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Home Explore A Thriver's Guide To Living In Great Tribulation

A Thriver's Guide To Living In Great Tribulation

Published by charlie, 2016-05-25 02:50:51

Description: By Russell Leroux

Keywords: Last Days, Surviving the Great Tribulation,God's Judgement,


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Russell Leroux

A Thriver's Guide To Living In Great Tribulation Dedicated to the Ministry and Church of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. May this guide be helpful for all who read it to prepare for not just the Tribulation ahead but the disasters that effect us all each year. Watch, for you do not know the hour in which your Lord comes! BookRix GmbH & Co. KG 81669 Munich

Here We Go! A Thriver’s Guide to Living in Great Tribulation By Russell Leroux “He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son.” ~ Revelation 21:7, KJV A dear friend helping me with this booklet said to me a few days ago…“Man! It is so surreal to be actually thinking about this stuff. So much is changing so fast!” To which I replied, “It’s even more surreal to actually be writing it.” “And when you see these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Like 21:28, KJV) Living in the Days of Great Tribulation Special note from the Author: I am offering this free of charge as an eBook, but it is also available on my website as a printable PDF file. You will find a link to that site at the end of this booklet. I hope it will be copied and shared with the entire

world and that it will be a useful resource in the months and years to come. I have always been (primarily) an optimist - striving to keep my focus on the positive and motivational side of living a godly life, but a few weeks ago I had a dream that has affected everything I see. It rings as clearly now as it did in those predawn hours when I found myself sitting alone in the dark - wondering at the meaning of the dream. The clarion call of a trumpet - blasting the fog of sleep and dream - was stirring me to begin a different course. I hope you will join me and consider what I have to say with all seriousness. When I was sharing this line of thought with a dear Saint of God one evening, she shared her recurring dream and the voice calling to her with this chilling echo...“You never miss the water until the well runs dry!” I know others who have also been having similar dreams and a general sense that things are not what they seemed to be. Hearing “Something's in the air” is common these days. With that, let me share a brief frame or two of the dream that has changed the way I have approached everything lately. I was in a dark and foggy setting packing crates for shipment and long term storage while in the background I could hear a voice repeating over and again...“Six Months! Get Ready!” The contents of the crates were clearly marked and I could see the meticulous planning that had gone into each one. I “knew” what I was doing and why even though I could not see what was causing such urgent motivation. Over the following week I began making notes and plans, studying maps and considering my options. Once I had compiled enough information to start working, I laid out a timeline to see

the project to completion within the six months given to me in the dream. I had been thinking about this subject for years but I always thought I had more time. I never considered that things could accelerate to a point where I would have to rush and pray to get such a project done so quickly. Now I wonder what will come and how? Is this warning for everyone or is it just for me? I have doubts and questions that have no clear answer. I think that this is most likely for me personally and that if I don't make these preparations now, then I will find myself in a situation making me unable to do them and when the time arrives, leaving me unprepared. I am sharing this with you with that in mind but I also want to add one word of caution. I don't know what is coming (precisely or in what way). The Bible spells out some events in vivid yet mysterious imagery and what leads these events may come from any angle, but we can be sure that things are about to change and when that change comes it will be too late to start making plans. You will have whatever is at hand and not much else. So considering this, I hope you will look at what I am doing and use it as a tool or guide in making your own plans. We are living at a point in time where Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled on a scale never before seen and it is happening before our very eyes in the headlines of the daily news. There is no doubt that we are living in the last days. This is the last generation. Soon all things will be fulfilled in Scripture and Jesus will return as promised. Most people have no idea of what is going on around them; no idea that the judgment of God is coming, or that Jesus will soon return from Heaven. Even most of those who profess to be Christian are in a

spiritual state of deep sleep as described in Jesus' Parable of the Ten Virgins, despite God continually sending warning signs that judgment is coming: earthquakes, economic and government failures, floods, famines, hurricanes, tornadoes, diseases, pestilence...and nothing seems able to wake them! Worse still, many who profess to be Christian do not even know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and are not saved. Then there are those who think the Rapture will save them and that they will escape the Tribulation. The fact is, those who believe in the pre-tribulation Rapture doctrine are believing an incomplete doctrine (defined by a fundamental misconception) and are therefore not ready for what is to come. They will likely take the Mark believing the Rapture to come first and that it is not what it is. Without making a long and detailed presentation here, let me just state two points: First, God will not suffer His elect unto wrath. Second, the majority of what happens in what we call the tribulation is NOT …The Wrath of God. That is where the misconception and deception lies - with dangerous consequences. We are told in Revelation that Satan is cast down from Heaven having great wrath, knowing his time is short. Most of what follows - like the Great Persecution, The Mark of the Beast, The One World Government and One World Religion with The False Prophet - is in this time of Satan's wrath. The Rapture (the first resurrection) comes just prior to Armageddon, which is The Winepress of the Wrath of God. Just as He protected The Children of Israel from the plagues of Egypt, when God's judgment is loosed on those who take the Mark, his name, or worship the beast - the Church will be tested but sheltered. We can debate that privately if you like but let's move ahead with that in mind.

THE CHURCH WILL GO THROUGH MUCH TRIBULATION AND NEEDS TO MAKE HERSELF READY! How do we get ready and prepare ourselves for what is to come? Do you have a plan in place? The reality is that there is very little time left and you need to act NOW! The following plan is intended to be a guide to help you prepare for the Tribulation. Note: What I am going to be presenting is not a Tribulation SURVIVAL Plan because many of us will not live through the days to come but will lose our lives – beheaded for our Testimony of Jesus Christ - for refusing to take the mark of the beast - for refusing to worship the beast and his image (if you think this won't happen, tell that to the Church in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan as well as other nations around our modern world). This plan will not save you from the Tribulation, but it will help you to prepare and be ready for it both in a spiritual and practical way, and it will turn you into a THRIVER! (One who thrives). Only God can safely take us through the Tribulation. Our trust must be in Him. There are certain things that we can do, however; common sense things that will hopefully put us in a good position during the tribulation so that we might fulfill God's will, keep working for the kingdom and be found faithful when Jesus comes For the prepared and educated faithful, this will not be a time of fear but a time of revival and great exploits.

