Annual Day
TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 From MD's Desk 02 Editorial 03 Article 04 ATOMS Corner 05 SLDP & ISO Certifications 06 Visits at ARI 07 Family Day Celebration
08 CSR Activity 09 Quality Month 10 Sports Events 11 Congrats to Newly Weds & Parents of Newborn 12 Short Story 13 Creative Minds at ARaymond
FFrorommMMDD''ss DDeesskk 1| From MD's Desk
From MD's Desk Dear Friends, Happy 2023, Happy New Year. I wish you, your family and your near and dear one’s, year ahead full of happiness, good health with Prosperity. The year 2022 has been a roller coaster for us. We all worked together to be better from last year. It ended with lots of lessons for us, lessons from our success and failures too. In the last quarter we received one of our most awaited recognitions, from our important customer, Hyundai, 5STAR RATING for our quality standards. This recognition from Hyundai is very important for us and for this I want to thank you for contribution. We are one of the first company with in ARaymond Network to receive this recognition, which by itself is big achievement. We also had various strategic visits in this quarter from our new market, HealthCare, and some of the visits were only to assess our competency before to hand over Order to our team. Our HealthCare team is creating a new story for us as once again we will be one of the first company in our network to do similar parts. 2| From MD's Desk
All this is possible with our continuous learning and striving for Excellence by each one of you, your desire to excel into your own field and continuously improve is key for all success throughout the year. While performing there were instances where you failed, this failure, you have used as important step for learning and continued to explore better solutions to achieve success or to do better in your own work area. Your commitment to do better every day is key driver for our success as this helps us on our path to EXCELLENCE. Post Diwali, volume requirement by our customers is very dynamic, volumes are fluctuating drastically. We will have to adjust our processes to adjust to this ever-changing Customers. This is possible through our continuous learning and improving on daily basis. To make ourselves successful for future we need to evolve fast by learning fast. Friends, we have very ambitious targets for 2023, our targets will not be possible without excelling in your own workplace. I invite you to innovate and bring excellence in your work area, which will help us to achieve our targets of 2023. I wish you all the success for 2023 and am confident to achieve our target together with you. Jai Hind Manish 3| From MD's Desk
From MD's Desk प्रिय साथियो , हैप्पी 2023, हैप्पी न्यू ईयर। मैं आप, आपके परिवार, प्रियजन और मित्र परिवार को, समृद्धि के साथ खुशी, अच्छे स्वास्थ्य से भरे वर्ष की कामना करता हूं। साल 2022 हमारे लिए उतार-चढ़ाव भरा रहा । हम सभी ने पिछले साल से बेहतर होने के लिए मिलकर प्रयास किया था। हमारे सफलता और विफलता से भरे हुए सिख हमने पिछले साल में लिए । पिछली तिमाही में हमारे महत्व पूर्ण कस्टमर हुंडई के तरफ से हमे ५ स्टार रेटिंग क्वालिटी के गुणवत्ताके लिए हमने हासिल कि। सबसे प्रतीक्षित मान्यताओं में से एक अवार्ड था। Hyundai से मिली यह पहचान हमारे लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है और इसके लिए मैं आपको योगदान के लिए धन्यवाद देना चाहता हूं। हम इस मान्यता को प्राप्त करनेवाली ARaymond Network में पहली कं पनी में से एक हैं, जो अपने आप में बड़ी उपलब्धि है। हमारे नए बाजार, हेल्थके यर से इस तिमाही में हमने विभिन्न कार्यनीतिक दौरे भी किए| कु छ दौरे के वल हमारी टीम को ऑर्डर सौंपने से पहले हमारी योग्यता का आकलन करने के लिए थे। हमारी हेल्थके यर टीम हमारे लिए एक नई सफलता कहानी बना रही है , क्योंकि एक बार फिर हम अपने नेटवर्क में इसी तरह के हिस्सों को करने वाली पहली कं पनी में से एक होंगे। 4| From MD's Desk
