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Home Explore August 2015

August 2015

Published by ksheersaagars, 2015-08-15 07:30:14

Description: IMPACT Management Journal August 2015

Keywords: Management, management sciences


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IMPACT With Greetings from IMPACT It is indeed a happy coincidence that as the whole nation is celebrating its 68th INDEPENDENCE DAY, our IMPACT issue number four is being released! Yes; it was exactly sixty eight years ago this day, that MANAGEMENT of the country came to our hands after EDITORIAL TEAM struggle, struggle for years under the great leadership of Mahatma Gandhi – an example for an EFFECTIVE MANAGER in several areas. Mr. N V Subbaraman Mr. “Kalki” V Murali A country that was not allowed to manage production of Dr. M G Bhaskar a nail and nut had to make rapid strides in management of the entire country with its varied languages, cultures, tradition, people, climate and what not. Under the visionary leadership of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and the eminent Presidents like Babu Rajendra Prasad, Dr. Radhakrishnan, and Dr. Abdul kalam we made rapid strides in all spheres to the envy of others. Rapid industrialization, green revolution, white revolution, great strides in higher education, scientific and technological progress, employment opportunities all brought through the dedicated leadership in politics or bureaucracy or judiciary. Effective management of finance, men and matters, natural resources, human resources- all brought great glory to our India that is Bharath. In continuance of the road, we in IMPACT try provide Designed by knowledge and enhance the same through Innovative SRIKANTH Management Practices And Creative Thinking. [email protected] The readers will find quite a few interesting articles in pursuance of our objective. All opinions expressed in the articles The greatest among the Managers of Space Science, appearing in the e-journal IMPACT, are former President Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam passed away at the age of 83 bringing a pall of gloom all over. IMPACT pays that of the respective authors and the its respectful homage, soliciting his continued guidance Publisher or Editor of IMPACT cannot be from his heavenly abode for country to become a fully held responsible/liable in any manner developed country – his cherished desire by 2020. whatsoever for any claims and/or damages. - Editorial Team

IMPACT 3 INSIDE IMPACT Management in Valluvam Part IV – N V Subbaraman................................................................................................................4 Readers Review....................................................................................................................7 Father of invention Thomas Alva Edison – Jayprakash B Zende..........................................................................................................8 Change Management – Dr A P J Abdul Kalam.....................................................................................................12 On Health Management – Lion M Desikan...............................................................................................................16 Management through Destruction – K Nandakumar..................................................................................................................17 The Driving Management Amidst Heavy Traffic – R Venugopal.....................................................................................................................20 New Work Environment – S Muthumala...................................................................................................................24 Management Jargons........................................................................................................27 Be A Negative Optimist – Arun Davey......................................................................................................................28 Humor ..............................................................................................................................7, 30

4 IMPACT MANAGEMENT IN VALLUVAM - Part IV A bilingual poet, writer, trainer, translator, thinker and speaker from Chennai, Mr Subbaraman has written 36 books. His paper, “Valluvam Inspired Mahatma Gandhi,” was approved for presentation in the International Tirukkural Conference held in Washington, USA. His translated works include Thirukkural, Bharathiyar’s Kuyilpattu and Ramana Maharishi’s Aksharamanamalai. He is connected with the publication of the Management e-journal IMPACT. He was Formerly the Deputy Zonal Manager, L I C of India. Yes; we have been in the last three issues reading the ways and means suggested by the great Tamil Saint Poet Thiruvaluvar in his gospel Thirukkural for a happier, healthier and successful human relationship management which is very, very essential in this world where one has to deal with human beings – men much before and much more than machines and materials. We shall continue the same in this issue and a few more issues to come. Human relationship is ocean like and one has to manage very carefully and

IMPACT 5 meticulously lest very existence may become Self-rule leads to realm of Gods miserable and intolerable to one’s own self Indulgence leads to gloomy hades. and others. Right or wrong, may be more We can take it that being humble take us wrong than right, every individual is an island nearer to all human beings and otherwise it by one self and has his/her own feelings and takes us to darkness. emotions, virtues and vices, idiosyncrasies and intellectual attainments- and that fhf;f nghUsh mlfj;ij Mf;fk; makes a little difficult for adjustments and mjdpE}cq;; fpy;iy caph;f;F (Fws; 122) accommodations with others in the society- including one’s own home and workplace. No gains with self-control measure Guard with care this great treasure Under these circumstances wise thing will be to follow the sayings and guidance of the Yes; to sustain good human relationship, this elders and the nobles. From that angle only is absolutely essential. we have been publishing continuously in the last three issues on this subject and to nrwptwPe;J rPh;ik gaf;Fk; mwptwpe;J continue. Mw;wpd; mlq;fg; ngwpd; (Fws; 123) Man’s biggest enemy is his ‘ego’. Human Knowing wisdom who lives controlled history is replete with the personalities in the Name and fame seek him untold. world who made the people suffer because of their uncontrolled ‘ego’. Can we readily And sure that will help us to manage our recollect Hitler whose ‘ego’ and the effects relationship with others. of his ‘ego’ in the society and the world? ‘Ego’ has a spiraling effect; ego leads to epiyapd; jphpahJ mlq;fpahd; Njhw;wk; ‘possessiveness’; ‘possessiveness’ leads to kiyapDk; khzg; nghpJ (Fws; 124) ‘selfishness’; selfishness’ leads to ‘arrogance’; ‘arrogance leads’ to ‘autocratic behavior’; Firmly fixed in self serene ‘autocratic behavior’ leads to ;dictatorship’! If The sage looks grander than mountain. a ruler is unable to control his ‘ego’ ultimately a ‘dictator’ is born! Hence the need for being Every Human Relationship Manager to be humble bereft of ego that helps “self control” successful must develop sage like qualities! which Thiruvalluvar names as mlf;fKilik vy;yhh;f;Fk; ed;whk; gzpjy; mtUs;Sk; He describes this virtue, an important nry;th;f;Nf nry;tk; jifj;;J (Fws; 125) requirement for effective human relationship management, in his own inimitable style. Humility is good for all To the rich it adds a wealth special. mlf;fk; mkuUs; ca;f;Fk; mlq;fhik MhpUs; ca;j;J tpLk; (Fws; 121) Humility is never a weakness. It indeed adds

