Review 118th Canton fair, ChinaIndia AmongstTop 10 Buyers177,544 overseas buyers from 213 countries and International Pavilion from 40 countries andregions around the world attended the 118th regions. We've seen steady progress in the size,Canton Fair. product specialization, and invitation to theThe number of buyers from Asia totaled 100,545, domestic buyers. Also the overseas exhibitorstaking up 56.63% of the total; Europe 33,192, come from more countries.accounting for 18.7%; America 23,616, accounting Some leading enterprises from home and abroadfor 13.3%; Africa 14,692 with 8.37% share, and such as Honeywell from the US and SABAF fromOceania 5,499 with 3.21% share. Italy attended the International Pavilion, amongBuyer attendance of the top 20 countries and many world famous brands. Home textileregions accounted for 63.32% of the total. The top companies from Turkey, India, Pakistan and etc.10 countries and regions with the most buyers are were in the same exhibition section with ChineseHong Kong, the United States, India, Taiwan exhibitors. Vanguard, Suning and other famousProvince, South Korea, Thailand, Russia, companies visited and sourced at the Fair. By NovMalaysia, Japan, and Australia. 3, there has been nearly 90,000 visits to theChina's foreign trade companies accelerated their International Pavilion.efforts of transformation and upgrading, and the Premium information services contributed to theadjustment of foreign trade mix is optimistic transformation and upgrading of companies.Facing a severe and complicated situation in the In this session the show continued to hold Cantonforeign trade sector, various parties at the Canton Fair Forums and “Design Events to PromoteFair followed the guidance of the Central Trade” series activities. These activities wereCommittee of CPC and the State Council and applauded by companies as they providedspared no effort in facilitating orders. Trading insights on innovation and design, and the Cantondelegations and chambers of commerce Fair served as a platform for industrial exchanges.encouraged companies to take an active part in The show forged ahead with “Canton Fair +completing orders. Internet” and “Smart Canton Fair” and achievedAll exhibitors grasped the opportunities brought some results. First is to launch “Buyers' clicks”about by “the Belt and Road initiative” and data service, “Updates for exhibitors” andstepped up their efforts in transformation and “Information Station” to help enlarge theupgrading. Now these companies focused more marketing of exhibitors.on developing a new competitive edge in foreign The 118th session received wide attention fromtrade sector based on technology, brand, quality the present media agencies and gave thorough,and service. The International Pavilion has objective and in-depth reports on efforts ofwitnessed companies from more countries and exhibitors for further branding and innovation,the products more specialized. accelerate transformation and upgrading, and toIn the 118th session, there were 604 companies develop new competitive edge based onand 12 national or regional delegations in the technology, brand, quality and service. 101 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Preview HeimtextilJanuary 12-15, 2016, Frankfurt, GermanyScheduled from January 12-15 in Frankfurt, focus of the fair and a lecture programme speciallyof Heimtextil 2016 will be in line with the home dedicated to hoteliers and architects will providetextile and furnishing industries current concerns. valuable input. Heimtextil offers an excellentHeimtextil will host over 2,700 exhibitors from over overview of current and future trends, somethingabout 70 countries at the world's largest trade fair that is unique in interior design anywhere infor home and contract textiles. the world.Contract and hotel business will have a special The enormous range of products at Heimtextil isfocus at this year's show. Besides regular subdivided into clearly identifiable sections.consumer home textile products, this year over 'Contract' logos on the stands indicate that the350 exhibitors from all over the world will be exhibitor carries a range of contract textiles and/orpresenting their portfolios under 'Contract solutions for furnishing hotels, restaurants andCreations' seal. The range of contract products other commercial or public spaces. The Contractand services not only covers a multitude of Guide offers lots of help in finding your way aroundmaterials and suppliers of all qualities and all and contains an overview of all the suppliers ofpricing levels. Visitors can also expect an exciting contract textiles exhibiting at Heimtextil. This indexmix of new stimuli as well as experienced partners is directed at architects, hoteliers, planners andto help with their ideas and projects. Guided tours interior designers. The Contract Guide will be102 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Previewavailable for people to take away at various points textiles are already using digital printingthroughout the Exhibition Centre and is a service techniques for their new collections. Says Ulrikethat Messe Frankfurt offers free of charge to both Wechsung, Director of Heimtextil, “With the 'Digitalexhibitors and visitors. Print' product area in Hall 4.0, we are again offering the largest platform for communication and new products, aimed at designers, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers in this segment. Amongst the innovations are new water-based ink systems for inspiring designs, apps for specific control of design and production processes, as well as procedures for the depiction of guaranteed colours from monitor to end product.”Heimtextil is a partner in this year's 'Finest InteriorAwards' and, with the organizers, seeks to honourthe creative work of interior architects, interiordesigners, interior decorators and furnishingsconsultants. The 'Finest Interior Awards' werepresented in November 2015 as part of a formalevening event in the Dutch Embassy in Berlin, andwere given for particularly individual andprofessional contract furnishing projects. TheNetherlands are the official partner country for thisyear's 'Finest Interior Awards'. The winning exhibitswill be on display in Hall 11.0.Digital printing is one of the major growth Heimtextil 2016 is expanding its offer ofsegments within the textile industry. The sector is mattresses, bedding and bed systems. Renownedassuming double digit growth in the coming years. new exhibitors join returning companies to unveilNumerous manufacturers of home and contract new sleeping products. Overall, Heimtextil will see growth in the 'bed' product group, which is made up of the areas of bed linen, bedding, duvets, decorative pillows and mattresses. 103 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Preview IMM CologneJanuary 18-24, 2016, Cologne, GermanyIMM Cologne continues to grow by double digit, its more than 40.000 sq. meters of exhibition space,international participation in the forthcoming extending from individual “sofas for one“ toedition scheduled for January 18-24, 2016 in modular seating groups and large-scale, multi-Cologne. “We believe that the current functional sets of seating, from sleek loungedevelopments confirm the importance of IMM armchairs to elegant couches to media-orientatedCologne as a business event on an international reclining armchair.scale. Anyone wanting to be successful with LivingInteriors, the event for innovative bathroom and room concepts is also eagerly awaited. Every two years, LivingInteriors displays how the interaction between products and materials in the areas of bathrooms, flooring, walls and lighting creates intelligent room solutions and integrated living environments. Together with IMM Cologne, Living Interiors provides a comprehensive and innovatively staged overview of the entire furnishing world. National and international exhibitors from the main product sections presentfurniture simply cannot afford to ignore Germany trends and new possibilities which generateand IMM Cologne, the biggest event in this enthusiasm amongst trade visitors as well asmarket“, said Arne Petersen, Vice President Trade consumers.Fair Management of Koelnmesse. From 18-24 January 2016, Cologne will be theAnyone wanting to know how we will live, sleep trend barometer for the international furnishingand eat in the future cannot afford to miss IMM world. Visitors and media can look forward to theCologne. The huge breadth and depth of products many interesting companies and exciting productoffered extends from self-assembly furniture to innovations.premium brands to visionary product designs.Nowhere else can the entire world of living beexperienced better than at the internationalfurnishing show held in Cologne. Visitors will seenew marketing concepts that will give the rightimpetus, even at the point of sale. The section ofupholstered furniture reflects the individualizationof furnishing preferences as few other categoriesdo – Comfort: Around 100 exhibitors show will beshowing an international product range staged on104 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
PreviewHOMI, Fiera Milano January 29- Feb 1, 2016, Milan, ItalyHOMI, Fiera Milano's Lifestyles Show, is scheduled techniques and materials in objects that combineto take place in Fiera Milano from 29 January to 1 design and tradition.February 2016. Innovative and imaginative experiences are also toHOMI is to host the most interesting design ideas be featured and these will involve professionals infor the home and the individual, offering the HOMI FOOD area, which is dedicated to qualityprofessionals a dedicated platform able to be on food products with a strong emphasis on researchthe cutting edge of tastes and trends, and offering into original packaging that is able to create value.itself up as a showcase for stylish products that arefundamental to retailers and sources of inspiration Continuity of festive season will an opportunity tofor creative people. showcase new trends for the most joyous and colourful environments in GIFT & EVENTS eHOMI is offering a versatile format that is renewed HOBBY & WORK, dedicated to gifts, paperwith each edition. Main objective is to highlight style in products, writing products and items for the office.every form. The Lifestyles Show continues to be areference point for association in the industry that are The area HOMI KIDS STYLE will also expand itsfocused on highlighting companies and creativity. space dedicated to products, scenarios and styles for little ones.This year HOMI will support the “DesignCompetition,” an initiative crated by the Lombardy A unique space of HOMICLASS will feature aRegion in collaboration with ADI – the Industrial classic feel of the products from companiesDesign Association – which will target towards offering Italian