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Home Explore Taifas Literary Magazine No 13

Taifas Literary Magazine No 13

Published by Johnny Em, 2022-03-11 17:02:24

Description: Taifas Literary Magazine No. 13, February, 2022
Biblioteca Cronopedia & World literary forum for Peace and Human Rights
year I, no. 12, June, 2021
ISSN 2458-0198
ISSN-L 2458-0198
Founded in Constanţa, June 2020
Revista de scrieri şi opinii literare Taifas Literar poate fi citită online pe site-urile Cronopedia (
or: Taifas Literay Magazine (
The magazine appears in Romania
editorial office
Founding President Lenuș Lungu & Santosh Kumar Biswa
Director: Lenuș Lungu, Santosh Kumar Bhutan, Ioan Muntean
Deputy Director: Paul Rotaru
Technical Editor Ioan Muntean
Covers Ioan Muntean
Editor-in-Chief: Ion Cuzuioc, Ioan Muntean
Deputy Editor: Amb Maid Čorbić, Olga Arandjelovic, Ion Cuzuioc
Editorial Secretary: Anna Maria Sprzęczka, Abel Violeta Birla, Imdadul Islam

Editors: Olga Arandjelovic, Punya Devi, Amb Maid Čorbić, Imdadul Islam, Husseina Ojochenemi Abubakar, Vasile Vulpaşu, Sahadev Behera

Keywords: biblioteca,cronopedia. taifas literary magazine,WLFPHR,revista


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tlm NN v1 - coperta1 titluri 2 authors ... p. 2 editorial ... p. 3 event ... 5 poetry ... p. 8 prose ... p. 32 essay ... p. 38 confabulation ... p. 42 3 authors ... p. 55

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Damburudhara Behera Sunil Kumar Sahu India India A glass nothing else girls The Inadvertent Love I am silent Inadvertently I lean at you Not in silence Unknowingly I apprised you But in the word Curious, the dream of the day I don't anything else That evoked beneath my heart If there is evidence with me I am unable to open my mouth Inadvertently you gaze at me There are many desires No more hope Unknowingly, you I am raped and Prisoner Like the bird inside the waved at me cage Within beyond range Curious, the dream of To injured bandage... I am a piece of glass the eye Never break The pain is evaporated That exposed your No more death .. I sleep nearby euphoria Says in the ear When needed Heedlessly, I missed the Despite the negligence bus I am not weak Sleepily, I missed the But, I am a piece of glass not girls synthesis Life is concept Curious, the connection Nothing else... of the soul Beyond the girls That lost by chance Path of aspect.... Seriously, I dream at night Desirably, I pry at thine Curious, the loss of the dop That lost by the sop 2 Certainly, My volition quest Precisely, My dream don't go waste Curious, We will lump again That day will attain ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 editorial 3-4 message, her body shuddered, her thoughts wandered away and she remembered the Ana Smiljanic previous night and the deep breakthrough. Serbia The face of a woman in love was like an open shell. The pearly glow in the sclera Making a pledge revealed her heart secret. Could this love last while I was alive?! The CLICK followed, and It was summer and the heat burned her this time I got a photo. Out of the open bag 3 shoulders and melted her make-up, while the came a box in cellophane – that of the Bajadera silky dress revealed her bronze thighs as she sweets. I knew it! walked. She herself stared at her body curves and felt dizziness while walking. The mutual feeling of besottedness fascinated and amazed us at the same time; it Anna Fonteg would soon pass a shop lifted us to unprecedented heights and selling fine crystal vases, porcelain figures, silk provoked laughter followed by gentle, long tablecloths, and other wonders, of which some people’s hearts beat kisses whose strength stronger. And, if the vase made us feel exhausted. she liked was still in the I’d never kissed like that. shop window – so Anna’s kiss was special. magnificent and tall – she And I didn’t expect it to be imagined it in the hallway like that, but it was, it fell on her grandmother’s old on my lips like a rustic table with plenty of hurricane, like a tune, a white roses…If the vase bite of the lips that made wasn’t sold, it would be you lose yourself in it and theirs! And she wouldn’t made your blood freeze. stop loving, she wouldn’t stop giving herself and The kiss was like a daydreaming of life in two. The beauty of the tug, hundreds of tugs soul was reflected in a crystal glitter this time. falling on the corners of my lips and then slowly prickling, followed by She stood for almost a full minute, a gentle licking resembling a balm that healed catching air, breathing in the splendor of the the wound. When lust reached its peak, when imagined space and smelling the intensive it almost started to torment both body and scent of hundreds of roses that she could not soul, there was a period of those deep, real get out of her head. She nourished her eyes kisses that touched the palate and made me with beauty, invigorated her heart and wonder whether her absorption into me accelerated her pace. She noticed the excelled my penetration into her. Choking, yes, passersby’s gaze fixed on her and spoke to it was similar to choking. And I never stopped herself over and over again…Yes, I love! Don’t screaming with excitement in my head and you get it?! I love! checking whether our lips were warmer and wetter than the thing I was looking for with my “I’m in the shop. I’ve just stopped to buy hand under my navel. Bajadera sweets, and I will be home in half an hour.” – I’ve just texted her. Whenever she “It’s sharp five now. So the alarm would heard that CLICK, which meant a new text sound in an hour. I’m afraid I’m going to have a crazy day and that I’m going to fall asleep at year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 4 work again”, she said. started to tear her hand off. At the time when it seemed the world’s end was approaching “It’s only five. So we still have a lot of she smiled at me in a manner she did twenty time. Besides, this is one of the first days in years ago – there she was, unbreakable and May. We still have an afternoon for Zemun and loyal, repeating my name until she became a walk by the river. We won’t be able to do this overwhelmed with happiness and laughter, in front of the passersby. Do not complain. increasingly adamant to receive this summer’s There’s no reason for it. Please.” gifts and flourishing nights. The white nights of St. Petersburg Although she fearfully climbed the steps experienced in an apartment, the white bed of my soul every day, as if facing execution by sheets instead of street lamps, the feelings shooting or waiting to be crowned, Anna riveted in the senses of two bodies and the decided to give it a try, to believe, to give our simultaneous invocation of God or the devil, relationship a chance. And I carried her from resembled a double stake in poker. In the one room to another, kissing her body so moments of complete madness, I started to carefully as if I sanctified the place and telling remind her how good we felt, by drawing her her that she was more attention to the looks of beautiful than any woman the passersby directed at I had met. In moments us or even by taking the like these her happiness lyrics I wrote to her and was so great that she reading them aloud over could barely stand on her and over again, only to feet. leave them on the night table beside my Sometimes I found headboard. The feeling of her on the balcony, constant love hunger worried and thoughtful, engulfed us like a furious staring at the linden tree wind that whooshed, outside the window. She pulled, tore us apart and threw us at each could remain silent for a other in such a way that we were unable to long period of time and enjoy the shade, as if breathe. she had some special sense of symbiosis with the nature reflected in her eyes. And the linden The dreadful, indecipherably deep tree, the linden tree seemed to extend its chasm we used to drag along with us was branches towards her as if they were hands almost filled. I saw her tremble and I just said, trying to reach her, and it seemed as if they “You’re eager.” I saw her crying and losing the together made a golden number. ground beneath her feet the moment I mentioned that it was too late for one thing. It I believe she could have been an was too late to have kids. Upon hearing this, inspiration to a fantasist who could paint her she opened her mouth, as a silent expression or write a few chords in her glory. And it of pain, and a tear streamed down her cheek would happen during the summer rain. Since as she moaned heartbroken with the thought one could not imagine Anna without the rain of her offspring being irretrievably lost, while and the wind. The rain as a symbol of the her eyes gave out an expression of such a deep shadow resembling a barbell over her eyes sorrow that it seemed as if someone had and the wind as the pursuer of her restless spirit and the freedom she enjoyed. She did ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 not like injustice, she believed in prophetic event powers of lightning and loved Tesla. One night, while we were sitting completely naked in a PANORAMA INTERNATIONAL linden’s embrace, I asked her if she would ever LITERATURE FESTIVAL 1-30 cheat on me. She shook her head decisively and was out of breath for a moment before she Januray 2022 could ask me the same question. I laughed and said to her, completely convinced in what I We are excited to announce the was saying, “How could you think of that? And launching of the Panorama International who could I possibly want beside you?” Literature Festival 2022, one of the signature programmes of Writers Capital International It has been many years since then. My Foundation dedicated to humanity. hair has already turned gray and I have made my first million. This was how I explained my The festival will feature thousands of reasons to her, as I recall. The event has fallen writers from across the world who will into oblivion. You ask if I loved her? Yes. I did. present their works virtually. The works will But time has inevitably done its part, it divided be featured on various the memories into the social media platforms good ones and the bad and on the world wide ones. And life went on like web. a waterfall - its water washed the stones as so Apart from this, many summers washed there will be symposiums, away the stormy clouds of expert lecturing, cultural her eyes and so many exchange, Panorama winters made the tingling Golden Literature Awards sensations disappear and much more which from my skin. Anna had will collectively make several loves after that. Her kisses were never PILF a grand global the same again, but I knew they were not festival for writers and losing their strength. And all would have been literary enthusiasts. long forgotten if it hadn’t been for the old linden tree watching old movies and Join us in this grand festival of literature! persistently hitting my windows once and then at night. TO REGISTER VISIT: And me?! I, gray-haired and older, do not know now why I kept telling her stories of our Team Writers Capital Foundation living together, why I joked and made pledges… [email protected] Translation: Milena Nikolić #pilf #literature #poetry #festival #PanFest2021 #pilf2021 #wcf #literaturelover 5 year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 6 Italian - Panorama International SHOONYA: The Celestial Void Literature Festival 2022 Sometimes we feel a sense of emptiness, perhaps looking at the clear morning sky, January 1-January 30, 2022 looking at a beautiful sunset or even when someone leaves us! We often recognize that ABOUT THE EVENT this is the emptiness from which we come and to which we all return: the nothingness from The Writers Capital Foundation's which everything evolves! This has been a signature program, dedicated to spreading the favorite topic of past poets and there are a powerful values of humanity through number of classic works inspired by the same literature, Panorama International Literature sense of emptiness that the writer Festival (PILF) is primarily intended to aid experienced at some stage in their life. cultural exchange and enable writers to Poets must delve into the depths and broaden the horizons of understanding the world. unravel the mysteries of creation itself, sharing their ideas and conclusions in the form Unlike other of a poem that will convey their personal literature festivals, approach to this absolute mystery of the PILF is conceived as beginning of life. literary sanctuaries where delegates have We invite you to meditate on the theme, the unique compose a work for eternity and send us a opportunity to visit video containing your introduction to the various places in the theme and your magnificent poem. area where the festival takes place and have The works will be presented on our an in-depth experience social pages and will be available on the world of the place and the wide web ensuring your visibility also in the cultural liveliness that future. we believe they will help shape a writer's future. A jury made up of eminent writers will evaluate your works and announce the grand Due to the pandemic, the PILF 2022 is conducted in virtually most countries, however it is designed in such a way as to ensure a greater impact among participants. Also, this year will be a multilingual event, meaning poets will have the chance to recite their poems in their native language. THEME PILF is thematic, in which the topics are carefully chosen to prepare a writer for significant works in his profession. PILF 2022's theme is SHOONYA: The Celestial Void ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 prizes at the closing ceremony of PILF 2022. ● Expand your horizons of knowledge by enriching your understanding of literature SPEAKERS The event will be attended by eminent ● Meet intellectuals from around the writers from all over the world, who will also world and exchange your ideas include speakers who will lecture on the subject. Therefore, if you are a writer, you ● Receive