7 mins DRIVE OF London THIS SITE

K-35Unit K-35 benefits from the following specification:-• 35,000 sq ft• 8m eaves height to underside of haunch• 1,750 sq ft of office accommodation (at first floor)• Concrete surfaced yard and car park• 4 level access loading doors• 50kN/sq m floor loading• Power supply of 160 KVA• 33 car parking spaces• BREEAM ‘Very Good’ K-55 Unit K-55 benefits from the following specification:- • 55,000 sq ft • 8m eaves height to underside of haunch • 2,750 sq ft of office accommodation (at first floor) • Concrete surfaced yard and car park • 6 level access loading doors • 50kN/sq m floor loading • Power supply of 225 KVA • 51 car parking spaces • BREEAM ‘Very Good’

K-40Unit K-40 benefits from the following specification:-• 40,000 sq ft• 8m eaves height to underside of haunch• 2,000 sq ft of office accommodation (at first floor)• Concrete surfaced yard and car park• 4 level access loading doors• 50kN/sq m floor loading• Power supply of 180 KVA• 37 car parking spaces• BREEAM ‘Very Good’K-75Unit K-75 benefits from the following specification:-• 75,000 sq ft• 10m eaves height to underside of haunch• 3,750 sq ft of office accommodation (at first floor)• Concrete surfaced yard and car park• 8 level access loading doors plus 2 dock level access doors• 50kN/sq m floor loading• Power supply of 250 KVA• 70 car parking spaces• BREEAM ‘Very Good’

KINGSWAY BUSINESS PARK JOHN MILNE AVE ROCHDALE OL16 4NH M66 A576 A58 ROCHDALE M62 A58 A56 M61 A58 BURY J21 A664 A58 J20 B6225 M62 A627(M) J18 A62 OLDHAM M60A580 A6 A62 J12 M602 MANCHESTER A57(M) A635 ASHTON- UNDER-LYNE J24 M67 STRETFORD A6 A6 M60 A560 DIRECT ACCESS KINGSWAY METRO MANCHESTER TO J21 M62 J1 STOCKPORT ON SITE AIRPORT - 26 MILES OL16 4NHLOCATION A671 A58 SMITHY BRIDGEKingsway Business Park hasexcellent communications having A680 A58immediate access to J21 of the M62and consequently the surrounding NEWBOLD KINGSWAY MILNROWmotorway network including the M60,M56, M66, M6 and A627(M). ROCHDALE A6193 M62 J21Kingsway Business Park’s prime A664location has a catchment of 8 million A671people living within a 60 minute drivetime of the site. A627(M) M62The park also benefits from a new CASTLETONdedicated Metrolink station whichprovides direct access between J20Rochdale and Manchester City Centre. M62 A671DRONE VIDEOTo take a closer look at Kingsway 4,check out our drone video further information please contact the letting [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Act 1967: Colliers, P3 and JLL for themselves and for the vendor(s) or lessor(s) of this property whose agents they are, give notice that: 1. These particulars do not constitute, nor constitute any part of,an offer or contract. 2. None of the statements contained in these particulars as to the property are to be relied on as statements or representations of fact. 3. Any intending purchaser or lessee must satisfy himself byinspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. 4. The vendor(s) or lessor(s) do not make or give Colliers, P3, JLL nor any person in their employment any authorityto make or give, any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. Finance Act 1989: Unless otherwise stated all prices and rents are quote exclusive of VAT. Property Misdescriptions Act 1991: Thesedetails are believed to be correct at the time of compilation but may be subject to subsequent amendment. April 2017. Designed and produced by Creativeworld Tel: 01282 858200.

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