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Home Explore Grade 1 English Story Kids

Grade 1 English Story Kids

Published by White House Farm Barn Wedding, 2023-07-15 18:10:12

Description: Grade 1 English Story Kids


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14. What do Sally's friends think about her invitation? a) They are upset b) They are confused c) They are excited d) They are annoyed 15. What is the purpose of using sentences? a) To confuse people b) To communicate c) To impress others d) To be funny 16. What is the purpose of using punctuation? a) To make sentences longer b) To show emotion 50

c) To make sentences shorter d) To clarify meaning 17. What type of sentence did Sally use to invite her friends to the tea party? a) A question b) A statement c) A command d) An exclamation 18. What is the difference between a subject and a verb? a) A subject is a person, place, or thing, while a verb is an action b) A verb is a person, place, or thing, while a subject is an action c) A subject is a type of punctuation, while a verb is a part of speech 51

d) A verb is a type of punctuation, while a subject is a part of speech 19. Which of the following is an example of a subject? a) Running b) The dog c) Jumping d) Quickly 20. Which of the following is an example of a verb? a) Happy b) Red c) Went d) Table 52

Reading 53


Story Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sally who loved to read. She would spend hours in her room, surrounded by books of all shapes and sizes, lost in the stories she read. One day, Sally decided to take a walk in the park. As she was walking, she saw a little boy who looked lost and sad. Sally went up to him and asked him what was wrong. The little boy explained that he was lost and didn't know how to get back home. Sally knew she had to help him, so she asked him where he lived and started to lead him in the right direction. As they were walking, Sally realized that the little boy couldn't read the street signs and didn't know his own 55

address. Sally remembered how much she loved reading and knew that reading could help the little boy too. So, Sally took out a book from her bag and started to read aloud. As she read, she pointed out the words and explained their meanings. The little boy was fascinated and listened carefully. After a while, the little boy was able to recognize some of the words and read along with Sally. By the end of the story, he was even able to tell Sally his own address! The little boy was so grateful to Sally for helping him and teaching him how to read. From that day on, he loved reading too and would spend hours in the library just like Sally. 56

And so, Sally and the little boy became great friends and continued to read and explore the world around them together. The end. 57

Quiz 1. What is the name of the little girl in the story? a. Jenny b. Sally c. Mary d. Emily 2. What did Sally love to do? a. Dance b. Sing c. Read d. Play soccer 3. Where did Sally see the little boy who was lost? a. At the library b . At the park c. At school d. At a bookstore 4. What did Sally do when she saw the little boy who was lost? a. She ignored him and continued walking b. She asked him if he was okay and tried to help him c. She laughed at him and walked away d. She didn't notice him and kept walking 58

5. What did the little boy need help with? a. Reading b. Writing c. Drawing d. Singing 6. What did Sally use to help the little boy read? a. A phone b. A toy c . A book d. A computer 7. How did Sally help the little boy read? a. She read the book to him and explained the words b. She gave him a toy to play with c. She gave him a phone to use d. She ignored him and walked away 8. What did Sally and the little boy become? a. Friends b. Enemies c. Strangers d. Family 59

9. What did the little boy love to do after Sally taught him how to read? a. Play soccer b. Watch TV c. Read d. Draw 10. What did Sally and the little boy do together after they became friends? a. Played soccer b. Watched TV c. Read d. Drew pictures 11. Why did Sally teach the little boy how to read? a. Because she had nothing better to do b. Because the little boy asked her to c. Because she wanted to help him d. Because she was bored 12. What did Sally do after she took out a book from her bag? 60

a. She read it to herself b. She threw it away c. She gave it to the little boy d. She read it aloud and explained the words 13. How did the little boy feel when he learned how to read? a. Bored b. Sad c. Grateful d. Angry 14. What did the little boy tell Sally after he learned how to read? a. His favorite color b. His address c. His phone number d. His favorite food 15. What did the little boy do after he learned how to read? 61