6 IMPACT to moral strength and power and influences fjk;fhj;Jf; fw;wlq;fy; Mw;Wthd; nry;tp the people around. mwk;ghh;f;Fk; Mw;wpd; Eioe;J (Fws; 130) Virtue seeks and peeps to see xUikAs; MikNghy; Ie;jlf;fy; Mw;wpd; Self-controlled savant anger free. vOikAk; Vkhg; Gilj;J (Fws; 126) When the Human relationship Manager Who senses five like tortoise hold is anger free, he can conquer the whole Their joy prolongs to births sevenfold. management world! This much for the current part! We shall What else needs a practitioner of Human continue in the next issue. Relationship? ahfhth uhapDk; ehfhf;f fhthf;fhy; Nrhfhg;gh; nrhy;ypOf;Fg; gl;L (Fws; 127) Rein the tongue if nothing else Or slips of tongue bring all the woes. A human relationship practitioner has got to be very careful in this regard, lest his practice becomes extremely difficult. xd;whDd; jPr;nrhy; nghUl;gad; cz;lhapd; ed;whfh jhfp tpLk; (Fws; 128) TO Even a single evil word Will turn all results to bad. ADVERTISE Everyone has a lot of such experiences in day to day life. Then the position of a practitioner IN THIS of human relationship……………………better left to the imagination of the readers! MAGAZINE jPapdhy; Rl;lGz; cs;shWk; MwhNj CONTACT ehtpdhy; Rl;l tL (Fws; 129) DR M G BHASKAR The fire burnt wounds do find a cure Tongue burnt wound rests a running sore Then why a practitioner of better human 9840599888 relationship should make harsh words to others?

IMPACT 7 READERS REVIEW The e-journal contains lots of innovative ideas, professional and personal development of an indi- vidual who wants to succeed in their career. I think that this journal will provide a platform for all re- searchers, faculty members and also business people as well. I congratulate your team for their efforts and wonderful thoughts. I also would like to tell you that, definitely this journal will give more knowl- edge for the readers in various aspects such as motivational strategies and management sector. Dr. Ms. R. Krishnaveni Kudos to the team behind this edition. I enjoyed reading every article in this. Quite useful and infor- mative. Keep it up! Best Regards, Raghavan RKM Alumini Group.

8 IMPACT Father of Invention Thomas Alva Edison (Inventor, scientist and businessman) Jayprakash B Zende, Consultant employee involvement schemes and freelance trainer Thomas Edison is a unique His free time was always wrong attempt discarded example in world history. filled with performing many is another step forward”. There are 1933 patents on adventurous experiments. “I invented 10000 ways his name. He represents Due to all this there was through which bulb can’t an attitude of perfect an explosion on his stall be manufactured and my perseverance. He has not resulted in his firing by successors will be benefitted started his life on strong railway authorities. Thus through this”. Thus his life is foundation. He was asked to at the age of 14 he had no an ideal example of an attitude leave school at early age. His formal education, he was of mere perseverance. school teacher wrote to his handicapped and had no job. mother “your tom is fool. I In this condition he started can’t teach him”. His mother research lab in the basement responded to this letter as of his house and this lab has “Madam, my Tom is not fool attracted world’s attention. probably you don’t know how After continuous failure on to teach him. Don’t worry, I making bulb most of his will teach him”. This shows friends were criticizing him greatness of his mother also. for such failures. Edison used At the age of ten his friend to reply ”Who said I failed slapped him and made him 10000 times? “If I find 10,000 deaf. Then he started selling ways something won’t work, fruits, newspaper, vegetables I haven’t failed. I am not etc for supporting living. discouraged, because every

IMPACT 9 Thomas Alva Edison (February music and motion pictures. school at early age. His 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931) His advanced work in these mother taught him. Edison was an American inventor, fields was an outgrowth developed hearing problems scientist and businessman of his early career as a at an early age. He sold candy who developed many devices telegraph operator. Edison and newspapers on trains that greatly influenced life originated the concept and he sold vegetables to around the world, including and implementation of supplement his income. This the phonogram, the motion electric-power generation began Edison’s long streak of picture, camera, and a long- and distribution to homes, entrepreneurial ventures as lasting, practical electric light businesses, and factories – a he discovered his talents as bulb. Dubbed “The Wizard of crucial development in the a businessman. These talents Menlo Park” by a newspaper modern industrialised world. eventually led him to found reporter, he was one of the Thomas Edison was born 14 companies, including first inventors to apply the in Milan, Ohio. He was the General Electricals, which is principles of mass production seventh and last child of still in existence and is one of and large teamwork to the Samuel Ogden Edison, Edison the largest companies in the process of invention, and always used to say “My world. therefore is often credited mother was the making of Edison starts his career as with the creation of the me. She was so true, so sure of telegraph operator and first industrial research me; and I felt I had something requested the night shift, laboratory. Edison’s Menlo to live for, someone I must which allowed him plenty Park laboratory complex is not disappoint.” of time to spend at his said to live on in California’s two favorite pastimes— “invention factory” at Silicon Edison was terminated from reading and experimenting. Valley. Edison is considered one of the most prolific inventors, in history, holding 1,093 U.S. Patent on his name, as well as many patents in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. He is credited with numerous inventions that contributed to Communications and, in particular Telecommunications. These included a stock ticker, a mechanical vote recorder, and a battery for an electric Birth Place of Edison car, electrical power, recorded

