Focus Wallpapers Exponentiallygrowing demandInspirational vintage style by Marshalls Wallpapers out to wallpapers, a wholly new concept in wall décor and wall finishes. Although wallpapers wereWith just 7 or 8 textures to offer and high invented centuries back, their modern version has dependence on attributes like evolved only after World War II. durability, lustre, weather proofing, theconventional wall paint industry is rapidly losing68 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
FocusLet's take a quick look at global evolution of around the same time. The English invented newwallpaper as we see it today, before we take a look manufacturing methods in 18th century in London,at the current Indian scenario. which became global rage. In 1888, Ferdinand Sichel developed the first ready-to-use wallpaperEvolution of Wallpapers paste. Wallpaper pasting machines first appeared around the turn of the 20th century.Though China and Japan are credited withinvention of paper in general, thousands of years The Victorian Era was a grand time for wallpaperback, Jean-Michel Papillon, a French engraver is featuring over embellished designs featuringconsidered the inventor of modern wallpaper. He somber colors. 1920s was known as the Goldenstarted making block designs in matching, Age of Wallpaper. Some 400 million rolls were sold during that period. Plastic resins were introduced after World War II. They offered stain resistance, washability, durability and strength and truly revolutionized the wallpaper industry. Recent advances in digital, photo, and printing technologies have allowed modern printing facilities to replicate historic papers and other digital media on a variety of substrates. Wallpapers continue their appeal to human fantasies for wall décor. Today, new inventionsClassical designs by Marshalls Wallpapers “Each manufacturer has their owncontinuous patterns in 1675, and wallpaper as we speciality andknow it today was on its way. The oldest available depending on theirexample of flocked wallpaper is from Worcester, focus they makeUK, which was created in 1680. Plunket Fleeson their creationsbrought wallpapers to America in 1739, when he accordingly.”started printing them in Philadelphia. In 1778, LouisXVI issued a decree that required the length of a Karan Sharmawallpaper roll to be about 34 feet. Marshalls WallpapersFrenchmen, Christophe-Philippe Oberkampf have become an ongoing process in this fieldinvented first wallpaper printing machine in 1785. and wallpaper designs have established anNicholas Louis Robert, also from France, invented identity of their own.method of making continuous roll of wallpaper “Each manufacturer has their own speciality and depending on their focus they make their creations accordingly. Today's wallpaper techniques include blown vinyl, solid vinyl, deep embossed vinyl, surface printed non wovens, natural wallcoverings like silk, jute, mica chips etc.,” informs Karan Sharma, Director, Marshalls Wallpapers, Mumbai, one of the oldest and today a name synonymous with wallpapers in India. 69 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
FocusIndian scenario between Rs. 150 to Rs. 1,800 or even higher, per square foot. Then why can one see wallpapers“It is very difficult to estimate wallpaper market as priced as low as Rs. 10 or 20 per square foot inthere is no proper market data available. But as per India? “Anything selling below Rs. 60 is basically,my personal estimate it should be around a 200 either defective products, dead stocks or outdatedcrore industry which 7-8 years back was only designs,” explains Chandresh Parekh, Director,around 25-30 crore. Thus the growth has been Wall King, Hyderabad.excellent,” says Karan Sharma.Although no official research figures are available, “The Indian wall paperthe size of overall wall finish market in India is market will grow byestimated to be over Rs. 25,000 crore, or so, over 100% every year.according to industry sources. Of this about 50% We experiencing anto 55% is for interior wall finishes like paints, which average growthamounts to about Rs. 13,000 crore. Wallpapers between 50 to 60%today account for only 3 to 4% of total interior wall per annum.”finishes market, which should value around Rs.500 crore. “It is very difficult to estimate wallpaper Rohit Guptamarket as there is no proper market data available. Elementto LifestylesBut as per my personal estimate it should bearound a 200 crore industry which 7-8 years back In absence of any reliable data or research, annual market growth estimates for Indian market varyMarshalls Wallpapers: Make a style statement with highlighted walls amongst industry players between 15% on the lowest to 50% on the higher side. But the growth inwas only around 25-30 crore. Thus the growth has higher-end market seems to be certainly muchbeen excellent,” says Karan Sharma, Director, better. “We have been growing by 30 to 40% perMarshalls Wallpapers, one of the oldest and today annum in recent years,” said Rohit Gupta ofa name synonymous with wallpapers in India. Elementto, a leading Mumbai based player, whichThus, the opinions on market size amongst deals only in premium & luxury segments.industry players vary between Rs. 200 Crore to Rs. Marshalls, the market leader also reports an1,000 crore. average of 30% annual growth. Chandresh Parekh,And what are the most popular price points in Director, Wall King, is even more bullish aboutIndia? About 70% of India's wallpaper sales come market growth in India. “I feel the Indian wall paperin the retail price band of Rs. 60 to Rs. 150 per market will grow by over 100% every year. Wesquare foot, according to industry sources. ourselves are experiencing an average growthRemaining comes from higher price segments between 50 to 60% per annum.” With such high growth, what direction is the market taking? “Indian wallpaper market is very unorganised. There is a big influx of cheap Chinese and Korean wallpapers. Organised sector companies have started entering this field in India only in the last couple of years, which should certainly help the industry grow. For a long time, Marshalls has been the only organised player,” says Karan Sharma, Director, Marshalls Wallpaper. Tamim Mandsaurwala, Director, Excel Wallpapers,70 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Focusthese countries. It is our responsibility as an importer the country, simply on quality grounds,” sharesto ensure that right quality of wallpaper is supplied to Manish Singhvi, Director, Spaarsh India Pvt. Ltd.the consumer,” advocates Karan Sharma. and adds further, “though it may be technically possible to produce the premium range in India, the cost of production for the same is very high, making it uncompetitive.” Wallpapers versus paints “Since our products are different from the ones available in the market, discerning consumers are increasingly preferring them over the regular ones.” Gaurav Bhatia Kazage LifestylesExquisite designs by Elementto Lifestyles Do wallpapers really compete with conventional wall paints? “Not really,” asserts Rohit Gupta,Each brand has its style which emerges from the and clarifies further, “While textures in interiorcountry of origin. Italian products are totally different wall paints are limited to 7 or 8, wallpapersGerman ones. Similarly, American wallpapers are offer thousands of innovative designs anddistinguished from Korea in terms of quality or textures in categories like vinyl, non-woven, papermanufacturing technique. For example, USAwallpapers are pure paper products whereas Innovative hand crafted leather Wallpanel by Kazage LifestylesGerman are blown vinyl based and Italy makessolid vinyl products. backed, fabric backed, natural wallpaper and silk bonded.” Besides, while paints generallyChinese products retail between Rs. 10 to Rs. 80 cost much lesser and are used as a baseper square foot, Korean between Rs. 25 to Rs. 300 finish for the walls; wallpapers are relatively moreand European wallpapers sell between Rs. 90 to expensive and have a high wall decorationRs.1500 per square foot. Current import duty in element. More differences are cited by TamimIndia is 30%. of Excel. “Wallpaper are faster to install, are odourless and do not create mess. WallpapersAccording to industry sources, in India's overall add character to the wall they are used on.wallpaper imports, China has a share of 40%,Korea 20% Europe 25%, USA 10% and others 5% 71 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016in India's wallpaper imports. And what is theaverage size of operations for an Indian wallpapermarketer? Even today, the biggest players, whichyou can count on fingers, would not have achievedindividual annual turnovers of Rs. 20 to 30 crore.Besides, about 30 to 35 players do a sales ofaround Rs. 10 crore per annum. Rest of the marketis catered by very small, marginal, regional players.
