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Published by Deepa Sharma, 2016-07-27 14:09:28

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YEAR-1 VOL-1 JUNE 2016 PAGE 40 RS. 50eCOLLEGE postCOLLEGECommanding Values Forward ! The boundless importance of ‘education’ has revolutionized our lives through shaping our futures, building perspectives, innovating lifestyles and mostly, giving a distinct and different meanings to our existence. Nowadays, education has become an integral part of our lives as people have come to recognize the inexplicable necessity and use of it. Contd. to Page 4

2 HEALTH eCOLLEGE post Relief from Nagging Backache ?Many people in the world suffer from Hold for at least some seconds, gentlethe nagging back pain. Nearly, 80% of stretch down the leg does it for 2 to 4the world population has been reported times. Stand 10 to 12 inches from theof suffering from this problem. Peoples’ wall, bending knees, holding back on theregular and most busy workloads force wall until back flat and pressing the lowerthem to skip the daily abdominal and back back into the wall. Count to 10, then slideexercises, which increase the pain, in back up the wall and do it for 8 to 12result. People may have a nagging stiffness times.that makes difficult to tying up their shoe, Lie on back, bend knees into chest andregular pain that keeps people curled up bring arms out at a letter T exhale, lowerin bed for days and poor fitness is another knees grind on right then left but keepmain reason of backache. shoulders pressing down the floor. Repeat the process 2 to 4 times both sides.Basic Exercises or Yoga can heal back From all four, bring right knee behind rightpain wrist with lower leg at diagonal toward left hip and slowly bend forward and take aLie with knees bent and feet flat on the bow. Pause for a minute and then switchesfloor, cross arms over chest or put hands to the left side again for a minute.behind neck and tighten stomach muscles To get relief of back pain, daily 10 to 30and raise shoulders off the floor. Hold for a minutes of exercises or yoga is enough,second and slowly lower back down do it checking the position of siting every 10for 8 to 15 times. minutes and swimming is best solution ofLie on back and bend one knee, loop a the pain.towel under the ball of the foot, straightenknees and slowly pull back on the towel.TOP TEN BRAIN FOODSAvocado and Whole Grain Blueberry and Green leafy Vegetables Chocolate and Peanuts RedcurrantsReal food for the brain that Most rich source of Vitamin Chocolate reduces stressis rich with diet fibers and Contains phytonutrients K that normalizes the and peanuts are great for theVitamin, Reduces the risk of that increases our memory, coagulation of blood and brain, Chocolate improvesmost of the cardiovascular Decreases the effects stops calcification in the blood flow and lowers blooddiseases, Decreases the degree of chronic degenerative arteries, Increases the brain’s pressure, Peanuts containsof bad cholesterol of blood and processes, Proven to repair functions and repairs memory Vitamin E, niacin, folate andrisk of a stroke, Decreases the mental and motor skills power, Green vegetables manganese that are proven torisk of congestion of include kane, spinach, promote heart health.blood vessels and improves parsley, broccoli, green salad Pomegranate andbloodstream and cabbage Olive Oil citrus fruit Eggs Healthy fats improves think- Rich with antioxidants that ing, memory and balances the protects the brain from free Rich with litein necessary for mood, Healthy fats like those radicals, Neurons are most a good eyesight and better in olive oil, nuts and other sensitive on their effect, concentration, Contains choline healthy nuts are best for the Beneficial to start the day from the group of the Vitamin B brain with these fruits.Soy Domestic Apples: FishImproves memory which Contains quercetin which Contains Omega 3 fatty acidimpersonate estrogen, Soy prevents oxidative damage, and considered the ultimatefound in grain, tofa cheese or Prevents generative food for the brain, Fish likeeven soy milk is great for the diseases like Alzeimer’s and salmon, trout, mackerel,brain Parkinson’s disease anchovies, sardines and tune contain healthy fats

eCOLLEGE post 3OPINION EDITORIAL DDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNT,T,ININDDOOUUBBTTAn Esteemed Bharat Chand contrary, people in the developing countries as a part of support. The lack of strictExpectation involve in it, expecting that their problems plans and polices is driving the country The scientists for long have been carrying could be solved by making the connection backwards, requiring the leaders to createJournalism, the fourth organ out experiment on mice in order to find out with either of the political parties they are the conducive environment for an effectiveof the state, has a great role whether the experiment has something to interested in. Getting things done by having implementation of policies and shape and shine the course do with human. A study reveals the fact that political affiliation is no more than the Furthermore, European Union, a couple ofof nation. In a book, Audacity they have mutual relation with each other, waste of time. years back, counseled its citizens visitingof Hope, documented right as one does not eat the food until the other The need of an hour at present is to show Nepal not to make their itinerary anyafter having victory in is provided. The mutuality between the two the strength at bringing plans and policies longer, citing the reason that the aviationfirst presidential election mice shows the fact that how much love for restructuring the nation in lieu of calling sector of Nepal is too dangerous to use.campaign, Barrack Obama and care they have for each other. Human bandhas. An opportunity to rebuild and What could be the circumstances when ithas well written, I am the one beings for the well being of the society and reconstruct the devastated sectors of our does not support us? Addressing thosewho media says I am and I country could have established the