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Home Explore Community Spirit: Harbury in Lockdown

Community Spirit: Harbury in Lockdown

Published by holly, 2020-09-29 12:00:25

Description: Live & Local: Livingroom is a new creative arts project being run in conjunction with communities across Warwickshire, and was set up as a response to the Covid-19 crisis. The project paired The Word Association CIC with Harbury Village Library and the book that you hold in your hands is the result of their work together.

This anthology is a reflection on the people of Harbury’s experiences during the Covid-19 crisis of 2020. It contains poetry, prose and reports written by Harbury villagers during lockdown. It also features several transcribed conversations between villagers as told to Holly Winter-Hughes. The book concludes with a series of poems that Holly Winter-Hughes wrote in response to her time spent in Harbury and the unique experiences that the villagers shared with her.

This project was supported by Coventry and Warwickshire Creative Health Alliance (Warwickshire County Council), with thanks to Live & Local and Warwick DC.


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COMMUNITY SPIRIT HARBURY IN LOCKDOWN Produced by The Word Association with

INTRODUCTION Live & Local: Livingroom is a new creative arts project being run in conjunction with communities across Warwickshire, and was set up as a response to the Covid-19 crisis. The project paired local communities with professional artists, to undertake a participatory project with a creative outcome. Our Community Interest Company, The Word Association were fortunate enough to be paired with Harbury Village Library and the book that you hold in your hands is the result of our work together. Our vision at The Word Association, was to capture the voices and stories of the Harbury community during lockdown. Richard Fowler at the library proved instrumental in connecting me with villagers who were keen to get involved with the project. We invited participants to write their own poetry and prose in response to the Covid-19 crisis. I provided a pre-recorded workshop session to help spark their creativity on this. The first section of the book is devoted to this writing. I also had a series of conversations with villagers, some of which are recorded in the pages of this book. Technology has proven invaluable during lockdown, and many of these conversations occurred over Zoom. However, we also held face-to-face meetings within Harbury (socially distanced of course) and phone calls. The book concludes with my own poetry that was written in response to the stories that I gathered during my time with this community. Prior to this project I had not visited Harbury, which added to my interest and fascination in the work. Harbury is a secluded ridge village - Medieval ridges are still visible in the expansive fields that surround the clustered cottages and characterful lanes. The landscape is formed of limestone and the limestone quarry and railway cutting add immensely to the personality of the area. Preserving heritage and history are important to Harbury and its people. The new Heritage Centre is testament to this, with an enthusiast team of volunteers and a wealth of resources. This rich history stretches

back to prehistoric times. In 1927 and 1928 the skeletons of two marine reptiles were found in Harbury quarry. They are an ichthyosaur and a plesiosaur, and both fossils are now in the Natural History Museum, London. The local children find it bewildering to think that their village was once under water. The village has a population of 2500, many of whom are retired professionals. “The sort of people after whom the roads are named,” remarked one villager affectionately. There are a lot of new developments. Your first impressions as a visitor are that it is a very prosperous place, gentle and quiet. However, there is a hidden side to Harbury with many qualifying for free school meals and former council houses (originally built to house agricultural workers). With the JLR plant down the road, there is a certain affluence to the village but historically it was named “Hungry Harbury” due to the immense poverty and the fact that the soil was poor in nutrients making farming difficult. Reading through these pages you will discover more about individual’s experiences of living in Harbury, especially during the pandemic. Although there is variety amongst these accounts, there were a couple of resounding phrases that kept emerging when I spoke to people… “we are so lucky to live here” and “there is real community spirit in Harbury.” The beautiful setting clearly helped when the only activity you could safely do outside your own four walls was to walk. The large expanses of green space within the village meant that people felt safe to stroll about, and the fact that most houses have their own gardens is an obvious benefit. When traffic died down from the nearby major roads and motorways, bird song took over, reminding villagers of the Harbury of old. It is not just the natural beauty and majestic geographical features that make Harbury such a wonderful place to live. The people make the village. The sense of community is strong, vibrant and heartwarming. The library (which is entirely run by volunteers) is a great example of this. Biblio’s Café not only funds the library but as the only café in the village it serves as a vital community hub - celebrating local art, stories and friendship.

Before lockdown, the Parish Council volunteer network (led by Tim Lockley) made contact with each house in the village offering people the opportunity to both give and receive help. Vulnerable folk were offered company, practical help and support. Those who did not need to shield were offered the chance to make a difference. This meant the villagers connected together more than before, forging new friendships and helping keep each other afloat. This book is a celebration of community spirit in the face of adversity… something that lies deep in the heart of Harbury’s history. Holly Winter-Hughes We would like to thank Richard Fowler of Harbury Village Library, Councillor Julie Balch and Bill Timson of The Harbury Heritage Centre for their help, support and encouragement. This project was supported by Coventry and Warwickshire Creative Health Alliance (Warwickshire County Council), with thanks to Live & Local and Warwick DC. The Word Association is a collective of writers and artists from different backgrounds who are passionate about using art to make a social impact, offering free writing workshops and publishing opportunities to marginalised communities.

First published in the United Kingdom in 2020. © The Word Association 2020 Each writer has asserted their right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988 to be identified as the author of their work. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. First published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by Bite Poetry Press. First Edition Cover image by Gerard Hughes Design by Gerard Hughes Printed and bound in the UK by Biddles, Castle House East Winch Road, King’s Lynn PE32 1SF

CONTENTS 13 VOICES FROM THE VILLAGE 14 My Lockdown - Hannah Stanley 16 Reflections at Breakfast – Bill Timson 17 Let’s Hope For The Best - Hedy Muehleck 20 Two Metre Friends - Graeme Bassett 21 Lockdown - Sally Gascoyne 22 Lockdown in Harbury – Janice Montague 26 Covid-19 – Sharon Hancock 28 Then and Now – Richard Fowler 30 Our Amazing School – Julie Balch 32 A Few Quick Thoughts On Lockdown – Ann Mulley 34 Helping people on the ‘Front Line’ during the Coronavirus pandemic – Bill Timson 36 Harbury, an Incomer and Covid – Jennifer Edwards 38 e-Wheels Keep On Turning - Peter Walshe 40 Lockdown chez Giblin - Katharine Giblin 46 Memories of Lockdown – Candida Watson 52 1st Harbury Cubs Go on Virtual County Cub Camp - Katy Spencer Hammon 55 Going On A Bear Hunt - Heather Rogers 56 Lockdown – Sue Bell 59 CONVERSATIONS WITH VILLAGERS 60 The Balch Family Jennifer Edwards, Rosemary Harley, Sharon Hancock, Julie Marshall-Hardy 72 Tim, Edward, Alice and Emma Lockley 88 Linda Ridgley 92 Ruth Guy and Neville Sheasby 10 COMMUNITY SPIRIT




