QUICK REFERENCE INDEX I NISSAN MODEL R 3 4 SERIES FOREWORD This Sewice Manual contains infor- mation concerning necessary ser- vice procedures and relevant data for the model R34 series. All information, illustrations and specifications contained in this Ser- vice Manual are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication. If your NISSAN model differs from the specifications contained in this Sewice Manual, consult your NISSAN distributor for information. The right is resewed to make changes in specifications and meth- ods at any time without notice. 0 1998 KISSAN MOTOR CO., LTD. Printed in Japan A11 rights reserved. No part of this Service Manual may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Nissan Motor Company Ltd.. Tokyo, Japan.
HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL b This Service Manual only contains the service data specifications and trouble diagnosis informa- tion such as self-diagnosis, CONSULT, circuit diagram and so on. b For other information not specified in this manual, refer to Japanese version Service Manual (Pub. No. A006029) and wiring diagram manual (Pub. No. WD8EOR34JO). IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE The proper performance of service is essential for both the safety of the technician and the efficient functioning of the vehicle. The service methods in this Service Manual are described in such a manner that the service may be performed safely and accurately. Service varies with the procedures used, the skills of the technician and the tools and parts available. Accordingly, anyone using service procedures, took or parts which are not specifically recommended by NISSAN must first be completely satisfied that neither personal safety nor the vehicle's safety will be jeopardized by the service method selected.
GENERAL INFORMATION GISECTION CONTENTS CONSULT CHECKING SYSTEM ....................................2 IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION................................... 3 Function and System Application ................................ 2 Model Variation............................................................3 Lithium Battery Replacement ......................................2 Checking Equipment.................................................... 2 Vehicle Identification Number...................................... 4 Vehicle Identification Plate........................................... 4
CONSULT CHECKING SYSTEM Function and System Application Diagnostic Function ENGINE AfT Air bag ABS test mode This mode enables a technician to adjust some devices faster x - - - Work support and more accurately by following the indications on CONSULT. x x Self-diagnostic Self-diagnostic results can be read and erased quickly. xx results X - Trouble diagnostic Current self-diagnostic results and all trouble diagnostic records - - record previously stored can be read. -- ECU discriminated - x No. Classification number of a replacement ECU can be read to pre- - X Data monitor vent an incorrect ECU from being installed. - x x - Active test InputIOutput data in the ECM can be read. x x x - ECM part number Diagnostic Test Mode in which CONSULT drives some actuators - - apart from the ECMs and also shifts some parameters in a x - IFunction test x specified range. x -1 L H ECM part number can be read. l x: Applicable IConducted by CONSULT instead of a technician to determine whether each system is \"OK\" or 'NG\". Lithium Battery Replacement CONSULT contains a lithium battery. When replacing the battery obey the following: WARNING: Replace the lithium battery with SANYO Electric Co., Ltd., CR2032 only. Use of another battery may present a risk of fire or explosion. The battery may present a fire or chemical burn hazard if mistreated. Do not recharge, disassemble or dispose of in fire. Keep the battery out of reach of children and discard used battery conforming to the local regulations. Checking Equipment When ordering the below equipment, contact your NlSSAN distributor. Tool name ! Description NISSAN CONSULT @ CONSULT unit and accessories @ Program card UE990: For Automatic transmission of Dual rnatic M-ATx EE980: Except for Auto- matic transmission of Dual matic M-Atx
IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Model Variation Body Grade Model Engine Transmission Rear differential carrier RH drive RB25DET 2-door 25GT TURBO GGKBRTFR34UDA FS5R30A . R200V GGKBRTAR34UDA RE4RO1B 1GGHAREARMEDA 1 RB20DE GGKAREFRMEDA RB25DE GGKAREARMEDA 25GT TURBO GGKBRTFRMUDA RB25DET RE4RO1B R200V i% 20GT GGKBRTARMUDA RB20DE FS5W71C R200 BGHAREFR34EDA RE4RO1B R200V $#i BGHAREARMEDA RB25DET I 25GT TURBO BGKBRTFR34UDA BGKBRTAR34UDA FS5R30A RE4RO1B Prefix and suffix designations: TEG,TDestlon'A: Standard U: intercooler turbocharger 1- Model F: &speed manual transmission A: 4-speed automatic transmission 20GT, 25GT, 25GT-X T: 25GT TURBO k: Right-hand drive 2WD B: 2WD + ELECTRIC SUPER HlCAS GH: RB20DE GK: RB25DE, RB25DET 4-door Sedan G: 2-door Coupe
-2 L .I IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION Vehicle identification plate Vehicle Identification Number The stamping position for vehicle identification number is at the right side of cowl top panel. GF-HR34: From HR34-000001 GF-ER34: From ER34-000001 GF-ENR34: From ENR34-000001 -- Vehicle Identification Plate -- - NISSAN MOTOR CO,LTD.JAPAN A TYP~ A Chassis No. CHASSlS NO A A Model YO DE CHASSIS A ~ o d ycolor A Inner trim color MOOEL A I A Engine type WDELO PLANT A Displacement A An7- me4 W nrwrr 0 Transmission type ~YLCOLOAWUIWQW( cc A Transaxle type z; ENGINE QA 2; Mom 2 I ;mi TRANS AXLE A& T77.b TRANS EJE
ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM ECSECTION CONTENTS ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL Fail-safe and Backup Functions...............................15 RS SYSTEM...........................................................................2 Self-diagnosis .......................................................... 16 System Description...................................................... 2 CONSULT..................................................................I 9 MA Description of Engine Control......................................2 System Diagram.......................................................... 3 Symptom Matrix Chart...............................................28 Component Parts Location..........................................6 Idle Speed Inspection and Adjustment..................... ;35 Vacuum Hose Drawing...............................................8. Circuit Diagram........................................................11 IgnitionTiming Inspectionand Adjustment................ 36 ECM (.EM) Terminal Layout...................................1.3 TROUBLE DIAGNOSES ............................................... 15 AirIFuel Ratio Inspection........................................... 37 Fuel Pressure Inspection...........................................38 9D ECM (.TCM) InpuVOutput Signal Reference Value ..........................................................................39
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM 1A System Description The engine control system, which performs various controls such as the fuel injection control and ignition timing control with a single control unit, has been adopted. Diagnostic system applicable to CONSULT has been adopted for easier inspection, service, and trouble diagnostic operations. Description of Engine Control I Fuel injection control Description \\, Ignitiontiming control Performs optimum fuel injection for every operation condition for 0 improved exhaust performance and response. Idle speed control Adopts SOFlS (Sophisticated and Optimized Fuel Injection System) control for optimized fuel injection. Fueplump drive Adopts airbuel ratio feedback learning control that performs com- pensation of airfiuel ratio for improved drivability when the system is Heated oxygen sensor in a transitional condiiion due to sudden change in airfiuel ratro. heater control Air conditioner cut control Uses an ignition timing map stored in the control unit to perform 0 controls so that the optimum ignition timing is obtained for every -- operating condition. Auxiliary electric fan con- Performs knock control, in which the ignition timing is advancedl trol retarded according to the presence of knocking, so that the opti- Engine, M,TCS,ABS mum i nition timing is obtained for every operating condition and integrated control type oPfue1. -- Performs feedback control to obtain the target idle speed for various O Variable valve timing con- conditions, such as during warm-up or when the air conditioner is trol actuated, via the AAC valve that adjusts the intake air amount when I the throttle valve is fully closed. Canister purge control Turns the fuel pump relay OWOFF according to the engine speed O air intake valve signal. control In RB25DET model, FPCM (Fuel Pump Control Modulatoi) control Air jet swirl control has been adopted for reduced idle noise. pressure control Promotes warm-up of the heated oxygen sensor for improved air1 0 fuel ratio feedback function. Fail-safe and backup con- trols Tums the air conditioner relay OFF at starting or during acceleration 0 to reduce the engine load. - Diagnostic system Tums the auxiliary electric fan relay ONIOFF according to the engine coolant temperature signal and air conditioner signal. Reduces engine toque during gearshift or when TCS (Traction 0 Control System) is being operated via a multiplex communication o lino IAccording to the engine speed and load, controls the cam phase by hydraulic pressure to change intake valve open/close timing for Increased engine torque at low and middle speeds and for enhanced out~ut. Performs duty control of the canister purge air according to various ooeratina conditions. 0 0 - r - ~e - - - - - - Controls the intake air passage in the intake manifold collector to increase engine torque at low and middle speeds and to enhance output. According to operation conditions, turns the air jet swirl control sole- 0 noid valve ONIOFF to openlclose the air jet swirl control valve for - stable combustion. Tums the Turbo pressure control solenoid valve ONIOFF according to operation conditions. Ensures the vehicle's safe operation and enables the vehicle to be 0 driven in an emergency when any of the system major components (microcomputer in the control unit, engine coolant temperature sensor, etc.) fails. For easier trouble diagnosis, self-diagnostic system is adopted and 0 the existing diagnostic system is modified so that CONSULT can be used.
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM System Diagram RB20DE (UB) a -5a w 2 LL Malfunction indicator lamp Fuel pump control signal Vehicle speed signal c ! Parwneutralposition switch signal ---5 I- C Vehicle speed signal -!
