PHIDEL GROUP OF SCHOOLS, LAGOS Subject: IRS Term: FIRST TERM Session : 2022/2023 Class : GRADE SEVEN Educator: MR. LAWAL
7/31/23 03:36:58 PM LESSON OBJECTIVES: At the end of the WEEK 1 TOPIC lesson, students should be able to: SURATUL FATIAH 1. Read the HOME PAGE transliteration KEY NOTES: and Arabic text of Suratul Alamin, Yaomidin, Ar-Rahman, Ar-Rahim Fatiah 2. Memorize the chapter 3. Translate the chapter into English 4. Mention the lessons derived from the chapter
YR 7 WK 1 7/31/23 03:36:58 PM SURATUL FATIAH 1. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim 2. Al-hamdulillahi Rabil Alamin 3. Ar- Rahmanir Rahim 4. Malik Yaomid-din 5. Iyyaaka Na’abdu Waiyaaka Nastain 6. Ihidina Sirotal Mustaqiim 7. Sirota Ladhina Aniamu ta Alayhim 8. Ghayril Maghduub Alayhi Waladolin (Aameen)
YR 7 WK 1 7/31/23 03:36:58 PM TRANSLATION 1. In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful 2. Praise be to Allah the Lord of the world 3. The most Beneficent the most Merciful 4. The King of the day of judgement 5. You alone do we worship and you alone do we seek for help 6. Guide us to the right path 7. The way of those whom you have bestowed your grace , not (the way) of those who earned your anger (such as the jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the christians)
YR 7 WK 1 7/31/23 03:36:58 PM Lesson derived from the chapter 1. This chapter was revealed in Makkah 2. It contains seven verses in the Qur’an 3. Allah is the Master of the Day of Judgement 4. It is good to always worship Allah 5. We should always be grateful Allah
YR 7 WK 1 7/31/23 03:36:58 PM Assignment Write the transliteration of Suratul Fatiah
YR 7 WK 1 7/31/23 03:36:58 PM Any Questions?
7/31/23 03:36:59 PM LESSON WEEK 2 TOPIC OBJECTIVES: KALIMATUSH SHAHADAH At the end of the lesson, HOME PAGE students should be able to: KEY NOTES: 1. Explain the Kalimah, Shahadah, Rasulu, Allah meaning of Kalimatush Shahadah 2. Know the importance of Kalimatush shahadah 3. Pronounce Kalimatush Shahadah
YR 7 WK 2 7/31/23 03:36:59 PM KALIMATUSH SHAHADAH Laillah illalah, Muhammad Rosulullahi (S.A.W) There is no God worthy of worship but Allah; and Muhammad (S.A.W) is the messenger of Allah. ‘This quotation is called the Kalimatush Shahadah. It is the principal pillar of Islam around which the remaining four pillars stand. The pronouncement of this Kalima makes a person a muslim. It implies that Allah, (the most High)is one, Absolute, All- powerful, Self sufficient and indescribable in human tongue and that His essence is beyond human understanding. He has neither a beginning nor an end, and His knowledge extends over everything.
YR 7 WK 2 7/31/23 03:36:59 PM According to the Qur’an, Allah created everything for our benefit. Therefore none of the objects created by him are to be worshipped, whether they are human beings or animals, trees, rivers, sun, moon or stars or anything else.
YR 7 WK 2 7/31/23 03:36:59 PM THE MESSAGE OF THE HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W) Muhammad’s message is universal. It applies to all mankind of his time and in all subsequent generations regardless of place, race or colour. It is well understood that the coming of Muhammad (S.A.W) was foretold by earlier prophets, especially Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus). Both of them described and advised their people to follow and support him when he appeared. The references made about the Holy prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in both the Torah (Old Testament) and Injil (New Testament) have been altered by the Jews and the christians.