My Lockdown - Hannah Stanley (Age 9) Covid-19 is a beast It hurt some people and some people were hurt We had to rush and protect ourselves By staying at home for the whole of the lockdown We clapped for the NHS Who were helping those in need We banged saucepans to make lots of noise And show that we care We couldn’t really go to school So, we did it from home! Our teachers sent us all the work While our parents helped us It was hard to stay in touch With our friends and some family We went on Skype, we went on Zoom And we chatted, chatted, chatted and chatted Being cooped up inside Didn’t give us much exercise So, we ran around in our gardens And took long walks in the field There was no swimming, no acting No football or rugby either And gymnastics… It was only online! Sometimes we ran out of food We baked bread for the first time We made crumble for the 326th time We ate and ate and ate 14 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

Some people put rainbows up In their windows and on garages We copied them And put some teddies there too We had to wash the shopping To make sure that we were safe We didn’t want to catch the virus We didn’t want to be ill I think we had more treats Than we did before We also had WAY WAY more Fun movie nights I’m happy we’re winning the war Against the beastly Coronavirus I can’t wait to be back at school We must wash and wash our hands COMMUNITY SPIRIT 15

Reflections At Breakfast – Bill Timson The streets and lanes eerily quiet, Cars, what cars on their journey to work? Villagers walking, keeping their distance, Nodding, waving with a cautious smile. Our heroes unselfishly doing their jobs, Proud, resilient yet openly vulnerable, Aware that the enemy is out there lurking, Globally, individually the fight goes on. Our everyday language and daily routine, Turned upside down by this killer disease, Stay safe and well look forward to happiness, Can this really be 2020? Admire the resolve and determination, To win this ‘war’ against the invisible enemy, A new spring fashion, gloves and masks? Waiting for good news, hoping it comes. April 2020 16 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

Let’s Hope For The Best - Hedy Muehleck My mum always wanted for me to become a teacher, To be, like her, the person to reach out to And inspire young minds. Instead I find myself struggling hidden away, Online learning with a special needs child While in the living room the high needs toddler runs wild, That I’m still not cut out for the job And would rather throw in the towel on the whole lot Than ask one more time to focus and try While the kid is once again about to cry In frustration and anger and fear – A daily occurrence, and not just here Of that I’m certain. Suddenly all this time on our hands While elsewhere the paper-laden office desk stands Deserted, plants and flowers wilting Like my optimism. Dog just tilting His head in wonder at the constant company at home, But the atmosphere is prone To thunderstorms with everyone bereft of plans and personal space. To-dos staring me in the face Wherever I look, competing with kids, pets, All screaming for attention. The work‘s dried up, the money in the bank is getting less and less, But I guess That‘s a smaller worry. Watching the daily death toll, you feel sorry For all those who‘ve experienced a loss. We think about family and dear neighbours who toss And turn, afraid, Shielding, in tears, living in wait Of normality. Human contact only through the top floor window. COMMUNITY SPIRIT 17

Times are tough, though Volunteers are racing to collect necessities from near-empty shelves. Favourite books delivered to your door; wisdom shared on WhatsApp to help Entertain the spawns, declutter the house, Tip-top the garden - yet I‘m going quiet. Overwhelmed by demands. Still so much, but never enough time on my hands. Things all in a jumble, rarely a chance to disentangle And steal away for a few minutes’ peace. No sooner have I gone to bed than a little voice calls: “Mummy, breakfast please.” We don’t go out, so not much different to usual, But I miss the work meets, the face-to-face chat, The smell of real coffee, being able to see someone at the drop of a hat. Will it end? When will we again feel safe To go out, do stuff, enjoy the human contact we so desperately crave? These things take time, we’re being told. And while they do, I can see the effects are not all bad. Hourly airplanes overhead and roaring traffic that drove us mad Have disappeared! Were it for the right reasons, I could have cheered. Birds are singing louder, butterflies visiting the garden again, And while everyone’s rearing to go back to how things were then, I still hope it will continue a little after lockdown That we hold on to the slow, the quiet, and especially the kind Towards other people, encouragement and comfort in mind. 18 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

For now, we seem to be coming out the other side, many doors again open wide For cloth-covered faces to crowd into familiar places, Yet emails still read “I hope you’re well and coping!”“Stay safe!” “Be brave.” And here we are, some cautiously planning a first little guest. Whatever will now happen, let’s hope for the best. COMMUNITY SPIRIT 19

Two Metre Friends - Graeme Bassett It was, Once, That they’d skate and run Each close by, down the lane Avoiding holes and lumps Dodging pebbles and bumps, And jumping the drain. Whispering secrets and challenges To venture at speed Out in the wind and sun. With their fun All cares flew away, Into the twilight ‘Til waving bye for the end of the day. Now for an endless time Masked behind windows Each close by, but across the way. They stand and stare, And say It’s just not fair. Avoiding each other, Dodging their friends. Not out in the wind and sun ‘Til twilight No fun. Not allowed to meet Now just waving across the street. 20 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

Lockdown - Sally Gascoyne apologies to William Henry Davies What was this life if, full of care We had the time to stand and stare Lots of time to sit beneath the trees And feel the gentle summer breeze Lots of time to enjoy a long country hike It seemed so much better than using a bike Lots of time to make sure the garden was trim It became quite a pleasure and not just a whim Lots of time to think that we might or might not Be lucky enough to get a delivery slot Lots of time to recall when the hair got untidy We could make an appointment for sometime next Friday Lots of time to remember the days gone by When off on a holiday we could fly Lots of time to know when things weren’t planned The kind people of Harbury were there with a hand Lots of time to wonder what could be in store Once Boris announced what we’d been hoping for A good life this if, full of care We had the time to stand and stare COMMUNITY SPIRIT 21