style that is recognized throughoutyoung creative people in Lombardy. the world for uniqueness and beauty. HOMISPHERE, a concept that interprets newA special focus will be placed on scouting activities lifestyles in the food & wine, hospitality and thein international markets with the objective being to contract industry areas. It is targeted toward aget an even more specialized selection of buyers, market segment seeking taste, comfort, design and exclusivity. It comes up with new formats toThe important themed sections of HOMI offer them to visitors with the taste and elegance ofSperimenta are dedicated to research and make “Made in Italy.”for a place where one can discover innovations andinteresting updates. The spaces have been In the Living Habits satellite, a space whereplanned in collaboration with Artex, the Centre for of Table and the Kitchen will be displayed byArtistic and Traditional Craftsmanship in Tuscany, the exhibitors, which represent some of theand feature products that are the result of company most interesting dimensions of HOMI - theresearch, able to bring together an essence of importance of pleasantness and the delight ininnovation and research which applies the gathering together. 105 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Preview AmbienteFebruary 12-16, 2016, Frankfurt, GermanyAmbiente- the show 2016 will take place on small electrical appliances, glass, porcelain,12th-16th Feb which offers all the advantages ceramics etc.of its position as the leading consumer goods In gifting ideas, the show will cater to gift items,trade fair. It reflects the entire market with all its stationery, fashion jewelry, watches, personalsegments, trends and opportunities. In 2015, accessories, handicrafts, body care and wellness4,814 exhibitors from 95 countries, 1,088 from articles and gourmet gifts.Germany, 3,726 from outside Germany 134,620 In Home concepts, this show will be showcasingvisitors from 152 countries, 63,727 from Germany, furniture, textiles, lights, home accessories,70,893 from outside Germany countries had seasonal decoration trends, garden furniture andexperienced this show. accessories, luxury perfumes and room scents,The fair's international appeal is constantly growing. designer objects and much more.A strong majority of the buyers come from the mostrelevant economic regions, as demonstrated by thelatest statistics. At 86%, the decision-makingcompetence is very high, exceeded only by visitorsatisfaction at a whopping 97%.Ambiente will exhibit in the categories of Dining,which includes table, kitchen and householdproducts. Kitchen accessories, table and kitchenutensils, cooking, roasting and baking utensils,cutlery and knives, household aids and appliances,106 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Preview InternationalHouseware Show March 5-8, 2016, Chicago, USAInternational Home + Housewares Show in in the premium, high powered blender segment.Chicago, USA, is to be held 5-8 March 2016 with A looming challenge will be the creation of a60,000 housewares professionals from more than common operating portal that will allow the120 countries will attend in search of the latest in consumer to control many different appliances,products for homes around the world. lights, security systems, thermostats and otherAs the global economy has become reinvigorated, devices through their phone or tablet. SeveralNorth America has emerged as one of the candidates for that portal are in development or onstrongest markets for 'housewares' in the world. the market already.According to the most recent estimates, the U.S. The consumer is now completely in charge withand Canada accounted for 25.9% of global purchasing options which span many channels.housewares retail sales totaling US$322.6 billion. Many traditional brick and mortar retailers haveFor 2013 U.S. sales grew 5.9% over 2012 and 2015 expanded their outreach to their customers thatis poised to show even more growth. allows them to shop in person or across severalDesign continues to be a key differentiator for both digital platforms.narrow and broad assortment retailers and And new this past fall suppliers who exhibit at theconsumers to be the primary factor in helping International Home + Housewares Show nowretailers help their customers find products that receive free exposure to consumers on IHAmatch their needs and better reflect their personal Inspired Home (, asense of style. consumer web destination that features products,With 3D printing at home poised to shake things food preparation recipes and tips, homeup, the make-it-at-home movement continues to organization advice and plenty of additionalgrow. As an example, there is a pancake printer product information.available that functions like a 3D printer for uniqueand customized breakfast treats.Although ebbing slightly in importance, homebeverage making still drives consumers and theintroduction of new appliances to make coldbeverages at home promises to reinvigorate thissegment. For other beverages, home coffeebrewing seems to be growing in the premiumcoffee beverage segment even as other systemsfight it out for basic coffee making. Blending andsmoothie making appear to be strong andgrowing as more companies are offering products 107 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