notifications on various could write a speech on a related topic and events conducted by Writers Capital read it as you record it. Foundation around the world FROM AWARDS FROM THE PANORAMA D'ORO BOOK Writers Capital Foundation is a non- profit, non-political and non-religious Part of the Panorama festival is the international literary organization for writers and creators from around the world. opportunity given to writers from around the world to showcase their books and claim one of the awards that will guarantee them global The foundation's main goal is to bring writers and others who prestige and recognition. are in the field of creative expression under one If you have already umbrella to share their experiences, skills and to published a book, in any further inspire their caliber. We also aim to language, please send it in provide writers and artists with a great PDF or e-book format for platform for their vivid expressions. evaluation to: [email protected] (Golden Book Awards). REGISTRATION The organization Participants can fill represents creative out the online form available on the PILF official website people around the world and is dedicated to and make a payment, securing their place in this great promoting qualities that will ensure their literary festival. overall development to help them create their WHAT DO YOU GET? footprint in the world. ● A great opportunity to participate in a globally recognized literary event. We believe it is our primary responsibility to take action for social causes ● Feature your job presentation video and aim to strengthen values for humanity on all our social media pages and ensure your that would benefit the whole world. presence on the world wide web 7 ● Get a beautiful certificate of participation ● Receive a nomination for the prestigious 2022 Panorama Literary Awards year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 poetry 5-24 And so new to fit in the present Eva Petropoulou Lianoy Need to have one truth Justified and accepted Greece World Poetry Need to write a new story Is not about Who cares more A new book about the life Who loves more Every single day is a new discovery World People become evil Is who can survive Failure earn in so many levels In a lockdown And love is replaced with food In a breakdown In a difficult situation People are divided Between those who love World the food Is not who has the power Between those who love But who has the ability the humanity To overcome Need to write a poem about the fear And the dark The possibility to But many of stars are understand a situation shining and continue to fight So must not affraid of darkness. But definitely need to re organize in World is not being together our mind what the unknown is like? 8 But being apart and continue to respect People are divided To support Between those who love the food To hope Between those who love the humanity For a better future 2. Is so, difficult to think with the stomach full I need to write a poem People forgot to love and they become A poem that will serve as peacekeeper Slaves of their stomach Between the God And Humanity Little servants of this great stomach Between the brothers and sisters That cannot filtre anything Between my self and my mood I need to find the verses Poetry unites people Be completely different from the past TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Poetry travels more fast than the unknown Mahanaj Parvin words, that remain unborn Bangladesh In the mind of an author... Need to write a poem \"Rain Tune\" About the happiness The smile of the childrens The rumble of rain brings back my childhood! The journey that never ends.... The sound of soft anklets in rain returns my Who is the captain of the boat?? emotions! 3. My dream of togetherness The rumble of rain writes my name on the The sun has fallen steps! Behind the mountain s face Rain walks along the path of village! Looking at the horizon The perfect rhythm of the rain increases my I see your shape.. passion! The sky had so many colors On a stormy night, Orange Pink whispering and And some green In the middle complaining! Rainy night is my good sleeping pill! The rain cools my mind, One name for peace. As a painter I mixed up Biography: Mahanaj Parvin from Bangladesh. The cold and the warm colors She's government school teacher. She loves Making yours eyes with a black pencil and her job. She writes poetry and stories in her your lips with a light red free time.She has own published book. Many of her poems and stories published various – I ask the sky newspapers in her own country and abroad. – Did my sun, will come back again? The sky responds: 9 If you believe in Light Sun will always shine for you!!! year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Smruti Ranjan Mohanty the day you fail to reciprocate and love your surrounding India A look - 227 The vast universe, the ever-expanding universe Be good to yourself and others. stands on bonding. Nothing is as good as being good. It rests on love and mutual attraction It will see you through without which it will collapse in minutes the darkest phase of your life. like a house of cards Be honest to yourself and others, Love is life be the same both outside and inside, For love, you are here you will never struggle with yourself, will have fewer problems Love gives birth to handle. Love nourishes Return hatred with love, Love sustains vanity with humility, For love life is so beautiful jealousy with admiration, in this beautiful earth negativity with positivity, Bio- the whole world will be yours. Smruti Ranjan Nothing but love only can conquer the world. Mohanty, O.F.S, son of Raj A look at life-157 Kishore and Shantilata Love in motion is life. Mohanty is from Padmapur, Jagatsingpur, If you want to live love yourself and others. Odisha. He works as Finance Officer in Govt of Without the latter, the former is so incomplete Odisha. He is a multilingual poet, essayist and Love at rest is death writer whose write-ups are published in You die the day you fail to love yourself. newspapers and in more than two hundred You succumb national and international magazines, journals and anthologies. 10 He writes extensively on life and its intricacies which are widely acclaimed.His write-ups are regularly featured in Atunis, Our Poetry Archive,, GloMag, Setu bilingual magazine, Different truths, The year of the poet, Destiny poet International, ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022, etc. Maheswar Das He is a featured poet of the PENTASI B Divine Determination World Friendship Poetry and Year of The Poet, U.S.A. His collection of poems and proses are Here everything is determined by the divine published in his blogs under the heading A This world belongs to the Divine. LOOK AT LIFE, SOMETHING I LOOK AT, A His determination is the universal laws of the LOOK, THE RIVULET, THINK ONCE MORE, world THE JOURNEY, AU THARE, AU EKA GAPA, He is the changeless soverign master of the SROTASWINI, JATRA, THE JOURNEY etc. Two world of his collection of poems, 'A Look at Life and Something I Look at' are published in U.S.A Nothing is expressed here on earth without and U.K. the order of the divine. He has been The entire Universe is his design. conferred with hundreds He is the master creator of everything. of accolades in the The whole creation is his play. international arena which It is his leela. includes Order of For his Leelas he makes and unmakes everything. Mahatma medal, Kairat He destroys everything for a new creation. Dussinov Medal for poetic Since change is the law of his Universe, everything co-exist in a single excellence, Haven pendal. In a single pendal, when someone is singing, International Muse award the other one is laughing or crying, some other person is living in some other ways. in 2020, Order of Here sorrows, sufferings, laughter, darknss and light all have their play on man.. Shakespeare, Double Even in a single platform all are playing their role on man. Cross gold medal from Mysterious are the ways of the creator. We bow to the ineffable sweet master of the World Union of Poets, Certificate of honour world. from Inked with magic, Poetry Planet, Prose and Picture with January Khan etc. In the year 2019 and 2020 he has been 11 consecutively awarded with the medal of International Faith Poet of the year by Destiny Poet International Community of Poets, Wakefield, U.K. For last four years he has been adjudged as one of the highly commended poets in U.K and U.S.A. year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Ion Cuzuioc Moldova. Membru al Confederaţiei Internaţionale a Cineaştilor, Membru al Romania Federaţiei Internaţionale a Jurnaliştilor. Membru al Asociației Canadiene a Scriitorilor Biografie Români. Membru al Academiei Româno- Australiană. Membru al Academiei Națiunii S-a născut la 16 septembrie 1949 în Române. A editat peste 40 de cărţi de epigrame, aforisme, proză (romane, nuvele, familia intelectualilor Valentina şi Pavel poveşti şi povestiri pentru copii, schiţe umoristice), versuri lirice, poeme stil nipon, Cuzuioc din comuna Ţareuca, judeţul Orhei, publicistică. În toţi aceşti ani publică cronici literare, eseuri, sfaturi medicale, articole Republica Moldova. A absolvit Universitatea ştiinţifico-populare. Selecţii din creaţia sa literară au fost incluse în peste 200 de de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie, , N. antologii şi culegeri din Testemiţanu”. Eminent al Ocrotirii Sănătăţii. România, Rusia, SUA, Austria, Australia, Franța, Medic specialist Sănătatea Publică şi Canada, Coreea de Sud și Muntenegru, Macedonia Managementul Sanitar (categorie superioară). etc. Distins cu Ordinul, , Gloria Muncii”și Medalia „Nicolae Milescu Spătarul”, Titluri Onorifice:, , Ambasador al Păcii (ONU) și „Ambasador al Culturii Păcii”(Asociația Poemele de sorginte Europeană a Societății niponă (Haiku, Senryu și Civile); Distincţia, , Gogyohka) semnate de Coroana Păcii”(ONU); Ion Cuzuioc au fost Premiul Uniunii traduse în limbile Scriitorilor din Moldova japoneză, engleză, (2000), (2009), Uniunii Ziariștilor franceză, rusă, muntenegreană și Profesioniști din România (2014, 2015, 2016, macedoniană, fiind publicate în diverse 2017, 2018, 2019), Premiul UNESCO şi antologii, culegeri și reviste de profil de peste numeroase premii şi menţiuni la Saloane hotare. Ion Cuzuioc s-a învrednicit de peste Internaționale de Carte, Concursuri și 100 de premii și mențiuni la Concursurile Festivaluri Literare Naţionale şi Săptămânale și Lunare de Haiku, Senryu și Internaţionale. Cetăţean de Onoare al comunei Gogyohka organizate de către Romanian Ţareuca, Rezina, Orhei. Membru al Uniunii Haiku, Lyrical flashes, Dincolo de retină, Epigramiştilor, Uniunii Scriitorilor și Uniunii Gogyohka România, Gogyohka SUA etc. Ziariștilor Profesioniști din România. Membru Recent, scriitorul nostru român basarabean, Ion Cuzuioc, care a participat la 12 al Uniunii Cineaştilor, Uniunii Umoriştilor, Concursurile Internaționale Literare „Planetopia 2020” și „Literatopia 2020” din Uniunii Epigramiștilor, Uniunii Jurnaliştilor şi Macedonia s-a învrednicit de premiile I la secțiunea Aforisme și Haiku. Uniunii Scriitorilor din Moldova. Membru al Asociației Naționale a Oamenilor de Creație din Moldova. Membru al Senatului Asociației Oamenilor de Știință, Cultură și Artă din ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Haiku *** inel de nuntă – spre sânul mamei – *** mâna soldatului șirag de mărgăritare pe câmpul de luptă din ochii pruncului copilul orfan - *** în pat cu geamul deschis cuprinzând luna în largul mării – *** desprinsă de mal barca aburi spre cer – transportând luna în urma plugului brazde arate *** *** căpița de fân – trecută în căruță singur pe prispă – luna cu furca în palmele bunicului răsare luna *** *** noapte cu nouri – stelele căzătoare flori scuturate – peticind luna bunica prin livadă în pantofi noi *** ticăit de ceas – azil în flăcări – *** în pianul părăsit dintr-o odaie păpușa carii măcinând rostind mama citire în taină – *** filele pomelnicului gălbejite de vreme pălăria tatei – *** în pânza paingului year II, no. 13, 2022, February cuibul de molii *** 13 vrăbii în scrânciob – datina strămoșească legănată de vânt ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 *** *** roadele toamnei – pe amurgite – *** luna și soarele pe rând soarele spre orizont în carul mare cu dealul în spate daruri de Crăciun – *** păianjenii țes pânze la orfelinat postul cel mare – *** cerșetorul și porumbeii dor de moș Crăciun – din același colac din curtea orfelinatului plânset de păpuși *** *** copilul orfan – pe – o filă de hârtie picuri de lacrimi – desenând chipul mamei copacul își petrece ultima frunză *** *** moștenire – ocrotită de – un paing ninsoare în toi – icoana mamei vecinii de peste drum *** se bat cu pernele pădure în flăcări – plânsul puiului de cuc târgul de Crăciun – înecat în fum cu zdrențele în stradă sperietoarea *** *** Regina nopții – lacul fără pește – îmbrobodită după paznicul de serviciu prima ninsoare dus cu pluta ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 *** *** 14 pe prispa casei – un scaun și o cârjă doar amintire TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Maria D. Reis I always have a smile Portugal dancing in my mouth although I also have setbacks, Two tips but I believe in the power and benefits of smiling! Two important tips Sunilkumar Sahu 15 for our well-being: A smile of gratitude India when the day is over. A smile of hope The Inadvertent Love… when the day begins. The expectant consequence Inadvertently I lean at you is a blessed night Unknowingly I apprised you and a promising day. Curious, the dream of the day It's so easy to train a smile. That evoked beneath my It's a grimace of the heart mouth, trained with love. Inadvertently you gaze at The smile is an invitation me to our inner world. If you go in, Unknowingly, you waved leave the door open, at me everyone can fit in here, those with a good heart. Curious, the dream of the Make yourself comfortable, eye don't be in a hurry, here time has stopped at the door. That exposed your Inside, love reigns. euphoria If you have any doubts, ask Love. Heedlessly, I missed the bus If you need anything Sleepily, I missed the synthesis ask Love. Curious, the connection of the soul Love will satisfy all your desires That lost by chance and longings, enjoy while it lasts. Seriously, I dream at night Pay with a smile, Desirably, I pry at thine thank with a smile, Curious, the loss of the dop reciprocate with a smile. That lost by the sop Never forget to smile! Certainly, My volition quest Precisely, My dream don't go waste Curious, We will lump again That day will attain year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Dasharath Naik everything is perfect. And should have feeling Broken In the heart for beloved. It is only when love invites Golden moments already in grave since long your fellow man Ask me not how they got lost or disappeared Who takes care of you, How they missed their status in Who loves you Time's broad street Values you and I know the knowledge is far-fetched beyond makes you feel special my reach How good it is to Love And feels emotions How I can trust them in this thick shades of From the core of his heart distrust There is nothing wrong. Clasping me hard from all Who loves makes a little movement corners The helplessness of the In to a great movement soft flowers seems unfair Love is like a flower, With the updated status It must be watered sans practical sense to Cared and conquered defend themselves in everyday life . But if you are careless Me an unchangeable soul Love withers and fades to changing with the pace of death.