Hosea 4:6 Job 36:12 (ESV) “But if they do not listen, they perish by the sword and die without knowledge.” Hosea 4:6 (ESV) “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;” Matthew 10:16 (ESV) “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” We are repeatedly and earnestly admonished to seek wisdom and knowledge, to be prudent, and prepared throughout scripture and especially in Proverbs. These scriptures make a point that I want to bring to attention before continuing. What I am hoping to do is add to your knowledge so you can make practical decisions and prepare for the times just ahead of us. I know some of what I am going to talk about will sound odd to most in the American Church. Sadly, it is all too common already for many congregations around the world in Communistic nations or Islamic nations. In those nations it has become a requirement for the local Church to take on a secondary roll functioning much like a military “Base Camp” where basic provisions are stored and distributed in an “underground” type of operation. This is the daily reality in China and the only way the Church in many places around the world can function. Don't get me wrong here, the Church is not struggling, it is exploding and the more tribulation it faces, the more the government tries to destroy the Church - the faster it grows. Here in America we have become lulled into a sense of safety but it is time to wake up! As our government pushes its agenda

and convinces Christian congregations to open its doors to Islam, Wicca, other false gods and idol worship in a spirit of unity - the true Church should be sounding sirens and making plans for WAR! In what Bible do you read that it is OK to tolerate false religions, doctrines or prophets? Yes I said WAR! But not in a guns and physical combat sense...we are in an ideological war, not a physical one. We know the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, so try to think in terms of a mobile army surgical hospital or MASH unit - a base camp where provisions, healing and safety can be found. Each congregation in America should be stockpiling Bibles and pamphlets, food, clothing and other supplies that will be needed to propagate the gospel when the Church has to move to an underground footing, fighting for the kingdom as if in a hostile country. Plans for how we will communicate with other congregations need to be established before the need arises. Supply lines between groups need to be networked ahead of time. Some Churches are currently investing in “Ham” radio operators in their congregations (I obtained my “Ham” license with very little effort over eight years ago). Our environment is quickly changing; just ask the congregations of Houston who were being persecuted in November of 2014 for speaking out against sin in their city, or Christian business owners across the nation refusing to cater to sinful lusts and facing Congressional hearings! We are in the midst of a religious revolution in America where devoted Christians will become second class and soon

outcasts unless they compromise and conform to the governments’ edicts. If we want to stand and fight for the TRUTH, we must be prepared for what is to come. I am not promoting a cowering Church - hiding and trembling in fear - but one who is prepared and ready to stand and fight! If we are scattered, hungry and cold, just how effective can we be? But if we take this time to prepare and set our houses in order then we will be working from a position of independent strength and our voice will be hard to ignore. As the local congregations need to be setting up as “Base Camps”, we should be working on a smaller scale individually - in each of our homes - which will serve as forward operating bases. Evangelists will depend on this network for shelter and transportation. In times of severe persecution, the Church (like in China and Russia) will likely become home based churches just like in the book of Acts and will need to be ready with independent supplies as well - though on a smaller scale. When The Mark of the Beast is implemented it will be too late to assemble these stockpiles. I have created detailed lists and I will go over them in detail soon, but for now I just want to plant a seed and get you thinking in this direction. Food, water and other essential supplies will be in desperate demand for the ministry to continue to operate effectively and for the Church to avoid much of the persecution that is coming. The world is heading for a global famine, stocks of wheat and rice are at an all time low and shortages already exist. Add to this how the disappearance of honey bees worldwide that are needed to pollinate our crops is increasing the pressure of a global famine. The risk of a pandemic will disrupt food supplies worldwide

and cause severe food shortages. Add to all of this war with Korea, Russia, China and Iran as prime candidates. When war does break out it will almost certainly escalate and draw the nations of the world into a third world war which will also cause severe food shortages and food rationing. Food shortages have already caused prices of wheat, rice and cooking oil to escalate rapidly and have already resulted in civil unrest, with rioting in some countries. This I believe is just the beginning and things are about to get much worse. Famine, pestilence and war are all part of what is coming in the Tribulation. So what can we do when it comes to feeding our families and protecting ourselves from the famine that is ahead? We need to store food, water and other essential supplies. If war breaks out and there is a nuclear exchange, the radiation will poison the water supplies, so you should have containers on hand that you can fill up before the radiation poisons the water. I would recommend that you store at least three to six months supply of food. Buy food that will keep a long time (tins of food, jars, biscuits, bars of chocolate, sugar, coffee, tea, flower, rice, etc.). Do not tell anyone that you are storing food supplies, or when the time comes they will try to take it from you or even kill you for it. Remember that electric and gas supplies may be disrupted, so foods that have to be frozen or kept refrigerated are not recommended. Remember to rotate your food stock, consuming the oldest first. Also buy foods that you are going to eat, so that you don't end up throwing food away should the expected famine be delayed. CNN is predicting a major disruption to our electric and utility grids via internet hackers in the coming one to three years.

Consider the results of such an attack...and they are not warning if, but when! Are you ready to function for the Kingdom of God under those conditions? The lost, hurting and desperate are going to be looking to us, how can we help them if we are in the same desperate situation? We must begin our preparations. Consider moving: The cities will be a very bad place to be in during the Tribulation, there will be civil unrest and much violence and martial law will be implemented in many cities to curve the looting and violence and to control the public. I recommend that you earnestly seek God's will on what He would have you to do. Some in the USA are considering leaving the country. I plan to stay and work for the Kingdom. Seek God's Will and find out what He would have you to do and where He would have you to go. If God tells you to move, move and do not delay. Have you considered how you will function without cash? The Global credit crunch is bringing the World economic system to its knees with the collapse of the U.S. sub-prime mortgage market and the banks worldwide struggling to survive due to their liquidity problems and bad investments. Consider withdrawing a suitable amount of cash while you still can, before the banks go belly up and investing it into things that can be traded on a black market like salt so that if the worst comes to worse, you still be able to function. We just saw the collapse of the Russian economy due to the drop in gas prices here in the States. They had no warning and overnight while they slept their money became worthless. I