Art is in the WeaveOrganizer:
Export Handmade Carpets India retainsglobal leadershipIndia has an unchallenged global leadership in combinations with wool and silk. Indian weavers handmade carpets with an impressive 38% are quick to respond to diverse design & product share in world exports. Unique designs and needs. That is why, despite severe competition,skilful hand-knotting, hand tufting and hand Indian handmade carpets continue to enjoyweaving leave international consumers simply in increasing demand awe. No wonder India has managed to increase In an exclusive interview with Mr. Kuldeep Rajits exports for the fifth year in a row, despite Wattal, Chairman, Carpet Export Promotionsluggish market conditions. In FY 2014-15 India's Council reveals the latest international markethandmade carpet exports went up by a healthy scenario for Indian handmade carpets to Home17% over the last year. Fashion Editor, Arun Roongta.Carpet Export Promotion Council (CEPC) hasplayed a key role in establishing this lead over the Kuldeep Wattal, Chairman, Carpet Export Promotion Councillast two decades through consistent effortstowards skill development, market promotions and HF: What is the current position of India's carpetfulfilling Corporate Social Responsibility. It regularly exports?runs several projects towards education, health, KW: Inspite of many ups and down in internationalsocial welfare and social infrastructure in clusters markets, 2015 was a steady year for us. Problemslike Bhadohi, Mirzapur, Varanasi. CEPC also acts as like migrants from Syria etc. have disturbeda catalyst among international buyers, Indian economic sentiments in Europe. Other regionalexporters, Government and the carpet weavers. economic and political problems too haveLast year, handmade Carpets earned India foreign adversely impacted our carpet exports. Butexchange worth USD 1.38 billion. Over 2 million demand in USA has picked up, increasing itsrural artisans, including women, are employed by share in our exports up to 43.84% from 35%. Thisthis sector. set off the decline in European share, enabling usDespite stiff competition from machine made to maintain our export growth at 10-12%, whichcarpets and other floor coverings like woodenflooring, vinyl, marbles, ceramic tiles and syntheticalternatives, Indian handmade rugs & carpets arepreferred by discerning consumers for their cosy,warm feeling, unique textures, colours, designsand materials. Handmade carpets supportsustainable, environment-friendly economicmovement too.India offers unique carpets and rugs in blends likecotton-jute, jute-wool silk-blends and other 77 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Exportconsidering the market conditions, must be Chinese people really like them. From just oneconsidered healthy. During FY 2015-16, we shall trade fair participation, we are increasing to 6 or 7meet the target of Rs. 10,000 crore, which is much trade shows in China. Response from the trade andhigher than Rs. 8,441.95 crore in FY 2014-15. consumers is tremendous, which is the firstThough demand for some of our regular items like requirement to succeed in a large market likeshaggy, Indian carpet exports has slackened, we China. We need to create more awareness forare doing better than our competitors. India has a which Government of India support is also required.highly diversified product range priced from USD HF: What kind of support?10 to USD 1,000 per square meter, which can all KW: Primarily in product promotion. For example,market segments- low, middle and high. With in organising exclusive Indian carpet shows insuch varied price and product options, it is easier China, putting up promotional road shows toto sustain our export growth as some products are explain unique features of Indian carpets. Thesealways in demand. This year, low-priced (USD 25- can be part of larger Indian cultural and country40 per square meter) products like hand-tufted promotion activities in China. We need tocarpets have done well. showcase that Indian carpets are world-classHF: How is Chinese market emerging? products, with excellent price and value for money.KW: Chinese are very fond of hand-knotted or HF: Where does India's share stand in worldhandloom carpets, as they give real handmade market?feel. Wool and cotton handloom carpets have KW: It remains at 37-38%. We are optimistic toboosted our exports to China. The Chinese increase it further.particularly admire Laurie Baft and geometrical HF: Do you see a major impact of the Middle-Eastdesigns. But they do not like carpets with backing crisis like Syria on India's carpet exports?which give a machine-made look. KW: Crisis like wars and instability always cause aWith more aggressive marketing in China, concern in any market and their impact definitelydemand for Indian carpets can grow bigger and percolates down on the people. They startfaster. Despite big potential, very high import duty worrying about the basics and lose focus on luxuryof 35% is hampering business in China. Indian items like carpets. So, some impact would beGovernment needs to resolve this with its Chinese there.counterpart. HF: Are Far-Eastern countries like Korea, Taiwan,HF: And what about Middle-East Asia? Thailand, Indonesia and Australia emerging asKW: Middle-East as a market has been stable. markets?Demand is primarily for classic oriental and silk KW: We have preferential trade agreements withcarpets. With Iran's production going down, India most of them. For example we have CEPA withis becoming more popular here. It has both Korea and Japan. We are even allowed duty freequantity and price advantage over Iran, leading to export in some countries, yet their imports are notincreased demand for fine Indian silk rugs. In value going up.terms, this market has been stable, which under HF: What about African and Latin American countries?current conditions is a good achievement. KW: Latin America can be a big consumer ofHF: In 2015, which countries contributed to export Indian carpets, but at 35-38%, import duties aregrowth? very high, increasing the landed cost for buyers. IfKW: Germany and USA continue to be the biggest import duties become realistic, potential for exportmarkets for India. UK is important, but holds only in these countries is good.10th or 11th position. HF: How much is the import duty in other countries?I think China will acquire second or third position KW: It is much lower. 