a. He stopped reading b. He read more books c. He played soccer d. He watched TV 16. What did Sally and the little boy explore together? a. The park b. The library c. The bookstore d. The beach 17. What did the little boy like to do at the library? a. Play with toys b. Watch TV c. Draw pictures d. Read books 18. What did Sally and the little boy have in common? a. They both liked to sing b. They both liked to play soccer 62

c. They both liked to read d. They both liked to draw 19. How did Sally and the little boy feel about each other at the end of the story? a. They were angry at each other b. They were bored with each other c. They were strangers again d. They were great friends 20. What is the moral of the story? a. Reading can be fun and helpful. b. It's important to ignore people who are lost. c. You should always walk alone in the park. d. You should never help strangers. 63

Writing 64


Story Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there was a friendly dragon named Sparky. Sparky loved to fly high in the sky and breathe fire. He lived in a cozy cave on a mountain, surrounded by lush green trees and a bubbling stream. One day, Sparky decided to take a stroll through the forest. As he walked along the path, he saw a group of animals gathered around a tree. Curious, he flew closer to take a look. To his surprise, he saw a kitten stuck on a branch high up in the tree. The kitten was meowing loudly, and the other animals were trying to help her down. Sparky knew he had to do something to help. 66

He used his strong wings to fly up to the kitten and gently lifted her off the branch. The other animals cheered as Sparky brought the kitten back down to the ground. The kitten was so grateful to Sparky that she asked if she could ride on his back. Sparky agreed, and they flew back to Sparky's cave together. From that day on, Sparky and the kitten became best friends. They went on many adventures together, and Sparky taught the kitten how to fly. The other animals in the forest were amazed at how Sparky had helped the little kitten, and they all became friends too. The end. 67

Quiz 1. What is the name of the dragon in the story? a) Smokey b) Sparky c) Spike d) Sizzle 2. Where does Sparky live? a) In a treehouse b) In a cave c) In a castle d) In a pond 3. What does Sparky love to do? a) Swim in the stream b) Fly in the sky c) Climb trees d) Sleep all day 4. What kind of animal does Sparky save? a) A dog b) A kitten c) A rabbit d) A mouse 68

5. What do the other animals do to help the stuck animal? a) They try to climb the tree b) They ask Sparky for help c) They call for a firefighter d) They give up and leave the animal there 6. How does Sparky rescue the stuck animal? a) He climbs up the tree b) He uses his wings to fly up c) He calls for help d) He gives up and leaves the animal there 7. What does the stuck animal ask Sparky after he rescues her? a) If she can live in his cave b) If she can be his friend 69

c) If he can teach her how to swim d) If he can find her a new home 8. What does Sparky teach the kitten? a) How to climb trees b) How to swim c) How to fly d) How to cook 9. What do the other animals think of Sparky? a) They are afraid of him b) They think he is mean c) They are impressed by him d) They don't notice him 10. What do Sparky and the kitten do together? a) They have a picnic b) They go on adventures 70

c) They watch TV d) They take naps 11. How do the other animals feel about Sparky and the kitten's friendship? a) They are jealous b) They don't care c) They think it's sweet d) They think it's weird 12. What do Sparky and the kitten do when they get back to Sparky's cave? a) They have a dance party b) They take a nap c) They watch TV d) They eat some snacks 71

13. What do the other animals do when they see Sparky and the kitten flying together? a) They run away b) They cheer and clap c) They cry d) They fall asleep 14. How does the story end? a) Sparky and the kitten get married b) Sparky and the kitten go on more adventures c) Sparky decides he doesn't like the kitten anymore d) The story doesn't say 15. What is the main message of the story? a) Dragons are scary b) Friends help each other 72

c) Kitten are better than puppies d) Never trust animals who can fly 16. What does Sparky use to fly? a) A plane b) A broomstick c) His wings d) A hot air balloon 17. What do Sparky and the kitten do when they become best friends? a) They get matching tattoos b) They have a secret handshake c) They go on adventures together d) They don't do anything special 18. Why do the other animals like Sparky? a) Because he's mean b) Because he's helpful 73

c) Because he's a good cook d) Because he's good at dancing 19. What lesson can you learn from Sparky and the kitten's friendship? a) It's important to make friends with animals that can fly b) You should always help someone in need c) It's better to be alone than to have friends d) Only big animals can be heroes 20. What type of writing does this story encourage students to practice? a) Poetry b) Journaling c) Short stories d) Research reports 74