+ time Now shattered into Bogdana Găgeanu pieces… Romania Totally lonely in this vast world of mankind In absolute darkness devoid of Humanity. Suresh Chandra Sarangi India Inclusion 16 Caring love What people see as a handicap It is actually a different perspective Do you know what love is, Inclusion is the best chance If you don't then listen to me Of not choosing only one colour, but the whole Those who love are rainbow. Present at all times Whether it is good or bad It doesn't matter. When there is love ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Bukurie Binjaku Çdo gjë e shenjtë, është perfekt e mirësia, Nëse fëmijët tanë, paqen në zemër u fusim, Greece Punët e mira kanë rezultat, kur nuk i ngusim, Në dekada e shekuj, që do të vinë, Mirësia në shpirt! Brezat do kenë paqen, Diell në shpirt, Mos mendoni, që nga të ligët, po vuajmë sot, Dhe pse e vuajtur unë di të fal, mjaft lehtë Sefatkeqësisht dimë,se tëshumtit po derdhin lotë, 17 Si konkluzion, e bukur më erdhi kjo jetë, S'është kurrë mirë, pa paqe e dashuri, Por kur më soset durimi, Pse kaq i zhveshur për pak mirësi, u bëre ti o njeri, S'ka vënd në shpirt, më trishtimi, Ti lakmon rrezikshëm, rezistencën tënde e për Kthehem e shoh drejtimin tim në jetë, pushtet, Aty në mrekullinë, udhës së vërtetë, S'je i përjetshëm, jo kurrë në këtë planet, Çdokujt i jap për meritë, çmimin, Zoti na dha të drejtë, të vdekurin ta shohim, Ballë përballë, çdo të vërtetë, pa ngushëllimin, Me dhëmbsuri, zemrën tonë ta ngrohim, Mundet të të vinë përgjigjet, si bombë, Prandaj na dha, mrekulli Por për mua janë, fakte pa dhe hapësirën e qiellit, gomë, Dhe pse me sy, s'e shohim Nuk vras askënd, por kur dot më engjëllin, më vrasin, Me siguri atje, është jetë e Bëj be në Zot e Perëndi, përhershme, shpirtin më plasin, Vetëm atje ka, përsosmëri Unë uroj, se kurrë s'di të të përjetshme, mallkoj, Kush do që kësaj bote, u Lyje o njeri ballin, me të hoq gjigand, bardhë bojë, Fytyrë e trup një ditë, ia Të kesh krenari, këtij mbuluan me lopatë, brezi të jesh soj, Një grusht dhe i hodhën, Të dhëntë Zoti mirësi, por dhe mend, për ngushëllim, Mos të mbetesh, kurrë në atë të errët vënd, Jo kurrë para gjyqit të Zotit, nuk bëhesh trim, Mes ligësisë, kurrë mos jetofsh, Sa je gjallë, në vagonët e jetës, Udhë e paqes, përherë të sos, Me moshatarët e shekullit të jesh përherë, i besës, Nëse ti më uron, mua njëherë, Mos lakmo kurrë, për pasuri e as pushtet, Unë të adhuroj, e të uroj njëmijë herë, Se një Zot në dorë, të tërëve na ka vetë, Si do që shpirti yt, ma jep urimin, Beso përherë Zotin e ndjeje qarkullim energji Pesëfish ta ktheftë, Zoti shpërblimin, pozitive, mirësi në shpirt, Nëse shpirt yt, me mallkime i mësuar, Me paqe njerëzit s'do vuanin, se Zoti përherë Mëso! Se Zoti peshoren e ka në duar, dëshiron barazim, S'e them për vete, e kam për të gjithë, S'janë kurrë kolltuqet, që shpirtin të ngrohin, Lum kush uron, me shpirtin të mirë, Por rrezet shpirtërore, që dhe errësirën e shohin, Në gurrën e paqes, rrjedh uji si kristal, Ja nxjerrin të vërtetat, sado gënjeshtrat të kenë U bëftë kjo botë, të dijë të falë, hovin, Falja me origjinë, nga Zoti e Perëndia, E vërteta me Diellin, si një pasqyrë e mrekullueshme, çdo gjë e shohin. year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Omar Nassar the self... Kenya Expecting the best for all A leader's best legacy FOR no nation dies (peace and productivity) except in the past or indeed by accident if its – Education For Peace – processes of reproduc- tion have deficits IS of a human factor... a leader's Synonimous with failure greatest legacy to a IF NATION a leader does little with the gift of power as universal education for to uplift the people's standards of living all to understand the having done nothing to show as thrift values of except theft that leaves a nation cleft peace, peaceful in rafts of corruption and a rift between coexistence, rich and poor hard work, self-reliance, And nothing is sure civility, IF a leader unity, utilitarianism, allows a nation to live a lie while the altruism, corrupt have their fingers in every national pie and shared progress without creating any more for all to in a compatible society share.... aware that learning as a tool of progress is always indispensable to self-cultivation and self-authentification of a person as both human and humane... In a peaceful nation 18 NOW let's look at the nation as a person walking stark nacked into the future as a badge of reality and not judge of ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Without productivity Harish Pradhan NO India It hurts pragmatic leader plays innocent It is all colourful while using others as The lush green hills pawns and screens to The swaying Meadows disguise involvement in The silver streams various misdeeds or The wild flowers unplesant things done through third parties.... To hide The heart is full of anomalies Pure blood as if drawn From nature fresh NO nation can afford You and me stagnation while losing And the songs of love its pulse tipped into the The music of moon dustbin of insecurity The symphony of stars unable to move forwards or backwards Then the agony of Drifting away with IF Strange sense of the best gift Hurting memories a leader has is not how to keep enemies off The tear drops balance and to find Swell and swell a chink in their vanity And then through which to rattle An ocean between us them while holding the strings.. TO FOSTER PEACE! 19 year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Sunita Grover Raina Is the other person a bit jittery and looking at me in wonder India And does not know what to do Love and war an emotional wreck I am a wandering thought If so then my work is done and wondering I have got all his attention Why do I behave oddly at times For everything is fair in love and war that I become a stranger Let his thoughts wander around To the other person like mine and clash in mid air who knows me well Let his thoughts hover over me Behave in a manner Like a bumble bee over a which though flower not offensive My job is successfully Offends the other person done 20 Behave unresponsive and I behave so only with the quiet one I love Quite contrary to my nature For being treated indifferently Avoid looking and glance hurts more than being elsewhere, anywhere hated even when I have peeped deep into his soul For being taken for granted also hurts Eat the wrong things, behave not a shrew But do anything to irritate indirectly For being misunderstood and laughed at is like an arrow being shot at your heart Speak an alien language that sounds shocking surprising your own vocal cords into getting My wandering thoughts have come back to me fits and no longer wondering I am at peace Bathe and sleep at wrong time sitting on my throne Even God wonders if he is going to get his due Like a Queen And the throne less King still Yes I am a wandering thought wandering and wondering And I wonder have I got the message through when will the punishment be over. ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Obasi Ikechukwu I saw their body become stiff and breath, Nigeria Ceasing! There comes the actualization, When it was no longer sweet, There comes a dream Heroes lost, legends gone. Heat! Heat! Heat of passion! Freedom is our pride, let's make it a fashion! There comes a dream at night, Smruti Ranjan Mohanty 21 Imminent bloodbaths and war, War for survival, war for the sunrise, India Self determination punctured by sword, A look at life Second struggle to keep the torrent, At night, there was war and onslaught, Love in motion is life. At morning, comes the joyous sunset, If you want to live Our dreams came like a drought. love yourself and others. Suddenly air started Without the latter, detonating bullets, the former is so I heard explosives incomplete sounding like trumpet. Love at rest is death Freedom is war, war is You die the day peace, you fail to love yourself. We want this bondage to You succumb cease, the day you fail to If not let the humanity erase reciprocate Trees and trees become and love your the next race. surrounding For nature is unfair, it bestows no right, The vast universe, Pre-pre- natally, we would've our clime the ever-expanding universe Chose! Nature should have been easier, stands on bonding. But it'll devalue! Freedom will be bondage, It rests on love and mutual attraction For we all are in the life of glacier! without which it will collapse in minutes Our soul is a mortgage! like a house of cards I saw war in my dream, Love is life Gunshots silenced my thunderous scream, For love, you are here There comes heavy silence heard, Love gives birth Tingling the ear, souls falling to the earth! Love nourishes Love sustains Death has no friend, it started with For love life is so beautiful Those against self actualization, in this beautiful earth year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Maheswar Das Prasanna Bhatta. Divine Determination India 22 Here everything is determined by the divine Love is in action, not This world belongs to the Divine . sensation His determination is the universal laws of the world Life longs last with real love He is the changeless soverign master of the world Real Love longs last in glee Full of meaningful and Nothing is expressed here on earth without fruitful verve. the order of the divine. Apart from love, life becomes The entire Universe is his design. baseless and charmless . He is the master creator of everything. Love is a bounty of The whole creation is his blessing of play. Almighty It is his leela. Filled with humanity, humility & For his Leelas he makes benignity. and unmakes everything. Garlanded with kindness, He destroys everything and for a new creation. clemency Since change is the law of Praised with compassion his Universe, everything co-exist in a single and pendal. charity. In a single pendal, when someone is singing, the Admired with affection other one is laughing or crying, some other person and is living in some other ways. amiability. Here sorrows, sufferings, laughter, No right to enter into love darknss and light all have their play on man. monarchy Even in a single platform all are playing their For antipathy and cruelty, hate role on man. and enemity. Mysterious are the ways of the creator. We bow to the ineffable sweet master of the Pious and noble love world. doesn't admit and admire Sensual and sensuous pleasure. So love is in action, but not sensation ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 ** Real love is a Heavenly gift of perfection** *** E N D *** TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Nagwa Lashin For ever green for ever seen We get sufficient crop and harvest Egypt Tell to anyone about... You are the best and guest Teachers We wel-come you Come to the earth It is honour to be teachers From East to West, and North to South Honestly, sincerity, patience, discipline, hard It is the passion of the truth... working and kindness are our features Bagawath Bhandari We plant sciences sun in Galaxies Come with fresh ideas, widen Bhutan narrow roads, grow love fields, carry knowledge candles Romance... Have the qualities to bring up Every time you kiseed me, generations minds, water I was flooded in the sea, rose The sea of your supreme buds to catch fasteners love, As the earth we have In the warmth of your layers of all knowledges hugs. As rivers we have reborn sciences I loved when you touched As the sky send blue my bosom, clouds to survive swards Feeling was so incredible We carve the glory of all and awesome, nations in Emotions ran deep down past, present and create future my heart, Fatherly, motherly treat our When love became an art. learners we are preachers. Every time you fall asleep, Damburudhara Behera I used to peep, Raising head from my pillow, India Love used to grow akin to willow. RAIN Ho! Rain come and come But, faith dragged you away from me, 23 With smiling face and drazzling voice And I miss you like a flower missing a bee, We wel-come you I will keep loving you for eons of time, By our soul and heart Till sun drinks the dew and kills its shine. To our home of Earth For watering in dry field year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Santosh Kumar Biswa With gentle clap to produce a tune \"We are same, we are one, Bhutan Let us build the castle Where we all can accommodate\" Eyeless Love The smiling wind ready to join Eyeless love, why do you come? With its gentle chants of dearie You look nothing but the fabricated look Freshness in itself to bestow To move deeper with no sense to make And all high birds chirping Of infatuated love to wear, that's insecure. Flapping their wings in rhythm You beam like a candle too fast at peak Waking up all those sleeping deep And breathe the rainbow of hopes to come Again for a change to join their hands With dreams as though real that happens To sing the song that awakes all That burst like a balloon with a small nip. With gentle clap to produce a tune Better, I tell you, come \"We are same, we are one, with an eyeglass Let us build the castle To see through at once, Where we all can ne'er to regret later accommodate\" And like a ruby you The Mysterious Love remain firm in shape. Let your love be as hard The love as diamond that dreamth high Not so fragile that breaks appears cryptic easily and suffer Like Medea, To remain firm that can so tricky in mind see dream happen for vex to gain, Ne'er to vanish after a while like a rainbow To jab Jason to bleed For happier end, not to blame or be blamed. and dewy eyes to see. Thence, the deceit should go, We are Same, we are One to free, guiltless. Mirror, Mirror 24 Clouds in the sky seem cheerful Mirror, mirror, you're my dateless guardian, With flags of peace to march You show me black and blue invariably, Over the hills and through the valleys When I weep, you wipe off my sadness clean As the messenger of love to address To give me strength for the other day During the hot summer daytime Napping the smile on me to grin again. To cool every head on the dirt With the song of kinships to be sung You're my lone mate to give your hands to cry And let everyone to put up their hands And pay your smile to cherish my good day. ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 You mediate me to tidy myself for fondness But, I shall be by your side, even if I'm gone, 25 For your love is as lily-white as the glacier As a pathfinder for the sun to shine brighter. And your thoughts so pragmatic and sane. Your loneliness be filled with the singing birds You're my pleader when I go namby-pamby And I shall send the brighter moon for you With your civility to seize my truculent mind, To make your darkness to shine eternally My pique to freeze and to mellow my psyche For the knowledge you possess isn't vague, To amend me, not be overhauled by wrinkles It shall cause you stand even if I'm gone. Off the hook, for normalcy to fall out in hand. You shall lead in purpose to prosper in spirit You're my scout when I'm ripped by Mosel, Not to keep me in mind and to get distracted My limbs to stumble on the velvety floors For life has to move on even if I'm gone Dim in vision to locate and repent my deeds. With the great noesis ever granted to strive Like a medico to rede me for my wellness In peace, never to fall whatsoever the matter. And to tittle-tattle for my agony to cast away. The Blind Love to Witness Mirror, mirror, I see angel's mind in your aid, The sweetest language of The reflections, as bright love, as a new penny initially you get through, That can take hold the the most loved partner, angry storm's claim. you find, Bartering 'tween us, anything, you can never buoys up my head modal realize. To affix, for the You pass by, the blind chastisement to come at me. love to witness of hopes and promises ever When I’m gone that appears not to be at all honest. The love itself will pose to be phony What would the day be like, when I’m -gone? that of lust and pleasure, so temporal, My dear, the sun's rays may bend hatred later to be superseded by, permanently, at the remnants with mindful regret. The moon may not be in form over the night, 'Cause love is to be examined from many, The river may stop flowing to rest in serenity simply not by how one looks, And you ‘re in dejection with handless hope. but to be serious about precious life to secure it, the character to consider The spirit may seem hopeless in my absence, liveth within them, in mind For your step may not ponder upon you, for brighter sun to arrive for heaven's gate You being left alone to struggle for survival, that last until the final breath. And to fight the right fight for the life to lead. year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Saiprakash Kuntamukkala Clive Norman India United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Where are those maples! Forever Bright Those succulent, shiny greens, losing their Lord and Master, please guide and teach us sheen The advent of human greed, encompassing Guiding our thoughts ever-deeper, to the each leaf No lessons learnt, hell bent upon to destroy, centre of our individually perceived universe the pristine glory While seeking the Kingdom of heaven, From where can the Maples grow, their seeds and shoots eaten away at dwelling there, deep within us; a tender age Trampled beyond repair Awakening the consciousness of Self, the Their survival nipped at bud, their growing beds continuously streaming consciousness, the weeded pure essence of one’s soul; Concrete floors, high-rise roofs, obstructing the Teaching us, to love and Sunrays Trickle rains, reaching the respect all life, gutters Motorized roads spewing soot irrespective of form, as if Eaten away by ants down from the root it was our own Tender saplings, devoid of their sap A lifeless plant, falling down to earth Opening our inner eye of Each time it rose, the same story repeats The very greed and neglect coming to fore insightfulness, of How can they survive, this gigantic force knowledgeable wisdom What is left, a question with no answer Where are those Maples once stood upright! Seeing through refreshed, With their canopies spread wide and across. unclouded vision As the wondrous unending beauty, of the world, and the universe, unfolds before our very eyes To listen to the miraculously beautiful dawn chorus to the birds singing, melodically with the angels, eternally watching over us Listening to every heartbeat, in uniquely pulsating, resonating signatures Opening our hearts, minds, and souls, observing newly awakening perceptions Rediscovering the unimaginable, incomprehensible complexities of humanity’s 26 ill-conceived, egotistically self-absorbing lives, in acceptance of the truth and the light, forever shining; forever bright! ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Ashokchakravarthy Tholana Introspect oh human! India So… Uprooting the basic pillars of peace, no one can No one can boast of being called a peace icon, On the path of life, be careful Bloodshed can never bring peace, but bread can, Try to be almost faithful, Destruction cannot bring peace, but harmony can. Try to be almost truthful, Life seems lovely and cheerful, In the name of caste, creed, race and religion Exciting and immensely heartful. Clashes and conflicts are ignited for a rebellion; So… be always mindful Between self-centric forces, victims are At times, timely be unmindful; civilians Life... always is not Where are we heading to, introspect, oh playful, Yes, be righteous and human! dutiful, To experience a life Mutual trust and delightful. harmony are powerful weapons Alternate option They can keep at bay, the forces of destruction; Yes, the fickle mind …. To fortify the bond of love Keeps whirring around, and friendly relations, With thoughts abound, Unity and understanding Tries to prepare a ground, are the reliable options. To force us to depend, On its laid path and bond. Let the superiority complex diminish in humans Creating thus a vexation Let bitter thoughts replace with love and With steep fluctuations, concern; And deep frustrations; ‘Peace’ is a mighty weapon to avert all Mind leaves no option, conflicts, Either for exhilaration, May righteousness reign in every human Or to opt for motivation. thought! Caught in the deception Peace exists if we succeed to uplift the 27 Ignoring life’s destination, downtrodden The fathoms of dejection, Peace prevails if we overcome, difference of Drown our life’s passions. opinion; The only ‘alternate option’, Peace stabilizes progress and progress to Balance the mind with action. prosperity Yes, together why not we give peace, a top year II, no. 13, 2022, February priority? ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 About the poet Ismail Ali Abu Mosallam 28 Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana is a What writer, poet and reviewer, hailing from Hyderabad City, Telangana State, INDIA. – What did Wael_Kfoury say when he started During his 30-year stint with poetry, Ashok’s dating?? message-oriented poems have the unique I love you so much, my love, keep looking at me distinction of getting published in no less than 90 countries. He relentlessly contributes – And when you strengthened a heart and poetry on themes viz., Universal Peace, World moved away from it ... He said: Brotherhood, Environment Consciousness, Oh, let her go and tell me I miss you so much Protection of Nature, Safeguarding Children’s and Human Rights for promoting world And when nothing was known about her ... harmony, literature and culture etc. He is Your love is a torment. You endured the conferred with several absence of your heart and looked at it prestigious national and international awards that And he tried to convince include FIVE Doctorates, them and said: lots of laurels, If our love is a mistake, let commendations and titles us be wrong ... etc. He got tired together, too, In recognition of his and she didn't writings, Dr. Ashok understand his feelings, received commendations so he said, from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Now, I've decided on the former-President, India, last one in this story for Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee, Wein and Aslin. former-Prime Minister, India, Bill Clinton, USA, Queen Elizabeth of Britain, Princess of \"And when he knew she Wales, President and Prime Minister of wouldn't change her France, Prime Minister of Switzerland, Senator mind, \" he said. Viktor Busa, The Lord President, Italy, United Oh, my shadow, souls, my soul is tired of you Nationals Organization, UNESCO, UNICEF etc. Finally, he concluded that he was patient and As of now, NINE poetry compilations, said: viz., ((1) Charismata of Poesie (2) The Chariot One page and I folded my life and threw it of Musings (3) Serene Thoughts (4) Twinkles away ... What a loss, my love (5) Reflections (6) Altitudes (7) Outlet (8) Horizon (9) Kaleidoscope)) out of 18 volumes – And when you felt right now and decided to of English poetry have been published and come back, they said ... received wide readership acclaim all over the You came out of love and you were not created world. And, 12 spiritual-related books have to live with your heart been translated so far from Telugu (local language) to English language. – And finally, they finished the story and said ... Now I have made peace, there is no loss or gain, because you and I have been wounded by a wound ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Shabir Rather We want \"peace\" for consistency. The entire world needs stability, Love Man seeks safety and security. Love I want to be with you The quarrel comes from antipathy, I will come to you Battle cames from zealotry, I will reach to you We want peace for everybody, I need your love, Let's promote peace carefully. I need you forever Let's work for peace universally. I can't bear your absence too We're bard of peace certainly. distance do not matter in love None can protest us forcefully. language do not make any difference Peace will be stablished doubtlessly I know you are deep in my love I love you too madly God makes the world equally my heart and soul is For rich people and the always with you needy, you are my life, you are Let's be hearty to my happiness. overcome poverty. you are my last Ill jingoism destroys us destination badly. I am only for you my soul, Work to stabilize human I love you, society, I love you, Refrain from war and I love you discrepancy. though you are not with If we want to see all me cordially, I feel myself with you Let's care the whole you are in my heart beats because I love you universe lively. because you are my soul Tapan Roy Imdadul Islam Rosy picture India Peace How will I raise the rosy picture! There's stony situation. If 'P' denotes pacificatory, There's no rain, there's only sun. 29 'E' robustly denotes equality. The rivers flow towards the sea, 'A' certainly means amity, but don't make fertile the land. And 'C' indicates commensality, In the spring the nature becomes Again 'E' means expediency. beautiful but not the human life. There's lack of softness, in the stony Situation of hardness how will I be able to raise the rosy picture! year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Parthita Dutta Malak Nora Hammadi Poland Algeria I came time and again sky crying 30 When you were drenching The tragedy of the sun bathed in beautiful eyes dolefully in the rain of despair, The murmurs of the chest flattened the sky that day as a mote of peace Spring slept on the surface of the earth, its in the white pigeon’s beak, I came drums beating for peace And you were struck, spoiled Offerings of dreams poems floating on the by the feather again There, I melted on her river of immortality tongue. Deliberately leaving the When you were breaking world in the clamorous ravine, The dimensions of the between the heart and life void shook in I, in the fist of solitude astonishment appeared These doses of Poetry are and you got ghastly not enough terrified To reduce desertification of your inner silence of ideas there Silence broke out crying from the horror of the the crowd swallowed me. pain When your cogency became supine Your parts are dead... by numerous tyrant blow And you're lying on a bed succumbing to this You groped for an imperial spire, displacement being a spark of Tanzanite The smell of boiling pots of human meat I fell on your diadem as a light