8% in Europe. About 6% tosoon from its current 10th or 12th position. We have 8% in USA.just started promoting Indian carpets in China. HF: What about Turkey? It was emerging as a big78 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Export DomotexHigh Relevance for IndiaDomotex in Hanover is the most important design and colour trends, new techniques,annual global trade show for rugs, carpets and materials and technologies with currentfloor covering industry, where designers, international perspective. In a way Domotexmanufactures, importers, wholesalers and unfolds the next buying season for Indianretailers from all over the world converge for exporters, while allowing our manufacturers totheir annual meeting and business discussions. unveil their latest creations to the worldFrom India's perspective, it is the largest simultaneously.exhibiting country at Domotex, which is welljustified as it offers one of the most diverserange of handmade carpets in the world andcommands the highest 38% share of the worldmarket.Domotex allows Indian carpet & floor coveringmanufacturers and exporters to not only interactand transact business with the buyers from allover the world, but also understand the latestmarket and product trends, upcoming fashion,market for the last few years? machine-made carpets as well?KW: Though Turkey was a big importer, its buying KW: Some of them are. But only to cater to thereduced suddenly as import duty on hand-knotted domestic demand. But for exports, there is nocarpets was increased form 8% to an obnoxious production of machine made carpets. As India50%! doesn't have much production of machine madeToday, import duty structure is a major hiccup in carpets, lot of cheap machine-made carpets aremarkets like Latin America, Turkey, China and also being imported. But in the international market,Russia. This can be resolved only with Indian India is clearly known for handmade carpets only.Government support Those who desire hand-made ones, prefer toHF: Does India import carpets too? depend on Indian manufacturers, as Indian isKW: Only machine made carpets. But there is no amongst the best and cheapest in the world in thiscompetition between hand-made and machine category. That is why we have such a large (38%)made carpets as buyers are different for both. share of global handmade carpet market!HF: What is the share of handmade carpets in HF: But why can't we export machine made carpetsoverall global carpet consumption? too, in addition to the handmade ones, if the marketKW: Only about 10-12%. for machine made ones is so large?HF: Why such a low share? KW: At least for now it looks difficult for IndiaKW: Because in the contract and projects markets for several reasons. First of all we have no costmostly machine made carpets are popular. These or any other strategic advantage in this segment.segments are the major carpet buyers in the world. For example, Turkey is one of the biggest exporterHandmade carpets are more the pieces of art and of machine-made carpets to Europe. It hascraft, which are asked by the discerning buyers. duty free access in that market. Others'They are long lasting too! products will attract 8% import duty. EvenHF: Are Indian manufacturers switching over to countries like Iran buy big quantity from 79 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
ExportTurkey. There again they enjoy favourable trade demand and supply situation for silk carpets interms.We do not have raw material for machine Kashmir is quite balanced. There is no disruption inmade carpets, which we have to import from regular production and hence the situation is healthy.counties like Turkey. So on one hand we have to HF: What is the status of the Training Programmeimport raw material and on other hand face import for carpet weavers started by the Council recently?duty on finished goods. Besides, distances to the KW: CEPC took a very big initiative last year,markets are longer. How can we stand such a beginning with Jayapura, which is from Primecompetitive scenario? Minister Narendra Modi's constituency. We started training local women of that village in carpetHF: What about Belgium? weaving in their own places. In due course, theKW: Belgium is today more or a producer for training programme was further expanded tocarpet making machinery rather than being a Bhadohi, Mirzapur and other areas under theproducer for machine-made carpets. Cluster Development Scheme of Ministry ofHF: Where do you see the demand trend going for Textiles, Government of India. By now we havehandmade carpets in the next one year, especially successfully opened 121 Training Centres. Eachin terms of products and designs? batch trains 12 trainees, 70% of the trainees areKW: Abstract designs are a major trend. People women.have been buying oriental designs for quite some We are very happy that these trained workers aretime and certainly seek a change now. In terms of getting linked to the industry through CEPCmaterials wool and viscose blends and pure immediately on completion of their training. Theviscose will be preferred over pure wool. This is results so far are very encouraging. We have beenbecause the younger generation prefers the able to create additional job opportunities for ruralfashion elements like shine, resilience and women on one hand and fill the gap of workerstrength of viscose. They do not want very long shortage for the industry to some extent.lasting, but bright, trendy and cheaper floor Handmade carpets primarily work on eithercoverings, which they can change frequently. Oriental designs or abstract designs. GeometricPopularity of polyester based, hand tufted shaggy designs are not so popular in handmade carpets.carpets is being replaced in the last 2-3 years by India has several large carpet weaving clusterswool-viscose items, which are popular in both with specialities of their own. This makeshand-made and handloom categories. the country an excellent source for a diversifiedIn terms of pile and thickness, trend remain the range of carpets.same as before, but colours, designs and Bhadohi-Mirzapur belt is the most importantmaterials are in for a change. cluster, where the entire economy revolves aroundHF: What is the current situation with Kashmir, carpet weaving. Looking at the size and importanceespecially with its silk carpets? of carpet weaving in these centres, they have beenKW: Silk carpet production is quite stable. With given special status under Government of India'sneither a surplus nor a scarcity of goods, the Cluster Development Scheme. Panipat is another major producer of floor coverings today. It has grown from Rs. 300 crore to Rs. 3,000 crore, which is a significant jump in a few years. Panipat makes all kinds of carpets and floor coverings, but is especially very good with hand tufted carpets and bath mats. I would rank it as second most important carpet centre in India after Bhadohi-Mirzapur belt near Varanasi. Jaipur is the third important production centre, followed by Kashmir and Agra.80 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Infinitely wide range of hand-made rugs & carpets reflect exquisite crafts andcultural richness of Indian civilization over centuries. India consistently remainthe world's largest exporter of hand-made carpets, with highest share in theglobal market.Ever since the art of carpet weaving was introduced in Kashmir in the 15thcentury, India's carpet weaving skills have been widely acknowledged the worldover. Today, hand weaving of carpets in India is a thriving cottage industry,employing over 2 million people. Passed on from generation to generation intraditional carpet weaving families, the occupation is today firmly rooted inVaranasi, Bhadohi, Mirzapur, Gopiganj & Sitapur. Other leading carpet weavingcentres are Agra in UP; Srinagar in Kashmir, Jaipur and Bikaner in Rajasthan;Panipat in Haryana and Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh.Hand-made rugs from India are woven in different varieties, which are inspiredby cultures, lifestyles and creative skills of various countries, eras andcivilizations. They enjoy an increasing demand amongst discerning buyeracross the globe.Carpet Export Promotion Council (CEPC), plays a key role in connectinginternational buyers with Indian carpet exporters by creating varied sourcingopportunities in India and other countries. Rugs of India is a brand promoted byCEPC, which today stands synonym with Indian handmade carpets.This feature sponsored by CEPC brings an overview of Indian carpet exportscenario, key production centres and the latest innovations introduced by Indiain handmade carpets.