10 IMPACT Eventually, the latter pre- improvement. Edison did not to homes and businesses by occupation cost him his invent the first electric light mass-producing relatively job. One night in 1867, he bulb, but instead invented the long-lasting light bulbs and was working with a Lead- first commercially practical creating a complete system Acid battery when he incandescent light. Edison for the generation and spilled sulfuric acid onto took the features of these distribution of electricity. the floor. It ran between the earlier designs and set his Edison displayed a placard floorboards and onto his workers to the task of creating with Sir Joshua Reynolds’ boss’s desk below. The next longer-lasting bulbs. Edison famous quote: “There is no morning Edison was fired. had produced a new concept expedient to which a man Edison’s earliest inventions a high resistance lamp in will not resort to avoid the were related to telegraphy, a very high vacuum, which real labor of thinking.” This including a stock ticker. would burn for hundreds of slogan was reputedly posted His first patent was for the hours. at several other locations electric vote recorder Thomas Edison’s first throughout the facility. Thomas Edison began his successful Light model, used With Menlo Park, Edison had career as an inventor with the in public demonstration at created the first industrial automatic repeater and his Menlo Park, December 1879 laboratory concerned with other improved telegraphic bulb creating knowledge and then devices, but the invention controlling its application. which first gained him fame In 1878, Edison formed was the phonograph. This the Edison Electric Light accomplishment was so Company in New York City unexpected by the public with several financiers, at large as to appear almost including J.P.Morgan and the magical. Edison became members of the Venderbuilt known as “The Wizard of family. Edison made the first Menlo Park,” New Jersey, public demonstration of his where he lived. incandescent light bulb on Edison’s major innovation was December 31, 1879, in Menlo the first industrial research Park. It was during this time lab, which was built in Mento that he said: “We will make Park New Jersey. It was built electricity so cheap that only with the funds from the the rich will burn candles.” sale of Edison’s quadrupex Edison patented the sound telegraph. Menlo Park became “Genius is 1% inspiration recording and reproducing the first institution set up and 99% perspiration” phonograph in 1878. Edison with the specific purpose Edison concentrated on was also granted a patent of producing constant commercial application, and for the motion picture technological innovation and was able to sell the concept camera or “Kinetograph”. He

IMPACT 11 did the electromechanical design, while his employee W.K.L.Dickson a photographer, worked on the photographic and optical. Edison started the Motion Pictures Company, which was a conglomerate of nine major film studios (commonly known as the Edison Trust). Thomas Edison was the first honorary fellow of the Acoustical Society of America which was founded in 1929. Henry Ford, the automobile magnate, later lived a few hundred feet away from Edison at his winter retreat in Fort Myers, Florida. Edison even contributed technology start afresh”. He not only said and we will visit it tomorrow”. to the automobile. They were it but really three weeks later When she was ready next friends until Edison’s death. he invented ‘Gramophone’ day morning Edison took her Thomas Edison died of and started its manufacturing. hand and took her to the complications of diabetes One day his wife urged this laboratory and said “Madam, on October 18, 1931, in his gentleman that “Dear Edison This is the place which comes home. you are almost working 20 in my dream, where I feel Edison General Electric hours a day without any most relaxed and get charged merged with Thomuson- holiday, not enjoyed life, for new challenges” This is Huston Electric Company to never gone for a picnic and the attitude whereas we feel form General Electric. At his you must take a break , we ,we are so tired and need late age his bulb factory got will go for a picnic”. Edition some break. Is it not that we fire and completely burnt. At eagerly asked her “Darling need break from our attitude this incident Edison called his but where we will go to and not from our work. son and requested him to get picnic?” She replied “The In conclusion I can only say Edison’s wife on site saying place which comes to your Edison’s life is an exemplary “She will not be able to see dream, where you will feel example to motivate us such a disaster in her life.” most relaxed and get charged for innovation and endless And looking at the fumes for new challenges”. He said efforts to achieve success in remarked ” Now, we have “That exactly the place I whatever work of life we are burnt all our mistakes and know, please pack everything engaged in.

12 IMPACT Change Management By Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam - On Entrepreneurship. ADDRESS AT THE INAUGURATION OF THE ANNUAL MANAGEMENT CONVENTION OF THE MADRAS MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION National Development And Entrepreneurs I am delighted to participate journey. Hence mobilization of the areas which require in the inauguration of of right type of human continuous attention of the Annual Management resources becomes the prime entrepreneurs, managers and Convention of The Madras responsibility of managers industry. Management Association and entrepreneurs. (MMA), Chennai. I would like Co-Ordination - The Key To to extend my Greetings to the Law of development: Success: President and members of When we go through the Management has five the Association, stalwarts and development patterns and basic functions - Planning, distinguished members of the dynamics of connectivity Organising, Directing, industry and service sector, between developed countries Coordination and Control. delegates and participants and developing countries, India over the years, of various prestigious we find that a developed has acquired enormous organisations. The theme country has to market their experience in Planning, of this year’s convention products in a competitive Organizing, Directing and “Vision To Reality - The way to different countries Control. The problem is Indian Journey” is indeed to remain as developed regarding coordination. significant. As I always tell, country. To get transformed This is so because economic A Vision Is the prime mover into a developed country, development is a wealth which leads to thinking. the developing country is generating activity. Today Thinking leads to knowledge, also required to market their in the competitive world, knowledge leads to actions products to other countries wealth generation can occur and integrated actions lead in a competitive way. only through innovation in to Success In Missions. India Competitiveness has three technology. The greatest has a vision to transform dimensions: Quality of the problem today is acquisition of itself into a developed Nation product, cost effectiveness technology. This technology by 2020. In the journey of and supply in time. This is scattered between India from Vision to Mission, dynamics of competitiveness scientific laboratories, contribution of people from In marketing of products by development agencies, all walks of life is necessary. developing and developed production agencies, private The need of the hour is to countries, called The Law sector, public sector and sensitize people towards this Of Development, is one the academic institutions.