pervaded the place nonchalantly you breathed me out. Mouths demand their strength... O you who sleep in this blackness, loosen the bonds of life ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Myriam Ghezaïl Ben Brahim Tandra Mishra Senegal India True love Două inimi care bat cu ritm How beautiful it is to die every second in your Ținând mâinile, privind la ochi, 31 smile Eliberând durerea, înflorind credințele, How beautiful it is to love life while listening to your sigh Încrederea în viață, crește căldura; crește A true melody that sounds in my aged heart vibrația. A semblance of happiness that could destroy my nights Făcând viața mai demnă, A love and a great fear but oferind bucurie și senzație înaltă. a will and a true desire An adventure too Plăcerea de a vorbi, de a beautiful that brightens sta față în față, my sky Arăta că timpul se oprește And your face that stalks să simtă harul. me with the beauty of its rainbows Oh, acea căldură! o, acea A fury too beautiful an supunere! unconscious flame Acele inimi iubitoare bat An undefined destiny a unul pentru celălalt fără fascinating story nicio condiție. A golden heart of inestimable value Vântul este răcoros, You are inked in my soul, an inescapable soarele este fraged. intoxication Uite ce fericiți sunt! A love like a baby taking its first steps in wonder Păsări ciupind, într-un ton lent; A doctor from nowhere who checks my heart Chemându-se unul pe altul să cinstească and then leaves comuna. The road to our kingdom is full of pitfalls But a rare confidence in you I move forward Momentele pentru a uita limitele, even in unconsciousness Doar pentru a simți extazul, beatitudinea. A music too beautiful is drawn for us day and night Ținând de mână, desfășurând emoția, I am the heroine of your majesty, my king, your umplând miezul inimii cu adorație, love is madness. Oh! iubirea ta! Căzând O picătură de extaz în inimile trandafirii, Credință înfloritoare pentru viață, Oh! Lasă-l să curgă și cu artele mele, cu versurile mele. year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 prose 25-30 dopo 6 anni per puro caso. Cosa succederà? Lui non sa che lei ha sofferto moltissimo, non Monika Venusia sa che seppur per un solo appuntamento si era innamorata follemente e che avrebbe voluto Italia instaurare un rapporto con lui. Aveva avuto paura ma si era lasciata andare, lei che non lo Brividi caldi sulla pelle: faceva mai, proprio mai. Da sempre chiamata timida dalle sue amiche. Da sempre sostenuta Marica e Marco si conoscono fin da da una amica speciale anche nei momenti in cui soffre di più e che pensa di non riuscire a bambini e sono stati sempre migliori amici, ma farcela. Eppure anche se con fatica si riprende. Riesce a sopravvivere, riesce ad andare avanti. ad un certo punto della loro amicizia Marco La cicatrice però sanguina ancora anche quando si fidanza con Francesco uomo serio comincia a sentire nuove sensazioni verso la che vuole sposarla. Cosa sua più cara amica. Cosa sarà? E Marica cosa ne sa il mondo di quello che lei ha vissuto a causa sente per lui? La loro amicizia si rovinerà di quella cicatrice che si porta anche sul corpo? oppure si approfondirà trasformandosi in Che si porta anche sui polsi? Lui non potrà mai qualche altra cosa? sapere il cumulo di agonia sofferenza che ha provato Intanto Marica che non si e che le ha portato ad una nuova rinascita. Una era mai innamorata di donna che pensa al futuro con il cuore certo ma nessuno comincia a soprattutto che costruisce tutto gradino per gradino in modo da soffrire di meno. provare dei sentimenti Bryan non appena la rivede al pub dove molto forti per Robin, si incontrano rimane nuovamente abbagliato da quella donna stupenda che per motivi di ricambiata. Robin, uomo salute aveva dovuto abbandonare. Aveva sofferto moltissimo perché lui uomo dalle più grande, uomo mille avventure si sarebbe voluto mettere seriamente con quella piccola ragazza navigato, drogato, incontrata per caso. alcolizzato, puttaniere, Lei non vuole più soffrire e testardamente desidera continuare la sua vita abituato alle orge, cosa abitudinaria con il suo fidanzato anche se poi tutto crollerà come cenere. nasconde? Tendenzialmente solo affamato di amore come uno spettatore che guarda una vetrina ma che sa che non può andare li dentro, non appena la incontra viene affascinato dalla sua ingenuità e comincia a provare una forte brama che gli darà l'input per una difficile risalita da suo inferno, cercando di crederci, ma sapendo che sarebbe stato inutile. 32 Ritrovarsi: Un incontro in una terra straniera ed è subito amore Bryan e Sarah, un incontro improvviso in una terra straniera, un'attrazione immediata, un appuntamento mancato e poi ritrovarsi ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 ŠAHDO BOŠNJAK Avea o față rotundă, sprâncenele arcuite, iar 33 părul îi era încâlcit în jurul capului sau într-o Bosnia and Herzegovina împletitură groasă, pe care o purta apoi acum pe spate, acum pe stânga și apoi pe umărul Roman Autobiografic drept. În clasă au fost alături de noi elevi (Emergente) extraordinari, care au însușit materialul conform programului scurtat. CAPITOLUL 11 Profesorului i-a luat mult timp să-și Dimineața, înainte de a merge la școală, îndepărteze privirea de la frumoasa Shehriya, m-am jucat și am glumit cu fiica fratelui meu, să vadă mâna ridicată a lui Husref și să o pe care au numit-o după răposata mea soră, întrebe: Shada. Era trează dimineața devreme. Tocmai mergea cu picioarele și ortografia primele – Există vreo problemă, Husref? substantive: „mama”, „aba”, „seka”, „bato”... Din – Da, profesor! țipetele, râsetele și zgomotul ei, toată casa – Și care e problema, spune-mi? bâzâia și se frângea. A fost bucuria imensă a tuturor – În tine și Šehrija... membrilor familiei, în special a mea. M-am jucat – Pentru ce, dacă cu ea, a invatat sa poți ști? pronunte multe cuvinte, expresii faciale, miscari, – Pentru că flirtezi. grimasi si altele asemenea. Dintre toți — N-ar trebui să colegii de casă, eu am petrecut cel mai mult flirtăm? timp cu ea. Ea era ca lumina ochilor noștri. – Ei bine, nu cred. Pentru prima dată, frumusețea satului Šehrija a intrat cu profesorul ei Mirko. Era – Și de ce asta, dacă cunoscută tuturor pentru frumusețea ei poți ști? încântătoare, aproape supranaturală. Era o vecină îndepărtată de-a mea și o cunoșteam – Pentru că nu ești destul de bine. Nu este prima dată când vine la de aceeași credință. Ești cursurile noastre și de multe ori rămâne până un creștin, un șocant, iar la sfârșitul cursurilor. Ea a devenit complet ca ea este... Eh, și ea este... musulmană! acasă în sala noastră de clasă. Nu era profesoară, așa că de multe ori ne întrebam ce Profesorul a privit-o o clipă, apoi a va face acolo. Dar conversațiile ei șoapte, izbucnit în râs. Era comunist, ceea ce însemna confidențiale cu profesorul și privirile lor ateu la acea vreme. O astfel de gândire a lui amoroase le spuneau tuturor celor care voiau Husref i s-a părut nu numai ridicolă, ci și să vadă. Erau îndrăgostiți unul de celălalt. înapoiată și stupidă. El a întrebat prin râs forțat: – Dar nu suntem amândoi oameni mai întâi? – Nu, nu ai făcut-o. – Cum? De ce? – Nu poți fi om, pentru că tu ești bărbat și ea femeie. Mai întâi profesorul, apoi Shehri și apoi toți elevii au izbucnit în râs amuzant. Dar year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Šehrija nu părea să râdă. Era roșie ca un bujor, profesorului”, deși în clasă mai erau patru sau toată confuză, doar că lacrimile nu-i curgeau cinci elevi excelenți. Și apoi profesorul mi-a pe față. Din acea zi, ea a vizitat profesorul dat o misiune din învățământul tehnic, sau de nostru, profesoara de „șoc”, din ce în ce mai acasă, îmi amintesc mai vag, să fac acasă puțin. Curând n-am mai văzut-o la școala câteva pătuțuri din chibrituri. Nu am avut noastră. Și dacă Husrefa nu ar fi reacționat așa accesorii. Fără lipici, fără acuarele, fără bandă în ziua aceea, cine știe ce s-ar fi întâmplat între adezivă, fără foarfece sau chiar cutii de profesoară și frumusețe. Astfel, s-a căsătorit chibrituri goale. într-un sat de lângă Doboj, pentru un „musulman”, bineînțeles, iar profesoara Nimic de-a face cu ordinul unui profesor. noastră s-a căsătorit cu Nevenka, profesor, și Nu am îndrăznit să-i cer tatălui meu să-mi cu siguranță „catolic”. Din câte știu eu: ambii cumpere acel accesoriu. Așa că am mers la au trăit în căsnicii armonioase. școală fără pătuț, cu neliniște, dar și cu speranța că nu mă vor cere să-mi fac temele. & Sau se va uita printre degetele mele și de data V-am povestit și asta. Având în vedere statutul privilegiat pe despre această perioadă a care l-am avut cu el. Dar nu a fost așa. școlii mele în cărți De data asta publicate anterior. profesorul s-a supărat foarte tare pe mine. De Despre cum mi-am fapt, era furios. A înțeles asta ca pe un semn al lenei petrecut tot timpul în mele, al neglijenței față de obligațiile școlare și față afara orei cu vite și cai, de sine. În aceeași zi, a încheiat patru cu mine din îngrijindu-le și îngrijindu- acel caz. Alte note finale au fost toate cele cinci. Când a fost sfârșitul le. Cum a trebuit să fac anului școlar, a venit la el Adnan, fratele profesoarei Alja. În acea vreme termina liceul multe alte meserii. Despre și dorea să-l ajute pe Mirko să aranjeze Jurnalul, să completeze broșurile elevilor și cum am mers la școală în alte documente. Venind la pagina mea din Jurnal, a întrebat: „Cine este Shado?” haine și pantofi rupte și chiar în cizmele mari M-am ridicat de pe scaun. S-a uitat la ale mamei. Din această cauză, copiii mei au râs mine și apoi la profesor. El i-a spus: În acea vreme termina liceul și dorea să-l ajute pe și au făcut mișto de mine, iar eu am simțit o Mirko să aranjeze Jurnalul, să completeze broșurile elevilor și alte documente. Venind la durere psihică aproape insuportabilă. În timp pagina mea din Jurnal, a întrebat: „Cine este Shado?” M-am ridicat de pe scaun. S-a uitat la ce am împrumutat o carte de la profesor mine și apoi la profesor. El i-a spus: În acea pentru a o citi, Shada a rupt-o și a rupt câteva foi și am ezitat să îi returnez profesorului o astfel de carte. V-am povestit deja despre multe alte evenimente. Ca să nu mă repet, de data aceasta le voi omite, de înțeles. Dar vă voi povesti o altă experiență, legată de acea 34 perioadă a vieții studențești, care m-a impresionat atât de timid. Era aproape de sfârșitul clasei a patra. În clasă, eram neoficial cunoscut drept cel mai bun elev și „animalul de companie al ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 vreme termina liceul și dorea să-l ajute pe am devenit prieteni. Este pensionar de multă Mirko să aranjeze Jurnalul, să completeze vreme și locuiește fericit în casa lui alături de broșurile elevilor și alte documente. Venind la soția sa exemplară, care este și ea pensionară. pagina mea din Jurnal, a întrebat: „Cine este Shado?” M-am ridicat de pe scaun. S-a uitat la && mine și apoi la profesor. El i-a spus: Când au venit vacanțele de vară, părinții – Și de ce nu încheie Shadi a cincea din mei mi-au pus din ce în ce mai multe acest subiect când toate celelalte subiecte sunt responsabilități pe spate. Fratele cel mare a toate cinci?! E pacat! mers la armată și apoi la o firmă de construcții din Belgrad. Fratele mijlociu mergea mai ales – Nu - spuse Mirko. - Din motive de zilnic: cosind, săpat, cumpărând fân și făcând principiu. Când nu a vrut să facă o sarcină, ceea alte lucrări pentru cei care l-ar suna. Era tânăr ce nu este dificil, nu poate avea un mare cinci și în curând s-a îmbolnăvit grav. Sora Sajka se acum. căsătorise cu mult timp în Deși Adnan a insistat cu insistență ca urmă și avea o familie: soț și copii. profesorul să aibă milă de Trebuia să păstrez mine și să-mi încheie trei vaci și unul sau doi cai, uneori aveam unul și toate notele excelente, el a alteori doi. Și asta a fost munca mea principală. rămas totuși fidel poziției Iarna trebuia să-i hrănesc: să-i hrănesc, să-i sale, ferm ca granitul. ud, să-i îngrijesc, să-i curăț, să le aduc mâncare Astfel, la finalul clasei a și să iau gunoiul de grajd. În plus, din ce în ce mai des, tatăl meu m-a IV-a, mi-a lipsit obligat să merg cu el zilnic cu o echipă: arat oamenii, semănat, culeg porumb și transport recunoașterea „elevului ce avea nevoie. A trebuit să luăm și lemne de foc din pădure, pe tine și pe alții. Pe lângă toate generației” și în același acestea, a trebuit să merg două-trei zile la Moscheea Castorului pentru instruire timp modeste laude și religioasă, mai întâi oral și apoi să studiez la Sufari. După sufară, am studiat și Coranul. daruri. Pentru că ce fel de În ciuda atâtor responsabilități, aproape student aș fi și nu am că nu am avut timp să mă joc și să socializez cu alți copii. M-am simțit adesea ca un sclav, un toate cele cinci închise?! sclav al propriilor mei părinți. Părinții mei nu au simțit nicio urmă de dragoste pentru copiii Nu aveam dreptul să fiu lor. Scopul lor principal era să ne exploateze cât mai mult posibil. În copilărie, este clar că i- supărat pe profesor. Nu puteam decât să mă gândesc: „Iartă-l, Doamne, nu știe ce face!” Profesorul Mirko avea o viziune 35 marxistă și atee asupra lumii, pe care, potrivită epocii noastre, a încercat să o învețe pe noi, elevii săi. Am învățat multe de la el, care a vrut să învețe, desigur. Pentru că era o persoană foarte pozitivă, progresistă, de la care erau multe de învățat. Deoarece locuiește în cartierul meu, este de înțeles că îl văd ocazional. Să ne luăm rămas bun în treacăt și cam atât. L-am respectat și am ezitat. Asta mi- a fost lăsat de când am școală. Dar mi se pare că el a simțit același lucru pentru mine. Poate de aceea nu am devenit niciodată apropiați, year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 36 am urât devreme din cauza asta. Cel puțin, nu deteriorarea cărții, și-a dat seama de ce nu mai mi-au plăcut. Alți părinți au fost, de asemenea, vin după cărți. Apoi mi-a spus că încă mai pot stricti și și-au forțat copiii să facă tot felul de împrumuta liber cărți școlare și personale de