India: A Global Leader in Handmade CarpetIndia is today a clear leader in the international the fifth year in a row. In FY 2014-15 they grewhandmade carpet market. Even after a by 17% over the last year. This clearly indicates thecommanding share in global exports, the country growing popularity of the country's handmademanaged to increase its exports consequently for carpets worldwide. India's handmade carpets & floor coverings exportsExport value (US $ Million) 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15Key markets and potential dynamic market where economy is doing well. American consumers simply love handmadeIndia exports rugs & carpets to over 70 countries, Indian rugs. Latin American countries like Brazil,including USA, Germany, Canada, U.K., Australia,South Africa, France, Italy, Brazil…and of late Major markets for India's carpet exportsChina. 25.01%USA with 43.84% share followed by Europe with31.15% share (Germany, UK, France being 43.84% USAleading importers) are traditionally the biggest Europeand established markets for Indian carpets.Europe however, seems to be stagnant today, with Rest ofno sign of revival in demand, forcing exporters to the Worldfind new markets. Scandinavian Countries havean unexplored potential to be tapped. CEPC has 31.15%also identified some thrust countries for thispurpose. Chile, Argentina and Colombia have a large unexplored potential. Brazil in particular has largeDespite holding the biggest share in Indian carpet population and good demand, but the importexports, USA still promises some growth. It is a82 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
duties need to become more rational.Popularity of handmade carpets is also becomingstronger in South-East and Far-East Asia.Countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia andKorea have potential that needs to be explored. 83 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Key varieties Indo Persian Originating from Iran, Silk Indian silk carpets are highly Persian rugs and carpets are woven in India since 16th valued among the world's most Century These carpets are discerning carpet buyers and usually hand knotted and use a weavers alike. Also very often number of motifs in their design structure. Their design source is referred to as Kashmiri carpets, primarily flowers, plants, these pure silk rugs have their culture, folklore and royal lifestyles. Weaving Persian original style with respect to color, carpets is a complex laborious quality, design and durability. process. A single carpet can These exquisite creations are take from a few weeks up to a year to complete, depending on hand-knotted on warp threads, the design, fineness of knots, one at a time, in accordance to a quality and size. Major strict code of colors; in the order production centres for Persian of their appearance in the pattern. rugs in India are carpet districts around Varanasi including Silk carpets are very rich, Bhadohi-Mirzapur-Gopiganj. traditional, aristocratic, and yet Other centres include highly refined in terms of designs. Shahjahanpur, Jaipur and Agra. More the number of knots per square inch, greater is their value and durability. Known to last for generations, they hold their value or even appreciate over time. They are uniquely produced all over Kashmir in India. 84 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Hand tufted In these exotic rugs a Wool & Silk combination of silk and wool is used to create magnificent designs. They are popular amongst discerning buyers as they are richer than wool and more cost efficient than pure silk rugs. In Silk Flower carpets, silk is used to accentuate the floral designs in the pile while the base is woven with woollen yarn. Silk Flower carpets are also considered to be modern versions of Persian carpets and promise a combination of affordability and aesthetic appeal. Regions where these carpets are made in India are Jaipur and Agra. Hand tufting is the most common method of manufacturing rugs & carpets today for reasons of design, speed and cost. Created with use of hand-held tufting tools, hand tufted carpets have reputation for being sturdy and wearing well over period of time. Several popular styles of these rugs make use of comfortable pile created by tufting process. Base material use to produce tufted rugs is a pre-woven cloth, usually canvas that provides a strong base and makes them much more economical than hand-knotted carpets. Major centres for tufted carpet production in India are Panipat and Bhadohi. 85 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Ziegler is a unique variety of carpet with historic North West Frontier influence. These unique hand-knotted rugs and carpets are woven from hand spun gazani wool yarn, most often in traditional floral designs. Low pile nearing zero and uneven surface are unique design characteristics of these carpets. They blend well with contemporary decors. Ziegler rugs are most often woven in traditional colours like beige, red, rust and brown, but of late more subdued western are also used to meet the taste of modern urban consumers. In India these rugs are exclusively produced in Agra, the city of Taj Mahal. Ziegler With their increasing concern Recycled for environment and conserving natural resources, consumers all over the world are showing increasing preference for products made through recycling of raw materials, waste, used and discarded products. From fabric, yarn and fiber waste of textiles to used garments, worn out tyres and tubes…a number of such materials are used in India in a highly creative manner to produce rugs, carpets, durries, poofs and floor cushions. “Chindi” rugs from India in this category have been world famous for decades.86 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Contemporary Indian carpet weavers have Kilim been constantly evolving their design and weaving skills to suit the taste and lifestyle of contemporary consumers. Today they weave a variety of abstract designs, graffiti, geometric designs, portraits to designs inspired from information technology, contemporary fashion statements like washed denim, worn out look and muted pastels and florals in wool, viscose, cotton, silk, jute, coir, polypropylene and their blends. The origin of Kilim rugs has been traced as far back as the fourth millennium BC. Kilims are produced by tightly interweaving the warp and weft strands of the weave to create a flat surface with no pile. Most kilim weaves are \"weft-facing\", i.e., the horizontal weft strands are pulled tightly downward so that they hide the vertical warp strands. Made from wool or cotton, Kilims have become increasingly collectible in recent years, with quality pieces commanding high prices. These rugs are mostly used for home decor or as prayer rugs. In India they are prominently produced in Mirzapur, Rajasthan and Panipat. 