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM System Diagram (Cont'd) a E -a al 1 U. Malfunction indicator lamp -Fuel pump control signal + 2 ParWneutral position switch signal 1 F 4 -Vehicle speed signal 2 -- - D 4 m Y .0c-, Crankshaft position sensor signal \"Y Air conditioner switch signal * -B ~ n g i n ecoolant temperature sensor signal * --- PC Ignition timing control signal C Auxiliary air control signal 0, +Refrigerant pressure sensor signal - ID Power steering oil pressure switch signal aC 2 s - Variable valve timing control sign Variable air intake control I I solenoid valve control sig
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM System Diagram (Cont'd) Resistor a I I 1 w II ~ C LLOE Malfunction indicator lamo I Fuel D U ~ Dcontrol sional I s I -Parklneutral position switch s i g n a n -0 Vehicle soeed sianal Air conditioner switch signal- k - -I Refrigerant pressure sensor sianal Crankshaft position sensor signal r rr Power steering oil pressure switch signal Engine coolant temperature sensor sig-nalC Heated oxygen sensor output signal ,- Ignition timing control signal U W Mass air flow sensor signal Airlfuel ratio control signal- I Variable valve timing control s~anal Knock sensor output signal Turbo pressure signal IAuxiliarv air amount control E 8 z rsignal 2L g E $, Air regulator LT Turbo pressure sensor
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM Component Parts Location RB20DE (UB), RB25DE Component name I Type I Location I Fuel iniector IIHiah-resistance IFuel tube Electric, turbine IFuel pump I Right rear of luggage compartment (in IAA unit AAC valve Solenoid valve (Duty control) fuel tank) Air reaulator Wax Micro-mold (Built into power transistor) Intake manifold collector (Upper) '5 Ignitioncoil Solenoid valve (Duty control) Solenoid valve (ON-OFFcontrol) Cylinder head (Top of each spark plug) m Solenoid valve (ON-OFF control) Upper part of rocker cover Diaphragm Front end of cylinder head 3 Canister purge control valve Solenoid valve (ON-OFF control) Upper part of rocker cover Variable valve tirnina control solenoid valve Diaphragm Intake manifold collector Photoelectric (Directly driven by cam- variable intake control solenoid valve shaft) Lower part of intake manifold Magnetic Variable air intake control actuator Hot wire Left front of cylinder head Air jet swirl solenoid valve [RBPODE (UB)] Clutch housing or converter housing Air cleaner Air jet swirl actuator [RB20DE (LIB)] Throttle chamber Crankshaft position sensor Water outlet Ring gear crankshaft position sensor [RB20DE (UB)] Exhaust manifold Cylinder block Mass air flow sensor Rear of radiator lower hose Transmission (o? Throttle position sensor [Incorporates throttle valve Variable resistance Passenger dashboard side switch ( A l l models only)] Passenger dashboard side Cw Behind ECM (.TCM) v, Engine coolant temperature sensor Thermistor Zirconia (with heater) Heated oxygen sensor Piezoelectric ON-OFF switch Knock sensor Electromagnetic power generation 104-pin digital control Power steering oil pressure switch Vehicle speed sensor ECM (.TCM) ECM & IGN coil relay Small universal relay (2M)
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM Component Parts Location (Cont'd) \" . . ., . .7 Comoonent name I TVLE . ar Fuel injector High-resistance Fuel tube Fuel pump Electriclturbine Right rear of luggage compartment (in fuel tank) - I5 unit IAAC valve ISolenoid valve (Duty control) Intake manifold collector S I Air re\"oulator 1 w. a-x. Cvlinder head UODof each soark olua) -1 IMicro-mold (Built into power transistor) Upper part of rocker cover 4 Ignition coil Front end of cylinder head I Canister purge control valve ISolenoid valve (Dutv control) Next to left strut tower Variable valve timing control solenold valve I ---- - Solenold valve (ONtOFF control) Turbo pressure control solenoid valve I Solenoid valve (OMOFF control) Crankshaft position sensor Photoelectric (Directly driven by cam- Left front end of cylinder head shaft) Mass air flow sensor Hot wire Air cleaner Throttle position sensor [Incorporates throttle valve switch (AlT model only)] Variable resistance Throttle chamber 09 Throttle motor sensor Variable resistance Water outlet -- 5 Engine coolant temperature sensor Thermistor Turbocharaer exhaust outlet Zirconia (with heater) Cylinder block V) Piezoelectric Upper part of rocker cover Silicone diaphragm Rear of radiator lower hose Heatedoxygen sensor ONJOFF switch Transmission Knock sensor Electromagnetic power generation Passenger dashboard side Turbo pressure sensor 104-pin digital control Left rear of luaaaae comoartment Voltage control Passenger dashboard s~de Power steering oil pressure switch ECM ( TCM) Small un~versarlelay (2M) ( Vehicle speed sensor ECM (.TCM) Fuel pump control modulator (FPCM) 1 ECM L IGNco~rlelay P t
ENGINE AND E.MISSIONCONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM Vacuum Hose Drawing RB20DE (UB) 1. Intake manifold collector to Pressure regulator 10. Canister to Vacuum gallery 2. Intake manifold collector to Vacuum tank 3. Variable air intake control solenoid valve to Three-way 11. Air cleaner case to Vacuum gallery connector 12. Vacuum tank to Three-way connector 4. Air jet swirl control solenoid valve to Three-way connector 5. Variable air intake control solenoid valve to Variable air 13. Air jet swirl control solenoid valve to Three-way connector intake control actuator 14. Air jet swirl control solenoid valve to Air jet swirl actuator 6. lntake manifold collector to Fuel damper 15. Power steering air valve to Vacuum pipe 7. Vacuum pipe to Three-way connector 8. Canister purge control valve to Vacuum gallery 16. Power steering air valve to Air duct 9. Canister purge control valve to Throttle chamber 17. Air jet swirl assembly to Vacuum pipe 18. Vacuum pipe to Vacuum pipe ;
A ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM Vacuum Hose Drawing (Cont'd) RB25DE Power steering air valve +Vacuum tank lntake manifold collector --P Vacuum tank 1. lntake manifold collector to Pressure regulator ECL178OD 2. lntake manifold collector to Vacuum tank 3. Variable air intake control solenoid valve to Vacuum tank 8. Canister purge control valve to Vacuum gallery 4. lntake manifold collector to Fuel damper 9. Canister purge control valve to Throttle chamber 5. Variable air intake control solenoid valve to Vacuum pipe 10. Variable air intake control solenoid valve to Variable air 6. Canister to Vacuum gallery 7. Air cleaner case to Vacuum gallery intake control actuator 11. Power steering air valve to Vacuum pipe 12. Power steering air valve to Air duct 13. Vacuum pipe to Vacuum pipe 14. AAC valve to Vacuum pipe
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM Vacuum Hose Drawing (Cont'd) Canister purge control vzlve 1. lntake manifold collector to Recirculation valve Canister to Vacuum pipe 2. One-way valve to lntake manifold collector Pressure regulator to lntake manifold collector 3. Canister purge control valve to One-way valve Fuel damper to lntake manifold collector 4. Canister purge control valve to Vacuum pipe lntake manifold collector to Vacuum pipe 5. Turbo pressure sensor to Vacuum tank Vacuum pipe to Vacuum pipe 6. Turbo pressure control solenoid Air tube Power steering air valve to Vacuum pipe 7 . Turbo pressure control solenoid valve to Three-way Power steering air valve to Air inlet hose Air inlet pipe to Vacuum tank connector 8. Air inlet tube to Three-way connector 9. Swing valve controller to Three-way connector
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM Circuit Diagram RB20DE (UB).MTT, RB25DE, RB25DET.MTT MODELS Fan motor Auxtliary electric Ian relay 43 - B.Engine W a n t Alr cmdll~onercompressor temwrature sensor Check c o n n m r Arr conduoner relay Tachometer drive signal 14 Y Mallunct~onindcator lamp 17 A $7 = Power steenng 011 26 23 pressure sw~icr. I / To rear defogger relay TO starter motor *'\"\"L'*\" [RB2MWD I - > TO PNP switch '[Except lor TO Starter relay - RB25DE.4WDI
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM Circuit Diagram (Cont'd) RB2ODE (UB).A/T, RB25DET.AfT MODELS a t A A. . .-,,..-......, . .59 : Turbine -.. sensor Overrun clutzh Droppins revstor .shdt ~ l e n w dvalve k pressure detection switch I' Sh:H control unit 8 18 9 'S 10 - \".--- , 49 TC rear de'ogger relay 4 176 T
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM ECM (-TCM) Terminal Layout I GY CH~'GN- (Data link connector for CONSULT) Terminal Description 1 ITerminal Description No 1NO. 1- - I1 lgnition signal (Power transistor drrve signal) Cyl. No. 1 '34 Iu1\"positron switch signal 12 Ignition signal (Power transistor drive signal) Cyl. No. 5 1 1 -- ---- '35 ''2\" posifion switch signal 13 Ignition signal (Power transistor drive signal) Cyl. No. 3 1 36 1 -- - I4 ECM 6 IGN coil relay control signal 1 1 Throttle opening signal 37 [RB25DE.4WD,M/TSRB25DE.m RB25DEll 5 Tachometer drive signal '38 \"D\" position switch signal 6- 39 Neutral signal (Parklneutralposition switch) 7 Ignition signal (Power transistor drive signal) Cyl. No. 6 '40 \"R\" position switch signal 1( '41 - 8 ( Ignitionsignal (Power transistor drive signal) Cyl. No. 2 f-k- - -- - - - - swltch signal -- 9 Ignition signal (Power transistor drive signal) Cyl. No. 4 42 10 - 43 Sensor around 11 ( AAC valve control signal - 1( 44 Crankshaft position sensor 120' (REF) signal 12 45 Crankshaft position sensor 120\" (REF) signal 13 Fuel pump relay control signal 46 Crankshaft position sensor 1\" (POS) signal 14 Air conditioner relay control signal 47 Ring gear crankshaft position sensor signal [RB20DE (UB)] Turbo pressure sensor signal LRB25DEl-J 15 - 48 Power supply for throttle position sensor, refrigerantpressure 16 - sensor, and turbo pressure sensor 17 Malfunction indicator lamp 49 Rear defogger switch signal 18 - 50 Heated oxygen sensor signal 19 - 51 Throttle motor sensor signal [RB25DET] 52 SB (select bit) 2 signal (RB25DET.ATJ 20 Ignition switch (START) signal 53 Motor throttle switch signal [RB25DET] 21 Air conditioner switch signal 54 Mass air flow sensor signal 22 (CHK) Check (Diagnosisstart) 55 Mass air flow sensor ground 56 Engine coolant temperature sensor signal 23 Throttle position sensor signal 57 Refrigerant pressure sensor signal 24 (IGN) Ignitionswitch (IGN) signal '58 Output shaft rotation sensor signal (Vehicle speed sensor 1) 59 Turbine sensor signal [RB25DET.AlTj 25 Control unit ground '60 Oil temperature sensor signal 26 Power steering oil pressure switch signal 61 62 Knock sensor signal 1 27 - 63 Knock sensor signal 2 64 PJT mode switch signal (POWER) [RB20DE (UB).A/Tl 128 SB (select bit) 1 signal [RB25DET.A/Tl 65 DB (data bush) 1 signal [RB25DET.W 129 Vehicle speed sensor signal (Vehicle speed sensor 2) 66 DB (data bush) 3 signal [RB25DET.W 30 Headlamp switch signal 31 Ignition power supply 32 Control unit ground '33 Idle position switch signal Symbols in ( ) next to terminal numbers indicate the data link connector terminals. Items marked with are available on RB20DE (UB) and RB25DET.mmodels only.
ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL OVERALL SYSTEM ECM (-TCM)Terminal Layout (Cont'd) Terminal Description Terminal Description No. No. - 67 Control unit power supply 74 '68 O/D OFF indicator lamp 75 (RX) Receive (Data input to control unit) 69 DB (data bush) 2 signal [RB25DET.AIT] 76 (TX) Transmit (Data output from control unit) 70 A K mode switch signal (SNOW) [RB20DE (UB).AIT] - I 77 '71 Stop lamp switch signal 78 Auxiliary electric fan relay control signal [RB25DE, RB25DElJ 72 Control unit power 79 ECM.TCM. TCSIABS integrated control signal [Multiplex com- 73 I munication.] [.RB25DENT. RB25DEl - 1 80 Battery power supply 101 lnjector No. 1 cylinder drive signal \"I3 Line pressure solenoid valve control signal (Dropping resistor circuit) 102 - 114 Injector No. 4 cylinder drive signal 103 Injector No. 3 cylinder drive signal '1 15 Overrun clutch solenoid valve control signal 1104 -Variable air intake control solenoid valve control sianal I I16 Ilnjector ground [RB~ODE(LIB), BR25DEl Turbo oressure control solenoid valve control signal [RB~~DET] 105 Injector No. 2 cylinder drive signal 117 Variable timing control solenoid valve control signal '106 Line pressure solenoid valve control signal 118 Heated oxygen sensor heater control signal 107 Air jet swirl control solenoid valve control signal [RB20DE (U .119 Power indicator lamp Lockup solenoid valve control signal ,\\I \"11 108 Canister purge control valve control signal '120 logfCeoendbtraocl kunciitrcpuoiwt)er supply (Counter-electromotive current '121 Shift solenoid valve A control signal 110 Injector No. 5 cylinder drive signal 111 Fuel pump terminal voltage control output signal [RB25DET] I '122 Shift solenoid valve B control signal 123 - 112 Injector No. 6 cylinder drive signal 124 Injector ground Symbols in ( ) next to terminal numbersindicatethe data link connector terminals. Itemsmarkedwith 'are available on RB20DE (UB) and R825DET.All models only.
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES ---- - --- - -- - Fail-safe and Backup Functions 0 The fail-safe function estimates the opening conditions with other input signals and selects safer condi- tions for the engine (vehicle) control, based on the data previously stored in the control unit, when any of the critical sensors in the ECM fails. G]The backup function allows the vehicle to be driven, using control signals previously stored in the control unit, even if the critical part of the system fails. Function Related Malfunction Fail-safehackup IMIL indication sensor ECM The microcomputer in the control Fixes the ignition timing, fuel injection pulse width, and A' (-TCM) unit (CPU) is malfunctioning. Backup AAC valve opening to the preset values so that the vehicle MIL lights up. %R can be driven. ST -- -- Selects the fuel injection pulse width according to the Mass air Output voltage dropped below engine speed and the throttle opening so that the vehicle MIL lights up. flow 0.3V while the engine is running. can be driven. Fuel injectionwill be inhibited when the sensor engine speed exceeded approx. 2,400 rpm. During fail-safe control, idle speed is controlled to 800 rpm. Engine Uses the estimated engine coolant temperature (varies with coolant Same as self-diagnostic malfunc- elapsed time after start) to perform controls so that the MIL lights up. R8 tempera- tion detection conditions. vehicle can be driven normally. The auxiliary electric fan ture sen- relay is turned ON. On RB25DET model, the turbo pres- sor sure control solenoid valve remains OFF. Heated Heated oxygen sensor output MIL lights up. d o w e n voltage exceeded approx. 2V for Inhibits aidfuel ratio feedback control. d sensor predetermined time. Fail-safe Knock Same as self-diagnostic malfunc- Judges the vehicle as of regular specification. Retards the function sensor tion detection conditions. ignition timing within the knocking range so that the vehicle can be driven normally. Determines idle position according to the throttle position Throttle and the engine speed. position sensor Same as self-diagnostic malfunc- Fixes the output to the preset value so that the vehicle can MIL lights up. MIL lights up. Throttle tion detection conditions. be driven normally. motor sensor On RB25DET model, the turbo pressure control solenoid valve remains OFF. -- Same as self-diagnostic malfunc- Fixes the throttle motor sensor output to the preset value tion detection conditions. by turning the TCS switch ONIOFF, so that the vehicle can be driven normally. Motor Same as self-diagnostic malfunc- Fixes the TCS switch OFF. throttle tion detection conditions. switch t.. -
Self-diagnosis DESCRIPTION In self-diagnosis,when any of the critical sensors in the engine control system fails and the self-diagnos- tic malfunctiondetection conditions are satisfied, the malfunctioningsystem is stored in the control unit for easier trouble diagnosis. There are two methods to indicate the presence of a malfunction: By illuminatingthe malfunction indica- tor lamp (MIL) on the combination meter or by displaying on the CONSULT screen. Here describes indi- cation by the malfunction indicator lamp. There are two types of diagnostic test modes: Mode I and Mode 11. Mode I is normal status. Mode I1 is either SELF-DIAGNOSTIC RESULT or HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR MONITOR function. SELF-DIAGNOSIS OPERATION PROCEDURE To activate Diagnostic Test Mode I1self-diagnosis, with the ignition witch turned ON (engine not running), connect terminals CHK and IGN on the data link connector for 2 or more seconds with a suitable harness, then disconnect them. Perform self-diagnosis with the ignition switch remain in ON position. [Mode I1 SELF-DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS] When engine is started in the above status, the heated oxygen sensor monitor function will be activated. [Mode II HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR MONITOR] When ignition switch is turned off during diagnosis, the diagnosis will automatically returns to Diagnostic Test Mode I. [Normal status] I 1 r I, -rest Mode I +I I I r \\II MAL~UNLMWANRINlNfi Switching diagnostic test modes n Connect terminals \"CHIC and 'IGN' on the data link connector for CON- SULT for 2 or more seconds w~tha suitable harness, then disconnect them. -Diagnostic Test Mode II SELF-DI- -DiagnosticTest Mode I1 HEATED AGNOSTIC RESULTS OXYGEN SENSOR MONITOR MIL indication (Blinkmg) MIL indicabon (Blinking) Indicates lean (ON) and rich (OFF). When normal: MIL blinks to indicate 'DTC 55'. II When malfunction detected: MIL 11 blinks to indicate DTC of malfunction- ing systern(s). Erasing self-diagnostic results Connect Leyinals 'CHIC and 'IGN\" CAUTION: When ignition switch is turned ON within sev- on the data hnk connector for CON- SULT for 2 or more seconds with a -eral seconds after i t i s turned OFF wh~leDiag- suitable harness. then dsconnect nostic Test Mode II SELF-DIAGNOSTIC them. RESULTSIHEATEOOXYGEN SENSOR MONI- TOR i s activated, SELF-DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS will be performed again.
I\\ TROUBLE DIAGNOSES Malfunctionindicator lamp Self-diagnosis (Cont'd) MALFUNCTiON INDICATOR LAMP (MIL) INDICATION Diagnostic test mode I - BULB CHECK 0 The malfunction indicator lamp bulb check is carried out when the ignition switch is turned ON (engine not started). The malfunction indicator lamp should come ON when the ignition switch is turned ON, and go OFF when the engine is started. Example: Blinking pattern for DTC \"43\" -Diagnostic test mode I MALFUNCTION WARNING ONh The system goes into the malfunction warning mode when any of OFF the following conditions is satisfied, and warns the driver by light- Approx. 8.7S 1ing up the malfunction indicator lamp in the combination meter. Microcomputer in the ECM control unit (CPU) is malfunction- OFF ing. (Rich) Malfunction is detected during mass airflow sensor circuit self- diagnosis. 1Duty ratio in 1 cycle Lean: Al(A ++ B) x 100 Malfunction is detected during engine coolant temperature Rich: B/(A 100 sensor circuit self-diagnosis. B) x Malfunction is detected during vehicle speed sensor circuit self-diagnosis. Malfunction is detected during ignition signal circuit self-diag- nosis. Malfunction is detected during overheat self-diagnosis. Malfunction is detected during heated oxygen sensor circuit self-diagnosis. ~ a l f u n s i o nis detected during throttle position sensor circuit self-diagnosis. Malfunction is detected during Turbo pressure sensor circuit self-diagnosis. [RB25DET model] Malfunction is detected during throttle motor sensor circuit self- diagnosis. [RB25DET model] Diagnostic test mode I1- SELF-DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS 0 This mode indicates the malfunctioning system(s) by the mal- function indicator lamp blinking pattern (indicating the DTC). 0 When no malfunction is detected, DTC \"55\" is indicated. -Diagnostic test mode II HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR MONITOR 0 This mode indicates status of the aidfuel ratio by blinks of the malfunction indicator lamp. Warm up the engine and increase and maintain the engine speed at 2,000 rpm. Check that the malfunction indicator lamp blinks at least five times in 10 seconds. During airlfuel ratio feedback control, when heated oxygen sensor output is high (rich): MIL goes OFF. when heated oxygen sensor output is low (lean): MIL comes ON. When aidfuel ratio feedback control is clamped: Status just before clamp is maintained. When airifuel ratio feedback control is stopped: MIL goes OFF. EFJ0041C