lucruri. Dar așa părinți egoiști, cruzi și la el. Totuși, rușinea era mai puternică decât insensibili, mi se pare, nu știam. Uneori mi se setea de lectură și nu am mai împrumutat nicio pare cum să vorbesc toate astea despre carte de la profesorul meu. Și nu numai acel părinții mei - nu este frumos, nu este politicos, zijan, dacă Shada mi-ar fi făcut vreun rău, dacă mai ales că sunt decedați de mult. mi-ar fi rupt capul, nu m-aș fi supărat pe ea, darămite să o pedepsesc în vreun fel. Atât de În acele zile de primăvară, fiica fratelui mult a fost dragostea mea pentru ea. meu, Shada, îngerul familiei noastre, s-a îmbolnăvit. A fost o conversație, distracție și De aceea nu puteam fi supărat pe ea nici bucurie pentru noi toți. Era o fetiță atât de când a rupt câteva pagini din carte, pe care am frumoasă, dulce și afectuoasă, încât până și împrumutat-o de la profesorul Mirko. Am lipit părinții mei fără inimă, bunicul și bunica cumva paginile și am returnat cartea fără ca Shadei, i-au arătat un fel de atenție și dragoste profesorul să observe deosebită pentru ea. Era imediat deteriorarea. De imposibil să nu iubești atunci am încetat să mai fata aceea dulce. Așa că împrumut cărți de la el. dacă ar face ceva obraznic Când a descoperit în casă în nevinovăția ei, deteriorarea cărții, și-a nimeni nu s-ar supăra pe dat seama de ce nu mai ea, n-ar avea inima să fie vin după cărți. Apoi mi-a supărată, darămite să o spus că încă mai pot pedepsească în vreun fel. împrumuta liber cărți La urma urmei, cum să școlare și personale de la pedepsești acea bucată de el. bunătate, frumusețe și bucurie a lui Dumnezeu? Totuși, rușinea era mai puternică decât setea Când eram acasă, ea mai mult se de lectură și nu am mai împrumutat nicio carte petrecea cu mine, se juca, tweeta și se bucura. de la profesorul meu. Și nu numai acel zijan, Am învățat-o să spună multe cuvinte, să imite dacă Shada mi-ar fi făcut vreun rău, dacă mi-ar bătrânii, să cânte cântece scurte pentru copii, fi rupt capul, nu m-aș fi supărat pe ea, darămite să joace diverse jocuri. Ea i-a iubit pe toți cei să o pedepsesc în vreun fel. Atât de mult a fost din casă și pe mine cel mai mult. Abia aștepta dragostea mea pentru ea. De aceea nu puteam să ajungă acasă de undeva, să petrecem timp fi supărat pe ea nici când a rupt câteva pagini împreună. De aceea nu puteam fi supărat pe ea din carte, pe care am împrumutat-o de la nici când a rupt câteva pagini din carte, pe care profesorul Mirko. am împrumutat-o de la profesorul Mirko. Apoi a încetat să se îmbolnăvească. A Am lipit cumva paginile și am returnat început să tușească, a avut febră, se simțea cartea fără ca profesorul să observe imediat neputincioasă, zăcea din ce în ce mai mult și se deteriorarea. De atunci am încetat să mai ținea de cap. Era un semn sigur că începea să împrumut cărți de la el. Când a descoperit simtă durere în cap. După primele simptome ale bolii, Shad urma să fie dus la medic. Dar ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 părinții mei au manifestat din nou nepăsare, plină de imoralitate, plină de ucigași din 37 neglijență și nesimțire față de copilul bolnav. umbră. Până și medicii de atunci erau Fratele meu a fost la Belgrad, nora mea nu a conștiincioși și onorabili, în comparație cu întrebat nimic, părinții mei au decis totul. Mai medicii de azi, cu diplome cumpărate și, mai ales tatăl. Și era convins că fetița se va vindeca ales, cu oameni corupti fără suflet! Cu toate singură, așa cum se îmbolnăvise. acestea, aș fi impardonabil de nedrept dacă critica mea s-ar aplica tuturor medicilor și Apoi au început s-o „vindece” prin orori întregului personal medical, fără excepție. sărate, înregistrări ale lui hodja și vrăjitorie asemănătoare, precum și câteva ierburi și Cu siguranță există doctori și medici în unguente din medicina „populară”. Când boala general capabili, conștiincioși și umaniști și a progresat atât de mult, încât nici măcar tatăl onorabili. Dar sunt multe inacceptabile și de meu nu a putut ignora nevoia ca Shada să neiertat, neprofesioniști, corupti și lipsiți de meargă la medic - s-a dovedit că era prea scrupule! Ei sunt cei mai mari vinovați pentru târziu. A fost trimisă de la Tešanj la spitalul din moartea și handicapul multor oameni. Tuzla. Mama a mers cu ea. Nu-mi amintesc exact cât Societatea nu face nimic, au stat acolo, poate două- sau face foarte puțin, trei capse. pentru a-i împiedica să facă acest lucru. Medicii au făcut cât au putut. Diagnosticul Dintre astfel de pentru noi, profanii, a fost medici, cei săraci suferă - inflamație a creierului. cel mai mult. În timp ce Eram copil și nu bogații aparțin oricum înțelegeam prea bine asta. lumii întregi, chiar și cei Dar când mă gândesc la mai buni medici, cele mai asta acum, mi se pare că bune medicamente și cele Shada a avut meningită mai puternice instituții sau o boală similară. De medicale. Nu pot să le îndată ce a devenit un caz fără speranță pentru spun decât lor, așa doctori medici, ea a fost externată din spital. Tocmai și așa de bogați: La naiba! au trimis-o acasă. Un copil sărac și neajutorat a murit timp Lasă-l pe Rahat să moară acasă. La de aproximativ o săptămână. Noi, familia, am externarea din spital, pacientul a fost fost nevoiți să urmărim neputincioși aceste considerat vindecat sau decedat de medici. Și chinuri. Nu am cuvinte să descriu acele dureri știau că nu există îngrijire sau îngrijire și acea suferință în care fetița noastră a murit medicală adecvată la domiciliu. Este literalmente o săptămână. Din atâta durere, ea umanitatea profesiei medicale, și unde este a scos voci asemănătoare cu guturaiul unui jurământul lor hipocratic? Orice pacient poate porumbel. fi radiat în avans? Nu ar trebui să se lupte pentru toată lumea prin toate mijloacele De durere, inima a vrut să-mi pentru tot restul vieții? Nu este asta logic, izbucnească sau să sară din piept. Așa că am moral și uman? fugit de acasă. Oriunde doar pentru a nu urmări suferința acelui copil nevinovat. Dar mie mi se pare că această lume este Încercam să mă distrez puțin. Și nu te gândi. Dar asta era imposibil. În realitate și în somn, year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 am simpatizat cu suferința Shadei. Și amar, essay 31-35 amar plâns. Până când inima ei mică a încetat să mai bată. Apoi ne-am ușurat să nu-i privim Folajimi Notch Shoaga chinul. Dar apoi am știut și că în sfârșit murise, că nu va mai fi printre noi. Nigeria A fost prima dată când am hulit și m-am The Life Teacher gândit: „Doamne, ești Tu?! „Pur și simplu ne- am luat. Chiar dacă era de la Dumnezeu. Nu The quest for life began in true light to puteam să înțeleg: de ce? De ce, Doamne, lași survival, envisaging an unseen future in a way niște nenorociți să trăiască atât de mult? Și not really comprehended. And gradually, îngerii mor repede, prea repede? Atâția copii future bridges come into construction as nevinovați? humans engage in cultivating a habit of learning towards surviving an unforeseen Nu am putut merge la înmormântarea ei. moment. Mi se părea că voi fi copleșită de atâta durere. M-am dus la mormântul ei Numerous după trei-patru zile, când durerea din inima mea challenges were părea să dispară măcar puțin. Dar m-am înșelat. embattled and the likes of Mângâindu-și mormântul mic, mi s-a părut că am vilification among vărsat toate lacrimile și că nu vor mai fi în viața mea. heterogeneity debased Am adormit în many intellectuals in lacrimi lângă mormântul meu drag și m-am trezit în presence of high brow, Aksham. Până atunci, mi- a fost frică să merg la equality became a war of cimitir. Dar acum eram singur în cimitir, fără teamă. Colegii mei nu știau unde sunt și se thought as many in this pregăteau să mă urmeze în căutare. regard do not În următoarele câteva zile, îngrijind vitele, am plâns atât de mult de durere pentru comprehend even at the Shad, încât mi s-a părut că mi-am vărsat toate celelalte lacrimi. Și că în viață nu vor mai fi cu expense of having such life, an euphemistic adevărat pentru alții. Chiar dacă mulți dintre cei dragi mei au murit mai târziu în viață, approach is used to destabilized human minds rareori pentru cine am vărsat câteva lacrimi. Apoi mă întrebam: Chiar am vărsat toate and this took a long time before it was been lacrimile pentru Shadow? Nu mai sunt pentru când?! discovered, and thus, various researches that are viable thought really stabilized learning process. 38 For this reason, it becomes imperative to ascertain the best approach which is everlasting to future generations to perfect a lifetime through a sense of veracity among peaceful great minds. The future of nationhood is very paramount in terms of survival as everyone ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 engages in the quest of living. There are Zoran Radosavljević 39 various faculties of knowledge that are vast and versed in learning and this prompt and Bosnia and Herzegovina encourages people to develop a sense of discipline which will guide them in a lifetime. Želje puste želje It of no doubt that some are faced by ripples of life which is a big challenge to human that does O željama bi ti pričao ali radije bi da te not comprehend it when it comes their way, grlim i ljubim... Kako bi ti sve ispričao o severu, therefore, it is a great deal to great minds to odveo bi te da ga probaš... Eto, tako mi se voliš. stand relevant to humanity calls and these had A pričao bih ti o Eresundskom mostu i kako se been a sense of salvaging others in faculty tunelom ispod mora dolazi do njega. I koliko growth irrespective of background to have želim s tobom baš tim putem...da prodjem ili sane education rather than fall a victim of još bolje da tebi dodjem... Ideš mi uz sve što circumstance since life is planiram... ideš mi uz sve što sa tobom želim full of an irony. da snivam... Od svih mojih More so, an augury ludila najlepša su mi ona of an incessant bad sa tobom... toliko sam lud communication process da bi do tebe poletio through humans having nebeskim svodom... išli bi such a sense of reasoning svim svetskim morima, ideology towards survival planinama i drumovima, which had deeply ruined najgore su granice koje brains in developing sami postavite u positively becomes a snovima... U životu ti se cumbersome challenge in education svašta desi, ali svašta i discipline, therefore stirred up relevant brains prođe, na kraju će morati in so many faculty of reasoning as literature is i sreča da dođe... Nekom je as always as life itself. život mačeha a nekom majka... a ja želim samo Trebišnicu i tebe... to je moja u dve reći bajka... Ends, as a great learned teacher of great Koliko god se pravio da sam jak kao stene... minds that comprehends an antithesis of life, Koliko me smiruje pomisao da postojiš, it is a fulfilling path to have bestowed and uznemiri me pomisao što nisi pored mene... impart positive knowledge which will salvage Volim lepe ženske ruke... da se igram sa njima... lives from generation to generation without da pokažem svima šta imam... i to ne dam... going astray. Danju sam miran noću podivljam... samo ako tvojim oćima ne prijam... Naslonim glavu na tvoje grudi i čujem male otkucaje srca... srce za koje znam da sam u njemu... Valjda će i na nas jednom da pogleda bog... Ništa se u životu ne dešava slučajno. Sve što se desi ima svoj cilj i razlog... Zagrljaji su stvoreni kako bi ljudi znali da ih volite i ne lažete, a da pri tom ne morate year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 ama baš ništa više da kažete... zato si moje luće, Isti san se ne sanja dvaput… Tragediju života ne čini ono što nemamo, već samo ono nadam se da si za neki život ušuškani na obali što nam nedostaje…. I na kraju kada pogledaš unazad, sumiraš svoj život shvatiš da jedino Trebišnice uz zvuke talasa a vinograd iza ljubav može sve. kuće... Mesec je i ove noći tako lepo žut... za Ronald Erick Zabala Lastra tebe bi bio i ulična svetiljka samo da do mene Bolivia nađeš put... Ne volim ljude sklone spletkama... „Ya no sere” 40 Volim sve što je jednostavno - bosonoge ljude, He cosechado bajo la luna resplandeciente… sueños de amor e široke osmehe, bore od osmeha, sjaj u očima, iluciones… como labrador de esperanzas... trešnje s petiljkama... Volim život, a moj život para mi propia alma... y mi languida soledad. si ti... A da je volim znaće... jer suze su ok... jer i Fui el constructor nebo plače... želim svetu da dokažem... Ne de castillos en el aire... como todo bohemio y želim da ti pričam da si posebna... soñador empedernido... tus besos fuerón los Želim to da ti pokažem... cimientos de mis fantasias... tus caricias la Andjeo fuerza y empeño de seguir adelante sin mirar Bila je tužna i ne atras. našminkana, ali njega nije mogla prevariti to što je Hoy me encuentro izgledala kao polovni bajo la tormenta... del abandono y el desamor... anđeo…znao je, da nema esta tempestad que hoy me tambalea... como polovnih anđela…ima ih una debil hoja sin su rama... como una triste samo umornih…njegov gota... entre el aguacero torrencial de mi llanto. umorni anđeo je bila… promeni se čovek..kada ti Las penas terminan con la vida... y esta srce dodirne…taj poseban pena que hoy me acongoja... es el mismo koliko on bio infierno donde me ahogo de dolor y daleko.. Šetam gradom desesperanza. naše mladost, i tražim ulicu da je tvojim imenom nazovem..možda tako te dozovem…. Mis palabras no bastan... no te alcanzan zašto osjećam da sam izgubljen u traženju aunque a gritos te hablan... mis suspiros …umoran u lutanju…sačuvan negdje u zemlji dejaran de ser... mi boca ya no te llamara snova gdje košmari caruju…nemir mojih mañana... mis manos y mi cuerpo... dejaran de lutanja zaustavljen na tromeđi svjetova…dok extrañarte... como la noche a la mañana... con mi ona šalje pozdrave preko severnih vetrova.. la resignación de haberte perdido para Život je nepregledan hodnik pun ogledala, gde siempre. u svakom izgledamo drugačije, sve dok na kraju, ako imamo sreče, ne prepoznamo sebe…I nije nikad bio problem u onome šta si rekao ..ili ko je rekao..problem je ako se u tome prepoznaš…a što je najgore ti uvek poslednji sve doznaš.. Nekom je život mačeha a nekom majka..a ja želim samo Trebišnicu .i tebe to je moja u dve reći bajka. Ljubav nije nesto sto naidje usput ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Liz Robinson into the story, but also the politics that are still 41 in play. The Last House on the Street is a Lovereading expert review of powerfully dramatic tale that encourages the last house on the street more research into the history of this time. Social issues from the dark past of the A small town divided by prejudice. A USA hit home in this novel that welds two time secret that won't remain silent... The stunning frames, two women, and a mystery together. new novel from the Sunday Times top ten bestselling author of The Silent Sister and Big A compelling, tense, and emotional Lies in a Small Town. This unmissable and family drama focusing on two young women gripping Book Club read will stay with you. whose stories shatter then fuse together with disturbing consequences. A fight for civil 1965. A young white female student rights takes place in 1960’s North Carolina, becomes involved in the fight for civil rights in while in 2010 a newly built house is cause for North Carolina, falling in contention. The land love with one of her within this corner of the fellow activists, a Black South is seeped in a man, in a time and place burning history, be where an interracial prepared to be relationship must be pummelled. Each time hidden from family, frame sucked me in friends and especially the whole, yet when in 1965 I reemerging Ku Klux Klan. completely forgot that As tensions rise in the 2010 existed. 