87 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Major Centres Kashmir: The carpets made here are known for theirBhadohi: This belt produces typically imbued character andthe maximum number of skilled craftsmanship. Pure Silkcarpets in India. Its carpets, in Carpets made in this region arevarious knots and counts, are highly regarded as collectors'famous for their varied range item and are matchless in design andand designs. This belt craftsmanship. These carpets are woven withspecialises in Woollen hand knotted Persian 324-900 knots per square inch and even moredesign, Indo Nepal, Shaggy, tufted, loom and are generally inspired by Persian designs.knotted, Tibetan carpets, durries and other typesof natural floor coverings. The carpet producing Jaipur: The carpet industry inareas are spread over 1000 sq. kilometres and this belt is well known. Soft backcomprise of many villages and districts in and and Hard back Carpets are higharound Bhadohi. sellers and Jaipur is also known for Wool/Silk flower carpets andAgra: Agra is one of the earliest handspun knotted carpets.carpet producing centres inIndia. The weavers here Major Carpet Producing Centres in Indiaproduce Persian, Turkman andAubussan varieties of carpets. Uttar Bhadohi, Mirzapur, Varanasi, Pradesh Agra, Sonbhadra, Saharanpur,Panipat: Panipat is famed for Sahajanpur, Jaunpur Aurai,the production of Durries, Jammu & Gopiganj, Ghosla, Khamaria, etc;Tufted Carpets and a wide Kashmirrange of floor coverings Baramullah, Pandipura, Leh,including Shaggy Rugs. Anantnag, Badgam, Pulwama, Kupwara,Srinagar & Jammu;Mirzapur: Besides producingregular Hand-knotted and Rajasthan Jaipur, Tonk, Bikaner etc;Hand-tufted Carpets in wool,this belt specialises in manu- Haryana Panipat, Sonepat;facturing Woollen Durries, Kilimsand Loom Carpets. Himachal Dharamshala; Pradesh Baruch;Other Major Centres: Some otherimportant centres that produce Gujarattheir own unique range are:Gwalior is known for Viscose- Andhra Eluru, Warrangal;based Rugs, Kerala produces a Pradeshwide variety of floor coverings with Coir, Coir Jute Puri, Khurda, Nayagarh,and their blends with Rubber and Cotton. West Orissa Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur,Bengal has the largest production of jute in the Dhenkanal;world offers unique Floor coverings, Durries and PunjabKilims made in Jute and Jute/Cotton blends. Amritsar; Madhya Gwalior; Pradesh Danapur, Madhubani, Obra; Bihar Karnataka Bangalore; Pondicherry Pondicherry;88 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Skill Development ProgrammeTraining people to develop specialized skills is an pleasure over the immense progress. He hopedimportant initiative by Government of India, under that these efforts will help in increasing availabilityits new Skill Development Programme. Under this of skilled carpet weavers to the industry.programme, CEPC, on behalf of the Indian carpetindustry, has undertaken a highly focussed carpet Under the “Sab Ka Saath Sab ka Vikas” initiative ofskill development and training programme. Ministry of Textiles, Government of India,CEPC trains women artisans in Jayapur village andits surrounding areas for carpet weaving. Apartfrom providing a free trainer, necessary traininginfrastructure and required raw material, everytrainee also gets a monthly stipend from CEPC.Trained weavers are then linked with major carpetexport houses, who provide them weavingassignments on job work basis. These women CEPC also provides carpet weaving looms andtake yarn home and weave at home in their spare work sheds to these trained artisans of first threetime, thus adding to their incomes. This initiative is batches of Jayapur Village, to make them self-helping the industry make-up, at least partially, for sufficient entrepreneurs.the shortage of skilled weavers, which has been itsmajor worry in recent years. CEPC ActivitiesCEPC as on 31st Dec, 2015 opened 121 Carpet From organizing India Carpet Expo (ICE) inWeaving Training Centres in towns like Jayapur, Delhi and Varanasi every year to organizingBhadohi & Mirzapur, where 1452 artisans, group participation in Indian and internationalespecially women, are being imparted training. trade shows; organizing seminars; undertakingThis will be an ongoing process, which will create market studies; creating new opportunities inmore employment opportunities and also Indian domestic Market and facilitatingeconomically empower the women of these areas. sourcing by wholesalers/ retailers/ international Buying Houses in India and Imparting carpetMr. Virender Singh, Member of Parliament from weaving training in Bhadohi - Mirzapur MegaBhadohi area while on a recent visit to assess the Clusters, undertaking CSR projects likeprogress of these Training Centres expressed education, health, social welfare for carpet weavers and their families; CEPC plays pivotal role in industry and market development for Indian handmade carpet sector. 89 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Update HGH IndiaStrong Connection to Indian MarketIndian Retailers & trade buyers from 398 cities & town across India thronged HGH India to source for their businessIn a matter of 5 years since its inception, HGH from regular exhibitors, 90% of whom will be India has emerged as a trusted trade show for exhibiting again this year, HGH India will also home textiles, home décor, houseware and introduce many new Indian and internationalgifts for both Indian trade buyers and sellers from product categories and suppliers for the first time,India and other countries. within its domain, making it even more exciting for the visitors. Visitors include Indian retailers,HGH India 2016, 5th edition of the annual trade importers, wholesalers, distributors andshow is scheduled for July 1-3, 2016, at Bombay institutional buyers from over 400 cities and townsExhibition Centre, Mumbai, India. Six months across India. Going by the current high interest,ahead of the show date, this edition already number of visitors is expected to go up by aboutpromises to be the biggest ever edition of 25% over the last year's 22,750.HGH India, with several new Indian andinternational exhibitors from countries like Especially designed for the rapidly growing IndianGermany, Italy, France, Belgium, UK, USA, home fashion market connects potential businessAustralia, Turkey, China, Hong Kong, Japan, partners in India with the exhibitors from about 30Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, countries in a focussed business environment.Bangladesh and more. Primary objective of HGH India is to enable Indian and international manufacturers, brands,Besides, many innovations and new products90 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Update Visitor & Exhibitor Growth Increasing Presence of Decision Makers25000 Growth in Visitors Growth in Exhibitors 8000 Total20000 7000 Year Visitors15000 Total Visitors Total Exhibitors 6000 2012 6,200 22750 400 400 5000 2013 10,400 4000 2014 15,650 15650 300 3000 2015 22,750 300 2000 1000 250 0 200 140 100Numbers10000 10400 Numbers 6200 75427834306850805000 5213675580508400 153798761048504 620 624 1183580 186 208 300 455 0 0 250 455 620 117132658050 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 CEO/ Sourcing Buyer/ Business Creative Product Others Year Director Head Merchandiser Development Head Development Headimporters, exporters and distributors connect with Visitors’ Job ProfileIndian department stores, hyper markets, e- growing at 20-25% per annum. Within this, the demand for home textiles, blinds, floor coveringsretailers, specialty retailers, franchisees, and wall papers is increasing by 20% to 30%; for houseware by 15% to 20% and gifts by 10% to 15%boutiques, importers, wholesalers, distributors, per annum.institutional buyers and potential businesspartners. The trade show also enables themshowcase their innovations and new collections Visitors (Businesswise)simultaneously to their existing & potential 1% 5% 3%customers and trade from across India. 