Lockdown In Harbury – Janice Montague If I’m honest, my experience of lockdown has been pretty positive. Firstly it must be said that I am extremely lucky not to have had anyone very close to me become ill with the virus, and apart from one acquaintance whom I am very sad to have lost, have not been directly affected in this way. In addition, I am fully aware that our house with a large-ish garden in a village in rural Warwickshire means my experience cannot be compared with many others less fortunately situated. That said, my experience can be said to be positive primarily because it meant that I had the pleasure of some of my family living with me for the first weeks of lockdown. They came to stay because both my son and daughter-in-law were having to work from home and they wanted to get out of London. They were expecting a new baby in July and did not relish juggling the care of their nearly three-year-old son, Teddy, while working remotely. So my husband and I were delighted to share exclusive care of our grandson between us during the daily period when his parents were Zoom conferencing, as although we see Ted regularly this is not the same as every day for five whole weeks. The real joy of this was that because there was nothing else on offer, we could spend our days entirely at toddler pace – if it took half an hour to choose which socks to wear, what did it matter? At almost three, he could engage in complex conversations and an added bonus was he had just got the hang of potty training, so there were no nappies to worry about. A highlight was the chocolate bunny hunt in an absent neighbour’s large garden at Easter, which he still recalls vividly nearly six months later. The weather during this period was almost exclusively good, so we could spend long hours in our own garden, looking for spiders’ webs, building trainsets and garages and swinging on the hammock. As everyone remarked, the sound of the birds and other wildlife seemed to be in extra abundance to make up for, or perhaps in contrast to, the other deprivations. So, this is a time we will cherish. After they went, there was a period of melancholy and introspection, 22 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

for besides missing them, we now had the leisure to contemplate what was going on in the outside world and the full implications of the situation hit us: not least, when will we see our family again? My son’s family had gone back to London to keep antenatal appointments and our daughter was a long way away in Denmark, sadly contemplating the diminishing hope that she would still be able to get married as planned in Copenhagen at the end of August. But in this second phase, other activities took over. For the last four years I have been the lead volunteer for our local community library, which has been open since 2012. Early on in the pandemic, Harbury Parish Council had put together a large group of volunteers who were willing to do shopping and other tasks for people who were shielding or self-isolating, and the Library offered to pass on books from our own collection via these volunteers. (We have built up the Blue Label Collection of about 4000 books over the years from purchases and donations and in usual times offer them alongside the resources from Warwickshire County Council). This home delivery service was soon widened out to include everybody in the village who wanted well-quarantined books delivered to their door, usually by way of the lockdown transport of choice: me on a bicycle with a basket. One day, I took some sweet peas from our garden along with his regular book choice to an old man who had not been outside his house for over three months and he said it made his day. So that made mine. We also noticed that people were beginning to offer unwanted boxes of books outside their houses as a result of the clear out that so many undertook to fill their days, and so as to provide a safer way of doing this we put a shelf full of popular crime, thriller and romance titles, none of which had been touched within the crucial last 72 hours, outside the library under supervision for a couple of hours twice a week. This proved to be popular, especially with our regular borrowers and those who wanted a socially distanced chat with someone. It was lovely to see familiar faces and catch up on what limited news there was. We also had a ‘Click and Collect’ service whereby readers could COMMUNITY SPIRIT 23

choose from an on-line catalogue of our own books. This catalogue had been quickly and effectively refined and upgraded by our own IT specialist volunteer, Rich Fowler, to make this choice available to all with access to a computer. Alongside this, our sister organisation, Biblio’s café, began a takeaway coffee and cake service twice a week which was welcomed by villagers. In the third phase, the decision was made to re-open our library for browsing, in an attempt to encourage a return to something like normality when libraries and some other activities were allowed to open after July 4th. This involved attending on-line meetings on Covid security and with other community libraries, ploughing through government advice documents and meetings with others to determine our policies and risk assessment. We made the decision to open just one aisle of the library, to avoid the complications of a one- way system, and also a policy of only one person, or one household, at a time. To simplify things, we also decided to loan only adult fiction from our own Blue Label Collection. We asked our faithful volunteers who among them would be able to return and without exception, despite the age profile of volunteers inevitably causing concerns for the voluntary sector generally, they were all willing, although as we now run only two shifts, not all of them could be used. It was a heavy responsibility, and of course a priority, to ensure that things were in place to make it safe for them and our borrowers to return. After many hours of shifting the shelves and books (as we could not call on lots of volunteers to help because of social distancing it was largely a two person job) and lists of new rules and re-training, we were able to welcome our first borrowers back into the building. We required everyone to wear masks, along with other safety measures, which at the time were not a requirement except on public transport. Initially therefore, we had to provide paper mask to some of our early visitors, but this soon became the norm and we had no issues with anyone declining to do so. After an understandably tentative start, by both volunteers and borrowers, we all quickly settled into a 24 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

routine and the twice weekly sessions now see a steady stream of people choosing a novel or two from the Takeaway shelf, picking up from the Click or Collect section or using Self-Service from the inside aisle of books. My other memories and impressions of lockdown, in no particular order: clapping for the NHS on a Thursday night at 8 pm and nodding to the neighbours, in the dark initially, but gradually becoming in daylight; chatting to the same neighbours outside over tea, cake and 40’s outfits on VE Day; Zoom quizzes online with friends on a Sunday night with a glass of wine; writing catch-up emails to friends and relatives to ensure they were safe; the sense of neighbourhood, belonging and the sheer pleasure of knowing others were out there too that those previous four activities engendered; watching the increasing death toll in this country and abroad with disbelief and horror; thanking God that none of our close relatives were in care homes in which elderly, confused people were effectively locked away; marvelling at the scrum for loo rolls and pasta on TV and then experiencing the shock when witnessing empty shelves in the local supermarket; the comfort of the occasional takeaway from the local pub and hasty journeys to pick up food orders from the farm shop; walking the dog around the empty playing fields and surrounding lanes and fields; picnicking á deux in the deserted Nature Reserve to celebrate our wedding anniversary illicitly, as technically ‘sitting down’ was not allowed as part of exercise; the house being cleaner and tidier than ever but no-one to share it with; the joys of gazebos when meetings of three couples were allowed in our garden for pre-dinner drinks; time to read books without guilt about other things which should be being done; losing all sense of the day of the week or even the season; and the little two-step dance which had to be performed to ‘socially distance’ from others while walking down the road. And to top off the positive things: granddaughter Ivy Lois Montague was born safely on 28th July, and our daughter Emily was able to visit from Denmark. COMMUNITY SPIRIT 25

