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Home Explore Social Media Marketing Strategy - Accounting firms

Social Media Marketing Strategy - Accounting firms

Published by sachinmaske369, 2015-07-23 06:22:17

Description: Social Media Marketing Strategy - Accounting firms


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Social Media Marketing Strategy For Accounting Firms Contact Person: Address: Phone: Email:

1: Introduction: ............................................................................................................. 2 1 1.1: Social Media - in Simple Words:........................................................................... 2 2: Set up and Manage a Facebook: ............................................................................. 4 2.1: What is FACEBOOK? .......................................................................................... 4 2.2: Why To Use It? .................................................................................................... 4 2.3: Setting Up Facebook Page: ................................................................................. 5 2.4: Configuring and Optimizing: ................................................................................. 6 2.5: Engage Your Customers: ..................................................................................... 7 2.6: Promote Your Business:....................................................................................... 8 2.7: Some Special Tips on Promoting Your Facebook Page: ...................................... 9 2.8: Monthly Activity Schedule for Face Book: .......................................................... 11 3: Set up and Manage a LinkedIn: ............................................................................. 13 3.1: What is LinkedIn?............................................................................................... 13 3.2: Profile:................................................................................................................ 13 3.3: Increase your Network: ...................................................................................... 15 3.4: Company Promotion Through LinkedIn: ............................................................. 16 3.5: Create: ............................................................................................................... 16 3.6: Attract: ............................................................................................................... 17 3.7: Engage: ............................................................................................................. 18 3.8: Monthly Activity Schedule for LinkedIn: .............................................................. 19 4: Tweet Your Way to Online Prominence: ............................................................... 21 4.1: What is Twitter? ................................................................................................. 21 4.2: Why to use it? .................................................................................................... 21 4.3: How to Build and Attract Followers:.................................................................... 23 4.4: What to Tweet About:......................................................................................... 24 4.5: Monthly Activity Schedule for Twitter:................................................................. 25 5: Guidelines for Choosing Right Social Media Management Vendor: ................... 26 5.1: Average Price Structure of Social Media Management Market:.......................... 26Powered by:

1: INTRODUCTION:The consumer world today is changing rapidly. Long gone is the time of passive consumerism,nowadays consumers are looking towards promoting each of their product and service. In thistime of intense competition companies are actively seeking ways to gain more leverage throughinnovation. With the introduction of social media platforms, businesses are playing an entirelydifferent ballgame.1.1: SOCIAL MEDIA - IN SIMPLE WORDS:The term social media has been frequently used in online marketing, but what exactly isit? In essence, social media incorporates the use of online technologies and means toenable users to share their personal opinions, content, and swap insights andperspectives with the rest of the world.Social media content can take different shapes and forms: Text – often used to write personal opinions or posts. Images – photos and other graphics elements, including promotional material. Audio – podcasts can be produced to other users to download. Video – video content can be used and shared to entertain, engage or educate. Followings are among most popular social media sites: 2 Social Networking: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ Video Sharing: YouTube Photo Sharing: Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr Wikis: Wikipedia Online Gaming: World of Warcraft News Aggregation: Digg, Reddit However, in this document our focus will be only on the following, as these channels can productively and beneficially be used by an accounting firm. Facebook, LinkedIn Twitter,Powered by:

FACEBOOK MARKETING STRATEGY:Why to use it: o Excessive Exposure. o Improve Google Rank. o Powerful Marketing Platform for Free o Targeted AD Space o Provide Regular Updates o Facilitate Online Discussions to Gain Valuable Inputs o Stay Connected and Nurture Relationships o Enhance Customer Service Steps: 3 o Set up account o Add content o Claim your place o Invite your customers o Add the “LIKE” button in your website Engage your customers by: Interaction, building relationships and enhance Customer Service Promote your business by: Creating ads, running sponsor stories, posting flyers, banners etc.Powered by:

2: SET UP AND MANAGE A FACEBOOK:2.1: WHAT IS FACEBOOK?Facebook is undoubtedly the most famous global phenomenon that keeps growing exponentiallysince its launch. Originally developed for college students, we don’t need statistics to prove thatFacebook has rapidly moved beyond its original use. Over time, the platform is recognized as anexceptionally powerful networking medium for businesses.From a simple social media platform, it has evolved into a widely popular professional networkingsite. Recent reports claim that, Facebook has exceed an astonishing 1 billion active users. Wecan exchange messages, chat with friends, post statuses, upload photos, and much more.2.2: WHY TO USE IT?There are numerous reasons why businesses are using Facebook as a marketing tool, few corereasons / benefits for an accounting firm are mentioned below:Excessive Exposure.With over a billion users, Facebook offers unrivaled opportunities for exposure of the business.When used strategically and consistently, Facebook can significantly boost your company’s onlinepresence and visibility. You can disseminate information, post comments, provide insights, adviceand suggestions to earn respect and credibility within your network, and ultimately gain leverage.Improve Google Rank.With Facebook’s “Pages” application, you can create a professional profile for yourcompany which can be filled up with the service information and offers. These pagesprovide the opportunity to include links of your website that will result in driving traffictowards the desired page, and eventually help in improving Google ranking.Free Powerful Marketing Platform.Facebook is easy to use and free of charge. It enables you to reach out to thousands of potentialcustomers with text, graphics, audio and video channel whichever is required.Powered by: 4

Targeted AD Space.Facebook provides an economical solution of direct marketing to target market. You can createads and target them to reach specific gender, location and age group, as well as track itsperformance.Regular Updates.Facebook offers a convenient way to update the network on new services, promotional offers,and general information about the company to stay fresh and relevant in the minds of your market.Facilitate Online Discussions to Gain Valuable Inputs.Newsgroups and networks can be used as a venue to communicate, and respond to inquiries andcomments. It can also be a great source of constructive feedback to enable you to identify areasof improvements.Stay Connected and Strengthen Relationships.Useful information can be regularly provided to your prospective customers’ and network. Thisincludes helpful how-to videos along with other relevant content which the target audience mayenjoy.Enhance Customer Service.It has been observed that, these days real-time response to queries and concerns is highlyappreciated by the customers, in that pursuance Facebook page play a vital part by bridging thecommunication gap. 2.3: SETTING UP FACEBOOK PAGE: 5 Creating a Facebook Page also referred to as (Brand Page) provides you a robust tool to interact with the target audience on a different level that traditional media won't be able to provide. By assisting the potential customers the company can create a loyal customer base that will serve the company as unpaid brand ambassadors. To get started, we have to follow the simple steps: Signup to FaceBook. It is very easy and require your name, email, date of birth and gender. You need to create your profile in an individual capacity to create a company page.Powered by:

After setting up your profile, log in and click “Pages” button located on the left-hand side of the screen. Select what type of Facebook page, we want to create, such as Company, Brand, Institution and Organization. Fill in all the specific information. Agree to the detailed Facebook page terms and conditions. Enter all the relevant information required. You can start customization of your Facebook page after choosing the specific category of your business. Facebook walks you through the entire customization process by providing a list of pending things you should complete to get started. You can upload a company logo, images, and banners. You can also include website, tagline, and Twitter page, along with other social media pages you maintain. Save the settings.2.4: CONFIGURING AND OPTIMIZING:Add Content.It is advisable that include all key information such as photos, location, business hours, andwebsite links, it will provide general information about your organisation and its services to thetargeted audience. Focus on providing precise, but engaging information under Info tab. Usekeywords since each tab can be indexed by search engines and this will support in search engineoptimization. Super Tip: Start your website URL with http:// in the info box right under the profile picture. Facebook will automatically make it clickable link. This will help in driving targeted traffic to your website, twitter account or company blog.Claim Your Place.Mentioned your physical office in your Facebook page, so that potential customers can easily findyou as well as check in.Powered by: 6