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES Self-diagnosis (Cont'd) SELF-DIAGNOSTIC INDICATION ITEMS DTC No. Self-diagnostic test items Malfunction (DTC No.) indication conditions (Malfunction is detected when ...) MIL indication ,, Crankshaft position sen- l o (POS) signal or 120\" (REF) signal is not input for predetermined time sor signal circuit while the engine is running. - Abnohal correlation is detected between 1\" (POS) signal and 120\" (REF) sia\"nal. Mass air flow sensor output voltage is 4.9V or greater for predetermined Mass air flow sensor time when ignition switch is turned from OFF to ON, or after the engine is signal circuit l2 stalled. MIL lights up. I Mass air flow sensor output voltage is less than 0.3V for predetermined I time while the engine is running. Engine coo'ant tempera- Engine coolant temperature sensor output voltage is approx. 4.8V or ture sensor signal circuit greater (open circuit) or less than 0.06V (short circuit) for predetermined MIL lights up. t- i m-e- - 14 Vehicle speed sensor No vehicle speed signal is input for predetermined time while the vehicle is MIL lights up. signal circuit being driven after warm up. Motor throttle switch sig- Abnormal correlation is detected between input voltages from the throttle - nal circuit [RB25DET] motor sensor and from the motor throttle switch for predetermined time. 1- ABS-TCS control unit Throttle control unit detects malfunction in the system. (Open throttle sen- circuit JRB25DEl-l sor harness, etc.) I TCS/ABS control unit detects malfunction. Ignition signal circuit MIL lights up. No consecutive ignition signal while the engine is running. Turbo pressure sensor Turbo pressure sensor output voltage is approx. 4.8V or greater (open cir- lights up. signal circuit [RB25DET] cuit) or less than 0.06V (short circuit) for predetermined time. Overheat Engine coolant temperature sensor output voltage is approx. 0.35V or less MIL lights up. (sensor normal) for predetermined time. a Heated oxygen sensor output voltage is approx. 0.2V or greater and less Heated oxygen sensor than approx. 0.4V for predeterminedtime while the vehicle is being driven signal circuit aner warm up. MIL lights up. Heated oxygen sensor output voltage is approx. 2V or greater for predeter- I I 1 mined time. I IKnock sensor signal cir- a At least one knock sensor indicates the output voltage of approx. 4V or - cuit greater (open circuit) or less than approx. 1V (short circuit). Throttle position sensor Throttle position sensor output voltage is approx. 4.7V or greater (open cir- -MIL liqhts up. signal circuit cuit) or less than 0.06V (short circuit) for predetermined time while ark/ neutral position switch i s OFF and vehicle speed is 4 k d h or higher. ABS-TCS communica- a Malfunction (openlshort circuit, etc.) is detected in multiplex communication - tion circuit [RB25DET] line between enaine and TCWABS. Throttle motor sensor a Throttle motor sensor input voltage is approx. 4 1 8 ~ ogr reater (open circuit) MIL lights up. Isignal circuit [RB25DET] or less than 0.3V (short circuit) for predeterminedtime. Malfunction is detected in P A communication circuit in ECM (-TCM). Afr communication cir- [RBZODE (UB), RB25Dm cuit a Malfunction (open circuit, short circuit, etc.) is detected in multiplex commu- nication line between ECM and TCM. [RB25DE1 NQmalfunction No malfunction is detected in all the above circuits. I- - -- Some of the above ~ e l f a i a ~ n o s ttiecst items can cause related malfunctions to be detected in M, throttle control, and ABS seif-diagnosis when malfunction is detected. Therefore, malfunctions should also be checked in self-diagnostic tests for systems other than engine. CONDITIONS TO TURN OFF MALFUNCTION INDICATOR LAMP Vehicle speed sensor signal circuit: Correct the sensor signal, then drive the vehicle at 4 km/h or higher. Overheat: Check for causes of overheat, then erase self-diagnostic results. Other items: Malfunction indicator lamp turns OFF when the vehicle returned to normal condition. HOW TO ERASE SELF-DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS In Diagnostic Test Mode II, with the engine stopped (ignition switch ON), connect terminals \"CHK\" and \"IGFP on the data link connector for 2 or more seconds with a suitable harness, then disconnect them.
NISSAN TROUBLE DIAGNOSES CONSULT CONSULT CONSULT INSPECTION PROCEDURE Turn ignition switch OFF. Connect \"CONSULT to data link connector for CONSULT. (Data link connector for CONSULT is located under the instru- Iment lower cover on the driver's side on both LHD and RHD models.) Turn ignition switch ON. Touch \"START'. START 1 I BR455C I SUB MODE 1b SELECTeYSTEM Touch \"ENGINE\". [ ENGINE I b SELECTDIAG MODE n] Perform each diagnostic test mode according to each service procedure. WORK SUPPORT SEF288S SELF-DIAG RESULTS For further information, see the CONSULT Operation Manual. DATA MONITOR ACTIVE TEST FUNCTION TEST ,ECM PART NUMBER
FUNCTION TROUBLE DIAGNOSES CONSULT (Cont'd) Diagnostic test mode Work support Function Self-diagnostic results A technician can adjust some devices faster Data monitor and more accurately by following indications Active test on CONSULT. Self-diagnostic resuits can be read and Function test erased quickly. ECM part number Input/Output data in the ECM can be read. CONSULT drives some actuators apart from the ECM's and also shifts some parameters in a specified range. Conducted by CONSULT instead of a techni- cian to determine whether each system is \"OK\" or \"NG\". ECM part number can be read. WORK SUPPORT MODE WORK ITEM I CONDITION I USAGE THRTL POS SEN ADJ CHECK THE THROTTLE POSITION SENSOR SIGNAL. When adjusting throttle position IACV-AAC VALVE ADJ ADJUST IT TO THE SPECIFIED VALUE BY ROTATING sensor initial position FUEL PRESSURE RELEASE THE SENSOR BODY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDI- i TIONS. 0 IGN SW \"ONn 0 ENG NOT RUNNING 1 I I ACC PEDAL NOT PRESSED I ISET ENGINE SPEED AT THE SPECIFIED VALUE UNDER 1 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. ENGINE WARMED UP I 0 NO-LOAD When releasing fuel pressure FUEL PUMP WILL STOP BY TOUCHING \"START\" DURING IDLING. from fuel line CRANK A FEW TIMES AFTER ENGINE STALLS. J
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES m CONSULT (Cont'd) SELF-DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS MODE When any of the control unit input/output signal circuits fails and the self-diagnostic malfunction detection conditions are satisfied, the malfunctioningcircuit is stored in the memory and displayed later. ISelf-diagnostictest items Malfunction is detected when ... IMalfunction display item Da(Ytaesst/oNroa,ge -. 1\" (POS) signal or 120\" (REF) signal is not input for pre- I Crankshaft position sen- determined time while the engine is running. Crankshaft position sen- AT sor signal circuit Abnormal correlation is detected between 1\" (POS) sig- sor mm Mass air 'lowsensor sig- 19L ~ J nal circuit nal and 120\" (REF) signal. yes -- I Mass air flow sensor output voltage is 4.9V or greater for Yes Yes ST Engine coolant tempera- predetermined time when ignition switch is turned from ture sensor signal circuit Vehicle speed sensor sig- OFF to ON, or after the engine is stalled. Mass air flow sensor Inal circuit 1Mass air flow sensor output voltage is less than 0.3V for 1 predetermined time while the engine is running. I Engine coolant temperature sensor output voltage is Engine coolant tempera- approx. 4.8V or greater (open circuit) or less than 0.06V ture sensor (short circuit) for predetermined time. INo vehicle speed signal is input for predetermined time Vehicle speed sensor while the vehicle is beina driven after warm UD. switch sig- Abnormal correlation is detected between input voltages Yes RS nal circuit JRB25DETI from the throttle motor sensor and from the motor Motor throttle switch throttle switch for predeterminedtime. ABS-TCScontrol unit cir- Throttle control unit detects malfunction in the system. ABS-TCS C/U SIGNAL cuit [RB25DETJ (Open throttle sensor harness, etc.) TCS/ABS control unit detects malfunction. lgnition signal circuit No consecutive ignition signal while the engine is run- lgnition switch (Start sig- Yes Yes Turbo pressure sensor ning. nal) Yes EL signal circuit [RB25DETl 8D Turbo pressure sensor output voltage is approx. 4.8V or Overheat greater (open circuit) or less than 0.06V (short circuit) for TURBO PRESS SENSOR predetermined time. Engine coolant temperature sensor output voltage is approx. 0.35V or less (sensor normal) for predetermined OVER HEAT time. Heatedoxygen sensor Heated oxygen sensor output voltage is approx. 0.2V or Oxygen sensor Yes signal circuit greater and less than approx. 0.4V for predetermined time while the vehicle is being driven after warm up. Heated oxygen sensor output voltage is approx. 2V or greater for medetermined time. Knock At least one knock sensor indicates the output voltage of Yes cuit approx. 4V or greater (open circuit) or less than approx. Knock sensor 1V (short circuit). Throttle position sensor output voltage is approx. 4.7V or Throttle position sensor greater (open circuit) or 0.06V or less (short circuit) for Thronle position sensor Yes signal circuit predetermined time while parkheutral position switch is ABS-TCS communication OFF and vehicle s ~ e e dis 4 km/h or hiaher. 1circuit [RB25DETl IMalfunction (openlshort circuit, etc.) is detected in multi- ABSrrCS C,u plex communication line between enaine and TCS/ABS. Throttle motor sensor sig- Throttle motor sensor input voltage is approx. 4.8V or Yes nal circuit [RB25DET] greater (open circuit) or less than 0.3V or less (short cir- Motor throttle sensor cuitl for redetermined time. AiT communication circuit Malfunction is detected in A/T communication circuit in A/T COMM LINE Yes ECM (.TCM). (RB2ODE (UB), RB25DET] a Malfunction (opedshort circuit, etc.) is detected in multi- plex communication line between ECM and TCM. [RB25DE1 No malfunction No malfunction is detected in all the above circuits. NO SELF DIAGNOSTIC FAILURE INDICATED. FURTHER TESTING MAY BE REQUIRED. Some of the above self-diagnostic test items can cause related malfunctions to be detected in An; throttle control, and ABS self-diagnosis when malfunction is detected. Therefore, malfunctionsshould also be checked in self-diagnostic tests for systems other than engine.