Covid-19 – Sharon Hancock I remember reading the paper sometime in early January and seeing a tiny paragraph reporting two deaths from a mystery pneumonia in the Chinese city of Wuhan. I felt a surge of anxiety. As a retired doctor I knew only too well that the threat of a pandemic caused by a new virus was always there. I put it to the back of my mind but by the end of the month Wuhan was overwhelmed with cases and the new virus had been identified. Despite warnings by the WHO, Europe remained complacent until there was an explosion of cases in Northern Italy. Suddenly social distancing was the order of the day and the over 70’s began to realise their vulnerability. I came to Harbury with my husband and first child in 1969. My husband was a GP here until retirement. Harbury has been a wonderful place to live with an unrivalled community spirit. Our children went to school here, and as a family we joined in all aspects of village life and made many friends. Now, both in our mid 70’s and long retired, Harbury still offered a great deal. We were regulars at the community café, Biblio’s, at the monthly Folk Club, the Harbury Society meetings, and coffee mornings on Saturday at the Tom Hauley Room. We were founder members of the Twinning Association and looking forward to visiting our friends in Samois-sur-Seine in May. On the 16th of March we were told that over 70s should stay at home. A week later, on March 23rd, the country went into ‘lockdown’and our former life disappeared. I took my daily exercise by jogging round the perimeter of the village in the early morning. The weather in April and May was perfect as if in compensation for the awfulness of what was happening. The Warwickshire countryside looked beautiful and the loudest sound was birdsong... There was no distant roar from the M40, no planes circling Birmingham Airport, no traffic in the village, and even the church clock was silent. It was like being on the set of some dystopian film. At home, we found we used the telephone several times a day to check in with friends especially those living alone. We discovered Zoom for regular chats with family and with friends far away in Australia. We spent evenings escaping into old favourites on TV using our DVD collection or streaming 26 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

services. How different it would all have been without modern technology! On Thursdays at 8pm, the village came alive as we all came out of our homes to clap for the NHS and care workers and the sound drifted magically around our familiar streets. Behind the scenes, a network of volunteers was caring for the vulnerable members of our community by doing shopping, collecting medicines, by just providing a point of contact. I lost count of how many times I heard the words‘we are so lucky to be living here’. When restrictions eased, our son and daughter with their partners travelled to see us for an outdoor reunion. It was painful not to be able to hug them. It was a wet Sunday and we moved lunch to the carport. It should have been the annual Wheelbarrow Race that Sunday and as a substitute there was a decorated barrow competition. A steady stream of damp spectators trooped past our house in the rain and waved a greeting and I felt a surge of pride in our community. Now, we are in the‘new normal’. The Library is open twice a week as is Biblio’s Café. The pubs are open, and the playing field has come to life. There are services, albeit without singing, in the church. I think we all realise how much we value simple social contact. On the 75th Anniversary of VE day there were socially distanced street parties all around the village. I thought about my parents’generation and how they had endured six years of war and privation. After that war they were determined that life should not return to the old‘normal’. From that determination came the NHS, social benefits and universal secondary education. When the pandemic is over and one day it will be over, we too should be determined to remember what it has taught us. We have been reminded that society’s key workers are often unrecognised and badly paid, and this must change. We can no longer take them for granted. In this very ordinary village, we have all realised how important a sense of community is to our wellbeing - we need each other. COMMUNITY SPIRIT 27

Then And Now – Richard Fowler Then, September 11th, 2001, living in the United States, standing around a television with work colleagues as the twin towers fell. Outside it was a perfect, hot, late summer day. The sky cloudless, an unfeasible blue, and, for the first time I could recall in my adult life, there were no vapour trails. Over the next days a knot of fear and uncertainty formed in my stomach, to be ignored, but not abandoned, in the weeks that followed. Some neighbours shut their doors and stayed inside, a few got in their cars and drove thousands of miles to be in New York. They didn’t know what they were going to do, but just, “had to be there”. There were random acts of kindness and solidarity, charitable donations large and small and a swelling desire for retribution and redress. Everywhere, on everything, the American flag started to appear. I still have my Stars and Stripes lapel pin. We all thought, hoped, that things would soon get back to normal, but, nearly twenty years on, the world is still dealing with the effects of what happened on that day, and in ways that we couldn’t have anticipated. Now, March 2020, back in the UK, and living in Harbury. Sitting in front of the television watching reports of a deadly virus spreading round the world. Outside, a series of glorious, warm, Spring days. The sky the same unfeasible blue I remember from before, and suddenly the sound of bird song is everywhere. This time there’s no cataclysmic event, just a slow slide into awareness and dread. I’ve become conscious again of that knot of fear and uncertainty which never really went away. By government decree we all stay home, but quickly neighbour starts to look out for neighbour, the community finds ways to help those who need help. It’s the only way to fight back. How do you seek retribution against an enemy you can’t see, which has no motive, which doesn’t care? 28 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

The symbols of resistance appear again. NHS lapel pins, and rainbows everywhere and on everything. The talk is of getting back to the“new normal”, but what does that really mean. And that little knot in my stomach makes me think that in twenty years’time the world will still be dealing with the effects of this pandemic, and in ways that we can’t anticipate. August 2020 COMMUNITY SPIRIT 29

Our Amazing School – Julie Balch The Covid-19 pandemic has seen families across the country stay home and self-isolate. Our children were no longer able to see their friends and had to adapt to homeschooling which was a huge challenge. The children missed their friends and teachers so much and families were plunged into teaching whilst trying to find a new household routine. Some parents had to continue working, some were furloughed, homeschooling continued and it was a challenging time for all. For the teachers at Harbury Primary School this change must have been equally tough, but they rose to the challenge with style! They have been truly incredible and the move to teaching online was just amazing. We were all in constant contact via Class Dojo, with messages, downloads and videos. Our teachers posted a ‘Good Morning’ video each day, (one of the teachers wore a different hat in their videos every single day – where on earth did all those hats come from?) The videos really set us up for the day and kept everyone engaged, there was always a bright ‘Good Morning’, something fun and then today’s tasks and where to find the information. In our house the children would start the day with the video, then get to work. We were so grateful for this as we were working at home too, and being awarded merit points via Dojo really helped keep the motivation high. At different times during the day some of the year group’s work was shared, this was so welcome as we could all check we were on the right track and celebrate individual achievements. We even had a couple of phone calls home from the teachers, where they spoke to the children and checked how they were feeling about everything. We had a wonderful surprise at the end of week one when the teachers all sang part of the song ‘Living and Learning’ in their own homes and the parts were put together to form a video. It was just so lovely to see everyone - I don’t think there was a dry eye in Harbury that day. This was the start of the school’s surprises for us all, here are some of the others: 30 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