Invite Existing Customers.Invite existing customers to like your page. You can advertise on your website, post links, sendout newsletters, or promote through flyers, etc. Super Tip: Setup a new Gmail / yahoo account for your FaceBook account then import your existing email database there. The system will automatically find your clients from your address book and suggest them as your friends on creation of FaceBook page.Add the “LIKE” button.You can add Facebook like button to your website and blogs so people can engage with yourpage and share it with their own network.2.5: ENGAGE YOUR CUSTOMERS:Interact And Join Conversations.Maximize presence and visibility by posting regular updates on the wall about your business.Exclusive offers can be given to generate interest and drive active engagement. (Offers likediscount on advance payment of let’s say for a quarter, or free tax return of one business if youhave multiple businesses with us. Or clients contacted through Facebook will be allowed 5%discount etc.)Build Deeper Relationships.Use this chance to get to know your loyal customer base and go out of your way to make themfeel special by replying their comments promptly and regularly.Gain Valuable Insights.Learn and study how your audience interact and make the necessary adjustments to increaseand encourage more engagement.Powered by: 7

2.6: PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS:Create Ads.Create and post your ads and increase reach through Facebook “Boost Post” service. This isone of the most economical service to access to the targeted audience.After clicking on boost post you will have a window on the right side of the screen that will ask youabout your budget, targeted audience, etc. Choose your desired inputs, then click on boost button and it is done. 8Powered by:

Run Sponsored Stories.Set up Sponsored Stories, so that you can encourage the audience to spread some nice wordabout your business on their network. Remember, when it comes to driving results word of mouthmarketing is twice effective as compared to traditional advertising.Note: Sponsored stories are messages coming from friends about them engaging with a Page, app or eventthat a business, organization or individual has paid to highlight so there's a better chance people see them.You can create a sponsored story with the ad create tool.( SOME SPECIAL TIPS ON PROMOTING YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE:Using Your Social Media Manager.Actively try to add people who are related to your specific line of business or that can potentiallybecome customers. Moreover, you can use the search function to discover the events, people,related pages, groups and even messages. Super Tip: While composing a post or writing a message, put an @ sign and type in your business page so you can mention it. This can also be used as a signature for your regular updates.Cheat A Little.In order to boost rankings, you can ask your friends, employees, fellow staff members to postcomments and “likes” on your status updates. Status updates with 5 or more comments and “likes”can display in the Top News section. This will also lead to make your Facebook wall more alive,also attract targeted audience to participate in conversations and be more active. Super Tip: You must have attractive and alive page to pull the prospective clients on your page. You can make mini website on FaceBook. Some of the samples are included below, if you want we can design and develop you face book mini site.Powered by: 9

Sample of Facebook mini Web: Your Page with Media Content Upload photos of the company, including your team and office so fans can easily relate to you. Upload photos of events you hosted and tag your clients. Post videos that features any of your team member’s talks. Use video to respond and entertain your friends and followers. Show your services in action.Treat Your Followers / Customers Well.It is important to reward your fans with special or exclusive offers every now and then. You canreward loyalty by offering discounts, limited only to Facebook followers / customer.Keep Your Fans Updated.Direct messages are extremely powerful and result oriented, but care should be taken that not toabuse it. Think twice, before sending the messages to the targeted audience. Your updates needto be valuable as well as a welcome news, because your goal is to inform and engage theaudience and not to irritate them.Ask Your Fans For Help.Seek help from your fans in building your community using “Suggest to Friends” and “Share” tools.Build Partnerships With Other Facebook Pages.Each page on Facebook have a function called \"Add to my Page's Favorites\" button. Any\"Favorite” page will have their logo displayed in “Favorite Pages” featured Facebook page. Youcan build partnership with other businesses that are providing complimentary services like lawyer,consultants etc.Applications.To promote your company brand, there are some really useful apps on Facebook that you can bereadily used. Polls can be conducted, quizzes, and games can be setup where people can playPowered by: 10