would personally advise you to consider the old adage “Do not put all your eggs in one basket.” Keep some money in banks for easy access, some cash on hand for emergencies and other funds invested in preparing for what is to come. Avoid any financial organization that is heavily tied to the Derivatives Market. The world appears to be moving away from the dollar in favor of other stronger currencies such as the euro. This in turn reduces the dollar's value, so holding onto the dollar might not be a good idea, especially in the long term. It is important that you seek God on what He would have you do concerning your finances before taking any action. Remember there will come a point in time when your money will be no good to you, because the implementation of the mark of the beast system will prevent you from accessing your bank account - you will not be able to buy food, you will not be able to sell anything unless you receive the mark and worship the beast and his image. As Christians - God has made it clear to us in His Word that we are not to receive the mark, we are not to worship the beast, or his image and when the time comes, we will have to totally trust God and put all our faith in Him. He is able to see us through the Tribulation. I want to bring to mind one other very important issue. Currently most American congregations support the Church in foreign and hostile lands on some level. When our land becomes hostile that lifeline may become disrupted unless serious thought and planning is implemented now. Brothers and sisters around the world depend on the American resources we send, how will we continue to support their ministry efforts if instead it is us with our hand out in desperation? I hope this starts a conversation within your congregations. I

also hope it has inspired you to start thinking on (and praying about) what you need to be doing now to support the work of the Kingdom in the days and years ahead.

Misconceptions There are many misconceptions concerning “The Tribulation”. One of those misconceptions is that it lasts for seven years. I just want to take a moment to clear up a few of these - if you will permit me. The time of Jacob’s trouble described in the Old Testament is a period of seven years, it is also called “The Seventieth Week of Daniel”. It is during the Seventieth Week of Daniel that the time of “Great Tribulation” Jesus refers to occurs and it begins halfway or three and one-half years into that seventieth week at a point called “The Abomination of Desolation” – the time when the Anti- Christ reveals himself. That last three and one-half years is called “The Great Tribulation” - a time like which mankind has never known. (The closest we have ever seen was during Hitler’s Third Reich). The final seven year period will begin when Israel signs a peace treaty with the nations of the world (primarily the Arab nations and overseen by the UN) that defines its borders and acknowledges Israel’s right to exist. It will be an interim agreement that is not finalized on all points but guarantees peace for seven years while the final details are being worked out. The Anti-Christ will be one of the signers of that agreement but his identity will not be confirmed until the halfway point and that begins The Great Tribulation that Jesus Christ and John the Revelator describe. (There are just too many scriptures to list here while maintaining the goal of brevity - I will make some further comments in my final thoughts). The first half of Jacob’s trouble will be relatively peaceful. Israel will rebuild the Temple during this time ; (The Temple Institute of Jerusalem already has much of it prefabricated and

is ready for rapid construction), the Middle-East will be much more relaxed and quiet. The world will be subdued by the cunning of the Anti-Christ as he consolidates his power. There is a wild card in the mix, the war that will kill onethird of mankind! It is described in the Bible as a time when the elements will melt with fervent heat, men’s skin will melt from their bones and their eyes will melt in their sockets as they stand. This will obviously be nuclear by that description. We don’t know if this will happen before or after the signing of the Middle East Peace Treaty - just that it will. It is my belief that this will happen before - leading the world to force the peace treaty into effect but it could play out in various ways. The point is to be ready for however this comes about. Much of the planning I am about to share with you will be for the last part of the final seven years. That is when the Mark of the Beast and the One World Religion will drive True Christianity into a defensive position if it is not properly prepared. Much of Christendom believes the Rapture will spare the church of this hardship but Revelation describes martyrs for Christ being beheaded and persecuted. Christ gives warnings to the Church that would be unnecessary if the Church were not going to be here. And lastly, just prior to Armageddon in the book of Revelation there is an event called The First Resurrection. This can only be the first resurrection if it is the time we call The Rapture at which time the dead in Christ shall rise first and we which are alive and remain are caught up together to meet Him in the clouds. That is why this subject is so important. We must prepare so that we can reach as many as we can and function as a Church in power during this time. The prophet of old describes the Church during the times of the end in this manner…“But those

who do know their God shall be strong and do great exploits.” (Daniel 11:32, NKJV). So what do we need to be prepared? Everyone thinks of food and water first, shelter second and just survival after that, but we are meant to do more than just survive. We are destined to thrive and do exploits so much more needs to be considered for the individual that wants to excel and do the Lord’s work during this time. I wonder… Do you wear glasses or hearing aids? Do you have allergies? If you’re a woman, where will you get your monthly needed supplies? I’m sorry, is that too personal? Perhaps you have a plan for that already. What about first aid and so much more? This is where the real challenges will rise and must be answered! I have narrowed down seven categories that I feel need to be addressed for a prosperous time of evangelism to be seen during tribulation. First Aid Supplies Personal Hygiene References Food Preparation Basic Supplies Survival Gear Clothing I am going to break each down with a detailed list of things that I feel will be necessary for me and my family. Some of those items will not be important for you, other things you may need and I will not. This will not be an all comprehensive guide… again, the goal here is to get you thinking…planning. These seven categories make up more than a simple survival

kit. You must start thinking long-term. Take first aid as an example. You will need a small personal kit for each member of your group and a larger more encompassing kit for your shelter that is capable of handling major injuries. Here is where the Reference category comes in. Detailed books of first aid and military field treatment guides would be exceptional if you can get them. Also think about burns, snakes and insect bites, and repellants. What about eye, ear and dental care? Hygiene may seem funny to some, but three and one-half years without brushing teeth, trimming nails, deodorants, hair care and soaps can be survived but with a little planning that is not necessary. References would include local maps, field dressing guides and how to cook game animals etc. Food Preparation; think about spices and cookbooks to make the time more livable. We can live on bugs and unspiced foods but why should we if we prepare ahead of time? Clothing is more that what you have on, it is the things that we forget like gloves, hats, spare shoes and shoe strings, rain and winter gear, sewing kits and patches. Survival gear is easy to Google, you will find knives, weapons making and guides that will fall into the reference list. Basic supplies include tarps, tape, rope, communication gear and the like. I hope this has set your mind on the task ahead. It is daunting and if you wait too long, it can be impossible. But with forethought and doing a little at a time, we can be in a great position to evangelize our world and help the ministry spread the love of Christ when it is in its darkest hour. That is when we will be needed the most. We must work while it is day, for the night

comes when no one can work. Let’s get busy! It’s not long until harvest.