YR 7 WK 2 7/31/23 03:36:59 PM A muslim must appreciate that Muhamma’s message promotes the welfare and well-being of the people and also changes the condition of the society. His message has replaced all the messages brought by other prophets before him. He is the final seal on, and the last in, the series of the prophets and messengers of Allah
YR 7 WK 2 7/31/23 03:36:59 PM Assignment 1. Explain the Kalimotush Shahadah 2. Why is Kalimotush Shahadah important in Islam
YR 7 WK 2 7/31/23 03:36:59 PM Any Questions?
7/31/23 03:37:00 PM LESSON OBJECTIVES: At the end of the WEEK 3 TOPIC lesson, student should be able THE MEANING OF HADITH AND SUNNAH to: 1. Give HOME PAGE KEY NOTES: definition of Hadith Hadith, Sunnah, Akhbar 2. Know the meaning of Sunnah 3. Differentiate between Hadith and Sunnah
YR 7 WK 3 7/31/23 03:37:00 PM THE MEANING OF HADITH AND SUNNAH Hadith is the principle of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). It is often called, Sunnah. The two words, Hadith and Sunnah are frequently used interchangeably. Hadith represents a comprehensive record of the Holy Prophet in the following areas: a. Speeches b. Deeds and action c. Approval of the actions of others
YR 7 WK 3 7/31/23 03:37:00 PM HIS SPEECHES Sometimes the prophet delivered speeches to the sahabah (his companions) either in the form of instructions or recommendations. These speeches are often referred to as, Hadith and the practice are called Sunnah Stories were often narrated by prophet muhammad (S.A.W) to his companions. The scholars have added such stories into the prophet’s principles. While Hadith is what is directly connected with the prophet, the Akhbar (News) is what is related to others.
YR 7 WK 3 7/31/23 03:37:00 PM HIS DEEDS AND ACTIONS Some actions were personally carried out by the prophet purposely to serve as a precedent to others, like the offering of Sharf’i and Witri after Ishai prayer. On another occasion the prophet joined the congregation to perform salatul ‘Idayn
YR 7 WK 3 7/31/23 03:37:00 PM HIS APPROVAL AND CONFIRMATION The practices of the people were sometimes brought to the notice of the Holy Prophet and if he approved them they became part of the teachings of the prophet which the muslim community adopted as the basis of its behavior and practice. If an action was done by somebody in the presence of the prophet without receiving adverse comment from him, it was considered his confirmation of such action. The muslim community accepted that as the tradition of the prophet. Every tradition of the Holy prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is a combination of Isnad, Matn and Rawi
YR 7 WK 3 7/31/23 03:37:00 PM Assignment Define Hadith and state one of its classification
YR 7 WK 3 7/31/23 03:37:00 PM Any Questions?
7/31/23 03:37:01 PM LESSON OBJECTIVES: At the end of WEEK 4 TOPIC the lesson, students should AT-TAHARAH (PURIFICATION) be able to: 1. Give a HOME PAGE definition of KEY NOTES: Taharah At-Taharah (Purification), Ghuslu (ritual bath), Najasah (Unclean), 2. State the Al-Wudu (Water Ablution purpose of At-Taharah 3. Mention the types of At- Taharah
YR 7 WK 4 7/31/23 03:37:01 PM AT-TAHARAH (PURIFICATION) It is an Arabic word that simply means purification of the part of bodies, most especially heart for the purpose of worshipping Allah.
YR 7 WK 4 7/31/23 03:37:01 PM Kinds of water purification Water can be used for the purpose of purification such as ablution (wudu) or bath (ghusl) and in removing something unclean. In order to be pure, the water must not have change in its colour, smell, or taste by something that has been mixed with it or dropped in it, such as milk, honey, fruit, sugar e.t.c. However, if the change in the colour, smell or taste of water is due to something which is not pure such as water may be used for domestic purposes. Pure water can be got from the following sources: Rain, Well, Pond, Lake, Stream
YR 7 WK 4 7/31/23 03:37:01 PM Types of purification There are two types of purification in Islam namely: 1. Minor Purification: that is, Al-Wudu (water ablution) and Tayammum (dried or sand ablution) 2. Major purification: it is also known as ritual bath (ghusl)
YR 7 WK 4 7/31/23 03:37:01 PM Purpose of At-Taharah (Purification) 1. It makes Allah grant our requests 2. Allah always loves what is pure 3. It makes servant close to Allah 4. Islam is based on purity 5. Purity is the half of faith in Islam
YR 7 WK 4 7/31/23 03:37:01 PM Assignment Give the definition of At-Taharah and describe the kind of water suitable for wudu
YR 7 WK 4 7/31/23 03:37:01 PM Any Questions?