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES CONSULT (Cont'd) DATA MONITOR MODE Monitored item ECM Main Description Remarks [Unit] input signals signals When the engine is stopped, a certain - value is indicated. lndicates the engine speed computed When the engine coolant temperature MAS AIRiFL SE [V] from the POS signal ( l osignal) of the sensor is open or short-circuited, ECM camshaft position sensor. enters fail-safe mode. The engine coolant temperature determined by the ECM is 0 The signai voltage of the mass air flow displayed. 0 sensor is displayed. The engine coolant temperature (deter- mined by the signal voltage of the engine coolant temperature sensor) is displayed. 0 2 SEN [V]' The signal voltage of the oxygen sensor 0 After turning ON the ignition switch, is displayed. \"RICH\" is displayed until air-fuel mixture MiR F/C MNT* ratio feedback control begins. [RICH/LEAN] Display of oxygen sensor signal during When the air-fuel ratio feedback is air-fuel ratio feedback control: clamped, the value just before the clamp- ing is displayed continuously. RICH ... means the mixture became \"rich\", and control is being affected toward a leaner mixture. LEAN ... means the mixture became \"lean\", and control is being affected toward a rich mixture. VHCL SPEED SE The vehicle speed computed from the [krn/h] or [mph] vehicle speed sensor signal is displayed. BATTERY VOLT [V] IThe power supply voltage of ECM is dis- THRTL POS SEN [V] played. THRTL POS SE2 [V] The throttle position sensor signal volt- age is displayed. 0 RB25DET Throttle motor sensor output voltage Approx. 4.6V TURBO BOOST SENSOR Turbo pressure sensor output voltage 0 Approx. 2.7V RB25DET 0 Indicates [ON/OFF] condition from the After starting the engine, [OFF] is dis- 0 played regardless of the starter signal. - starter signal. lndicates [ON/OFF] condition from the START SIGNAL throttle position sensor signal. [ON/OFF] CLSD THUP SW [ 0N/OFF] AIR COND SIG 0 lndicates [ON/OFF] condition of the air [ON/OFF] conditioner switch as determined by the air conditioner sianal. PiN POSl SW [ONIOFF) lndicates [ON/OFFj condition from the parldneutral position switch signal. PW/ST SIGNAL [ONIOFF] LOAD SIGNAL lndicates [ON/OFfl condition from the [ON/OFF] electrical load signal andlor lighting switch. ON ... rear defogger is operating. OFF ... rear defogger is not operating. NOTE: Any monitored item that does not match the vehicle being diagnosed is deleted from the display automatically. *: Models with three way catalyst.
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES . CONSULT (Cont'd) Monitored item Remarks [Unit] Description signals IINJ PULSE [msec] lndicates the actual fuel injection pulse When the engine is stopped, a certain width compensated by ECM according to computed value is indicated. the input siqnals. IIGN TIMING [BTDC] lo lndicates the ignition timing computed by When the engine is stopped, a certain value is indicated. ECM according to the input signals. IACV-AACN I%] I lo lndicates IACV-AACN control value com- puted by ECM according to the input sig- nals. PURG VOL C N lndicates the EVAP canister purge vol- [ONIOFF dutyj ume control valve computed by the ECM AIF ALPHA [%] according to the input signals. The opening becomes larger as the value increases. - -- - The mean value of the air-fuel ratio feed- When the engine is stopped, a certain back correction factor per cycle is indi- value is indicated. cated. This data also includes the data for the air-fuel ratio learning control. AIR COND RLY The air conditioner relay control condition [ONIOFF] (determined by ECM according to the input signal) is indicated. -- - - Indicates the fuel pump relay control con- dition determined by ECM according to the input signals. The control condition of the intake valve timing control solenoid valve is indicated. ON ... Intake valve timing control is oper- ating. OFF ... lntake valve timing control is not operating. VlAS S N [ONIOFF] Control conditions computed by ECM RB20DE (UB), Solenoid valve activated: ON Solenoid valve not activated: OFF RB25DE SWRL CONT S N [ON/OFF] 0 RB20DE (UB) COOLING FAN The control condition of the cooling fan [HVLOW/OFF] (determined by ECM according to the RB25DE, input signal) is indicated. RB25DET HI ... High speed operation LOW ... Low speed operation OFF ... Stop TURBO CONT S N Control conditions computed by ECM 0 RB25DET Solenoid valve activated: ON Solenoid valve not activated: OFF PD PRESSURE Refrigerant pressure sensor output volt- Approx. 0.36V min. age (Varies with air conditioner refrigerant SENSOR M pressure) , VOLTAGE Voltage measured by the voltage probe. Pulse width, frequency or duty cycle Only \"#\" is displayed if item is unable to measured by the pulse probe. be measured. r Figures with \"#\"s are temporary ones. They are the same figures as an actual piece of data which was just previously measured.
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES CONSULT (Cont'd) ACTIVE TEST MODE TEST ITEM CONDITION JUDGEMENT CHECK ITEM (REMEDY) INJECTION I.Engine: Return to the original trouble If trouble symptom disappears, see :~,\"~~,,,~scOnnectOr IACV-AACN CCohArthe amount of fuel injection CHECK ITEM. Oxygen sensor OPENING US~~~CONSULT. Engine speed changes according to the .Harness and connector Engine: After warming up, idle the opening percent. IACV-AAC valve engine. Change the IACV-AAC valve opening percent using CONSULT. ENG COOLANT Engine: Return to the original trouble If trouble symp:orn disappears, see : Sensor TEMP conditioo CHECK ITEM. Change the engine coolant 0 Fuel injectors temperature using CONSULT. Engine: Return to the original trouble condition If trouble symptom disappears, see 0 Adjust ignition timing (by moving CHECK ITEM. camshaft position sensor) IGNITIONTIMING Timing light: Set Engine runs rough or dies. Harness and connector I .Retard the ignition timing using Compression CONSULT. Injectors 0 lgnition coil with power transistor - Spark plugs Engine: After warming up, idle the .engine. POWER BALANCE A/C switch \"OFF Shift lever uNn Cut off each injector signal one at a time using CONSULT. COOLING FAN Ignition switch: ON Cooling fan moves and stops. Hamess and connector RB25DE, Turn the cooling fan \"ON\" and \"OFF Cooling fan motor RB25DET Fuel pump relay makes the operating .using CONSULT. sound. .Cooling fan relay FUEL PUMP RELAY Harness and connector 0 lgnition switch: ON (Engine stopped) Fuel pump relay Turn the fuel pump relay \"ON\" and \"OFF using CONSULT and listen to operating sound. VlAS SOL VALVE RB20DE (UB), RB25DE VALVE TIMING SOL Checks control items and output circuit by arbitrary ON/OFF operation. SWIRL CONT SOL .In this test, the coefficient of self-learning control mixture ratio returns to the original coefficient by touching \"CLEAR\" on the VALVE screen. .Harness and connector 0 RB20DE (UB) EVAP canister purge control solenoid EVAP canister purge control solenoid SELF-LEARNING .0 Engine: Run engine at 2,000 rpm. valve makes an operating sound. Check valve CONT Turn the E V ~ Pcanister purge control vacuum signal for EVAP canister purge solenoid valve and using Vacuum hose PURG VOL CONTN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~exiasts.' c u u m CONSULT and listen for operating VC OFF ...Vacuum does not exist. sound.
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES CONSULT (Cont'd) REAL TlME DIAGNOSIS IN DATA MONITOR MODE CONSULT has two kinds of triggers and they can be selected by touching \"SETTINGJyin \"DATA MONITOR\" mode. 1. \"AUTO TRIG\" (Automatic trigger): The malfunction will be identified on the CONSULT screen in real time. GI In other words, malfunction item will be displayed at the moment the malfunction is detected by ECM. DATA MONITOR can be performed continuously until a malfunction is detected. However, DATA MONI- TOR cannot continue any longer after the malfunction detection. I2. \"MANU TRIG\" (Manual trigger): Malfunction item will not be displayed automatically on CONSULT screen even though a malfunction is detected by ECM. AT DATA MONITOR can be performed continuously even though a malfunction is detected. Use these triggers as follows: . 1. \"AUTO TRIG\" BR While trying to detect the DTC by performing the \"DTC CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE\", be sure to select to \"DATA MONITOR (AUTO TRIG)\" mode. You can confirm the malfunction at the moment it is detected. ST While narrowing down the possible causes, CONSULT should be set in \"DATA MONITOR (AUTO TRIG)\" mode, especially in case the incident is intermittent. When you are inspecting the circuit by gently shaking (or twisting) the suspicious connectors, compo- R s nents and harness in the \"DTC CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE, the moment a malfunction is found the malfunction item will be displayed. (Refer to GI section, \"Incident Simulation Tests\" in \"HOW TO HA PERFORM EFFICIENT DIAGNOSIS FOR AN ELECTRICAL INCIDENT'.) 2. \"MANU TRIG\" If the malfunction is displayed as soon as \"DATA MONITOR\" is selected, reset CONSULT to \"MANU TRIG\". By selecting \"MANU TRIG\" you can monitor and store the data. The data can be utilized for further diagnosis, such as a comparison with the value for the normal operating condition. I I 1SELECT MONITOR ITEM I 1h SET RECORDING COND 1 k SET RECORDING CON0 1 I MAIN SIGNALS I MANU TRIG I SELECTION FROM MENU I LONG TlME I II 1- START I \"AUTO TRIG\" \"MANU TRIG\" A malfunction can be A malfunction can not be displayed on \"DATA displayedon \"DATA MONITOR\" screen MONITOR\" screen automatically if detected. automatically even if detected.
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES t CONSULT (Cont'd) i i FUNCTION TEST MODE FUNCTION TEST CONDITION JUDGEMENT CHECK ITEM (REMEDY) ITEM lgnition switch: ON SELF-DIAG (Engine stopped) Objective system RESULTS Displays the results of on board Harness and connector CLOSED THROTTLE Throttle position sensor (Closed POSl diagnostic system. throttle position) Throttle position sensor (Closed -- Throttle valve: OFF throttle position) adjustment ON Throttle linkage ignition switch: ON Venfy operation in DATA (Engine stopped) MONITOR mode. Throttle position sensor circuit is opened tested when throttle is opened and closed fully. (\"IDLE POSITION\" is the test item name for the vehicles Throttle valve: in which idle is selected by throttle closed position sensor.) lgnition switch: ON Range (Throttle Harness and connector Throttle position sensor THROTTLE POSl (Engine stopped) valve fully opened More than Throttle position sensor SEN CKT adjustment Throttle position sensor circuit is -Throttle valve 3.0V Throttle linkage tested when throttle is opened and fully closed) Verify operation in DATA closed fully. MONITOR mode. lgnition switch: ON Out of N/P OFF Harness and connector (Engine stopped) positions Neutral position switch PARWNEUT POSl Neutral position switch circuit is Linkage adjustment SW CKT tested when shift lever is manipulated. In N/P positions FUEL PUMP lgnition switch: ON There is pressure pulsation on Harness and connector CIRCUIT (Engine stopped) the fuel feed hose. Fuel pump Fuel pump circuit is tested by Fuel pump relay VALVE TIMING S N checking the pulsation in fuel Fuel filter clogging CKT pressure when fuel tube is Fuel level pinched. -- The valve timing control system is diagnosed by checking for operating sound of the solenoid valve. COOLING FAN lgnition switch: ON The cooling fan rotates and Harness and connector CIRCUIT (Engine stopped) stops every 3 seconds. Cooling fan motor Cooling fan circuit is tested when Cooling fan relay RB25DE, RB25DET cooling fan is rotated. START SIGNAL lgnition switch: ON -+ START Start signal: OFF 3 ON Harness and connector CIRCUIT Start signal circuit is tested when lgnition switch engine is started by operating the starter. Battery voltage and water temperature before cranking, and average battery voltage, mass air flow sensor output voltage and cranking speed during cranking are displayed.