6% 3%Since its first edition in 2012, this trade show 4% Agentshas been attracting over 90% of repeat exhibitorsand visitors, year on year, reflecting its strength 8% Retailersas a perfect platform for both sellers and buyers. 13% Distributors/ Wholesalers Corporate Gift Buyers Impor ters 57% E-Retailers Manufacturers/ Expor tersAfter four successful annual editions, HGH Interior DesignersIndia has now firmly established itself as aworld-class, professional, trend setting and Internationalresult-oriented trade show. Scheduled at thebeginning of sourcing season for Indian trade In this huge, but highly diversified market,& institutional buyers, HGH India has maintained connecting with reliable and sustainable businessconsistent growth and high quality of its partners is a major challenge faced by Indian andexhibitors and visitors. international brands and manufacturers. HGH India offers precise solution to this problem inIndian Market categories like home textiles, furnishings, home décor, houseware and gifts. The trade showWith upwardly mobile, young and aspirational connects its exhibitors with top sourcing decisionconsumers with rising income in an economy makers amongst India's established retailers,growing between 7-9% annually, market importers, distributors, wholesalers and agents.opportunities for global as well as Indian marketplayers are never ending. More information on HGH India 2016, scheduled for July 1-3, 2016 can be found online atOverall, the demand for home products in India is 91 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
UpdateGood Results from HGH India 2015HGH India showcases latest innovations in home textiles, furnishing fabrics, home decor, houseware and gifts to the retail trade in Indian marketHGH India 2015 witnessed several high-powered cutlery from Italian brand Rossetti, besides newbrand and product launches, trade schemes and ranges from Harlequin, Casamance, Designersnew campaigns. Hundreds of new designs and Guild, Zimmer + Rohde, Forest, Nachtmann andproducts with innovative features were unveiled many more added to the attraction of the different exhibitors. A major launch by the More than 25 exhibitors from China made theirTrident Group; another by celebrity Chef Sanjeev India debut at the show.Kapoor; a new bed linen line by Dicitex Furnishing New products, design innovations and widerand host of new and innovative collections by the range in existing as well as new sub-categories inexhibitors kept the momentum going throughout home products were showcased by regular andthe three days of the last edition. new exhibitors from India, Italy, Germany, Spain,Products from 28 countries were on display. Belgium, France, UK, Czech Republic, USA,Participation of international brands like Zwiesel Canada, Australia, China, Taiwan, Korea,glassware from Germany, storage-cleaning Thailand, Russia, Jordan, Turkey, Hong Kong,range from Spanish brand Juypal, cookware and UAE and other countries.Home Textiles Association of IndiaHTA General Body Meet during HGH India General Body Meet of the association Jagdish Khandelwal, President of Home TextilesHGH India 2015 is fully supported by Home Association of India said “HTA will focus onTextiles Association of India, the most supporting all schemes and programmes forrepresentative body in India for home textiles and general welfare and business promotion of itsfurnishing retailers. The trade show hosted the members and with our focus on 'Made in India', we want to showcase to our domestic consumers as well that our products are at par with the best in the world. HGH India team deserves credit for the farsighted effort at creating a platform where manufacturers of home products who want to sell in India and Indian retailers-traders who want to source can meet under one roof in a professional environment and transact business.”92 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Update Buyer’s Comments “It is worth doing this show. We got very positive feedback and gained additional sales. In India“This year HGH India show is more diversified there are some styles which are still different, butand evolved in terms of product categories. The we as producers of curtain tracks can also makelighting and service standards are also much new designs to suit the customers here. I reallyimproved. On the very first day impression is all- enjoyed here talking with them, knowing theirround positive.” needs and then coming up with new products especially made for Indian market.” - Vikram Chitnis, Home Stop, Mumbai - Martin Grubener, Bandex Textils, Austria“The show has really grown. I spoke to severalexhibitors and they all want that HGH India “It's a good show, we are participating firstshould take up one more Hall next year so that time in India. There were good number of visitorpresent exhibitors can take up larger space.” enquiries. We look forward to more interactions after the show.” - Suleman Hirani, Darpan Furnishings, Hyderabad - Juan Jose Valor, Juypal Hogar SL, Spain“I have visited HGH India before. The exposure ofcategories we get to see here is of international Indian Exhibitorslevel. I must admit that the show is growing yearafter year. HGH India is very beneficial for us in “Trident is an established global player in theterms of sourcing a large variety and range of Terry Towels. We decided to venture into theproducts at one place.” Indian domestic market last year with our complete range of home textiles catering to all - Hans Udeshi, Max Hypermarket India, Bengaluru segments. We could not think of a better platform than HGH India to do that.”“Whatever product varieties and categorieswe have been wanting to source, a large part - Rajneesh Bhatia, Business Head (Domestic),of it is available at HGH India. We will certainly like Trident Groupto associate in a better way with theshow in future.” “HGH India unites us with all our existing and new customers across India. We get customers - Bhanu Upadhyay, Walmart India, Delhi NCR from organized retail and E-commerce, both. It's one good platform to interact, show everybodyInternational Exhibitors new products and discuss future business. We have been participating from last 3 years in HGH.