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Home Explore Burst eBook -2

Burst eBook -2

Published by caroline, 2020-08-17 03:53:38

Description: Burst eBook -2


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6 WINNING BEGINNER MARKETING STRATEGIES Create your 'Back to Business' Written By plan today with CAROLINE LATUS £0 budget!

TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE 3 About  PAGE 4 Introduction PAGE 5 Strategy 1 | Discovery Discover the full details of your business and fully embrace, with a passion, why you are HERE. PAGE 8 Strategy 2 | Fall in Love Yes, I do actually mean fall in LOVE! PAGE 12 Strategy 3 | Website Having a website is an obvious component of a marketing plan for a new business, right? But it doesn’t need to be 10 pages, and you can be really savvy with the cost too. PAGE 15 Strategy 4 | Value Based Marketing PLEASE don’t switch off here just because I’ve mentioned a Marketing term… I want to help you understand and use this strategy – this is your golden ticket to GROW your customer data base, TRUST ME! PAGE 21 Strategy 5 | Leverage Social Media Social Media.. where do I start? PAGE 25 Strategy 6 | Engaging emails The final stage to help you see exponential growth… PAGE 28 Resource List

HELLO, I'M CAROLINE I’m a highly motivated Marketing Manager with over 17 years’ experience working in various industries from information technology, railway, automotive and now Health. I love new tech and strategies that help educate my clients on ways to l benefits of employing new techniques to enhance their media platforms. I’m also obsessively results driven to ensure all my clients activities are executed with exceptional ROI.   Back in November of 2016 I decided to take the leap and start my own business Burst Creatives. I had just got married to my amazing supporting Husband Will in September, and he’s the one who encouraged me to step into the unknown of running my own business at the airport of our honeymoon. Now we all know start-up companies struggle in their first years, and in fact only 57.6% of businesses started in 2013 were gone by 2018. In other words, fewer than half of UK start- ups make it beyond 5 years! Well here I am almost in my 5th year of business, along with two babies and a world pandemic – My business is stronger than ever! Want to know my secret? Well you’re in the right place!  I hope this eBook lights a fire in your belly to kick start your marketing plan with my 6 easy to follow strategies that won’t break the bank!   Best, CAROLINE LATUS WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 03

INTRODUCTION Are you struggling to grow your customer database?  Scratching your head on how to grow sales? With NO or a very limited marketing budget?   We’ve all been there when starting out as a small business; it’s hard to focus on what to prioritise and where to start…  One of my passions is to help new businesses grow and develop. Over the past couple of years, since I’ve started my own marketing agency, I’ve helped a number of start-up businesses to kick start their business and seen excellent results.   I want to help more businesses, especially during times of uncertainty with the current Coronavirus situation, so I decided to expand my reach to help others in the form of an eBook detailing the exact strategies I currently use with my clients to grow their businesses.  The 6 strategies in this book are easy to follow yet POWERFUL and with the resources included will help you on your way to unlock thousands of new potential customers and ultimately grow SALES.   Follow these 6 simple strategies and you’ll reach more customers than you can handle without spending a penny. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 04

STRATEGY 01 DISCOVERY Discover the full details of your business and fully embrace, with a passion, why you are HERE. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 05

DISCOVERY Discover the full details of your business and fully embrace, with a passion, why you are HERE. Now you may think, ‘why should I do this?’  ‘I know my business and products/services inside out’, ‘this is silly’ and ‘ I don’t want to waste my time’ PLEASE don’t shrug this stage off!   This is fundamental knowledge to have in your back pocket and will unlock constant underlying themes throughout all your marketing and business activities. This is called your ‘Red Thread’ to build messaging for everything you do from website, blogs, social media and even eBooks.  To help you kick start your journey I’ve created a template ‘Discovery Board’ to use in Trello, sign up today for FREE, and simply copy the board to get started!   Remember to COPY the board template before working on this! 1.Select 'Show Menu' on the right 2.Click on MORE  3. Half way down the page it says 'Copy Board' WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 06