same country on April 25 has provided immense concerns of international community cando that what media says I do. relation; however, the people and political chance with challenges at large to us. only help prosper the people and countryVery remark well unmasks the leaders are moving to the direction of Working together at this hour might revive at large. It is therefore, important to agitategravity of media for building instability, causing heavy loss on economy, the faith lost by most of the political parties, rather on the issue of tourism sectors tomass attitude, perception and lagging behind in developmental process, ensuring a balanced development of the develop allowing the international agenciesformation of knowledge and losing faith from international community country. At the same time, the responsibility to work for fixed term in topography ofideas. At present, living in and loss of human power as well. of drafting a new constitution is on their five development regions, which couldtecho-cratically cobwebbed shoulders and the issues being raised by help create immense job opportunities forcosmos, we are more relying Heavy Loss on Economy people of different ethnicities have become virtual knowledge and a herculean task. The issues raised shouldmedia magic. Hence, the role Economy is the backbone of the nation for be settled on the basis of compromise, Loss of Human Powerof media can be explored the development of all the sectors where emphasizing the proportionate distributionbeyond assumption of people. people from different walks of life are of natural resources, geographical The recent statistics published shows theCurrently, the mass sentiment directly or indirectly connected with this territories and population composition. fact that Nepal has the biggest chances ofof people is more frustrated notion. Industries of various types, revenue Furthermore, the issue on secularism, carrying out development because it hasand pessimist. Frequently, the centres and other income generating which has been the difficult issue to around 27 percent youth which is waitingbleak image and worsened institutions of the nation get directly settle, must be ended calling people to for opportunity in the country. More thanrealties are only being affected with the strike and agitation. go for referendum. The ultimate aim of 1,500 Nepalis are leaving the nation dailyexhibited by the Medias. Academic institutions to industries severely the political leaders must be to ensure in the name of searching opportunity inPerils are profound, but no get affected, degrading the passing the speedy process of development of the Middle East including European nationsdoubt that even pleasures percentage of students and supply of nation stuck at different junctures of time and the USA. The flow of people to leaveand possibilities are too materials respectively. The industries, and history. the nation has been a compulsion due toenough to count within us. which are the spine of the nation, are put lack of opportunities. The Guardian news,Possibilities to be driven to at halt, causing heavy loss of money and Loss of Faith from International a couple of months ago, published thefurther darkness cannot be raw materials. How could one expect the Community news on Nepalese working in Quatar saiddenigrated, but more dazzling country become Switzerland (the dream to have been facing severe work load inare the roads to be directed once spread by political leaders to us) A country is likely to lose its faith from the construction site of stadium and eventowards delighted destiny if when the industrial sectors have been international community for number of reported to have been paid lower than thelines of thought are changed. crushed by closing them frequently by reasons. Some of the reasons to cite international standard by the companiesLearning to be positive and the unions of workers affiliated to political can be the unrest and political instability they were associated with. The traffickingworking with passion are organizations? One of the studies reveals prevailing in the country. Loss of faith from of Nepali girls and women to South Africanthe best needs of the time. the fact that a one-day strike in Nepal costs international community will cost much nations to our neighboring nation India asTo help people, basically 1.8 billion losses in the economic sector, for the prosperity of the country. Once the well discloses the deplorable fact that weyoungsters, ravel the mode, de-accelerating GDP rate 0.6 percent to 2.2 international community withdraws its are losing the strength of the nation.Vision media has come with annually. The scenario of this type hinders support and helping hands to our nation,a new venture of publishing the development process further. the situation might be unbearable like the At the end…truly educational magazine situation recently faced by Greece, one ofCollegepost. Exposing Development Process the members of EU. It is important that the leaders in the nationpeople to education friendly Recently, Asian Development Bank has building process eliminate the culture ofinitiatives -so that they Development of a country bases its issued a notice in the name of government bandhas and call for the national unity,can better grow in self and foundation on how conducive the of Nepal on failing to use an accumulated inviting all to work in their respectivevaluably contribute for the environment is, as the environment helps amount of budget as expected in the sectors taking a lead role. And doing so willnation- is our one of values. to bring drastic change in socio- economic different sectors of the country. In addition, not only help this generation feel proud ofHere, we have taken an onset; sector of the country. Political activities it has shown the fact that only one quarter them but the generation yet to come as well.hope, to have hefty support in the developed countries are largely of the budget accumulated has been used The author is M. Phil. in English and engagedfrom all people concerned discounted because people