1965 felt completely separate, in town, she realises not its own contained fiery universe and I re- everyone is who they entered the future with a bump. As 1965 plays appear to be. a role in 2010 I had a totally different experience in that story, and was able to see 2020. A recently widowed architect how and why the past had a hand in the future. moves into the home she and her late husband Diane Chamberlain builds the intricate designed, heartbroken that he will never cross detailed layers of the plot with such care and the threshold. But when disturbing things attention. The mood of the story as it blends begin to happen, it's clear that someone is felt as though I was walking on a crumbling sending her a warning. Who is trying to cliff edge. Hate, love, despair and hope are frighten her away, and why? constant companions during this novel. The Author’s Notes have huge impact, not only Decades later, past and present are set to explaining the aspects of history that are built collide in the last house on the street... year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 confabulation 36-46 concepts and inspirational poetry. It will ultimately promote exploration that excites Lenuş Lungu and fuels readers' inner instincts to both sprout their own responses and to read and Italia enjoy the poem. Hence, it will make every Cultural event reader relax, think, enjoy and realize real life. 1 October 2021 Velletri - Italy The possibility and the joy of meeting a Launch of the anthology world-famous man, chosen as Santosh Kumar \"White Dove\" Bhutan with exemplary results in Santosh Kumar - Bhutan professional, social terms, an inspired poet, a great humanist who remembers a rainbow that emerged after the storms of time that still A heartfelt thanks to the Luigi Magni and gives us hope in people… His professional, Lucia Mirisola museum foundation and to its host Alessandro Wiki literary, humanistic career is successful. A Filippi. sensitive soul, in search of beauty and people of Here events, character, always in love exhibitions, conferences, with the written word, projects and which ennobles the collaborations with characters, the only solid schools and high schools truth in the world. A are organized. The warm soul, who museum consists of seven welcomes you with grace rooms which retrace the and balance into his career of the master Luigi universe, without Magni and his wife Lucia pretending to reciprocate Mirisola. his gesture. And you An important event took place on 1 cannot enter contaminated, because he exudes October. Launch of the anthology \"White Dove\" author Santosh Kumar Biswa (Bhutan). purity, honesty, sincerity... \"White Dove\" is a one-of-a-kind A kind soul, who lives intensely every anthology of contemporary poetry. It second, every event, burning with his whole melodically reflects unique human thoughts being and exhorting those around him to do through the involvement of various figurative the same ... languages and devices. 'White Dove' is the 42 'Third Anthology of Poetry' of Love, Peace, A special soul, full of desires and turmoil Fidelity and Humanity with eighty-seven that he has so sublimely put into the word for poems from the collection of the author us, for those who will come, for those who Santosh Kumar Biswa. It covers a wide range know and feel the vibration of the soul in the of themes that will create ideas and feelings written word ... In the great soul as the life of about facts, love, motivation, ideologies, global Santosh it beats like waves in rock, and most of them only understand falling sand. It is a joy for the eyes of my soul to admire the sculpture of the letters and the ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 humanity of the wave on the rock and a divine seek to highlight life issues and provide 43 consolation for the plants of the soul to step on examples for a more comprehensive the precious sand of his works ... Remarkable understanding to bring peace to the world. He personality, generous in feelings and actions, commits his life by promoting peace and hard on himself and tolerant with others, an humiliation among men for a better life in oasis of goodness, sincere love, true society. He also studied global citizenship friendship. He viewed difficulties as education at UNICEF. temporary obstacles and always harbored the hope of a better tomorrow. His modesty and He is an award-winning writer who has dignity are truly remarkable. Subtle earned various laurels from the writing circle intellectual, very cultured, with a great around the world, such as; World Icon of vocation and cultural generosity, with a love Literature Award, New World History Maker for books, for print media. A traveler through of English Poetry Award, Gold Level Award for life a unique man with a sensitive soul. In his Poetic Prohess and depth, Poetic Prowess works he communicates Award, Poetic Parley Gold Quill Award twice, the lived and lived moods. In his poems there is a World Poetic Star Award, turmoil of the soul in a Global Literary Society harsh reality. He Bronze Star Award, expresses the truth, the Writer of the Week state of the human spirit, Award, Eternal Flame reflects feelings, sheds light for the sake of Recommendations, beauty. Everything he Writer's Guild of America does he does with Honor, Motivational Band diligence, dedication, Platinum Certificate of serenity and joy. He Honor, Edgar Allan highlights the sincerity, seriousness and American Poet Award, consistency with which human duties are and more. carried out. • Founder of the World Literary Forum Santosh Kumar Biswa for Peace and Human Rights - WLFPH, BHUTAN. Santosh Kumar Biswa is a Bhutanese author and poet and currently works as a • Cadet Peace Coordinator, International teacher at Damphu Central School, Bhutan. He Dynamic Peacekeeping Mission Directorate, is a perfect source of numerous educational Nigeria books and anthologies of poetry and a world- inspired peacemaker, in which he promotes • Director of the Publishing Department peace in his stead and around the world at Inked with Magic, Literary Forum, Africa. through literature. and experiences that require urgent attention and, through writing • President of Bhutan at the World him, participate in his global concerns and People's Forum. TWPF @ BTYA, Bangladesh. • Member of the International Border Organization for Peace and Humanitarian Organization (IFPHO) representing Bhutan. • Outstanding Achievement Award for year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Humanity Royal University of Bhutan • President of Bhutan, World • Bachelor of Science in Education, International Economic Group. National Institute of Education, Bhutan DOCTORATE HONORIS CAUSA • GCED101- INTRODUCTION TO GCED (Global Citizenship Education), UNESCO • Doctor Honoris Causa, Honorary Doctor of Literature, Institute of European • DEVELOPMENT OF CURRICULUM FOR Studies and Research on Roma in the field of EDUCATORS GCED, UNESCO crimes against humanity and international law, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia. • Gross National Happiness (GNH) Training Workshop, Thimphu, Bhutan • Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Peace CERTIFICATE OF PEACE and Humanity, Dynamic Peace Rescue Mission International, Nigeria • World Ambassador for Peace, Unit for the Protection of Humanity, Nigeria • Doctor Honoris Causa, Honorary Doctorate for Peace, • World Ambassador for Peace, Soul Security, Peace Against Mate Organization for Terrorism and Poverty, Peace and Humanity of Sustainable Development Indonesia, Indonesia. and Humanity, Chaudhary Art Trust, • Ambassador of India Literature and Humanity, Kano State Council for • Doctor Honoris Physical and Spiritual Healing, Nigeria Causa, honorary • Ambassador of doctorate for Peace (cadet) humanitarian service, representing Bhutan, peaceful coexistence and International Dynamic the concept of peace Peacekeeping Mission, among all, the Council of Physical and Spiritual Nigeria Healing and the Sovereign Royal Empire of the • Ambassador of Art and Literature, Indira Royal Family, Africa. Egyptian International Academy for Development, Art and Peace Publishinh, • Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Nigeria. Excellence, International Mission for the Rescue of Dynamic Peace, Nigeria and • Certificate of Honor for the International Operation for Peace and Security Ambassador of Peace and Humanity, World for the Activation of the Humanitarian Right to Mission for Peace and Humanity, Bangladesh. Peace, India. • Honorary Grand Master, Mare Maestru AWARD Onorific, World Association of Writers Artists 44 of the Orb, Worldwide Writers Assotiation • Peace Medal, National Commission for Artist of thw ORBE (ADADO), Peru. Culture and Sport Change, Morocco. Other qualifications • Global Icon of World Peace and Human Friendship, Galaxy International Jury Prize, • Postgraduate in English Literature, India. ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 • Golden Icon of World Peace and Human Minti Gogoi Friendship, Galaxy Jury Award, Galaxy International Foundation, India. • Mahatma Gandhi Global Excellence Clothing and Personality Award 2020, Mahatma Gandhi Global Peace Forum, India. • Outstanding Humanity Award, Human “Clothing is a part of silent language that Awareness Council, India communicated through the use of visual but non-verbal symbols”-Goffman • Special Award for Leadership, Commitment and Dedication to the Pursuit of At the very beginning of human Peace, Harmony, Unity and Solidarity, Institute for Leadership and Peace, civilization, clothing was introduced as a Philippines. method of protecting human body against extreme weather conditions, strong winds, • Certificate of intense heat, cold and precipitation. But at devotion to devotion and present clothes have an care for peace and immense impact on the humanity, Indonesia perception of people soulmate organization for around and on the peace and humanity, perception of the person Indonesia. wearing them and it has • International become an integral part of medal for the best character of a year 2019, self-realization of every National Commission for the change of the cultural person. It is also become and sporting mission, Morocco important to understand the meaning that are conveyed through clothing symbols in order • Icon of world literature, National to present self in such a way that the desire Academy of Arts and Culture, India impression is achieved. • Certificate of honor as Prize Mundail A Clothes are now no longer just an La Excelencia Literaria 2019-2020, “external shield” and a frivolous attitude to Urubamba, Cusco-Peru. weathered condition or not provide only the physical insulation from heat and cold but • Certificate of Creative People, IOPSH to they provide psychological insulation as well. activate international humanitarian law for Dresses help in building self-confidence, peace, Morocco. affects our behaviour and mannerism and develops harmony and personality. It is a cue • Certificate of Excellence, Khidmat to personality in that it conveys to other an 45 Foundation, India. impression of what one is dose and believe. We can say that it is a kind of mimicry through which man expresses many of his subjective social sentiments. The development of dress year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 proceeds not only the concrete psychological code. characteristics of men but it expresses the cultural-psychological aspect of human being, In many cases Clothes indicate our social status and interest. Simple and elegant clothes Basically, clothing is a way of nonverbal are hallmark of a serious personality. Clothing communication with gender, ethical and norm represents the typical or accepted power aspects. It is a general reflection of how manner of dressing shown by a social group. individual think of himself although the People of well to do family prefer conspicuous accuracy of such judgement may be altered by consumption of clothing to show one's social faculty perception, lack of knowledge or status. The product has to be elegant, exclusive operation of defence mechanism. Generally (branded bag, jewellery etc.), or tailor made clothing provides a positive mean of satisfying for the consumer. the need for self-enhancement. It can beautify the appearance and make the physical self They mainly prefer two types of clothes- more desirable, increase acceptance by the branded clothes and fashionable or trendy group and prevent clothes. The branded clothes are generally rejection. labelled by a popular, It may be source of well-known brand which, in addition, over admirable resulting communicates a certain lifestyle and values since in increased self- brand communication usually spreads far esteemed, self-respect beyond the phenomenon of clothing and fashion. self-confidence and They also prefer security. Individual fashionable or trendy clothes, which are defined personality traits are as smart clothes. Wearing clothes that are in line with the latest fashion infect influenced by the is a sign that the person wants to stand out from the crowd. But everybody cannot afford clothes that he/she such conspicuous consumption. This gives rise to the next phenomenon, the urge to show off wearer. Style of clothing i.e. persuasive consumption. This is how conspicuous consumption gives rise to is a fundamental part in emulation of clothing items. the image of a contemporary man or a woman. Apart from the practical functions of wearing clothes it carries specific cultural and The image is constructed for various reasons social meanings. In numerous cultures, for instance, it is bad sight to show to others parts and has various manifestations. They are an of the human body anatomy. Thus, clothes serve as a method to hide some particular indication of caste, place, state and occupation areas of a person's body. Religion, customs of the person. 