DISCOVERY Trello is a fantastic tool I use daily to organise and prioritise my projects, plus I use this platform to collaborate with clients too.  The more detail you provide for a single product or service within your ‘Discovery Board’ will help you to unravel the full descriptions, Top Unique Selling Points (USPs), Top Objections (why your customers don’t commit to buy) and inform the all-important competitors analysis.  The key information within this board is the liquid gold core of your business that will shape the content for ALL your marketing materials like your website, leaflets and social media content. ACTIONS TO COMPLETE: 1.Sign up to 2.Download and Copy the 'Discovery Board' template for your own personal use. 3. Start detailing your products and fill out your 'Discovery Board' - Have fun remembering why you are in business in the first place. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 07


FALL IN LOVE Yes, I mean fall in love!! Give your dream customer a name and start to date them… Get to know all of their hopes, dreams and what they fear the most. They too will be dating you in the next section.   BUT first, I want to give you something you have been waiting for… You’re here to find out how to unlock your full potential and reach more customers than ever before, RIGHT??  Well, here it is in a nutshell; my bet is that you’re only selling to the top 3% of these potential dream customers who are in buying now stage 1 of the Buyers’ Pyramid… Buyers Pyramid | Illustrates the 4 stages of buying behaviour 01 | 3% Buying 02 | 17% Information Gathering BREAK THROUGH 03 | 20% Problem Aware Stage 2 & 3 of the Buyers Pyramid is an easy 37% target audience to start engagement with to unlock more Sales £££ 04 | 60% Not aware they have a problem YWOWU RWWWO R. BK BUOROSKT C R E A T I V E S . C O M P AA GG EE 0095

FALL IN LOVE Imagine unlocking the lowest 3 stages of the Buyers Pyramid and moving them up into the next stage – OMG what a BREAKTHROUGH that would be to unlock a further 97% SO - WHAT and HOW are you going to reach the other 97% of your potential customers?? This is where the dating analogy comes into play, and you will need to install a process that will: 1.     Provide Attraction  2.     Educate on problem solving 3.     Nurture your relationship with the best advice in your niche  4.     Get the full 97% of your potential dream customers to act by calling you  I will talk in more depth about how to apply the process in the next couple of stages.  For the final part of this second strategy I’ve created a ‘Dating Card’, again using a Trello board to keep everything all in one place. This will crack open the three top significant details to help you take your understanding of your dream customer to the next level.  WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 10

FALL IN LOVE In the ‘Dating Card’ the three core pillars you will need to gather information on are: 1.     Hopes, Dreams & Desires 2.     Pains and Fears  3.     Barriers & Uncertainty   The ‘Dating Card’ will be like a speed dating card, ask quick short fiery questions, fill in the answers that will help to know every little detail about your customer on the card. The more in- depth you go, the better knowledge you will have to leverage in the next strategic steps.. ACTIONS TO COMPLETE: 1.Study the Buyers Pyramid page 09 2.Download and Copy the 'Dating Board Card' template for your own personal use. 3. Start your in-depth journey on discovering your dream customer and complete the 'Dating Card' WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 11

STRATEGY 03 WEBSITE Having a website is an obvious component of a marketing plan for a new business, right? But it doesn’t need to be 10 pages, and you can be really savvy with the cost too. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 12

WEBSITE Nowadays you can create a single So, without knowing it you have already done page website with all the information the hard work by filling out your ‘Discovery you need to attract your customers. If Board’ and the ‘Dating Card Board’. You have at we think about the dating mindset, your fingertips full descriptions, USP’s of your this is your opportunity to create the product/service, and you know your customers’ best first impression when a needs and motives to buy.   customer arrives at your website; this is your first date, and your aim is to For new businesses with a limited budget I create initial attraction!  would recommend WordPress to create a simple single page website.  I've created a easy All the information about you, and your guide template for you to layout and design a company can be easily displayed on a single page website that covers all the single page with clear and concise information you need. sections.  Single Page Structure Template Includes:  1. Introduction/About (Describe why you have created this business, your passion & vision for the future) 2.What & Why your offering is different to competitors (provide your top USPs) 3.Product/Service section with buy now options (use the product & service description within your ‘Discovery Board’)  4. Offers 5.Social Proofing (previous customer reviews)  6.A strong Call to Action (CTA) that leads into a contact form (create a solution headline to overcome a barrier) WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 13