Listening 75


Story Once upon a time, in a magical forest far, far away, there lived a group of animals who loved to play and have fun together. There was a rabbit named Remy, a squirrel named Sammy, a bird named Bella, and a raccoon named Ricky. They all loved to play games, tell stories, and sing songs. One sunny day, the animals were gathered around a tree, enjoying the warm sun and the fresh breeze. Remy, the rabbit, had an idea. He said, \"Let's play a game where we have to listen very carefully.\" Everyone agreed and eagerly waited to hear the rules of the game. Remy explained, \"I'm going to say a sentence, and you have to repeat it exactly as I said it. 77

But here's the catch - I'm going to say it very softly, so you have to listen very carefully.\" The animals nodded their heads in agreement, excited to play the game. Remy began, \"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\" He said it very softly, almost in a whisper. Sammy, Bella, and Ricky listened very carefully, trying not to miss a single word. After Remy finished, they all repeated the sentence exactly as he said it. The game continued with Remy saying more sentences, each one whispered softly. The other animals listened carefully and repeated each sentence as accurately as they could. They had so much fun playing the game and were amazed at how much they could hear when they really listened. 78

As the sun began to set, the animals said their goodbyes and went back to their homes. But they knew that they would always remember the importance of listening carefully, thanks to Remy's fun listening game. The end. 79

Quiz 1. Who lived in the magical forest? a. Children b. Animals c. Wizards d. Fairies 2. What was the rabbit's name? a. Remy b. Ricky c. Bella d. Sammy 3. What was the squirrel's name? a. Remy b. Ricky c. Bella d. Sammy 4. What was the bird's name? a. Remy b. Ricky c. Bella d. Sammy 5. What was the raccoon's name? a. Remy b. Ricky c. Bella d. Sammy 6. What did the animals love to do together? a. Play games b. Read books c. Watch TV d. Eat food 80

7. What kind of day was it when the animals gathered around the tree? a. Cloudy b. Rainy c. Sunny d. Snowy 8. What was Remy's idea for a game? a. A singing game b. A dancing game c. A listening game d. A running game 9. What was the catch in Remy's game? a. They had to run very fast b. They had to dance very well c. They had to listen very carefully d. They had to sing very loudly 10. What did Remy say that the other animals had to repeat exactly? 81

a. A song b. A story c. A sentence d. A joke 11. How did Remy say the sentence? a. Loudly b. Softly c. Quickly d. Slowly 12. What did the animals have to do after Remy said the sentence? a. Repeat it exactly b. Change some words c. Sing a song d. Dance a dance 13. Did the animals enjoy playing the game? a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. I don't know 14. What did the animals realize after playing the game? 82

a. They could hear better when they listened carefully b. They didn't like playing games c. They wanted to go home d. They wanted to play more games 15. What did the animals say to each other before going home? a. Goodbye b. Hello c. See you later d. None of the above 16. What did the animals remember after playing the game? a. The importance of listening carefully b. The importance of running fast c. The importance of singing loudly d. The importance of eating a lot 83

17. Was the game fun for the animals? a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. I don't know 18. What did the animals do as the sun began to set? a. They played more games b. They went to bed c. They said their goodbyes and went back to their homes d. They sang songs 19. Did the animals have fun playing the game? a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. I don't know 20. What did the animals think about Remy's game? 84

a. It was boring b. It was fun c. It was too hard d. It was too easy 85

Speaking 86


Story Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily who loved to play dress-up. One day, her teacher decided to have a special dress-up day in class. The teacher asked the students to bring their favorite costumes to school and to prepare a short speech about their character. Lily was so excited for dress-up day! She brought her fairy costume and practiced her speech all week long. On the day of the activity, the teacher set up a stage in the classroom and each student took turns giving their speech. 88

