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Home Explore Grade 1 English Story Kids

Grade 1 English Story Kids

Published by White House Farm Barn Wedding, 2023-07-15 18:10:12

Description: Grade 1 English Story Kids


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["Quiz 1. What is the name of the main character in the story? a. Tim b. Lily c. Jane d. Sarah 2. What does Lily like to do? a. Read books b. Play video games c. Talk to people d. Watch TV 3. Where did Lily go to play? a. The library b. The mall c. The park d. The zoo 4. What did Lily see when she got to the park? a. A playground b. A basketball court c. A little boy d. A dog 100","5. How did the little boy feel when Lily saw him? a. Happy b. Angryc. Sad d. Excited 6. What did Lily ask the little boy? a. What's your name? b. What's your favorite color? c. Do you like pizza? d. How old are you? 7. What is the little boy's name? a. Tom b. Tim c. Tony d. Tyler 8. What did Lily suggest they do? a. Go home b. Play together c. Eat ice cream d. Watch a movie 9. What did Lily ask the little boy about his favorite color? 101","a. Blue b. Green c. Red d. Yellow 10. What did Lily ask the little boy about his pets? a. If he had a dog b. If he had a cat c. If he had a bird d. If he had a fish 11. What did the little boy say when Lily suggested they play again sometime? a. No thanks b. Maybe c. Sure, that would be great! d. I'm not sure 12. Did Lily and the little boy exchange phone numbers? a. Yes b. No 13. What did Lily realize as she walked home? 102","a. It's hard to make new friendsb. It's easy to start a conversation c. She didn't like the little boy d. She didn't want to play with him again 14. What did Lily and the little boy do together? a. Played video games b. Had a picnic c. Played at the park d. Watched a movie 15. Did Lily and the little boy have fun playing together? a. Yes b. No 16. What did the little boy say when Lily asked him if he wanted to play with her? 103","a. No b. Yes c. I'm too tired d. I don't like you 17. What did Lily and the little boy talk about? a. Their favorite toys b. Their favorite movies c. Their favorite colors and pets d. Their favorite food 18. What did Lily and the little boy do when they said goodbye? a. Hugged b. Shook hands c. High-fived d. Waved 19. Did the little boy have any pets? a. Yes b. No 20. Did Lily have fun playing with the little boy? a. Yes b. No 104","Culture 105","106","Story Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who lived in England. She loved playing games, reading books, and spending time with her family and friends. But her favorite thing to do was to have tea parties! In England, having tea is a big part of their culture. It's a time to relax, catch up with friends and family, and enjoy some delicious treats. And Lily's tea parties were always a big hit! One day, Lily decided to invite her new friend, Maria, to her tea party. Maria was from Mexico and had never been to an English tea party before. Lily was excited to show her all about their customs and culture. 107","Lily decorated her table with a beautiful tablecloth, cups, and saucers. She even made some cucumber sandwiches and scones with jam and cream. Maria was amazed by all the tasty treats and how fancy everything looked. As they enjoyed their tea and treats, Lily told Maria about how having tea is a big part of their culture in England. She also shared how they like to sing songs and play games during their tea parties. Maria was fascinated by the customs and culture of England and wanted to share some of her own from Mexico. So, she taught Lily how to make paper flowers 108","and told her all about the traditional dances they do during celebrations. By the end of their tea party, Lily and Maria had learned so much about each other's cultures and customs. They realized that even though they came from different places, they could still have fun and learn from each other. From then on, Lily and Maria continued to have tea parties together, and they always incorporated some of the customs and traditions from both of their cultures. They both learned so much about each other and their cultures, and it all started with a simple tea party! 109","Quiz 1. What is the name of the little girl in the story? A. Maria B. Lily C. Emily D. Sarah 2. What is Lily's favorite thing to do? A. Play games B. Read books C. Have tea parties D. Watch TV 3. What is a big part of English culture? A. Eating pizza B. Having tea C. Going to the beach D. Playing basketball 4. What did Lily decorate her table with for her tea party? 110","A. Flowers B. Toys C. Books D. Cups and saucers 5. What did Lily serve at her tea party? A. Cake and cookies B. Pizza and fries C. Cucumber sandwiches and scones D. Tacos and burritos 6. Where is Maria from? A. Mexico B. England C. Australia D. Canada 7. What was Maria's first time experiencing at Lily's tea party? A. Playing games B. Eating cucumber sandwiches 111","C. Having tea D. Listening to music 8. What did Lily tell Maria about having tea in England? A. It's not very popular B. It's a big part of their culture C. It's only for adults D. It's not very tasty 9. What did Maria teach Lily about her own culture? A. How to make paper flowers B. How to dance salsa C. How to play soccer D. How to paint 10. What did Lily and Maria do during their tea party? 112","A. Read books B. Played games C. Listened to music D. All of the above 11. What did Maria learn from Lily's culture? A. How to have tea parties B. How to play cricket C. How to speak English D. How to make sandwiches 12. What did Lily and Maria do after their first tea party? A. Went to the park B. Had a sleepover C. Continued to have tea parties together D. Never saw each other again 113","13. What did Lily and Maria learn about each other's cultures? A. Nothing, they didn't talk about it B. They were very similar C. They were very different D. They didn't learn anything 14. What did Lily and Maria realize about each other's cultures? A. They were both boring B. They were both exciting C. They were both unique D. They were both the same 15. What did Lily and Maria do to incorporate both of their cultures into their tea parties? 114","A. Sang songs B. Played games C. Made paper flowers D. All of the above 16. What did Lily and Maria do together after they incorporated their cultures into their tea parties? A. Stopped having tea parties B. Had a dance party C. Went to the movies D. Continued to have tea parties together 17. What did Lily and Maria learn from each other? A. How to make pizza B. How to play basketball 115","C. How to celebrate different holidays D. How to speak different languages 18. What did Maria teach Lily about Mexican culture? A. How to make paper flowers B. How to make pizza C. How to play basketball D. How to surf 19. What did Lily teach Maria about English culture? A. How to have tea parties B. How to dance salsa C. How to speak Spanish D. How to play soccer 20. What did Lily and Maria learn overall from their cultural exchange? 116","A. Nothing, it wasn't important B. They learned that cultural exchange is important and that they can learn from each other's customs and traditions. C. They learned that their cultures were better than each other's. D. They learned that they didn't like each other's cultures. 117"]

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