are busy to in Academic Practicing into various Businessaround and for. their own jobs and responsibilities. On the Schools/Colleges of Kathmandu Valley. Editor In Chief Reporter PUBLISHER D.A.O Ktm Reg.No Dahal, Atindra (PhD) 142816/072/073 Sumika Maharjan Vision Media Incorporation [email protected] Marketing Executive In addition to our print edition, we’re Putalisadak, Kathmandu bringing you all sorts of industry Advisors Sumika Maharjan news on our web mediums. Prof. Dr. Kamal Deep Dhakal Pooja Shrestha Tel : +977-1-4168043 Legal Advisors Smriti Gurung E-mail collegepost2015 Umesh Niroula, LLM Photograpghy [email protected] collegepost2016 Contributor Website collegepost2015 Jeevan Lama Golay Anup Shrestha College Chanel Tribikram Tandon Design collegepost2015 Rangit Sapkota All rights reserved ©2016. Opinions are solely Taraman Rawal Advertising Age those of the contributors. No parts of this Subscribe / Advertisement Content Writer Print magazine may be reproduced or transmitted Saman Tamang in any means without written permission of For Subscriptions or for any commercial enquiries Active Printing Press Pvt.Ltd. the publisher. Distributor [email protected] Kastamandap

4 COVER STORY eCOLLEGE post...Contd. from Page 1College, Commanding Values Forward!As school level education is same and common for all, it will neither crown life skills nor will segregate people in domain of theirinterests. Choosing professional career is largely decided on the basis someone has majored during college education. It pavesthe way for pragmatic life and sets people to possess specialization in line of their interests. College education sets charisma andcharm on life of people, provided earned seriously and sincerely.Like a plain canvas is slowly filled with Developing or decaying the counseling for exploring the infinites. is still so much to learn ahead and earncolors, children start their never-ending professional life depends on So is reason that college life considered values with it. The saying goes, ‘life is notjourney of learning at a very early age; and someone’s art on commanding as the gate to one’s dreams. As Larisa a matter of chance… it is matter of choice’education takes a formal onset thereby in strength and grooming self through Oleynik said, ‘College inspired me to and so is how a college life comes to of primary schooling. Having begun college education. think differently. It’s like no other time Hence, in order to achieve anything big,that way and given the extensive learning in your life’, college life is undoubtedly one needs to bring about big changes andopportunities available up to the date, needs to be equipped with education that a memorable phase for any individual. take life-changing gets no more bounded to any is relevant to his or her career choices, In the process of growing up, college Developing or decaying the professionallimitations ever supposed. psychological nature and academic life definitely enforces people to be life depends on someone’s art onLife itself can teach us many lessons strength. For such decisive step, with independent, social, intellectual and so on. commanding strength and grooming selfat every point nonetheless with the due accomplishment of school education, There are numerous benefits to reap through college education. As schoolintegration of quality education, these people further deeply engage themselves likewise, it also infuses knowledge and level education is same and commonlessons can be made even more fruitful into college education, the entry point of values necessary for one’s chosen career. for all, it will neither crown life skills norand functional enough for a better life. university. From here on, students basically enter will segregate people in domain of theirEveryone takes educational offset with In our country, it is quite common and a no return zone and seek areas of their interests. Choosing professional careerprimary school as the education system is somehow of a trend for students to choose interest for specialization followed by is largely decided on the basis someonesomehow similar everywhere in the globe. either of Management, Science, Hotel exploration of Excellence. College life has majored during college education. ItDespite similarity in praxis, the difference Management, Arts for further studies after provides opportunities to foster and bring paves the way for pragmatic life and setslies in the learning capacity of the children completion of high school. Currently, as positive lifelong impacts by making us people to possess specialization in lineand how well they can grasp what is taught a result of rapid growth in the education ready for the ‘real world’. What we do and of their interests. College education setsin schools. Throughout this process, they sector, there are numerous other streams learn throughout our student life is not only charisma and charm on life of people,explore the options available to them and of contemporary demands and corporate confined to our career but instead, it is provided earned seriously and sincerely.endeavor best to maximize the benefits. beauties available to us that many former education for life and meaning as well. Thus all higher secondary schoolWith academic advancement, people intend high school students may not have been After college life, one is exposed to the real graduates eagerly waiting to step at collegeto date with their interests and dreams. As aware of. Horizons have widened now world and given the opportunity to utilize life should assimilate its grand role anda result, they set goals for themselves and and the responsibility lies on the student the attained knowledge in the practical harness it with Great Spirit to groom self aspave the way to successfully meet them. and the different academic institutions to world. However, the journey of learning brand pole. University education umpiresIn order to walk the success lane,everyone seek and provide proper guidance and does not end with the college life, as there them differently and they should play accordingly for championship.