• Weekly Assembly, videos including hilarious clips and a mention of all of the weekly birthdays • Weekly Singing Assembly, two year groups a week could vote on the song, a few teachers would sing it and the children could sing along at home • Times Table Rockstar monthly winner videos, this online tool kept the children focused on their times tables • Story Time, with teachers reading/acting “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” and others from home • Music Concerts from the children via video clips As a thank you some of the class year groups did videos to send back to the teachers, ‘My Lighthouse’ was sung by Year 2 among others. At the end of the summer term the children were able to spend two 2-hour sessions in school which was an amazing end to their learning. The school focused on wellbeing activities, making the children feel comfortable and supported, ready for their return in September. We are so very lucky to live in Harbury and have such an amazing Primary School during this time. We really appreciate all of the effort that the school went to and continues to do, we have all felt supported and part of a family. The school went above and beyond, this must have been a huge effort and we are truly thankful for them. COMMUNITY SPIRIT 31

A Few Quick Thoughts On Lockdown – Ann Mulley Background I am an ordained priest, officially retired, aged 81. I moved to Harbury with my husband in 2012 and became the assistant minister of Harbury and Ladbroke and enjoyed that role here. At the beginning of June 19 our vicar left, and his replacement will arrive the beginning of this October so I, another retired priest Bob Clucas, the churchwardens and our Readers had to try to fill the gap. In my old age I found the extra commitments sometimes tiring and hard work but at the same time challenging and often very fulfilling. Lockdown We were about to celebrate Mothering Sunday and planning for the great festivals of Good Friday and Easter when lockdown came, church services were no longer allowed, shielding meant I couldn’t visit people and a huge, huge part of my life stopped. It felt totally unreal and very strange - yet at the same time I was extraordinarily buoyed up by God and felt even more strongly that Jesus Christ was with me - present in my home. Sadly, the three weddings and a baptism that I would have taken in July were cancelled and I really felt for those involved. Lockdown meant I no longer met people in the church, and many were shielding so I didn’t even have the chance to pass them on a walk, but they were very much on my heart. As well as praying for them and all in the villages, I decided to keep ringing round everyone on the church data base, especially those on their own or with no family near. That has proved a great unexpected benefit. I had far more time on the phone to listen to so many people on a personal level than in after church coffee and got to know them better and that has been lovely. As a church we have been emailing round the weekly pewsheet (and delivering them to those without email) as a way of keeping in touch and I’ve also been writing a weekly chatty message in that. 32 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

A great disappointment that our planned visit to our daughter and family in Prague was cancelled – we haven’t seen them since Christmas. However, I was very lucky as I had my husband and dog with me and family in the village and nearby. In the first weeks of lockdown when my husband and I weren’t meant to go out except for our daily walk, they would drop off shopping and have a brief chat. Zoom and phone calls were a great blessing and I feel in many ways the shared danger and difficulties have brought us even closer together as a family. Other blessings from lockdown was the strong feeling of friendliness, shared purpose and care for each other in the village – and appreciation for the NHS, social and care workers and key workers whom it’s easy to take for granted. The countryside and gardens seemed especially beautiful this year – perhaps because I took time to look and enjoy it. When we were discouraged from driving, my husband and I had to concentrate on walks from home and discovered new ones – an added bonus. Things are changing now of course as we come out of lockdown. It has been so lovely to socialise more with family, fantastic to be able to get into the church to give communion and share together with all those who felt able to come and I really appreciate each added freedom that I had taken for granted. COMMUNITY SPIRIT 33

Helping People On The ‘Front Line’ During The Coronavirus Pandemic – Bill Timson Having had a week at home when the schools closed, I received a phone call from Rob, one of my colleagues in the Design Technology Department at King Henry VIII Senior School, Coventry, asking if I would like to help make face shields for front line workers battling to save lives during the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the long list of jobs to do at home (which could wait, sorry Judy), I decided it was right to help where I could. The first day of production for me was on Monday 30th March, Rob and Stuart, Head of Department, had already made 70 shields on Saturday when Stuart, prompted by a ‘tweet’ from a company called’ Kitronik’, suggested that schools were ideally placed to get involved. All that was needed was some 0.8mm thick polypropylene sheet, A4 Clear acetate sheets and a laser cutter. We quickly realised that there was a big demand for this PPE after Rob had advertised on his Facebook page and orders started rolling in. We tried to keep things local which meant that people could come and collect their orders once they were ready. Stuart spoke on CWR radio about what we were doing and this triggered a surge in orders! Local schools were contacted to see if they would donate their stock of PP (polypropylene) so that we could continue manufacture. A lady called Emma from Coventry Building Society also came to our aid by donating boxes of 250micron acetate sheets and finding us a supplier of PP at cost price which we purchased with money donated by our wonderful parents. As time passed we set up a ‘Go Fund Me Page’ and this money enabled us to purchase more materials and parts for the laser machine. Production was soon in full swing and by lunchtime on Saturday 4th April, we had made and distributed nearly 2000 shields. We returned on Monday 6th hoping that our ‘Boxford Laser’ would keep working as orders continued to flood in. Not only hospitals benefitted, but also care homes, carers, GP surgeries (including Harbury where I dropped 34 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

off 20 face shields), chemists including our own (where I dropped off 10) and many other organisations. To date we have had over 200 customers. The total made when we left on school on Friday 10th, Day 12 of manufacture was a staggering 4,781. I am proud to have been involved and I know that many other schools and companies around the country have been doing exactly the same. Well done to you all! COMMUNITY SPIRIT 35