against each other and outrank. There are even apps for giveaways and sweepstakes somethingmost consumers love to participate in.Spy!Facebook allows you to keep an eye on your competitors, especially those that are highlysuccessful in their own campaigns. You need to check out their strategies and moves and followthem where required.2.8: MONTHLY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE FOR FACE BOOK:Activities Duration Responsible Means of Verification Responsible Duration Person Person VerificationSetup FaceBook account, fill up 1 Days Digital Facebook Page At starting Project M.complete information and invite Campaignerfriends and existing customers. 1 Days Facebook Page At starting Project M.Obtaining vanity URL 1 Days Digital 2 Days Campaigner Report Once in a month Project M.Competitor analysis Digital Campaigner Facebook Page Once in a week Project M.Branding & Optimization Digital CampaignerPost regular status 27 Days Digital Facebook Page Daily Project M.updates(includes links, images and 27 Days Campaignerother posts from website) 1 Days Code Once at starting Project M.Facebook widget codes for your Digitalwebsite Campaigner No. of visitors / Weekly Project M. Digital reach / Insight Project M.Monitoring for brand mentions, Campaigner Project M.comments, likes and responding. Project M. Digital Project M.Facebook ads campaign 1 Day Campaigner No. of visitors / Weeklymanagement and sponsor stories 27 Days Digital reach / Insight Daily Campaigner DailyReply to posts, comments, No. of comment Dailymessages, feedback, and likes Digital to face book Campaigner pageShare interesting content from 27 Days Digital No of sharing /other sources 27 Days Campaigner InsightShare interesting and valuable Digital Facebook Pageinformation from the industry Campaigner DigitalFollow relevant profiles pages 27 Days Campaigner No. of followers Weekly Project M. Digital Project M.Create and Identify People interest 27 Days Campaigner Number of Page Weekly Project M. likesCheck and update the Event page 27 Days Once in threeonce in a while no. of version of days updatesPowered by: 11

LINKEDIN MARKETING STRATEGY:PROFILE: o Create Your Profile o Complete Your ProfileINCREASE YOUR NETWORK: o Uploading contacts of Address Book o Add Classmates and Colleagues o Make New Connections PROMOTE YOUR COMPANY WITH 3 STEP PROCESS Create Create a Company Page Complete a Company Profile Attract Add a Banner and a Logo Engage Engage Your ColleaguesPowered by: Add Easy Links Invest In Followers Share Rich Content Daily Gain Deeper Insights Sponsored Updates 12

3: SET UP AND MANAGE A LINKEDIN:3.1: WHAT IS LINKEDIN?Established in 2002, officially launched on May 5, 2003, LinkedIn undoubtedly is a leadingprofessional network. Recently many professionals have joined LinkedIn to share knowledge andinsight in over 1 million LinkedIn groups. Currently there are over 135 million users from morethan 200 countries and territories of the world. It is estimated that over 2 million companies areusing LinkedIn, it is available in 14 languages including French, Germany, Italian, Japanese,Korean, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, English and Turkish.In LinkedIn, companies have access to a wealth of information which are mostly provided by theusers through their profile data i.e. company name, size, job title, and LinkedIn uses these detailsfor advertising to the target market.Companies can use LinkedIn paid services to promote their products and services to thespecifically targeted audience i.e. LinkedIn members or affiliation groups on LinkedIn. The classicexample is the success of Cathay Pacific Airway through their LinkedIn company page sendsmessages to individuals who are following their company on LinkedIn asking them to recommendthe organization. Through this, organization has been in a position to increase its brandawareness among the target audience. If you’re a company and you don’t have a powerful LinkedIn presence, you might be missing valuable opportunities.3.2: PROFILE:Create Your Profile:Before setting up a company page, you must have a personal LinkedIn profile set up with yourtrue first and last name. Also, make sure you meet all the requirements to add a Company Pageand that your current company doesn't already have one.Powered by: 13

Setting up a profile in LinkedIn is as easy as in Facebook. You just need to input your name andemail address and then LinkedIn will walk you through all the steps to complete your profile.Moreover, if you have Facebook profile you can directly setup your profile by clicking on connectA Complete Profile:A completed profile is regarded as the most effective way to showcase your talents, experience,background, passions, interests, and other areas of expertise. Moreover, a completed profilemakes you a more competent user in the network.According to LinkedIn, a completed profile has 40% greater potential for networking success, plusthe system makes it easy for you to know how to achieve that 100% completion.Key Points to Complete a Profile: Upload a professional Image as this is the first opportunity to make your impression. Create an attention getting headline, at the top of the profile to describe your expertise. Mention your current position and at least two previous positions. Try to complete the “Summary” section of your profile. It is recommended that use third person while writing your summary, so that you can a lots of “I”. Try to complete the specialties section and utilize customer-focused keywords so that you can be easily found in the related search. Complete “Groups and Associations” and “Interest” section. Give recommendation, as the best way to get recommendations is to give them first.Powered by: 14

