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Home Explore SA-IAndQuarterly2016


Published by sure1.papa, 2016-09-16 07:28:51

Description: SA-IAndQuarterly2016


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OFFICE OF THE SECRETARYTELANGANA SOCIAL WELFARE RESIDENTIAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS SOCIETY :: HYDERABADRc.No.Acad-I/1622/2016 Dated:16.09.2016 CIRCULARSub: TSWREIS – Academic-I – Conduct of Summative Assessment-I / Quarterly Examinations from 22.09.2016 to 29.09.2016 in all TSWR Institutions for Classes V to Intermediate for the academic year 2016-2017 – Certain instructions issued - Reg.Ref: Calendar of Events 2016-2017.communiated to all the Institutions in the month of September-2016. *** The TSWREI Society has brought in the scheme of Continuous andComprehensive Evaluation (CCE) as a part of its examination reformsprogramme for Classes V to X.The CCE in classes (V to X) is intended to provide holistic profile of thelearner through evaluation of both scholastic and co-scholastic areas in twoterms. Assessment in Co-Scholastic areas is to modify attitude of learning and todevelop knowledge and skills. It improves performance of students throughorganized and effective techniques of evaluation.The Summative Assessment-I (SA-I) / Quarterly Examinations should beconducted in the following scheme from 22.09.2016 to 29.09.2016.S.No. Type of Assessment / Test Classes Time Marks 1. Class V 50 Summative Assessment-I (SA- 2½ 2. I) Classes VI to X Hours pen paper test 3 Intermediate 2½ 80 Summative Assessment-I (SA- Hours I) pen paper test 3 hours As per the Quarterly Examinations pattern of the BIE

The teachers should record the performance of the students in the form ofgrades for 50 or 100 marks on the following grading scale of point in a separateregister.For classes VI to X, 20 Marks of FA-I should be reduced to 10 marks and 20marks of FA-II should also be reduced to 10 marks and these 20 marks(10+10=20) should be added to 80 marks of SA-I to make it 100 marks.Scholastic Areas (5 Point Scale) V class Grade For 50 Marks (V class)A+ (91-100)A (71-90) 46-50B+ (51-70)B (41-50) 36-45 C (0-40) 26-35 21-25 00-20Scholastic Areas (8 Point Scale) VI to X class. Grade For 100 Marks GPA Points ( SA-I (80)+FA-I (10) +A1 (91-100) FA-II (10) = 100 10A2 (81-90) 9 B1 (71-80) 91-100 8B2 (61-70) 81-90 7C1 (51-60) 6C2 (41-50) 71-80 5D (35-40) 4 E (00-34) 61-70 3 51-60 41-50 35-40 0-34

Co-Scholastic Areas: In SA-I the following competencies may be conducted as per theweightages mentioned as under from 14.09.2015 to 26.09.2015 in their ownsubject periods: Health & Arts & Work and Value Total marks Physical cultural computer education 200 MarksEducation Education Education – life skills50 Marks 50 Marks 50 Marks 50 Marks Grade For 50 Marks Points A+( 91- 46-50 100) A (71-90) 36-45 B+ (51-70) 26-35 B (41-50) 21-25 C (0-40) 00-20 The teachers concerned will conduct co-scholastic activities as per thedescriptions enclosed in Appendix and record the performance of the studentsin the form of grades for 50 marks on the following grading scale of point in aseparate register. The Examination timings and time table of SA-I/ Quarterly Examinations isas follows: Timings: Class Timings/Regular examination daysV to X 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM and 2:00 PM to 4:30 PMIntermediate 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM

Class – V Date Day Subject 26.09.2016 Monday Telugu 27.09.2016 Tuesday English 28.09.2016 Wednesday Maths 29.09.2016 Thursday EVSClass – VI to VII Date Day Subject 23.09.2016 Friday Telugu 24.09.2016 Saturday Social Studies 26.09.2016 Monday English 27.09.2016 Tuesday Maths 28.09.2016 Wednesday General Science. 29.09.2016 Thursday HindiClass – VIII : Date Day Subject 22.09.2016 Thursday Telugu 23.09.2016 Friday Social Studies 24.09.2016 Saturday English 26.09.2016 Monday Maths 27.09.2016 Tuesday Physical Science 28.09.2016 Wednesday Bio Science 29.09.2016 Thursday Hindi

Class – IX to X:Date Day Subject Subject Paper - I Paper - II Timings 10:00 AM Timings 02:00 PM to 12:30 PM to 04:30 PM22.09.2016 Thursday Telugu – I Telugu – II23.09.2016 Friday Social Studies – I Social Studies – II24.09.2016 Saturday English – I English – II26.09.2016 Monday Maths – I Maths – II27.09.2016 Tuesday Phy Science28.09.2016 Wednesday Bio Science29.09.2016 Thursday Hindi (from 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM then IMPACT – I from 11:00 AM. The Principals are hereby instructed to arrange to issue the questionpapers for VI to X Classes 15 minutes before, the scheduled time to facilitate thestudents to read the question paper.Junior and Senior IntermediateDate Day Subject23.09.2016 Friday Chemistry / Commerce.24.09.2016 Saturday English26.09.2016 Monday Maths – IA / Maths – IIA /27.09.2016 Tuesday Botany / Civics28.09.2016 Wednesday Maths – IB / Maths – IIB / Zoology / History Physics / Economics29.09.2016 Thursday Telugu

It is further informed that the Society is making arrangements for supply ofQuestion Papers for Class V to Intermediate for the ensuing examinations. The District Coordinators are directed to depute one responsible Teacher/ Junior Lecturer / Post Graduate Teacher from the institution under his / herjurisdiction with an authorization letter and collect the question papers of theirdistrict from DC (West), RR &Hyderabad at Shaikpet (Zone – 6 Districts) and DCWarangal (Zone – 5 Districts) on 20.09.2016 and they have to arrange furtherdistribution to every institution in the district on 21.09.2016 without fail. The Principals of all TSWR Institutions are hereby directed to collect thequestion papers of Summative Assessment – I and Quarterly Examination forClasses V to Intermediate from the District Coordinators in the district on20.09.2016 by sending a responsible person with an authorization letter. All the Principals and staff are hereby informed to follow jumbling systemand also informed that there will be internal flying squads during the SA-I /Quarterly examinations. If any malpractice is detected the concerned schoolstaff and Principal will be held responsible and disciplinary action will be initiatedagainst them. All the Principals and staff are informed to strictly adhere to the instructionsissued in the circular and update the marks of each student subject-wise inSAMS by 20.10.2016. Any delay in sending the Summative Assessment - IExamination results will be viewed seriously and the same will be reflected inAnnual Performance Assessment of the Principal.

Further, it is informed that the 1st term holidays are declared from30.09.2016 to 12.10.2016 and all the institutions will re-open on 13.10.2016. ThePrincipals are directed to see that the students report back to the institution onthe reopening day itself. Sd/- R S Praveen Kumar SECRETARYToAll the Principals of TSWR Institutions.Copy to all the District Coordinators in the State..Copy to file.

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