Harbury, An Incomer And Covid – Jennifer Edwards My story begins in September 2019 when I moved to Harbury from a tiny village near Daventry. Harbury ticked all of my boxes - shops, library, doctor’s surgery and loads of activities which I was looking forward to taking part in. However, just as I was recovering from the move disaster struck! I got up one morning in early October and walking was excruciating. Apparently I had a stress fracture in my hip. My daughters, who live some distance away, rallied round, neighbours offered to walk my dog, and others suggested various dog walkers. By mid-November I could get as far as Biblio’s where I was warmly welcomed by a group of ladies. I then began to join them regularly both there and at the Saturday Coffee mornings in the Tom Hauley room. By early February I was feeling a bit better though still having to use a shopping trolley to move around the village. I had also joined the WI, Harbury Friends, enquired about volunteering at the library and got to the Thursday service in the Tom Hauley room. Then COVID! At that point, my life as an incomer got even better. The group of ladies from Biblio’s kept in regular touch, as did a lady I had met dog walking - long chats on the phone made a difference to most days. I received a letter from the Parish Council asking if I might need help if there was lockdown. I responded saying I may need my prescription collecting. Following this another lady called me introduced herself, explained who she was, and following that rang me each day until lockdown was eased. Her calls were much appreciated, she was happy to add items to her on line orders if I needed something or if it was unavailable in my own supermarket order. Another bonus was she occasionally obtained and gave me free range eggs. There was also the comfort of knowing I could contact her if I needed to. Similarly, the Harbury Superstore was most supportive offering to deliver items I might need if I rang them with a list. 36 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

The other benefits Covid gave me were learning how to use Zoom to join my physio group, the quiet in the village, the clear blue skies, and the many different garden birds which progressively seemed to become tamer. One blackbird actually got quite bossy! S/he couldn’t manage to cling on to my fat ball feeder and stood under it shouting until I broke something off a fat ball and left it available. I wasn’t too sure about the sparrow hawk though as he caught two pigeons. Soon after lockdown began it was spring and the garden was growing apace. Luckily, I had met a lady gardener just before Christmas and asked for her help. The garden I had acquired had a close resemblance to a jungle, rampant with ivy and brambles! Well little did I know what a gem of a gardener I had acquired. I did as much as I could but she was a bundle of energy. Brambles, ivy and much else went and in the process we discovered some delightful and unusual shrubs also hellebores hostas etc. Not only that, I was given plants and a fairly regular supply of rhubarb. I now have a garden which is showing real promise for the future. Then lockdown began to be eased, my mobility was steadily improving, the group of Biblio’s ladies visited each other’s gardens for cups of tea and cake, some of us walked together - all suitably distanced of course. Now Biblio’s has reopened, the library is partly opened and I am meeting even more people. Life as an incomer has been better than I ever expected. Value your village there are few places like it! COMMUNITY SPIRIT 37

e-Wheels Keep On Turning - Peter Walshe (e-Wheels is the electric car scheme that operates from the Harbury Village Library carpark. Previously used for rentals and transporting vulnerable passengers, the eco-friendly cars delivered vital supplies to people in need during lockdown). A week before lockdown began, hospitals and clinics started to cancel appointments and so e-Wheels began slowing down. Our passengers were forced to stay at home and we frantically organised support for those most in need to get support, food parcels and medicines. Safety called and responsibility dictated that we had to cease passenger journeys. The effect on the e-Wheels drivers and co-ordinators was sobering now that we knew we were powerless to help passengers except for some phone calls. From a feeling of being useful and helpful, most of the drivers were now being labelled as antiques that needed to go back on the shelf and be looked after themselves. I set out on Lockdown Monday to transport donations for the Food Bank in Kineton, but discovered that the stockpile in Harbury Church had been stolen – maybe someone in dire need - a sign of how frightened and worried people were about the advent of lockdown. All that was left was one jar of peanut butter. It was duly delivered. We immediately changed our donation point to a direct delivery by donors (Mondays between 11.30am and 12.30pm) to the e-Wheels car and driver behind Harbury Village Library, and it is heartening that since then a greater amount of food has been donated by more people. In the first 6 months of 2020 over one and a half tonnes of food was delivered, most of it during lockdown. Finally, after what seemed to be a very long time, at the beginning of August, with masks, gloves and sanitiser, the e-Wheels began rolling again for passengers. 38 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

The March light turned to red. Stop your cars, no more help, Lockdown has stolen the keys. But a glow of orange, Food for the Bank, e-Wheels keep on turning. August flashes green For the Zoe and the Leaf, e-Wheels fully charged again. COMMUNITY SPIRIT 39

Lockdown Chez Giblin - Katharine Giblin What a year 2020 was going to be. I turned 50 on 18th January and celebrated with a huge party in Harbury Village Hall with family and friends travelling from all over the UK. The following day was my Dad’s 80th birthday celebrations. I look back now and realise how special those two events were and that none of us could ever have imagined how the world would then change. That same weekend the World Health Organisation (WHO) sent their first mission of experts to a place called Wuhan in China where there were 41 confirmed cases of a new novel coronavirus, known as Covid-19. They reported there was “at least some human-to-human transmission”. On 31st January there were 2 reported cases in the UK, by the end of February this had risen to 23 confirmed cases. There had also been one British death of a man who had been quarantined on the cruise ship Diamond Princess just south of Tokyo. I remember beginning to watch the news daily as things started to escalade around the world. It all seemed so far away. On 5th March the first confirmed death from coronavirus occurred in the UK. On 11th March WHO categorised Covid-19 as a worldwide pandemic. On 12th March, the risk to the UK was raised from moderate to high. On 14th March confirmed cases in the UK had risen to 1,140 with 21 deaths. It became more real to us when my husband’s colleague sadly lost his mother to the virus only a few weeks into March. Globally, confirmed cases of Covid-19 had exceeded 100,000. Customers were told not to panic buy after some supermarkets sold out of pasta, hand gel and toilet paper. On 15th March, Matt Hancock announced that UK residents over the age of 70 would be told “within the coming weeks” to self-isolate for “a very long time” to shield them from coronavirus. Just over a week later I was contacted by Harbury Parish Council asking if I would take on a key role in the Harbury Volunteer Network helping the elderly and vulnerable in Harbury during this pandemic. My zone covered South Parade, Pineham Avenue, Constance Drive, Margaret Close and 40 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