PreviewIndia InternationalHandwoven Fair March 9-11, 2016, Chennai, India6th Annual edition of The India International their range of products like bed linen, table linen,Handwoven Fair (IIHF) is scheduled from March 9- kitchen linen, toilet linen, floor coverings,11, 2016 in Chennai, India. IIHF is the only embroidered textile materials, curtains etc. for theexclusive tradeshow in the world for showcasing international markets.the entire range of exquisite Indian hand woventextile products from apparel fabrics, home India has about 500 specialized handloomtextiles, furnishing fabrics to fashion fabrics and clusters, indicating the country's strength andfashion accessories in all fiber groups to buyers sustainability for handlooms. Today the Industryfrom across the world. IIHF was conceptualized by has transformed from traditional fabrics and dressHandloom Export Promotion Council (HEPC) in materials into manufacturing of a wide range of2011 to identify sustainable marketing solutions contemporary designs in made-ups and homefor the stakeholders of handloom industry textiles.The event will showcase the best home textiles in International buyers can source products rangingquality and design from all over India and has from home textiles, made-ups, silk products, flooralready been acclaimed by international buyers coverings, Real Madras Handkerchiefs,for its clear focus on hand woven textile products, Sarongs/Kailies, Woollen Handlooms, Jutewhere India is the global leader. Handlooms, fashion accessories like Scarves, Stoles in contemporary as well as diverse ethnicIndia's major handloom clusters like Karur, styles of India emerging from its various culturalPanipat, Varanasi, Madurai and Kannur showcase and regional heritage.108 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
PreviewInternational FurnitureFair Singapore 2016March 10-13, 2016, SingaporeIFFS 2016 returns to the Singapore EXPO from 10 exhibitors with garden or outdoor offerings– 13 March 2016, in conjunction with The Décor together in a dedicated area, presented through aShow and furniPRO Asia. This reflects the show's Garden Boulevard concept. At the same time,continued commitment to promote design within IFFS will extend its presence out into the open withthe furniture industry. The new tagline of IFFS- an alfresco lounge, decorated and managed by'Design, Inspiration, and Trade' represents IFFS' outdoor furniture and lighting manufacturer Maiorimission to launch a platform in Asia for the Design. The Design STARS (formerly known asfurniture industry which connects the people with Asian STAR) showcase will continue to feature atrends and innovation, inspires new ideas and collection of pieces by rising designers across thefresh business opportunities. globe.In this edition, IFFS will introduce several brandnew elements that creates different innovative In the 2016 edition, the biennial furniPRO Asia, aavenues for exhibitors to engage audiences and woodworking and furniture and panel productionshowcase their designs, as well as to provide exhibition in South East Asia will be held invisitors with a visually stimulating and diverse conjunction with the IFFS/AFS. The exhibitionexperience. aims to be a showcase and trading platform for theIFFS 2016 will be having a hall layout that presents newest machinery and technologies in the marketboth spatial and experiential elements that are into its third edition. Together, the trilogy of events -specially crafted to enhance the tradeshow The IFFS/AFS, The Décor Show and furniPRO Asiaexperience. On entering the Design and – will feature a comprehensive range of furniture,International Brands hall, visitors will be greeted furnishing, decorative accessories, interiors andwith activities that celebrate design and fittings by a diverse portfolio of exhibitors, as wellinnovation, making it an exciting place to spark as offer an unparalleled outreach and access tonew inspiration. Visitors will also be treated to a the latest technological machinery developmentplethora of creative product displays, including to the highly dynamic market, and attract a healthybedroom, living room, dining room, garden and and well-represented attendance of trade buyersoutdoor furniture as well as decorative and visitors from the entire furniture ecosystemaccessories. and value chain.Key highlights of IFFS includes an impressivepresentation of innovative materials, as well as aGallery of Art Forms, which demonstrates howfurniture products and accessories can betransformed into art pieces and sculptures. For thefirst time ever, IFFS will also feature a 'Garden andOutdoor' Pavilion that clusters international 109 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
PreviewDomotex Hannover January 16-19, 2016, Hannover, GermanyDomotex 2016, a key international flooring trade fair under one roof. Interior design trends, products andis all set to welcome the entire global rugs, carpets innovation are on display during four days andand floor covering industry for 4 days in Hannover. provide complete overview of the industry.Also called “The World of Flooring in Hanover” the More than 45,000 trade visitors attend Domotexexhibition will showcase latest innovations in from more than 95 countries. 