WEBSITE I highly recommend WordPress websites to virtually ALL my clients, because it’s an easy and user friendly content management tool they can use themselves to save money on amendments and changes. WordPress has great features and accompanied plugins to ensure you can use search engine optimisation too.   The cost of hosting websites can be paid on a monthly or annual basis and pricing can start at as little as £5 per month depending on hosting packages.   Designing the website can be the expensive part, however one of the benefits of using WordPress is that there are hundreds of free templates you can choose from to have a go and create your own. Some theme templates have drag & drop editors to make it easier for you to use to build pages.   Don’t forget to add your personality into the brand and website. Create inspiring images, embrace your passion to deliver and, importantly, be authentic. ACTIONS TO COMPLETE: 1.If you have a website, study the page and ask yourself is the current structure working? Can it work harder to gain NEW customers? 2.Download the website structure template and create a new fresh content with your Discovery & Date Card Trello boards. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 14

STRATEGY 04 VALUE BASED MARKETING PLEASE don’t switch off here just because I’ve mentioned a Marketing term… I want to help you understand and use this strategy – this is your golden ticket to GROW your customer data base, TRUST ME! WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 15

VALUE BASED MARKETING First of all, do you have a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool? Don’t worry if you don’t, or don’t have the budget for one..  I work with HubSpot for my own company and recommend them to all my start up clients too.  HubSpot is one of THE best online software’s for Marketing and Sales around. It is FREE of charge for the basic tools to get you started; and includes the following. Contact/Submission forms      Contact management       Contact website activity      Email marketing List segmentation  Ad management HubSpot will help you grow your customer database to up to 1000 new contacts before they introduce a monthly charge – how good is that? You now have access to a FREE CRM tool to collate your new customers via submission forms for marketing campaigns and emails to help nurture your relationships.    So where does the Value Based Marketing come in?? Now you have your CRM tool you can start to build a strategy to attract new customers and collate their details for you to nurture. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 16

VALUE BASED MARKETING Let’s explore of the ‘First Date’ and ‘Attraction’ element of the dating analogy I mentioned in the previous strategies…  how will you attract the 37% of your new easy to convert target audience from stages 2 &3 of the ‘Buyers Pyramid’ to entice them to make a purchase?   Provide a valuable piece of content, which your customer wants,  for FREE!  Create an eBook or a case study about a problem they face and how to overcome it with your product or service offering. Everyone is doing it… and now you know why!!   We all love getting something for FREE… especially if it’s something that will solve an issue we have. Don’t forget you have to hand ALL the pain points of your dream customer from your ‘Dating Card’ and you also know how to overcome them by using the Top USPs of your offering from the ‘Discovery Board’.   You can now turn this golden information into a problem solving eBook, or a case study of previous work to help attract customers who are in the stages of ‘Stage 2 | Information Gathering’ & ‘Stage 3 | Problem Aware’.   WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 17

VALUE BASED MARKETING Once the eBook/case study is created you will need to put in place a data capture flow to ensure you capture all the important leads from your potential new customers downloading your content. Create the below lead generation data capture tactical process:  1.Design the eBook/case study to be eye catching 2.Create a new page on your website which is called in marketing terms a ‘landing page’. Build the page to inform and entice your customer to download your free content. This landing page will have its very own URL destination link (e.g The link will be shared on social media and adverts to drive traffic to the landing page.  3.Create a submission form from HubSpot and embed on the landing page 4.Create a flow process, for once the submission form is completed by the customer, they are then directed to a secondary landing page where they can download the eBook/case study immediately.   5.Create a list from HubSpot of all form submissions to follow up with a thank you email, and use this as a prompt for them to make a purchase with further, relevant offerings and call to action!!! The difference between an eBook and Case Study:   An eBook establishes the facts and is an authoritative examination of issues, you can provide your own professional advice and techniques on how to overcome them.   Case studies are examples of your product or service in action. The best case studies focus on a problem that is common among your core audience and how you created a unique solution to this problem. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 18