eCOLLEGE post PUBLIC POLL 5Experienced ExpressA large pool of post plus 2 result waiting students are about to step university education though many of them are fairly confused about the furtherpursuit. Since university education holds intention of greatly modeling pupils as responsible citizen for nation and society of different domains,similar spirits are to be demonstrated by students for transmogrifying self from a raw to refined individual. But what to choose and why to choosehave amused them less and confused more; and in course, how to mould is still far beyond of current concentration to them. Nonetheless thinkingthat seniors may have lots of better guidance to the aspired, College Media’s representative Ms. Saman Lama consulted couple of ongoing collegefellows then asked them ‘how should upcoming people adapt themselves into college education’ and they opined…They should have a goal and stay focused in In preparation for college education people I believe that one should first be Develop a tough skin, collegeit. When they have a certain goal they know should mold themselves to be the most fully prepared mentally to start isn’t just about what you learn inwhat type of education is needed for obtaining efficient person they can be. This can be any course. Well beside that, your classes. It’s where you firstthat goal. In my case, I am a student and I in the form of being able to manage one's research on the field and the topic experience the adult world and thatwork as well but in near future I want to be an time effectively or simply being able to areas via Internet is crucial for can be a real emotional roller coasterentrepreneur and a good leader. Masters will handle the course load. Whichever form it excelling at what they study. After for a lot of people. So, don’t be toonot only revamp my knowledge but also help may be in, simply coming into college with all, it's all about one’s interest harsh on yourself. Don’t let littleme expand my knowledge and I will be more the mindset of being all you can be and and commitment towards studies. disappointments get to you. Givecapable of relating my academic learning with doing all you possibly can is the best way College life is both fun and busy. So yourself room to experiment and don’twork as well. to mold oneself for college education. one should learn to balance it. be afraid to have fun.Puja Adhikari Shabrin Lama Kalpana Pant Aishwarya NeupaneChaudhary Group Institute of Management, University of Calfornia, Bachelor of The British College, Baylor Univeristy,MBA (2nd Semester) Sciences, Civil Engineering (1st Year) BBA (4th Year) Bachelors of Fine Arts (4th Year)I think the most important feature that all In order to be a student to have For me, college is all about exploring and College education and course should becollege students should have upon entering a better learning experience in challenging yourself all the way. Question an episode of serious choice than a sillyany college is an open mind and remembering college, it is vital to have self- everything you learn. Walk the extra mile, chance. Aspired students should alwaysthat all experiences can be a learning confidence throughout the whole make mistakes and get out of your comfort be prepared to demonstrate big changesexperience, even those occurring outside journey. zone. From this, you forge the best version in self as well in each of practices relatedof the classroom. College will forever be Life is simply the result of our own of yourself, and add a dynamic flavour to teaching learning activities. Universityembedded in your memory. So make the most decisions therefore; our choices to your character. Growing passionate demands research based critical andof your journey, even on your most frustrating should be driven by careful research about something helps your days pass extensive studies; thus, mere depending ondays, by hungering for education, learning instead of accidental chances. by effortlessly. Moreover, it’s also about teachers’ note or few of prescribed booksas if you’ve been starved and growing into an having a good time with your friends and won’t significantly support. Study shouldindividual whose name you can say proudly. POOJA SHRESTHA making memories. be a passion and love, here.ASHRU LAMA Nepal College of Travel and ROMIT SHAKYA Bhaskar Dahal Tourism, Bachelor in Travel andTribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Tourism (4rd year) University of East Anglia, MSc Marketing Institute of Management Studies (IMS)MBBS (5th Year) and Management (1st year) BIM, 2nd Semester