The Lists I don’t want to come across as someone looking for the apocalypse. These preparations apply to the real world reality that many of us will face this year, whether due to power outages in the northeast due to winter storms, hurricane damage to the southern coastal areas, it may be flooding or tornadoes in the mid-west and southeast, or evacuations in the west because of wildfires and earthquakes. We must constantly ask ourselves, “How can we be effective in ministry if we are no better off than those that we want to help?” These lists are not all comprehensive, nor would I say that they are complete as I am constantly being reminded of some simple something that needs addressing. They are a great place for you to get started. Take these lists and mold them to fit your personal needs for the coming events that are pressing on our periphery. It is my humble opinion that with exception to Basic Supplies (which includes surplus for trade) and Reference, each of these categories should be limited to one large lockable and water tight container like the one found at Home Depot, model #17200553. Reference should be in one a size smaller due to the weight of the contents. Basic supplies may need to be in multiple containers of various types. All containers should have an itemized list of contents that is easily accessed without opening the container and every effort should be made to keep contents free from all moisture. They should be locked at all times and checked on a periodic basis to assess condition of contents. Long term storage comes with unique requirements and online research may be required. First Aid

You can get a comprehensive list of first aid items if you search for “520FR Large Emergency EMS/EMT First Responder Kit-Medical Bag” This is one of three kits I have in my inventory. There are some items you should plan to have in abundance, like gauze, bandages, ointments and antibiotics. My personal plan is to have a small personal kit for each member of my group in what I will explain later as an “A” Bag, and one like I mentioned above for our shelter. Personal additions to this will be Chapstick, lotions, dental filling kits available at any pharmacy (to replace fillings), Orajel for tooth pain, a quality first aid field guide, spare reading glasses, glasses repair kit, snake and insect bite kit, allergy medicine, rash creams, lotion creams (unscented), extra bottles of Tylenol and other over-the-counter medicines and vitamins, anti-diarrhea and laxatives, antacids, cold medicines, and wrist/ankle braces. Remember this is for a three and one-half year period of time. Plan long-term storage for all items on these lists in watertight containers and store in a safe undisclosed cool and dry place. Note: Because of the nature of the internet and the safety of my family, I am not storing things at my home except for two “A” bags and one “B” Bag. Everything else is being shipped to various safe storage locations that I have already arranged. You should likewise keep your plans and supplies private. If anyone knows where your supplies are, with exception of churches which have few options, they may be raided when times get hard. You must protect your supplies if you want to be effective. Have a plan in place for rapid relocation and a prearranged action plan if the time comes during a time of group

separation. If you don’t know how to hunt or fish then you need to learn. As ugly as that may seem, freedom may require your ability to move quickly and live off the land. As stated earlier, if you live in a city, you should seriously consider moving to the country or at least have an evacuation plan to a location in the country side. Cities will become battlefields; riots and chaos will rule the streets (just like what recently happened in Ferguson Missouri) that will run red with blood of the martyrs or some other natural disaster could be just as devastating. Doubt that? Ask the survivors of New Orleans. Hygiene Be smart here, you will need antiperspirant but avoid anything with a scent! It could be the difference between freedom and death. You will need toothpaste to last three years, at least one toothbrush per year. Women have special needs that will require planning. Don’t forget the simple things like combs and brushes, nail care kits and dental floss. You will have to make some changes to your normal daily life, perfumes and cologne must be avoided. We all use these things without thought so you will need to estimate your personal needs. Don’t forget fragrance-free soaps and shampoo. You can find home recipes for these items online if you’re the adventurous type. Your body odor, for better or worse, may be one of your biggest enemies. The ultimate goal is to be without any odor at all. I can’t stress that too much. Reference This reference library should be very small and as portable as

possible. Here you will need first aid information, an army survival guide or equivalent, outdoor cookbooks for game animals, maps of your area (and any area you plan to relocate to), gardening, a hymnal. Church will be going ol’ school and these are getting hard to come by, a hard “paper” copy of all contacts, a waterproof bible, and a field hunting and dressing guide. You may think of other references but remember they need to be small, light and portable. We will be returning at some point to living off the land. Anything you can learn now will be one less reference you will need to carry. These references will be scattered among the supplies that best describe them with exception of a very few that may be on your person at all times. Basic Supplies Remember we will be living in a world where money without the Mark of the Beast is worthless. Here are some things that we will need in daily living but that also may have trade value on an underground market. Make plans to digitize your entertainment, a laptop with portable hard drives and a portable solar charger. I have already backed up thousands of hours of music, bible studies, and movies. This is to keep moral up and keep easily mobile at the same time. Solar powered chargers, camp lights and portable radio to track weather and news on the go. You may need seeds for planting gardens, sewing kits, bicycles for transportation if possible - Think Kenya or China. Tarps – green if possible, plastic rolls, chain, nails and screws, rope, twine, wire, duct tape, packing tape, paper and pencils or pens, bungee cords, fuel storage, water storage, zip ties, plastic bags, Ziploc bags, envelopes, various hand operated

tools like hammers, saws and tools for sharpening, screw drivers and wrenches…this will take planning and multiple boxes or totes for storage. Repair kits. Think about what you may need that could be location specific and plan accordingly. If you live in the desert, some things that are needed in the far north won’t apply to you or someone who lives in the swamps of the deep-south. Mountain folk are probably the best prepared of all because of the constant threats they face but we each much plan for where we are going to be working in the kingdom at that time. Food Preparation You can survive without this but why should you. Get spices specific for game animal and wild vegetation. Stock large amounts of salt, this can be traded. This will include some of your reference material so think about living in the wild and how to prepare food without a kitchen or nice backyard grill. Also you will need camping gear for each person in your group, plates, cups, and utensils. A way to store prepared food away from wild life and a manual can and bottle opener could decide life and death in days to come. You won’t have your kitchen with you, so a good sporting goods supply store should become a regular hang out place for ideas on what to include and how to pack light. Survival Supplies What is your fire source? I recommend a basic flint. Lighters lose their fuel and matches can get wet. You will need multiple knives of various sizes up to and including a machete, water purification tablets or portable filtration systems, camping gear-with hiking in mind, tent repair

kit, air rifle and pellets. Firearms make too much noise and will expose you to discovery. Clothes Clothes for long term storage should be one or two sizes smaller than what you wear now. You will lose weight when you have to start walking or riding a bike to move around. Pack spare shoes, socks, undergarments, gloves, hats, pants, shirts, skirts, towels, for these think seven days, winter gear, new hiking boots, cloth patches and sewing kit, belts. The best source for these items may be Goodwill. That is at your discretion as is all of this. Remember all of this is should be gathered and stored with the intention of shipment to a point of egress where you can regroup and reorganize. It should all fit into the bed of a single pickup. Or at the very least should fit into a small storage shed or shelter of some sort. This is not meant to be moved on a regular basis. This is the foundation of that mobile base camp I spoke of earlier when I asked you to envision a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital in the way it functions and moves. Now all of this may seem daunting – perhaps even a little overwhelming. How do you begin to gather this kind of inventory and make sense of it all? Where do you start? That is where the “A” and “B” bags come in.