57% of the attendeesdesigns and cutting edge products in floor covering are key decision makers looking to conductsector, which will drive the economic progress of business. The unique feature of Domotex inthese sector in the coming years. Hanover is that over 82% of the professional tradeDOMOTEX is a fascinating experience for both visitors are repeat visitors that recommend theexhibitors and visitors. The show is a reliable exhibition to all companies in the sector. Thesebarometer of industry trends and a source of vital impressive numbers are complemented by variousinformation. All the relevant target groups are able discussions, forums and product presentations thatto learn about the latest products from the carpet push the industry in to the future.and floor coverings industry. DOMOTEX attracts In 2016 the focus of the event will be on conceptstop industry professionals from all over the world, and innovation. Sustainability, recycling solutionwho come to the show to get a complete overview and creative floor designs will also be big featuresof the market in just four days. during the 2016 edition of Domotex. The annualThe dedicated platform presented by the Deutsche Carpet Design Awards for 2016, honoring theMesse organizers attracts over 1350 exhibitors from world's best quality and designs will be presentedmore than 60 countries. Only during Domotex one on 17th January at a special function to be held oncan see all top companies involved in the sector that day at the Domotex venue.110 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Preview DOMOTEX Asia/CHINAFLOOR 2016 March 22-24, 2016, Shanghai, ChinaDOMOTEX Asia/CHINAFLOOR 2016 will take for 1 week to visit our 3-day show and conductplace March 22-24, 2016 in Shanghai, China. factory visits at some of the biggest flooringIn this 18th edition, more than 1300 exhibitors are manufacturers located around Shanghai.expected to participate in the show, while in terms Two lucky attendees will win free spots with theof professional visitors a considerable increase is delegation during two drawings at Theexpected according to the show's online pre- International Surfaces Event (TISE) in Las Vegasregistration system. on January 22, 2016 in the Distributors LoungeThe categories which are to be displayed by the sponsored by Floor Covering Weekly. One trip willexhibitors would be machine-made and hand- be awarded by the North American Association ofmade carpets, textile wall-to-wall flooring, mats, Floor Covering Distributors (NAFCD) and thefibers and yarns; wood flooring, laminate, second by Floor Covering Weekly.engineered, cork, bamboo floorings; floor With the arrangement of visits to productiontechnologies and machineries, laying and facilities of leading flooring manufacturers,protection technologies and tools; commercial, Shanghai will prove to be an importantindustrial floorings, resilient; ceramic tiles and introduction to China's manufacturing andstones. business practices. China has become the focusDOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR, the largest of innovation and it will flooring show in the Asia-Pacific DOMOTEX Asia / CHINAFLOOR 2015 hosted 1275region will host its first North American distributor exhibitors from 38 different countries anddelegation during the week of its 18th edition welcomed 46,115 visitors among which 11,374which will take place in March 22-24, 2016, in were international visitors.Shanghai, China. Delegates will meet with peers DOMOTEX, organised by Deutsche Messe AG isfrom China and Asia, preview new products and headquartered in Hanover and is the world'stechnologies, tour manufacturing sites and learn leading floor covering trade show. Besides, China,about conducting business with Asian partners. DOMOTEX is also held in Hanover in January andThe delegation will travel to China in March 2016 in Turkey in May. 111 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Preview Evteks 2016May 17-21, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey22nd edition of Evteks, the annual trade show 1,38,000 visitors attended the last edition offor home textiles and furnishing fabrics will Evteks, making it one of the highest attendancebe hosted in Istanbul by CNR Expo and for a home textile trade show. But many of theseTETSİAD – Turkish Home Textile Industrialists and visitors are also Turkish consumers, to whom theBusinessmen Association from May 17-21, 2016 trade show is opened on the last day. According to the organisers, over 40,000 visitors from 50 countries visited Evteks 2015. In terms of business, EVTEKS offers good opportunity for international exhibitors as well as for the Turkish companies to connect with the Turkish retailers, distributors, importers and wholesalers from all over the country. The show has become the launching point for new collections by all major Turkish home textile companies and brands. It has alsowith about 1,028 exhibitors from Turkey and become an annual meeting point for the tradeother countries like India, Spain, Italy, Belgium, and manufactures to initiate new buying seasonFrance, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, in Turkey.Greece, Holland, Switzerland, Poland, Azerbaijan, EVTEKS 2016 promises to offer latest develop-USA, Emirates, Egypt, Iran, Morocco, Russian ments in Turkish home textiles in tune with theFederation, Pakistan, China, Taiwan and TRNC. international fashion and lifestyle trends.The trade show will be spread over an areaof 160,000 square meters spread across11 halls.Evteks has over the years emerged as one ofthe largest trade fairs in the world, but hasa high focus on the Turkish domestic market, inaddition to some effort towards attractinginternational buyers, especially from countriesin the Central Asia, Middle East Asia, CISCountries and East European regions.112 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