VALUE BASED MARKETING A fabulous tool I use to design eBooks and social media posts is Canva – it’s completely free to use the basic version. You don’t need to be a graphic designer to use this tool; there are hundreds of templates you can use and adjust. As a bonus I have included a Canva eBook template for you to use to attract your new dream customers target audience. Once you feel like you want more out of Canva you can upgrade to the Pro edition for $15 per month (roughly £12). To help you on your way I have include a 42 page eBook/Case study template to start deigned with canva. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 19

VALUE BASED MARKETING Once the process is complete you can advertise the eBook/case study across your social media platforms for FREE and use the relevant hashtags to encourage and promote further engagement. If you have a marketing budget and are adventurous, for as little as £50 you can get a reach of 5000+ on the Facebook Business Centre tool to promote on both Facebook & Instagram for a 30 day campaign (dependant on target audience selection). Important to note; don’t just stop at one eBook/case study – think about creating a series of high value content to keep connecting with your customers, build their trust and solve their issues. This will help the 60% of your [Stage 4 | Not problem aware] potential customers to move up into another stage of the ‘Buyers Pyramid’ – essentially opening them up to think perhaps I need to pay more attention to this and become a [Stage 3 |Problem Aware] customer. The higher you move this section up the ‘Buyers Pyramid’ the more cash rich you will be!! ACTIONS TO COMPLETE: 1.Get your FREE HubSpot account, set up your CRM! 2.Design your first ultimate lead magnet high value content eBook or Case Study. 3. Create your landing page and set up lead capturing mechanics behind the submission form within HubSpot 4.Advertise either for free on social media platforms or place a small budget to promote posts to gain further reach. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 20


SOCIAL MEDIA Well, we all know it’s a great FREE platform to get your brand and core messages out. Both Instagram and Facebook are the current leaders to expand your customer base, plus now you can link both accounts. So if you post on Instagram, it will automatically post on Facebook too! This applies to both stories and posts, making it easier for you to create content for both platforms, leveraging your time for maximum effect.  But, if you’re anything like me you have limited time to concentrate on this medium and get stuck for ideas to post??   I have an easy, effective solution for you! Using your ‘Discovery Board’ and ‘Dating Card’ on Trello you can start to plan and create ideas to help nurture your current customers and potential customers.   Can you see now how useful these two Trello boards are?  This is your continuous ‘Red Thread’ for content themes. It’s important to keep the content on here updated; as time moves forward circumstances change. Keeping these two boards refreshed will help you plan and create your social media content as well as keeping you focussed on the evolving wants and needs of your customers. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 22

SOCIAL MEDIA I’ve put together another Trello board for Social Media with pillars matching the topics you might want to consider to speak about, plus I’ve included beautiful pastel colour templates for you to use and to stand out from the crowd for the following: 1. Facebook Header picture Canva template  2. 15 Instagram story header Canva templates  3. 18 Instagram unqiue puzzle poster grid Canva templates, also use on Facebook too. 4. A matrix guide on how to post using the templates to create a beautiful Instagram page. 5.Rolling 30 day Social Media Content tactical plan 6.10Page Lead Magnet designed in the same beautiful temaplate WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 23