“Our feedback from HGH India is getting better We continue to do that again.”and better. We are quite happy to see thehigh potential in Indian market and will come - Vaibhav Jain, CEO - Deco Windowhere more and more. This year, the fair is betterorganized and bigger. We see more customers.” “I am very happy to say that HGH India has in a very short span of time created a very nice environment - Wichai Poositranusorn, Managing Director-DKW, and a platform for the industry to not only visit, but Thailand to create a perspective, which is very international in approach. Quality of facilities and positioning of“This show is much more professionally HGH India are things you see when you goorganised than most international trade shows overseas. I am very happy that not only Sanjeevwe have participated in the US and Europe. Our Kapoor brand but Wonderchef and FoodFood ourexhibitors had very good number of visitors on TV channel are associated with HGH India. Thisthe first day itself. We are exhibiting first time in association will keep on growing from here on.”India and the response far exceeds ourexpectation.” - Sanjeev Kapoor, Managing Director, Khana Khazana Pvt Ltd - Zheng Di, CICETE, Ministry of Commerce, China 93 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Review India Carpet Expo Positive Trends forIndian Handmade CarpetsIndia Carpet Expo 2015 (ICE), the 30th edition of Inaugurating the trade show, Dr. Sanjay Kumarthis bi-annual trade show, and 11th in Varanasi Panda, Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Governmentsince 2006: once again brought together several of India, said, “India Carpet Expo has evolvedsmall, medium and large handmade carpet into a large, comprehensive and trend settingexporters from all over India. Carpet weavers from event for International carpet buyers. InnovationsBhadohi, Mirzapur were under high focus. From launched here will become benchmark forjust 103 exhibitors in the beginning, their number carpet trends globally.” Mr. Virender Singh, MP, Bhadohi area found ICE impressive. He hoped1.At India Carpet Expo, Chief Guest Dr. S. K. Panda, (4th from left), Mr. Alok that the industry will further contribute to India'sKumar, (on his left) Mr. J.K. Dadoo, AS&FA, (3rd from right) overall exports and generate employment in ruralMr. K. R. Wattal and COA members. India. “ICE at Varanasi enables India's small and mediumincreased to 303 in this edition, making it the carpet exporters, especially from Varanasi,biggest participation ever. About 345 international Bhadohi, Mirzapur belt, to showcase their latestbuyers from around 50 countries cutting across all range to overseas buyers,” said Kuldeep Wattal,continents visited this edition of ICE. Besides, over Chairman CEPC.276 buyers' representatives and buying officesfrom India were also present for sourcing. Brisk Overview of Indian Carpet Expo 2015, Varanasibusiness activities over 4 days proved highsuccess of ICE as one of the most important “New designs and products are developed by thehandmade rugs & carpets trade shows in Asia, It Indian carpet industry with high frequency. Hence,also reconfirmed India's leadership status in ICE has acquired major sourcing significance forinternational carpet market. major carpet dealers worldwide,” emphasized Mr.Organized by Carpet Export Promotion Council Kuldeep Wattal and added further, “Buyers are(CEPC) with support from Government of India, very satisfied with ICE in terms of product qualityICE resulted in a direct business worth about and designs. CEPC provides comfortableRs. 350 Crore. A large future potential wasalso generated according to CEPC.94 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Reviewinfrastructure to the exhibitors and visitors at very concepts, etc. We focus only on high-end modernnominal cost. We want them to focus on their designs, not traditional and ethnic ones. I can seebusiness, with minimum spending”. a lot of developments from vendors' side this year.” Led by Mr. Wang Bi Rong, Director General BureauMr. Virendra Singh, MP, Bhadohi at the event of Commerce, an 8-member delegation from Yiwu city, China invited by CEPC explored theBuyers satisfied possibility of importing and marketing Indian carpets there. It found the quality of IndianFred Najmi, a North American wholesaler operating handmade carpets very high and felt condentin USA and Canada, fourth time visitor at ICE, said, that they will get very good market response“We could get some new, fresh looks. ICE always in China. Mr. Kuldeep Wattal hoped that throughoffers good products and wide range. Systems such collaborations, China will become a majorhere are getting better and better. Indian carpets destination for Indian carpets.are very popular in USA. 60-70% of our market isdominated by Indian goods in all segments- high, Interested buyers at the event Raj Kumar Lama, Lama Carpet & Handicrafts, Nepal, imports carpets since 1980. A third time visitor to ICE, Mr. Lama found new designs and different concepts. “Products and designs are much better than the last two shows. We found new suppliers who will expand their business in Nepal through us.Enthusiastic buyers at Indian Carpet Expo 2015. Showcasing the new designs at Indian Carpet Expo 2015medium and economy. Another buyer with him Ms. Hospitality is warm and we will keep visitingVitoria commented, “We see good designs, many ICE regularly,” he commented.innovations and new techniques this time. We aremostly looking for tufted range.”Paolo Zani, Art Director, Warli, an Italian designcompany, who regularly visits Varanasi edition ofICE, said, “We come here because 90% of ourcarpets are made in India from different places. Wedon't buy readymade carpets from the suppliers.We come here, look around for new products andinnovations in design, weaving techniques, new 95 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Review MoOd, BrusselsQualitative Values SustainBuyers having qualitative experience trend was still on the rise. Preference was clearly for natural materials and fabrics, with which aMoOD 2015 was all about doing business in a unique look can be created.relaxed and personal atmosphere, right in the Overall the show's business was good, the visitorsheart of Brussels, the capital of the European were of a very high quality and a number of newCommunity. contacts were established. This fair is organized atMoOD and Indigo Brussels Home Edition 2015 exactly the right time of the year. It serves as awelcomed 4,600 visitors from 2,000 companies. wake-up call for everybody, telling them it is time to85% came from Europe, with the UK, Germany, do business again. This is also the time when youFrance, Belgium and the Netherlands on top. Italy, can present 'missing things' in your collection.Spain, Turkey, Scandinavian countries also senthigh visitors. Asia with Japan, South-Korea, China Products of eco trend was on riseand India represented 10%, while the remaining5% hailed from USA.With 87% satisfied exhibitors and 80% positivevisitors, MoOD organisers concluded that theshow is on the right track. Balance between MoODand Indigo was just right as 50% of the visitorsvisited both tradeshows. A British buyer whovisited both MoOD and Indigo called Indigo \"aweapon of mass inspiration\".It was interesting to see at MoOD that how the eco 97 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Review Maison&ObjetCelebrates Design & Innovations AgainOverview