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES CONSULT (Cont'd) FUNCTION TEST CONDITION JUDGEMENT -- - ITEM CHECK ITEM (REMEDY) PWIST SIGNAL Ignition switch: ON CIRCUIT (Engine running) Locked position ON Harness and connector GO VlAS SN CIRCUIT OFF Power steering oil pressure switch 0 RB20DE (UB), Power steering oil pressure switch a Power steering oil pump I RB25DE circuit is tested when steering - wheel is rotated fully and then set Neutral position SWRL CONT S N to a straight line running position. CIRCUIT 0 RB20DE (UB) The variable air intake system is VEHICLE SPEED diagnosed by checking for opera- SEN CKT tion of the actuator. IGNTIMING ADJ The air jet swirl control system is MIXTURE RATIO diagnosed by checking for opera- TEST tion of the actuator. - -- -- -- - / a Vehicle speed sensor circuit is Vehicle speed sensor input Harness and connector 877 POWER BALANCE signal is greater than 4 krnlh Vehicle speed sensor tested when vehicle is running at (2 MPH). Speedometer RS IACV-AACN HA SYSTEM a speed of 10 km/h (6 MPH) or Adjust ignition timing (by moving camshaft positionsensor or dis- la higher. tributor) Camshaft position sensor drive After warming up, idle the engine. mechanism Ignition timing is checked by read- The timing light indicates the INJECTION SYS (Injector, fuel ing ignition timing with a timing same value on the screen. pressure regulator, harness or light and checking whether it connector) IGNITION SYS (Spark plug, igni- agrees with specifications. tion coil, power transistor harness or connector) Air-fuel ratio feedback circuit Oxygen sensor COUNT More VACUUM SYS (Intake air leaks) (injection system, ignition system, than 5 times during 10 sec- Oxygen sensor circuit vacuum system, etc.) is tested by onds Oxygen sensor operation examining the oxygen sensor out- Fuel pressure high or low put at 2,000 rpm under non- Mass air flow sensor loaded state. After warming up, idle the engine. Injector operation of each cylinder Injector circuit (Injector, harness or connector) is stopped one after another, and Difference in engine speed is Ignition circuit (Spark plug, ignition resultant change in engine rotation greater than 25 rpm before coil, power transistor harness or is examined to evaluate combus- and after cutting off the injec- connector) tion of each cylinder. (This is only tor of each cylinder. Compression displayed for models where a Valve timing sequential multipart fuel injection system is used.) D After warming up, idle the engine. Difference in engine speed is Harness and connector D IACV-AACvalve system is tested greater than 150 rpm between IACV-AAC valve when valve opening is at 80% Air passage restrictionbetween air by detecting change in engine and at 20%. inlet and IACV-AAC valve speed when IACV-AAC valve IAS (Idle adjusting screw) adjust- opening is changed to 0%, 20% ment and 80%. ECM PART NUMBER Part number of the ECM equipped on the vehicle can be read. ECM: 23710-XXXXX ECM-TCM:23740-XXXXX
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES Symptom Matrix Chart RELATION BETWEEN CONTROL ITEMS AND SENSORSfACTUATORS @: High possibilityto control damage 0:Low possibility to control damage Sensors and actuators 1$1$1$ Crankshaft position sensor 1r @ 1I @ 1 @I Ring gear crankshaft position sensor @ [RB20DE (UB)] I 0I @ I 0 Mass air flow sensor iI I Engine coolant temperature sensor 0 Heated oxygen sensor 01 0 Knock sensor 000 00 -e? Vehicle speed sensor Throttle position sensor @0 000 C. 0 $ Turbo pressure sensor (TIC) @GO Refrigerant pressure sensor I lgnition switch START III IGN I III I I Air conditioner switch Parklneutralposition switch Power steering oil pressure switch Electrical load switch Battery voltage injector I power transistor Ignition system AAC valve lgnition coil I Fuel DumD relav .. III o2 ECM & IGN coil relay I@l@l@ -% Auxiliary electric fan relay 1I I 3 0 2 Air conditioner relay Canister purge control valve Variable valve timing control solenoid valve Variable air intake control solenoid valve 0 ,(NA) II Air jet swirl control solenoid valve 0 [RB20DE (UB)] Turbo pressure control solenoid valve (TW FPCM (TIC) %' Dropping resistor (TIC) 2. 5 Air regulator Canister
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES Symptom Matrix Chart (Cont'd) I-RELATION BETWEEN TROUBLE SYMPTOMS AND SENSORS -.- No Hard Rough idle Poor derivability Engine stall start start Sensors @: High possibility Symptom 0:Low possibility Crankshaft position Instantaneous sensor (POS, REF) xeak Ring gear crankshaft iigh output position sensor ,ow output s 1[RB20DE (UB)] Signal \" 2 Power supply Engine coolant tem- iigh resistance perature sensor -ow resistance - -- Heated oxygen sen- sor Knock sensor iigh output Vehicle s ~ e e dsensor .ow output Ipedshort Throttle position sen- Jnstable output sor 'oar adjustment Turbo pressure sen- sor (TIC) Refrigerant pressure sensor Ignition switch (IGN) k$n;pRnT)sw itch Air conditioner switch ParWneutral position switch Power steering oil pressure switch Electrical load switch 'oor contact Vater intrusion Multiplex communica- tion line Control unit power supply Sensor ground Control unif and con- nector *: Fast idle
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES Symptom Matrix Chart (Cont'd) Sensor-related problems I Symptom characteristics and ins~ectionhints Crankshaft position sensor Open Engine will not start when either REF signal circuit or POS signal circuit is open. (POS, REF) Neither fuel system nor ignition system outputs control signals. Instanta- neous break Symptoms vary with the break time and the vehicle's driving conditions. Light shock or surging will occur while the vehicle is being driven, and the engine will stall at idle speed. Ring gear crankshaft position Open No airfluel ratio compensation is carried out during lean bum status. Drivability sensor [RB20DE (UB)] may be affected. Open Enters fail-safe mode. Driving under 2,400 rpm is allowed. Signal High output Airlfuel ratio becomes rich. Black smoke may be noted. Poor contact at the Mass air flow sensor Low output ground could be the cause. Open IAidfuel ratio becomes lean. Dirty hot wire or air entering the system could be the cause. I Airlfuel ratio becomes over-rich. Open Same symptom as when signal wire is open. Opedshort Enters fail-safe mode. Malfunction indicator lamp comes ON. Ordinary driving is allowed. Problems tend to occur when engine is cold or engine coolant tempera- Engine coolant temperature sen- High resis- ture is high. sor tance Detects low engine coolant temperature. Problems tend to occur after engine warm-up. Low resis- Detects high engine coolant temperature. Problems tend to occur when engine is tance cold. Heated oxygen sensor Opedshort Base aidfuel ratio is used. Ilgnition timing is retarded within the knock control range. Lack of power may be OpedShort noted. Knock sensor lgnition timing is retarded within the knock control range. Lack of power may be High Output (noted. 1Low output lgnition timing may not be retarded when knock is detected. Vehicle speed sensor Opedshort Fuel cut time becomes-shorter, or no fuel cut is observed. Opedshort Base idle speed is used. Fuel injection is not increased during acceleration. AIT shift point changes for AfF vehicles. Throttle position sensor Unstable out- Unnecessary cut-in fuel injection could be the cause. Poor contact at the ground Turbo pressure sensor (TE) put or control unit could be the cause. Poor adjust- ldle judgment is \"OFF while idling. Condition returns normal by turning the igni- ment tion switch ON and OFF repeatedly. Open Turbo pressure is judged zero. No remarkable malfunction will be detected. Refrigerant pressure sensor Refrigerant pressure is judged high. ldle speed remains high while the air condi- tioner is ON. Short Refrigerant pressure is judged low. ldle speed remains low while the air condi- tioner is ON. lgnition switch (IGN) Open Engine will not start because neither fuel system nor ignition system outputs con- trol signals. lgnition switch (START) Open Engine starts in normal condition. Engine may not start when temperature is extremefy low. Air conditioner switch Air conditioner will not operate. No other malfunctionwill be noted. Parklneutral position switch Open Park/neutral position switch is judged \"OFF. Target engine speed for cold engine Short in N or P position is reduced. ParWneutral position switch is judged \"0N\"IFast Jdleis effective when the engine is cold and the gear is in other than N and P posrtlons. Vehrcle excessrvely creeps. Power steering oil pressure Open Engine may stall when the steering wheel is turned while the vehicle is standstill switch Short and the accelerator pedal is lig-htl-y -pressed, or when the steering wheel is turned during deceleration. ' Power steering switch is judged 'ON.\" Value will be compensated constantly. Electrical load switch Open Idle speed drops so that the engine can stall when electrical load is applied. Multiplex communication line Open/short Torque reduction control is not performed. Therefore, shift shock becomes Control unit power supply greater. Sensor ground Control unit and connector - -- -- -- -- Open Engine will not start because neither fuel system nor ignition system outputs con- trol signals. I - -- - ------ - - - O~edshort Same symptoms as when sensor harness is open. -- - - -- --- - --- -- Poor contact In case of poor contact, the connector fitting may be loose. In case of water Water intru- intrusion, the engine stalls and become inoperative for a while. The engine may sion restart soon in some cases.
