Editorial Committee Prof. A. R. Aryasri, Mr. P. Rajendra Krishna Prasad, Life Member Life Member Mr. Sankara Venkata Krishna Prasad, Life Member, Joint Secretary & Editor Mr. Suresh Kochattil, Mrs. Geeta Mallikarjunan, Convenor, E-IT Social Media COO Mr. V Ramchander, Life Member, Secretary Mr. Narayan Rao, Life Member Mr. K. Chandrasekhar, Member & Treasurer
Volume: 01 | Issue: 08 | June 2021 Industry Readiness Program (IRP) - II INDUSTRY READINESS PROGRAM (IRP) - II EVENT -1& 2 Topic: Spreadsheet Skills Dr Anjan Kumar Date & Time: 14th & 15th May, 4.00pm. to 8.00pm Assistant Professor, Department of Business Resource Person: Dr Anjan Kumar -Assistant Professor, Department Management, MVSR Engineering College, of Business Management, Nadergul, Hyderabad Venue: MVSR Engineering College, Nadergul, Hyderabad Virtual Meeting Spreadsheet Skills- Synopsis HMA conducted an 'online' SDP for its Certification Course Industry Readiness Program on “Spreadsheet Skills”, byDr Anjan Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management.MVSR Engineering College, Nadergul, Hyderabadon May15, 2021, 6pm – 8pm. Prof. Anjan Kumar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business, delivered the session on Spreadsheet skills. He trained students to master the advanced functions of spreadsheet applications, enabling them to produce more sophisticated reports, to perform complex mathematical and statistical calculations. This would help students to save time and improve productivity when working with spreadsheets. THE MANAGEMENT REVIEW, SUPPLEMENTARY 3
Industry Readiness Program (IRP) - II EVENT - 3 Topic: Emerging Trends – Start Ups Date & Time: 16thMay, 11.00am. to 12.00noon Resource Person: Prof Apurva Sanaria - MICA Venue: Virtual Meeting Emerging Trends – Start Ups - Synopsis Dr Apurva Sanaria Assistant Professor, MICA HMA conducted an 'online' SDP for its Certification Course Industry Readiness Program on “Emerging Trends – Start Ups”, by Prof Apurva Sanaria - MICA on May 16, 2021, 11am – 1200 noon. Prof. Apurva Sanaria, Professor, MICA, delivered the session on Emerging Trends – Start Ups. He stated that the Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship which is the present trend in today’s world. He spoke about co-working spaces, now we have now an eco-system so the new entrepreneurs do not have to struggle, besides technology and AI and virtual reality which makes life easy. There is also augmented reality, crowdsourcing, coming up with solutions, co-creation -confirmation of customers, Gig Economy, and discussed with the students their ideas on Start Ups. The interactive session caught the student’s participation in toto and made an interesting session. 4 THE MANAGEMENT REVIEW, SUPPLEMENTARY
Volume: 01 | Issue: 08 | June 2021 Industry Readiness Program (IRP) - II EVENT - 4 Topic: Entrepreneurship and Project Finance Date & Time: 21stMay, 6.00pm. to 7.30pm Resource Person: Mr. V Ramchander MD (Retd) APITCO Venue: Virtual Meeting Entrepreneurship and Project Finance - Synopsis Mr. V Ramchander MD (Retd) APITCO HMA conducted an 'online' SDP for its Certification Course - Industry Readiness Program on “Entrepreneurship and Project Finance”, by Mr. V Ramchanderon May 21st May,2021, 6.00pm – 7.30pm. Mr. V Ramchander touched base on what is the meaning of Entrepreneurship and why people opt for this. What are the advantages of being an entrepreneurship and touched base on the different schemes offered by the Government to MSMEs, what is project and project finance – how do you calculate the project cost and present it to the financers for sanctioning of loans. He also gave a list of what the bankers and financiers look at while trying to give finance to an individual/business enterprise. The students were made to understand the importance of credit score/goodwill and the project viability. It was well received by the students. THE MANAGEMENT REVIEW, SUPPLEMENTARY 5
Industry Readiness Program (IRP) - II EVENT - 5 Topic: Digital Transformation Date & Time: 22ndMay, 7.00pm. to 8.30pm Resource Person: Mr. Chirantan Chatterjee Venue: Virtual Meeting Digital Transformation - Synopsis Mr. Chirantan Chatterjee Founder & CEO OMION FUSION HMA conducted an 'online' SDP for its Certification Course - Industry TECHNOLOGIES AND Pyl's AI Labs Readiness Program on “Digital Transformation”, by Mr. Chirantan Chatterjeeon May 22nd,2021, 7pm – 8.30pm. Mr. Chirantan Chatterjee touched base on the Digital business models and services, Digital consumer experience, Intelligent process automation, Digital Business models and services. The subtle difference between Digitization,Digitalization and Digital Transformation. The interactive sessions had the students agog with questions which poured and he stated how data is used which is customer centric – like credit cards, coronavirus vaccination etc. He spoke how data and digital transformation is changing the way customers are engaged – mobiles and social media platforms have been able to garner the interest of the customers. How digital transformation helps the business to understand the customer’s needs. Personal data analytics which is data based. Cloud storage, drop box etc and rent space.This interesting session revived the students curiosity and interest. 6 THE MANAGEMENT REVIEW, SUPPLEMENTARY