of the design oriented show gateways to the overseas export and prescription markets join forces with the development of servicesThe autumn edition of MAISON&OBJET PARIS and events offered by the show to visitors andattracted 66,962 visitors and 3,445 exhibitors. The exhibitors, to better support them as their marketsshow's communications campaigns targeting fluctuate and expand and this development goesexport markets, particularly in Asia-Pacific and hand in hand with the globalization of the home décorPan-American regions, where new shows are market. It provides exhibitors with new businessbeing established, is bearing fruit. European prospects on more distant horizons, specifically in thevisitor numbers also continued to rise. Asia-‐Pacific and Pan-‐American regions, whereNow, four times a year – in Paris in January and MAISON&OBJET is developing its MAISON&OBJETSeptember, Singapore in March and in Miami Beach ASIA and MAISON&OBJET AMERICAS May – MAISON&OBJET will be the tangible Visitors to the show once again enjoyedplatform upon which are united all communities of discovering new designers, brands andinternational design. A deep pool teeming with companies. With 164 additional exhibitors overdiscovery, a crossroads for business, sharing and September 2013 and 650 new exhibitors, thedialogue, unmatched anywhere in the world. show has again proven itself a springboard that,Paralleling the MAISON&OBJET PARIS show was through its environment-‐based organization,the fourth annual Paris Design Week where eight offers tremendous international visibility for bothdays of evening festivities, cocktail gatherings, small designers and the biggest name brands.presentations and events that kept the capital Two new awards were established to supporthumming, uniting more than 120 locations and this new version of the sector and help ensure250 participants. MAISON&OBJET remains the gold-‐standardWith 53% of exhibitors coming from international event for this innovative segment of the décorlocations and 50% foreign visitors, MAISON&OBJET market.continues to draw a growing international audience,with a significant rise in overseas export. These98 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
Review IHGF Delhi fair Autumn 2015Biggest, Boldest, Brightest Handicrafts DisplayBuyers to experience the show countries worldwide. Inaugurated by Mr. Santosh Kumar Gangwar,IHGF Delhi Fair-Autumn 2015, 40th edition, Minister of Textiles, Government of India, thisorganized by the Export Promotion Council for edition was the biggest ever and hosted 2,800Handicrafts, at the India Expo Centre & Mart, exhibitors in 15 well-spread sectors. The trade fairprofiled 15 show sectors from India's versatile expanded significantly in all categories.handicraft sector. Aptly timed for 2016 order An array of innovations with varied inspiration,placing as well as Spring Summer 2017 sourcing, processes and materials in art metal ware, EPNSIHGF concluded on a highly successful note for ware, wood carvings, furniture & accessories,both exhibitors and visitors. glassware, fashion jewellery and accessories,Products displayed from India's various regions hand-printed textiles, shawls, houseware,represented unique local culture, native uses and decorative, gifts and general handicrafts werecraft techniques that have been practiced from unveiled by the exhibitors to over 6,000generation to generation. About 75% of the international buyers coming from 110 countries.handicraft products manufactured in Indiaembellish homes and lifestyles in over 80 99 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
ReviewA major shift in approach of IHGF this year was retailers. This saved time for domestic buyers into throw the fair open officially for the first reaching out only companies interested intime to volume domestic Indian retail buyers, domestic market which were identified by SR signe-commerce portals, interior designers and displayed on their booths.architects. Indian retail is one of the most dynamic and rapidly growing industries, where a number of new entriesCreative sourcing solutions are also taking place. It accounts for over 10% of the country's GDP and around 8% of theWide sourcing options with new dimensions in employment in India. India's retail market isdesigns and materials cutting across modern, expected to reach US$ 1 trillion by 2020 from US$classic and ornate trends in furniture and furniture 600 billion in 2015. Besides, India is one of theaccessories in pure wood, pure metal and their fastest growing e-commerce markets in the world,combinations were available. In lighting, range riding on robust investments in the sector and its e-extended from elegant beaded crystal chandeliers commerce business is likely to reach US$ 100 billion by 2020.Authentic decoratives displayed at IHGF Woodware Garden décorwith chic details alongside those with rustic finishand wall lights, scones and lamps in extensive With the theme of garden and outdoors gainedvariety for every individual's choice. prominence in the home lifestyle sector,Home textiles offered seemingly endless delight to manufacturers from Jodhpur, Jaipur, Delhi NCR,the buyers through myriad warps & wefts, blends Saharanpur have lined up varied choices for the& combinations, textures & finishes. An eclectic category and IHGF participants from Chennai,mix of customised and innovative decoratives & Kolkata, Agra, Mumbai etc. have tuned ingifts offer variety alongside premium products to hammocks, garden accessories and ornaments tosuit contemporary demands. suit their major export markets.Expressions of art and culture with an eclecticrange of sophisticated bath products, natural Enthusiastic buyer feedbackhandmade cleansers in assorted fragrances,designer handmade candles, potpourri and exotic IHGF Delhi Fair witnessed high level of activity foraromatherapy spa and wellness products. buyers with several new contacts and high degreeWith the presence of leaders like ebay, flipkart and of innovations by their regular vendors. BuyersShopclues, seminars on e-retail hosted by IHGF liked the increase in number of exhibitors withevoked excellent response. clearly demarcated halls as it increased their options and yet made sourcing easier in terms ofSR coding identifying a product location. Buyers felt that the new format of the fair gave them wider choices andTo facilitate sourcing by domestic buyers, EPCH yet saved their time and energy. Over 2800provided SR coding/marking to exhibitors who exhibitors, artisans and designers share tradewere interested in supplying goods to Indian platform with buyers from 110 countries. Impressive number of buyers came from USA, China, UK, Brazil, Australia, Germany, Japan, Italy, CIS countries, Greece and LAC regions. Most of them had positive comments for the show and were keen to come again. Buyers were excited to see the innovations and freshness in the products and appreciated the hospitality extended to them. Domestic buyers too were highly impressed with the variety of products.100 HOME FASHION - JAN - MAR 2016
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