Penelope Close. This is where the true spirit of Harbury came to life. I had a team of 15 volunteers supporting 17 households with shopping, picking up prescriptions and anything else that was needed. Often it was just letting someone know they were not alone as the weeks turned into months. I was personally shopping weekly for 2-3 households which was not a trivial task on top of my own household of 4. I became quite regimented with shopping lists, learning the layout of the supermarket to improve shopping efficiency, maximising what I could fit into a single trolley visit. I have to applaud Tesco in Southam who became quite familiar with me arriving at opening on a Thursday to do my epic shop each week and were so patient and supportive during what was a very stressful time. The households I was supporting were so grateful for this service though which made it all worthwhile. On 18th March, the government announced that all schools would shut down from the 20th March. This included Coventry University where I am a lecturer where we suspended all face-to-face teaching from the same date. I was thrown into a whirlwind of learning how to record teaching material for my students and how to support them remotely. Almost overnight we moved to blended learning and how to structure synchronous versus asynchronous teaching (yes I had to look those words up). This has been one of the steepest learning curves in my life and I know I have not been alone in this challenge. I think the landscape of higher education has changed forever now. I don’t think we will ever return to the traditional format of long two- hour lectures. Both my children had to cope with schooling from home. This also had its challenges. We were lucky in many respects to have the technology and space for them to be able to study but the mental side of being away from their friends and school has been difficult at times for us all. My daughter had only just started her first year at secondary school and my son was midway through his GCSE curriculum. Time will tell how this period will affect their long-term education but I always have COMMUNITY SPIRIT 41

faith in how resilient children can be and the wonderful schools that support them. From 23rd March we “stayed at home” with the rest of the country and followed Boris Johnson’s instructions. It wasn’t all doom and gloom as two doors down baby James was born on that first Monday. We started to treasure the daily excursion out to do our ‘one-a-day’ exercise and we found different walks around Harbury. It was strange to see how deserted Harbury was with no cars moving around in the middle of the day. We enjoyed spotting rainbows around the village in appreciation of the NHS. We have really had some quality time together as a family as my husband started working from home a week before Lockdown. We have saved money from buying less unnecessary things and not driving anywhere, although the battery of one car did not enjoy the experience. We have really appreciated our vegetable growing this year and the extra time we have been able to spend in the garden. With lockdown all face-to-face activities in scouting had to stop. As one of the Scout Leaders with 1st Harbury Scouts, we quickly set up weekly sessions with our scouts on Zoom - who had ever heard of Zoom or Teams before this pandemic? This has challenged us to be resourceful in finding new ways to engage our scouts. Those who have participated over the last few months have really enjoyed online activities and we have even done things such as virtual camps. This involved pitching a tent in our garden and creating a fire pit. My daughter has spent many nights in our back garden sleeping in her tent. The spirit of scouting could not be diminished even though we were unable to meet face-to-face. Apart from missing friends and family, though again Zoom played a small part in filling that gap, I missed ParkRun and swimming the most. I had been training for a swimathon with my children to raise money for two charities which was then disappointingly postponed. The weekly ParkRun at 9am always got me motivated on a Saturday, 42 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

despite being only an average runner and it has been hard not having that community spirit to encourage you to keep going. Instead we devised a route to Thwaites from our house and back again which equated to 5km and it became a family challenge as to who would get home first with our staggered start times depending on ability. The best discovery during lockdown has been tennis, thanks to the generosity of Harbury Tennis Club who granted free membership to Harbury residents. We started playing as a family and we continue to do this now at least weekly. With the recent reopening of swimming pools in August with social distancing we have just completed our 5km swimathon of 200 lengths and raised much needed money for Cancer Research and Marie Curie. Eating and drinking – yes we definitely did too much of that during lockdown! My husband discovered home baking and produced some wonderful creations including weekly bread and an amazing rhubarb and custard cake. Because the initial first few weeks were so strange with certain products hard to purchase, you just survived on what you could get and choice was limited. As things stabilised we tried to support our local pubs (Shakespeare and The Crown) by having weekly takeaways. We started to use some of the producers who normally attend Harbury Local Market and have deliveries from them to our house. My slimming club became virtual (yes Zoom again!) and that helped to focus me back onto the right track so the weight has come off not on after those first crazy few weeks of being cocooned at home and comfort eating. The daily coronavirus update became addictive viewing during the early weeks of lockdown. Being a statistician, I’m strongly of the belief that you can’t beat a good graph, but as confirmed cases across the globe increased exponentially it was shocking to see what was happening around the world and also in our own country. What started off as a China issue soon became overshadowed by the number of cases in France, Spain and especially Italy and then the USA started to dominate. Scarily the UK then started to climb up the COMMUNITY SPIRIT 43

league tables. On 6th April, there were 52,000 confirmed cases in the UK and the death toll had exceeded 5,000. 4 months later in August the figures showed over 300,000 confirmed cases and more than 41,000 deaths which is staggering. The USA is still the worst affected country but Brazil, Mexico and India have now leapfrogged us in the death toll. Time will tell how this pandemic will affect countries across the world over the coming years and we all pray for when a reliable vaccine can be rolled out. So, this year didn’t quite pan out as initially planned back in January. Weddings, parties, holidays and other events have been cancelled or postponed until 2021 which has been disappointing. Both children were unable to celebrate their birthdays in the manner they might have wanted to. I’ve had to cut hair and do temporary fillings which were not skills I had ever planned on gaining. But on the positive side it has been wonderful to see the community spirit of Harbury. The weekly clap for the NHS brought the neighbours together and we discovered a sense of unity that I never expected. As a family we’ve enjoyed quality time together that has been an extra bonus. The garden has never looked so good. It will be interesting to see how our world will look in the years to come but I think things will never completely go back to the way they were. Not always a bad thing however. 44 COMMUNITY SPIRIT


Memories Of Lockdown – Candida Watson August 2020 In March 2020 I was working as a Manager at Bishops Tachbrook School in their Out Of School Club. Schools didn’t break up until late March which felt too late as lockdown felt imminent. We worried that we might catch the virus from the children. No one wore masks then, that was something they did in Asia not here in England. I remember that one child vomited at teatime across the table from other children, but we were not worried as we were only worried about persistent coughs. Children washed their hands when they came in to Club as a precaution and before they ate, but it occurs to me now that we should have asked them to do it after their toast and jam as their hands had been to their mouths. We shut down the week before the end of term and Mothers Day was the following weekend. I am also the Rainbows Leader for Harbury, and we meet in the Scout Hut on a Tuesday evening. The girls had grown daffodils and decorated the terracotta pots as a gift for their Mums. We were due to give them out the day after lockdown was announced and I was worried that after all their efforts at planting, watering and painting and sealing the pots that they wouldn’t get them. But I held a last ‘meeting’ outside for families to collect their gifts and for us to say goodbye to those girls moving up to Brownies. One of the girls would turn 7 in June and it seemed so early to be saying farewell in March. We hope to have one last meeting when the schools reopen in September and Guiding resumes face-to-face-meetings. I set badges for the girls to complete if they wished during lockdown. One was ‘Healthy Eating’ and the girls had to find where the fruit and vegetables were kept in their house – was it fresh, tinned or frozen? Which did they have most of, what was the winner? Apples came out on top! They then had to cut them up and make fruit smoothies and turn the vegetables into a chilli. There was also a ‘Fitness Badge’ and the girls’ parents sent me photos on a closed WhatsApp group of their achievements. Physical health 46 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