PreviewIndia ITME-2016 December 3-8, 2016, Mumbai, IndiaThe 10th edition of India International Textile Italy, Switzerland, France and now China. One ofMachinery Exhibition 2016, the largest textile the major trends in the Global Textile Machinerymachinery and accessory exhibition in India is to market is the growing number of technologicalbe held from 3rd to 8th December 2016 at Bombay innovations.Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, India. Spread over1,50,000 sq. mtrs, with expected participation from In India, industry witnessed a growth of 8-10 per93 countries and strength of about 1,000 cent to Rs.22,000 crore in 2014 from Rs 20,000exhibitors from across the globe in 17 chapters crore in 2013. The size of India's textile machineryspanning the textile segment from raw material to industry is poised to double to Rs 45,000 crore infinished products, India ITME 2016 is the focal the next 7 years from the present Rs.22,000 croreevent for the textile and textile engineering industry in light of new projects and emphasis on setting upin India and in the neighboring region. textile parks. The textile machinery manufacturing section is one of the important segments of theGlobal Textile machinery market is witnessing machinery manufacturing industry in India. Thistremendous growth buoyed by growing demand industry is nearly sixty years old and has moreof textile & apparel market. The major than 1000 machinery and componentmanufacturers of textile machinery are Germany, manufacturing units. Nearly 300 units produce 113 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Previewcomplete machinery and the remaining produces towards these goals. From 1980 onwards tovarious textile machinery components. ensure flow of latest technology and attractIndia's textile and apparel industry (domestic + customized product launches for Indian market,exports) is expected to grow from the current US $ the Society has been organizing this once in 4107 Bn. to US $ 223 Bn. by 2021. India is expected years mega be a leading textile producing country in theworld by 2020. The strength of the Indian textile India's strategic location and democraticindustry is very apparent from the robust atmosphere offers easy access to all neighboringattendance by the Indian delegation in all economies as well as offer opportunity to experience the pulse of local customers,international textile machinery shows. However, especially Indian markets with their hugethe domestic textile engineering industry is unable population base and growing rural markets. Theto fulfill the industry demand and a large volume of 10th India ITME to be held in December 2016 willtextile machinery is sourced from European serve as an ideal convergence point for allcountries, which is relatively costly. For textile exhibitors, buyers, agents and dealers from Asian,machinery manufacturers from Switzerland, Middle East and European countries.Germany, Belgium, Italy and Spain, India remainsthe most important market with the export worth With many new countries and 137 newmillions of dollars. companies, who have never before participated inIndia has the potential to become manufacturing India ITME, two new Chapters on display, the 10thhub in the textile machinery, with abundance Edition of India ITME Exhibition is designed to beof skilled labour, low cost and natural resources Bigger, Better, Bolder than ever before. Aavailable, provided sufficient focus is given complete solution provider under one roof toon research and development in order to textile industry for technology up-gradation,ensure modern and innovative technologies are product launch, as well as networking, India ITMEdeveloped in our country. Today the need of today is the back bone in Textile and Textileour country is skill development, research activity, Engineering Industry in India. It is one of thenew investments and new market development. premium events globally with 93 countriesIndia ITME Society, a 36 year old apex non- ensuring their presence as exhibitor and visitor. Itprofit industry body has continuously strived is a pride for Mumbai city as well as our nation tothrough “ITME Series” to facilitate and push host such a prestigious business event next year. India ITME 2016 is supported by Heavy Industries Department, Textile Ministry, NSIC and many other domestic and international organizers, making it one of the most anticipated exhibitions in the year of 2016. The 10th Edition of this event compliments our Governments “Make in India” Campaign and an International Press Conference and Networking Event is organized in Milan this November to invite international visitors to ITME next year.114 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