IMPACT 13 Coordination of all such have also been improved that you cannot do business institutions, which are since Independence with with yesterday’s methods geographically separated and increase in life expectancy and be in business tomorrow. organizationally dispersed, from 33 to 64 years; fall in An effective manager gets is the most difficult job infant mortality from 148 the job done through high which a manager faces. This to 71 per thousand, and quantitative and qualitative is an area in which the MMA eradication of diseases like standards of performance can find novel methods small pox, cholera through with satisfaction and high of coordinating multiple vaccination etc. Small- degree of commitment. agencies through virtual scale industries provide a organisations to generate significant percentage to the A managerial culture home grown technology for National GDP. India is in a emphasizes rationality and application in our products. position to design, develop control. The manager has to This is the only way we and launch world-class achieve results so that people can make our products communication and remote will continue to contribute competitive. sensing satellites. India is to this organization. It takes having capability of building neither genius nor heroism to large thermal and nuclear be a manager, But persistence, power stations. Defense tough mindedness, hard research has led to many work, intelligence, analytical significant developments ability, tolerance and good- in weapon systems like will. He needs to develop strategic and cruise missiles, good leadership quality. I Sonar’s underwater weapons, think, management education light combat aircraft, tanks, should transform a person electronic warfare systems to a leader. A leader is one Expanding Role of Managers and various armours. India who thinks what he can give and Entrepreneurs: has a strong base in the to others instead of asking development of information what others can do for him. India has demonstrated its technology and the country is The style keeps changing immense capabilities and progressing in hardware and as the situation with the core-competence to the software business of more types of people. Leadership world with large talented than $10 billion. style should blend with manpower. On account managerial functions. The of the green revolution, Many Indian companies management education India is now self sufficient including MNCs are not needs to give this ability to in food. The operation doing well as they find it manage and lead the change. flood has made India, the difficult to face competition, Indian entrepreneurs should largest producer of milk in pressure and take “Quick not be just home grown the world. Health services Right” decisions. It is said industrialists but they should

14 IMPACT also become leading MNCs. in management education phase. It has to be constantly Leadership with nobility and through an entrepreneurship improved. The man who change management are development cell, with designs and manufactures the two important elements funding assistance from must love what he does. needed from Management Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Associations to the Nation. Germany. I am sure the MMA Entrepreneurs have to aim for will continue to expand the total quality management, Development Of scope of its activities through that is quality from design Entrepreneurs: research, innovation and to production and testing The key characteristics coordination for the larger and leading to market. This required in an entrepreneur benefit of Indian industry. will ensure success of the are desire, drive, discipline and product and system. I hope determination. I am confident Total Quality Management: The Madras Management that the entrepreneurship I have participated in Association would aim to development cell promote many space and defence align the organizational following important traits programmes. Putting a management system, human among the would-be satellite in the orbit needs a resource management entrepreneurs: large rocket system. Rocket system and the total quality system and the satellite put management system for (A) Vision and pioneering together will have at least 50 promoting a successful TQM spirit. sub-systems and more than initiative by any enterprise. (B) Being able to see eighty thousand components possibilities where others do mechanical, electrical and Addressing the present not. chemical. To put a satellite in Problems: (C) Always searching for new the orbit all the systems have In the present context, key opportunities and challenges to work to full performance problem areas faced by Tamil (D) Being creative - ‘Able to requirements. Even one sub- Nadu, especially the City think out of the box’. system or one component of Chennai, are inadequate (E) Constantly striving to do fails mission will be a failure. supply of water, power, things better Same is true with launching congested transportation (F) Confident about taking of missile systems. It has to and pollution created both risks reach the required target by transportation and the (G) Proactive and focused on by flying thousands of industry. The MMA can the future kilometers. The message I (H) A good knowledge and would like to convey here is skill base. that those in the programme have to learn quality of a I am happy to know that product has to be built in the MMA has assisted small during the design phase and and medium entrepreneurs carried forward till the test

IMPACT 15 work for a novel solution for this problem of water through developing solar- energy-powered seawater desalination plants which will provide a perennial source of drinking water to the City at an affordable cost. In addition, Chennai being located very near to the equatorial region has enormous sunshine, and thus is an ideal place for solar power plants which can even feed power into the grid. Also there is an urgent need for finding solution to the growing Conclusion: such entrepreneurs in large transportation problem As you are aware, our Prime numbers in our country for in the City by designing Minister in his Independence developing and transforming innovative traffic control Day announcements has our village clusters into systems and working on declared A Rural Development sustainable economic pollution-free automobiles. Programme called PURA - units. I am sure many of the Pollution-free transport Provision of Urban Amenities entrepreneurs and managers systems combined with in Rural Areas. It involves grown by this Association solar power based industrial identification of rural clusters will create enterprises in units will automatically with growth potential many PURA complexes in the reduce the pollution in the and creating physical country, particularly in Tamil City. There are institutions connectivity, electronic Nadu, In the coming years, which are working on these connectivity, knowledge improve the lifestyle of our technologies in different connectivity and thereby village community and be an parts of the countries. I market connectivity. active partner in Developed would suggest that the MMA India Mission. Let us join should bring them together Recent experiences indicate together in building India as to find a lasting solution to that the economic progress a Developed Nation and get the problem of potable water, of few countries particularly the rightful place for India in energy, traffic congestion and the developed countries this Planet. pollution in the City and the is due to the contribution My Best Wishes to all of You. State. I am sure, MMA has of large number of small courtesy: http://www.citehr. the potential to undertake entrepreneurs employing com/1863-dr-apj-abdul- this task and become a Role less than 50 persons in their kalam-entrepreneurship- Model for other institutions. establishments. We need change-management.html

16 IMPACT Lion M. DESIKAN is a former HEALTH District Chairman and Life Member, Lions Club International, MANAGEMENT District 324A. He is a social activist and literary lover. (1)If you are a diabetic, follow your diet chart strictly and experience the feeling of wellness. Diabetes in India is increasing day by day and that too in youths. Diet plays an important role in keeping the sugar level under control. When a person is diagnosed as diabetic he/she is referred to Dietitian for assistance in analyzing food habits and to draw up a diet chart. Some important “points” to note if one is a diabetic on diet control. FRUITS HELP AVOID VISIT TO THE DOCTOR; (2) This is pomegranate Splitting them open to pluck the juicy beads looks like an arduous work. Not so, when you hear Israeli Scientist have found 2 ounces of pomegranate juice daily for a year decreases Blood pressure by 21 % and significantly improves blood flow to the heart and 4 ounces provide 50% of our daily vitamin C needs. So cut the rind and drop the juice-filled sacs. Let us do it while watching the TV!. Need the blood flow, right. PUMPKIN; Pumpkin is orange. We know what that means. Vitamin A beta-carotene, good for the eyes, prevents cancer - Pumpkin is versatile and can be made into variety of dishes, from poori, smbar, chuttney, pachadi, and koottu to paayasam every one of them tasting heavenly. But the most nutritious part is the one we throw away, the seeds. They have magnesium, something that lowers the risk of early death. Save and roast the seeds and eat them. And add to the “ MIXTURE”. Let us remember, we need 420 mg. of magnesium and that is a fact. PAPAYA;- Papaya has more carotene which helps fight cancer and blindness in children. GUAVA Thank push cart vendors popularizing it. With its appetizing display, bite into a semi-ripe one knowing that guava has a higher concentration of lycopene an anti-oxidant that fights prostate cancer. This humble, all-festival fruit has 63% more potassium than a medium banana. And guava has nearly 9 gms. of fiber in every cup, making it the ultimate high-fiber food .The fruit indeed is ball of nutrition.