Lily was nervous at first, but once she got on stage, she remembered all of her lines and spoke confidently in English. She talked about how fairies can fly and grant wishes, and even did a little twirl to show off her wings. The other students clapped and cheered for her, and Lily felt so proud of herself. After everyone had finished their speeches, the teacher had the students pair up and do some role-playing. Lily and her partner pretended to be superheroes and had to save the world from a giant monster. They spoke in English and had so much fun coming up with creative ideas to defeat the monster. 89

From that day on, Lily felt more confident speaking in English. She even started using some of the new words and phrases she learned in her daily conversations with her friends and family. The end. 90

Quiz 1. What is the name of the little girl in the story? A. Lilly B. Lucy C. Lila D. Lisa 2. What did the teacher ask the students to bring to school? A. Toys B. Books C. Costumes D. Snacks 3. What costume did Lily wear on dress-up day? A. SuperheroB. Princess C. Fairy D. Pirate 4. What did the students have to prepare for dress-up day? A. A dance B. A drawing C. A short speech D. A song 5. How did Lily feel about dress-up day? A. Anxious B. Bored C. Excited D. Scared 91

6. What was Lily's speech about? A. Superpowers of superheroesB. The bravery of princesses C. The flying abilities of fairiesD. The adventures of pirates 7. How did the other students react to Lily's speech? A. They laughed at her B. They clapped and cheered for her C. They booed her off the stageD. They fell asleep during her speech 8. What did the teacher have the students do after their speeches? A. Draw pictures B. Sing songs C. Pair up for role-playing D. Play games 9. Who was Lily's partner for the role-playing activity? 92

A. A superhero B. A princess C. A fairy D. A monster 10. What did Lily and her partner have to do in the role-playing activity? A. Fly to the moon B. Save the world from a giant monster C. Attend a royal ball D. Find a lost treasure 11. What language did Lily speak in during her speech and role-play? A. Spanish B. English C. French D. German 12. Did Lily feel more confident speaking in English after dress-up day? A. Yes B. No 93

13. Did Lily start using new words and phrases she learned in English after dress-up day? A. Yes B. No 14. Who else did Lily start speaking in English with after dress-up day? A. Her toys B. Her classmates C. Her family and friends D. Her pets 15. How did Lily feel after the dress-up day was over? A. Sad B. Happy C. Angry D. Confused 16. Did Lily have fun during the role-playing activity? A. Yes B. No 17. What did Lily and her partner do to defeat the monster in the role-playing activity? A. Used their superpowers B. Sang a song 94

C. Danced together D. Ran away 18. What did Lily learn during dress-up day? A. How to read books B. How to make friends C. How to speak in English D. How to cook food 19. How did Lily feel when the other students clapped and cheered for her speech? A. Embarrassed B. ProudC. Angry D. Scared 20. What did Lily and her partner do after the role- playing activity? A. Ate snacks B. Drew pictures C. Read books D. Played with toys 95

Conversation 96


Story Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to talk to people, but sometimes she wasn't sure what to say. One day, Lily decided to go to the park to play. When she got there, she saw a little boy sitting on a bench, looking sad. Lily wanted to cheer him up, so she walked over and said, \"Hi! What's your name?\" The little boy looked up and said, \"My name is Tim.\" Lily smiled and said, \"Nice to meet you, Tim. Do you want to play with me?\" 98

Tim nodded and they started playing together. As they played, Lily asked Tim questions like, \"What's your favorite color?\" and \"Do you have any pets?\" Tim answered her questions and asked her some in return. After a while, Lily said, \"It's been so fun playing with you, Tim! We should do this again sometime.\" Tim smiled and said, \"Yeah, that would be great!\" Lily and Tim exchanged phone numbers and said goodbye. As Lily walked home, she realized how easy it was to start a conversation and make a new friend. 99

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