6 BOOKS & MOVIES eCOLLEGE postBooks and Movies are best friends and better diets as well. The more one studies/watches, the larger s/he getsinformed about the world. Adopting them is an easiest form of fun and cheapest travel to the world. The mosteasily affordable connection to the outer societies is possible thereby. Youths in free-time can enrich themselves withfollowing books/movies. A good gain of inspiration, information, insight cum intuition at a time!STEVE JOBS: The Exclusive Biography  LIKE THE FLOWING RIVER I AM MALALAAuthor: Walter Isaacson Author: Paulo Coelho Author: Malala Yousafzai, Christina LambConsidered amongst the most innovative and influential The author of ‘Alchemist’ yet again presents a breathtaking When Pakistan was under the Taliban terror, there waspeople in history, Steve Jobs is not an unknown name to collection of his personal reflections on a wide range of one girl who stood up for the right to an education-any of us. subjects from archery and music to elegance, travelling and MalalaYousafzai. At an early age of 15, she was shot in theThis biography gives an in-depth insight about Steve Jobs the nature of good and evil. This book is an inspiration to head as a price for raising a voice. When no one had anywritten by Isaacson as a result of three years of extensive seek for life lessons in the greatest, smallest and the most hopes for her to survive, Malala beat death and recoveredinterviews and observation on Steve Jobs, his family, key unusual of experiences. The beauty lies in enjoying the to be an inspiration for the whole world. Today, being thecolleagues from Apple and its competitors. People reading little things in life. youngest- ever Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Malala signifiesthis book feel self motivated and fortunate to know about ‘Coelho’s writing is beautifully poetic but his message is the power of one person’s voice to inspire change in themany of surprising aspects of a business legend. what counts… he gives me hope and a smile on my face’- world. And the reading can be great tool to learn updates Daily Express unfolded in this regards.EARNING THE RICH LEARNINGERIN BROCKOVICH PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS WHIPLASHErin Brockovich is based on a true story of an unemployed Christopher Gardner is a struggling salesman who loses The story line encircles around a young and talentedsingle mother who is struggling to make a living for herself and everything (wife, house, bank account and credit cards) drummer who aspires to be the next Jazz legendher family. Her life however, takes a turn when she begs for a except his son whose custody he had recently taken. The and his teacher who is more than willing to push alljob to her lawyer and finally gets hired in a law firm. Little did movie depicts Christopher’s inspirational and life-changing limits to make him the best. The movie is a completeanyone know that Erin Brockovich would uncover a potential professional endeavor while leaving us with a question- emotional t ride that depicts the teacher’s leadershiplawsuit against a huge corporation that would be acclaimed as how long would you keep battling to get what you really style resulting in extreme pressure experienced by thethe biggest class action lawsuits in American history. want out of your life? student in order to achieve greatness.Cast: Julia Roberts, Albert Finney, David Brisbin Cast: Will Smith, Thandie Newton, Jaden Smith Cast: Miles Teller, J.K Simmons, MellisaBenoistDirector: Steven Soderbergh Director: Gabriele Muccino Director: Damien Chazelle

eCOLLEGE post MISCELLANEOUS 7HOW TO STRENGTHEN CONCENTRATION HOROSCOPEHow to Strengthen Concentration: for yourself upon completion. you a positive life. ARIESStudent life can be stressful and - Create a soothing surrounding - Dream. Believe. Create.pressurizing especially during Arians have hectic and active month. It's time to shape upupcoming deadlines or finals. to boost concentration. Succeed. career and even its time to avoid menace taking and highThe pressure sometimes takes a - Segregate time for different areas - Big things often have small anxiety kinds of actions. Have some good sleeps so that ittoll on our efficiency and directly will help to stay healthy.affects our concentration power. of a topic you intend to cover. beginnings.We require being focused, - Whenever your concentration - Stop wishing; Start doing. TAURUSanalytical, critical and evaluative - You won’t succeed unless youbut none of it is possible without withers, think about your target Taureans seem to be getting greater happiness this month.concentration. Like many would or future achievement and try. Even have higher chances of getting job opportunities it canagree, it is very easy to lose redirect it. - The future belongs to those who be for a family member or from family connections. Chancesconcentration at times but there - Remember that it is okay to lose of getting health bad, so need to take care of health.are certain ways to strengthen it concentration at times especially BELIEVE in the beauty of theiras mentioned below. sleepy. Take a much-needed DREAMS. GEMINI- Plan out a study schedule for small break and get back to - It’s better to look back and say studying again. ‘I can’t believe I did that’, than to Geminians are going to have an eventful month ahead. It is yourself. - Lastly, don’t stress if your look back and say, ‘I wish I did likely that they will go many ups and down, which will make- Commit specific time frame for mind wanders off. Building up