IMPACT 17 Management through Destruction Mr. K Nandakumar was formerly the vice-president in The Indian Express Group of publications for three decades. Presently, he is the founder and director of Vibes Acadamy. We generally believe that They put your business in race you have to quit the construction is a positive the rat race and get the race. Further to getting out action and hence management best out of the resulting of the race you have to offer is to be constructive. We are market competition. If your something special to the also made to believe that a competitor is getting better, customers. You have just good management, at least, then you better be getting only one option and that is to should not be destructive. better faster than your innovate and be different. Unfortunately, we over- look competitor getting better the fact that all businesses or relatively you will be Incremental changes thrive and grow only in the getting worse. The traditional may ensure survival. It is soup of perennial ‘Change’ management advises you inadequate for the ultimate and any ‘Change’ means, to take ‘course corrections’ success. The solution is to necessarily, destruction. during the race. It is just fine, destroy the existing and Management concepts but is still a pretty ordinary start afresh at every turn of worth having at any specific action, far from satisfactory. management planning. period of time deserve to Paradoxically to win the Let us look at the matrix of be changed under changed destructive management. circumstances. Whatever Reducing cost of running made a business successful the business is today’s in the past and in the current mantra. Saving may save context will be inadequate your company from a ‘down and will be an antithesis for the drain’ situation and may the future successes. ensure temporary survival. Saving may improve your All business successes are profit margin only marginally. ‘customer driven’. T h e But, growth will still be customers remain insatiate elusive. Saving is essential and their choices and and is not the ultimate. Cost preferences keep changing. cutting may take you only

18 IMPACT the sense of ‘WOW’ you push the company and its product of creativity. (Have create in the market is products to mediocrity in the you seen the work desk and genius. Keep away this long run. the cabin of the editor- in- saving mantra, common all- chief of the most successful purpose gravy for a while. Generally any corporate media companies?). Mess Ultimately the management culture centralizes the power is a positive message. Let is to look at and focus on and authority, in the hands confusion prevail. Let the ‘top line’ that is, branding its of the corporate. All talks on mistakes occur. Destruction products and services. This decentralization are paper is messy. Do not shy away. means creativity and waste tigers, the mythical unicorns. Underneath the rubbles you is inevitable in creativity. In the name of protocol, will discover novel things. Between butchering and regimen and controls, the Abhorring messiness is an old waste, let us prefer waste decisions percolate down practice. Destroy. Adoring the with the purpose. The choice from the Top to the Bottom. same is to be the paradigm is yours. (The hierarchical structure of shift in the management the organizational pyramid approach. All managements talk about with the management on perfection. Perfection just the Top is to be destroyed, Innovative management is not for the sake of perfection first. Destroy the current possible unless the obsolete is suicide. Perfection costs horizontal / vertical/pyramid beliefs are pushed out and money. Perfection is just structures. Try even ellipsoids are destroyed. It is cheaper to a fancy word. Perfection as organizational structure). destroy and construct afresh is a heavy luggage. Let us In the corporate traditions than indulging in perennial not chase the non-existent, the entire organization is corrections. The destruction mythological unicorn. The made to look alike, talk alike and reconstructing is fast and buzz word is ‘customers’ and eat alike. Invariably they gets the bull’s eye. The result delight’. The customers’ think alike. Better break it, of peripheral changes is like delight is the product not of HERE and NOW. If your entire a begger’s meal, a mix of rot ‘heavy baggage’ of perfection executives think alike you do and incompatible varieties. but is of right package of not need all of them. Why the You choose. innovation. Incremental duplication is. Sack all except Management is not just changes in the product design one (Retain the one who is learning. It is forgetting and market approach may not agreeing with you and as well. You need to get keep the customer satisfied. is not your sycophant). That debriefed often and launch But their delight is the result ‘one’ will suffice. Or have a fresh initiatives. Unless the of surprises you package with jungle of mix of talents. old ruts are cleared there will your offers. Destroy what ‘is’ be no space for new ideas. and recreate from Alfa. Just ‘Mess’ is not always the A rotten fruit rots the fresh polishing the yesterday’s sign of inefficiency. A ones, if put together. The management practices will purposeful ‘mess’ is a by- peripheral changes retain

IMPACT 19 all the bad aspects of the this very attribute. Also use away from destruction. If you obsoletes and dilute the the gun that spit hundreds are crazy to have your name effect of fresh approaches. of bullet in seconds. Bullets among the victorious, learn to Erase the old ones. Destroy. are wasted; No worry. You destroy, innovate and rebuilt. The message on a clean slate may still miss the prey in the is more legible than the beginning (chances are one IT IS YOUR CHOICE. communication over written. in a million); No worry. Shoot, Patching-up is fast, easy and shoot, shoot till you kill. tempting. Destruction is We are taught to ‘Aim and Running fast is skill. Run like risky. Innovation is slow and Shoot’. In this current mad and change directions tough. But still destruction competitive environment if at appropriate moments are is the only way to remain you do not shoot first your the strategy of an effective unchallenged. competitor will. Today’s management. Three cheers Lord Brahma has no work business success depends on to Silicon Valley which is unless Lord Shiv is in Action. how quick you move forward employing this principle Lord Vishnu took many of and how quick you pull back. successfully. his Avathars to reduce the The success formulae is not All ridiculousness has logic burden of Mother Earth. aim and shoot, it is shoot on hindsight. We just enjoy successes. But and scoot and shoot again. If you are happy with just we learn from failures. Do not The success of Boffer’s gun is survival of your business, shy fear to fail. Do not fail to fail.

