UnexpectedCashmere Adriana Lerner Adelson Adriana Lerner Adelson Unexpected Cashmere
“Arrivals Gate – Unexpected Cashmere” is Adriana’s Arrivals Gate, founded in 2015 by Adriana, enables themission to use her creativity while opening borders bringing continuity of traditional handicrafts where everything learned,traditional handmade shawls into modern life. every exchange and every conversation provide a reflection about the world based on collective construction and relations Adriana envisions, curates and distributes high-quality native with no frontiers.handicrafts from Kathmandu, Nepal and other communitiesin developing countries. She expanded on her experience in All pieces achieve unexpected visual similarities, althoughthe global business world to engage with communities while exploring their amazing different textures. Adriana’s creationscreating art. Her creations explore the individuals’ desire to be express, inspire, surprise and connect … the cashmere way.unique. As a result, what could seem to be only an “accessory”,reveals itself to be what we are in the choices we make as Liliana Beltranindividuals. Art Director, Founder of BOSSA Gallery, Miami Design District In her shawl “The sky is the limit” you can “feel” the sky andwrap yourself in it. This cashmere shawl is woven from the ultra-soft and fleecy hair from the chest, neck, and underbelly ofgoats that live in the high altitudes of the Himalayan Mountains.Adriana’s photograph of the sky is silk-screened onto this verysoft and lightweight shawl. It takes days to produce this limitededition and its purchase supports Nepalese businesses.
The sky is the limit How many times do we look outside an airplane window and imagine ourselves jumping through theclouds? That was Adriana’s inspiration for this shawl, also known as “sky carpaccio”. A photograph ofthe sky is silk-screened onto one of the two surfaces; both contain cashmere and are stitched togethercreating a layer of air that gives this shawl a unique touch and feel. People will be able to feel the skyand wrap themselves in it! (2015)
Lucy in the sky with diamonds A clear sky and 350 Swarovski crystals teams up to build “Lucy in the sky with diamonds”. Youcan search for Orion’s belt in this “sky” the same way you do in the real one. In the former, made ofcashmere, it can be seen every night. With this creation process, Adriana learned the many otherworldwide names for Orion’s belt: Three Kings, Three Sisters and As Tres Marias. (2015)
Honey, Be Bees are master architects and Adriana took the challenge in constructing her own honeycomb outof two deconstructed cashmere shawls, creating this mathematically precise “marvel of nature”. Thehundreds of cells comprising a honeycomb are used to raise young bees and for storage of honeyand pollen. This masterpiece is at the same time sweet and desirable. When folded and stored in itswooden box, it looks ordinary which is another unexpected aspect of her creation. (2015)
stolen from the zoo Connecting the pleasure of wearing a uniquely noticeable shawl with a message of freedom, thispiece brings a smile and puts into discussion the existence of zoos. The person becomes the animalthat was gratefully taken out of his cage and brought into freedom, now living among “humans”. (2016)
Cotton Candy Often a “forbidden candy”, and the object of desire of children and adults, it transports you backto great childhood moments. Not only the color, but the perfect shape of cotton candy creates theunexpected similarity with the shawl. (2016)
Indigo Blusão The total look of denim jeans inspired the Indigo Blusão shawl. Dyeing the neutral color and purecashmere piece using indigo leaves, it took 6 months to achieve the desired tone of Indigo. (2015)
Cafés do Brasil Adriana is fascinated by the traditional “Cafés do Brasil” coffee bags. When she saw the very rarehandspun and handloom cashmere shawl, she immediately associated it with the classic coffee bag.And to her surprise, the two had the exact same measurements. The Jute and Cashmere touches are two opposites; one is extremely rough and the other is very soft.In this piece, people will notice visual similarities and explore the amazingly different textures. (2016)
Cocoon Silkworm cocoons are represented by hundreds of pockets filled with raw cashmere. The larva that creates the marvelous cocoon, the source of silk threads, is “played” here by the goat,that gives us the raw cashmere, the source of the cashmere thread. (2016)
Flower Vase Adriana appreciates the simple beauty of flowers in a vase. “Flower vase” echoes the accent flowers give to a house with the accessories worn by a person.(2015)
Panda A walking furry Panda is Adriana’s first memory of a gift from her father. Enchanted by its cutenessand movements, it was her favorite toy, until batteries forgotten inside the Panda melted and destroyedher joy. She could never forgive herself for this mistake and became a Panda lover. To bring her greatmemories back, she created a Panda shawl with the same moving capacities but no batteries required!(2016)
Snug Facts Thinking about a solution for cold relief, both indoors and outdoors, Adriana created Snug Facts. Apill that should always be kept handy, Snug Facts eases the discomfort caused by low temperatures.Inside the special packaging with the “Drug” description, you will find a cashmere shawl, suitable formany occasions. (2015)
Soft Jewelry - The Olympic Podium The experiment of mixing cashmere yarn from Mongolia with metal sourced from Calcutta (Kolkata) /India, made Adriana excited about the possibility of creating soft and eternal pieces of jewelry. “Olympicpodium” achieves the perfect tone of gold, silver and bronze medals. (2016)
Born in Brazil, I have lived for almost 20 years in the U.S. Nepal, handcrafted using centuries old traditional techniquesDuring this time, I have traveled the globe for corporate and local raw materials.business and had the opportunity to experience manydifferent worlds and cultures, which helped me to develop When a major earthquake hit Nepal in April 2015, oura special eye for the exotic and the unique. Even though I mission became even more important. Besides beingenjoyed the rush of developing corporate businesses on a threatened by unfair competition elsewhere in the world,global scale, I decided to leave it all behind. I began a new the country was now facing severe economic and logisticalchapter, directing my talents into pursuing my passions challenges due to the tragedy. Preserving the cultural legacyfor art, design and the discovery of unique products and the income of the hundreds of families supported by thewhile making a difference by improving the lives of the cashmere factory throughout that difficult period became acommunities I work with. priority for us, and our partnership continues to grow stronger. Life between my departures and arrivals had unveiled We invite you to help us make a difference in the livesmany surprises for me, especially in developing countries. of the people manufacturing these exquisite products, andI began collecting: special fabrics from India, cashmere help spread comfort and happiness everywhere in the worldshawls from Nepal and ethnic clothes from the places - while looking absolutely great doing it!I visited. My friends would ask me “Where did you getthat?”, and I would describe a tiny store or an undiscoveredlittle village in a remote place. Finding exclusive andundiscovered items around the world had become apassion, and then I realized it could be something more. Bringing these fascinating discoveries together as abusiness I founded Arrivals Gate in 2015. Committed todistributing high-quality native textile products to supportfair trade communities in developing countries, ArrivalsGate’s initial focus was cashmere shawls from Kathmandu, Adriana Lerner Adelson Creator, Arrivals Gate
Arrivals Gate’s mission is to share beauty in the form of unique handmade pieces producedin small factories in developing countries. We want to make a difference in the lives of thosemanufacturing the products, having a positive impact on these communities, and spreading good quality, comfort and happiness to the world. www.arrivalsgate.com Graphic Design: Artur Benchimol Photography: Dede Fedrizzi
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