Bug-out Bags Early hymns sang of the Army of the Lord. Songs like “Onward Christian Soldier” stir a forgotten drumbeat in the distance as the Church sets itself and makes ready to stand against that anti-Christ and his plans of conquest. We do not fight with the weapons of this world, but by the two edged sword of the Word of God. When we are properly equipped and ready, nothing will keep us from plucking desperate souls out of the very fires of hells gates! Congregations, the mobile ministry and individuals are discussing and preparing for spiritual war with an oppressive enemy and to place us in a firm footing so we can continue to reach the lost and hurting world during a shaking like mankind has never known before. Will you be ready? Are your prepared to stand and do great exploits while the structured world you have grown to know begins to crumble around you and nothing familiar is recognizable anymore? You will be able to say “Yes!” to that and much more if you start now to plan, discuss, and implement the ideas contained in this booklet. So far we have discussed the bigger picture for how we need to be preparing for life in Great Tribulation. There are only a few areas remaining that I wish to discuss. That said there are an infinite number of possibilities that will be experienced on a global scale. We must focus on our personal geographical arena and its specific needs if we want to be effective in continuing to evangelize and share the Gospel during these times of upheaval (whether they are just a prelude to what’s coming or actual biblical events). That is our ultimate goal here. Not to hide in a hole and escape what is to come, but to be so prepared that we can stand

boldly in the storm and rescue everyone we can before our time is up. We are here on a mission to preach the Gospel…not to stand in food lines and homeless shelters seeking help. WE ARE TO BE THAT HELP. Because housing is going to be location specific, I just want to make a simple observation. A number of options are available depending on where we are at the time. Some saints (and even congregations) are buying land and preparing to make an Alamo like base and that is great for those with the resources. The rest of us will come to a place where even our close friends and family may not welcome us once THEY have The Mark…Personally I feel the best alternative is an RV if possible, nothing large as to attract attention, as a matter of fact, the smaller the better because of mobility and fuel considerations. And with that said, fuel will become unavailable at some point, so that has to be planed for. There are many alternative and ingenious ways to build shelters and I encourage you to take advantage of the internet while it is available and look into some of these options. One other Item in this category that I think is absolutely necessary is a small tent and camping gear for all seasons. Here is why. If an event like Katrina was to happen, traffic may be so bad that the RV could not be moved. You may be forced to find alternate transportation and abandon the RV. If your plans include such a vehicle then you must be constantly aware of what is happening, plan your routes of egress accordingly avoiding the main paths where congestive traffic will be found and be on the move ahead of the herd of panic and pandemonium that will follow. An appropriate sized tent will allow you options that include going on foot and cross country. So have one on hand and in good condition.

Some may wonder what my qualifications for setting these standards are so I want to give a little of my background here. I was in The Texas State Guard from 2006-2010. My designation was called C4I which stood for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence. My unit was part of a rapid deployment team trained in disaster relief. My training included Shelter operations, disaster evacuations, damage assessment and Search and Rescue. I hold multiple certifications with FEMA and The Red Cross which are available for examination at any time. During this time I was required to have each of these bags ready at all times and to be able to assemble at the armory for deployment within one hours notice. We trained constantly and never knew what the drill would cover, just that a call would come in the night and we would have to kiss our family’s good bye to assemble as some point to be made known once gathered - it was an experience that has never left me. The last “Mission” I was on took place in early March of 2010 called “Operation Haystack” at Ft Hood Texas in a simulated town that had been hit by disaster including simulated dead and tragic loss. It was a stormy three days at near-freezing temperatures. We were cold, uncomfortable, tired, wet and covered in mud. It was one of the most realistic and educational experiences I have ever had. Our dedication to being ready for whatever came and the constant preparedness drills made us one of the most effective units in our area. We were prepared and ready to save lives and make a difference. My goal in this series is to get The Army of God in that same state of mind so we can Save Souls and make a difference! No matter what may come at us! These lists are the actual lists I had when in the Texas State

Guard. I am not changing them for this booklet, I ask only that you remember where Military Clothing like ACU’s are mentioned to substitute civilian clothing or items. A – Bag Pack List (The A-Bag is intended to be a medium/large Back-pack sized bag soldiers carry with them that provides ready access to necessary items. If transportation space is limited, soldiers may have to live out of the A-bag for up to three days.) 1 set of ACU’s 1 pr. of socks 1 pr. of underwear 1 tee shirt Personal hygiene kit Work gloves Wet weather gear 3 meals non-perishable 14 day’s supply of all prescription meds Wire cutters and pliers First aid kit Spare glasses Wet weather bag Sleeping mat/pad/bag Boot care kit Spare headgear and insignia Flashlight and spare batteries B – Bag Pack List (The B – Bag is intended to be the size of a duffle bag and contain the extra items a soldier needs to make life comfortable on longer deployments).

2 sets ACU’s 5 pr socks 5 pr underwear 5 t-shirts 1 spare pr boots Spare towel Shower shoes 6 meals non-perishable Spare batteries Sleeping bag Sleep wear Optional items Small pillow Notebook Alarm clock Insect netting Clothesline and laundry bag with laundry soap Civilian clothes Camera Pt uniform with reflective vest Sunscreen Insect repellent Sewing kit The two bags combined were designed to allow a soldier to properly function for a week without assistance, and longer if necessary. This is the most important part of your preparations, it is the part that remains with you at your home or where ever you travel. All other items up to this point should be prepared for long