यह सब हमारे निरंतर सीखने और आप सभी द्वारा उत्कृ ष्टता के लिए प्रयास करने से ही संभव हुआ है| अपने स्वयं के क्षेत्र में उत्कृ ष्टता प्राप्त करने और लगातार सुधार करने की आपकी इच्छा पूरे वर्ष की सभी सफलता के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। कई बार जहां आप असफल रहे, उसी असफलता का, आपने सीखने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण कदम के रूप में उपयोग किया है| इसी के साथ सफलता प्राप्त करने या अपने स्वयं के कार्य क्षेत्र में बेहतर करने के लिए बेहतर समाधान तलाशना जारी रखा है। हर दिन बेहतर करने की आपकी प्रतिबद्धता हमारी सफलता के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह हमें उत्कृ ष्टता के हमारे मार्ग पर मदद करता है। दिवाली के बाद, हमारे ग्राहकों द्वारा वॉल्यूम की आवश्यकता बहुत गतिशील है, वॉल्यूम में भारी उतार-चढ़ाव हो रहा है। हमें इस लगातार बदलते ग्राहकों को समायोजित करने के लिए अपनी प्रक्रियाओं को समायोजित करना होगा। यह हमारे निरंतर सीखने और दैनिक आधार पर सुधार के माध्यम से संभव है। भविष्य के लिए खुद को सफल बनाने के लिए हमें तेजी से सीखने के द्वारा तेजी से विकसित करने की आवश्यकता है। मित्रों, हमारे पास 2023 के लिए बहुत महत्वाकांक्षी लक्ष्य हैं, हमारे लक्ष्य आपके अपने कार्यस्थल में उत्कृ ष्टता प्राप्त किए बिना संभव नहीं होंगे। मैं आपको अपने कार्य क्षेत्र में नवाचार और उत्कृ ष्टता लाने के लिए आमंत्रित करता हूं, जो हमें 2023 के हमारे लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने में मदद करेगा। मैं आपको 2023 के लिए सभी सफलता की कामना करता हूं और आपके साथ मिलकर हमारे लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए आश्वस्त हूं। जय हिंद मनीष 5| From MD's Desk
EEddiittoorriiaall 6| Editorial
EXCELLENCE A Journey that never ends Excellence is intrinsic to Sustainability of businesses across the World. While it is easier to see the impact of Collective Wisdom in the pursuit of excellence, it is difficult to comprehend the individual endeavors for achieving Excellence. Excellence, as it sounds, appears to be something Difficult, Cumbersome, Complex and Hard to tread and hence little scary. In the context of Excellence, the basic question arises; How am I responsible for Excellence? How I understand the dynamics of Excellence? How I embark this Journey of Excellence? Well, the answer is when I…… Aspire to excel, Benchmark to be the best, Collaborate to compete, Dedicate myself to Discipline , Enable my team mates to untap their potential, Firmly adhere to processes, Grasp the minute detail, have Hunger for growth, Intend to put Intense efforts towards my goals, Judiciously use resources, am Keen to Learn, Lead by example, Mindfully engage, Nurture entrepreneurship, Orient myself to Innovation, Passionately Pursue a Goal, Question and do not accept status quo, Respect people, process and environment, Standby my Values, Trust others and earn Trustworthiness, Upheld the tenets of Servant Leadership, Value the shared vision, Walk the Talk, Xerox and multiply good virtues, Yearn for my goals, have Zest for my initiatives. 7| Editorial
Let’s see how the small and incremental efforts by individuals can make big difference in the journey towards excellence. 5-S: The first and foremost steps towards Excellence are though the path of 5-S. It not only makes an efficient, neat and clean workplace, but also make us think in a sorted manner. This improves our efficiency and productivity. The dimension of Discipline gets reinforced though 5-S which helps in achieving Excellence. ARISE and KAIZEN: Participation in ARISE and KAIZEN reflects the Innovative thinking. When we work passionately, our level of Engagement goes up and Ideas start flowing. It results in tremendous gain in our efficiency and professional satisfaction. AR Values: When we practice our Values of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Value Creation, Collaboration, Respect and Pleasure, we actually progress fast in our Journey towards Excellence. Needless to mention that no Excellence is possible without practicing these Values. Innovation can be practiced in day-to-day life when we do things differently for improvement. Entrepreneurship drives out-of-the-box thinking whereas collaboration multiplies our efforts and as a result we create Value for all stake holders. The overall impact is that we move forward in the Journey of Excellence. ATOMS: It’s a structured process of achieving Excellence. When we embark journey of ATOMS, we are already on the journey of Excellence. 8| Editorial