3.3: INCREASE YOUR NETWORK:The followings are the few steps to make your first degree connections effectively and efficiently.Uploading Contacts in Your Address Book:LinkedIn provides you an opportunity to directly connect with your first degree network, byuploading contacts from Outlook, webmail like Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, or other addressbooks. This can be done through “Add Connections” tab by log in to the email account. Super Tip: Replace the standard “Hi, I’d like to add you to my network” message with something appealing and personal. While using this method, you can’t be too personal because you have selected multiple people.Add Classmates and Colleagues:There are other methods to increase your network. Here again, you should be more focus on thepeople already using LinkedIn as they will be more open to accept your invitation.Powered by: 15

Linked will suggest you possible connections like Classmates and Colleagues through its artificialintelligence system, the recommendation will be based on the information provided in the profile.You can search it through the above mentioned menu by clicking on “Colleagues” tab.New Connections:New connections can be easily developed through following tactics: You can explore the networks of your immediate network, and can invite any person you are interested in. You can use the advance search option to add target members. Here you must remember that you are building a relationship so care to be taken that not to sale at this stage. Join the group where you think you can find your target market. If you set up an alert, LinkedIn will send you an email every week with new prospects.3.4: COMPANY PROMOTION THROUGH LINKEDIN:Precisely it can be divided in to 3 steps: Create Attract Engage3.5: CREATE:Create a Company Page:A Company Page helps others learn more about your business, brand, products and services,and job opportunities. You can create one from the Add a Company page.To add a Company Page: Move your cursor over Interests at the top of your homepage and select Companies. Click Create in the Create a Company Page box on the right. Enter your company's official name and your work email address. Click Continue and enter your company information. (This text is extracted from LinkedIn)Powered by: 16

Complete a Company Profile:After setting up company’s page, you must add a brief description and overview of the company.You should be concise, but it must include all of the key products and / or services, its specialties,and unique selling points.Add A Banner And A Logo:The Logo is your identity you should add company's logo and a banner image to make your pageappealing and bring it to life. Your logo appears when members search for your company as wellas on your employees' profiles.3.6: ATTRACT:Engage Your Colleagues:Adding employees is the best way to start with, your employees are your biggest advocates andwill help actively in increase followers through their network. Encourage them to add yourorganization to their personal profiles. By doing so, they automatically become followers, whichenable them to like, share, and comment on your updates, that will surely help to boost your viralreach.Add Easy Links:You can link your company page with various marketing channels like blogs, emails, newsletters,flyers. You can also add follow button on your website, make sure it should be simple and visibleto the audience.Invest In Followers:To quickly attract the targeted audience linked provides the facility of “Follow Ads”. These Adsappear all over the platform and can be targeted to members in specific industries, companies,and regions. If one follows your company his action will be spread through his network as anupdate, which motivates others to follow as well.Powered by: 17

3.7: ENGAGE:Share Rich Content Daily:One of the most effective ways to start conversation on LinkedIn is posting daily updates aboutthe company or about business. It provides opportunity to engage directly with your targetaudience, you can share industry news, articles, your thoughts, company news, offers etc. youcan ask followers to contribute through their views about hot topics.It is advisable that join related groups and use media rich content like images, videos,infographics, and SlideShare presentations to keep things fresh and exciting for your community.Gain Deeper Insights:You can use get deeper insights with Company Page analytics option, it will give you a betterview of traffic on your company page, growth of your followers, engagement with the post, andkey metrics and trends.Powered by: 18