term storage at a “special” location and well protected. Personally, I believe the “A” bags should be in your vehicle and the “B” bag where you can quickly find it. The contents should be examined monthly for condition. You don’t want to find yourself in an emergency, open your bag and find mold or rats has ruined the contents. For my personal “A” bag I have included paper maps of the areas I think I might be traveling through or living in. I have included a compass and constantly train in land navigation. Roads will not be optional in some environments, and some towns may need to be avoided completely on my planed egress route making non-electronic navigation skills extremely important. It stays in my truck at all times. My “B” bag lay’s at the ready just a few feet from my side of the bed where I can quickly grab it and evacuate within seconds if I need to because of fire or flood. Think for a moment… what would you do if you woke to a house full of smoke? Everything being consumed by the flames… you won’t have time to pack… most escape with their lives and the cloths they had within reach. With our bags at the ready, we can survive a week or more while figuring out our next steps and waiting for insurance to help us replace our home. Why should you make such a time of loss even worse by not having a plan. Now, what happens if WWIII starts tonight? Some woke to the sounds of tornado sirens last night…others woke to the shaking of an earth quake. Even others found no peace due to civil unrest. My family could have walked out of New Orleans, could yours? Will you take responsibility or wait for someone to come save you when you could be saving others? Now I want you ask you to imagine a time where everyone that owns a car is trying to do the same thing you desperately

need to do…at the same time. It’s called an emergency evacuation. It’s called a gridlock nightmare and for some it’s called the end. I live on Interstate 35 - in a rural country setting - with few access roads, and it is under construction. If such an emergency happens I have less than ten minutes to leave my home and get to an alternate route before I-35 becomes a parking lot full of very angry people with no way out. I have a plan. What would you do?

Transportation in Tribulation. This thought was sparked a few weeks ago when I received a photo from some friends of mine in Nigeria who are evangelists. Until recently they had to travel by foot to the more remote areas of their nation. It was tedious, slow and limited what they could take with them. Some generous Saint of God living in the States became aware of their need and donated TWELVE brand new mountain bikes with saddle bags to carry mission supplies like Bibles and such. These men of God had the biggest grins and their joy was leaping at me from the image. Can you imagine the difficult mission of evangelizing your state on foot? I hope I can get you to visualize a time where you cannot (for any number of reasons) travel in motorized transport, fuel was unavailable or you were unable to make a purchase. Even if fuel was not the problem, grid-lock had brought your evacuation route to a useless mass of infuriated motorist that was quickly becoming dangerous. A time is coming when you will most likely be limited to man powered transportation. Some will have horses but the upkeep will be large and unaffordable for the average person. The most common forms of travel will be walking, bicycling or (if you live near water) some form of air or man driven water craft like a kayak, small sail boat or row boat. We sometimes forget that most bicycles can move you and your gear at around fifteen mph! There is no more efficient form of manpowered transportation than the bicycle when it comes to carrying the most weight with the least effort. A bicycle can transfer ninety-nine percent of the energy applied to the pedals directly to the wheels. Average humans can pedal along between six and fifteen miles per hour with little

effort. So whether traveling around town or to your Bug-Out location - even across country- the bicycle is a force to consider. One design that I want you to look for is the freight bicycle. It can easily carry two-hundred pounds of cargo. Another is a fairly new but wildly conspicuous looking bike that just might become the Ultimate Bug-Out Bike. General names for this bike include “Superfat Tire”, “Omniterra”, and “Moon Lander”. A traditional mountain bike has a tire about two inches plus or minus. A road bike has a tire between an inch and an inch and a half. With such a wide tire (Approx. five inches wide!) you could ride over snow and sand and that’s the point. Here are some considerations to keep in mind (no matter what you ride) when you move from the realm of exercise to one of survival. The less-seasoned cyclists may have little experience in the bicycle repair department. First of all, if you don’t have a reasonably good quality mountain bike, get one now! Waiting until things go south before shopping for a two-wheeler is not wise. Bicycles will become worth more than Cadillac’s (speaking of which, if you are in the market for a good Cadillac - let me know- I know a guy). This does not have to be a bank busting purchase. I just saw two nice pre-owned mountain bikes for fifty dollars on Craig’s list. Stick to the name brands if you can, have some extra tires, tubes, and cables on hand, and keep the moving parts lubed up, especially the chain. Be aware that if you haven’t ridden a bicycle in a long time, it’s going to hurt. And the next time you hop on the saddle it is going to hurt worse -but it won’t kill you. You will have a sore butt, sore knees, sore muscles, sore arms, and a sore neck - but

not for long. Your body will quickly adapt to the riding position and only your butt will require more than a few days to get used to it. Give it a week before you complain. People who have to walk will be much worse off than you. Bicycles require maintenance. Wheels are essential. The tires need something inside them between the rubber and the rim. Air is preferable, but dirt, pine needles, tree bark, even old clothes can make do when all other options are unavailable. Broken rims are usually a deal breaker, but broken spokes can be dealt with. Depending on the number of spokes, you may not need to replace the broken one. In that case, a gentle tightening of the spokes on the opposite side of the hub from the broken one will true-up your wheel good enough to forget about it. The drive-train must work somehow even if the chain links are cobbled together with wire. In a multi-geared bike, as links are removed from the chain it just gets shorter, but no less effective. Fewer gear combinations will work, but as long as one gear works, you’re ahead in this game. If you can pedal, you can move. Brakes and gear shifting are nice but not essential. If you can get at least one gear working, and you keep your speed under control, you are good to go. In third-world countries, some of the bikes that are ridden daily are barely recognizable as bicycles to westerners but they work and that is better than walking! There are six essential bicycle tools. The simplicity of the bicycle limits the number of tools needed for general maintenance to a pretty short list that includes hex wrenches of 4, 5, and 6mm, socket or open-end wrenches of 8, 9, and 10mm, slotted and #2 Phillips screwdrivers, a small air pump

that works with both Schrader and Presta valves, an inner tube patch kit containing patches, rubber cement, and sandpaper, a chain tool, (a nail and rock works too) - just don’t punch the pin all the way out! It is also handy (but not required) to have these general use tools; 1. Adjustable wrench (aka: Crescent wrench 2. Slip-joint pliers. 3. A multi-tool like the Leatherman. A little knowledge of bike repair will make as big a difference as having the right tools, so thumb through a bike repair book to get familiarized with the bike parts and the adjustments. Remember, every bike on this planet is a card-carrying organ donor so with minimal engineering skills you can cannibalize parts from other bicycles breathing eternal life to your possible survival of an unimaginable experience. Is this essential to Living in Great Tribulation? N0… You can always walk where ever you need to go. But why would you want to when you can condition yourself to travel at speed away from danger or toward the mission field? It is like knowing how to run but crawling instead just because you did not plan ahead. I sincerely hope that this conversation has led you to think outside of the box and consider what life will be like in the last day’s (A time most believe is fast approaching). Why suffer and do without when we have been given all the signs and warnings in scripture to watch and be ready? Why should your church, spouse or children suffer needlessly just because you were not prepared?