Servant Leadership: Finally, to sustain the Excellence, Servant Leadership needs to be practiced. When We take care of our colleagues, when we engage with right dialogues, when we listen mindfully, when we delegate thoughtfully, when we encourage our teammates and when we practice Non-violent communication, we become true Servant Leaders and Sustainability of Journey of Excellence is ensured. Excellence is not a destination. It’s a continuous journey that never ends and so should be our quest for Excellence. 9| Editorial
AATTOOMMSS CCoorrnneerr 10| ATOMS Corner
ATOMS Corner- People Engagement A TOMS Culture at our workplace, support to achieve best balance between healthy competition and smart collaboration. Collaborative culture encourages individuals and teams to work together to achieve Excellence. For achieving excellence continuous improvement with sustenance is the key. As our theme of Ray-juvenate suggest excellence lies within. Team and individual participated and perform in ARise and ATOMS competition during the year 2022. We took the opportunity for reward on Annual day to the winners and best performers. SMALL GROUP: Teamwork is collective and collaborative efforts. Coming together is beginning, Being together is progress, working together is SUCCESS. Small Group is very good live example to experience it. Team Disha (QC Assembly) 11| ATOMS Corner
Congratulations Kaizen Winners ! Winner 1st Runner UP 2nd Runner UP 2nd Runner UP 12| ATOMS Corner
ARISE Awards Idea Owner of the year Kaizen Implementer of the Year Maximum Suggestion Implementation Team 2022 13| ATOMS Corner
Excellence Lies within Me - JH & 5S Week celebration जब हम कोई भी काइज़ेन और एक्टिविटी करते थे, तो हमे हमेशा यही लगता था की सुपरवाइजर हमे लीड करे और हम सपोर्ट | हमने नवंबर के महीने मे 5S और JH वीक सेलिब्रेट किया, इस पुरे हफ्ते दौरान मुझे और मेरे पुरे सथिओने यह महसूस किया, के कोई भी इनिशिएटिव लेना हो तो हम खुद पहल कर सकते है | अगर हमे कु छ चाइये तो आत्मविश्वास और टीम स्पिरट| इस पुरे एक्टिविटी मे मिथिलेश और नितिन ने प्रतिनिधित्व किया था| सब साथ मिलकर काम करे तो मंजिल दूर नहीं होती, किसे ने लिखा भी है, की “कोशिश करने वालो की कभी हर नहीं होती”. पहले दिन हमने एक गेम खेला था दो ड्राइंग के डिफरेंस फाइंड आउट करना| हमने बहुत डिफरेंस फाइंड आउट किये | फिर हमने २ टीम बनाई. एक टीम प्रवाह ,उसके मेंटॉर Rahul सर और दुरी टीम सार्थक थी उसके मेंटॉर Anzar सर| सार्थक टीम के Observer मनीषा और लीडर मिथलेश थे. टीम प्रवाह के Observer दत्ता और लीडर नितिन थे| फिर हम सबने मिलकर शॉप फ्लोर अब्नोर्मलिटी ढूंढ कर उनकी लिस्ट बनाई| अगले दिन हमने जो भी लिस्ट बनाई थी उनपे काम करना स्टार्ट किया| सारे काम हमने साथ मिलकर किये| अब हमे कोई भी काम करना हो तो हमारा कॉन्फिडेंस और भी बड गया है. हमे मेन्टेन्स टीम ने भी सपोर्ट किया| हम सबकी मेहनत तब सफल हुई जब हमने ढूंढे हुए अब्नोर्मलिटी पर काइज़ेन किये | आखरी दिन मे मनीष सर और कपिल सर विजिट के लिया आये थे| हमारे लीडर मिथलेश और नितिन ने बहुत अच्छे से सबको हमारा JH और 5S वीक का काम और सफलताए एक्सप्लेन किये| मनीष सर ने बहुत तारीफ की और कपिल सर ने भी सभी को बधाई दी , इससे हमारा कॉन्फिडेंस लेवल और भी बढ़ गया | इसी तरह से हमारा JH & 5S वीक सेलिब्रेट हुआ| हमारी journey अभी चालू है. हम सब मिलकर ये मार्च तक कम्पलीट करने का टारगेट लिया है| 14| ATOMS Corner -Pournima Dhage
JH & 5S Week celebration Employees presenting their views on 5S 15| ATOMS Corner
AArrttiiccllee 16| Article
Excellence - Am I Responsible? E xcellence! If you google what is Rahul R excellence, the definition will look like “The quality of being outstanding or extremely good”. But according to me, excellence is not just a one-line definition. Infact there is no single synonym of excellence. Excellence is something that cannot be achieved overnight. There is no standard procedure to be excellent. Excellence is a quality that people really appreciate because it's so hard to achieve. Excellence is the quality of excelling, of being truly the best at something. For Ex. During your schooling, you might have got an “Excellent” remark from your teacher for getting A+ grade in your exams. This is just one of many definitions and examples of excellence. I am not here to define excellence but to tell how ‘I’ or “We” can be responsible for achieving