InnovationsIt's an Inspired World!There is no dearth of inspiration for the this garden. In this garden, the viewer is integrated creative and innovative minds in this world. with the garden buried in flowers. 2300 or more Designers are inspired by new technology, flowers bloomed across while floating in materials and of course, new ideas- to Flowers were natural and living. They grew everystrive for excellence in their creations. A wholenew wave of designers and product developers Floating flower garden from Japanaround the world seem to be making theirpresence felt, with high degree of differentiations day with the help of technology. Petals, leaves andin the field of functionality and décor for homes pistils blossomed in the silence of the carnal andby introducing several product concepts and mysterious garden. They rose when the spectatordesign freshness in their creations. The world approached, creating a dome over his head, andis taking notice, and hopes to commercialise then descend once again.on many of these ideas in the years ahead. OLED Lights: Japanese designers consider LED lights outdated, and introduced the nextInnovation has become a competitive compulsion generation of intelligent and creative lights, whichin today's times for both developed and were innovative and amazing to the viewers. Thisdeveloping countries. It is interesting to note new generation lighting is called OLED. OLEDthat the countries which were once considered stands for “Organic Light Emitting Diode” whichto be suppliers by the developed world, are emits light on the principle of organic electrotoday not only coming up with impeccable luminescence (Organic EL). Organic EL is thecreations with modern technology, but are luminous phenomena by organic materials tocompeting with them for supremacy in the field of which a voltage has been and creativity. It is becoming increasinglyevident that in the years ahead, we will have 115 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016constant and rapid evolution of the definition ofcreativity in the home segment.Let us take a look at various ongoing effortsand some of the recent innovation and trendsemerging from different countries. Japan's Digital TechnologyFloating flower garden: The Japanese floatinggarden created in central lobby area of thepremium design hall at the last edition of Maison &Objet was a space filled in with flowers and faunaand was suspended in accordance with themovement of the viewer. The space emergedconstantly on the hemisphere, with the viewer inthe center. Viewers were able to move freely inside
InnovationsIt has various features which makes it different This quality is created through high densityfrom LED. It is available in a wide range from vivid weaving, finalization with binding and designingto pastel, can easily create two-colour-graphics distinctive patterns to fit with contemporary logos, symbols, indicators, etc., As OLED light Anon Pairot Lamps: In the lighting category,is polymer based one, it simplifies printing and Anon Pairot made lamps from copper wires withother production processes. It has an ultra-thin very delicate techniques. The handicraft andlighting panel making a flexible material to be industrial processes were mixed for this collection.applied in various scenes and it has less restriction Each of these pendant lamps has been made by aon positioning. skilled craftsman by carefully bending andAs for environment, OLED light does not emit any welding copper wire. The geometric pattern isUV rays. It does not contain mercury which makes nicely and carefully laid an eco-friendly polymer. OLEDs are expected tobe used as next-generation displays and lighting, Fresh Taiwanwhich will make LED lighting look outdated. New transformation Thailand's Excellence Taiwan has a world-renowned manufacturing in design industry that makes cultural and creative products that maintain a 'people's taste'. Taiwan is knownThailand aspires to be recognized as a country of for many craftsmen and designers who specializewell-designed products. The country is making in bamboo, rattan, ceramics etc. Multi-culturalgreat efforts to promote its domestically designedproducts in the international markets.Deesawat's green furniture: The green furnitureis based on natural wood manufacturing which isthe epitome of preservation of nature andcoolness. The products are not only limited tofurniture but can also assist with the architecturalcustom exterior products.Green Furniture from Deesawat Taiwan’s creativity in bamboo craftPDM Brand Mats: PDM brand which stands for influence has helped Taiwanese designers“Product Design Matters” produces mats with the acquire a diversified and inclusive character whenidea of renewing the customary idea of mats by facing the influence of global trends. Taiwan'senhancing the durability, appearance and feel. creativity has also adapted to changes and has transformed with time by creating a contemporary style out of oriental culture. Taiwanese young designer Cheng-Tsung Feng transforms his craftsmanship and experiences into modern design with an aesthetic viewpoint. He has reinterpreted traditional Taiwanese bamboo craft into a brand new modern look in furniture and in bamboo lamps.116 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