Volume: 01 | Issue: 08 | June 2021 Industry Readiness Program (IRP) - II EVENT - 6 Topic: Emerging Trends in Marketing Date & Time: 23rd May, 11.00am. to 12.30pm Resource Person: Mr. A Vinod Kumar – CEO, SAND Network Venue: Virtual Meeting Emerging Trends in Marketing - Synopsis A Vinod Kumar CEO, SAND Network HMA conducted an 'online' SDP for its Certification Course - Industry Readiness Program on “Emerging Trends in Marketing”, by Mr. A Vinod Kumar on May 23rd May,2021, 11.00am – 12.30pm. Mr. A Vinod stated what was traditional marketing and the last decade has brought a lot of changes which has become dynamic as the marketing and communication have undergone a sea-change with new products, new customers, new channels getting created overnight besides seamless delivery. Hence brands are always being innovative in their approach to retain their customers. New categories are getting created esp from the time the lockdown has started like home-office furniture has been created. Marketing managers have to build relationship with their customers to retain them – like loyalty program etc. One has to be abreast with the marketing trends and the needs of the customers with the dynamic and uncertain times that we are living in. The difference between marketing and sales and the traits needed by both of them. The marketers will be judged on the ROI for their promotions and their abilities as a marketer. He also spoke about marketing as a career and the industries which needs marketing and how each of the them is different and which are the ways you market each type of product. Branding Brand Ambassadors, Market data, location and time made for a comprehensive all round session. A very interesting and complete insight on marketing. THE MANAGEMENT REVIEW, SUPPLEMENTARY 7
EVENT - 7 Topic: An Insight into FMCG Operations Date & Time: 29th May, 7.00pm. to 8.30pm Resource Person: Mr. Dhiraj Naidu – Head - Sales & Marketing, Ghanta Foods, Bambino Group Venue: Virtual Meeting Dhiraj Naidu Head - Sales & Marketing, An Insight into FMCG Operations - Synopsis Ghanta Foods, Bambino Group HMA conducted an 'online' SDP for its Certification Course - Industry Readiness Program on “An Insight into FMCG Operations”, by Mr. Dhiraj Naidu on May 29thMay,2021, 7.00pm – 8.30pm. Mr. Dhiraj Naidu brought a new element to the way a common man looks at the fast-moving consumer goods industry ie FMCG. He states that retain market space one has to tweak the product to cater to the local taste as well as the location / locality which varies from one place to another even in one city. Hence the branches cater to different clients. How does one build a brand and what goes into the operations of FMCG goods depends on the life of the goods. How to increase the shelf life of any goods is the most important task of the operation’s manager. He is also responsible to see that the goods delivered are without damages and packaging plays an important role here. He had listed the brand logos and asked the students what came to their mind when they saw them. Hence brand recall is also part of operations as it is the quality of the product which makes it a brand and is the responsibility of the operations manager. The insights given through his vast experience in various FMCG companies – brought out the indepth knowledge which the resource person exuded. 8 THE MANAGEMENT REVIEW, SUPPLEMENTARY
Volume: 01 | Issue: 08 | June 2021 EVENT - 8 Topic: Challenging the Challenges under Infra Date & Time: 30th May, 11.00am. to 12.30pm Resource Person: Mr. J Ravi Kumar – retired CFO of L&T Metro Rail Limited Venue: Virtual Meeting J Ravi Kumar Retired CFO of L&T Metro Rail Limited An Insight into FMCG Operations - Synopsis HMA conducted an 'online' SDP for its Certification Course - Industry Readiness Program on “Challenging the Challenges under Infra”, by Mr. Mr. J Ravi Kumar on May 30th May,2021, 11.00am – 12.30pm. Mr. J Ravi Kumar covered the following topics in the session Fear vs Risk, Importance of Introspection, Hyderabad metro - a poetry in concrete, -an impossible turned possible, how to convert an adversity into opportunity, Unchallenging challenges, and concluded by key takeaways. How to shape upand how to face challenges and how to gear up the challenges. Thank God that you have problems and pray God to give you the wisdom to overcome it and you become stronger and then you can rise and be stronger. He advised the students on the soft skills needed in a corporate world and spoke how trust and a wholesome outlook helps the organization. Besides he spoke about the challenges which Hyderabad Metro Rail Project faced from the very outset and how it was mitigated. This was a case study for all. THE MANAGEMENT REVIEW, SUPPLEMENTARY 9
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