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES *va r Symptom Matrix Chart (Cont'd) -\"- RELATION BETWEEN TROUBLE SYMPTOMS AND ACTUATORS Actuators No Hard Start start Rough idle Poor derivability Engine stall . @: High possibility Symptom 0:Low possibility Coil Open Open IInjection port Open Short Foreign material Ignition signal (Power transistor drive signal) Ignition primary signal (Power transistor ground) Primary si'de -.- c. -k Secondary side 2 Power supply Fuel pump relay Auxiliary electric fan hen relay [RB25DE, RB25DEfl Canister purge con- trol valve Variable valve timing ~control solenoid valve Variable air intake control solenoid valve Air jet swirl control solenoid valve Turbo pressure con- trol solenoid valve Injector ground (Total nstantaneous ground) reak I ': Fast idle
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES Symptom Matrix Chart (Cont'd) Actuator-related malfunction Symptom characteristics and inspection hints Injector Drive Open An open circuit causes no fuel injectionto the corresponding cylinder, and the circuit Short heated oxygen sensor output becomes lean. When the open circuits are observed at all cylinders, the engine will not start. A short circuit causes continuous fuel injection to the corresponding cylinder, and over-rich airlfuel ratio and misfire will be noted. When the short circuits are observed at all cylinders, the engine will not start. Foreign Foreign material causes continuous fuel injection to the corresponding cylinder. Injection material Symptoms vary with the condition how the injection port is clogged. Aidfuel ratio Clogs compensation factor becomes larger. (110 to 125%) lgnition signal (POW&transistor L drive siqnal) (open An open circuit causes no fuel injectionto the corresponding cylinder, and the ' Ignition primary signal (Power Open transistor ground) heated oxygen sensor output becomes lean. Open Power When the open circuits are observed at all cylinders, the engine will not start. supply - In case of instantaneous break, symptoms vary with the break time and the vehicle's driving conditions. Light shock or surging will occur while the vehicle lgnition coil sp~rimdeary Open is being driven. The engine will stall when break time is long. Second- Open arY side Leaks AAC valve Power Open AAC valve is fully closed. Symptoms vary with the base engine speed. When it is Fuel pump relay supply too low, engine may stall while the vehicle is decelerating or when the power Open steering load or electrical load is applied. Drive circuit 1 Open 1 Engine will not start. In case of instantaneous break, surging may occur. Auxiliary electric fan relay Open Auxiliary electric fan will not operate even after warm-up is completed. [RB25DE, RB25DETI The valve will not purge. Gasoline smell may be noted when the weather is hot. Canister purge control valve 1 Open The valve purges constantly. In summertime, engine may stall at idle speed due i to rich aidfuel ratio. In wintertime, various malfunctions may occur due to lean Short airlfuel ratio. Variable valve timing control Open Valve timing not switched. solenoid valve Variable air intake control sole- , Open Variable air intake valve opens, and torque in low speed range is reduced. noid valve (NA) Short Variable air intake valve closes, and torque in high speed range is reduced. Air jet swirl control valve remains closed. Air jet swirl control solenoid Open Air jet swirl control valve remains open. Short valve [RB20DE (UB)] Open Swing valve opens earlier, and maximum turbo pressure is reduced. Turbo pressure control solenoid valve (TIC) Open Engine will not start because the injectors do not operate. Injector ground (Total ground) I Ilnstanta- Symptoms vary with the break time and the vehicle's driving conditions. Surging or engine stall may occur when the instantaneous break occurred during fuel neous break injection. I
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES Symptom Matrix Chart (Cont'd) RELATION BETWEEN TROUBLE SYMPTOMS AND ENGINE MECHANICAUACCESSORIES Malfunction of the gasoline engine will not occur when the three elements of combustion (compression pressure, aidfuel mixture, and spark) are all normal. Though the aidfuel mixture and the spark (ignition tim- ing) are controlled by ECM (.TCM) control unit, if the engine mechanical is malfunctioning, a malfunction will occur. (The table below shows universal cases. Some cases may not apply to the vehicle.) I Hard I IsNtaort start Poor drivability Engine stall Rough idle Engine mechanical-related malfunction 0:High possibility 0:Medium possibility A: Low posstbility I Air sucked in at oil level gauge Air sucked in at oil filler cap 0A Loose air duct (A-F/M downstream) 0A Misconnection of canister piping 0A Cracked intake manifold Aidfuel mix- PCV valve stuck open 0A ture Clogged fuel strainer A 000 Clogged air cleaner element Malfunctioning pressure regulator Improper gasoline properties A000 EGR valve stuck open Deposits on valve 00 00 Excessive canister purge volume Misconnection of high-tension wire Spark Improperly adjusted ignition timing Malfunctioning spark plug High-tension wire leaks A000 Distributor cap leaks A000 Compres- Improper valve contact a080 0 sion pres- . sure Worn piston ring ~08 Clogged catalytic converter or A00 exhaust system Low base idle speed AA Others 1 Foreign material (vinyl, etc.) in fuel II II tank -- Clogged radiator or capacitor - --- -- ': Fast idle Adding to the items listed above, check the following. Wiring harness for tension Ground wires for loosenes nuids and oils for levels All connectors for connection Battery connections for loosenes and corrosion Drive belts for loosenes
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES Symptom Matrix Chart (Cont'd) Engine mechanical-relatedmalfunction I Symptom characteristics and inspection hints Air sucked in at oil filler cap Airffuel ratio becomes lean. Aidfuel ratio compensation factor becomes higher. Misconnection of canister piping a Intake manifold induction vacuum becomes lower. Use an induction vacuum (pressure) gauge for check. ICracked intake manifold 'Common to all air sucking conditions from air intake system. - I PCV valve stuck open Abnormal noise (peep) may be heard. Air/fuel Clogged fuel strainer Symptoms vary with the condition how they are clogged. However, the mixture . symptoms tend to occur when the vehicle is driving at high speed and Clogged air cleaner element under high load. IMalfunctioning pressure regulator IVarious symptoms occur depending on the fuel pressure. Improper gasoline properties Various symptoms occur depending on the properties. rI E G R i a l e stuck open I Deposits on valve IAir/fuel ratio becomes lean. Airfluel ratio compensation factor becomes Excessive canister purge volume higher. IEngine may stall when the accelerator pedal is lightly pressed. (Especially in summertime.) Misconnection of high-tension wire Check if the ignition timing is correct. Improperly adjusted ignitiontiming Malfunctioning spark plug 11 1 High-tensionwire leaks Symptoms vary with the degree of leaks. Distributor cap leaks ICorn- Improper valve contact ISymptoms vary with the degree of contact and the number of cylinders. ' pression I ' pressure Worn piston ring Symptoms vary with the degree of wear and the number of cylinders. l , II Clogged catalytic converter or exhaust sys- In many cases, engine stalls and then restarts after a while. tem IEngine may stall while the vehicle is decelerating or when the power Low base idle speed steering load or electrical load is applied. Others Dragging brake Belt tension too high Air conditioner load too heavy IToo much refrigerant in the system. 1 ArJ load too heavy InsufficientA/T fluid (FR model) j Foreign material (vinyl, etc.) in fuel tank Symptom tends to occur when fuel level in the tank becomes lower. IClogged radiator or capacitor I
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES ldle Speed Inspection and Adjustment ldle speed specification (After warm-up) I RygIE IRB25DE RB25DET Engine type .. I I idle speed [N or P position] 650250 Go (Air conditioner ON) (700 - 900)' Base idle speed (Pm) 600 (Feedback control cancelled) I I1 Ignition timing 15*2/600 (Feedback control cancelled) CO density 0.1, max. HC density 50, max. ': ldle speed varies with air conditioner refrigerant pressure and engine cool- \"\" \" ant temperature. 0a Warm up engine to normal operating temperature. 87' a Connect \"CONSULT' to the data link connector for CON- SULT (under the instrument lower driver panel) and turn ignition switch ON. R8 Connect a tachometer to the engine speed detection ter- minal. a Check that the air conditioner load, power steering pump ~ p-4 load, and various electrical loads are not applied to the engine. During inspection and adjustment, the A/T selec- @ tor lever must be in \"N\" or \"P\" position. EL a Perform \"IACV-AAC VALVE ADJn in \"WORK SUPPORT mode with CONSULS. @ a Disconnect throttle position sensor harness connector. 8~ (Above step cancels the idle speed feedback control.) ldle speed adjusting screw 0 Turn idle speed adjusting screw (IAS) on the AAC valve assembly to adjust base idle speed to 600 rpm. a Turning IAS clockwise makes base idle speed lower. Turning IAS counterclockwise makes base idle speed higher. @ a Cancel \"IACV-AAC VALVE ADJ\" in \"WORK SUPPORT' mode with CONSULT. a Connect throttle position sensor harness connector. a Check that the actual idle speed is 650-1-50rpm. ECL1641C
TROUBLE DlAGNOSES Ignition Timing inspection and Adjustment lnstall a timing light to the ignition timing detection loop (blue) A 3 e Perform \"IACV-AAC VALVE ADJ\" in \"WORK SUPPORT mode with CONSULT. w/Ci3\\ Disconnect throttle position sensor harness connector. (Above step cancels the idle speed and ignition timing feedbacl controts.) With the engine idling, check that the ignition timing and bas1 idle speed is within the specification listed below. If not within the specifications, loosen the crankshaft positio sensor mounting bolt, turn the crankshaft position sensor an adjust the ignition timing to the specifications. Turning th crankshaft position sensor counterclockwise advances th ignition timing. Unit: BTDCO/rpl Engine type RB20DE (VB) RB25DE, RB25DET Ignition timing 1O-e2/600 15*2/600 @ Cancel \"IACV-AAC VALVE ADJ\" in \"WORK SUPPORl mode with CONSULT. Connect throttle position sensor harness connector. Race engine and check that the ignition timing advana immediately. CAUTION: When idle speed or ignition timing is checked and adjuste with the throttle position sensor harness connectc disconnected, the self-diagnostic results of the throttle COI trol unit and the ABS must be erased. To erase the self-dia! nostic results, first turn ignition switch OFF, and then start tt engine. Confirm that the TCS OFF indicator lamp, 4WD indic tor lamp, and ABS indicator lamp are all OFF, then erase tt self-diagnostic results. This must be done because disco nection of the throttle position sensor harness connectc even for engine adjustment, will make control units to dete abnormal status.