Sponsored Updates:Just like Facebook post boost option, In LinkedInyou can also communicate your sales messageto the targeted audience through SponsoredUpdate. This option result in, generate qualityleads, greater brand awareness, and help inpromoting deeper relationships with youraudience by extending the reach of yourcompany’s updates.3.8: MONTHLY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE FOR LINKEDIN:Activities Duration Responsible Means of Verification Responsible Duration Person Person VerificationSetup LinkedIn account, fill up 1 Days Digital LinkedIn Profile At starting Project M.complete information / profile 2 Days Campaigner LinkedIn Profile Once in a week Project M.Branding & Optimization Digital CampaignerInvite friends , colleagues, clients, 1 Days Digital LinkedIn Profile At starting Project M.and people in your business Campaignernetwork 1 Days Report Once in a month Project M.Competitor analysis 27 Days Digital LinkedIn Profile 27 Days Campaigner Daily Project M.Joint relevant groups and Digitalparticipate in topics Campaigner LinkedIn Profile Daily Project M. DigitalGive recommendations CampaignerTry to add small business owners 27 Days Digital No. of Daily Project M.of the targeted areas 27 Days Campaigner connection on Twice a Month Project M. LinkedIn Twice a Month Project M.Invest in Follows and track results Digital No. of followers Weekly Project M. Campaigner on LinkedInUse sponsor updates 27 Days Digital LinkedInMonitoring through page analytics 1 Day Campaigner analytics tool Digital LinkedIn Campaigner analytics toolPowered by: 19

TWITTER MARKETING STRATEGY:Why to use it: Tweet about: o Connect with your customers o Business, o Marketing o News o News o Offers o Marketing schemes and promotions o Interesting events o Twitter is viral o Spy on the competition o Increase sales o Customer loyalty o Networker’s paradise o Generate website traffic Steps: 20 o Create an account o Conduct an initial search o Add a photo o Start joining conversations and talk to people about their interest o Generate interest Entertain to engage o Use a proactive approach o Say no to blatant marketing o Become more human o Really communicate o Follow interesting and popular peoplePowered by:

4: TWEET YOUR WAY TO ONLINE PROMINENCE:“What are you doing?” is a Twitter’s simple question that has certainly generated a great deal ofresponse since its inception. From common man to professionals, corporate bigwigs, politicians,celebrities, everyone are using Twitter. With the brisk communication of ideas, opinion, commentsand answers Twitter has developed a whole new universe for the people belonging from differentstatus, interest and social background, they can openly communicate through this platform.4.1: WHAT IS TWITTER?Twitter is another popular social networking platform that allows users to exchange text-based“tweets” / posts limited to 140 characters. This platform was developed by Jack Dorsey in the year2006, since then, the service has gained worldwide acceptance. With over 500 million users, morethan 58 million daily tweets and over 2 billion search queries per day, Twitter is undoubtedly thesecond biggest social network and effective marketing tool.Twitter offers a combination of different forms of communication that includes but notrestricted to the following: Text, Graphics Audio Videos4.2: WHY TO USE IT?Connect with your customers.Twitter has become an integral part of people's daily routine, it is the ideal venue to connect,interact, and focus on your target market. This is one of the key reasons of using Twitter for yourbusiness.You don’t need to be a huge company to promote your services rather it presents the best platformfor small businesses and startups - like yours, to reach the target niche. Moreover, it providesdirect feedback from clients, if any, customer is dissatisfied with a certain product or service,he/she will no doubt tweet about it. You can create free brand ambassadors by solving problemsof dissatisfied customers.Powered by: 21

Marketing. 22 With its wide reach, you can use Twitter to market your services to a wider market and the best part is, it’s free. News. Twitter is one of the best and the quickest medium to publish latest updates, here you don’t need to compose long, unnecessarily elaborated content. Marketing schemes and promotions. You can make marketing schemes, promotional offers and promote it to your established network of thousands of potential customers. Everyone loves a good deal. In fact, a lot of companies have conducted contests and promos exclusively for their Twitter followers to engage their market. Twitter is viral. Small tweets go viral and this feature can be used as a strategic edge for the marketing campaigns. Spy on the competition. Along with your customers insight you can use Tweeter as a spy for the competition. You can keep an eye on their strategies, moves, weaknesses etc. based on complaints and customers behavior. This will surely help you to modify your moves and strategy according to the market situation. Increase sales: Yes, Twitter play a vital role in accelerating sales. A recent study showed that B2B companies who use Twitter to get twice as many sales leads. Customer Loyalty: In accounting services, you always aim for long-term customers instead of one-time. By providing your clients quick value-added service and responding their feedback you will create loyal, long term customer base. Networker’s paradise: You can easily connect with industry leaders, and influential personalities through Twitter. If you have participated in networking events and have fetch good results for your business, just imagine what Twitter can do for you.Powered by:

Generate website traffic:If used properly, Twitter is an effective tool to drive targeted traffic to your website or blog, whichmay result in improved leads and eventually boost sales.4.3: HOW TO BUILD AND ATTRACT FOLLOWERS:As you know that, Twitter has become a vital social media tool to promote your business andenhance sales. You need to carefully plan your moves and strategy to take full advantage of theTwitter.Conduct An Initial Search.Create your account and use the search to check out the buzz about your business, directcompetitors and other relevant words that relate to your services.Add a Photo.Interact without any photo is unappealing. It is advisable to use your own photo unless you haveyour brand established. Once you get your brand established use your company logo.Start Joining Conversations and Talk to People About their Interest.This will convey a more personalized appeal that shows the human side behind a brand, productor service.Generate Interest.Post interesting things that relate to your industry, and not just about your company’s services.This can include hot topics, latest news and developments, among others.Entertain To Engage.Try to find some fascinating and interesting links, and share it with the followers, that will increasetheir interest.Use A Proactive Approach.Don’t be so apologizing while handling complaints, rather try to be helpful and offer immediateresolution, tips and guidelines to rectify the problem.Powered by: 23

Say No To Blatant Marketing.Don’t oversell your services ever. Followers will either tune you out or hit the “unfollow” button.Really Communicate.Take time to talk about non-business topics too along with your business post.4.4: WHAT TO TWEET ABOUT:Instead of answering Twitters question, “What are you doing?” you can choose to answer thequestion, “What has caught your attention?” While promoting a particular blog post, ask a question or explains what’s coming up next and don’t just dump the links. Encourage your followers to share their opinions and take part in communication by asking questions. Follow popular and interesting people and share their posts with your followers. Tweet about other people instead of simply focusing on you, your company, your brands or products. Always provide useful information about your company's services. You can provide it in the form of advice, pictures, posts etc. Don’t flood your timelines with the bulk of tweets as it will annoy your followers. For a general rule of the thumb, you should make minimum of 8 and maximum of 15 tweets per day. Super Tips Post some good, intelligent tweets before following anyone. o Complete your profile information. o Add Twitter feed to other social media profiles and blogs. o Reply to people who are following you, and most especially to those who don’t. Creating your Twitter account is just the start of your journey. To get the best results, Twitter, along with other social media platform should be an ongoing thing.Powered by: 24

More Practical Tips: o You don’t have to read each and every tweet. o You don’t have to reply to each and every @ tweet that has been directed to you. o Choose direct messaging options where message is of no value to other Twitter followers. o Check out regularly through Twitter search function, if there are people talking about you, your company, and services. o You can build your Twitter community by responding to tweets as well as retweet other user’s posts.4.5: MONTHLY ACTIVITY SCHEDULE FOR TWITTER:Activities Duration Responsible Means of Verification Responsible Duration Person Person VerificationSetup Twitter account, fill up 1 Days Digital LinkedIn Profile At starting Project M.complete information / profile 2 days Campaigner Project M.Branding Twitter 2 days Digital Twitter page starting Campaignerbackground/Header images Digital Twitter page Once in a week Project M. CampaignerProfile Optimization Digital CampaignerInvite friends, colleagues, clients, 1 Days Digital LinkedIn Profile At starting Project M.and people to follow you. 1 Days CampaignerCompetitor analysis Digital Report Once in a month Project M. CampaignerFollow targeted audience and 27 Days Digital LinkedIn Profile Daily Project M.respond their tweets. 27 Days Campaigner Code Daily Project M.Twitter Widget codes for your Digitalwebsite Campaigner5-7 Tweets per week (includes links, 27 Days Digital No of twits Daily Project M.images and other posts from 27 Days Campaignerwebsite) No. of feedback Daily Project M.Retweeting good feedback, useful Digital Project, and industry relevant content Campaigner Project M.Use Sponsor advertising from Bids 1 Days Digital Twitter weeklyand Budget option of Twitter. Campaigner Analytics. weeklyMonitoring through page analytics 1 Days Twitter Analytics.Powered by: 25

Note:Big companies charging thousands of dollars from their client for managing one profile.According to content factory, an average monthly charge for Twitter is $2,000-$4,000, whilefor Facebook it is $2,500-$5,000 and few companies charge as much as $9,000 per month.Powered by: 27

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