excellence. Excellence- Am I responsible? The obvious answer to this question is a big YES! I am responsible. You are responsible. Each and everyone of us is responsible for achieving excellence in his/her respective field. Let’s play with some examples to understand our topic in depth. So, let us consider our own company. At ARaymond, we have employees working hard in various shifts for long hours for the progress of the company. The goal of the company is to achieve excellence in its production. Let’s do a small analysis considering a few ground assumptions. Let us ask a few questions and will try to answer from the company's point of view. How can we achieve excellence in production? By setting targets for production volume and taking necessary steps to achieve that target on time. 17| Article
Is that it? No, we must ensure whether the right quality of products is produced along with the target. How do we ensure target is achieved and how to ensure the quality is achieved in right standards? By ensuring managers motivate their subordinates in the right way so that the work with joy and enthusiasm to achieve the target. An important point to be made here is motivation. In most of the cases, everyone of us in the shopfloor are under stress to complete production on time. We are only focused on it and not on the betterment of the employees. But it is very important to have the employees fully motivated which will ultimately increase the productivity and excellence of the company. The second question i.e., how quality standards are achieved. Again, motivation plays a very important role here. The superiors must support their subordinates in every way possible so that the employees show at most interest and dedication in their work which in turn will lead to less errors at the time of production. Now this goes without saying that less errors will ultimately contribute to excellence in the organization. So, the above paragraph was a small illustration to explain how one can be responsible for excellence. As we saw, from subordinates to the superiors, each and everyone is responsible for excellence in his/her area. We saw a very important factor “Motivation” which is just one among many factors responsible for achieving excellence. I think the above illustration is enough to explain how “I” or “You” are responsible for Excellence. Similar illustrations can be made based on any other situation and analysis can be carried out to ask yourself how you are responsible for excellence at your place of work. That’s it from my end. 18| Article
IISSOO MMeeddiiccaall DDeevviicceess CCeerrttiiffiiccaattiioonn 19| Certifications
ARaymond India applies a quality management system for medical devices in line with the ISO 13485:2016 standard for Design, Development, Manufacturing and Assembly of Plastic Molded, Components for Medical Devices. 20| Certifications
VVisisiittss aatt AARRII 21| Visits at ARI
Visit of Eric Raclot & Nadege Gonguet at ARI CFT with Eric Raclot from Raynet and Nadege Gonguet from Raygroup, having fruitful session in India on traceability and flow management through SAP and its linkage with Raypro. 22| Visits at ARI
Visit of Mr. Cristian Brea at ARI “Mr. Cristian Brea- Global air brake Engg. Co-Ordinator Visited Araymond India in October -2022 first time. This Visit helps to Introduce,Collorate and organize the team working on air brake connector project in India. Working one to one results into more outcome than it at distance. This visit brings more synchronization and synergy between Team in France and India.” 23| Visits at ARI
SSeerrvvaanntt LLeeaaddeerrsshhipip DDeevveellooppmmeenntt PPrrooggrraamm 24| SLDP
Servant Leadership Development Program ARaymond India Congratulates First Batch of 14 Leaders who have successfully completed 10-month intervention on Servant Leadership Development Program. This program aims in adopting Pillars of Servant Leadership and Nonviolent Communication in their day-to-day life. 25| SLDP
AAnnnnuuaall DDaayy CCeelleebbrraattiioonn 26| Annual Day Celebration
Annual Day Celebration No bond is stronger than Family 27| Annual Day Celebration