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES AirIFuel Ratio Inspection CO/HC DENSITY INSPECTION The vehicle uses aidfuel ratio feedback system with learning func- tion. Because wide range of compensation is available, no CO/HC G! density adjustment is necessary. Warm up engine to normal operating temperature, and check that the idle speed and the ignition timing are within the speci- Ifications. Then, check CO/HC density with COIHC meter. Insert probe into left exhaust pipe. CAUTION: I RB25DET-NT model uses exhaust pressure-sensitive control ECLl788D muffler. Therefore, insert probe of the COMC meter into the LMalfunction indicator lamp left exhaust pipe. (under -no-load condition, exhaust gas is emitted from the left exhaust pipe only.) a If not within the specifications, check the airlfuel ratio feedback @status as follows. Select \"MIR FIC MNT\" in \"DATA MONITOR\" mode. ST a Run engine at approx. 2,000 rpm or higher and check that \"RICH\" and \"LEAN\" are displayed alternately. @ Turn ignition switch ON and connect terminals CHK and Rs I IGN on the data link connector for CONSULT (under instrument lower driver panel) for 2 seconds or more with a suitable harness, then disconnect them. klk~ a Warm up the engine to normaloperating temperature, then run La=the engine at 2,000 rpm or higher. Check that the malfunction indicator lamp blinks at least five times in 10 seconds. 0 Engine speed should be increased (approx. 2,000 rpm) before performing check, even though the air/fuel ratio 8D feedback control is active during idling.
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES Fuel Pressure Inspection QUICK INSPECTION 0 Turn ignition switch ON (engine not running). Select \"FUEL PUMP CIRCUIT' in \"FUNCTION TEST mode. Pinch fuel hose with fingers and check for pulsation. @ Pinch fuel hose between fuel filter and fuel gallery (fue damper for RB2SDET model) with fingers while fuel puml is operating. Hose should feel hard or pulsating. Fuel pump fuse INSPECTION USING FUEL PRESSURE GAUGE Releasing fuel pressure Start engine. Select \"FUEL PRESSURE RELEASE\" in \"WORK SUP PORT' mode. Touch \"START' and after engine stalls, crank it two o three times to release all fuel pressure. Start engine and disconnect fuel pump fuse. After engine stalls, crank it two or three times to releas all fuel pressure. Installing fuel pressure gauge Connect a fuel pressure gauge between fuel filter and fue gallery (fuel damper for RB25DET model). CAUTION: When disconnecting fuel hose, use shop cloth to remove an! fuel leaks. Install fuel pump fuse. Pressure Fuel pressure standard value confirmation Start engine and check that the fuel pressure is as specified. Fuel pressure [MPa (kg/cm2)] hose At idle: 0.25 (2.5) When vacuum hose is disconnected from pres- sure regulator: 0.29 (3.0) If the vehicle shows poor starting, check fuel pressure fo approx. 5 seconds after ignition switch is turned ON (During : sec. after ignition switch turned ON for RB25DET model). Fuel pressure [MPa (kg/cm2)] During 5 sec. after ignition switch turned ON: 0.29 (3.0) When fuel pressure is NG Too high: Malfunctioning pressure regulator, malfunction in^ fuel damper, clogged fuel return line, bent hose Too low: Malfunctioningpressure regulator, malfunctioningfue damper, poor fuel pump discharging, clogged fuel supply line clogged fuel filter CAUTION: Also check fuel pressure at increased engine speed.
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES ECM (aTCM) InputDutput Signal Reference P Value SIGNAL VOLTAGES MEASURED WITH OSCILLOSCOPE AND CIRCUIT TESTER - Signal voltages measured at ECM (-TCM)terminals (terminals for engine control) with a circuit tester and example of waveforms displayed on an oscilloscope are shown below. For signal terminals for A/T control, refer to \"AIT Trouble Diagnosis\" in AT section. Measured data are affected by many factors such as irregularity of parts, vehicle history, operating conditions, environment, service status, and measuring instruments and methods. /RX TX C H ~ ~ \" N (Data link connector for CONSULT) Terminal Signal name At idle At approx. 2,000 rpm No. When cranking: Approx. 0.12V Approx. 0.15 - 0.25V 8I nition signal At idle: Approx. 0.1V ower transistor drive signal) ECM & IGN coil ?pprox. 1V relay control signal ,During approx. 1.5 sec. after ignition switch turned OFF: 4pprox. 1V Approx. 3V 1.5 sec. after ignition switch turned OFF:Battery voltage) :RB20DE (UB), RB25DEJ Approx. 1.2V Tachometer drive signal :RB25DET] Approx. 7.2V NOTE: Above voltages are measured values obtained by analog circuit tester. EC-39
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES ECM (-TCM) InputlOutput Signal Reference Value (Cont'd) Terminal Signal name At idle At approx. 2,000 rpm No. Approx. 12V Approx. 8V AAC valve control signal Fuel pump relay [RB20DE (UB),RB25DEl control signal During 5 sec. after ignition switch tumed ON: Approx. 0.25V Approx. 0.9V 5 sec. after ignition switch turned ON: Battery voltage When cranking: Approx. 0.25V -Approx. 0.6 0.7V At idle: Approx. 0.25V -- [RB25DETJ During 3 sec. after ignition switch tumed ON: Approx. 0.9V 3 sec. after ignition switch tumed ON: Battery voltage When cranking: Approx. 0.9V At idle: Approx. 0.9V Air conditioner Air conditioner OFF: Battery voltage relay control signal Air conditioner ON: Approx. 0.25V MIL OFF: Battery voltage Malfunction indica- MIL ON tor lamp RBZODE (UB)R,B25DE: Approx. 0.85V RB25DET Approx. 0.1V lgnition switch Approx. OV (START) signal (Ignition switch at START Battery voltage) - Air conditioner Air conditioner OFF: Approx. 4.7V switch signal Air conditioner ON: Approx. 0.1V 22 (CHK) Check (Diagnosis CONSULT connected: Approx. OV start) CONSULT not connected: Approx. OV Throttle position Accelerator pedal released: Approx. OSV sensor signal Accelerator pedal fully depressed: Approx. 4.2V (Ignition switch ON, engine not running) 24 (IGN) lgnition switch lgnition switch OFF:Approx. OV (IGN) signal lgnition switch ON: Battery voltage Ground Approx. OV 26 Power steering oil Steering wheel not tumed: Approx. 4.N pressure switch Steering wheel turned: Approx. OV signal d ircuit tester. NOTE: I bove voltages are measured values obtained by analog
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES ECM (*TCM)InpuWOutput Signal Reference Value (Cont'd) Terminal Signal name At idle At approx. 2,000 rpm No. IRB20DE (UB)] When driving at approx. 40 km/h: Approx. 2.4V @I rlehicle speed sen- i %R ;or signal ECL 1 7920 [RB25DE, RB25DETI When driving at approx. 40 kmk: Approx. 2.4V dead lamp switch Light switch OFF: Approx. OV ;ignal Light switch ON: Battery voltage gnition power sup- Ignitionswitch OFF: Approx. OV )iY Ignitionswitch ON: Battery voltage dle position switch Approx. OV lB25DET.m (When accelerator pedal is depressed) Mottle opening Accelerator pedal released: Approx. 0.5V Approx. 0.N Accelerator pedal fully depressed: Approx. 4.2V ignal (Ignitionswitch ON, engine not running) RB25DE.4WD.W ;RB25D€.AlT, 3R25Dm Jeutral signal Selector lever in Neutral or in N or P position: Approx. OV ParWNeutral posi- Selector lever in other positions: Approx. 4.8V on switch) 41 :ull switch signal Accelerator pedal released: Approx. OV rcuit tester. NOTE: I ?B20DE (UB), Accelerator pedal fully depressed: Battery voltage lB25DET-A/Tl (Ignition switch ON, engine not running) - - - ---- love voltages are measured values obtained by analog
TROUBLE DIAGNOSES ECM (-TCM) Input/Output Signal Reference Terminal Signal name At idle At approx. 2,000 rprn No. When cranking: Approx. 1.3V Crankshaft position -At idle: Approx. 1.35 1.4V Approx. 1.4V sensor 120\" (REF) sig- ECLl426D nal When cranking: Approx. 2.6V Approx. 2.6V Crankshaft position jle: Approx. 2.6V sensor 1\" (POS) signal ECLl428C When cranking (DC range): Approx. (AC range): Approx. DC range: Approx. 0.1V AC range: Approx. 3.2V Ring gear crankshaft At idle DC range - Approx. 0.1V position sensor signal [RB20DE (UB)] [Ac range]. /\\ppmx. 1.W (v: 15 10 5 0 Turbo Dressure sensor t signal ' [RB25DET] (When engine raced sirddenly: Approx. 2.7 - 3.1V) Throttle position sensor, refrigerant pressure sensor, turbo pressure - sensor power supply 49 Rear defogger switch 2ear defogger switch OFF: Approx. OV Rear defogger switch ON: Battery voltage signal C- NOTE: , bove voltages are measured values obtained by analog circuit tester. EC-42
TROUBLE DIAGNOS :s ECM (.TCM) lnpu 3utput Signal Reference Value (Cont'd) .. No. At idle At approx. 2,000 rpm Fluctuates between approx. 0.1 to 0.4V and approx. :v: 0.7 to 0.9V i .5 I .O 0.5 0 11jllllllll ECL 1 8645 ECL1 8630 Throttle motor sensor Approx. 3.4V I(Voltage becomes lower when TCS operates.) signal [RB25DET'J Motor throttle switch Approx. 4.7V t signal [RB25DET] (When TCS is operating: Approx. OV) Mass air flow sensor Ignition switch ON: Approx. 0.2V -Approx. 1.6 1.7V signal -At idle: Approx. 1.I 1.2V I Mass air flow sensor ground Approx. OV 56 Engine coolant tem- Coolant temperature approx. 20°C: Approx. 3.5V C perature sensor signal Coolant temperature approx. 80°C: Approx. 1.2V 57 Refrigerant pressure Approx. 0.36V min. + sensor (Voltage increases as the air conditioner refrigerant + pressure increases.) + - C 1 -62 Knock sensor signal 1 Approx. 0.4 2V (') 1 - -- - ': Voltage varies with measuring range (internal resis- 63 Knock sensor signal 2 tame) of a circuit tester. 67 Control unit power sup- 1 Battery voltage I -72 PIY Receive (Data input to ICONSULT connected: Approx. 0.25V control unit) -ICONSULT not connected: Battery voltage Transmit (Data output ICONSULT connected: Approx. 9V max. from control unit) -ICONSULT not connected: Approx. OV Auxiliary electric fan IFan stopped: Battery voltage 78 relay control signal - -[RB25DE, R B 2 5 D m IFan operating: Approx. 0.2 0.3V NOTE: Above voltages are measured values obtained analog circuit tester.
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