20 IMPACT THE DRIVING MANAGEMENT AMIDST HEAVY TRAFFIC Mr. Venugopal has served in LIC of India from 1968 to 2006 for 38 years and retired as an Executive Director. Then he served as the Professor of life insurance at the National Insurance Academy Pune for nearly 3 years. Now settled down at Bengaluru. He is a member of the Syllabus Committee for the MSc- Actuarial Science course at the Christ University as well as one of their guest faculty. He is one of the editorial consultants for the Insurance World magazine. The Art of Living is a well rickshaw. While approaching ‘unemployed persons’ on the known concept in India a signal light, the driver shows road at any given point of time, as founded by a famous, his right hand, indicating whether it is mid-day or mid- renowned Guruji based at his intention to turn right. I night. Whereas in USA where Bangalore. But how many of adjust my speed accordingly. I had gone recently, hardly I us know about the idea called Now suddenly, another hand, had seen any pedestrians or the Art of Driving? By this I that of the passenger, sprouts side-walkers. The auto-driver mean the art of car driving. out showing the left turn. I am raises the pitch on seeing the Yes; this is management of now confused as to whether crowd and tries to extract driving amidst heavy traffic!!!! the auto is turning left or more amount for an invisible This has become a ‘must’ right and I wonder how I can damage to his vehicle. Again in our country in all cities, save my vehicle but lo….the the Policeman appears on the especially Bangalore in view auto goes straight ultimately. scene only after the deal is of the utterly chaotic road I follow the auto; now struck as we see in films too, traffic here. More particularly worrying what will happen at the Police jeep arrives only for retired people like me, the next signal….whether the after the hero has smashed this is highly important as my auto can reverse too and hit the villain and his gang reflexes have become slow my car… thoroughly and of course in due to ageing. More than the damage to the process broken umpteen Let me deal with each ‘road- the car, the scene created glasses and a good number of block’ separately, one by one: by the auto-driver drives me furniture. Now after visiting The Auto-rickshaw menace: mad. He starts his diatribe the Corning Glass Factory at Here both the driver and in such a high-decibel that Corning, USA, I came to know passenger take over the all other people on the road that no glass really breaks, ‘hand-signal’ duty. immediately surround you- only such an appearance is In a busy road, I am driving often I wonder how in Indian made without breaking into my car, following an auto- roads only, there are so many innumerable pieces.

IMPACT 21 The noise pollution created carrying water for drinking me even my wife says that I by autos having a two-stroke purposes or for dousing the may enter the Guinness Book engine is so high that these fire on some building. I am of World Records in allowing autos have removed their afraid whether I am giving an a cycle to overtake a car. horns as there is no necessity idea to these water-tankers The Two Wheelers: for the same. The order of the to install a fire-engine bell I have come to the most Government to convert these too to drive further faster. crucial aspect of city car into four-stroke engines have The golden rule under driving, especially in the fallen on deaf ears, may be our ‘art of driving’ is to Southern cities like Chennai due to the loud noise created immediately give way for and Bangalore where the by the two-stroke engines. the water-tankers as we number of two-wheelers has But one good thing about give for ambulances. Now-a- increased manifold. auto-drivers is that they make days, even for ambulances, In Bangalore, being the IT the passengers pray to God many vehicles don’t give Capital of India, the two- for reaching their destination way after some enterprising wheelers have taken over safely. news reporter published the the pavements meant for I recall an anecdote where story of an ambulance driver pedestrians too by riding both a Priest and an auto- rushing to meet his girl- on these road platforms. driver died due to an friend. Anyway, for followers They only want a small gap accident-naturally due to of my Theory, the best way between two cars, they will go the rash driving of the driver. to save you and your car is to through it, causing scratches However the Priest is sent to allow the water-tanker pass on the front and back portions the Hell and the auto-driver peacefully. The water-tanker of the cars -there is no car to the Heaven. Naturally may even sneer at you mock in Bangalore without these the Priest is aggrieved and fully, please ignore him. scars. They drive so close to asks for the reason for this The Cyclists: the vehicle in front with the discriminatory treatment. I wonder often at the driving result if there is any sudden God replied “While the auto- skills of a cyclist in India, brake applied by the earlier driver made people pray how he beautifully enters vehicle, there is a bang on the sincerely, the Priest made the the small gap between two back. people sleep when he was cars without creating any Once a lady driving a scooter addressing them”. scratch, navigates among the went so near my car that her The Water-Tankers: thick of vehicles, from right vehicle removed my side- With water problem to left and turns wherever mirror and took it with her. becoming perennial in many he wants to turn. As soon as When I parked my car near her Metros, the water-tankers I see a cyclist on the road, I subsequently and asked her have become a regular immediately slow down my to return the side-mirror, she feature on the roads. The car and say a prayer to God as returned it with a sheepish way these are driven makes that’s only thing I could do. I smile. you wonder whether they are simply allow him to overtake The less I talk about the two-

22 IMPACT wheelers overtaking you by Recently even a film celebrity how can you go fast and get your left side instead of the in his TV program talked of into an accident and hence mandatory right side, the this danger and a few parents where is the necessity for better. The beauty is that who lost their children in seat-belts. My only answer all these things are done by such road accidents spoke is - Prevention is better than highly educated and qualified with tears in their eyes. Let Cure. persons in the society. me hope that people who Often we wear the seat-belts saw this program would try only to avoid the penalty to persuade themselves and from the Police authorities. others to follow this helmet Even we feel we need not principle. wear it during night times, The same attitude is shown because the Policeman can’t towards wearing seat belts see it in the darkness but in the cars. While it is when an accident happens, compulsory in a few foreign who suffers? Wearing seat- countries to wear the seat belts is only for our safety belts for all the passengers - and welfare. not only the driver of the car Lady Drivers: and the person sitting in the Although I am not a male The Safety Measures: front - in India, only in some chauvinistic pig, still some The mandates of the cities the safety belt seat rule women driving the cars drive Government for the two- has come, first for the driver. me nuts. Sometimes I get a wheelers to wear safety When this rule will come feeling whether the steering helmets have no much for others, God only knows. wheel will fly from their effect - either the rule is not Similarly for children, in hands, because they hold observed or an apology head- foreign countries, there are them so tightly. Again, this is gear in the name of a helmet separate seats with belts in only a few - a good number is worn. the cars in the rear-side, with of ladies drive two-wheelers Many people think that the child facing backwards and cars excellently and wearing helmet is for and it is compulsory to effortlessly. May be, after complying with a rule - they use them. There is even a a few years, the situation never think that it is for their board informing the other will change and women will own safety and welfare. car drivers that there are become better drivers than Despite knowing that fatal children travelling in the car men, as they are excelling in accidents take place in the so that proper precautionary so many other fields. absence of helmet - India is steps are taken by the other For the time being, my safety leading in the number of road drivers. rule is either you overtake a accidents in the entire world But often I hear only one lady driver and go away or - still there is reluctance in argument in India is that when allow her to overtake you and following these safety rules. our roads are ill-maintained, run away. The choice is yours.