7/31/23 03:37:02 PM LESSON OBJECTIVES: At the end of the WEEK 5 TOPIC lesson, students AL-WUDU (WATER ABLUTION) should be able to: HOME PAGE 1. Perform KEY NOTES: water ablution 2. Know what spoil water ablution Al-wudu, An-niyyah (intention), Farid (Obligatory)
YR 7 WK 5 7/31/23 03:37:02 PM PERFORMANCE OF WATER ABLUTION 1. Saying Bismillahi at the beginning of wudu 2. Washing of hands up to the wrists three times 3. Cleansing of the mouth with water 4. Inhaling water in the nose and exhaling it again 5. Making intention before washing the face by saying Nawaetu Faridal Wudui 6. Washing the face from ear to ear broadwise and from the beginning of forehead to the end of chin 7. Wasing the two hands as far as the elbows and the space between the fingers 8. Rubbing the head with water, from the forelook to the end of the skull
YR 7 WK 5 7/31/23 03:37:02 PM 9. Wiping the two ears with water inside and outside 10. Washing the feet, including the ankles and the space between the toes The conclusion : Ash-hadu anlaillaha illa allahu wahadahu lasherika lahu waash-hadu anna muhammadan abduhu warosulu, Allahumo ijialini minnat tawabiina, wajialini minnal mutatohirin
YR 7 WK 5 7/31/23 03:37:02 PM Things that weaken ablution 1. A deep sleep 2. Urine, excreta, fart 3. Unconsciousness 4. Doubt on whether the ablution is spoilt 5. Touching the private part of one’s body 6. Touching a woman with the intention of having sexual relationship
YR 7 WK 5 7/31/23 03:37:02 PM Assignment Explain how you perform your ablution before solat
YR 7 WK 5 7/31/23 03:37:02 PM Any Questions?
7/31/23 03:37:02 PM LESSON OBJECTIVES: At the end of WEEK 6 TOPIC the lesson, students should ARABIC BEFORE ISLAM be able to: 1. Give the HOME PAGE definition of KEY NOTES: Jahiliyyah Jahiliyyah (era before Islam), Hijaz, Najd, Tihama, Hadramaunt, 2. Understand Yemen, Bedouins some vices of Jahiliyyah 3. Mention some prominent idols
YR 7 WK 6 7/31/23 03:37:03 PM WHAT IS JAHILIYYAH? Jahiliyyah is an arabic word that simply means Ignorance. Jahilliyah refers to the period of darkness, lawlessness which preceded the birth of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
YR 7 WK 6 7/31/23 03:37:03 PM The Arabic before Islam The Arabian peninsula has the Red Sea to its west, the Indian Ocean to its south, the persian Gulf to its east and the territories of Mesopotamia, syria and palestine to its North. It is divided into five provinces: Hijaz, Najd, Tihama, Hadramaut and Yemen. Hijaz, which has the historic cities of makkah and Madinah, is a desert with few Oasis. The Arabs who settled in towns around the oasis lived by trading and farming. Those living in the deserts of the peninsula were called Bedouins. They were mostly nomads. They lived in tents and roamed about in search of pastures for grazing their sheep, goats, camels and horses. Besides rearing animals, they also hunted and raided caravans.