Long Service Award! More than a Decade of togetherness! Together for more than Five years! 28| Annual Day Celebration
Long Service Award! Together for more than five years! 29| Annual Day Celebration
Cultural Delight! A night of dance, music and folklore! 30| Annual Day Celebration
Cultural Delight! Unity in Diversity! 31| Annual Day Celebration
Glimpses of Annual Day! Evening to remember! 32| Annual Day Celebration
Annual Day at Chennai! 33| Annual Day Celebration
Annual Day at Chennai! 34| Annual Day Celebration
Annual Day at gurgaon! 34| Annual Day Celebration
QQuuaalliittyy MMoonntthh 35| Quality Month
Quality Month- 2022 Quality Month is an annual celebration of the world’s commitment to continuous improvement systems. The celebration provides a platform for acknowledging the accomplishments of people and organizations, making advancements and valuable quality contributions in businesses, communities and institutions, worldwide Quality Month calls on people who always look for improving quality and are ever ready to initiate new ways by sharing their knowledge and submitting their success stories to illustrate the value of quality principles. The theme of this year’s Quality Month is “Quality conscience: Doing the right thing” This is 4th year we have been celebrating quality month in the ARaymond India Pvt. Ltd. Purpose: The purpose of Quality Month is to promote awareness of quality around the world so as to encourage individuals' and organizations growth and prosperity and to recognize the importance of an overall quality focus and incorporate proven principles into daily life. The objective is mainly to emphasis on learning and sharing of knowledge in Quality, Innovation and Best Practices, as well as for facilitating development of a Quality and Innovation Culture. Why Quality: The term quality is everywhere, in all aspects of life. For organizations, however, deploying quality approaches is a prerequisite for creating a sustainable business. Oath taking Ceremony at Pune Plant 36| Quality Month
Quality Month- 2022 Quality approaches can benefit our organization in many ways. It can: Improve customer satisfaction Reduce costs and improve profitability Support improvement and innovation Help to identify and manage risk Ensure corporate care and responsibility A small background on Quality Month. November is recognized internationally as World Quality Month. Japan has celebrated World Quality Month in November since 1960. China starting in 1978 and America started raising awareness in 1984 approximate and originally celebrated in November. First promulgated by the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) based in United Nations, London in 2008, started celebrating World Quality Day second Thursday of November with events as well as 2nd week of November celebrate world Quality Week. World Quality Day aims to raise international awareness of the important role quality plays in ensuring nations’ prosperity. presently it is celebrated annually in the world. Oath taking Ceremony at Chennai Plant 37| Quality Month
Quality Month Competitions in Pune Plant SLOGAN Competition POSTER CROSSWORD Competition 38| Quality Month
SKIT Competition Payal Meshram Shubham Rotte Vaishali Erande Shivam Mandlik Gokul Bhosale Ankit Misal Rahul R 39| Quality Month
Competitions in Chennai Plant POSTER SLOGAN 40| Quality Month
Poem on Quality: !! गुणवत्ता !! मशीन ऑपरेटर मेरा नाम गुणवत्ता प्रॉडक्ट बनाना है मेरा काम, प्रोसेस में यादि डिफे क्ट रुक ना पाए तो 4M Managementमे ध्यान लगाए, डिफे क्ट हमारा सबसे बडा दुश्मन है सबको मिलकर इसे खतम करना है, खतम करने जो तुझे मै आया हू साथ मे 7 QC tool लाया हू, मेन्टेनन्स, प्रोडक्शन और सेफ्टी भी जरुरी है मगर बिना गुणवत्ता हर एक चीज अधुरी है, गुणवत्ता को ध्यान मे रख कर करेंगे हर काम तो होगा विश्व पर ARaymond का नाम, यदि कोई काम को सफल बनाना है तो PDCA Cycle को अपनाना है, यादि कोई असामान्य स्थिती हो जाए तो STOP, CALL, WAIT अपानाए, जो गुणवत्ता में सर्वश्रेष्ठ रहेगा वही हर सेक्टर पे राज करेगा. Mahaling Kalkote 41| Quality Month
CChhrriissttmmaass CCeelleebbrraattiioonn 42| Christmas Celebration