SOCIAL MEDIA Tailwind’s best feature also offers a BIO-link which will host your Instagram posts and links you would like to include for blogs, eBooks, offers, and competitions. This can be customised to your brand colour, and you have control of the links directly from your dashboard.   There is a tiny monthly cost involved which is $15 a month (roughly £12) – however the time it saves you to schedule ahead of time will be worth every penny! Tailwind also offer a free trial, so you can try it for 30 posts which you can spread over a month. There is nothing to lose if you feel it doesn’t fit your needs. ACTIONS TO COMPLETE: 1. Create your 30day content plan user the 'Rolling 30 day planner' 2. Sign up to a content mangement tool like Tailwind to schdule 3.Design stories & posts with the customisable templates provided 4.Launch your first competition 5.Create an attractive promotional offer 6.Announce your eBook or case study WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 24

STRATEGY 06 ENGAGING EMAILS The final stage to help you see exponential growth…. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 25

ENGAGING EMAILS By now you’re starting to see the growth in your customer database! All the tactical marketing activities are paying off, from creating submission forms on eBooks, case studies, sign up to offers, competitions – so what now? How do I turn these warm leads into purchasing customers?   Remember the Buyers Pyramid? You need to raise the 37% of Stage 2&3 potential customers up to the ‘Buying’ stage. To do this they need to get to know you more intimately and you can do this by forming a relationship via your email marketing campaigns.  One of the best features about working with HubSpot is that you can create segmented contact lists, which will help you formulate your content to your customers and different industries.   Discover – how you required a contact, did they download a particular eBook? So they are aware of the problem you address. You can download the list of contacts who downloaded this book from HubSpot and send them all a blanket but yet personalised email to try to engage them with a simple Call to Action (CTA) to understand their issue. Essentially you are trying to ignite a conversation with your potential customers. Perhaps it was a competition you ran? Now that you have announced the winner don’t lose sight of all those interested individuals who applied; send an email to thank them for their entry and reward them with an irresistible offer.  Create new content for your potential customers to build their trust of your brand. This can be easily done with a monthly newsletter or by releasing a blog directing them to your website. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 26

ENGAGING EMAILS Think more deeply about the touch points of your customers, just like dating when you first have initial contact, it feels warm and fuzzy. With your email campaign strategy you need to strike the right balance of follow up emails to keep reminding new audience with a gentle ‘Hello, we are here to help’ – without bombarding them too much that you scare them away.  Creating the correct email content for the right audience is one of the most powerful tools you have to unlock your 37% of Stage 2 & 3 potential customers. By educating them on how to overcome their fears and making them realise their hopes and dreams can be realised in partnership with yourself, this can generate you a huge growth in SALES!   When you reach the stage of over 1000 contacts within HubSpot you can take the opportunity to upgrade and unlock the email automation – this will change your life! You can set up a series of automatic emails to engage with customers who have reacted to a call to action. I’ve seen huge results using this technique to generate leads for sales teams to call. ACTIONS TO COMPLETE: 1.Download three killer email templates  2. Set up emails to be sent out via HubSpot 3. Start reviwing who is opening your emails and create follow up tasks to close sales. WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 27

RESOURCE LIST Below is the full list of applications you can sign up to and help your business grow! Sign up for Trello, a great space to get organise create lists for teams to work through. Once you've started working on Trello you won't be able to operate without it! Fantastic tool for team callboration! It's FREE!! Every business needs a CRM tool, HubSpot is the best and easy to use. Making this the most powerful tool at your finger tips to collate and engage with your customers. Create your free account now! Free for the first 30 posts, BUT you will full in love with the features to help you promote your business on Instagram and Facebook! Have fun creating BOLD headlines to stand out from the crowd! YWOWU RWWWO R. BK BUOROSKT C R E A T I V E S . C O M PP AA GG EE 2085

WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM TAKE YOUR BUSINESS TO THE NEXT LEVEL JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP; SAVVY MARKETING MUMMY I've set up a brand new Facebook group to help you on your jounery. I know you'll have questions and perhaps you need help to set up your CRM on HubSpot or to use Tailwind. This group is a perfect place to ask questions and get answers from your very own dedicated Marketing Manager! I'll look foward to welcoming you to the group! See you there! JOIN GROUP NOW WWWW.BURSTCREATIVES.COM PAGE 28

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