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Home Explore 1st Phase Of MTEL Ebook_clone

1st Phase Of MTEL Ebook_clone

Published by Razibul Hoq Raz, 2023-07-30 04:41:51

Description: সার্চ অপশনে যেকোন চ্যাপ্টারের কিংবা যেকোন টপিক্সের সংক্ষিপ্ত নাম লিখে সার্চ দিন সাথে সাথে সে টপিক্সে যেতে পারবেন। পেইজ বুক মার্ক করে রাখতে পারবেন, কলম দিয়ে দাঁগিয়েও পড়তে পারবেন। হালকা ট্যাপ করে ইবুকের সব অপশনগুলো দেখে নিন।


Read the Text Version

1st Phase | Mastering The English Language | Razibul Hoq Raz Page | 129 (a simple and short sentence by the use of reciprocal pronoun) ➋ One another Three people are playing football in the ground by sharing from first to second, second to third and third to first. (a common and long sentence without use of reciprocal pronoun) They are playing football in the ground by passing to one another. (a simple and short sentence by the use of reciprocal pronoun) Reciprocal Pronouns with their possessive forms We can also use reciprocal pronouns with their possessive forms by adding the apostrophe 's' at the end of reciprocal pronouns, such as each other's and one another's (but not each others' and one anothers'): • Meera and Seena can wear each other’s dresses. =wgiv Avi wmbv G‡K A‡b¨i Rvgv cwiavb Ki‡Z cv‡i| • Sports persons can wear one antoher's clothes. =‡L‡jvqvoiv G‡K A‡b¨i Rvgv co‡Z cv‡i| More Example: 1. Maria and Juan gave each other gold rings on their wedding day. 2. Maria and Juan kissed each other at the end of the ceremony. 3. Terry and Jack were talking to each other in the hallway. 4. We give each other gifts during the holidays. 5. The students congratulated one another after giving practice speeches. 6. The kids spent the afternoon kicking the ball to one another. 7. The defendants blamed one another for the crime they were charged with. \"One of them\" vs. \"One of which\" Which one is grammatically correct or better? 1️⃣ I have two assignments. One of them is done. 2️⃣ I have two assignments, One of which is done. প্রথিি: Facebook: Razibul Hoq Raz YouTube: Today’s Just Now Contact: 01521259401

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