that’. them directionless. There can be some misunderstanding concentration takes time and - Everything you’ve ever wanted within a family so keep patient with them. what you should be efforts. is outside your comfort zone. concentrating without any sort of - You create your own CANCER distractions. Prepare an award Things to Remember opportunities. - A goal without a plan is just a Cancerians will also have dramatic and eventful month. It's A negative mind will never give wish. better if they involve themselves with family and domestic schedule. At the end of the month, they have chance ofTEST YOURSELF ? improved health and energy.1. Have you worked non-stop for days on any 5. Did you ever fall in passionate romantic LEOproject any time? love? For Leos, this month looks prosperous and seems like thereYes/No Yes/No is a chance of having foreign travel. They never know from where the money is going to come. Old memories can come2. Have you tried doing something very difficult 6. Do you think that falling in passionate up for your life? love is for fools? VIRGOYes/No No/Yes Their financial status may reach to peak. Health and energy3. Do you admire people who do some work 7. What governs you mainly? Heart or are at its best and for those who are single they can havewith total commitment? head? many romantic opportunities, but none of them can be genuine.Yes/very much/No, what is the need to Heart/Headdo so much? LIBRA (People who chose maximum of the first4. Can you inspire others with your words or options are more inclined towards having This month is not really good for liberal as there will bework? passion than those who chose maximum of changes and disturbances in their lives. But beside of this the second options) fact, there will be many positive things to happen. HealthYes/No seems good for this month.USEFUL 10th Indian Education Fair SCROPIO July 6th & 7th, 2016 at Hotel Annapurna, KathmanduAEHVEEANDTS! 10th Indian Education Fair Two things will affect their careers and that are their social July 9th & 10th, 2016 at Hotel Namaskar, Biratnagar connections and work ethics, but the matter is which they 2nd Nepal Higer Education Fair give more importance. Be patient with people around to avoid 12th & 13 August at Hotel Annapurna, Kathmandu misunderstanding. COLLEGE POST SAGITTARIUS will have edition of special issues for Going to have change in life, but it will benefit for them. Need each of the both fairs. to be more careful regarding health issues. They wil be more clear about their careers. CAPRICORN Lots of good things are going to happen in this month and there are higher chances of getting success. Health needs much more attention than before. Can have some problem regarding finances. AQUARIUS The timing of this month will be beautiful. They will get conceptual clarity in their careers. There is a probability of having job changes within the same company or another. PISECES Pisceans are going to have confused kind of month. Health is likely to be delicate this month. There will be increment in social connections and social skills.

8 TECHONOLOGY eCOLLEGE postAPPS WITH AMPLE VALUSEThis is an age of science and technology and right integration of it eases life a great deal. At this phase of time, extensive uses of cell phoneshave made people assimilate the values and enriched experience of surfing with them. Couples of modern apps are popular and those dulyassist information and academic quest of people together with enhancing exposure among others. Using following apps might be instrumental forenjoying better digital society and learning.My Script Calculator Microsoft Word Xender LinkedIn EvernoteUnlike the conventional None of us are unfamiliar A perfect file transfer app LinkedIn is a social Evernote is a perfectcalculators, My Script with Microsoft Word but without any USB, bluetooth networking app developed student handy app withCalculator performs now, it is also available or Internet, Xender lets you to connect to people and the feature to organizemathematical operations on for tablets and phones. send documents, photos, things that matter in you personal and professionalnaturally using your With the similar features audios or videos instantly. professional world. This projects and save ithandwriting. How cool! Just and layout, its gotten The app allows transfers app enables you to build online. Saved notes orwrite the mathematical problem convenient to have a phone to phone or even your professional brand, lists are accessible fromon the screen and My Script MS word experience in phone to computer. It gets find people and jobs, grow anywhere through InternetCalculator converts symbols bothAndroid and iOS more convenient as it also your network, get updates and automatically syncedand numbers to digital text devices. supports group file sharing regarding the industry and between phone, tablet andwith a result. to up to 4 devices. reach out to people. computer. IOS/Android-FREEIOS/Android-FREE IOS/Android-FREE IOS/Android-FREE IOS/Android-FREE

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