InnovationsAnother example would be by using recycled wood, Swedish brand KORBOproducts like furniture, home decorative items etc.are made with a touch of humour and quirkiness. Designs and creativity of Swedish brand, Korbo,The products include, a cookie-like stool, have handwoven wire baskets of galvanized andmagician's rabbit jar, chocolate shaped bench etc. acid proof stainless steel. The baskets are handwoven by solid copper and brass wire. Austria's TENCEL Botanic LoungeTENCEL's new dimension of the \"chill outs\" has Asid proof stainless steel basket by Korbomoved into the living room with its newly launchedBotanic fiber. Botanic fiber sofas and couches are The best feature of these products are-they haveradiant and silky at the same time. The new a unique design which is done in a singleelegance of TENCEL upholstery fabrics makes handwoven wire completely without weldings,sofas for completely private chill-out lounge for the making them more durable. These products arewhole family. It comes with furniture fabrics finally a highly weather resistant and can be used outdoorsBotanic fiber as an alternative to conventionalmaterials are used. The fiber is made of wood andoperated a product of photosynthesis. TENCELfurniture fabrics represent a further component inthe botanical Home concept. After bedding andcarpets TENCEL conquered the sofa.TENCELS’s botanic couche Galvanized basket by KorboBotanic fibers have beautiful look and aesthetics as well and acid proof stainless steel has a greatwith intense colors and a velvety sheen which resistance to corrosion and the surface will remaindominates the designs of the furniture fabrics of the shiny always regardless of environment exposure.product. The exceptional smoothness andsilkiness of the fiber is also used in the materials to The country has skilled craftsmanship that is stilltheir best advantage. The moisture acts here as a grounded by the tradition which has helped theselightning rod and prevents charging. As an craftsman to produce such products which has aupholstery fabric, it has good dimensional stability multi-purpose usage and since they are handwoven,and care properties are excellent. Another plus each designs vary from one another.point- it has abrasion resistance. TENCEL can beeasily mixed with all fibers like-wool, cotton,polyester and polyamide. 117 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
VOL-11 No. 3 JUL - SEPT 2012Changing Structure ofRetail and Distribution-Ajay Arora, Managing Director, D DécorIndian Market:Need for Manufacturers, Brands,Distributors & Retailers toact as partnersSharp Focus, High Business:HGH India 2012Redefines Indian Home MarketInspiration 2013/14:Growing Imports:Obsession Experience Review: Proposte n Evteks n Hotel Show n HOME TEX Preview: Tex-Trends n Mood n House & Gift Fair n INDEX n Intertextile ShanghaiSubscribe to India's onlyInternational Trade MagazineFor home textiles andfurnishing fabricsHome Fashion Magazine is focussed on Meet Home Fashion at:home textiles and furnishing value chain Jan – Mar 2016 12-15 Jan from manufacturer to retail. 16-19 Jan Heimtextil Frankfurt, Germany 18-24 Jan Updates you on markets, products and Domotex Hannover, Germany 22-26 Jan industry trends from India and IMM Cologne, Germany worldwide. Maison & Objet 27-29 Apr 23-26 May Provides information, reviews and April – June 2016 17-21 May analysis by industry experts and Proposte, Italy 01-03 July professionals. Index Dubai, UAE 08-10 Sept Evteks, Istanbul, Turkey 20-23 SeptForetells the upcoming fashion trends in home textiles and furnishing fabrics. July – Sept 2016Connect retailers, brands and importers HGH India to Indian and global product sources. MOOD, Brussels Heimtextil Rossija, RussiaWe invite you to meet us at the above eventsConnecting Indian Home Textiles - Worldwide
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Events DiaryEvery effort is made to ensure that the information provided below is correct. You are however advised tore-check the dates with the organisers for any change in schedule, before finalizing on your travel plans. January 2016 20-23 February, 2016 22-24 March, 2016 IHGF Delhi Fair (Spring Fair) R + T Shanghai12-15 January, 2016 Venue: India Exposition Mart, Venue: Shanghai NewHeimtextil Greater Noida, India International Expo Centre,Venue: Fairground, Frankfurt, Website: Shanghai, ChinaGermany Website: www.rtasia.orgWebsite: March 2015 22-24 March, 201616-19 January, 2016 05-08 March, 2016 Domotex AsiaDomotex International Home + Venue: Shanghai, ChinaVenue: Hannover Exhibition Housewares Show Website:Center, Venue: Chicago, USA www.domotexasiachinafloor.comHannover, Germany Website: www.housewares.orgWebsite: April 2016 07-09 March, 201618-24 January, 2016 Home Furnishing Expo April 18-21, 2016IMM cologne Venue: Fuhua Third Road, Futian, Life StyleVenue: Koelnmesse GmbH, Shenzhen, China Venue: Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamCologne, Germany Website: Website: www.webcache.googleuseWebsite: 10-13 March, 201622-26 January, 2016 The Décor Show 19-21 April, 2016Masion & Objet Venue: Singapore Expo Thailand BIG + BIHVenue: Paris Nord Villepinte, Website: Venue: BITEC, Thailand, BangkokParis, France Website:Website: 11-13 March, 2016 International Furniture Expo February 2016 Indonesia 21-24 April, 2016 Venue: Jakarta Intenational Expo Manila Fame29- 01 February, 2016 Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia Venue: SMX Convention Center,Homi Milano Website: Manila, PhilippinesVenue: Fiera Milano, Milano, Italy Website: www.manilafame.comWebsite: 11 - 14 March, 2016 Indian Carpet Expo 27-29 April, 201612-16 February, 2016 Venue: NSIC Exhibition Complex, ProposteAmbiente New Delhi Venue: Milano, ItalyVenue: Frankfurt Exhibition Website: Website: www.propostefair.itgroundsWebsite: 15-19 March, 2016 23-27 April, Aahar China Import and Export Fair Venue: Pragati Maidan, Phase 2 New Delhi, India Venue: Pazhou Complex, Website: Guangzhou, China Website: HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
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