When we are told a tornado is coming, we get ready…when we are told fire or a hurricane is approaching, we get ready… when we are told our in-laws are coming, WE GET READY! But, when someone says tribulation is coming, and Jesus is returning…we just sit back, smile and nod knowingly - not taking any of it seriously. Consider the warning Jesus gave to those in Judea, to flee for their lives, not even returning home for a jacket, pray it is not on the Sabbath or in winter and woe to those with child! He is coming soon! Will He find us functioning and working in the harvest with power and authority, or on the sidelines in bread lines begging for shelter and food?

Group Leadership Once the immediate threats to safety are addressed and we enter deeper into the time of Biblical Great Tribulation we are going to need to be connected to the larger Christian community to be effective. There is no such thing as a one-man army. If you are to thrive you will need like minded people around you, a congregation which will allow for the distribution of tasks and provide a support structure/hierarchy which will facilitate success. People who venture out on their own and haphazard communities thrown together at the last minute will have a much greater chance of failure in a Tribulation world than those who have not only prepared themselves but prepared their community. Structure must be established early in a community in order to distribute tasks based on skill level and provide an outlet or means by which to resolve conflicts (and there will be many). The following is a list of positions which should exist in every Tribulation congregation in order for it to prosper. It would be a good idea to identify who should fill these roles before we enter that time, maybe during your annual business meetings. While this list mentions individual positions that does not mean people cannot wear dual hats, or hold more than one role. The major take away from this is that your community needs to be diverse. Ten preachers who have no skills in farming, medical procedures, or logistics will have a really tough time coping in a Tribulation world. The Leader: Here I want to STRESS something very important. This is not the time for the pastor to become a little Hitler. This job needs to

be separate from the ministerial team so they can be free to continue the more important role God has placed on him. Remember how in the book of Acts, the Apostles set up non- ministerial government for normal day-in day-out activities? Every community needs a leader, someone who ultimately has the last word and is in charge. It has to be this way because conflicts of interest will arise and will need to be resolved. The leader should be mature and aware of the big picture, and have the overall group’s interests and spiritual mission in mind more than anything else. While the leader might not be the subject-matter expert in any one skill, he or she should have a working knowledge of the entire community and what it needs to be successful. The leader is the face of the organization, the decision maker, and someone who is hopefully wiser than they are physically strong. Most importantly he frees the ministerial team to fulfill their calling without distraction. Administration: This person keeps a personal file on each member of the congregation. Within this file are important documents such as medical records, allergies and other known conditions. In addition a will for each person is kept in the file so that property can be distributed in the event of a death. Remember we are talking about tribulation scenarios here, which is why the Admin person is so important. They also keep track of who is on what work detail and for how long, or who went out on missions and for how long. Detailed records are necessary so that there can be no inequalities when it comes to issuing out tasks or missions.

Security Manager: An obvious need would exist for a Security manager, but it’s not quite as easy as you might assume. In addition to being in charge of the congregation’s security, this person would also assess outside threats based on the operational environment. Security also includes environmental security, don’t overlook that. One security based example could be gathering information on a group of looters known to be ten miles away conducting raids on local communities. What is their strength (how many are there), tactics, weapons they use, vehicles etc. A Security manager sets up internal security but also provides necessary intelligence on outside threats. This of course means that they would need to go gather intelligence…not exactly an easy task. There will be events that can’t be avoided while maintaining our evangelical objectives but prudent preparation will be invaluable in seeing the long term goals of the congregation and ministerial team are met. Training and Operations: Second in command, this person is probably the most experienced of the congregation when it comes to tactics and especially being able to instruct/teach those skills. Former military personnel often work well in this role because of the experiences they learned while on the job. The training and operations person would be responsible for setting training plans in order to build proficiency in physical fitness, missions and tactics. They would identify specific individual tasks that need to be learned which support group tasks, for example reacting to an attack on the community from outsiders. This person would also complete load plans for personnel and vehicles and set

guard duty rotations and patrol rotations. Logistical/Agro Manager: Money, bartering, food and water storage and calculations, fuel and much more all fall into the lap of the Logistical manager. This person is the congregations book keeper, they know how much “funds” are in the budget, be it in the unlikely form of paper currency, silver dimes or bottles of hand sanitizer for bartering. They track how many supplies are on hand and alert the Leader when levels are getting low. They also prepare meals or distribute rations when necessary. They know about gardening and the general concepts surrounding what it takes to grow/harvest crops or animals (rabbits, chickens, pigs). This position is absolutely essential in that no community can exist without sustainment/logistical operations. As a bonus this person should be aware of alternative energy solutions and how to employ them (wind, solar). Communications: Every congregation needs someone who knows how to operate handheld radios, set up field telephones and CBs or HAM radios. This person should not only know the capabilities and limitations of these devices but also know how to troubleshoot/fix them. One of the most important jobs of the communications expert should be setting up specific passwords which will be used, radio passwords or ones to be used while on patrol or entering the camp. These are very important in helping to identify friend from foe. Medical: This is where you hopefully have made friends with a Doctor

or at minimum a Registered Nurse prior to tribulation. Obviously this person would be in charge of making sure sick people did not get sicker, injuries and wounds were tended to and that hygiene procedures were followed around the community to prevent the spread of germs. This person NEVER goes out on patrol or puts themselves into harm’s way. If the Doc goes down, who will treat him or her? Hopefully this person would have some working knowledge of herbal remedies as OTC medication probably will not be within easy access. Pastor and Ministerial team: Think of everything else as being the support team for this group of anointed – spirit filled – ambassadors for Christ. This is the ultimate reason for everything we have been preparing for in the first place. Nothing is more important than the minister’s call and ability to serve. Every decision from the Leadership down is to facilitate this objective of reaching the lost. We must make every effort to free them from the mundane chores of surviving to do their calling and reach the lost as efficiently as possible. A Chaplain is also absolutely essential in any community. People need to be uplifted especially during hard times. These people should also lead congregational Worship Services, and be spiritual teachers/counselors for the group. They will help to maintain the “moral compass” of the community, a task that cannot be emphasized enough. The list of roles is a good base line to work from, feel free to expand as necessary. Remember the key to thriving in any situation is to form a tight community of people who are diverse in skills and thought. A group full of clones will fare far worse than intelligent individuals who can problem solve and lead or

follow when necessary.

