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Home Explore Chinese eBook Project (1)

Chinese eBook Project (1)

Published by alexdloia, 2016-09-15 15:00:36

Description: Chinese eBook Project (1)


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中文二 中秋节eBook 陆安理 孔志龙 安云嵩1

中秋快乐! The Mid-Autumn Festival, or 中秋节,or Moon Festival, is a 中文 tradition that signifies the gathering of 今年 的 harvest, which always occurs on 八月十五日(阴历). 谢谢 are given for a bountiful harvest, 和很多的人 pray for anything that may satisfy them physically, mentally, or emotionally. 中国人跟家庭庆祝!2

中秋节的饭 中国人喜欢吃月饼,海鲜(haixian),南瓜 (nangua),芋头(yutou)和鸭(ya)。3

服裝 In many communities, 庆祝 occurs with individuals dressing up into 龙 costumes and dancing to show 谢谢 for a prosperous harvest.4

活動 中国人喜欢看黑暗天, 和他们有时侯烧香.(Shao xiang- burn incense)孩子喜欢玩儿游戏。5

故事 According to legend, when 后羿的妻子, 嫦娥, drank the elixir of immortality, 嫦娥 flew into 天. When 后羿 became 王, 他 was tyrannical. 他是不好的王。 嫦娥 prevented 他 from living long by keeping the elixir away from 后羿. 他死了。 For this, 中国人 offer sacrifices of 谢谢 to 嫦娥每年八月十五日 (阴历)。 嫦娥6

趣事 ● It’s often in the late 夏天, 不秋天 ● Ranked 第二 among 中国的节 ● 月饼 can be as expensive as 1000人民币, or $150 ● 中国人 try to make 大月饼 every year, bigger than a bed ● 第二 Valentine’s Day 在中国 ● Messages smuggled in 月饼 were used to overthrow Mongol rule7


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