YR 7 WK 6 7/31/23 03:37:03 PM The period which immediately preceded the rise of Islam has come to be known as the period of Jahiliyyah on account of the ignorance, barbarism and anarchy which prevailed in the religious, social and political life of the Arabs. It was a period marked by frequent wars among the different tribes who had completely forgotten the religions of their ancestors and the religion of Prophets Ibrahim, Isma’il, Musa, Isa. The few jews and Christians living in Arabia and contaminated their own religions. Morality had fallen to its lowest. Corruption, intolerance, persecution and sectarian struggles bedevilled the entire peninsula. Thus, it was a period of total collapse of law and order.
YR 7 WK 6 7/31/23 03:37:03 PM The Arabs who were the decendants of prophet Isma’il had forgotten the religion of their forefathers, and became idol worshippers. The sacred Ka’abah, which was built by prophet Ibrahim and Isma’il was turned into a shrine of idols like Lat, Uzzah,Manat, etc. People were exploited in the name of these idols. The position of women during the period of Jahiliyyah was very degrading. They were badly treated by man. They could neither own property nor inherit the property of their deceased parent, relatives or husband. The birth of a female child was considered a curse, and a shame and she was often buried alive.
YR 7 WK 6 7/31/23 03:37:03 PM Slavery was at its highest peak during this period. Every master had unlimited authority over his slaves. He could treat them in the most inhuman ways and even put them to death. Tyranny was the order of the day. Every Arab would help his brother, whether he was wrong or right. There was no court of law. The decision of the tribal sheikh was binding on all its members. The Sheikh usually decided what his people wanted. In this period of religious and social, disintegration and confusion, some people started looking forward to the arrival of a prophet with a refined religion. It was then the great Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was born in Makkah in 570AD
YR 7 WK 6 7/31/23 03:37:03 PM Assignment Mention five vices of Jahiliyyah period and the names of prominent idols
YR 7 WK 6 7/31/23 03:37:03 PM Any Questions?
7/31/23 03:37:04 PM LESSON OBJECTIVES: At the end of the WEEK 8 TOPIC lesson, students should be able to: SURATUL NNAS 1. Read the HOME PAGE Arabic text of the chapter KEY NOTES: 2. Translate the rabb (Lord), Maliki (King), Jinnat (Jinns), Nnas (mankind) chapter into English 3. Write the transliteration of the chapter 4. Mention some lessons derived from the chapter
YR 7 WK 8 7/31/23 03:37:04 PM TRANSLITERATION OF SURATUL NNAS Bismillahir Rahamanir Rahim 1. Qul audhu birrobi nnas 2. Maliki nnasi 3. Ilahi nnasi 4. Min sharril waswasil khannas 5. Alladhi yuwaswisu fi suduri nnas 6. Minal-jinnat wan naasi
YR 7 WK 8 7/31/23 03:37:04 PM TRANSLATION In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful 1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of mankind 2. The king of mankind 3. The God of mankind 4. From the mischief of the whisperer (of evil) who withdraws (after his whisper) 5. (The same) who whisper into the hearts of mankind 6. Among Jinns and among men
YR 7 WK 8 7/31/23 03:37:04 PM Lessons learnt from the chapter 1. This chapter was revealed in Makkah 2. It contains six verses in the Quran 3. It is always good to seek protection from Allah 4. Allah protected Prophet Muhammad from his enemies 5. Evil spirit becomes powerless in man who depends on Allah
YR 7 WK 8 7/31/23 03:37:04 PM Assignment Itemize some lessons you have learnt from this chapter
YR 7 WK 8 7/31/23 03:37:04 PM Any Questions?
7/31/23 03:37:04 PM LESSON WEEK 9 TOPIC OBJECTIVES: THE PROPHET OF ISLAM At the end of the lesson, HOME PAGE students should be able to: KEY NOTES: 1. Know the Rabbiu Awwal (Islamic month), Bint (daughter), Salla allahu allayhi wa sallam (may peace of Allah be upon him) birth of the prophet 2. Understand his good conducts 3. Mention some lessons learnt from the prophet