IMPACT 23 The Stray Animals on the so many years and given But my own fear is even Road: him so much income. The when you have an GPS We are experts in peaceful driver could not win over this actually I understand some co-existence that many argument and quietly gave a enterprising entrepreneur is foreigners wonder how cars, cheque for Rs.5000 but only trying to introduce a GPS for cows, buffaloes and dogs with the date of five years Indian cities - that instrument can happily go together in hence. Don’t ask me whether too can’t guide you correctly Indian roads. Some of these it was accepted. and properly as in India, there animals are natural speed- The GPS: are so many diversions and breakers, apart from the This is a device used in USA to one-ways made every day man-made ones. Some of the guide the driver on the road that the GPS will only guide speed-breakers are so high - there is nobody on the road you back to your residence. and irregular that they can be freely available for asking The Ultimate Solution- ‘Back-breakers’. for directions unlike in India. Prayers: There is a belief in Southern This is called the GPS-Global Whatever guidelines I give cities that if a pregnant lady is Positioning System showing you under the Art of Driving, delayed in being taken to the the map to the destination ultimately what will save hospital for delivery, she can and giving instructions. you is only prayer. Install a be carried in an auto so that I pray we should get such a Deity’s idol or picture in the there will be an automatic system in India too at least for car and say a minute’s prayer delivery of the child en-route major cities so that the driver before leaving. You may itself in view of the speed- can reach the destination feel peaceful and confident. breakers. easily. Here the moment Recall BABA’s words - Drive Whatever it may be, we have the front vehicle goes slow, safely-Reach peacefully. to be careful that we don’t you can be sure that he Only constant practice and hit a goat, cow or hen while does not know the route regular driving will make you driving. The moment it is and he / she wants to elicit an expert. Let me hope that hit, immediately there will information from passers-by this Art of Driving will help be huge mob and the owner and accordingly you have to you towards that end. of the animal will claim that drive your car without losing Tailpiece: the particular goat / hen was patience. Once a man was caught being grown for sacrificing But the problem is even driving the car rashly. The to Goddess and it was a when you lose your cool and Policeman stopped him and great sin and naturally the shout at the other driver, he / asked for driving license. compensation amount would she cannot hear as both the The man replied that he was soar high. vehicles are air-conditioned learning. The Policeman asked I recall an incident when such and the window glasses “Where is the Instructor? He an owner demanded Rs.5000 are down, so only your wife should be by your side.” The for his injured goat saying sitting next to you, hears all man replied “I am learning that it would have lived for the ‘gallies’. on-line”.

24 IMPACT ExEcutivE coaching: a nEw ProcEss for LEadErshiP dEvELoPmEnt Ms. Muthumala S, heads the human resource function for Congruent Solutions Private Limited. In this role, she is responsible for HR strategy formulation and execution. With about 17 years of experience in HR, Mala has performed a wide variety of operational as well as strategic roles encompassing Talent Acquisition, Talent Management and Talent Development functions. She topped the university in her Master’s in Social Work which she pursued after completing her bachelor’s degree in business administration. Mala is a frequent speaker in forums like NASSCOM, CII, MSME etc.. An office bearer and an active member of the Toastmasters International, she is also a guest faculty in few colleges at Chennai. Limitations of Traditional even if the workshop is well to happen if input is limited Leadership Development received by the managers, to occasional training events, Initiatives: there is no accountability which do not have a follow- The typical approach to for implementing the new up process. These limitations management development knowledge and skills learned can be addressed through until date has been to send at the workplace, essentially executive coaching. managers to classroom because managers are often or outbound sessions on too busy to do so. Thirdly, Understanding Executive leadership. While this effort traditional leadership Coaching: is any day better than no development workshops are Executive coaching development activity, it based on the premise that is an experimental and has certain limitations if people understand, then individualized leader that organizations need to they will do. Unfortunately, development process that consider carefully. First, research proves that while builds a manager’s capability each manager has different many understand, very to achieve short- and long- development needs that may few actually do. Lastly, term organizational goals. or may not be addressed in a it is unrealistic to expect It is conducted through standard workshop. Secondly, management development one-on-one interactions,

IMPACT 25 driven by data from multiple context in which the manager issues. In addition, the perspectives, and based on operates, with particular executive coaching process is mutual trust and respect. The emphasis on key business personalized, as opposed to organization, a manager (the initiatives directly relevant a ‘one-size-fits all’ approach. coachee), and the executive to the manager. The manager According to research by coach work in partnership to and coach then agree upon Turner (2006), executives achieve maximum impact. specific results that best identified five significant Executive coaching involves reflect the organization’s benefits of executive three levels of learning: business objectives. coaching as a leadership tactical problem solving; Successful executive strategy. These benefits developing leadership coaching links a business were continuous one-on- capabilities and new ways focus with human processes one attention; expanded of thinking and acting that by closely aligning the thinking through dialogue generalize to other situations manager’s development with with a curious outsider; self- and roles; and ‘learning how critical business needs. awareness, including blind to learn’. Learning how to spots; personal accountability learn means developing skills Benefits of Executive for development; and, just- and habits of self-reflection Coaching: in-time learning. Individuals that ensure that learning Compared to traditional who engage in a coaching will continue after coaching leadership development relationship can expect to ends. Its aims are to eliminate workshops, executive experience fresh perspectives an executive’s long-term coaching has tremendous on personal challenges and dependency on his coach and benefits since it is done opportunities, enhanced teach habits of learning and almost entirely in real thinking and decision self-reflection that will last business time and focuses on making skills, enhanced a lifetime, enabling him to specific, real-life contextual interpersonal effectiveness, keep developing throughout his career. Executive coaching is primarily concerned with the development of the manager (coachee) in the context of organizational needs. The coaching objective is to maximize the manager’s effectiveness and his or her contribution to the organization. The coach develops an understanding of the broader business