was seen to be important as we were all at home and the local parks were closed. The Government allowed us to leave our homes for up to an hour a day as long as we did not meet with other people. Some chose to do a keep fit workout with Joe Wicks on Breakfast Television, others an egg-and-spoon or an obstacle race in their garden. By now we were in May and the weather was amazing – warm sun every day. But children had school lessons to do so you didn’t hear children playing outside until after tea-time. It was very quiet at that time as people were not able to meet together with family and friends for a BBQ or celebrations. Nor could we use our cars in case we transmitted the virus to another area. There were also no planes in the sky as air travel had been suspended when the borders closed. They have only recently reopened but it remains an uncertain time as travellers could be told to quarantine at home for two weeks on their return, not even allowed to go out to buy food. We chose not to have virtual meetings over Zoom as many of them were doing their schoolwork this way and it didn’t seem to be offering them anything different. Video conferencing became the new way to enjoy a quiz with friends, chat with family or hold Book Club or other social meetings. It took me a while to come to term with the changes myself. There was a lot of uncertainty and fear and suspicion of others. It was hard to gauge if our village had been affected or if it had escaped the virus as you simply didn’t see anyone healthy or otherwise. But when lockdown eased, I realised the village had suffered. Bob and Preet at the Post Office as well as a lady at the allotment had had Covid. Neighbours, friends and colleagues at Canalside Community Farm in Radford Semele also felt they’d had it too. A 23-year-old daughter of a friend in Warwick, my sister-in-law and her 10-year daughter in Florida all caught it and very thankfully survived. However, they all had different symptoms e.g. Tummy upset; Confusion; the feeling of a heavy pressure on their chest and aching limbs. But all had the loss of taste and smell and it was much more severe than anything they COMMUNITY SPIRIT 47

had known before. By the end of July, I read in a national newspaper that there were six different forms of the Coronovirus with a variety of symptoms, some people didn’t have any symptoms at all! During Lockdown I busied myself at Canalside Community Farm as they have work mornings where people can help with the food production. They run a vegetable box scheme for their members and so it remained opened as it provided food. Normally they have around four volunteers twice a week, but the numbers went up to 24 as people found themselves furloughed and in need of conversation with people outside their own homes. I was also busy on my allotment in Hall Lane, behind the church. It is only my second year and was much more successful than the first. On my small plot I grew rhubarb, dwarf green beans, peas, autumn raspberries intercropped with radish, carrot and beetroot and a pumpkin for Halloween! I bought the pumpkin from Harbury Seedlings. Harbury Library runs a seed bank to which local people donate flower and vegetable seeds which then become available to whomever wants to grow them. I helped in the distribution of homemade seed packets in April, but by May this had turned into a ‘Seedling Swap’ held in the, now empty, car park behind the Library. Locals brought their seedlings, or they took some home to grow. I donated sunflowers and grew tomato plants and the pumpkin. Wendy Lewin co-ordinated us all and we ran until the garden centres reopened – they had been sorely missed as people wanted to get out in to their gardens but they didn`t have anything to grow or compost to grow it in! Later Bob and Preet stocked bedding plants at the Post Office and The Garden Pantry opened up in Frances Road selling a wide variety of plants which was much appreciated. My husband, an I.T. Manager, now worked from home. His customer organised the distribution of PPE to the NHS and so he worked longer hours than before and was on call in the evening and at weekends too. Our 18-year-old daughter, Lucy, lives with us. She is on a gap year 48 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

waiting to go to University in September. For 9 months she worked as a Carer in people’s homes, some of which was during the Pandemic. She had plans to go Inter-railing with her friends but like all travel that had to be put on hold. Our 20-year-old daughter, Rowan, stayed at University and she felt a long way away. This was especially true when she had her 21st Birthday without us. We both shared tea and cake over a Skype call so we could feel part of her day. Rowan spent her time distributing food to those in need in her street with spare food from her local supermarket. She had also begun a relationship with a boy just before lockdown and it is a credit to them that they were able to keep it alive via Skype. Later on, they were able to cycle to a halfway point and enjoy a socially distanced picnic. We missed meeting with our parents who are in their 70s and 80s as they shielded longer than us. In August, my Mother-in-Law celebrated her 85th Birthday and it was the first time they had met up with their children and grandchildren since March. Omar wore a surgical mask and blew her candles out on the chocolate caterpillar cake from the shed so her germs didn’t spread to the rest of us. It was all a little surreal. The extended time we spent at home was a good opportunity for reflection. Were we happy commuting when we could work from home? We had begun to buy our food locally and we wanted to continue to do this. We reviewed our fitness and I tried to get out each day, cycling through Thwaites land as did many others. It was a Godsend to have such beautiful countryside on our doorstep. Our youngest, who would rather bake cakes than be outside, set herself the goal of running 5k. She did this and has continued to run ever since. So proud of her! On Thursday evenings at 8 o’clock we set our clocks to remember to clap for the NHS. We stood on our doorsteps showing our appreciation for 5 minutes or so, and then wandered into the street, at a safe distance to catch up with neighbours. In fact, I used this time COMMUNITY SPIRIT 49

to plan a get-together for the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. We adorned our houses with bunting and balloons and played music from the 1940s. Some neighbours proudly displayed their vintage car from the same era, whilst we shared our Pimms, tea and scones. One casualty of lockdown was that there were no big events which brought the village together e.g. Carnival, or the Wheelbarrow Race. But some local villagers decided that instead people could decorate their wheelbarrows and leave them in their driveway so that people could see them on their daily walk , much as we did with the rainbows that we painted and displayed in the front window. This was good fun to do and there was a map for people to follow around the village to see the 20 entries and there was a prize for the winners. 50 COMMUNITY SPIRIT

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