46 Clothing is not an attribute of belonging to a clan or to a restrained social level though it still can tell a lot about the financial status of a person. Clothing has been regarded as one of the best ways to distinguish social classes, sexes, occupation, marital status and ethnic or religious affiliation. But in order to interpret correctly the messages a particular set of clothes may transmit to other; one has to be familiar with the translation of the specific ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 and of course, particular historically from those worn for farm work. Symbolism in important circumstances have shaped the way clothing may point to the profession the different people in various times feel about person is dedicated to. The perception of clothing and exposure. symbols is not the same as the perception of the whole clothing image of an individual, Today, there are many materials with because people may interpret the same symbol differently and therefore the which clothes are made. A person can choose understanding of the carrier of the symbol will be completely different. For instance, a man from purchasing clothes made from natural with a tiger on this T-shirt may seem aggressive to one person and a Green Peace origin materials like cotton, pat silk, muga silk, member for another one. wool and leather, but may also select one for the man-made fibers extensively used in clothes manufacturing, like nylon, polyester, Lycra and Gore-Tex. With the recent technological developments, there is great A bird may be a symbol of freedom and speculation for the direction future clothes somebody can view it a symbol of light- will take; infact the mindedness. Every clothing electronics person has to be very industry has started to careful with the symbol produce smart clothing while visiting a foreign incorporating some some country, due to the double computerised devices in meaning of the symbols the outfit, that may be offending to Right clothes are the culture the person is necessary for health, poise and self-respect. An in. The goal of every individual who lives within a planned budget symbol is to share is usually happier, more contented than one who spends the money as information. one earns it. It is true, our desire or wants are unlimited. But. our needs are comparatively Personality few. While adjustment for needs are essential development helps in the and important in family life, catering to mere overall development of an individual. An wants is undesirable for development of individual’s style of dressing plays an personality. There is a difference between important role in enhancing his/her 'wants' and 'needs'. A good clothing plan may personality. It is rightly said that “a man is include clothing that fits should be known by his dress and address”. An comfortable and not hinder our movements individual’s dressing sense speaks volumes of while not looking too baggy or sloppy. his character and personality. The personality, Choosing the right clothes for the right value and culture of a person can be judged occasion e.g. School, church, party, picnic, easily from his dress. work, sleep, etc. Clothes for work should suit the type of work being done. For instance, There are different types of 47 clothes worn in the kitchen might be different personalities. Highlighting salient features of the personality and camouflaging the figure flaws to some extent is possible through dress. One needs to look good for an impressive personality. Clothes reflect who you are, how year II, no. 13, 2022, February ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 48 you feel at the moment and sometimes even you wear them. People wearing gaudy clothes what you want to achieve in life. Improper with loud make up are generally extroverts dressing makes person a laughing stock and and love partying. You really can make out causes inferiority complex. On the other hand, what sort of person an individual is by his/her proper dresses help in building self- dressing. Dull colours indicate that an confidence which is essential for the proper individual is sad or upset whereas bright development of personality. colours not only reflect your happy state of mind but also make the other person happy. This affects our behaviour and mannerism and develops harmony and People who are introverts prefer light personality. As clothing affect the personality and sober colours whereas extroverts like of the wearer, wearing the right kind of clothes bright and gaudy clothes. It is important to can give us confidence a huge boost. What we wear red if we are introvert and need to get are like to wear it will reflect on the outside, things done but are normally too afraid to enhancing our personality. They say it takes speak up. It will make us feel bolder and we less than ten seconds to make a first impression shall be able to convey the and the clothes we wear message in a strong voice. play a very significant part in it. Classic women like nothing better than The way we choose timeless looks, fine to dress may be a beautiful fabrics and personal preference, but simple, tailored cuts in it can be used to interpret clothing. They enjoy a our personality. The type closet filled with neutral of clothes we wear and colours, classic cuts, and the colours we choose all functional styles. They send out subliminal tend to keep clothing for messages on the type of person we are. long periods of time and Additionally, many research has shown that replace worn out items with a similar the way we dress not only conveys the type of replacement. The classic woman is always person we are but can also influence the way appropriately dressed and carries the image of we think and behaved. someone who is dependable and practical. Dressing appropriately is particularly The elegant woman is in harmony with vital when it comes to your professional life. all things polished, perfect and understated, As they say, don’t dress for the job we have but Quality is high on her list of must-haves and for the job we want. However, it is important her self-assurance and poise are always to keep in mind that dressing correctly is not noticed and admired. Her preference is for always about how expensive our outfit is or quality rather than quantity leading to a what brand it is. wardrobe of beautiful fabrics and minimalist, feminine styles. Her secret obsession can be Our personal style expression is searching for beautiful vintage items. The conveyed through the garments and elegant woman is feminine and sophisticated accessories you choose to wear and the way and carries the image of high social standing. ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Women who possess a natural style feel most professions, which help in enhancing their 49 at home in comfortable, functional, personality, e.g., wearing white coat by unpretentious styles that are free from fru fru. doctors and black by lawyers. Distinctive Not women to get ‘all dolled up’, they prefer to styles and colours denote gang membership. keep everything simple and natural – there are Thus, wearing white during a western funeral few synthetics on this lady’s back. The elegant for example is highly inappropriate, while woman is relaxed and laid back and carries the eastern societies endorse such a colour image of approachable ease and open- selection for mourning people. There are mindedness. many ways in which we can enhance our personality by improving our dressing sense. The feminine style personality is all They are--- about softness, drape colour and curls. She feels her most at home in dresses and flowy • We can follow our favourite celebrities fabrics, ruffles, lace, delicate accessories and and check out their dressing styles. when she is primped and primed to perfection. Nothing is too much • Movies and television shows tend to have trouble or takes too much the latest fashion trends. time to get ready – she’s the perfect princess. The • Fashion feminine woman is magazines also provide a ladylike, delicate and lot of information and youthful and carries the have numerous tips on image of innocents, dressing right warmth, and compassion. • Learn about the These women dress various fabrics and their to the beat of their own cuts and colours that will drum; following any style suit our figure best. rule or fashion trend is totally off their radar. From confrontational to • Keep our own artsy these women are inherently talented for body structure, features, putting the most unexpected items together etc. in mind before following someone and carrying it off to perfection. This is the else’s style blindly. The clothes should only style personality that is almost accentuate and complement our body impossible to pull off if it does not come rather than make us feel uncomfortable. naturally to you. Dresses with delicate patterns and sober colours help in enhancing Once we have decided on a personal the natural characteristics of tenderness and style we would like to follow the need to feminine. On the other hand, big patterns and purchase a few items of clothing that reflect straight lines go well with regular dominating our new and enhanced personality. The most and grand personalities. critical aspect is not to go overboard when we are altering our style. However, it is not always Personal body complexion is most about the type or colour of the clothes we important while selecting colours of dress. wear. It is also important to make sure that Some uniforms are reserved for certain your clothes are neat and tidy. It is not enough to just select the right outfits from our year II, no. 13, 2022, February wardrobe to wear but also to iron them properly before using them. ISSN 2458-0198 – ISSN-L 2458-0198

Taifas Literary Magazine, No. 13, February, 2022 Clothing is considered as a second skin of “My dear students! I am overjoyed to see human being. Along with the aesthetic you. My joy is boundless.“ function it does a lot about the psychological issue of the wearer. It is a significant factor in Just as our teacher was explaining the determining the role and status of unknown subject to us, one of my classmates came in person as well as our personality. and said, \"Teacher, I'm sorry I'm late today.\" Abdumominov Abdulloh “Doniyor, don't be late anymore., the teacher said.“This time I forgive you, but next time I will punish you.” Uzbekistan “Dear students, ” the teacher said, “you must build a new Uzbekistan, and at the same Thieves of time time justify the trust of your parents, ready to give their lives for you. If you become famous, (Story) I will be proud to say on the street that I taught this student, “ shesaid. My name is Doniyor. My neighbor Abdullah and I have These words of my become close friends. One day we couldn't find any teacher had a special any way to have fun. We had no goal. We didn't effect on me and know what to do. When we were making increased my self- something from a piece of wood, my father suddenly confidence. Various woke up. His eyes were half open when hesaid: whispers began in the “Hey, thieves of classroom. time! Are you wasting your time?” \"Will you come to my birthday tomorrow?\" I I didn't understand the meaning of my heard also those words. It father's \"time thieves\" at all. I wanted to ask, was clear that our teacher but he fell asleep. also heard these words. My friend Abdullah also asked “Are we \"Time thieves, \" said the teacherHer thieves?\" sharp gaze at the students was marked by regret. \"Thieves of time\". When daylight came, he went into his house. I also fell asleep from exhaustion. But I I had heard these words from my father remembered that I was late for school, so I while I was playing with my friend. That's why quickly washed my face and drank tea in a I was not surprised to hear them. My hurry. I do not remember what I ate.. I thought classmates were stunned. I would be late for school, but class had not yet begun. As soon as I arrived, the teacher came Doniyor, trembled with fear, as if I, his in. We all greeted the teacher with respect friend Abdullah, , had committed a crime. 50 “Doniyor, why are you trembling?” the teacher asked. “You called us thieves, didn't you? After all, aren't those who steal punished?“ “Time thieves are punished by time itself. By doing so, you are hurting yourself. “ ISSN 2458-0198 - ISSN-L 2458-0198 TAIFAS LITERARY MAGAZINE

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