26 IMPACT and increased confidence in carrying out their chosen work and life roles. In a research study by Parker- Wilkins (2006), respondents stated that coaching assisted them in the development of three main competencies: leadership behavior (82 percent), building teams (41 percent), and developing staff (36 percent). The Executive Coaching Process: managers an opportunity to suite or their direct reports. Dialogue, fuelled through reflect on feedback, focus Tentatively, the objective is powerful questions, is at the on developing goals, and to groom them for further heart of the coaching process. have someone to hold them responsibility and/or develop In coaching conversations, accountable for executing them to become even more managers think aloud, their goals. The confidential effective in their current become more reflective, and coaching relationship also roles. Specific objectives can gain access to their own tacit creates a safe space for be defined during the pre- knowledge and unexplored managers to share their coaching discussion. The ideas. The coach’s role is concerns. Managers who Coach will gather confidential to act as a sounding board, engage in a coaching 360-degree feedback about confidant, partner, challenger, relationship can expect to the coachee managers from and catalyst for change. experience fresh perspectives concerned stakeholders The emphasis in coaching is on personal challenges and to identify strengths and on building the manager’s opportunities, enhanced development areas. The ability to deal with the issues thinking and decision making initial coaching relationship using his or her own decision- skills, enhanced interpersonal is usually for 6 months, making skills, as against effectiveness, and increased with up to four, weekly telling him or her specific confidence in carrying out conversations each month. actions to undertake. Since their chosen work and life The details of each session executive coaching addresses roles. are confidential between the specific performance or coach and the coachee. A behavioral gaps, it is more The Coaching Relationship review meeting can be held effective than general- Roadmap: with the coachee, the coach purpose training because it Potential coachees can and the organization sponsor gives high-performing busy include members of the CXO once each quarter.

IMPACT 27 MANAGEMENT JARGONS Has far too much time Interact with Not busy “He has far too much time” To be in physical proximity to or connected to over some communication medium Health care delivery system Some amount of talking with The medical services (doctors, nurses, “They can interact with us” hospitals, clinics, equipment, and medicines) available to an employee and Internal efficiencies the method used to pay for them Reductions in the cost of production “We are currently evaluating our health whose cost savings may come from the care delivery system” firing of employees and/or the reduction of plant and equipment Heritage “We have experienced some internal A firm’s traditional lines of business which efficiencies” are rarely abandoned “We will stick with our heritage” Is hot 1 Current and up to date 2 Topical in the Hired gun media 3 A growing field “Email is hot” A consultant with an expertise who may or may not have better knowledge than Issues almost any employee 1 Questions 2 Problems 3 Points of “Do we need a hired gun” disagreement and/or other assorted topics that can be brought up but are In Depth rarely disposed of satisfactorily To some degree of detail “These issues need to be handled” “It is an in depth report” Jettison employees In some sense The firing of one or more employees who 1 Partially 2 Related in some way will not be hired back“We must jettison “We are in some sense better off” employees to reduce costs” In-sourced Job ready Use resources owned by the firm to 1 A prospective employee with all produce a good or provide a service the required skills 2 Older and more “It was in-sourced because we had the experienced workers 3 Retrained workers people” “The applicant is job ready”

28 IMPACT Be A Negative Optimist Arun Kumar S.Davay - Founder andCEO, MindMatters A Passionate Teacher and A Professional Trainer is an MBA Professional with several years Industry experience in HR, Marketing, Auditing and Finance. Faculty for MBAin variousPremier BusinessSchools. Member of ISTD(Indian Society for Training andDevelopment). The most important quality for Taper Your Optimism advice to many people on success in entrepreneurship In order to be successful in investments. And what he and in life is the quality of business, and in any activity does is this. optimism. Optimists have where money is involved, one When someone comes an unrealistic expectation must temper ones optimism and they want to make an of success. As a result, they with negativism. One must investment that he is unsure are willing to try far more be enthusiastic about the about, he says, all right, I want things without becoming possible upside of the you to come to my office and discouraged. investment but one must be I want you to sit behind my In addition, because of their skeptical, critical, suspicious desk. And then I am going unrealistically positive and demanding about all to come in and I am going to attitude, they are willing to the different ways as to how present this investment to persist much longer than the one’s money can be lost. you and I want you to critique average person. Optimism is this investment as if you were a wonderful quality as long Listen to Negative me. as you have it under control. Viewpoints One must seek out and listen Help Others to Evaluate carefully to people who are Honestly negative towards one’s idea. He says that when his Keep a lookout for negative clients begin critiquing thinkers, because their the investments they are viewpoints can be invaluable thinking about going into, and save you a fortune in time when they begin, becoming and money. negative thinkers about the Here is a very god example investments, he says they are of a person who is a lawyer astonished at how bad the by profession, and has a very investments really are. different approach at work. He said he has saved his He recommends and gives clients millions of dollars by

IMPACT 29 distributor of gas and oil in the United States. From a 200 dollar investment, even though everybody told her she would fail. So remember, listen to negative thinkers, but do not necessarily accept their advice. Action Exercises: Here are two things you can do immediately to get these ideas into action. First, view your idea as if you forcing them to be negative consideration. There is a were an outside consultant. thinkers about their own famous story of Mary Hudson, Ask, “What are all of the ideas, simply by switching who started off with 200 possible risks or flaws in this roles and sitting in front of dollars in the middle of the cause of action?” the desk while they sit behind Depression and leased a gas the desk. station that two men had Second, seek out the opinions gone broke running at two of others. Listen without Keep Your Mind Open different occasions. And from responding or defending. But don’t be overly influenced that she built a company Thank them for their input. by negative thinkers. Just called Hudson Oil, which is They may save you a lot of take their viewpoints into now the biggest independent money.

30 IMPACT Nurse, get on the internet, go to SURGERY.COM, scroll down and click on the “Are you totally lost?“ icon.

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