Final Thoughts Within the tight confines of this “booklet”, I have tried to convey the sense of urgency that I feel concerning the times in which we live and the need for us as a Church to take some responsibility for ourselves and make preparations that will keep us functioning and effective in the years just ahead of us. Now I want to just take a moment to discuss some important scriptures that concern the “Rapture” and the importance of how it effects our reaction to events that are swirling around us. For you see, if you do not have a good understanding on this non- salvation issue then you will likely be unprepared for the work we are called to do in the last days. “Behold, I shew you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed”. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 Paul says this occurs at the last trump, which the Bible tells us is the seventh trumpet. 1 Corinthians 15 and Revelation 11:15 are referring to the same thing. “…For the trumpet shall sound, the dead shall be raised, and we shall be changed”. At the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, all born again Christians will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). At the sound of the “last trumpet,” the dead who were born again during their lifetime will be resurrected from the dead. At the same time, those who are born again and still alive on earth will be transformed instantly, from mortal beings to immortal beings. Romans 8:11 tells us that our mortal bodies will be made alive if we have God’s spirit living in us. It is often taught that at the rapture all of us will instantly

disappear, but that is not what the Bible says. It says we will be changed in a moment and in the twinkling of an eye. When Jesus Christ was caught up, He was seen leaving the earth. Just as they were able to see Jesus go, so will people be able to see the church go. “But of that day and hour no one knows,” Jesus said to His disciples on the Mount of Olives (Matthew 24:36). Some say we cannot know the day and the hour when Jesus will return and gather His church to Himself. But others claim that Jesus was speaking only to people living in the first century, not to people living today. Just before He was caught up to heaven, Jesus’ disciples asked, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6) Jesus replied specifically about what would happen “at this time.” In other words, His response was particularly directed to the first century generation in which they were living. He said, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power.” (Acts 1:7) Will we also, then, be unable to know the times and the seasons? The answer to this question is found in Matthew 24:34, in which Jesus says, “Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” “This generation” refers specifically to the people who live to see all of the terrifying events that Jesus had just mentioned as increasing immediately before His return; such as wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes in various places, widespread famine and disease, and the Antichrist’s rise to power. Paul validates this view, saying, “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when

they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness”. (1 Thessalonians 5:1-5) We will know, according to Paul, the times and the seasons. If we pay attention we will see the day of the Lord coming. This settles the controversy about knowing the times and the seasons, but what about knowing the day and hour? 1 Thessalonians 5 and Matthew 24:42-43 teach us that the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. The master of the house will not know what hour the thief will come. The thief clearly represents the Lord. The master of the house was living in darkness and was not ready for the coming of the Lord. Unbelievers are the ones who will not know the hour of the Lord’s coming. Paul explicitly states that the coming of the Lord would only be a surprise to those living in darkness. 1 Thessalonians 5:4-5 indicates that, unlike the situation with unbelievers, the day of the Lord will not overtake His children of light as a thief in the night. If we keep studying the scriptures, and strive to understand current events in light of Bible prophecy, we will know the generation and the times and seasons. And as the time draws nearer, we may not only begin to understand the day of His return, but the hour also. In chapter 14 of Revelation we see a vision of Christ reaping a harvest. “And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came

out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe. And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped”. Revelation 14:14-16 Jesus compares souls to a harvest in John 4:35. The reaping of the good harvest of the earth is the rapture of the church. This harvest that He reaps is immediately before the wrath of God, described in Revelation 14:17-20. Thus, the rapture of the church occurs just prior to God’s wrath. The harvest signals the end of this age, at which time Jesus Christ will come back for the rapture of His church and the Battle of Armageddon. Jesus prophesied of the harvest. We call it the “Rapture,” although the word rapture is not found in the Bible. It is merely a word we use that means “the catching away”. 1 Thessalonians speaks of this “catching away.” “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:17 Those of us who have been taught a pre-tribulation rapture cannot read Matthew 24 without concluding that Jesus placed the rapture immediately after the tribulation of those days. “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other”.

Matthew 24:29-31 The timing of the rapture seems to be the most controversial of all prophecy teachings. However, whether it will occur before, during, or after the tribulation has no bearing on your salvation. God can come for any one of us at any time. Jesus said in Matthew 24, “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up”. Matthew 24:42-43 Whatever you believe about the timing of the rapture, or whether you even believe in Bible prophecy, if you were to die right now, you would be immediately removed from the earth to stand before your Creator for judgment. The Bible says, “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men” (2 Corinthians 5:11). “And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” (1 Peter 4:18) This is not the time to emphasize only the parts of the Bible we like, to make us feel good. But it is time for us to make sure that our lives are in line with all the teachings of God’s Word. If ever there were a time to walk closely to God, this is the time, as we see the day of the Lord drawing near. One final thought. So many are concerned about missing the Rapture, and that is important! The Lord is returning for a people that are watching for His return. That said, how can we know that we are ready? Jesus told Nicodemus that he had to be born again. What is

that? Jesus also said that repentance and remission of sin must be preached in every nation. What is Remission of sin? Peter was asked by the crowd of desperate men on the day of Pentecost what they had to do to be saved. Then Peter shared one of the most important (KEY) scriptures in the whole of the New Testament when he answered them…”Repent and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the Remission (payment) of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost!” (Acts 2:38,KJV) I am not going into a debate on understanding the Godhead or who Jesus is - that is not the important issue in this conversation. Following Jesus’ command for repentance and remission of sins we must ask, how are our sins remitted? Peter gives us that answer - we are baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of our sins. This is what being born again is about! We die to our sinful life in repentance, the payment Jesus made is then applied to our “sin-debt” when we are immersed in the waters of baptism and we rise from that watery grave into new birth - a new life in Christ - when we receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. This is the process of the new birth Jesus was talking about with Nicodemus- it is the focus of every message in the book of Acts (the history of the Church) and each of us must experience this if we want to be ready for the Rapture! Don’t wait to make your calling and election sure. Today is the day of salvation!

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