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Worcestershire's Young Poets Anthology 2023
Each year Worcestershire’s young poets have the opportunity to compete for the coveted title of Worcestershire Young Poet Laureate. Jointly run by Worcestershire County Council Libraries Service and Severn Arts, the poetry competition aims to inspire and encourage children and young people to write and perform poetry, to make their voices heard, and to explore issues that matter to them.

We are delighted to be sharing them with you and celebrating the creative writing talent that is evident within the county.

The competition is judged in three age categories: school years 6, 7, 8, school years 9, 10, 11 and school years 12, 13. A winner is chosen from each category, and one overall winner secures the title of Worcestershire’s Young Poet Laureate. This year, each entrant submitted two poems: one on the subject ‘time’, and the other on a subject of their choice. Those selected to attend the competition final performed their poems to a panel of judges.

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