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Home Explore Sumission ppt 2 slides

Sumission ppt 2 slides

Published by sibijer310, 2020-11-23 20:38:45

Description: Sumission ppt 2 slides


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P.S- Solar Powered Smart Irrigation System Solution: Considering the situation The team PyBharat has developed a product called AgriCrop. A prototype that mimics as the irrigation system which tends to provide a solution to an irrigation system where fields can be irrigated in a smart and efficient manner, without any need of human intervention at the same time protecting crops from getting damaged from any kind of attack. The model uses solar power to tackle the problem of power. And Also uses artificial intelligence to make the model smart.

➔ Solar panel Smart enough to adjust according to sun ➔ Connected to Weather Api ➔ Allows remote Control Using Android app ➔ Can Tackle problem of excessive rain at a same time preventing water wastage. ➔ A chatbot to help farmers detect and resolve crop disease. ➔ Requires 0 operating cost.

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